TRYON Who saifi they didn't believe in the ground hog: Mrs. J. P. Williams and Miss Lo raine Stone spent the day in Spartan- burg, luesday. - .; : Mrs. James Vernor, Jr., entertain ed a few f fiends at The Dtansante last Wednesday afternoon. Mountain Industries TeRoom will be open every week day from 3:30 un til 6 o'clock p. m; Mrs. Wi T. Lindsey gave a charm ing afternoon -with four tables of bridge, lasf Saturday. Mr. U. Q. Speed, of South" Bend, Ind.,in in town for awhile looking af ter his estate, Hillacres.' " Admiral (and Mrs.R.' M, Berry, of Detroit, are occupying the Will Ran kin house for the winter. Mrs. Tack, of Cambriage, Mr. Rob ert Tack ajnd Miss Agnes: Tack,, are with the Misses Petti grew . , Miss Virginia Butler 1 eturned to' her studies-at an Atlanta, Ga.-business college Thursday m orning. i i T tT T T" mi - T H 11 is now nev. w. 1. steams, -n you don't believe us just Task ; Uncle mil w snow you nis credentials. Quite a number of schools in Greens Creek township have -been compelled ;o, close on .account of the flu. ' ' ;. .. v- ' , , ':' Mis Lorafine Stone entei"tained with a bridge party of five tables in honor of Ensign ( Julian Hester Thursday night, i .v Saturday Mrs. Lubeck Claire Belli took .the girl and Miss scouts vto Melrose on the noon train I and walked back. .-; r . . Who said they didn's believe in the ground hog? vDidn t he when you jsaw that snow Sunday ? j . ' - convert you falling last Ensign Julian Hester, who was here on a leave, returned , t Pensacola, Fla., where he will continue, in naval aviation.:-" " -:, i .... ",;v Mr. and Mrs. Gf F visited the forme'rs Littae of Saluda, brother,- Mr, W. F. Lttle, and Mrs. W. FU Little, ' in . . Tryon laslj - week. ;. v-; - Sunday's storm - ia- said to have originated in 'Texas, p One-more score Isdd up- siuistlt-itwJoth'; ing to be proud of. f "j " Miss Helen Claxton, wjio is attend ing Columbia University, came : : to Tryon, - Saturday ,to spend the week end with her-parents. ' I Mr. G. r. Little, the Saluda drug gist has ibesrun clearing t ground for a new brick store-building to replace the one he now occupies Mrs. E4 Rhodes left por Atlanta, Ga., Monday, where she koes to study late millinery styles, and also to buy her spring stock of the same. .Mrs. J.I B. Hester and Miss Lorane Stone webt to Spartanburg, Friday, with Ensign Julian Hester, the latter on his w4y to Pensacola, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jackson and daughters' returned from their Flor ida sojourn Sunday. Mr. Jackson says he caueht "nary a fish" while gone. Mrs. Harold Doublediy has taken her little daughter. Miss Betty, Asheville for treatment of -hex . hroat We hope she will soon retUn in im proved health. Our foreign. subscription list is grawmsr also. We now have copies going to China, Siberia, Germany, Frannce. England, Cuba, Kankakee and Kombno. j . The little grand daughter of Dr. Gray, child of Mr. and jUts. Freeman, who are staying at Mrs; LeOounts' was very ill last week. We are glad to report her much better. A person who could not be pleased with the variety of weather offered every day is certainly hard to please. Snow, cold, or sunshine.! You can get them all! almost every day. Our subscription ,, list is growng very raplidly now-a-dajys, but, you know we! are dissatisfied, and will be until out list is doubled and then we'll teljl you more abjut it. y We wjll pay a straight salary of ?35.00 per week for man or, woman with rig to-introduce Eureka Poultry Mixture! Six months contract. Eu- reka M g. Co., East St. Louis, 111. Some important deals are hanging fire just now. which will mean a great deal toward fche ..upbuilding of Tryon if they fmature, and e believe they will. lopeto have' something definite to tell you next week. On account of "other matters Mr. B. F. Copeland was not able--to accept the position of chairman of -the Arr menianj relief drive. Mr. v G. H. Holmes has consented to serve, and will pujsh the matter through to suc cess, foi he knows how. ; : We iro in receipt of a letter from Mr. Edjgar B. Lewis, qf the