s 4 POLK COUNTY ilBWfl. TSYON, II. 0.' Tf.. r v VTf fcj ti1 i : . 5 ' ) -1 It' i it TCI FGLK CaiinnEVSianATP;! BEE Published efvery Friday at TRYON, NORTH "CAROLINA Telephone 99 ; Eatend u Mcond-clasa matter April 28, 1915 at tlM post office at Tryon. North Carolina, un r Cm act of March 8. 1879 B. F. COPELAND, - Editor C BUSH, r Business Manager Pok county boys who were.. in this division were killed "on the battle field of Europe, on Sept. 29th, 1918. P: Miss Maggie Jackson was the guest of her s'ster, Mrs. Belton Jacksont Sunday. , , w " Miss Lticile Taylor was the . guest of Miss Arkansas Jackson, Sunday. JJELVIN HILL. Subscription $2 JOO per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, B eolation of BeipeciChorch or Lodge Noticei whin an admission fee is charged, or for financia arala. will b charged regular advertiinjj: rates of SVra eaata per line. . v . THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. tSS West S9th Street. New York City, is our. sole ad exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. '..-. 'Long. May It Wave." Mrs. Martha Sanders V celebrated her 84th birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stacy, last Sunday. There were quite a few of her child ren, grandchildren and great grand children at the, dinner, and - she was. the recipient of several presents, first and last. j; ;-; .':'''. , Elder G. A. Branscom arrived home from Kissimee, Florida, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. ii. B. sanaers ana children of Green River spent Sunday with relatives at Melvin,HiU. - .V Messrs. Joe and Ben Morris the Twin brothers, visited their mother, Mrs. Mary Morris, last Sunday. ' Mrs. Nat Edwards "has gone to Rutherfordton hospital for treatment. Mr. Boyd Cole, of Green River, vis ited friends here, last Sunday. , Farmers are getting - in earnest about turning land now, as there has been a week of good weather. Mrs. Branscom is still quite poorly, but we hope she will sooa be around again. V '" . " Mr. John. Shields, of . GreeiiRiver, visited friends here last Sunday.. ' All good wishes to the NEWS fam ily . ,, v; VU;. -6 FISHTOP. ; , Some Velocities. v'-."j:. "When the temperature IS 32 degrees sound travels . i,uyu,reet a jsecona ana one additional foot a second for each additional degree of tempera turerElec- trlcity.over a wire where there isno resistance travels 192,024 miles a sec ond. - HILLCREST. ; Mrs. Clara Feagan and little daughter, Cleo, were delightfully en tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Pace Saturday evening, from 6 to 9. .; t . w. There was a singing at Mountain Valley church SJunday . evening. ' t , Someone set out fire on Laurel Mountain, Saturday, and burned over the entire mountain, doing consider able damage, especially . timber; burning over. 100 acres before it twas checked, finally Sunday evening: A few people in this county need a les son taught them, and the sooner the better. If there is anybody who wants to to work, he can gte a job here, as the farmers are so badly behind they ; Mr; Robert Owens andMiss Clara Taylor were married ' Sunday after noon.' .'. ' Miss Lola Bright Falls is teaching at ' Hillcrest Institute during Mr. "Hunter's convalescence. . Mr. Bill Greenway is critically ill. t Miss Juia Abrams is staying at Tryon for awhile. Misses 'Margaret and Ruth Brian spent the week-end with their aunts, the Misses Moore. r Mr. and Mrs. Georgion. went Tryon last week. - , Miss Hattie Bridges spent several I would be glad to welcome a f few la days in our community last week vis- borers to their fold. iting friends and relatives. The Fishtop school closed, Saturday ? Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore spent March 22nd, with an entertaining Sunday in Spartanburg county, with program by the four graduates of Mrs. Moore's brother, who has just the sch?ol. TKe school room was come homct.from the army. beautifully decorated w'th ivy, spruce Misses Iucy and Mattie Abrams and ferns. The chairs of the grad- spent the Week-end with their aunt, uating class were beautifully draped Mrs. WrnGray. " ;7r n . ; with the class colors, gold and black Messrs. Xack and Wylie Bridges Following is the program, "Here we were down at ; their . old stamping gather every morning;" welcome ad ground, Sandy Plains, Sunday. L dress, Elma Newman; song, "We are A number of young people gather- I climbing Learning Hill;" class histor ed for a song-fest at - Mr.. Jolly's Avaree Jones; song ''We've gone out Saturday jevening. . V j from this course of study;'' last will The Farmers' Cooperative, Asso-1 and testament by Estella Pace; song, nation held a very successful meeting "Twas a long way to graduation, but at the Greens Creek High . School, I now we're right there;" class proph Saturday afternoon. This Associa- ecy, Eva Pace; song, "Flow, gently, tion will doubtless become a force for I Green river;" farewell address, Estel- good in Greens Creek township, la Pace; song "Good-bye,' sung and Among other things it was decided to I played by the teacher. An interest organize: a boys' Corn Club, a Girls' ing talk was then given by Mr. Thos. Canning Club, and to hold a commun- E. Pace, after which' the pupils "reas- lty fair in the fall. The regular ! sembled to their homes, feeling -that time for meeting is the fourth Satur- I there were not sufficient funds to con- day afternoon, at iGreens Creek High tinue1 the school longer. , The commit- bcnool.' A special meeting is called J tee and patrons of the school are well for Saturday, March 29th, at 2:30 p. pleased with the services of the m. All farmers in Greens Creek teacher, who did not have a fair Choice lot of large" and medium sized mules for sale Reasonable '- Prices. " Guaranteed sound and will work anywhere. v: I C, J. LYNCH,: Stock Farm, Tryori Route 1. lilin8fEPresslaing All Work Guaranteed inl floDr Wilklnj' store" MRS E. RHODES. Is There An Electric -Flat Iron In Your Home NOTICE OF PARTITION SALE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, -; ys I :;- Polk County." Superior Court Before the "Clerk; George T. Jones and wife', Laura ;; Jones J.', W." Tucker, and wife, Ar- minta: Tucker, Sua Laughter, : A mana Pack, Ray Laughter. V '- vs. Price $ 5.50 , Guaranteed or 10 Years JRYON ElECTRIC SERVICt MP WE SOLICIT 'Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, -Finish, Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture this and can save you money. See us for lath, brick, doors and sash. J. T. GREEN, LUMBER COMPANY. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that mortgage deed execut ed to "me by D. F.Benge and Wife, S. H. Benge, on August 14th, 1907, to secure a debt therein described, which said mortgage deed is duly registered in book 5, page. 134, record of Mort gages or Polk county; "nnd after making certain small payments de- f aulfwas made in the payment - of said indebtedness, the last payment having, been made about day of 1914, and default contin- township invited. SUNNY YIBTf. chance to show her ability on account of much sickness among the students. Pshaw, we were fseling good over the election. - Forty-three registered: eleven voted against the taxes and Classified Advertisements. PIGS. ''"Pies for sale at the Stock Farm, $7.00 each. C. J Lynch. .. ; r ; . FOR RENT. - . ' . Six room furnished' buncralow. with bath for rent or sale. Overbrook Or chard Saluda N. C. ? r v EGGS. Eggs of Mottled Ancona chickens for sale, $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs. U. ,F.' (Jopeland, Tryon, N. C. Settings of .White Lejrhorn , eerES." 15 for $1.50. In Polk county. - 75c. pure bred. ; G. L. Orr, Tryon Route 1. Eggs for hatching from Camnbell's NEVER-STOP -LAYING STRAIN and prize' winning Buff Lesrhorns arid s, last -week, on a - transport Buff Orpingtons. $2 per 15. k Mrs. C. is to bring soldirs of -th Rain- ? .Smp,t 146 -Victoria Road, Ashevile, N. C. twnty-one for, and we hear seme say, We did wrong by voting against it." Get right. ' '.l VI -". at 1 (A(tiV i m " lime Mr. J. R, Sams, will be here on next everybody, you are welcome. Mr.' Ralph Edwards was a caller at Mr. N. Ei Williams',Sunday. Several from here attended services at Big Level, Sunday. ' - TTiiue ivjLuis nas -purcnasea a new motor car. i - -' Mr. Pitts, of Spartanburg, has pur chased a, farm near here and .moved on to it. . -; -. Mr. Ernest Ruff sailed for Brest. France which is to brine soldirs of th Ram- bow division home. x. r. ivuus ana Mr. wtts have T.nT wuojr iur las past montn Duiia-I t 0 , , , . , , ini? npw im - I Lost,-; on Saturday last, between mg new awelingS. - . I Trvnn nr1-fo -ol-f. HT.W .