mif nnnuTU limn jmvnu nrr inn iiLwo aw' imun dlc .Consolidated Nov. ;,.i9i5 .. ' , Published ejpjjr Friday at . J Tclephone99 Eatrd M Meond-elaas matter April 23. 1915 . ft tma pott office at Tryon, North Carolina, un- Cl act of March 8. 1&79 D. F COPELAND, . - Editor C BUSH. - Business Manager . Subscription $2.00 per Year OC1TUARIE3, CARDS OF THANKS , O aajatloai of Retpect,Church or Lodge Notices wkor an Admission fee is charged, or for financia CtiaV will be eharjred regular advertising rates of SVre eents per line. . ' ' ' THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, d West 19th Street. New York City, is our sole exclusive Foreijrn Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." -T . - , : A "victory garden" is more essen tial this year than a war garden was laft. . , ' ;j lu. t o One of the-most , contagious things on earth is a hearty laugh. Further more it never does any harm. '' ; 1 :V- v ' : ' An exchange s& ' truthfully ' says : "If you develop wrinkles let them be from smiliijg' and not frowning.". Vengearice - is mine, saith the Lord." Germany evidently is begin ning to realize the truthfulness of this. .President Wilson still "has Con gress on his hands," as Grbver Cleve land says," hence his return from . France. : ' - - We want our boys home, but better for some of them to stay awhile long er than for all of them to have to re turn later on. o Wnat have I done today for the betterment of my fellow man? If I have done nothing; then the day has been a failure, . Poorold Germany. It takes her a long time to learn that she has been ' everlastingly '. walloped, and should "Go away ;bck and sit down." ii : ,. Germany fcay3;the terms of the new armistice 4ifeiry. harsh. Evidently that .natioplhas forgotten the terms imposed upon; poor France at the end 6f the war . . , ? O rf-t . . - i - .. . ... . . plan of a standing army of 500,000. Wall ; if ri.; ' , . u. league vx i a. Lions is a go, what would we need with such a large army? -' ;' 0 ' , We were in hopes that at least one branch of the service would ' escape the charges of graft, but now comes a general, shake-up and trial in the .Third Naval District. We thought 'the navy would come out with clean hands, at all events. o : . Are you afflicted with a perpetual - grouch? If so try the following prescription: One part sunshine, - one parts milesand - one part, good thoughts. To be taken every time " symptoms of grouch are manifest. Guaranteed to cure the most - obsti nate cases. . Don't forget that there is mare -reason for everybody raising a gar den this year than there was last. -America; must export millions of tons of fooodstuffs. If every family , would raise enough vegetables to sup ply meir owji tame Uncle Sam would be enabled to release so much more . for starving Europe. ..'V- v O - The bill of Representative Swann to raise the pay and change the term of office , of county commissioners in this county is a good one, and we - hope will pass. - By all means, there should be one holdover in office ever time, so that the newly elected would have the benefit of the experience of the old member each time. , w - o , , .. oycuai atteziuon to tnt- communnication f rom Walker, signed "Taxpayer.". The party is asking us something that we know absolutely nothing about, and are unable to an . BW1 n l miaet'iAn ' TT ... ..w uig uuouuu. nuwever, we Will 3y,c al the space necessary to any body who does know, to give the gen tleman the information he seeks. Gen. von Hindenburg objects very strenuously to. the terms of the new armistice between the allies and Ger .rnany. The .only objection v to v. the new terms is that-no 'proviso for the arrest and trial of this old reprobate for , murde is - contained therein. Thef cmhzed , world has, heard about all out of old Hindenburg that it cares to, - . The world is; amazed , that the Jgue of Nations Js so lxearja real ity. tWhat is surprising - about it ? Hasn t everybody been given all the i?831! fo :tb remainder of time? Why 'chould it not be as easy t? settle a disput, Utwtta nations it is between citizens? But .why the necessity of disputes between nations at all? v ..,:. . OldHindehburg- was organizing , a new. German army 600.000 strong. ' The. new armistice puts, a ; "crimp' in this program. Germany i& complain ing because it will throw out of work thousands of Germarf officers, from generals down. That is exactlywhat the allies intended it should do. What business has Germany with a big ar my. Let these generals - sjnd other officers thrown out of employment go to work and secure some lawful and peaceful employment. We , would suggest that they raise s garden. -o State Food "Administrator Henry A. Pasre notifies the newspapers of the State that the Food Administra tion is rapidly slowing down, and will, within a few days be a thing of the past. He thanks the newspapers of the State for the part they have done in helping the Administration. There is no way of measuring ' the benefits of the State Food Adminis tration in North Carolina. Mr. Hoo ver certainly made no mistake in se lecting Mr. Page as the head of his organization in this State. He has been a source of comfort to the law abiding and a terror to the law breaker. ' ' ASKS FOR INFORMATION. Walker, N. C, Feb. 17, 1919. Editor Polk County NEWS. Dear Sir: In a recent issue of your paper your ishtcp correspondent raises the old question of providing a coun ty farm for the unfortunate of Polk county. Mr. Editor, if my memory serves me right, an issue of bonds to the amount of $20,000 for the purpose of court house improvement and a county farm was made a few years ago. None of it was ever spent on the court house, and we have no coun ty farm. Perhaps you, Mr. Editor, can tell tne tax payers of. this county for what purpose this money was ex pended. We are" certainly entitled to know. TAXPAYER. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Miss Mary Mills and her nephew went visiting Sunday , last. Mr. H. H. McCrain made a busi ness trip to Big Level, last Friday. Guess the blacksmith could relate Mrl McCrain's business down there. . Mr..McMurray,has been very ill. glad to say he is improving. The farmers of this section are getting along very slowly with their farm work, owing to the bad weath er." Probably they will get a move cn themselves later on. Daily Thought. , Wisdom provide things necessary, lot superfluous. Solon. NOTICE, An election was ordpreH in Sfunnv View school district, Cooper Gap :ownsmpj to be Meld on March 11th, 1919, to submit to the voters the ques tion of special tax for said district, lot to exceed 30 cents on $100.00 val lation of property, and 90 cents on :he poll according to petition filed md recorded with the countv comriis. non for the purpose of supplementing ne scnooi iuna allowed said district )y the county school board. W. D. aeitonf was appointed registrar, and 9. P. Williams and N. E. WilUams judges.- By order of the county commission, eb. 3rd, 1919. F. M. BURGESS, . ' Clerk B. C. C. r NOTICE. An election was ordered in Lynn T 1 1 j j m - . . . r .cnooi aistnct lor March 11th, 1919, it Lynn, to ascertain whether or not .hey shall have a special school tax io supplement the county fund allow 3d said district, of an amount not to xceed 50 cents on the $100.00 valua tion of property, and $1.50 on each poll. Boundary specified on the rec ords of county :ommissioners,accord ng to petition on file. John Panther was appointed as reg strar of said election and Grayson Newman and Silas Fo.vler, Judges Done Feb. 3rd, by order of the county commissioners. F. M. BURGESS, Clerk to J!. C. C. NOTICE OF SALE. Under -and by virtue of the power jf sale contained m that certain mort gage deed executed by Morris Robert- &eher lth 1916 to Geo. A. Smith, in the sum of $840.00 to se- ZrBe haic,e ! the Purchase mon y' -ft on ?e lands hereinafter de- H h?ni record in Book No. 11, III! a VVH, cords for mort gage deeds for PolF county, ' N. C deffullfevinS made in the payment of the Principal and a part Lli 15tepSt due thereon, the un t fl ,se11 at i"lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court .house i door of Polk county, North Carolina, on ' V 10DAY, MARCH 7, 1919, at 12 o clock, noon, the following, de scribed parcel and tract of land con veyed m saidjnortgage, to wit: , beginning at a stake on the Cleve land Road and running thence south d9 deg. 52 min. east, 73 ' ft. to a staker thence .south 61 deg. 25 min. .ast, 67.8 ft. to a stake; tnence 46.6 it. to a. stake, northwest corner of lot iJ.of the Geo. A, Smith second subdi- -o- - x.u xeet 10 take, southwest corner of a lot in o. r, thence north 69 degrees i i iW ieev to stalcer fVionni Trtfi. 