. .. i . 1 11 hi 1 r : ....... . .. . ,v '-UJ ' -. - -y .:.;.-.; ......v.,,.. .( t.. ; ' " - 1'Sdaemge ill FOR FIRST TIME Lifting bf. Permits Telling of Story. at first Machines Proved Unwieldy as Off en sive Weapons and Soon Gave Way : - to Taubes and Gothas 90 Bombs Dropped in First Attack; Six Killed ' "Aurora Boreal is" Demonstration Last IVlirch Ended Effective Series. Fifty-one raids by airships caused tne aeatn or vys civilians s i and the injury of i,2$6 and the killing of 58 soldiers and sailors and; trie injury of 121 Fifty-nine airplane raids killed 619 civilians and 238 soldiers .and injured 1,650 -civilians and 400 soldiers. Relaxation of the censorship now permits for the first time publication of some of the effects bf enemy air raids on London, from jthe first Zep pelin attack in May, 1915, to the "Au rora Bqrealis" demonstration last March, Which ended the effective-se ries. In the ' beginning the j attacks were made by Zeppelins, usually on dark 1 a I mi . T. ' j . nigius. ixnese macnines proveu uu "wleldy afc offensive weapons, and they were . soon succeeded by Taubes and 'Gothas, jwhich crossed 1 the Channel from enemy airdromes in Belgium. -Then followed a series of daylight raids, which were succeeded by'moon ' light visits, that ' condition of atmos phere reducing the detective power of searchlights. Anti-aircraft! defense in the begin ning was feeble and ineffective. It .was spe sdily improved 1 and finally a long-raojje barrage encircled London, ; making hostile approach highly cau tious an d really possible only when : atmosph sric conditions were favora ble; Coincident with the improvement, he Royal air force was greatly aug ' raentecf : !br "home defense, and gave ex 'cellent recount 'of itself. The first Zeppelin flew over Lon . Tdon Mayv 31, 1915, arid dropped 90 bombs, most of them iijcendiary. Con - sldering the cost in munitions, results were snail, for only j:hree fires re- quired i:he attention of the fire bri- gade. "13ix" civilians wjere killed ' and thre Injured. ; In : Baljs Pbrid Road, Ralston, an aged couple were killed while k ieeling at theirj bedside. Some damage was done1 In Shoreditch. s Twenty Killed, 8$ Injured. f' September 7, 1915, the Bermondsey - district 's' 'tie target,) with light cas ualties. The next night, a bomb de stroyed a motor bus near the Liver 'pbol' .street station, and a train was lilt. The chief damage was in Wood 'and 'Fere streets, ' where - city ware houses were set afire and several fi!remen were injured. Twenty per sons wore killed and 86 injured, and the mo; ley loss to buildings and cori , tents was about $2,500,000, one firm suffering to the extent of $500,000. Crowds! assembled In many parts of the city to watch the raiding Zeppe ; lin,' which "was" visible for several min utes, f Up to September, 1916, raiders vis ited Leytonstone, Walthamstow, East London, Central London and South east London, Inflicting some damage at each visit. In one of the raids a j Domn nit a girder in the Lyceum the ater, bending it and explodine in the street. "The audience escaped injury but there were casnnmps nmnnr npr- sons standing at the exits. Black heath was raided August 24 and 25, 1916. J The greatest of the Zeppelin raids up to hat time Occurred the night of September 1-2. A flept of 13 Zeppe- l1?8 flossed the North sea and drop ped Bombs ' on English, territory. ' Only r 0,116 craft got as far as the butsk:;ts of London. jTwo of the three were driven' batk! by gunfire and one was brought down at Cuflley by Lieu tenant Leef e s Robinson with a new type Of incendiary machine gun bul let. The airship caught fire and the . pVopl of London and of a wide out side $rea enjoyed the spectacle of an aerialj conflagration. Some of the fleet that crossed the sea lost their bearings ; in the dark and sped homeward with the fij-st signs' of dawn. ' VjRaid1 by Twelve Airships. September '23-24 twelve airships . crossed the sea and undertook a raid. , One .;&ne to grief in Essex, another near jBillericay and a third near Mer - sea Island. Only three reached Lon don, j They bombed the Streatham and . Brixton-districts and! blew a tramcar into jpieces. -There was damage to ' dwelling and shop prerties in North east qLondon, notably in Bridgehead road." Chief Inspector Ward of Scot land jTard was killed that nipht arid a ounqing near tieytori. whloh hnd f. feredj the year previously, got another bombt i . : Nof airships reached London in the nextjtwo raids, in the second of which . a craft was brought down near Pot- It IT "ue "T111? to epproach the city from the north. - Th first ' airplane attack occurred Kovember 28. 1916, xfhen a single ma 5Mn in daylight dropped bombs which DOtlTOLO Zeppelins used damaged Victoria Palace Music halL opposite j Victoria station; and hit seT-. eral mansions in Brorapton Toad. June 13. 1917. a long stretch in the East End suffered from 'a I series of bombs" dropped I by daylight raiders, falling about one-quarter f a mile apart. Inr: fo raiA ton philrlrpTV WPffl killPli and' nrty injured in a . snooi in .rnymi. and there were several deaths In the houses if working people along the route. A train was struck outside the Liverpool street station. Twenty-rour uomas raiaea xjouuou July 7, 1917, in daylight. One of the DOmDS StniCK me generiu yusu flee. It j penetrated two ofthe upper floors and deranged much telegraph ; ATmaratu's. The raiders sailed overi the city fat altitudes fof f rom '2,000 to- 15,000 feet, keeping their regular for- j mation to the end. This ended the! daylight raids, all subsequent ones, haying been by moonlight, except the: last, which chose a dark night, and j another lunder cover of a mist. : I First Night Visitor. The first night visitor came Septem-; ber 4, 1917, and went away without: having I done any mischief. Three weeks later, when "a squadron ad vanced to an attack, a barrage was In action. , Those that got through hit the Bedford hotel in Southampton row and , wrecked a' shop in King's Cross; road. . ; i There were five raids between Sep- tember 25 and October 1. One of the craft, September 25, 'emptied its cargo! Of bombs within a (barrow area vuf crowded streets abutting Old Kent road, doing some damage to property and causing several j deaths. Officers'; quarters in Chelsea - hospital were wrecked by a 500-poiind bomb October 4, when damage was j done to the Gros venor road railway bridge. October 19, a misty night, a Zeppe lin fleet made a trip to England which proved Unhappy for ( itself. gOnly one of the I number reached London, on which it dropped three heavy bombs, one of them in Piccadilly Circus, rinmnciner the shon of Swan & Ed ear und ' rnusinsr casualties in ' a crowd ' waiting there for an omnibus ; another damaging houses in Camberwell and the : third wrecking house property in Hither Green. Five I of the fleet, hav ing accomplished nothing in England, were brought down jintact In France, on the! trip homeward, when others were si?riouslv damaced. There was anj early morning taid on Dullwich September 6, with small results. Try to Bomb Hospital. Raiders December! 18, 1917, dfopped a bomb which narrowly missed Char ing Cross hospital arid 'demolIs'Tied a shon in Agar street.