POLK COUNTY NEWS. TRYON; N. C. 13TH. BEBIll 1 ' ' ' V 1 HAVING WON UNDYING FAME IN FOUR SHORT MONTHS THE 80YS COME HOME. - UNDER THE ARCH OF VICTORY Record of Regiment Proves It d(orthy of AH Honors America and North Carolina Can . Bestow. Pressure For Quick Action. , Swamped by lettersand telegrams asking him to appoint "anywhere from 10 to 25 members of . $he .North. Caro lina' highway commission, Gbtcnipr Btckett who I had meant-tottake-, his: time in selecting four imeh to direct the $22,800,000 road , project - written last week uto law, may be driven to make his appointment earlier ;ihi self defense. :';. -y : ;;:'vl' v: The name most" persistently offered is that of ( Henry Branson Varner. good roads ou g for 10 years ind " pub lisher of the only turnpike magazine south of New Yprk or east of Chicago. Mr. Varner .is chairman j of Governor Bickett's rison, ;too, but he is Srst. last and ail; the timeTarroad'.enthusij ast" He- has m6re indorsemenfsT than any -man in 'the. state;::-r:vl;':' '. The positions are more sought than any public station filled by -Governor Bickett since he began the governing business. The west the "center, and the-east have their "peculiar geograph ical appeal. Then there fs a jmember-at-large. The members . receive for their actual work a per diem of $10 and expenses. .The chairman of the commission wondl draw a wage of $5.-; 500 and expenses. . : : i : BEAUFORT GOUtllY - - w - ' 1 1 ' , - ' , f"r. T-- ' . " . -. ' . J -- 1 - r : - i ISSUE OF BRIGHT PROSPECTS AHEAD YELLOW PERIL IN iMliOYED CMFOEfl IMTtuNATIOIt AL Contract for a New -Street Railway 'System Has Just Been Signed by the CityJof Fayetteville. ; OOND $1,000,000- V ILL: BE -SUBMITTED TO VOTE 7 ' OF THE. . PEOPLE.- '..'-' t Newport News, Va. (Special.) Hav ing won in four short but terrible months of warfare, undying fame through its operations with' each of the three American armies in France, materially assisting in blasting out ihe break of the , Kremheild line, the 11 3th fipld artillerv is rfiatiri? in an American camp, joyous in the thoupht Washington that a few days hence they will be again among those they left behind when they sailed from. New x York last .May 26. ' . ': : . ' ' V "v j ' After a troubled night's rest on the Santa Teresa which brought the regi ment here from France the boys came ashore. ' i.. Battery after battery passed up the gangway, each man receiving a cake of chocolate, a doughnut , and a: Hrge package of cigarettes, but they never looked up and , the redness ol their faces hardly all could have been at tributed to the chill of the morning. Tramp, tramp, in thunder of sound they traversed the pie and into the street, with Old Glory and the regimental colors fluttering in the brisk breeze. Tramping with the bearing of victorious heroes, they of the khaki line marched. , under the arch of victory, nearly completed .by the North Carolina, citizens of this town and theirN neighbors. , It was fit ting that a unit of .the .Thirtieth divi sion should be the first to pass under this massive and artistic work of ma sonry and the record of this crack unit justifies the assertion that it is worthy of all and more of. the honors that America and North Carolina " can bestow. Fayetteville. - The Fayetteville 'Chamber of Commerce tat its annual meeting paused to . review the most prosperous 12 months in its history, and looked forward to the most prom ising year that has ever awaited Fay etteville. The "repqrts of the various officers'and directors showed progress 'everywhere. n. Two very substantial instances of .thisj kind ' were brought v out .wheh Mayor -J; J D. McNeill, reporting for the ' conventions, , entertainment and '.Street , railways committee, told of the signing of papers that" day with Ta Richmond capitalist, who is to build Washington. N. C One of the most 1 a street railway through the principal ATTENTION OF JAPANESE - IS " r- . . . . , .f f f CALLED TO OUR