10 j a v , --"- ""im lO UCK, o IT a? fc -Vtr0 the pIace beghml 2VJ N0..I of Geo. A. - SnS mai. mg. th's n- e eastern tern on W made4 by Wm. E. StrongC vH Wee in September, 1910. -This February 5th, 1919. , Geo. A. SmifV. TV.Tt '. dan- a '7rr " Vr uasn Assigaee : ; Mortirao-A it. , Bank of TrtW of noto secured by 'said, mort AN ORDINANCE Ta nrnvM fnr ttia Tasiiinf Af iPiinH. . . ing Bonds ; for the . Town of Salttdaf . . hull tui I, lie u t uiv wi UK pal and Interest Thereof. . - is-indebted to S. H. Slaughter: and PUna .Cfata RsilV m Hie V Slim of rhree Thousand Dollars, as evidenced m 1 . . m . oy promissory notes 01 . saia - x own, ' nich said indebtedness was incurres or necessary expenses of said. Towi ,nd the notes issued for same o: he 13th day of December 1913, anc n the 26 days of June, 1915 and 191.: aid whereas, there " are no funds available to pay said indebtedness and it is necessary tnat ponas oi tne saia Town be issued fori the payment, the said indebtedness being now due and demand having been made, for pay ment oi tne same. missioners of the Town of Saluda do ordam. Sct.mn 1. Thmt frnr t Via -nnmose of providing funds for the payment of tne outscanamg maeDteaness oi tne Town of Saluda, as set forth in the preamble above, negotiable serial cou pon bonds of the town of Saluda, to be designated as Funding . Bonds, be- is sued in a sum not to exceed Three Thousand Dollars, : bearing interest at ft rat not tn pYrppd si y ner cent per annum, and maturing within the maximum x period of ten years. - Spf.tirm 9. That tVio sVnTAcf upt- jod in which the debt can be finally paid without making it unduly bur- aensome on ine tax- payers oi tne municipality is ten years. Section 3. .That in . parh vear while any of said bonds shall be put standing, a tax shall be levied and collected in accordance with law to pay the principal and interest of said Donas as tne same snau rail aue. v Section 4. That a statement nf tT? - M Mr debt of the Town of Saluda has been iiled with the Clerk of said Town, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, of 1917, and is now open to in spection. Section 5. That thp avprace as- sesed valuation of property subject to taxation dv tne rown oi oaiuda tor the three fiscal years. in which taxes were last levied, being the years 1916, iyiv ana 19 18, as shown by statement filed with said Clerk, is $280,276.33. Section 6. That the amount of said municipal debt of said munici pality, authorized or to be authorized as shown by said statement is $24,- Section 7. That thp bonds when is" sued shall be signed by the Mayor and Clerk of said Town and shall be issued in such denominations as the Board of Commissioners shall by resolution pro viae. , Section 8. That this ordinance shall be passed at thrr e separate readings, on three separate days, and shall be in effect upon its passage, and shall not be submitted to the vot 3rs of the Town. I, G. R. Little, propose the adoption of the foregoing ordinance, this the 7th day of January, 1919. ; G. R. Little, Commissioner, The foregoing ordinance was pro posed by' G. R. Little pn the 7th dav 3f January, 1919, at a meeting of thi Board of Commissioners of the Town of Saluda on said date, present, M. A. Pace, Mayor and G. R." Little, J. O. Hooper R. F. Robertson and P. H. Ward, Commissioners, and unani mously adopted by the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Saluda at three separate readings, the first or. the 7th day of January, 1919, the sec -opd on the 8th day of January, 1919, and the third on the 16th day of Jan uary, 1919, the following voting in the affirmative, G. R. , Uttle,. J.' .1, Hooper, R. F. Robvon and P.1t Ward; in the negative, none. ' Notice of the pasje of this crdi nance having been p'ibJhhei in the olk County News four successive weeks, beginning, with th issue pub lished the 7th day of February, 1919. Any action or proceeding question Jig the validity of this oid;nance nust be" commenced within thirty days after its last publication. Approved:: M. A. PACE, Mayor. JAS. A. PACE Clerk. Pacific Deepest Ocean. It Is believed that the Pacific Is fully a mile deeper than any other ocean. Classified Advertisements. For Rent: One five room cottage on Whitney avenue. Apply to Sam P. Hill, Pisgah Forest, N, C. 3614t I have ' buyers for a few small im- nmvr1 farms noar rkliTmKi-ic? MVMA VVlUUiVUOl . Tl lite me what you haveprice and terms.. u. w. justice, Hendersonville, N. C. Lost: Package containing fi tnKoo of yellow and green paints of especial value to owner. Finder please leave the paints if still in good condition with the Tryon postmaster and re ceive $2.00 reward. No questions asked. ' S9-2t For Sale: "Carolina: Harmony"- a Music book, for which we have flat tering testimonials from music teach ers who use it for pupils ready to play