MIAN PKESS f GOES OVERSEAS AS Princess GalPohi, Descended From Cherokee Chieftain, Joins Canteen Forces in France, $ A real, sur-tnoigh Indian princess, ta f ding to France to help entertain Che American soldiers and sailors until the last one of them has been returned to th United' States. : : Bhe Is ;-Princess Galilohi, sreat 6tandd4nghter of the famous Kins Cooweeskowee, chief of the Cherokees, fend her mission in France1 will be in connection with the canteen work of the Y. M. C. A. Her Americanised name ts Miss Anne Ross and for two years tr more she has appeared as a lecturer, finger, dancer and exponent of the tri vial life of her chosen people. She was hosen' to pose for the Zolnay statue f4 Sequoia, an ancestor of the Chero kee nation and inventor of the t ribal Alphabet" This statute stands in the Hall of Fame at Washington, D. C. " The princess will hare a rather di versified program. She will sing In dian songs and . dance Indian dances tor the American soldiers and sailors and between times will dispense the dozens of different articles that are part of the stock of every Y. M. C. A. ianteen. She is highly educated and has several times acted as a mediator between her people and the white resi dents of Oklahoma her native' state. "Y" ENTERTAiNERSl f NEEOED'liFRAllCE FRENCH DONOR 1M. C. A. EXECUTIVE Df John P. Mott Is Made Chev alier of Legion of Honor Ex !; tensive Work of "Y" Among Poilus. "While eertain branches of the wort the . National War ' Work Council qi the Y. M. C. A. has been doing for scat time are being curtailed, one type ol service is being called upon for more co-operation than ever before. Al though for some time there have been approximately 400 to 500 entertainers in France, many difficulties have sur rounded this type of service and thr thousands of shows which have been given in France have only been put over in spite of almost superhuman difficulties. Now, however, with the period of demobilization forcing upon the Army new problems has a Teal spirit of co-operation been shown by the Army authorities. Therefore, Gen eral Pershing has detailed Colonel Kelly, from his own Staff, to act as entertainment officer for the A. E.'F which position places him as the liai son officer between the Army and the "Y" Entertainment Bureau In Paris. Theatres and large buildings are be ing taken over, mechanics supplied by' the Army are putting thenvinto opera- ticn and the "Y" is producing shows,' given by soldier talent alone, and also dramatic and vaudeville performances and miscellaneous musical programs, the personnel of all of which must'be recruited from this country. . Owing to the large number of men in the Army with entertainment abih ity, no, effort Is being made to send men from this side. Women, however, are wanted for these positions in large numbers. 125 must be sent out from this country every month, which will require the co-operation :of every re cruiting agency throughout the coun try. All entertainers are supplied with uniforms, Life, Accident and Health Insurance, transportation, and allow' $150.00 per month for living expenses in France. .' The women should be preferably be 'tween 'the ages of 23 and 30, neat and attractive .and possessed of-a pro nounced ability in their particular line. The . field for entertainment now reaches from - the coast towns " in France right up and into Germany) for while the "Y" cannot do much with the Army of Occupation in the way of Canteen, it can supply entertainment and is doing so on an increasingly large scale. Information may be ob tained from W. C. King, Peters Build ing, ' Atlanta:, Ga. r D0U0HS9YS INVADE HISTORIC RESORTS Haunts of Napoleon Are Home to A. E. F. Troops Through Ef forts of Y. M. C. A. Forces to Better "Leave" Facilities. llti! 'P.