ATTITUDE. ON ALIEN LAND HOLDING.' DATE OF ELECT ON APRIL 20 Office of States and Federal Govern i - ment to Assist is Accepted By the ; i ' 5 Board of County Commis'rs. '' ONE MJLtiON ACRES - SOUGHT No Land Sales, to Foreigners .Which Might Be Used for Military or ' Naval Purposes Favored. One Bureau to Be Retained. " ' (Special). "Mainte nance of ; more -employment bureaus than the 56 determined upon when; the federal employment service was oraerea reaucea oecause ot - me - iacK of funds will be made possibly by co operation of volunteer workers. Di rector General Densmore .said. Hp explained heads of many of the stat? organizations had offered tq continue at - nominal salaries and their clerical staffs had arranged to conduct their work during spare hours. fThe cities in which the federal em ployment service w'lV continue its bu reaus after Mirch 22 include Raleigh. N. C, Columbia, S. C. Richmond and Norfolk. Va. 1 Washington. As a'. 'result' of tele- grams from Senator Phelan, of Cali- f ornia, . giving information. of a pro posal, by Japanese 'interests to acquire a large tract of land in Lower Cali fornia owned by Americans, the state mahentroads throughout the county, fiaS "Ug nWr department has called the attention -;kA J ibuHdingof a 'woodworking, plant, and . , --. streets of Fayetteville, to the Cape .Fear river and to Camp Bragg, and when n.U.. Saridlin, head of the di- yp in snoiai W,in -9nH aiifl,i fP '' Ol i WBOiesaw ana mausinai av Ian, -election- to vote on a million-doUar :rno' M" important meetings ever - held by any set' of officials inTBeaufdrt county was held when, the county, commissioner j bond issue for the construction of Peri Jacksoii thers Lumber.Com i o a k . k A,.w : Pan which has bought land .for th The date for the! election was i fixed Ur; 71"' -of the ownine cornoraUon. the Cali- securea me passage or ordinances at-1 - - . - - - - for April. 29.. The commissioners also decided to accept the proposition of fered by' the State and Government for assisting in road building, agree ing to put up one-fourth of the amount required to secure federal aid. They also donated $500 to be used on the celebration which.- it is planned to give Beaufort county boys who have been in the service upon the return of Battery B of the s113th Field Artil lery. t:r'-- lowing the building-of spur. tracks to fornia-Mexico Land Company, of Los the. site and the opening of two new 'Angeles, to the attitude of the United In ' Egypt.' Israel was to be the' relig- CBy RFTV, P." BrFITZWATKiy D DL. Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible .Institute of .Chicago.) Cop.vrijtht. t. Wesirn Newspaper 't'Bion.l LESSON FOR MARCH 30 review. ' v GOO'S HAND IN A NATION'S LIFE SELECTION FOR READING John Z4: GOLDEN ' TEXT Righteousness exalt- " eth a nation; but sin Is a -reproach to any. ' people Proverbs 14 :24. ' PRIMARY TO PIC How God led fa$ leading ' v "...' ' ;t - INTERMEDIATE TOPIC--Evidence 4of , God'a guidance. ,:B, .! ,st,'-. - ,iV.- Since Israel was a theocratlcbation,' ,;' 1 m. a.t L L 1.' ' ' . m . . f ' be to trace God's hand In that nation's -'- life. Israel' was led,. fed. clothed and., disciplined by God. . r -, J fl , ? -Lesson I. God's hand Is clearly dls- 'j cernibie in the experiences of Israel - 1 streets in the southeastern part of the city, , hy which $thv: property will h reached. The company will employ 700 hands here. v Greensboro-New Bern Road. : . ". Completion of the hard-surfaced road from New Bern, to Greensboro, "provided the . matter, - is pushed enough," by , the end .of the coming summer, was prophesied yesterday by Mr. W: S. Fallis.' engineer of " the North Carolina , Highway: Commission Work in Alamance . county is al ready under .way Mr. Fallis announc ed, and plans are, completed for the road in Durham, Orange, and Wake Amendments to Constitution. . No legislative act was considered more "thoroughly by the General As sembly than Governor Doughton's pro posed amendment to the State consti tution. It was gone over In detail at hearings before both the house and senate finance, committees and was discussed at length on both floors of the legislature. It now goes to the people for consideration with the pre diction from wise public leaders that it will be adopted. 