POLK COUNTY NEWS. TRYON, N. C. j . - . .. . . . PRQGEEOIMGSOF THE LEGISLATURE 1 s HAPPENING OF INTEREST IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. V 10 BEHOVE THE STATE PRISON Sill for Standard Scale of Weights to Be Used in Selling Corn Meal Grits and Corn Flour. Raleigh. The following is a brief resume of business of a general na ture, transacted during a week's work of the General Assmbly of North Carolina: .. Senate.''. Feb. 7. After strenuous debate in the senate, the Scales-Stevens high way bill with IS amendments was upon motion of the authors re-referred to the public roads committee to be reported back as a special order. " The measure was taken up for discussion at the regular session and was again considered at the first night meeting of the senate held siace the conven ing of the General Assembly. Opposition to consideration of the measure on the floor of the senate centered around changing the form of the Highway Commission and re sulted in the sending in of an amend ment last night to establish a com mission composed of three members, one from the western, one from the, central and one from the eastern por tion of the State. House. Without a dissenting vote, the low er house of the; General Assembly passed the Bryan't-McCoiri , bill to re move the: State prison from Raleigh to the Caledonia farm in Halifax coun ty and turn the prison - property over to the State HospitaL for the Insane. Evidently, opposition was. anticipat ed, several members shaking from the force of striking convictions on the subject: The house was deter mined to put lit through, however, for Speaker Brummitt swapped. -the chair for the floor and was ready to take a hand in the debate if opposition vde-v veloped. T,V . v-. ' This occupied' much of the Friday session but in front and behind the passage of this measure the house buckled down to work and cleared the calendar of everything except the bud get bill and. a few minor measures on which later action was requested. Senate. .-; Feb. 8. The senate was m session for an hour and ten minutes. , Some new bills introduced were : ' . S. B.' 394:" Thompson To amend section 83 of the Kevlsal in regard to building and loan associations. , i S. B. '395: Connor To provide ways and means for six months school term in North Carolina. S. B. 410: Price, by request To Im pose a license tax upon tobacco ware houses. . ' House. Passage of the Gray budget bill as originally drawn and the introduction by Representative. Pharr of the Coon school bill, endorsed by a number of city superintendents, won the spot light in the lower branch of the Gen eral - Assembly. In the' usual brief Saturday session the calendar was cleared of practically all . local meas ures. The following new bills were introduced: ' r H. B. 478: Pharr To provide ways and means for a six months school term.: - ;' . : , v. " - ;- H. B. 479: Gold To amend the law relative to printing for State depart ments and State Board of Health. . i Senate. v .y Feb. 11. The .senate passed the bill by Ixng of Halifax, providing an amendment to the constitution to pay members of .the General . Assembly $10 a day and the presiding officers $15 a day. ; The committee on roads agreed on Its report of the Stevens-Scales high way bill. . wh?ch was referred to the committee after the wholesale amend? ments offered during the special order considerations The committee chang ed the tax on automobile dealers from Agricultural Agents , Meet. ; ix Extension activities for the coming Tear were discussed by the men and women agents of the Agricultural Ex tension Service at their conference. Each agent was called upon by the district men in charge to present his plans for county work Iduring the coming year. ; :.-'r t:'- The women, agents met in separate conference in the auditorium in the basement of the county courthouse, the morning session having been siven over largely 'to a persentation of plans for work during coming year. Indorse School Bill. Having failed' of an agreement in a bill to insure six months school in Ml the counties, seven city , superin tendents met here and endorsed the Mil proposed by Superintendent Coon, of Wilson. The Coon bill would allow; to state aid by. equalization fund tb the pauper counties until those ; coun Man i,ini a Mrtv cent-special tax in addition to ' the . present tax. ; n.. . ... . . Jt .aAnnn; tnft I a ne mil UKewise wouiu r State Tax Commission to certify to hoard of education 4 that the county asking It has equalized its tax value. $10 to $52 for liconsA mmh.. ,.. ... each for-duplicaur numbers instead i The new revenue bill; as'i.nim?red into shape V the joint ftnanca com: mittee Of the l'Pislsitiir 1itrln'..i. piast three' wcekswas Introduced in wt uouse oy, chairman Dovghton; of the house committee on Saanco, an:l is regarded : as t the most notable measure. ot.tha kind effered in the legislature in; vears.