U. S. Ma rines, who says he hap seen several Polk county boys as j they arrived "over there." Also that he is glad that hit has been able1 to be in the sArvirri nnWl Tipare was declared, but that he would like to of Tryon peak." 1 . . . - get "ah eye full It is,1 quite refreshing to see the vay in, which State Senator Cloud, Demo crf n Won " W. Fl ' Swann, Repre sentative, Republican!, stand together on any matter anecuufi i v v.v. SurVi nnrRP ia to i I be. commended, and ii right. Polk county is bigger and better than anv Bolitical party Let us all take the same stand on any mattfi: pertaininsr to our county i A special aeent of-tViA TT s T?pv- enue Department was in Tryon, Wed nesday, investigating the shipment of beer now; in the : station here. He took the names of the - physicians whose names appeared to the orders for beer, and is also going to investi- gate tneir standing, in; the community in " which they, reside! In the mean- time the beer remains in full sight in the station here,, to act as a tantilizer to those who like" an Occasional srlass of "suds." i c : A story is goinc the rounds which shows a side to Col. Roosevelt that not many are familiar with. He was found in his barn one day with, his arm around the neck of Ouentm's po- ny, the one which the boy rode up the White House steps, and which is now twenty years old, sofilv crying. Who does not sympathize with a man in such sorrow? Only a man with the strong characteristics ! of ol. Roose velt could gr eve o dee piy. " The dawn of a new i and better dav for Polk 'county is .right here. That factvis clearly seen in the agitation for better schools. Not only Tryon has' taken up the' fight with that "end in view, but Lynn and Sunny View districts have asked that a special election be; held in their districts to vote additional tax in order to better their . schools. The j requests - have been granted, and elections have been called in both: districts for March 11 Will they be successful Of course they will. Improvement and better-1 raent is in the air, is contagious, and nothing can stop it. If vou are hes itating which way to go, don't do so any longer, but jump in the "Better bchools" band wagon,! and all go to- gether.- , , , . BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preac- ing at 11 o'clock by the pastor. A DISSATISFIED MAN. Some one commenting upon an. ar ticle appearing m the NEW3 recent ly, remarked that we appeared not to be satisfied.. ;ic:, That, party hit the nail square on the head. No, ; we . are not satisfied, and we hope to God that we never shall be. v A satisfied man is! of rno or his GOd. It is the dissaUshed peo ple who make life worth living. ' . 1 Dissatisfied, ' Columbus discovered America; Dissatisfied, the American colonies .declared for and won their independence; dissatisfied, the tele phone was perfected: the electric light invented; the steam engine and all the' other discoveries and inven tions which go to make life worth liv ing brought into existence. Show ;me a man who is , satisfied and I will show you bne that is mean, selfish and not to be trusted. Dissat isfaction is responsible for all ad vancement and progression, in the hu- man race. If our forefathers had been satisfied we wold all have beeri subjects of some other nation and not citizens of the United States today. Dissatisfaction is what brought them to America. After arriving here they were not satisfied with condi tions as? they found them and imme diately proceeded ioimprove them. Any m,n who is satisfied with what little. he is able to do for posterity is unworthy the name of man Dissatis faction I with every day affairs is. re sponsible for all improvements and moral j upliftings. j Dissatisfaction with trie old valei jco.up&nv Js, vhat caused Tryon to purchase the plant. Dissatisfiaction is the reason we are endeavoringto improve the public school isystem of Tryon. . Why ) bless you, brother, we are dis satisfied, and will not be satisfied so long as life remains within our body. We 4re very much dissatisfied, with conditions that exist with many af airs in ! Polk county. We are dissatis fied with the lack of co-operation be tween Tryon and the remainder of Polk county; we are dissatisfied with the poor roads in Polk county; we are dissatisfied with the mail facilities in Polk county; we are dissatisfied with the dirty court house in Polk county; Show me a man who is not, and we will show you a man who has not the interest and welfare of Folk county at heart. Yes, we! are dissatisfied; but not disgruntled! .