-. -vmi DR. JOHN R. MOTT General Secretary of National War Work Council, Y. M. C. A., f Who Has Been Accorded High Honors by French Government. As a mark of recognition and appre ctatioa of the work done for the French Midlers by the American Y. M. C. A. fottlesabroal,-the French government has conferred the signal honor of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor upon General Secretary John R. Mott, of thi National War Work Council of th Army and Navy Y. M: C. A. Telegraphic advices from Washing tes eonveyeid the news of the distinc tftaitranted Dr. Mott, whose home is la New York City. ' The telegram, signed by fidouard deBilly, Deputy High Commissioner, was as follows: "I take pleasure In 'notifying you that th4 'French government has conferred tixfafr' you the title of Chevalier de m Lglbn;dHonnfeur. Please accept my heartiest congratulations." rise National V7ar , Work Council, under Dr. Mott's cupervislon, 1n addi tion' to its labors among the American TStjedltfonary Forces, has maintained more than 1,500 foyers. du soldats, as "the Red Triangl huts are known: by the ; Frefich poilu. ..Up to the .fionth ef 6ot6let, M918, close to eight mil tlon dollars had been expended in " Y" wotlc among, the French and other al lied seldlers servod by the huts. , ., :..t:- -v. .- .-. . V 2 1 ..r. V: '' .v, V :' ;--'"'v-- v.-;V ' . -i - -'- Vk - , . , " " - , -sS- """14 ' ' "0)' '::W-: - :v : '; ; 'JS' ' ': - W ' ' ': F E K, 11 1 ' V - I' '-'.- 'Mr. :-y':? y. i 9 -IT TRADE MARK fSfcr REGISTERED. My lifefs work has been devoted to the Improyemen of Southern NOTICE. To Jane Adams and all a sons that at a delinquent T made on the 6th day of x the undersiened the Town of Saluda, N n vel taxes in '.the name of JanPVK the year: 1917. Notice is fu en that unless redemnt, rfl said real estate on or hotllH day. of May, 1919, will am,," sheriff of Polk rli V isaid real estatf. a N This February 4th, 1910 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Tn : s ITORS. Crops ihd Soils. R. S ROYSTER. Of. . R YSfERGUANO GO. Norfolk, Va. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, O. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C It 1. rx it Columbia, S. C, IBpartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. CoEiimbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Having qualified as executn of Polk countv. H is to notify all persons having acramst tho estate nf j. 6 H eAiuoit mem u tne undersionpd j before the 15th day of March or this notice will be pleaded in & their, recoverv. H - All persons indebted to said J iL Please make immediate mSi lms tne jiist day of Januarv - ."Mf CAS TRYON to Paris. Where Napoleon lit tnd King Edward VII of England spent many leisure hours the American en listed men are now at play. The fan pus yacht club at Cannes, founded and patronized by King "Edward, and St; Sauveur, where the third Napoleon was wont to go 'with his court, indicate the variety of attractions offered by the Y, M. C. A. in the leave area system oper ated In co-operation with the military authorities. From the Alps to the Pyr- i onnes and from the Brittany toast to the Riviera, there are seven "Y" leave areas in which 50,000 soldiers can be entertained at one time. Preparations are now under way to increase these much-appreciated facilities- to double their present; capacity. Representatives of the army and of the Y. M. C. A. are now traveling from nne end of France to the other seel ing new spots in which to set up leave areas. The experiment at Aix-les-Bains has been successful from the start, as America now knows pretty wet from first-hand information ; carried home by Mrs. Theodore Rloosevelt, Jr., who organized the woman's canteen work at AIx. v -V "Aches and Pains" was an Ideal spot for the experiment, but six others have oeen found and put ill operation, each equally satisfactory as the original racdel. Consequently it is with opti mism "that the army and the "Y'seet to increase the centres where sure cures - have beeji found for homesick doughboys. ; ; ' Location, climate, hotel accommoda tions, opportunities for entertainment and sight-seeing and the moral and 4 physical cleanliness of the - area are all-important in the selection of f: a leave resort. As soon as a site ' is selected the largest available' is ob tained by the Y. M. C. A; as -Its main center of operations," men and women are assigned to service and neg6ti atiqns are begun to secure reduced prices .from ; such entertainment en terprises as cannot be duplicated by the Y. M. C. A. and every effort is ktade to give as much service as pos sible. The army provides transport tation and pays the hotel bills, thereby enabling the soldier to enjoy all the attractions formerly restricted to kings and emperors and malefactors of great wealth. - r - s The Jetty Casino at Nice and the Municipal Casino, at Cannes - are the centres of attraction in