- Tt. increases the State tax; fori schools from 20 cents to 32 cents on the hundred dollars valu ation and cuts the regular state tax levy from 23 2-3 "cents to 11 2-3 cents, however, five per cent of the 23 2-3 cents levy -heretofore has been set aside as a State equalizing fund. - Feb. 12. The Doughton' constitu tional amendment for incomes and . re J vising poll; tax and - franchise privi leges was threshed out: and generally agreed upon in a long argument on the floor and then the bill 'wa. carried oyer for some changes as to wording before it is finally passed and sent to the senate.; It carries the general-in come tax provision,-limits poll tax to $3 with no county: or municipal poll tax, removes poll tax prerequisite for voting and allows,oters in the State one year's residence instead of two years. ' The senate debated until 11 o'clock the Stevens-Scales State highway bill and the 3tacy substitute and in the- end adopted the Stacy substitute by a vote of 30 to 18. Adopting the sub stitute made it necessary for the measure to go over for the second reading, being a roll call measure.. The Stacy substitute imposes an automobile tax of $10 and $15 and truck taxes of $40 to $150 and pro vides for , $2,500,000 bond issues an nually, the auto tax revenue to pay. interest and provide sinking fUnd. The senate took up the special or der, the bill by Long, of Montgomery. to increase the pay of members of the General Assembly through consti tutional amendment. It Was explain ed to, provide through committee sub stitute $10 a day for members and 15 a day for the presiding officers. Senator Glidewell thought tbs mem-. bers were entitled to ample pay. He had no close kin here to Iielp him re duce his expenses. The argument wagged on without much point until Senator Gray moved, the previous question and closed the debate. The vote was by roll call, and was 38 to 4 for the measure. .The third reading was then had and the bill sent to the house.. The housw was convened at 2 o'clock by. Speaker Brummitt. . New bills were introduced as fol lows: " '. .'' ' V , Kelly Amend the 1915 . local laws relating to working public roads. Pharr Require all banks to list and pay their tares where they do business. " " "1 i, Pharr. by rpguet Fix guilt of per sons falsely representing themselveV as having physical defects.' Amend the 1905 act ; relating, to eminent do main mnd the law as to the right of the. State to appeal in "criminal cases Relating to the penalty for usuary. Make it a misdemeanor to have carnal intercourse with a mar ried woman knowing her to be such. Feb. IS. A motion by Senator Bed dingfield prevailed for the reconstruc tion of-the bill passed two. days ago for. sanitary privies, the , State board of .health measure, and It again took its Mace on the calendar. Roll call bills passed final reading in the senate as follows: Re-enact the road law of 1917 : for graduated county and State bonds. Re-enactment to remedy defect in pas sage two years ago whereby it passed two readings on a single day. - Brown Provide for physical exam inations of school children in the State. Make superior court clerks members of the county board of health. Amend the law for co-operation in the development of rural sani tation. Connor Amend .'tibie constitution to rrant eaual suffrage to women. - Representative hilars sent up a pe tition, from Robeson county automo bile owners against excessive . tax. New bills were introduced in the Mull Provide physical examination of school children. Hewitt Submit Iocs tion of county bnnrtlries to Donnlr vote. Amend the 1917 act as to public welfare by providing for supervision and inspection of private institutions. orphanages and other chartered in stitutions. Pardon, Probably Deserved. Governor Bickett pardoned Clifton Donnel,' who was convicted as - a boy of 1 6years old for selling cocaine, served a part of his sentence,' escap ed, studied pharmacy at-the Univer sity of Michigan, and is now manag- ine a drue store in the State of Maine. Donnell was " convicted in Forsyth in May,-1912, and was sentenced to eight months in the -county jail, beven years after his father submits to Gov ernor. Bickett an affidavit setting xorta the history of his son following ms conviction and escape. 