--!; o- k.- POLK COUNTY RED CROSS. The regular monthly meeting of the executive committee was held Feb, 6. An aDDoihtment was made for the use of the civil relief committee, of which the Rev. F; B. Makepeace is chairman. The national headquarters are planning some readjustment for holding the organizaion in acive form during times of peace; and until these Elans! are perfected it was decided est to leave our county organization as it is. J . - ,. ; The children's aprons that were made! under such urgent conditions, were shipped at the correct time and in most satisfactory condition. Mourning brassards to be worn on the left sleeve by those"who have lost relatives in the war can be had through the Red Cross. They consist of a regular black cloth band with a gold star. They, are. given by the Red Cross to the nearest relative and sold at cost to , others. All privilged to wear this brassard are asked , to communicate with? the woman's work in their section or directly with Mrs. Holmes, in Tryon. Ask your men: who are returning from service what they, think of the Red Cross. , . FROM OUR FRIEND? OVER fTHE! COUMTY ' J :' ' " V"."-V .. . ' - '. ' ': '' -: ', j "" - ;V' Some Items of Gaaaral Interest Gathered By Oar Correspondents From Various ; Sections; of .Polk County . v;.V.;'' LYNN. Our Sunday school was in keeping1, with the weather, last Sunday, but no other services, owing to the small; crowd. ll'V--. ':'k.Q Polk County Farm Demonstrator, Mr. Sams made a talk to the school and patrons one night last week. Among some of the good things he saidwa s, urging the people ' to be clean and sanitary, and at the same! time, while he was talking, evidently some present did not pay any atten-j tion, as one of the teachers said thej tobacco . juice spit on and around the stove was very offensive next- day wrhen fire was made and the stove be-i came hot,'; '.- : ;;: ':;v . ;-;"'--:.' John Shehan, of Landrum, . S.C., was in Lynn attending a meeting of. the I. O, O. F, here, of which he is aj! member. John was 'wounded' the battle of St. Quentin. He was in the ; 30th division and is entitled to his part of the honors that belong to the! 30th.. - V. - r - -- ' .v Don't forget to register next Satur day and vote for the-local school taxi It's been reported that some of our people have moved from' and outsideii of the school district -to dodge , the compulsory school law. ' . ! John T. Panther- is register. See, him and register so you can vote your. sentiments at the school tax electio March 11th.- - : - , Dr. Pratt failed to fill his regula appointment last ' Sunday,, owmu t the inclemency of the weather.; Gaishu Panther who belongs to" the national guards ' and stationed at Ft Leavenworth, Kan,, V has been! disi charged and is now at home. . -1 - A petition has been filed with the county uoara oi .aucation - asKing for a local school tax district to be laid out and xan election ordered. A their meeting ' last Mondav this peti tion was granted -and the election or dered .to be held on March 11th. It to be hoped that this is the right step and at the right time and in the right direction. No. doubt, from a selfish sfand point; some rwilt oppose wit?aa4 will vote against the proposition. Mr. jjogan MCiyiurray is now "jonnjf ny on the Spot" with the mail. Wf hope to see him soon carrying th mail in an up-to-date combination passenger and truck car. . jj Mr. T. A. Rippy, who is with .the F. S. Royster GuanoCo., at Coluni bia, S. C, was to" visit his family last week-end. - j Geo. H. Bradley, of Spartanburg, made a hasty run up for his little daughter, Elizabeth, who