if POLK COUNTY 1H3T?S. TBYON, H. 0. "YotirNoseKnows The Encyclopaedia Britannica thy ' about the manufacture of smoking tobacco, " . . on the , Cofatinent and in America certain 'sauces are employed . . the me of the 'sauces9 is to improve the flavour and burning qualities , of the leaves." Your smoke-enjoyment de pends as much upon the Quality and kind of flavoring used as upon the Quality and aging of the tobacco. Tuxedotobaccousesthepurest, most wholesome and delicious of allflavorings-Aocoafe That flavoring, added to the finest of carefully aged and blended burley tobacco, produces Tuxedo the perfect tobacco "Your Nose Knows." Mr- . tiff ' Mffm us. ..'MM M MM Y ' : -r-'-" -rr-? UARAHTECDTOSATtSf U WVOUP MONEY BACK J t:;: Try ThU Test: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, pure fragrance will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall, on your judg ment 4 'Your IMose Knows' 4ft 'Tkt Perfect Tobacco for Pipe cad Cirelts ) Guaranteed IS the time to order Fertilizers if you want them. OR j ... - ' v.; ; n . . , , ft TWAOi, MARK REGISTERED P. S. ROYSTrR GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Baltimore ld. Toledo, O. Tarboro, N. G. Charlotte, N. C Columbia,, S. C. Sp4Vtanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Mapon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. EXECUTRIX NOTICE TO ; - , ITORS.. Halving qualified as executri, R, I estate of Fannie J. Rick X late of Polk county, North CJ this is to notify all persons ceased to exhibit them to the signed whose 'address is 208 TtSH Avenue, Charlotte, N. C, on or Ci tne l&tn aay ox -February, 1920 11 this notice will be pleaded in ba,' their recovery; a' All persons indebted to said m will please make' immediate nawS'S - MARY D OSB0RXE 1 NOTICE. To Jane Adams' and all other J sons; that at. a nn hnrmont i made on the 6th day of Mav ia the undersigned purchased onp wl uie xown ox oaiuaa, xm. u., listed f. uj. wane rt.uanij f the year : 1917. Notice is further i en that unless redemption is mmiM said real estate on or beforp J day of May; 1919, will apply u S DAIU This February 4th, 1919. ' J. L. HART, Purchaser, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO cfl 11UKS. Having qualified as executor nfl estate of James Staley, deceased, M of Polk county, North Carolina, M is to notify all persons having claS against the estate of said deceased! exhibit them to the undersigned, on before the 15th day of March, m or this notice will be pleaded in bar! their recovery. All persons indebted to said egtal will please make immediate paymM This the 31st day of January, lii WILLIAM A. CARSON, Administrator of James St&lcy. NOTICE. 1 A 5 l r An election was oraerea in sum-' View school district, Cooper G township) to be held on lMarch llti 1919, to submit to the voters the quel tion of special tax for said distrJ not to exceed 30 cents on $100.00 n nation of property, and 90 cent3 the poll according to petition fill rand recorded with the county com sion for the purpose of supplemental the school fund allowed said distrl by the county school board- W, I Helton was appointed registrar, uf D, P. Williams and N. E. Willias, judges. - I By order of the county commissis Feb. 3rd, 1919. F. M. BURGESS, ; - Clerk B. C. C i ji in j limp wim if V4? J.. J.B'M.'t1.1 .' J'WB'lw.i!1' 'J "IL't1 '. '.'"HHt - .S iru lu u vlu. iTM lit fl W la . nyy zn llj LLa 1S2 Acres 1 1-2' Mils . From Tryom M0 C. on National : Hlsfeway . r " If " .. , . . 5a 1 ' , :fv: (D" 111 1 r i i it i r -i i i f ii ii it ii ii i i i- i i i ill u u u wu ':,ifiw-i : '"u m tiie viu x. i. canenger iarm. iuu acres ot.tine bottom land, not subject to overflow, with proper farmine this land" will Dav for tm ftf i We hae sub-divided this farm into small tracts and every tract will.be sold on the ground for tES Jh Dollar No bv-bidS at our Lies, ferminl iVtelneilf-tllfineist-fa,rms for Daying or Stock. Raising we hav yet offered for sale, one ten-room dwSin? and EoM Lra ilLdv for stock 'wWtiitvA if 6A ri;TT;i uVr u ' 1UIWCBU ii ttiijifci unaujauce iu tL just wnai you want atvour own once, we nave it so divided that you can buy any amount, from fifteen acres to thejwhole farm. . ' - uyUL uwn Pri"r TA' 3 U U-NWsf l.-N' - vVV VV JJC (VI ffS. CORWfiN, OWN ER? r v sflQ