09me new wwi u The following filed articles of in- corporation .witn secretary itl BcaiC. Clivton: uancB'i-'uii"" ""-i j retail general store, authorized capi- V Newton Mills Co.. Newton ; textile manufacture; aumonxeu uF,l"..,rvi, 000. suDScrioeti - l . n.ni,aM fin Wlnston-Sa- lem : real estate; authorized? capital sioe,vuw-UDS4;ilMCU ' . ... v "Battery csuyyi """-" ; aito accessories; authorized capital S5,000; SUDScrwnsu . I r , - . mmmmmmmmmmmammamm: CM! A POLICEMAN : DELAY U. 5. . fit AN UNUSUAL LEGAL . POINT" IS greatly: interesting the 5 people of Wilmington: - CHARGE OF SPEEDING MADE Postofflce. People Say That Officer Interfered' With the Orderly De ; '-v. - parture of the - Mails. " : Wilmington. -.Can ! a policeman in vade federal1 buildings, such as the postoff ice, and arrest, . a"' postal em ploye ? while on duty and can he so conduct himself as to cause the em ploye to miss the train with the mails, and ' get by without incurring' - the wrath of Uncle Sam? Such are ques tions here just now, following a po liceman's effort to apprehend a negro who drives the mail truck on a charge of speeding. The postoff ice" people aver that the officer pursued a course which resulted in interference with the orderly departure of mails, while the police department declares" it has done nothing beyond its rights and that the officer did not cause the mails to be missed. Two bags of newspapers were left off a north bound train and the driver asserts that "the policeman was " the cause of it. ' Artillery at Camp Bragg. , Fayetteville. A force of artillery men consisting of 205, officers and men of the firing center at Camp Mc- Clellan, Ala., soon will arrive at Camp Bragg. . ' This statement is officially confirmed by Colonel Maxwell Mur ray, commander of Camp Bragg. . The detachment which will be sent here is now under orders but a week or 10 days will be required to load for. transportation the equipment" which will be brought here, and the date of the arrival of the troops here cannot be" foretold. : Much Progress at Yadkin. Spencer. The first sermon to be preached in the new town of Yadkin vwill be delivered by Rev. D. Ay Bras- well, of Concord, Sunday, February 23 Yadkin has made considerable prog ress in recent months, and scores, of comfortable homes have been erected, while the Yadkin Finishing company I toftifhe's. employment for - a severa! hunared operatives, xne. piant, nas. been equipped with two , water sys tems one for use in the mill and one for domestic or home use. ' Dies In Train Wreck. Statesville. In letters received here by . Mr. and Mrsl Fred R. Brad- ley, from their son. Jim Bradley, with! the Thirtieth division in France, the! first news was received of the deatlj of Wagoner Robert Bruce King, a Statesville boy. In the account of th p.ccident Corporal Bradley stated that' the young Iredell soldier met hi death when a troop train on which h was a passenger was wrecked, killing him and 14 others and woundin about 40. The accident happened ai the soldiers were being forwarded ta Brest for embarkation. - ' Sweetheart Claims Purse. . Winston-Salem. A local clothing firm received a pocketbook whicll they sold several years ago. It was sent by R. Brtnip. of BsSfx. Engj land, and in his letter he explained that it was , taken t from the pocket of an unidentified sold'er after he wai killed on the battlefield of Ypres i few months ago. Stamped on the inf side of the pocketbook was the nam4 of the firm which sold it and also thd address. A few hours after the pockr tbook was placed in the show wiuj dow. of the local clothing firm a sister of the dead soldier and the young man's sweetheart appeared and ldeiiL tifled it by the kodak pictures on the inside as thit of Private William "&.x Johnson, of Stokesdale, Guilford coun ty, who left home for camp last April and who went to France with his com pany in July. He was killed August 2 by a bursting shrapnel. , Filling Up te Trenches. Camp Greene. The fact that the war department has delayed announ cing the final disposition of the gov ernment property and leases on the area within Camp Greene was - off i ciajly declared as being almost wholly responsiMe for maintenance of even the semblance of a military post here. Only about 3,500 troops now a quar tered here, of which about 1.500 are negro soldiers who, for the present, are engaged in filling up the great trench system and dug-outs in the in terior . of the reservation. V , - - ' To Sing for Soldiers. Gastonia. Miss Marie Torrence, Gaston la's gifted young vocal artist, has a ccepted a six months' engage ment to sing for the American sol diers overseas under the management of the American Y. MV C. A. In order to accept this offer," Miss Torrence cancelled a number of concert en gagements for February and .March, and sailed on the steamship ! Cretic, January ,29. from,, New; .York with a company of 16 artists' and entertain ers who go; to take part in almilar work , ."'"