- Another boirih killed several persons on the TharrieV embankment and dainaged Cleopatra's Needle! A third set fire to a piano factory in tDlerkenwell road. A raid of January' 28, 1918, partially wrecked the Oldhams printing estab lishment in Long Acre, in the base ment of which many persons had taken shelter. Machinery arid dehVls from the upper floors fell into the basement, killing 47 persons Mand In-d juring 169. The same night a bomb; almost destroyed the old French flow er market, Covent Garden, and anoth er fell In a side street near the Sav0y; hotel. February 17 the Midla-rid5 tirdnd. ' hotel, St. ! Pancras, was damaged ! by three bombs, one of , which . brought down the tower spires. f Then ' came in swift succession a; series of raids, the most-memorrible of which was on the mckmles night' of March 7, 1918. This was the A;u- rora Boreaiis." A 600-pound bbrribj on that occasion proved very destVuc-j tlve to property in Maida Vale, "where six houses were destroyed and sever- al hundred damaged. Mrs: Lria Ford, an American, author of "Keep the Home , Fires Burning," was 1 among those killed that night by the raiders. YANKS? Make FRIENDS WITH ENGLISH TOTS Under the direction of the American Red ( Cross Yankee wounded ' hefoes were taken on a tour of London. The photograph shows one of therd making trienas with a little Ehglish girl. Children! on Farms. ; Twenty-cue thousand children iri'the state of Washington'1 are" enrolled n agricultural and stock "clubs through the efforts of Mrs. Elizabeth Jones; in unarge or Doys and glrtsf agricultural clubs in that state Tinder" the1 direct An of the United States department; of agricnltnve. Mrs.1 Jones is riow going to British Columbia to organize dubs umoag.tue ciiUdren there. - 1 ? 'S$ those who are thoughtful haVe concluded that sortie thing moFe thanchance is behind the remarkable popu larity ofoysterVjfertilizers. Those who have investigated, find! neither chance nor iaagic, but simply tommon sense appreciation of values. ldsVivhbre their orders now and insist on being supplied with J ' - MM. jI S ' ' -j 1 i ; : ORDER EARLY? AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. 0. S. RPVSTEIR;GyWO 'Noffolk, Va. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, O. Tarbofo, N. C. Charlotte, N. C Columbia, S. Ci. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. r tice p) mm The policy of the Ford Motor Company to sell its cars for ?the5lowefst possible price, consistent 'with dependable quality, is to well known to ent conditions, there Coup Sedan c. w Try fi- t 1 TRADE MARK REGISTERED. w I. f r - Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, fl V?! 'I THE UNIVERSAL CAR v IF A ' .:r .!'.'... require comment. Therefore,- because of pres- in ctn be no change in the Runabout $500 525 650 ing Gar iTruck Chassis These prices F. O. B. Detroit 1- IrAu on, Nbrth Carolina PERM 9 Ala. i iin iii ii r a price on Ford cars. 775 550 em VNOTIE TQ 'DfitllNQUENT Tiv v .Notice; is her3by givei t the par ties i giveni 'below and mayDe conceeiif tt, as ; mortgagees i -the undersigned purchased at a SV3 linquent tax sale at I Co tu mbus ts1 i county, NiC, 'on the; H3th dav of ri for the :year 1917;' on? lot in the ToS of Tryon, Tryon township, less 1 2 on back listed in the pame of Mrs J E. 'McNeill taxed fof the year 191" one town ' lot m tne town of Tv' Tryon township, h'sted in the namejl 1917 ; thirty-one "aere s in ColumbS! wYYiiomp, x wiiv 1.UU1111, x-i, j.t listed wie name oi j . r . rage vaxea lor th year 1917;; eighty-fiv acres of J uiuiiu ui ffoue neau neire. taxod me year xorty-nme acres gf land in ! Cooper Gap township, p0j county, N. C., listed 1 in the name 0' T. M. Thompson, ta3:ed for the vm! 1917. : : 1 ..-. y 'Notice 4s further j riven that anni: i cation will -be made ilto the sheriff PolkJ county, N. C, hK- the -mdei ed fbr deeds - for : ,aid propert . aft. tne ou aay oi mav, ii,ff. E. W.-S. COBB, Purchcr 1919. NOTICE OF SALE. iDy vjrtue w ve wwer 01 sale con. tained in that certain Mortgage Deed! executed by J. H. Motcalf and Mamiel Metcali, his wife, to iiidmond A. Em4 bury on the 6th dayof September! 