POLK COUIITY mtt7&TETONt H. C. .?.. ,:-.-,ru K I -?T" 1 ' - , i . Bank & pstlo. NOW flGUMRG INCOME TAX Order to Be Helpful to Public, Internal Revenue Bureau Has Every Available Officer in Field. . Weekly News tetter From Peoples CLE j . a..,..-.-..,-... . v. v VERE PENALTIES IF YOU A paid bank check is a valid re ceipt and. all good business men pay by check. It saves disputes tends to good business methods and the dan ger of loss is reduced to ine minimum. The farmer, the housewife, the labor er, the mechanic, all should -pay by check. Open an account with this bank and call as often as you like for a statement of your account together with your paid checks., be pleased to do so. . This hank has a book-keemne Nina- fViiP 1 pctri call v onerated. that nosts . nrvnun MKDOU 1R every customer's checks and deposits, DELAY BEYOND MAnUn 1 0 at the plose of each business day. very minimum. It does all the cal culating, the operator is required to touch the proper keys and the ma chine does the rest. The 'machine never makes a mistake., The opera tor checks his work with a wonderful svRtem to nrove his davs work.. We will he dad -to show the working, oi this marvelous machine that has been , . . . . -r i . 1 99 called me -, raaciune wim uimus. Call and ask us to : show you, we wil Vith the due date for Income Taxes 'v few veeks away, the collection 1918 m- a bang. I this far-reaching tax on L started off with i i fiiMirinflr income tax. h'.ant nnd sworn statements or ne must reach Internal Revenue Ices on or before March 15, and there ' la nennHiea for delinquency. Residents of North Carolina should l. l u.r returns, and pay their les to -.Install W. Bailey, Collector of Raleisrh. or to Aus- i wntts. Statesville. or to any of 1 deputy collectors who are now do- L free advisory worn in income ah. U,n vour Income Tax. Dy maicy ! the slogan of the Internal Rev I.- nn refill, which has sent every l.n-Ki- officer intothe field to help nublic to understand the require- . kits and to prepare mewuiu I who Must Make Return.; It is estimated that many thousands married persons, in this Ition of the Unted States who have fver beforemade annual returns are to do so this year. 'income tax returns must be made It ween now and March 15 by persons jio come unaer me iuuyniu6 .'ooBiu Uinns " ... Any unmarried person whose 1918 et income was $1,000 or over. . Wid Ws and widowers, divorcees and rar tH nornns who are living apart from k-s inishflnds or wives, are for the purposes of the Income Tax classed as Anv married person Uring with wife r husband whose 1918 net income was mn nr over. The Income of both Wand and wife must be considered, xvt the earalnes or minor igCUICl ildren, if any. Revenue Bureau Offer Aid. t..u 1 V-i the TTnlted States i in either of these iclaLStflcations Wst get busy at once if penalties are. . s De avoiaeu. ne iwu Lv Fnrm 1040 A for reporting net I n (M, t or Form 1040 if i net income exceeded that .amount forms are being distrtbuted by Collec- their Deputies, also by banks. L fftiimvinjr the instructions on the Vrms a correct return can be prepared It home. If a person needs advice or (id, the Deputy Collectors in the field Viii furnish this without charge. f The new Revenue lavr places the In- Wp Tax dutv on citizens , and resi lent. The Internal Revenue Jtsureau sending Its men to work right with he nnhiic to set the tax and the re- urns-in. With active co-operation vprv tr due March 15 will be paid Snd every return required by law will be in the Revenue pfflces on time. Exemptions Allowed. A simrle nerson Is allowed a per nnni PYPmntion of $1,000. If he Is sup porting in his household relatives who re dependent upon him he may claim Jhe status of the head of a family who has the same exemption as if married. I A married person who lives wun wife or husband is allowed a personal Exemption of $2,000. The head of a family is entitled to claim a similar ersonal exemption. An- arlditional exemption of $200 Is allowed ror each person under eight- tenor incapable of self support who. Va-denendent upon and, received ms thief support from the taxpayer. : , 1 A husband and wife living tdgether re entitled to but one personal ex emption of $2,000. If they make sepa rate returns the exemption may be laimed by either or divided. Accuracy Required Airtinfo oxiimcv ir necessary In -m.w.nt HIT U U WV- y . 