5 Two amendments are embodied in the bill, one being to change the con stitution as to taxihg incomes and the other lowering the neriod of residence to one year in the State as a requisitg for voting. 1 1 1 . Ex-Soldier Caught Blockading. " Statesville. E. J. Cain, a young soldier recently discharged from the military service, giving- his home as the northern part of this county, was arrested by Police Officers Gilbert and M ills. He was caught in the act of measuring up a lot of blind tiger liquor. The officers had gone to the home of Charlie Allison, colored,! to search his premises for some articles recently stolen here. Allison was un der suspicion of having received them. The officers not suspecting anything unusual, walked into the home of the negro and found Cain and the colored man in possession of four gallons of .whiskey. Cain was H arrested and tried Saturday night and released on bail of $200. His team consisting of a horse and buggy were seized by the officers and it together with the whis key was turned over to the county; authorities. - . More TQbaccoWarehouies. i Sanford. -A second tobacco ware house company has been organized to erect a warehouse ior the coming sea son m samora. The stockholders held their first meeting last nigh't in " the Commercial club rooms and elected the following directors: H. A. Palmer, J. W; Cun ningham. J. E. Brinn.. K. L. Baldwin, J. E. Walker, M. C. Reeves and Geo L. Stone, who met and elected J. W. Cunningham. r president, and ; -: J. E. Brinn. secretary. The directors also appointed a committee to secure char ter, select lot and " erect a building, work to begin within SO days if pos sible. ; ' v.- - --iV-- Thi outlook for a larse -tobacco crop in Lee. county this year as good TTrtAnsivi nrenarations . have been made in the way; of plant beds. Be tween 40 and 50 tobacco farmers have moved into the connty this year and have already made . arrangements for crons. It is expected that there will be more, than two million pounds put on the Sanford market this fall. States government toward such sales of 'property" which 'might be used for military or naval purposes. ; ? - - It was said at the state department ;the land in question was' reported to' comprise nearly a million .across .-The use, to which the prospective, purchas ers prqpose . to, put it ',is not .known here... . i. .- : ..;'' : . , Documents indicating the , attitude of the government to which the ,de: partment called the Los Angeles ocm- pany's attention included the Lodge resolution in the 62nd Congress, and a message by President Taf t. .? . The Lodge resolution : declares the sales of property by Americans to any nation which might use the site as a base to threaten the united States could hot be" seen without grave concern by the government of the United States." The 1 message of President Taft I transmitted a k report by Secretary Knox in response' to a senate resolution, and conveyed cor respondence" bet ween the off ice of the secretary of state and' a New York lawyer who represented a Japanese syndicate which sought to purchase land on Magdaleria' bay. ; ' SITUATION IN EGYPT r IS DISTINCTLY GRAVE f Fair of the Carolinaa. New Type of Road. Charlotte The Mecklenburg cottn- ty commissioners have under consid- tlm is distinctly grave, a Reuter' r.harlhtte The directors of the eration a new type Ot aspnauic roa. Mtny frftTT, rnim sav- General ------- . i - - , - . . - Uivv. " a " J ' Fair of the Carollnas decided' to hold -: with the view of using it on the nign- ienby. the ' commander: in; Palestine. a fair here duriner nrobablv the second wavs of this county. , ' - wm