-.. .v j EilSTERII Y. H. C. ft. GEI1TER Programmer Reconstruction Has Been .. -Eastern North- Carolina. Rockyi Mouht-The Yonn Christian r Alspciatlon has instituted a! Program of reconstruction' in tw.ntv . counties of Eastern North-Carolina In jne mteerst of the National War Work tampaign.c; RRiglerofCharlotte; director for 'this district, has : arrived fcere, and will make his headquarters . . . ..... - ...... u xtocxy jviojint i lor the next .six months. MriRieler will have rharen of the recoistruclion in the twenty vwittincs, iuiauing iNasn ana Hjdjje ombe. .' ' The plan! ts to secure two "or. mbre influential citizens of : each bounty, send them .to the "Y" training school at Blue Ridge, near, Ashe ville, for a week's instruction. , so that on their return they .will be better prepared to oegin the, work assigned to them. otea eaucators ,win be. at the tram ing school," and7will' expound the re constructon pilan. --.i . ; ; ni : t Mr.; Rigler states that the 7 Red iriangle wnt with the soldier from" the camps t6 the trenches, and even over the top,; and that it was well vers ed in the soldiers' habits to do the re constructioh work planned; It will consist chiefly of re-adjusting the re turned soldier to civilian life, securing employment jfor hinv and looking after his moral and , spiritual welfare. ' y Indorse Bankhead Highway! CharlotteLetters asking the North Carolina commerci secretaries to in dorse the Sjtnith-Bankhead bill, to be introduced n Congress, providing a fund for thepromotion of education of native illitejrates and foreigners un able to understand the English lan guage, haveij been mailed to all secre taries in th state by E. N. Farris, as president of the State Commercial Secretaries'associatibn. r This" bill livould appropriate for the fiscal year hding June 30, 1919, the sum of $5,p00,000 and for the fiscal year endingjune 30,1920, and annual ly thereafter the sum of 12,500,000. This fund "yould be used in co-operation with the states in the education of illiteratei' and foreigners in 'the English ; j language, . the, fundamental principles off government, elements of knowledge .pertaining to self-support and home nlaking and such other, wis dom' as wilsassist in, preparing illiter ates and foreign born persons for suc cessful lif eand intelligent citizenship." 1 - M K' ' ',' : ; j :.; . ' Presbyterian Drive in March.,, ' Raleigh.The progressive program of the genral assembly, known alsc as the beneficence drive of the South ern Presbyjerian church, will .be init; iated with a three , weeks' -intensive drive, during the month of March This drive! will be church-wide and will reach! every member : in every congregation , in southern Presby terr ianism... The financial goal of the pro gressive pf tfgram, which is to cover three years, is $12,000,000 for the benei volences of the church, $3,500,000 of this amount to be secured during the year 1919-2$. . $4,000,000 during 1920 21 and $4,500,000 during 1921-22. ;,; Decries Hun Publicity. heTryvUle. One of the most enthu siastic pubjic meetings of the year took' placelfin " the school auditorium of the Cherry ville graded school. The speaker of the occasion, Maj. Edouard Dupont, of;: the French high commis sion, was greeted by round after round of agplause as he presented present .European conditions and cau tioned his 1 hearers against German propaganda. . ; , -? He brought his hearers to an active realization of the ; interdependence of the allied!; nations in the military struggle ; vhich. had just .come to a close, and cautioned patience with the apparently;- slow demobilization, of the army. Very significantly be remark ed: "It is much easier to wait a few months longer for the return of your husbandsy.nd sons than to have them recalled Q France." 1 Large. Sales of Tobacco. KinstonSales on the local tobac co markets tQ February 1 totalled 23,- 645.386 pounds, acordlng to the monthly ; statement of the r tobacco board of trade. - The value of the leaf was in excess of $8.000 000 .The sea son's totaty is exnecte.d to reach the 24,000,000-pound mark. f ThreeOutlaws Captured. . Ashevilllv Alone and u aaided S. Glenn -YoTng. special agent of ' the departmeist of justice, in.tht Big Ball mountain Section of the Tennessee mountain.: between Murphy,; N. : ., and Knoxville, captured George and Decatur Crawley and Blaine Stewart, wanted Georgia to answer charges of murder or desertion from the army. He took ithe prisoners to Knoxville, and leftiithat afternoon for Atlanta, where' h will turn them over to the federal sjutborities. . - v r m, To Form Housing Corporation. Rocky Mount. First steps j toward the organisation of a housing corpora tion in the city were taken at a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, held for the purpose of taking some definite action toward : relieving the present acute shortage of houses here. - r : f a nnbatantlal block of stock was guaranteed, and - a strong committee was appointed to complete the plans for organization, and arrange for the ale pi the remaining stock. t G0I1I1GIL ADOPTS E THE COMPLETED DRAFT READ BY