has . beep visiting her grandfather, W.' A. Can non. . . ' f Old Uncle Nathan h. Williams die'd at the home of his nephew, Burton Williams Saturday night at the age of 93. Uncle Nathan as he was most ly called, by all who knew him, wis one of, if not the oldest veterans In the county. He lost one of his legs at the battle of Gettysburg. He wis honest and upright in all his dealing?, and unwavering j m his conviction!. He was born, reared and lived all his life at this old home place. Peace to his ashes. v Again the road on the east side of the river has been repaired sq it can be traveled. - - j It' is rumored that the hosiery rndll will curtail production soon. For facts see overhead management. J - o HILLCREST. Several members of the community gave Hillcrest Institute a good "woip Measles is following in the wake of flu in this neighborhood. Misses Elizabeth and Eugenia Lsl lar, from Rutherford county are ri iw pupils at Hillcrest Institute. Private Lewis F. Camp spent S it urday in Tryon. 4 Mr. Grady Flynn wenj: to Spartan burg, Friday." . J The ground hog got it right. We are having winter all over again snow Sunday and freezing cold Mpn day. And last week forward-looking folk made gardens. "Some clima e as the boys say. 4 POOR'S FORD. Hey, we have had some more snow in this section. " ' t Mr. J4 W. Thompson visited Mr. J. H. Read, Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. G. . Crawford were snow bound at T. C. Mitchell's. Sun day. -'.(." Mr. L. C. Thompson . and ' son made a business trip to Rutherfordton,-last week. :; ' Mr. M. C. Thompson who has been nursing a bad wound, is , getting much better. D v I . Little Iona Thompson is on the pick list this week. Hope she will soon recover. :;v:y'. - , Mr. L. B. Connor and B. C. Thdmp son made a trip to Chesnee, Saturday. Mr. Robert Riding and v Mr. . 1 Jim Read motored to , Rutherf ordton, Sat urady. - :" '...'J - Mr. B. C Thompson's mules f ran away with him last week, tearing up the plow and gears, but nobodv hurt S. G. Crawford was at Mr. JJ W. Thompson's Friday. . - t.. - Little Addie Thompson visited her grandfather, L? C Thompson, i last week. - h ;-.V -1 v ?V;' -;. :.-. . .;; The Sunday ., school . is progressing nicely, at5 New Hope, with Mr. iCharr lie Ihompson as superintendent, May God help mm m, his work. . Mis .Delia Thompson visited Rener Thompson, Sunday. " ; Mr. C. L. Thompson made a Mrs. short call at Mr. J. H. Read's Saturday. Mr. Ed. Liles was in Rutherford ton. . Friday. " j - - 1 . Vhat' has become; of "New Hope ? ; o .X- MELVIN HILL. After an illness ! Of eight or ten days, Miss Flora La wter died,;, last Frday afternoon, at 4 o'clock," of pneu monia, ff following j influenza., Flora was about seventeen or: Miss eigh- teen years old. She was a nicely be haved girl and highly esteemed foy all who knew her. She leaves a father, taotherfjtwo sisterjs and one brother who have our -deepest sympathy in this their: darkest hour. They are all suffering from the epidemic with two cases of pneumonia in the' family. I Mr. "Jim Johnson's family has the flu. 1 - - I--"' Mr. W. A. Reed's family is afflicted with the flu. j . ! t Messis. Tilden and Grant ' Higgins' families; are down vith the nu, all in the same" house. J . j7 Mr. "Frank Branscom' has the flu. j; Mr. Jack: Burnett's family,! also Mrs. Laura Cole, have-the flu. j f - Dr. Head is., worn out and has not been able to atterid his patients fox r several days. We need nurses and doctors' here, if any- place ever " did peed;thim. '.'-. i ; j There was no" church or Sunday gchool here last Sunday. ( School closed here, Monday, on ac count -of the epidemic. " I Mr. Philips Henderson : visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hender son, la'slj- Sunday. -o- ABOLENE. Mr, M. F. Wilkins made a business lXnp H to Forest CXf, last week. C. V. Davis made a business fpanRuthtjrfordton',oneMfey wee. ;-. - - MissEva Davis spent last week in Fingeille with fiendsand relatives. There was a singing at Mr; Wil kins', Saturday inight. Those who were there- report j a nice time. ! Misses Ruth Brian and Alma High sperit the week-end with Mfss Pauline Wilkins.