raorh.irn Tnesdav. The larpe week in next October. The meeting The' advantage of the road was forCes of troons already in. Egypt are I out food." 1 God sent them 'manna and inails The manna' did not fail them LondbnThe' situation m Eevnt- is becoming worse 'and- at the-resent dis- a Twitoh from Cairo savsi General ai- North Carolina Casualties. The following list of casualties - CT&r- seas among North Carolina troops was was called for the nurpofie of electing pointed out to be that little rock will beingreinforced lous ' teacher of - the world, therefore the nation must sojourn in Egypt, the v most advanced in learning of any' na-: tion at that? time. ' In order that'Mosea the great 'lawgiver might be equipped with the best possible education God used Pharaoh to oppress tlie people. ; This oppression serted;a threefold ur- pose J (1) ' It served' the testimony' to -the Egyptian nation that the living God was the God of Israel. -The more they ; , oppressed them,' the more they multi-" ' plied. (2) It served a beneficent' pur pose In bringing the nation Into its ', own. It , required the crucible of , suf ' fering to bring humanity into its own.' ' - (3)' It made the nation willing to leaved Egypt and go to Canaan, the promised land. ?r Had not the' hand bfbppressiotf " -oeen . upon them s they would have ' chosen to remain in -Gosheh ..'. . v Lesson II. When Israel was ready to'.' go to Canaan God had' a' leader ready, . for i the difficult task. - His parentage, v education at his mother's knee and mt lharaoh's ? coui't; and comnranicatlon with God- in . the desert- of iAlidian had equipped him forlthls.wark.C! y. Lesson III. Though enslaved, by a powerful nation, God' undertook free- ' dom for Israel, . and by ten ; telling . strokes the plagues he tore " the shackles from their hands and set them -free. The Pnssover is a meniorialof r that blessed deliarerance. . - ' Lesson I V. God "opened the Bed sea and made a path of safety for Israel to cross, : but overwhelmed" Pharabli ' ahd his hbstsnn the seaf J, s " W , " . esib'V'IsHerh'ittel when they faced the wilderness wit- recently made public by the War De partment at Washington: " Killed in Action Privates Jenkins v ,u." Fennell. Ivanhoe: R. L. BlackWell. ceived informal applications from all the counties but one in the New Bern Greensborb route to take advantage of the Federal aid this season. The one excepted county, Lenoir, is push ing a $2,000,000 bond issue, so Js sure to.be in with the, rest ,' : ,: : In the four counties mentioned 17 miles of pavement are to be-built 'in Orange, 10 to 12 in Durham, the same, in Wake and 25 in - Johnston. . Ala mance has 13.4 miles to do. - - "The road can be built this summer if the matter is" pushed," said Mr. Fal lis. " , ' ' - This is a Federal aid road, which means that the county will, pay one fourth of the cost the" jState one fourth and the - Federal government . the remaining half. " - i. ' No Need to Forward Papers . Washington (Special). Regulations Mill, previously . reported Hurdles - missing: , Died of Wounds Corp. W. A. Davis Seaboard, previir.:sly reported miss ing ..-- : ,r'--. ;' . ..... Died of Disease Corp. Richard E. Adams, Asheville: Privates J. E. Lew Is, Morven ; Harry Owens,' Garlan d : Rov A. Summer. Dallas; James Til lerv. Halifax: Charles Vaughan. Coal field: vRoger Williams Wade: Sergt M. Clark Johnson. , W'nston-Salemv Privates F.': E. Soivey, Maggie ; D. G Britton, Rich Sou re : ." Artfe ' Fllis Huntersyille; W. M. Hrwood, Wav -rville; L. L. Ausbon, RobersonvUle ; Robert Gallis. Aurora; Rob t. Vaughan, Murfreesboro. Died of Accident Private T. G Hut Alert . - : ' S?ck Hospital P"ivte Robt. L Ross. xGsoti. rrevonly repartee missmg;, E. Powftll. White Oak, previ ouW reporting In officers for the ensuing year and for discussing , plans by. which the fair next fall would be operated A conference with the directors of the Charlotte Merchant's association will be requested by the fair associa tion directors for the purpose of dls: cussing with the merchants the mat ter of securing their Qo-operatioh in holding the fair. r ' be reouired. Unless some preparation a lrge number, of armM bednixins until they came into Cauaan. can be secured - which can be laid hinre eptered Behira! province, i Wer Lesson VI . God sent Jethro to give -without rock the county commission- gyot from .the west .and are rMibing ueeded counsel to Mosesi The strength -ers will be undoubtedly unable to do towns and villages.'