the Rfviera for the 8,500 men who can be accom modated in this area. Many officers favor this Mediterranean section and there Is a "Y" club for them: -'"...Brery-thing except the gambling that was stopped by the government at the be ginning of the war is at the disposal of the Americans. Gplf and tenuis and other athletic sports, bathing, boating and the companionship of the local population are . the, most ' popular ufr Mr. Broaddus Ballensrer went Charlotte, Wednesday night - Mr. W. Y " Winkins sent a few hours in Spartanburg, Monday. . . FOR SALE: Pigs, qood stock, $15.00 to $20.00 per pair. J. M. Heai ron, Saluda.N. C. Mrs. J. N. Jackson and daughters returned honte from a visit to Colum bia, S. C, relatives, Tuesday. The windows at tho postiilfe have actually been washed. Somebody $hould notify Mr. Strong. ; Miss Efne Holdeti, after a short vis it with hei: parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Holden; returned to New York, Sunday night. j Mrs. U. G. Speed entertained at dinner on Tuesday . night, Mr. and Mrs. Speed returned to their North ern home, ton Saturday, r Miss Grace Killion; of ' Brooklyn, N. Y:, arrived in, Tryon this week and is stopping-at the home of Mr. D. Connohr, at Valhalla. Dr. Marion C. Palmer is again v a Tryonite. jHe has received his dis charge from military service, and is now-engaged in the practice of med icine again. ; Mr. P. H. Bailey, of Saluda, passed through Tryon, Saturday, en route to New York, where he goes to purchase goods for the new firm of The Statoti -Bailey Co. V Dont 'forget that the Polk County News has i several packags . of garden seed to be given away free to any person who will call for them. They were sent here by Congressman' Wea ver for that purpose. . At the flag tournament at the Country Club links last . Tuesday Mrs. J. E. Kelly won first and Mr. A. L. Hill second. There will be anoth er tournament on Saturday, Feb. 22, Washington's birthday. . Taxpayers of the town of Tryon pre earnestly requested to pay their taxes before March. After that time I "will be compelled to advertise and sell as my term expires May 1st. M. G. BLAKE, Mgr. The Lanier Club has again5 inaugu rated its ' Saturday afternoon teas. Last year if you wanted to meet a friend it was the fad to do it over a cup of tea at the Lanier Club. No doubt these teas will be as popular this as last year. - Officers ' discovered and captured a small still near the Lemort place Wednesdays They did not capture the operator, in fact all they Vere en abled to see of that gfintleman was a rear view as he was taking tor the tall and uncut. -y -. ; Mr. H. P. Corwith,- of Saluda" gave the KEWS a' call Monday. Mr. Cor with is one of Polk county's boosters.' He, like a whole lot of others,' - be lieves there is a great- and : better time just ahead for - old Polk, and is doing .jail he can to "help it afong.', u The friends of A.YV Arledge wll be ' glad : to welcome him back to old Polk county. He has received - hs discharge, returned to his home in Columbus,- and ready to : resume the practice of law. Wc hope the time is not far distant' when "we can welcome all of our boys home. , : Lookine.at the'thnr Wn.ivic.- iitttitutdnRev, Mr." GriffithHector rt jlrty Cross : church; intends to adopt bnsiness methods f dr that: in stitution, i Elsewhere you will find an advtrtisemeat of his church, telling frou what he intends talking about liext Sunday. Read it. r I'j.Mr. Lightner and family expect to pme down to Tryon early in March, so that their; younger son's vacation . nay be passedT hero. The older, son, 'heodore, has left the service, and is ijiow practicing law f ( he graduated rdm the Harvard Law School before Entering the navy) with his father in petroit. , i Mrs. Wing and Mrs. Brown, of Pine Mill, have been serving tea at the Golf Club, takinc their outfit, .7 tent," tables, 'stove and supplies along with them. Perhaps : there is no place outside the, trenchesx, where hot tea is 0 welcome as after a round of goolf. If I ' Our county officials have remetri dercu us this week with orders for job' work, which wc appreciate very, much. Remember that we have ru-. 