- . " I There was a small congregation at Green H i ver, Sunday, but Rev. Mr; Golden delivered an interesting ser mon. f.v ; .. . ' Mr. sFrank Davis'T spent Saturday night wfth Harold Davis. We are very lbnesome sincef our school has closed.) j 1 MILL SPRING ROUTE 1 1. - Our first quarterly conference held at' Lebanon. !last Saturday was and Sunday. Presiding Elder Parker E. Holmes, delivered' a splendid sermon both days. .V '. . '!'' Misa Julia Abrams will spend this week frith her sister, Mrs. Powell. Mr. Ja; F. Corbin took supper at St. Thomas Mission, ! Sunday. ij x : " ; Mls& Lizzie" Dalton is visiting Miss MossefEdwards. j - . . '," ; I Glaj to note Anderson Womack has rovered from a scare whch he thoucrlktVa second attack of t flu but was not. ' I . '- -:; Mises Mossiej Jiiawaras ana lizzie Daltoni spent Monday at Rev; Wi W. Womack's. - - ., '-":; TVIr. .S. R. Edwards was at A. A. Ed wards' Saturday, surveying land. Mrs; Utho vyomacK is school at Mountain creek. , teaching FISRTOP. A cool wave Icame this way from 5 ' the north-east, $unday, manteling the tops of the mountains above the ther mal b<, ol ice land sleet , line. v Aunt Rutha Patz. who has been on the decline for several months; died last Thursday, and was buried at the family burying ground, on Friday. A good attendance and service at the grave: She will be missed. She was 75 vears old. arid had lived where she diedr 50 yeairs or more. She leaves- four -sons and a numoer 01 granu pbilHrpn": as well as a large i circle of frier.ds. - -h - - T. R. -Stepp went to Landrum, S. C, last Saturday. On business. ! ' Earrtest Laughter and E.J. Bradley hauled a load of apples to Saluda,Sat- urdav. -' ; '1 - John Patz returned to his home in Asheville, .Saturday. ; j t i Now the Fair is assured let's all en deavor to have something there that will f attract people .for there "are manyiwho would, rush to our, county if they -only knew the advantages it possesses, and I we need a (thousand families now. ! . : " Most everythng is high priced (and I. like a fair price) here now. ihe clieanftst ni-oduct that Polk county has, accor(ingi to value is the POLK COTTNTY -NEWS. Hurrah: for the NEWS- - j 1 . ',y Marriage Custcm. , , Fof women to tate their ihnsbands' names on the marriage day was a Ro man 'custom. For example, we Tiave Octavla of Clfcero, meanih Octavlal Wife of Cicero.l Now. we omtt the "of." SUNNY VIEW. Rev. N. L.. Wright began vhis pas toral work-at Cooper Gap, Sunday.! A nice, little snow fell here Sunday last. ; - . -." i. .r-:?.-:. Privatef fBill Jackson who is in Le Mons,. France, reports that he; expects to .: soon "sail "for home. He also re ports that they are staying in iron barracks that hold five hundred sol diers, and are, working every day dig ging ditches and leveling land, etc. Mr, G. P. Brown has returned home from Tennessee.. Mr. Dewitt Helton, who has been staying at Ft. Raritan, N. J., is now at Ft. Wingate, New Mexico. v f I v. Mr. A.H. Lynch has purchased ! a new saw mill and outfit. Going X to build a, dwelling house to replace the one burned last spring. . - ' J 1 i Mr. Frank Mills was a caller i ort Route 2, Saturday evening. ' ; .ttev. Wright was a dinner guest; at Mr. J. L. Jackson's, Saturday. Mr. Posey. Browi, of Spartanburg, is visiting home folks. ' :.i-r-::'j'.-i'. Some of our soldiers who are sta tioned in Germany, report that the scenery along the Rhine is grand Mr. W. W. Gibbs attended the sale at Mr. O. L. Wilson's, last Fridav. and purchased a fine mule. ... J . Sunny View district has ordered a new election for spelial school taxi on xviarcn nth. vve hope every one vvi 11 come, register, and vote. Let's boost for .better schools. - ' TRYON ROUTE 1. I Hi there, listen'- The Old groimd hog crawled back into h?3 jigamarine ana left us six weeks mo - of Ibad weather. However we wish : he'd s'tayed out long enough for us to plant sweet peas, though we are not content with his prophecy, and' will: confide with old mother nature and be content with whatfshe " sends; v - - School was to beginxat the school house on lightning rod ridge, Tuesday morning, Rev. E. L. Shelton as teach- er. ' .