t v An' : he only Paper Published in . -i AND THE RYON; BEE -: i' -7 v VOL. XXIV- NO. 44 TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1919. .v $2.00 A-YEAH ... - " THINGS FARMERS SHOULD BE DOING. . . 0 nk. County Agent bams Uiscusses Many Problems of Interest to Everybody, in County. SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS. I have been -informe'l wthat .m some VT J 1 J-t -J i; Darts ol JNorwi cannula, traeung agents have been offering for sale to farmers, plans and' spectfications for bu;uing sweet potato storags houses and making the state.int that those i.hins have been endorsfi.l.bj the Gov-e-. r ment authoritie? No . plans ha?e thp endorsement of the U. S. Govern- ment except tne plans anu specmca- tions set ionn in Aipvernment pune tnns to' construct : sweet : potato stor tp houses from an agent when the Government offers you genuine plans and specifications -free? . Soldiers who volunteered for the period of the war, and those who were drafted into the army, and who; de sire to become fanri laborers or do farm labor, should make Tormal ap plication to their officers in charge, and the fathers of such sons should make known to such . authorities the need of such son at home. The, time of year is at hand for those who de sire to make a crop to get to work, as soon as possible. Of course no sol dier or father of a soldier should make such application except where the soldier intends to " enter the call ing of farming as a business. I have been informed that War Department has agreed to release soldiers imme diately on application . for bona fide agricultural purposes. t ' . Farmers, watch out for the meet ings advertised for . your townships tins which are iree to iarmers lor tne .,cv.wuus ue may ex- asking. Why should any farmer bu Pned m due time. .. When poultry ,u -rirht to use Dlans and snecifica- meetings are. advertised I want every meetings will deal with things wliich bore the attention of the farmers of are vital to your . best interest If the county, and arnve at some defi tiH i.Jtip enri nrWiii Bnards mte course '-of-procedarHThereaie. Vfcr the upbuildmsthtownndleiedto can, afford. to t refine urtiv nnf o f fttsiiin nrtraTiiT.P 1 miss these meeting's. - - not a township organize for the general upbuilding of the best interests of - the .township. ; 'A City Chamber of Commerce does its work for city improvements -through committees. Why not have a Town ship Board of Trade, Chamber. , of Commerce or, Farm Bureau, and op erate thrbugh committees. Echo an swers why not ? Then let the far- mers of every township in Polk coun- I ty meet at their respective places or meeting as advertised by posters, and effect such organizations. It can; be dnnp and mnst hp donp. Tn th'pse'or- I sranizations we must work .out a plan for. marketing farm products as well as Wter methods of greater produc tion; better schools; better roads; better social " conditions, etc. Don't allow important work or anything else keep you away from these "meet ings. Come. Think now about the price of cot ton next fall. You, everyone know that a small cotton crop brings the planter more cash . than a ' ."bumper" crop brings. v. This has been so and always will be so. Then why- not plan for a smaller crop-well select ed seed and well prepared and culti vated land to" insure- a ; small but cheaply made .cotton crop to go on a lively market at a well paying price. Then there will be time to prepare land and plant plenty of oats wheat, corn, Irish and sweet potatoes, -sor-shum cane for animal feed) and hu man food, "-vegetables fruit of all kinds, and gardens, which will insure the best and cheapest living, and leave the most surplus mpney in-the bank to your credit, at the end of the year. . ' : 1- The grass and clover sowing season is just now approaching The idea that erraas and clover will not grow m Polk county, I believe is welh nigh ffone. If there remain any "Doubt ing Thomases" r just c prepare some some good land; just ? such land as will grow good corn, odts and ': irish