PRESIDENT WILSON IN ; i , PLENARY SESSION. ADOPTION QPAWS HUfi FAHGS Great Triumph for the President Jn the Virtual, Adoption of All of His Fourteen Points. ' The following is a synopsis of the adopted, draft of the League of Na tions read by Presdent Wilson in Ple nary session of the Peace" Conference at Paris. .The full text of the docu ment is voluminous and very interest ing, but the matter given below covers practically every . item ; of . importance in the completed instrument: r Paris. The executive council of the proposed League of. Nations, as out lined in the .covenant read by Presi dent Wilson will consist "of representa tives of the United State, Gre-it Brit ain, France, Italy, and Japan, togeth er with representatives of four other states. ..- :" The council shall meet as often &s is necessary but at least once a year ' at whatever place may be designated. Any matter within the sphere of ac tion of ' the league or affecting the world will be dealt with; The President, of the United States shall summon the first meeting of the body of the delegates and the execu tive council. . The league will have a secretarist under the direction of a secretary general, who shall appoint the other. members. The secretary-general shall act in that" capacity at all meetings; The representatives of the high contracting parties and the officials of the league shall have diplomatic privi leges and immunity.. The building oc cupied by the league or its officials shall enjoy extra-territorial benefits. The admission of states not signa tory to the covenant shall be with the assent of not less than two-thirds of the states represented in the body of delegates and shall be limited to fully self-governing countries. No state shall be admitted unless it gives effective guarantees to observe international obligations and unless it shall conform to conditions prescribed by the league in regard to its naval and military forces and armament, r The high contracting parties undertake-!' to' respects and preserve the territorial integrity and political in dependence, of all states members of the. league against external aggres sion. In case of any such aggression or any threat of danger of such ag gression the executive council shall advise upon the means by which the obligations of the members shall be fulfilled. . , The high contracting parties re serve the right to take any action to safeguard, the peace of nations in the case of war or threat of .war. -In the case of disputes arising between them which . diplomacy cannot adjust .the high contracting parties will not re sort to war without submitting to arbitration or to an inquiry by the executive council, and ; tfntil ...three months after action by the arbitrators or the executive council. The executive council shall formu late plans for the establishment of 'a permanent court of international ' justice;"'- z'"'75?: Concerning armaments, the cove nant says that ' the maintenance . of peace' will require the reduction cf national arniaments to the j lowest l6int consistent: with national safety and the ' enforcement of internation al obligations by common action, the geographical situations and circum stances of the- tarious states being taken into . account. v : i The executive council shall fix tha extent, of armaments and these shall not be - exceeded . without, the ; permis sion of the council. . k -It is agreed that the private manu facturers . of , munitions and imple ments of war" "lends itself to. grave objections." ,: The executive council is directed to give advice on the -state ment of this evil. , The ' contracting parties undertake not to conceal their ability to pro duce munitions - and armaments and agree on a; full interchange of , infor mtion as to military and naval pro grams. . PRESIDENT HOMEWARD'BOUND. . ON THE GEORGE WASHIN GTO N Paris. President Wilson and party are now homeward ' bound on the steamer George Washington, the same vessel on which he made the outward voyage. ft-His departure was without peculiar incident. - , PRESIDENT SAYS THAT ALL HAVE IDENTICAL THOUGHT Paris' President Wilson, , in ad dressinff a delegation from the French association for a society of, nations. said; . "I appreciate very deeply what has been said , and I take it that ihe kiqd suggestion is that some time after my, return j we snail .ar raiiffft a nublic. meeting r at which, 1 m niiitA confident. we may celebrate the . completion. of v the work,; at any rate up to a certain very iar au vanced stage. ' , (Br 1Ur, P. B. FITZWATKR, D. XXi; Teacher of English Bible In th Moody BiblInstitut of Chleaso.) 