- - : -v The Fox Mountain school is getting ZrTXr"? i. tvt t, 4 if, Mr.Parris is very ill with pneumo nia this week. -r . - : h i - Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Pack la;Sam miwjld, UkexaEJiini J ohn J ackr rershmgvv Mrs. JN . M. Hall and daughter,? Ma ne, spent t nady . night with t her daughter, Mrs. George Biggerstaff. Mr. Billy Wilson was. fortunate to sell a nice little farm for four thous and and five-hundred dollars., which only a few years ago he paid two and i i i one-nau, uonars per acre ior. Oh, my, we are sure goinpr tohave pens to prevent. - .w ,ww.avv .. w iv. oaiu un wne poultry ana grass ques- O .1. . 1. j. . . tion. ". ;-r : , WARRIOR MOUNTAIN. Mr. John JUdwards and family are in bed with influenza. So are Mr. George Foster and sons, Elton; and Alden. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arledge visited rejauves in Oliver ireeK, last weeK end.'.: - l - rti j- li 1 j l M. Mat Early is confined, to the sick room. Miss Cora Fisher, nurse from the Hendersonville hospital, is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Edwards. Mr, Jim Mathew is erecting a log i. JLU V V11VX ATI M. tJm V Villi JJU -WW A VlkJ t cabin in Howard Gap. Mr. John Holbert met with a pain ful accident while cleaning under; the saw at his mill: his right hand slipped cutting four of his fingers so j badly they had to be taken off. We certainly would appreciate the rural route in this community and wj,1 do all we can to help bring the dea to reality. The friends of Miss Abbie Arledge. will be glad to know she is improving m health. MILL SPRING. ; Rev Shelton was away from, home, Sunday, ; and there were no services the M.. E. church. x: " Messrs. G. C. Brisco, Robert Fos ter and Lionel Brisco, Mesdams' Alta Pruitt arid Annie Brisco motored to Spartanburg, Friday, and back Sat urday. -. . : i Mr.-P. G. Brisco and family spent Saturday and Sunday with the for mer's "brother. G. C. Brisco. . A large crowd of. youngsters enjoy ed a cotton picking at the home of Mr. J. H. Gibbs, Saturday night. , Mr. Sam '.Cocheramr of Georgia, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H." Cocherum. ' Little Bennie Cocheram is spending a few days with his brother, Lee Cocheram, near Greens Creek. It is said in reports that the United States is, dominating the peace con ference and virtually ; entire i world. Why not? Didn't United Staes 1 sol- diers end the i war ?; .Didn't United States i money finance the war ? Didn't United States ; food w feed - the world ? Didn't United States;- cloth ing clothe the -world? . Didn't - the peace terms as 1 promulgated -by lne Presiden of tthe United: States end the war? ; ,Then ;y why should not..the United 'States . dominate - the - peace conference ? We are; the only.:really uninterested nation, ;so far" as . want- anything out of this war is concerned that is seated around the peac tablev POULTRX DEPARTMENT v u .:. Questiorupoe'sinatier.cross breed single and, double f c,ombr I pure bred; fowls ofj the samebreed ; Ans. - The 4 only injury .. in ;.cros3 breeding ,as example single' and- fose , comb- Rhode Island Reds Us -that part will have . f single i and - par double comb and .part alcrppsI.beitwMn.J,$hese two. ; Since the . cross is m . this 'same breed the size; of the bir orrunlform ity of the eggs would beT the ;' same. e nave a pnae in navins nice chick- ens and this would . mar-1 of the comb.? Don't do it Qhes. , Why . grpw, pur ,. bre3 jf owls. uu tne , xarm 1 msteaa 01 ? common, , thrifty cross-bred stock ? j : IV"";: . , Aris: I am certainly glad you have askd that question. It gives me an other chance to tell you. why. When breeds are,; crossed': usually; the first young are , pretty good bit when the second year you , breed together these ' chickens of the,; firsjtl cross you have large, - some ismallrVonie --medium, somespeckledf gbmi&jhite, some black. 