-. The situation; is of Mdses was about to break.1 God'fook any - extensive repair work on - the not carded as presenting-any mill- one outside of the commonwealth of Mecklenburg county roaas. Mr. sac- tarv danger. Donald said last night Because of , The Turkish fa is reported to be the labor shortage during the fall and flymK ; jn some' villages of - Beheira winter"irthe farmers of the county Dr0vince. There are no reHrts of any have gathered practically no rock and caitfes having been suffered by .the. it would be prohibitory to shipit here for road purposes. Delight of Traveling Public. Next Mayorjof Gastohra. ; Gaston ia. Friends ot. Capthin R. Gregg Cherry of i Company A. 115th now en route home frpm France, have the ; Q.Henry Hotel have rbeen. orr; i k.- ed and it is expected that tms new flee of mayor of Gestonia. This fact hostelry . will be occupied not later will come to Captain Cherry as' a sur prise when he lands in the homeland. The mention of his name in connec tion with this office is without his knowledge or consent but his friends believed that he would not turn a deaf ear.to.the call, which will beunani mous. .' - '.:.:,-,.,. . mHtary, but some ' nrominent native officials and Rflveral. Egyptian police have been killed. - , v.;....-'--'-- - , . 50 MISSOURI LEOI9LATORS Greensboro.-The furnishings for 50, K-w;DCcn Tn ppsigN than Mav 1. It is understooa tnai iae contractors expect to hand over the kevs of the completed building early in April. The furniture will be placed as rapidly as possioie w, to run for ra-rlction: pW theysnt w.i to h or.cuoied in a short time j rn V ' . ...i. UVVVt M.KT V --"w will b hailed with delight by,, trav- liner salesmen and others who visit Greensboro frequently or occasionally. Jefferson City? Mo Fifty. Pmo- cratic mmebrs of the Moiiri 1as-' lature offered to resign if Sef - tr :J s. k 1 Red? Democrat from - momtv would resin from the IT" ited States senate The lVt6rs t bm ororo' governing the payment of t$G0 bonus ReturflM to Duty Private J- I ji.i)riraH soldiers -were ' ' f iu uuuuiauij movu.v- I TPPie.. NaVR, v - . amended by the War .Department to day to permit the acceptance by' ais Varsing officials of a "true copy" of discharge certificates. Heretofore the original certificates were required, but it was found many? soldiers re fused to part with the papers, prefer ring to lose the bonus rather than risk the loss of official evidence i of tVi oiv linnnid Mo foiA.ase 'from - "the army. ;; :.:V;.,'v':.Vvr All copies submitted under the' amendment authorized must be certi fled by the army recruiting - officer dearest the soldier's residence. . Severely Wo""deH Srt. L. P. V. Williams. Vnxon: H. L: Gff. tMv : -LJeuts. W. H, RoM ?.rd ' TV R. Nimocks. F?yetv?iie: Privntr T. A. Moore. Trust: Albert R?nor. Dii"i. rviTisly reno''' nisinc:: 3 V Harv'll Comel'us 3. N. nnrnr S9TOT)"avv rev'otlv reported eifr.i-r : Wounded Privates nw V, riiii w.h Poi"t r W: F .MDona?, TTt.v: .Tar"". Rve. Saforrt - f, ti Uarr""Vv H'mony ; Lieut J. H. Cold well. Clemmons. . . . Hambrick Charges Dismissed. Gojdsboro. O. V. Hararick, princi pal of the Goldsboro high school, was Elections on ; Petition, , Shelby. The county board of com- .