'cently- entirely stocked up on new pe, and can give you as neat a job :as you can get anywhere. Messrs. kH M. Burgess, Frame - Jackson and Prof. E. W. S. Cobb have placed or ders with vis. - The meeting of the Lanier Club was il l very enjoyable and informing one. The League for the Enforcement of Peace ceased to be an abstract propos ition, beoming a world . advance, most devoutly to be desired, as Mrs. Wash burn brought the subject up to date, with most careful references to all that has been said by the President and by ex-President Taft and other authorities. I. The Congregatonal church Bible pchool at '10 a. m.; public worship at II. Prof. Harry E. Fosdick, D. D., a.s recently . published a severe criti cism of the church of today, which h as beeii reprinted in , the Literary ; Digest, and received wide attention. Rev. Mr.. Makepeace, the pastor, will lake the matter the subject of his I morning service. "The public is cor- iq any mvitcd to attend both services. IOne of Tryon's patriotic ladies' ask ed the editor of the NEWS, Tuesday jiHiile we were advocating . so much 1 for the betterment of the town and ommunitv not to forget the matter tree planting in memory of the liallen soldiers of Polk county. This 5i3 becoming prevalent ; everywhere, nd is a most worthy movement. hy - not the authorities agree upon ;cne day in the near future and hold a general memorial service at Colum--'lis, and plant a tree in the court hjpuse yard for each ' of our fallen Sds ? Who .will lead off in the move ient ? Why not the Red Cross ? r jThe fact that the Southern Rail ay Co., has a force,: of s u r eeyor.? ' at MKrk along Green river has given ilse to all kinds of- reports in Polk ejnmty of: late. Some have - it : that tae present Spartanburg and Ashe vlle line will be left at Tuxelo and another line built across, the north rjtrt of the , county to Mill Spring, tften swing in and hit . the present rjiad between Tryon and Landrum; another that it has long been a hobby a? the Southern to build from " Flat Kock to .Rutherfordtonr and use " that line from Asheville to . the main line instead of the present one one to Marion and Statesville; to get away ij-om xne oad conditions at Swananoa. iii are mere dpn't: suppose that the the weather with absolutely no pro tection of any kind. Now that is the worst kind of extravagance, and should be abandoned. This man is but one of millions over the United States This week is known as farm imple- 'ment repair week over Isiorth Caroli na. But 11 you tailed to observe it this we,ek, do it next. Start the work off by putting your machinery under cover and in a .place where you can work on it. Next," the rust and dirt must be cleaned off, bolts and screws tightened, missing ones replaced, bro ken and worn parts ordered- and the, entire machine repainted. , Congress appropriated $5,000 for the purpose ci. buying a lot on which to . put up a pestoxfice building - some time. It was six years after the ap propriation Was made - before the itutkerfortiton people' secured their building. Well, we hav? hopes. The ' following is anexample of what can be done in Noi-th Carolina. During the three and one-half years prior to the appointment of a patrol man in Tryon township, Poik county. 17,S40 acres of land . were burned overand $55,800 in damage resulted. During an equal period since patrol was instituted, 693acres were burned over, causing . a total damage of $2?G00, a saving of more than S 18,000 per year in one township.-y-Ashelle Citizen. . - : y' " '- ' Queer Find at PompsH. . A soap-boiler's' shop was, among the things discovered In the excavation at Pompeii several years ago. The city was buried beneath volcanic -ashes A. D.-79. It is said that the soap found in the shop had not lost all efficacy, although it Jiad lain under the ashes more than 1,800 years. Soap making was quite a business in a number of the .Roman cities . at the time that Pompeii was destroyed. V Vegetable ; Diet, . v -A well-balanced diet does not neces sitate much meat. The leaf vegetables, etc.; are now In their prime, and should be used as the basis of a number of appetizing dishes. . Supplemented as they can be by a liberal allowance of milk, cereals and a limited number of eggs, the proper -food values are fully maintained. :; . . ; " Westminster Abbey The. name "Westminster Abbey' ts shortened from the fuller phrase, "Westminster Abbey church,M the church, that is, ot the abbey of West minister. Up to the year 11504, In the,. reign of Henry VIII, the "Abbey," as we call it