potatoes, turnips, etc., and see wheth er or not it will grow. Now I want to submit a nronosition ; and do it fvanlrlxr nU,.! Mwos onrl 1nr ver in Polk county. If any farmer in Polk countv desires to - grow 'grasses and clovers on his or her premises for either hay crops or permanent 'pas tures, and will let-me 'select the" land for such demonstration, and he or she w p w m win tollow my instructions and raj is, after faithful effort, then I 'will ad mit lhat if can't be .done. This' is putting the matter 1 strong, but no stronger than my, faithin Polk coun ty soil, air and sunshine, rain, etc,, necessary to make thes -things. . Now for a wind up clause of my remarks. I came to , Polk tounty through the purest and most holy . de-. " sire tt; join with the- fArn:ers , and bubincca ren, to mak! her not one of the best counties in the v State bi)t THE BEST COUNTY" in the State. I fully realize rayihability to accom plish anything without- the coopera tion of the people in the county as a whole. During? the' , last year-many farmers and business .men have jgiven me their' undivided-interest arid: help. But we.noi have entered ; a period i ..11 . -1 j man - ever hefftre- 'Jinrt- mv work thll I year will be largely -to develop the co- iwone iucii. iujf vy vi iv, w.is year win be with people, in groups and crowds. We 'will work , throueh meetiners and not through individuals. We have arranged for August a campaign for. poultry house construe tion in tbe county, and in each town ship at least one modern hen- house with: necessary fixtures will be built complete. - At these demonstrations we propose to have the. men, women and children bring their lunches,- their saws and hammers and have a real social A old time house raising, and let the man from Dr. Kaupp's Poultry Division lead in building the house, coop, etc., necessary to keep poultry in good', healthy layinrr condition. - The beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and Hogs will be 'dealt with along sim ilar lines as we get ready to take up these lines of live stock work. Pure bred poultry is our slogan for this year. Jfiverythmg will be fully man, - woman and child interested; to" come and aid in organizing forces that will bring results. e Respectfully,' I' J. R. SAMS, County Agent.; FARMER'S TOWNSHIP MEETING : The farmers in every township , of Polk county are asked to meet County Agent, J. R; Sams, and probably oth ers, at the following places and times Greens Creek, Greens Creek High School, Monday, March 10th, 1 o'clock p m. - - j : ; White Oak; s Mill Spring sbhopl. house, Wednesday March 12th, jl o'clock p m. " t ' 1- i Cooper Gap, Sunny View school House, Friday, March 14th, 1 o'clock p. m. - Tryon, Tryon High School 'building, Monday, March 17th, 1 o'clock p. m. Saluda, Friendship church, Wed nesday, March 19th, 1 o'clock: p. m. Columbus, . Court- House, Saturday March 22nd, 2 p. m. The purpose of these meetiners is to take up the various questions now I so many important thinirs to be con ters 'Of ereat importance to the wives and daughters of . farmers will be talked over. LTNN. "Owing to the inclemency of the weather, Rev. Griffith failed to fill his appointment to preach in the chapel, last- aunuay evening. ur. iTatt win nil his regular: ap- pomtment next Sunday, at 7:30 p. m. The hosiery mill has resumed op- erations, after about 10 days break- down. ; V -t . Asheville Seed Co's and field seeds at W. riety Store, Lynn, N. fresh garden A. Cannon Va- C. The seed for this climate. Miss Bertha Henderson, one of our teachers, was compelled to give up on account of illness of her, mother. She left her work very reluctantly. The patrons and children all- regretted to see Miss Henderson go. 1 vVIiss. Hattie ; Rhodes, of Melrose, has been employed by the, committee to fill out Miss Henderson's school. Don't forget next Tuesday and vote for the special school tax. n, The flag pole at the school house leans half mast. A little attention would not be out of order Mrs P. N. Hood was called to the bedside of her sick mother, in .Kriox ville. Tenn., one day last week. H. C. Rhodes, of Anderson, S. C; was in Lynn a few days this week. Dewitt V, Harrison Cannon, Jr., of Spartanburg, was visiting home folks last Sunday. John T. Panther has purchased him a horse. ' John is going to try his hand at farming. Hope he won't for get to plant some peas beans, pota toes, etc. , -, ; . . COMING SCHOOL ELECTIONS On Tuesday next there will be elec tions held in Lynn and Sunny View school" districts for the t purpose of voting on the proposition of levying additional taxes for the schools in these districts. Our Sunny View correspondent I nelre f Via nm' Turin tf fVta odltrr"nn t.blS matter. We have but one opinion and that is-that these additional taxes l t .-mm- ij should oe voted. Money spent ior educational nurnoses is the best in vestment on earth. . School fadilities m; Polk" county are exceedingly poor; our school terms are too short; - teachers r are not, paid enough. The only way to overcome these troubles is bv additional money; and 'the.-only, .'way to secure! this mon ey is bv increased taxation. Our cor- respondent intimates tnat people without children are fighting the idea. That is something new. Usually the Derson who fights a proposition ; of this kind is a man ; without any tax . . ' ' ' . X '11 . A -!1 'if- able property ana wun a oig iamny. We hone these .propositions "both carry Not to do so would be an in dication that- Polk countv was retro grading and not advancing.. If;: for no other reason than v county pride vote FOR the increased taxes. Prevention Rather. -Than Cure. To cure is as expensive as to pre 10SS, as wfu. 'iFR0HS0yR;FRIEIIDSi0lR?iE;"CBU!llfi: vt .-', .-. . : '-.iff- t 1 -r- Spin Item of General Interest Gathered By Our Correspondent From Vartons ' ; ' ' . - Sctinrof Polk .County: h',-- :' V. ' ': ' SALUDA. The , Methodist" Aid Society gave a Washington's birthday party on the eve of Feb. 22nd. Mr. Corwith and Mrs. Sweetland, pne of the teachers at the Seminary, personating the Father- of His Country - and his lady wife. Refreshments ,were served, and the evening passed in a very de lightful manner. About twenty dol- ars was realized from the contents of the bags provided to hold a penny for each year of those who attended. JMrs. ri. JJ. Jbane has returned irom a visit io irienas m nenaersonvine. Mr. Lane and daughter spent last Sunday with them, but returned ear lierr -. .::.v , " Mr. H. H. McKee returned to Sa luda after two months spent in visit ing friends in various parts of the South. Mrsj McKee was preventd from returning with'him by the ill ness of her sister, in Savannah, but will join him later, as her sister is now better. : .i '-;--'-: Dr. E." M. Salley took a patient to Asheville to be treated: for rheumatism..:;:-.. . ' ' The families of Mr. Cullipher and Mr. M. H. Pace, have been sick with the flu, m a mild form, but are im proving. ; The money the Red Cross was try ing to raise in Saluda last week was for the work of the ourig -Women's Christian Association in this country. Mrs. Nettles haying -charge of the drive in this county. . The Gilbreath brothers are building a small cottage on what is known as Louisiana Avenue", a road leading out towards Overbrook Orchard. - Mr. Dan Pace has bought a cottage formerly tbelonging( to Mr. O. B. Gar- ren,T ana . nis xamiiv are now, . living there. . . . . . - Miss Mitchell has returned to Sa luda after quite a long time spent in visiting friends, and now stopping with.JViiss.vvncox - Mr.