-jt .,.11 An fo forffli nH'r vote :in Missouri on the league of na tions. ' .:-"' ' "' ''--. The bons of roreseuf r ntl lio ref oiutions . a-H' vw that Benstoi- Reed m')!,?.v nt: hW opnosition- to resiaent v h5u .4 tried in the countv court upon the L jstissioners on petitions signed bythe rogram TAtpm of No. 5 ana no. n iowuwj issued calls for elections to be held HYDoOA i pot Mt cai ; in each town April 14 on the question TWO FLIERS ARE KILLED of bond issues for good roads. no. o will vote on an issue of $40,000 worth t Kona while No. lt'.wUl vote on an for young Grady, stated following the issue ;Of ?S0,006 worth of honds., ii wa antfifl- with thMA : to elections carry. &s 11 18 Judge Bland's decision, and that while thought they 'will, because the state- WA j.: A. rte K. x H-m-o-d, it -nht nossible to 'anneal the case wide road law uuu- t .oTit' aio noi r he inteded placing sme in the hands tion is called, the issues can carry oa of the next - Wayne county grand a majority of votes casi charge of assaulting Harold Grady, one of the school pupils with a stick. After hearing both sides of the case Judge- O. H. Bland refused to find Hamrick: guilty of this offense. Hon. J. L. Barham. prosecuting attorney Israel, and through ' himebmmiftifctfted v the wisdom which 'Moses n'eeded 'Hb save him from collapse -through ' over VS'Ork.' ' i ' . ' -iy. ,..'-r f.-'-'f 'f.'j.'i1 f Lesson VI L' At Sinai Israel Is organ- r ized into a nation, and the ten com- -mandments are given as their consti tution. ' in this constitution. ' is clearly set forth man's duty to Godsand his' obligation to his fellow metf. v- 1 Lesson Vltt. G6d's hand Is -seenT lh' his burning anger against the -nation for turninc away ;from.him to, worshln tbeA golden calf He, Is a Jealous God, h.e ; will ,nottolerate a rival,., : , x.. k ', Lwson l)C.,L:oughV'.&pel(!ef4;ttit spies, are sept to search , out Canaan. , When, they were. urged to take posses-. ' si on of the land according to God'a promise Jhey rebelled Because of-this failure God caused them to wander ln the. wilderness for 38 years... , ..t Lesson;. X,, Whenr God's disciplinary 'measures had run, theIr,course te peon; pie were back again upon the, borders of Canaan. Joshua. was chosen 7 by. , ' God to lead the people, as Moses time to depart had come. ' -' , Lesson XI. In the cities of refuge God provided .that revenge should not take the place of Justice.. .- , , . , ;Z Lesson XII.., Before ..Joshua's death , Pensclo, fi Two tit off - So tiv1 : station X"". r, j.rminA foil. Into the ,bwY. ; Thov - - - the accident has not been determined. hearted obedience to' God and separa- . tion from their wicked neighbors. ', 11 Women's Clubs to' Help. Presidents of woman's , clubs in ev ery quarter of the State are receiving from Mrs. Clarence -AV Johnson,-president of the Federated Club's of the State, an urgent letter, asking that all these clubs be actively interested in Clpan-Up Week, March 24-29. as desig nated bv Insurance Commissioner and Pir Marshal James, R. Young.' Mrs. Johnson suggests "that if necessary, the Woman's Club te a community take " the initiative in this clean-up movement that means so much 'for safety, health and tidy appearance. Poster for Centenary. ' " A beautiful new poster has' just neen issued bv the Centenary of the Method ist - TCniao.nBal Church. South, that is one of r the 'most, effective Pieces of advertising issued in their campaign for $35,000,000: lt is apho tograph of President Wilson and oyer h5t? signature the following quotation "Let no man suppose that progress wn be divorced from religloa.-or that there is, any platform written' for the ministers ot reform ' other than the Platform written' in the- utterance1 of Jury. . ". . : a.j An inc'oiPt POTI TO ""V ii,-"'" of the United flt"w rtd brr iTv uai"". e bn5rr v0(i r.Hoad of Fine Jerseys. ' rw-ntt Charles E. Miller, Meck- .nnntv demonstration, agenL returned from Ohio where he bought FIRST GRFAT RESULT TO , i BE OBTAINED IS PEACE; ; , Pris'The first result to J oh- nnoi-d to the office of ner-jd bel s Red Cross Conference. Greensboro. Home ' v; service ; work; prs of ;the Rel Cross will meet ' in Greensb&ro March- 26 and - 27 for - a a' carload of Jersey cattle, ior -ram, talfl po,re he rt nfwnco v All Red Cross workers lenhurg breeders. , v t V esr-;-io9lb1..