1915, to -secure a debt of $250.00 and interest, said mortgage being of reel ordin the office of - the Register of I Deeds for Polk County, in book of ; mortgages xsio. JO an page 396, de- rauit navmg Deen maae m tne pay ment of the debt and interest therein provided Lthe undersigned will sell ati public auction, to tne highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Polk county,' on ! MONDAY MARCH 3rd 1919 at 12 o'clock noon, jthe following de-1 scribed land and premises conveyed i by; said mortgage tofwit : ! Beginning at a mt'.on' the 'west-1 ern margin of the Y alhalla road, the same being the southwest corner q Mrs. Mi L. Dowes "residence lot I thence with the saidi Af. ; L. Dowes southern boundary line- south 86 t!eg. 13 min. west 186 feet' to" eastern line of roadway ; -thence in eastern line oi roadway: south 51'deg. 52 mm. east 90 feet: thence and still in eastern line-of road south -3 deg.'l- min east 25 feet;; theiice north' 86 deg. 39 min east il75 feet to corner of roadway; thence in margin of roadway north 53 deg. 40 min. east 56 feet to western margin-' of 1 Valhalla" road; - thence in said margin 'bf Valhalla north 36 deg, 20 imn. west1 100 feet, to place of be ginning, ;- containing j a5re, more ; or less known1 as lot' No. 5 &4oiiuuu -of an . ; and "i Otherwise in S. DHadley! subdivision vin the Town bf Tryon, County 6f Polk, State of North Carolina.- j. . -. ! ;. This January- 28. 1919. EDMUND A. EMBURY, Mortgagee, Walter -Jones, Attorney. 'EXECUTRIX' NOTICE TO CRED- 'v. , 'I ITORS. "" Haying quafified'as executrix of the estate of Fafihie yJt. Ricks, deceaseo; late - of Polk "c0unty,: North Carolina, this is to' notify all -persons having claims against the jestate of said deceased- to exhibit- them to the under signed whose-address is 208 Baldwin hAvehue,-Charlotte, N. C.,! on or before the' 15th"dav of Februarv. 1920. or ktms notice -will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. T A11? persons ' mde ited to said estate will. -please -make immediate, payment This the 21st day of January, ivik - j MARY D OSBORNE, r Executrix of Fannie J. Ricks. NUOtlCE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS. Notice : is hereby giyen to the par ties named below and all persons thai may be concerned as mortgagees that the -Tdnriersismed -nuiehasGH at a de- iinauent tax sale in 1 Columbus Polk county, N. C, on the 6th day of May, 1918. land listed: arid described as ioi- lows : 15 acres less 1-15 of one acre, in White Oak Township, listed m we name of Coleman Bradley's estate for the year 1917. . j : JNOwce is iuruierrf giyenmat apfu cation will be made to the r sheriff of Polk county - by thje undersigned for 'defeds f or said'-nroDertv after the 6th day of May 1919. i E. J.; BRADLEY, Purchaser, This January 2Q 1919. T NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS. Notice is hereby given to the par ties f given below and all -persons v may beihterested as mortgagees that the undersigned -purchased at a unquent tax Sale at Columbus, tro county, N. C, on the 6th day of May. 1918. land listed and described as fol lows: i 2 town lots An ,Tryon, TryoJ township, less 1 foot , on bade, in name of S. B. Wilkins f or the .ye? 1917: 1190 -acres in - Saluda townslup listed in- the name of J. E. Pearson, for rthe year ; 1917; 1 town lot, less foot-ron -hack, m town of Tryon, iry"" township.-listed iil the name of 3.. Pearson, for the year 1917; 1 town less fo-ot'onVbackin MiU Pr,Z White Oak - township, listed in & name of N. , Champion, for: the J'ff. 1917; 99 acres, in - Saluda townsM listed in the name of D. M. Bom for the. year 1917; 1, town lot, less 1 foot'on ;back, miTTyonTryon to ship,' listed in theriiame of J. H. calf for the year 1917; "22 "acres - j Tryon township, listed in the name j 1 Alex B. Emery, for the- year I91 'v l .Notice, is further given that ( cation will be made to the . sheriff Polk county, N. C., by the undersip V V 4 4k. L 1 eatior cleeds lor said property, uie eui say or May, -isi?. Jt P. CARPENTER, Pura . This Jwniaiy 17,-1$$, - J wao, ittim uawu aim jueacriDed as m t lows : One lot less ohe foot on n I back in the Town 'of I Trvon. m 101S lnn F

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