- Richmond Hart and Mr. Loys Ward are ; visitine their Darents - nut ifTiiiipisJyiTeturn. to-their, .duties-ijj.. the? near future. , : Mr. P. H. Bailey has. come back from "his Northern trip, and says the stock for the new store is now .on the way and they expect to be ready for business about the last of March. COLUMBUS. ; Mr. John R. ' Burgess, of ' Dayidson College spent a few days at home this week. s v '-. Mrs. Laughter, of Lynn, returned home, after an extended visit with her daughter, .Mrs. Smith," near Co- lumbus Mr. J. W. Newman has returned from a visit to his son, Austin, who has been dangerously ill at the Gov ernment hospital, at Charleston S. C. but is now improving. - Mrs. Lindsey Smith and mother spent Friday at the- home of Mrs. John. R. Smith, near Columbus. Messrs. Ezra Constance and Koy West have opened a garage at Lan drum, S. C. ' Misses Odessa Mills and Oilier- Nix spnt the week-end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Mills. Rev. and Mrs. Jones, of Tryon, were here, Sunday. Rev Jones filled his regular appointment at the - Bap tist church, and four , members were received by letter. Mr. Walker ; Arledge and family were visitors m town, Sunday. JMrs. McFariand spent Sunday in Tryon. , . .' . ; ; We had a larger attendance- at Sunday school last Sunday than we have had m over a year. uome on, let's every' person in Columbus be in Sunday school by the first of April; Don t forget the operetta to be given at the Stearns High School aur ditorium, Friday- evening at 8 o'clock. Everybody come. Miss Eula Jackson, of the Stearns High School, spent the--week-end. at home The young people ' of Columbus spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. L. L. Tallant. .on March first. On account of bad wather the Polk rnnnt.v Teachers' meetincr si&six nost- I J I l The Women's Betterment Associa tion will meet at the Stearns Hieh I . : . . - . School, auditorium on .Friday, March 7, 1919. Every member is expected to be present, as this is a very impor tant meeting. i Mliss Nell Constance , spent the yreek-end with her parents; i Miss Gladys Smith returned to her school at Melvin Hill, Sunday. : y. " ; , 0- 4 ' MILL SPRING. Misses Bertha Dalton- and-; Letha Barber arid Messrs. Jlay Edwards and Geo. Barber attended services at Leb anon, Sunday. . . - - Messrs J, H. Gibbs arid - Nesbit Walker attended the. sale at Spartan burg Friday. x ' . .A crowd of youngsters gave. Miss Gladys Gibbs a surprise .party, Sat urday night. - - , Mrs. Walter McCurry isv visiting her-brother, Ed. Jones.; . Ray Walker was the guest of; Gor don and George Gibbs, Sunday. Misses Carrie, and Jennie Barber arid Mabel ,Pack. were the quests Masses ,Mollie aji& Eva Egerton,, Sun day afternoon, ' jj ' , - Misses Annief Lee and Gladys Gibbs of Nacoochee l4titute, . Georgia,' ar rived i hom lasllj I week. This- school has closed on -account of flu. S Choiif practick'at White Oak every Sunday af terno at 3 o'clock. Mr;;- Lionel Bxjsco was a. business caller: at Coiumbus, .Saturday. r , - MTsses.LethaJ arber , and Bertha Dalton. spent -Thirsday nnight at Mr. Thaddeus Barbels; - v.- ;. rrV.o " .. MILL" "SPRING ROUTE 1. Rey.jE. L. Shon filled4his regu lar appointment it Lebanon; Sunday. Mrs Otho.om"ack v .visited., her husband here - Saturday and Sunday, returning to herJwork' Monday. ' Mr Bert :Edwsrds visited at Fr M. Burgees': at Colynbus, ' Thursday "and Friday. ' - '$ J . ..' -. ; Mrs; Lulu" Ogl$ was!a caller at Mrs. A. Al Edwards',rSaturday. - Messrs. 'Tom lYomack and W. E. Elliott made a' ip to Spartanburg,-, Friday, , r - " . . Mr. Dewitt Oclell is building a nev house.- ii-i : F. M. Burgesj and W. B.' Arledge, of Columbus, tid - 'Frank Jackson spent the night? it A. A. Edwards'. 1 . One nightj last week quite a -game of music was ma$feT by'Mr.' A;;F. Cor bin and Mr. Edwa4s, with. the banjo and mandola. I t - Mr A. F.Xorliin left from Route 1 Friday, and will &egin his -work at an other icommunityi We haven't heard where We wisii him good luck. ' ' The! farmers I are getting discour aged. So muchl"ain they can't? get to plow.-5;- -r - ill - - , ' . A. ' A. Edwartas fimshed gathering his corn last wefjsk. ' He will probably gather two cropithis year,t Messrs. Georc)e carber, Kay Ja wards and Misses Letha Barber and BerthaL Dalton Jtttended services at Ubaaon, Sunday and, were guests of Mcft ;M ltt a n: '-nnrMa mW'it. 1" r-. 