simple pieces; and from boards of education, Superintendents and teachers of public schools. It con tains more than 100 songs for public schools, natriotic .Qnno'-r cLi 1 songs and scripture anthems. Send ior testimonials, or send twelve 3c Stamns for KJ)Tnnlo ?"0c! ?IS?JniLho0??aph Agency, r "" iugr., oaasDury, N..C. NOTICE. To the citirT --f xtm. m i- and Polk county of an application for Notice is hemhv tion 18 bemc mwiiVji.i vi ? MUHa the Governor CI North CarotULX for the r,nv.lnn dawho wa, convict iaiV ofthe SupW: rrJU i - -coaniy 01 wrder in the Second decree and satifon.nj ty years.m thgyState's prison. , . of eiJJT88 PPosing. the ffranting 01. said nardon w ni a!hnj i vi,ueiri obJtion to the Governor This 7th day of Febvuarv. : tit-; Plenty of Q?:crc?? I oli iuv" j vJ'fl liVrrn-iin!(3s' thdl!rrb ' gets-' you r i h e n ; t auerat.;; once Mi :cascarI jTfff?Q Fortieth mi , i v. v r Gives -theiiullest akd most up-to-datH inf ohnsition, cot only about Seeds that can be planted t advantage, but also aboutfcrdps that prom ise to givejihe brgqst profits during thcxoniins year. . OUR 40 IjEARS XPSIEPJCS, and an .equipment that Is unsur passed In tills "country, givo us un-' oquallod adyanftsocs .fcr supplying '. ' THE,n EST O F Farm an Garden Seeds Write for Catalog end Prices of GRASS and CLOl'ER SEEDS, SEED GATS, SEED CORN V , and SEED POTATOES. Catafog SVIaiJed Frss on Request. ' ' T. W. Jfed :.& Sobs, SEEDSMErl, - . KichmondrVa. Foi" thaBest of Gardens, PLAriTWOOD3 SEEDS. .Wis SOLICIT Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling, Siding": Fijiite- Mouldings," Framing. We manufacKrG this and can ,save you, nioney.cfiSeeitis for- lath, brick, doors and sah. J. t. GREfei; LUMBER COMPANY. WALTER JONES.v . ATTORNEY AT LAW Offile up Stalra In Jno. L. Jackson Co Bld'g. 1 All Work Guaranteed irst fldr W ilk ins store MRS. Ie. RHODES. 'f4i Price $ 5.50 G , ua i ir!(( c, or ; -: i -10 Years ' v I SiYON J ELECiRIC SERViCt COMPANY JUSTICB OF THE PEACE " . AND; -.K N QTJKY.: PUBLIC. Collecti3ns a specialty. Deeds arid Morpages prepared, and Ctractifwritten at reasonable prices. V ' - TRYON, N. C. Hai-e the Right Prices AND - Kind Qf Materials o do.your buirainK.'.:.PiilI slock uressd Umiber. Carrvcomnlpt - - - : : i ' VI w v -.5, ' J Steward cold tasSy fyr T yesrn tbjct fono-s-af durcfjp opines orvin ?.;:. col J ' LA 1U? VU Wfc,V mwmm urcss , s i l ?J Pil , Li: f ' , , ; e r: : ; 1 : riA - . . . r An p j iFlat Iron ' : 1 '. T&sSgggkm -a. BESSY P.COffiV 'i'J" - v - ' 'I ' M 1" B a GEO Bhish anfd Moulding Rbuh and -1 -, . - I;. .-- jr . . ,.. , .,7. jc-'-v. STOCK OF FEEDS : HEBRON LUMBER. CO. - ' ' - 1- - -' - ' iYoii iire cordially invited to come in, inspect and et biir prices pn f just added;tliis line arid want you to see it. Iron- Beds" Rockers Dining Chairs Kitchen Cabinets Etc. Etc. X)ur stock of Oik Hickory porch furniture is the Jargest in the county. We want your furhitiir tirade and will treat you right. -'X'i't'fi A-1 hrxrt otamp siana up wnen ine g is played. " An account at this t bank classes" you as one of the progressive , and substantial citizens of your community. No better time than now to start that account. Come in and let's talk it over. W. T. LINDSEY Pres iTRENGTlll 1; ' I 3 These-Essentials are embodies in YOUR ACCOUNT " SOLICITED Capital $1 LOAMS and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Furnished and un rurnishsd houses for rent. Property taken care of and rents ecnieeted. Do not waste y6ur time and tireybursdf out looking tor a place. Our auto i al your service freer Notary Public. JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, . I ou 11 need neither a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite. A good,' ordinary set of molars will easily disport of ' ' A Fine Tenderloin Steak - An Extra Porterhouse Steak '. ' . A Luscious Round Steak - , AJNutxitious Roast " - , A Dish of Pork Chops It.you havn't anyteeth we have sausage that will fairly melt m -your mouth. -, . ' c :: :"-:LEafo:ur meats; ; Good for.youf stomach jo : and chickehsf for which I wUi pay the high est MARKET PRICE. ; , ; .: Cv: VA;:HiVWILLIAMS. ' v 0Z - . : W , '' it V' -.. 1 Tables Dressers Mattresses iOSGQOOCbCOCOOO gives you the right to X otar Spangled 15anner O J. B. HESTER Cashier!3 ocococooo 3E of Spurid Banking this institution 0,OOO.Oip ALU O A Pres. JOKN B:CN!iON, V-Pfes.L-PRESTON: H. BAljfY, Cask. IN. C. eats! . i v o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n . )), ,. S.VLUDA, M. C "