4 Now., this gives yom a poor product to: It;either ivet. broilers -or as dressed rchickens:? It you keeD pure bred hirds you , wilf ave a uni- . form product.! In this; cross the same ' noias good of the eggs.;4 Some, eggs will be small, soniie largej some med- mill, eume vurowu, some.aJ white, and some well -the Lord onlv knows and He , won't telli When you send these . ununif orm eggs to the city markets . you will find that you, have, no uni formity of your product and will get a poor price,, as for instance , ia,. New York 10 and 15 cents per dozen less than a uniform ' all ; large white ; or brown eggs. Eggs should ana. are in ' large cities ana many.tnauer ones, selling on quality basis which means more money for a nice, ljmif orhv size . and color , egg. v That is . .whvt we would like to see. all the .Townships 1a roiK county orgamzed and.the.Secre-. . tary of each jTownship Association a business agent: to . buy and 'sell, for the association.-' JBy pooling 1 your Ji eggs 1 ran wup.jn ou-aqzen case lots ana get city prices and do mat; the, least . cost or to put it another ay the most economical way. ' ' - ! ( yues. Why go to the . expense of paying farm poultry iuMseheii wicy nave access a nicf nice nine or ce- dar whch ta. roost? - ' : ; - Aus. 1 : am t glad.: too. - that this , questionjhas. been. put to !us The old :s uju-xupBt. jA Trees Duney aid jLOt jay . m tne winter.' you ;anti;wmter . eggs there are three ""principles you must carry out diligently. First, ;,, for egg production. Second, yoit must nave a w ann 5 au ue an mane jconai- tions as near under- spring or. summer conditions as possible, , in -othei?. word the bird must be. kept warm. Third, I il j -1 j 4.1.5. . -i I 66 ; k"5 J Oi c. l a U1M b ' ; ill Ail I arrtra . It than oa -m w :wm-f ;tti.1.t -VmW ivr : r T"v?v ""Wij55' ing with roof, two ends 1 and th4 back tight with a part 01 the! . front. open and the building facing ; the south. Have straw or pine .needles on -the floor and throw and fork, m- the? grain iccu so uie i win nave ma. worjL for it thus, the exercise jLkeepsx them warm and is! essential 'toVgoodihealth. a gooa warm nouse is , essential , ior A J ' 1 . ' ! . good egg- production. o Henderson county is asking -for . bet ter roads... Recently,, atj a .rneeting of tnejr.JBoara pt arade a.DMl waaopt ed and" sent to the .State Legislature 1 . a . - . m . . ' ' . with the request that bepassea Some politicians up ther objected be- -. cause it came . from ? a .Republican county, i But they have 'heard from Henderson, since then.1 The V attitude . of the chairmen of , the" . Democrats an4 Republicans, in that county on the issue, sure sound good : to" us. -Mr. E wbank, Democrat, sa; rs as JHender- on is a strong Republican county that the Republicans , should, holi the of fices, and. .that jthe.. Democrats, should not whine about ; .whether ..the road ' , i ' T"l commissioners . were xemocrat or xve publicans. .-.j Mt ; Statoij , Republican, says ne. is wiiung to go pn,,recora in writing and request the county com missioners to give, the j two appointive. omces of road trustees to lemocrats rather, than see the l road; building come to naught, over 1 politic. - With two suca uoerai ; mmqea .men at uie head of the two parties tie cannot see wny, nenaerson , couniy snouia not - 1 TT Ji 't :i' 1 , a. navp uml LnR K ixki ni man laws xne is asking for; The woolsack -Is thie bis red bs without back ot arms, on ; which th9 lord , chancellor... sits when presldlnj over the deliberations of .thehons 2 lords. Its origin is. curlons.' An ict hibitinff the ATnnrtntJnn at wool and to keep this source of national jjreaith la their, lordsWpsVmindse; notion of making theni sit on wool oaffs was tried. ' . Nowadays; wlren a ? new chancellor is appointed her Is said to be appointed to the wdoisack and to sit on the woolsack. I ''.,'-.7. ''1.' ' J--- , wriflin jpi , yne; rroverD. : One obtains historical ilimpse "In In :from the0 fact tfiajt In. the; Teign of Edward vVt the lands of St.; Peter' at Westminster s were y annrbnriated ' t t-VF lyaj j.aui u ram lvj utiw lis raise moheyfor the repair i of ZU