1 - 7 ' the afternoon. t 4 i -o- . MILL SPRING ROUTE 2., . U r " Rev. B. Jackfibn filled his regular. appointment at tCooper Gap Sunday. Mr. H M. Gilbert made, a business trip to Landrumij, S. C, Friday last. Mrs. Fred. Gthbs spent Saturday night with her toother, Mrs. D. P nr-..; ... . Rev. W. R. Gareen delivered a good sermon at Big Juevel, last Sunday. Mrs A.' H. Lirnch and Mrs. Aden Whiteside were;'Msitors on the route Sunday. U Messrs. P. Dl. Williams " and Mc Guimv made - a fjjasiness trip to "Spar tanburg, s. (J., fne day -last week. . Mr. Pink Brown left-for Tennessee one day last wteK. nis iamny wii "go later. -If . Mr. F, K. Co&gm . has been very busy for the pst week putting up dwelling for MM. Dewitt Udell, on Route 1. . Miss Minnie Kuppe spent last Sun day with Mrs. lames Bradley. A large crowxj attended services at Cooper Gap last Sunday. We hope they will hold ftut after the school election is overM j. - lvir. ana mrsjr. ft., wggm vioncu at Mr. A". J. Dnnsdale's, on last Sun day. vM-:-;--:; Some of thm boys "over there- write back thafii&hey wish they .could be here tovoti for tyie schooVtax to help build up tjleir country. Hurrah for feood schools and good roads.'.. - 'ill ' SUNY VIEW. Rev. N L. -Wright will i be at Cooper Gap onmext Sunday,., at 6 o'clock p. m. Mope, to have a large ihgregation. Mr. J. C. Whiteside, of Peandge, mat'e a splendid, speecn at tne suiuui house, tjatui da afternoon, on school alaiis. ComeiJjL.am. - Mr. Frank. Millls lelt last week,v for an indefinite stuy. Mr. Aden .Crreen was. a caller at Sunnv View. Saturday evening. : Mr. J. R. Sums will be at Sunny ViVw March Uth. at 1 o'lock. We hope all f armors : will be , present Let Mr. Sams know you are interest ed in farrriinii v Private Badge Haynes, of Camp Lee, Va.,' haslbeen , ho.nora'bly dis charged, and i?visiting relatives here. Several from . here attended tne birthday par -atMr. J. H. Gibbs' and report a Splendid time.' Mr. Willie Mills has returned nome from Valley Flls, S. C. Misses ijonjano uia juaugnter ie turned home 'from Great 'Falls, - S. C. Miss Lizzie Williams was the Pleas ant guest of Miss Annie Wilson, , Sun day last. 'V Mr. Jamel Bright, of Ellenboro, f oUa liUfHroe in this, sertion N. C, 1 o ct urodlr fit Mr. T. P. Bybwn is visiting in Mor- ristownTennpt-S -, Sheriff Fraj-kf Jadfson was in this section 'a fkw j days ago. . Private &rThenTL... Wilson who is with" the arml of occupation,' in Ger many reDorts?he will sail for the States. in Aprih 'Let's give the boys a warm welcome. Last Saturday was the last day for reeristerinfr: 1' We hope that" each one will decidai and vote for the spec of school tajthen our district will ack on account of a few cents td3 We want, good teachers and ; good schools, and we don't . thank the - man. who hasn't any: children v to - work against our school. Mt Editor what do you think of this? , ' , -". MOUNTAIN VIEW. MrL- B. McGraw made a business trip to Spartanburg, last week, ' . Mr. Martin "McGraw is very ; ill. at present ; sufFdring . with asthma. Hope he will soon recover. , , Rev Charles Walker ; filled his ap pointment at Bright's Creek last Sun day. Mrs. L. B. McGraw. and children spent Sunday night with f Mrs. Mc Graw. Sorry ,to say; Mrs. McGraw is very feeble - - ; E Mr. H. H. McCram has gone on a business trip to . Spartanburg. :- Mr. Isaac Arledge and wife, of Silver Creek, -visited Mr. McMurray, his father-in-law last week. PEARIDGE. Misses Mollie :; Dalton . and Ruth Green, of Brevard v school, ... visited home folks last week, " returning Tuesday. . Miss Iva Gosnell has returned home after a :vTsit of several weeks ' with relatives ' - The little three months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Beed'i-vrse died Mon day of pneumonia, -and was buried at the Byrse cemetery, Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs..E.B."-Edwards ,and family visited at: Mr. J. -B. Dalton's; Sunday. . -; - Mrs. J. T, Waldrop spent, Monday with Mrs. J. T., Green.-.-'-' Grover--Thompson spent Saturday night with his' brother, .Jolmie Thompson. : " . ' " Mrs. John Foy spent Sunday - with her son,-Harley Foy.- . ' - - ' , f 0 ,v -. - : SILVER QREEK. : , Mr. E.;B. Buckner and family have moved to the J.. S. Hill farm near Sil ver Creek. - r . - ; ' - Mr C." R. .