4 (Co97rititl918 Wwtara Sfeiraptper Uoloa.)V LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 23 THE, BREACH OF THE COVENANT AND M03ES' PRAYER FOR IS- J RAEL. " - " M ' v -S t v.. 1 (May Be Used With Mlaslenary AppUca- - uon.) ... XJ5SSON TEXT-Excm1q :1-S4:. - .. GOLDEN TEXT The ffectuaJ ferrent prayer of a righteous man ar&lleth much. Jamee 8:11 . " ' , "''v- 'v' . ADDITIONAL. MATERIAL DeuL . : Eph. 1:14-21: James i:lft-lS. . PRIMART TOPIC Ask -Ood's help for others. Memory Verse James JUNIOR TOPIC Praylna - for other people. , ;,-;. ;-r'- -:, INTERMEDIATE; TOPIC-Intercedtnc for others.-; ''i'1 - SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC-Tho -, Talue of Intercessory prayer, Less than six weeks have elapsed stace Israel took the oath of allegiance to Jehovah. In less than forty days T they flagrantly, break the first and sec ohd commandments. , I. The Golden Calf (32:1-6). 1. Hoses' delay (v. 1) This they In- terpreted to mean that their leader had either ' lort his" way ! In the dark ness or had perished In the fire "that hovered over, the mount. 2. The people's demand (. 1). They demanded of Aaron that he make them god to go before them. Their pro fession of allegiance to God collapsed at soon as the strong personality of their leader was no longer felt, . r- ;- 3. Aaron's cowardly compliance' (W. 2-4). He was an eloquent man, but lacked moral courage: Many - today can talk fluently, but vacillate before ' the real issues' of life. - In order to gain time' with the rebels he demand: ed that they cast off their jewelry and bring It to him. Perhaps he thought that their love for it would cause them, to forego their 'demands', s but they cheerfully gave.up their jewelry' for a. false god. - Aaron, like many compro-, . raising' men of this age, opened a door which he could not 'SBntri 4. Wanton' irevelry j(w. 5 6). See Ing their disposition, Aaron erected an altar and- proclaimed a fast unto Je hovah. He no doubt wished them to worship the Lord through the f Image but he had made a god for them and -It was a very short step to the heath en orgies connected with idolatrous worship." '' II. God's Burning Wrath (32:7-10). God's nature Is such that he cannot tolerate a rkal,. No gods shall be be-" fore his face." The rival must be re moved or the people must be consumed with divine -WaTh. -'Obd does' not own them as his people, for they had cast him Off. : ' 'r rV;'' - III. The Mediation of Moses (32:11 14). r - :i , fThe declaration of a divine purpose to destroy the Israelites did not deter . Moses from ma king : intercession for them. What was : his threefold plea ? (W. 1112,' , Moses knew full well that the people deserved to die, therefore he could not plead any merit on their; part. His plea was based wholly on . God's . pur- ' pose for Israel. Through his interces sion God relents. -: . IV: Judgment Fallt (32:15-35). I. - Moses broke the -tables of testlv, mony (vv. 15-19) emblematic of the ; breach of their covenant with God. 2. Moses destroyed the Image (v. 20) and made, the people drink of the wa ter which contained Its dust, thus mak- -lng them , to experience ln a physical sense the bitterness which results from 3. Moses showed Aaron that he was Inexcusable for. his part In .the dis graceful affair (vr. 21-24). v . 4. Moses called for those who would' take a stand for the Lord to gird their swords and slay all who stood out In rebellion. The tribe of Levi ranged ; themselves on his side and became the . instrument by which God chastened his . people (vv. 25-29). f -;.- iA--jn-y: 5. Moses 'confessed the great sin of the people and begged that God would ' forgive them. He was willing tqsuf- -fer the punishment himself. If possible, and let the people go free. .The Lord declared to him in, answer that every, man should bear his own sin (vv. 30- 35 ' -,: .'.-;'.:, ',! V. The Covenant Renewed (33:1- 4-9). .' 1. Moses' commission renewed (Ch. 83) i - v ; r ' 2. . The second tables of the law given. (34 :l-9). ' In the giving of these tables he reiterated God's justice, but gave particular, emphasis to bis mercy. ?The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant In good ness and truth, keeping " mercy for " thousands, forgiving iniquity. - and ; transgression and sin, and that -will by -' no means clear the guilty ; visiting the, iniquity, of the - fathers upon the 1 chil dren, and upon the children's children, unto the third and fourth generation." What to Pray For. Oh, do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray r for tasks equal to your powers. Pray, for powers equal to your tasks, i Then the doing of your, work shall be no miracle. But yon shall be a miracle. " Every day yon; shall wonder - at yourself, at the richness of life which has come to you ' by the grace of .God.r-PhIUIps Brooks. : FellowshlD. v Those who follow Christ ar blessed with thefeUowship of Chrlsip Where uere is xouowmp mere x xtuowsaip. f . r J - - 'i 4 v1 -

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