0)8111111? nn inrome flsures. Any per- r I . . . - . ion who is wnrkins for wages should find out exactly bow much he received rtlirinor tl tvhnla voir 1 iQia. fees. Jank interest, bond interest, dividends. ents received, and ? all other items iust he reported correctly. Mere suesses are not accepted, fortney are Unjust alike to, the taxpayer and the government arid defeat the proper ad- jininistration or the law. Hold on" to your Liberty Bonds, if you can. Don't intter tnem - away for some knicknack or permit some "shark" to "chisel", you out of them. If you think you must sell we will act as your agent and get the highest possible price and will not charge you as much as a - brownie ior our ser vices. In a very short time ALL LIBERTY BONDS WILL BE ABOVE PAR. : Tin not. lceen vour Libertv Bonds at hnrhe or in some, other insecure place. Krintr them to us for safe keeping or we will accept them at par j for depos it payable to you in like amount on HotyijitiH von to receive the interest as due. Our faclities for handling bonds cannot be surpassed.1. A bank is a semi public institution. A liircro nortion of its work is done without charge for the' service ren This bank recognizes its obli gation to ' the public and appreciates OF- the fact that as iti serves -it will. grow. . ; m m t t " A parsimonious policy tor a oanK is a . i ji : v. .I..' ...nil so tlie limit to accomodate its friends; and, customers. Just a lew items ioi- lows for which nf charge is made: Cashier's Checks' and Drafts issued i ..4.. .'i.tn,,r ,r,nrra Pvorlif Reports, Checks on out of town banks collected without! charge. Notes for customers collected ' without ' fee. Money transmitted by telegrams, P.nnanltation on anv bankincr or, trast matter without charge or fees of any kind. Do not feel timid about using this service. We?are here to serve vou and earnestlyrurge every person in Folk county tQsconsuii win us iree ly and feel that you are under no ob ligations for doing so. There are times when we need the aid and advice of a banker. Make a confident of yours t ; banker. A good banker never beirays the' confidence of his customer, j ,He will help him. The relation is not unlke Doctor and Patient or lawyer,1 and client. 1 have rented my farm for next year, which will compel nie to dispose of the following hogs: 9 Duroc Jersey pigs, : 8 weeks old. , i : .1 2 young brood sows, 8 months old, Poland China and Dnrbc crossed. ' . 1 very fine brood sow, 2 years old, Poland China and Duroc crossed. ' . These will be sold at popular prices. v G. H; S, TRYON, N. C. t JUST EGEIVED Peoples Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N. C. G. H. HOLM-:, Pres. W. F. LITTLE, Cash. v ran he Me . -- -;; - ' ' : M-nmMzm '- ... ' .i . - - 'j pa MFe Yqm Siye; . - ; ' . . - m In this time of high prices it is unusual that :f qi Jhave an opportunity to save money on your purchases. Hovevr we are in a position to give you some extra good values in dependable a: rnnncvv vlna nrires. Below are a few items for your consideration; , - " ... j , A fresh shipment of I Loose- Wiles Biscuit Co. and National Biscuit C6?s. .......... . , .- . , - - v-. ? Cakes and Crackers and pound raisin cake. . Two Perfection Oil Stoves for sale. .: 'rti ''-4 ' 'ih.J; hinjid;. t John Orr , Co, PHbnic No. 1 4 :3.fe Formerf Price ,l n 3 lb can Tomatoes. 3 lb can String Beans . .............. 3 lb can Okra and Tomatoes. .................. Naptha Washing Powder, old size.,. . .... . . Cottolene . . . ....... . . ... ......... . Franco-American Soup. . . . . . . i ........ . . . .. . .-. . ' Men's Shirts Men's Knit Undershirts. Men's Knit Drawers. . . . ..... ......... ..... Men's Overalls. ....J. x. ...... Men's Work Shirts : Ladies' Shoes, small sizes. Ladies' Shoes, small sizes. . . . . . ... ....... Ginghams . .. . ; . . .. . . - .25 .25 ii' .07i; - . 65 hi Mm .251-"' .25t ' " .50n ... 1.25 s .... 2.50-f 3.50 ..25 & .30)1. 1. 2, Sale Price : .20 .20 .20 .05 .50 . .08 .98 .79 .79 -1.89 .89 ,1.59 2.59 .20 This Bank is for Peope who Want to - Improve tlieirl financial Condition.- Will you let us serve jtou? A checking account is most convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual , com petency. We solicit vour account. ' ' CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNER H. B. LAKE President : 1 viee iresiacnis,. . vuicr .1 Q:a(tB ? St ft it o o For f ersTB iarBds or towrn perty If you buy only one of each of the above items you will save the sum of $4.34." If you buy more your saving is just that much jreater. It pays to trade at the store that saves you money. - r eMeir ompapy FOR EVERYTHING o W. T. LENDSEY,' Tryorn.; Si The TTT Tit! oaii I Tryori, North Carolina. 1 -sST. 1Z If taken at once. ... .... ,. . .; ' - . . . sc lerals. Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement (district. Store House and lot on Trade street. GEO. A. GASH, Agt.V NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTAl!HMFNT . INCOME TAX IS . - TRULY POPULAR. "The payment of Income taxes takes on a new significance which should be understood by every citizen. The taxation sys tem of this country is truly pop ular, of the people, by the peo ple and for the. people. Everj citizen is liable to tax, and the amount of" the tax Is graduated according to the. success and for- in availing himself of the oppor tunities created and preserved by our free institutions. The method and degree of the tax is determined by no' favored class, but by the representatives of the. people. The proceeds of the tax should be regarded as a national investment'-T-Daniel C. Roper, Commifjsioner of Internal Reye- the vs. ir North Carolina, Polk County, Tryon Township. - iBefore' Geo. A. Gash, Justice of Peace. '.. Tho John L. Jaskson Company Model Mill company. Tha defendant in the above enti- iA o.finr will take notice that pn Vohmarv. 1919. a summons m saw a was iu Justice of the Peace for Polk coving, six cents due it because of shortage of a J Ho macro to nOUr ana mcai j v.,, Ho-FtaTiria-nt. wnicn sum muua 10 xwy jz - -l - j Gash, Justice of the Feace, ac n.s j- iL Twn Tnxm shit). Polk County Mnrtb Carolina, on the 20 th day of m r . i -trim 4. 1A '.lnilr a m The defendant will also take notico that a warrant of attachment was is sued by said Justice oi uireacon it. 4QfU Agt nf "Pehruarv 1919. against the property of said defend- anv. wiucn wrxwu .r v: the time and place named for the re turn of the summons, when ana where the defendant is required to appear answer or demur to the complaint 'of the plaintiff, or the re lief demanded will be granted. This 18th day oi jpeDruary iyx. GEO Ar GASH, Justice of the Peace. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. Resolution and Certificate of Direc tors of the Jno. L.j Jackson ; - Comoany. The location of the prticipal office m this state is at iraaej street in tne town of-Tryon, county of Polk. The name of the agent theiein and in charge thereof, upon whom ' jirocess acainst this; corDoration ma be serv it ed, is JnoL.:Jackson.H r ' Wo. the undersismed. being a ma- inr-itv nf. th "Board of Di rotors of the Jno. L. Jackson . Company, do hereby rArtifv that at a meetine ' of said Board called for that f purpose, and "hoi A nn th 21st dav of iJanuarv 1919 A. D.. said Board by a majority of the whole Board did adont the following fort the fid Justice of the Peace at resolution: " ,T?F SOLVED &hat in the judgment of this Board iV-is advisable and most for the benefit: if the Jno. L. Jackson Company, that! the same should be forthwith dissolved; and to that end .. . 1 i ir ? i i . it is oraerea tnu a meeuug 01 wc stockholders be held on Wednesday, the fifth day of March, A. u. 1V19, at the office of the! company, in the town of Tryon, td take action upon this resolution; andfurther, that the sec retary forthwith give notice of said meeting and of the adoption of this resolution within ten days irom tms Aa hv tuihliKTiir the said resolution with a notice; of its adoption, 111 the Polk County .News, a newspaper pub in fW tftWn of- Trvon. for at least four weeks, nce a week, succes sively and by mailing a written or printed copy of the same to each and every stockholder of this Company m the united states. . - In witness whereof, wej have here unto set our haiycls arid afiixed the cor porate seal of said Company, this 31st day, of January, 1919. ; V ; ' " 'john L. Jackson, ' i ;;--A" ! B. Jackson. Attest: N. B. ilckson, Secretary. ; We are offering A SPECIAL Ci IIS SCHOLARSHIP with a discount of $10.00 on the cost of our regular Full Commerclat ,' Course. One of these Scholarships would be a gift of inestimable value. If you are interested for. yourself or for someone else, call or-write and let us give you details in regards to courses and. rates. . ' EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, 15 Haywood St. . ASHEVILLE, N. C, NOTICE. Polk County iKews, $2 a Year. Notice toEd Engle and G. R. Coop er and all other persons is ; hereby given that at a delinquent tax sale for the year 1917 the . undersigned pur chased nine acres of land in Saluda township, Polk county, N. C, listed for axes in the name of Ed Ingle arid a R. Conner for th vear 1917; Notice j s further given that unless ' redemp tion is made of said real estate on or Koforn th 6th dav of Mav 1919 I will Polk county, N. C. on -the 6th day xf Mav 19918, the undersigned This February 4th, 1919. . O. D GILBERT, Purchaser. - i " NOTtCfe, Riyer i Power -Co" and all sother?4Jer-; bio song. that' at.aidelinqtrent :tax?sale.in' b&zl Polk county, ,N. C the- undersigned &-.?iOh. Turrhflsd 1 fJO arrs n-f . InnVl in SiilTiHaMf Jnr township in said county, listed '.for, ; ' taxes m the name oi the Green .Kiver Power Co. Notice is- further-, given that unless redemption ; is made . of , - said real estate on or befpre tfie 6th ' . ;. day of May, 1919, 1 will apply to the , sheriff of Polk county for a deed to , -said real estate. ; ' - This the 4th day of February, 1919, -JOSEPH LEE Purchaser.

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