-Bradley has received his discharge and is now at home. ; 1 "; ; ..Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Spla'wn and baby, Jesse, Jr., were guests at H.?P, Arle'dge's last -week." " : - " T .cvMj andllrs J.:;R.- Williams were; Whrtney WiSams returSoH wmtney vv imams, returned i son," home from New "Jersey, where he has been m camp several months. s.!.- ' s Mr. Frank Green spent last week' end at Warrior Mountain. ' Mrs" Horace Arledge was the guest of Mrs. Charity Williams, last week Mr.' Dave Thompson is very ill at this writing. Miss Arkansas Arledge, of Stearns High School, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Arledge Mr. Charley Edwards is visiting relatives here. -M,sssrs. Jeter Bradley and Harley Arledgg attended church at Brights Creek, last Sunday. f Mr. Joe Jackson, was happily mar ried on last Monday, to Miss Laura Mitchell, of Rutherford county. ; -o- IIILLCREST. Mr. N-. E - Shehan and family are recovering from' a wholesale attack of measles. There was a surprise wedding at Mr. D. M. Houser's Sunday, when Mr. Andrew Cole, one of Uncle Sam's erstwhile soldiers, and Miss Bostic, were quietly married. It is to be hoped, that our farmers will attend the organization meeting at Green's Creek High School, next Monday. It is a case of "United we stand." Rev. R. N. Hunter and little son are gradually improving. The outstanding ieature 01 lhings As They Are" in our part of the county: is Mud. Homekeeping hearts are most sensible, if , not ' happiest and home keeping cares find prudence far the better part of valor.; - 'i ' Our community was " shocked - and sadderied, Tuesday morning, by.-: the death- of Mrs. Hunter, wife , of the principal of Hillcrest Institute. - Mtrs. Hunter Tiad, been sick only a few days. The flu.' he same old "fetory, pneumonia after Mr. Hunter and his little son are very 11 -?now.v Mrs.' Hunter's !body was taken' to Charlotte for burial. She was a lovely woman and was al ready well loved here, though she ; had come to us late m December. FISHTOP, Did I enclose too much news 1 last week and it burst and lost out on the way ; 1 nptiee tnat it aia not; reucn the readers of the NEWS. James Jones and wife, of Upward, risited the latter's brother, T. E. Pace, last week. . - v Mrs. "Martha Jones, of Lynn, visit ed "relatives ad friends hefe. B. F. Pace visited his brother, T. E. Pace, last wek. - v . ' Two earthquake shocks ' were - felt here Thursday night. - ' Govan Constant 'is moving to the Bunyan Bradley place. : ' The Western North Carolina Times informs us, that Malcolm Hyder and Lafayette ' Stepp who live just-over Hhe Polk county line, near here, met last Wednesday night somewhere in the Hunerv' section and eot into an affray, and Hyder shot Stepp three times in the necksTiduldet and in the foot. Hvder had not' been taken. 7 T. E. Pace has been on the sick list with flu and complications for about three weeks, and has been - - very ' ill, but is now much better, we. hope, is out of dangr. - . . v; - ' - : - be permanent. : Don't stand MnLE;m: POLK cooiiiy. An, Expert Predicts Bright fFu ..ture For Us in That line of Successful . Farming,' COMING CATTLE COUNTRY. Owing to the, terrible conditions" of the roac is the .crowd at Columbus. Monday last to hear Mr. Sloss deliver his talk on Beef Cattle was small, but -what it lacked inv numbers it sure made up in - enthusiasm and some- real . tangible results -were to be seen. -, ' ' Mr., Sloss V; soon demonstrated to-: those -present that , he knew what he , was talking iaboutTandt imparted much valuable ; informatinn. He dwelt , along the lines of rWThat was 'necessary v to build up a" good herd' of beef cattle, and how to do it; explained the dan- gers of ; cross breeding beef ; type 1 of Lcattle with a dairy type;, told of what' breeds were : best adapted to; - Polk county. Also told, our : farmers that ; they were not yet ready for cattle and , would not be 4 until Tthey first es tablished a " sufficiency of pasturage; but ' also reminded them how . easily that could be, done in Polk county. 