today, was the church of a Benedictine monastery. Site of Ancient Capital. ,y The governor 'general of Korea and a party recently oh tour, in northern Korea discovered the 'site of the capi tal of ah old Korean kingdom known C?SJ4CtU ;-t-an early stage in Korean history kiow any'more aboue it' than the pub- ; from 37 B C until A D- C6S- Zoological Notes. . " . , Another thlnjr we enn't nnHtnt.' vV' utaiu is-While taking' a stroll", last ; Snndsv r We passed, the farm of a man who is lOPked UP toaS One of Pnlk rnnnfxr 1 ibu larmers ana 13. "But what sur- 43 uow a woman can be, a perfect cat P3.ieu us vv-as 10 see some :rvry ex- yer ne scared to death of a monie macmnary standing' ou. in Cmclimatl Enquirer,' - 1 ' ' T ..... 1 . ' rjtfnsiv NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sals cAci,utcu uy i. xx. ivxeLcaii and Metcalf, his wife, to Edmond A.' bury on the 6th day of Septe 1915,i to . secure a debt of $250.00 interest, said mortgage being 0 ordin the office of the Registei Deeds for Polk County, in mortgages No. 10 at page 396 fault having been made in thp ' ment of the debt and interest tw public auction, to the highest sJ -frf zioeVi of Viy rf-k,i-4- 1 1 "l Polk county, on j MONDAY MARCH 3rd 1915 at 12 o'clock noon, the follower ri 1 l j i 6: scriueu ia.au ana premises comf Dy saia mortgage to-wit 'Beginning at a point on the 4 ern margin ot the Valhalla road, same being the southwest corne' Mrs. M. L. Dowes residence thence with the said M. L. southern boundary line south 86 13 min. west 186 feet to eastern of roadway; thence in eastern lin; roadway south 51 deg. 52 min. 90 feet ; thence and still in e; line of road south 3 deg. 21 min 25 feet; thence north 86 deg. 39 east 175 feet to rorner nf rnad thence in margin of roadway i 53 deer. 40 min. east 56 feet to wesi margin of -Valhalla road; thence said margin of Valhalla north 36 i 20 min. west 100 feet to placed ginning," containing 545-1000 of acre, more or less, and othen known as lot No. 5 in S. D. Hadf subdivision m the lown of m County of Polk, State of North lmar This January 28, 1919. EDMUND A, EMBURY, Walter Jones, Attorney. sTorthCf -Mprtg2f EXECUTRIX' NOTICE TO CRK ITORS. Having qualified as executrix of late -of Polk county; North Caro tliis is" to notify all persons hi claims against the estate of saidl ceased to exhibit them to the m signed whose address is 208 Bali' Avenue. Charlotte, N. C. on or W the 15th day :of February, 1920, this notice will be pleaded in bar their recovery. All persons' indebted, to said will please make immediate payffj This the 21st day of January. , - -JV1ARY D: OSBORNE, Executrix of Fannie J. RicK - ' : ' - J NUOTICE TO DELINQUENT PAYERS. Notice is hereby given to the ties named below and all persons may be concerned as mortgagees thPi nriHprsiimpil nn-rrhnspH at 1 linquent tax sale in Columbus J county. N. C. on the 6th day of 1918, land listed and described as lows: 15 acres, less 1-15 of oneh in White Oak Township, listed name of Coleman Bradley's estate the -year 1917. Notice is further given that cation will be made to the snen Polk ' county by the undersigned deeds for said property after the day of May 1919. E. J. BRADLEY. Purcha This January 20 ,1919. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT l - PAYERS. Notice is hereby "given to the ties given below and all persons J may be interested as mortgagees t the undersigned purchased at a I linquent tax sale t Columbus, county N. C, on the 6th day of h 1918, land listed and described aH lows: 2 town lots in Tryon, ijj township, less 1 foot on back, in name of S. B. Wilkins for thep 1917; 190 acres in Saluda toi uawu. in me name oi o. c. for the year 1917: 1 town lot, if foot on back, in town of Tryon, inxemshi-n licto1 i-n fho name 01' Pearson, for the vear 1917: 1 W Mill SP WTifo 'nalr trtmeltin listed iB name of vN. Champion," for the xpxi, vtr acres in ; oaiuua oftr listed in the name bf D. M. l m for the year 1917; 1 town lot, ship; listed in the name of J. ' calf for the vear 1917: 22 1. Tryon township, listed in the St Alex B. Emerv for the year cation, will be made to the Notice is further civen that 0 - Polk county, 'N. C, by. the ua ea ,ior aeeas ior saia propo j the 6th day of May, 1919. .d . J.' D. CARPENTER Purch . This January 17, 1019,

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