-!ld Bv'd -Lloyd rontral northern . cotmtis of There are 21 head in the carioa aorz. the ; Rr?tishf premier. Jn North , Carblina c are expected -to at- Mr. Miller said - that the catue iornj i mwL nt? Tf;nt?. U ,'--:- ..!-.''':.v A Prayer. . . - Our, Fathen we bless thee i haTthon' , h ef n nt Wb f f'pd to he ask wl but know- ing our need, hast permitted" us; n thy i knoivn unto thei'weiri'bnr 'ado ration and' Joy1 In 'thee." so- we y pray thee for the things that are requisite nnd neressarv. Thou kno'west'' what things1 wfr have ricvd of' before we;ask' mee.'buY'th6n:hastiddeh'osVsk:thee- th nosltion rree?nwv -. , m Va H in tb Flks rlub. and the visitors will be Guilford hotel Donald, of the oWartrs in Atlanta. Is here to act as executive secretary. tend, but the meeting ; is especially one of the best lots taa J" "e . country, allied or. enetr-y. d bse th- delfghtesi Iri f bdr ' W Sessions been brought into this county which ;8tf?)M a-d W the Food Conserra tion' Commission. .--.; .' foll-wihe cornontio-;:recent : Gran ville Hpsjery, M!l s. Co , :' authorized . , . To . Relieve CowtsV-". . . FayetteviH the congestion ".brou'ebt about by, tbei burn ing oi rthe Rosemont hotel, were taken w1in J; I. Sanders, proprietor of the scribed $5 0PJ "mu? LaFayett oteI Closed a contract tor the lease ! of the .two upper floors ot iMine owned by the " Huslce 30 TRA1MJNQ CAMPS ARE TO ' " BE RETAINED BY GOVERN Wl few l moor: . call Amenc? n v T- itar G? stoma: auinvi"--- m-jtoti subscribed W tsoo" 1 duration- 2 ' years. t SUbscrTbed; S70- T;d pbwer ; Co. Troutman L ft f5Oo0f Trmitman: autnonru v-; . lKnt into this couniy. . j i nondent unon that neace. VoarW ico neaa oi ,iuojuu6uW.vH . . oirj to come rt tne n . ffc r- tt1p have been brougnt iniu ,. f nnA.Ki wnmpnt. Pendp 1. M'ss; Mav ,C. Mc- Mecklenburg county with.n tne; ias eypryone v!n r ln wstate of i southern division head- year or more, and there are at pres- tatjnn ' Vcirtaintv; Com-ii-i.. fc- ohnnt 1 5R head in the comty. t ni innetrv Are' stagnated. 4 Hioh Schools Cc mpeted. . wt With t'renty-fiveae credited r high scnoois repi--. cbvering a wide geograpnic , w from Edenton to Asnevu-e.. r" department to proceed with the pnr- Inter-Scholastic Deciamauon "f ?w nhase of the sites of .15 army camns which f closed at WaKe r resi nd f3 Dalloon van-Z -flying, fields t over marked the.beginnmg oi w nhe country was announced: hTi Acting the declamation nem. " Qrrtarv . Crower; ' Ls tha i&.- MMAn. nr the declamations aeuy: AMM. ,, ?n. ifr rmwell ered. The 'iitiprixe; cnnslstlng oi a - and.it not be necessiry.to scholarship in M f i -wait- action- by Congress ;ar; me ob- fin.tm medal, from,, the uierarr a aw -, . rtfl necessary Societies went to Mrt- Victor Tcnnt, Witht thescaurchases- .the 2rmy. ai uttrnam i-iv . -"rv s ; -, a I tfll hare 30 traw tg campe. sclbusihess "of dependence 'upxw ' thee. " and wouldst have -os-"feel -our neeils that we'tnay bev fit to 'receive: "their supply: ' Through' Jesus Christ 5 our Lord1' Aiuen.; Hardware bouse on Hay street and wilt At theni up inimedlately' f or :the entertaUmentt guesU : Other hotels here are making; efforts toexpani their facilities., though . mmt .of theni xr already overiaxeu. " Sphere of His Holiness. . If this sphere of ' Ms . mercy : - and wrath, tenderness and '.severity.- Is so beautiful what shall ? be the splendor of the. sphere of Us, holiness) wWhat the glory of the f presence chamber. Judged, b.v.the excellence . of , this di tant, boundary. lodge, .;.t. r . voina ,xo.vnurcn..t. We cannot take advantage ..cf tb chuivb wjthoutf going to, church, any more than ..we could take 'advantage f . a week-day school, without goln 3 o classes, each day. written in the- uttnm'-ot Tronan; -.- 0 raar; ,7,: .- V. -.rt If Lord