'A practical demonstration' of r; that fact was kept before them by, big bunches ' ; 01 nne grasses taken from. -fields. ; in. Polk county. At the closeof the, talk ' several farmers gave Mr. ; Sams or-' ders for grass- seedr thus showmg that , the long and earnest, labors of Mr. bams in that direction : were srome-to bear : f ruit., Quite anumber reported . that they were" going to ' put in : pas- ; . tures this year. - . - -We had the pleasure of an extend ed conversation; with . Mr. . Sloss t after he: arrived in Tryon on, his way to Asheville, and. found r him veiy en thusiastic over the outlook of ""this section as a future cattle v country, said ne : "Mr.. Copeland, the day is not far distant when you will see at- . tie, buyers, from the. North and .West coming into Polk ' county 1 after; ..car v loads of. cattle, and what is best,Hhey, ; will be-able to secure them here. If : there ;everi was a 4 section of ' country ' owatdTtthe rafslft Idf puf e; bred . tirofitahU rattle -t.m 'Pnllrnnn. and profitable cattle,: it is Polk coun ty., You have the vater,Hhe'climate, and can easily have the very finest of RAISING pastures. .All that is needed is" the , ' ' -' pasturage. I want1 you to plead -with 1 . ' :V ' the farmers of Polk countjr. td refrain 1 ' from making the mistakes s that so " '- ' . many farmers make when '' they :- go-1 into cattle raising by crossing breeds . For Polk- county what is needed and ; ' -1 v what will thrive, is the v shore' 'horn" ' breed. I do not ask, nor would it be - - -, J. advisable for your farmers to . dispose1 '- .s. .- of heir few cows they now" own?4 but buy a good pure bred bull' and pro- ; . ceed to raise standard bred 'animals first. The pure bred will 'follow;' But ' abote all, things do not cross beef ;and dairy breeds, tsy the way, - do ,: you know there ' is no such ' thing as - thoroughbred" cattle? That is an' English word and applies. -only to a breed of horses m England known as thoroughbreds. In; referring "o" cat- )' tie or arty n other, animal the term "pure bred" and not "thordughbred" ' should be -sued. So . thoroughly do I !; believe in this section that I am going' to buy a farm" and locate I' one 'who : thoroughly knows : his ' business,' on that- farm, and proceed to raise ' pure bred ; cattle, r Your - 'people1-'; will yet awake to the realization of the nat- ' ural advantages possessed by your -county for the raising 1 of. pure bred cattle." ' Aunt' Lizer Jackson, as she was called, died; last week. x She- lived by herself and was found dead- on the ; floor. She -was 80 years of age and , was born and lived on the same place all her life. 1 She leaves only v a . few. grandchildren and many friends to. mourn her loss. x : Now about tjh county home; We are inf ormed'-that the-? county- 'owns land, near Columbus for that: purpose. Is-it-so ? If it is;- then ; building a home for our unfortunate ones would not-cost so much. "Let's have " the home. - ' " . , Herbert Pace and wife -visited the latter's father, T. E. Pace, one: day week. - -' . SALE C(F MRS' CORWIN'S PR0P- ERTY '" . -V : 4 ' j . f.. J . f '; :. Owing to threatening - weather andt's the wretched condition of our-public4 ' roads; the sale of Mrsv Corwin'g farm. -property,' last ' Monday, ; at v auction, was not as largely attended as itv . would otherwise have been. The land was divided into six tracts and sold as -follows: : " Tract No. 21 acres, to s J. . -W. Edwards at $79.00 per acre. J'.-Tract No. 2, 19 acres to Wrght Rollins at $149.00 per acre. . '. Tract No. 3, 33 acres, to Wm. Wii-' son, -at $180.00. per acre. . u - Tract No. 4; 18 acres, to J. Caritrell and C. Ballenger at $151.00 per acre." :'' " - : : . v- Tract No 5 34 acres, to Wni. Wil son, at $86.00 per acre.' - -r-". . : ri: ; -There being no bid on tract No. 45 V! it was not sold. - '. f - . -- .. Slipper Styles.' ; . J -hi In tht east, as a general rtile, Tcrfcs wear yellow slippers, Araciiza and Zeiv9 blue .' ; - ',7 , ' 'if i ''ft- X T S V -