-.; borne of our soldier boys who are chain for automobile. Finder will he m uermany report that. they have fewaraea. Mrs. J as. Vernor. oeen to the ex-Kaiser's castle and - LOST: -On ro wo miU'nrmn from Tryon, BkcK and White . Checked Sak Scarf. $5-00 reward. Fmder vil please, mail to Ambrose Cramer, Lake i roresr, liinois. MARE FOR SALE, -A high class saddle mare, a beauty,' with, plenty, of. sytle; suitable for.- la eL 2' Attractive-price. Phone J. Liiu; Landrum, S. C. : MISCELLANEOUS. SouthernQuef n sweet potatoes for beinF' ?2 P-r bushel. C. 'M. Howes .v ' 47-2t ued after demand, now, for the pur pose of making tlie remainder of said indebtedness, I will on - MARCH 31st 1919, at 12 o'clocknoon, at the court house door inColumbus, Polk county, N. Q., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash,- all the. following de scribed tract of land, being the .same described and conveyed by naid mort gage deed, and bounded. as follows: - Adjoining the lands of W. M, Jus tice, J. R. Williams and others. Be ginning on a stone on the north side .of road, and running thence east with said road 45 steps to a stake, on the bank of the road; thence north to W. M. Justice's and J. R ; Williams' white oak corner on the ; top of the ridge;, thence 'back with W. . Jus tice's line to the besnnninc; nnH Kr ing known as the Benge Home place. This Feb. 24th. 1919. . - JONATHAN CASE, Mortgagee. JTE. Laughter; -Zach Laughter, W. L. Laughter, J. R. Blanton , and wife Elvina Blanton. . . : . - .NOTICE OF PARTITION SALE.!' Uiider and by virtue "of a decree 'of the superior voun oi roiK' county in the above entitled cause the under signed Commissioner will on: lv rfr MONDAY, APRIL 7th, 1919. at 12 o'clock Noon at the Court House door of Polk County in Columbus, North Carolina, ofTer for sale to the highest bidder all the following de scribed lands known r as the J Allen" Laughter lands' in 'Polk County, and the SaUie Laughter lands in Ruther ford County, viz: . "'.' 1 4 1st .Tract: - Lying on the waters of Walnut Creek, beginning at -a ; Span ish Oak on top of the hill in Dimsdale old line running Nr 15 E, crossing a branch- vith Allen Laughter's line to a Spanish Oak; thence' N. 1 W. . with J. W. RulT's line to a stake, a condi tional comer in J. W,; Ruff's line; thence with a conditional line to a white oak at the Spring; thence to a post oak at the school house, J. W. Ruff 's ' comer on a-conditional line, a post oak; -thence South East 'a condi tional line to the beginning, Contain ing 20 afres more or less, known as Upper Walnut, and being land de-' scribed in Deed from Nesbit Dims dale and wife to Allen Laughter,, of date November 7th, 183, and record ed in . Book 5. at page 180 of the Rec ords of Deeds of iPolk county 2nd Tract: Situate in the County of Polk, State of North Carolina, on the waters of Walnut Creek Begin ning on a chestnut, the oegmning corner of the old tract; thence South 16 W. 82 poles to, a S. oak; thejice S. 45 E. 24 poles to a poplar on the south bank of; -Walnut': creek; ;thence down, the branch nearly as it runs thence S. 72 E. 54 poles to a B. oak; then" a conditional line nearly- east to a stake; then N. E. to the outside line of a black -oak on the old - line and being land described in deed from Mary Laughter et al.r to : Allen Laughter, -of date April 11th, 1872 and recorded in Book 6, page 543 of the records of Deeds for Polk county 3rd Tract: Part of Patent 1028 on the waters of Walnut Creek, contain ing do acres. . Beginning- on . a pme and runs N. 58 W. 48 poles to a pme: thence N. 24 W. 39 poles to a stake; then-S.' 86 W. 16 poles to pine; thence S. 52 W. 19 poles to a Span ish oak; thence S. 10 W. 16 poles to a poplar; thence S. 50 E. 22 pcles to a chestnut oak; thenceS. 74 E. 16 poles to a stake; ! thence S. 23 , W. 45 poles to a rock in his own line; then with said line S. 54 Vz E. 56 poles to a chestnut oak, then to ' beginning 4th Tract: 19 acres. Beginning on black oak, his own and J. S. Laughter's corner and runs N. 72' W. 55 poles to a poplar; then N. .42 W. 24 poles to a white oak; then S. 19 W. 14 poles to a Spanish oak; then S. 59 E. 4 poles to a chestnut oak; then S. 40 E. 64 poles to a chestnut oaK then S. 57 E. 6 poles to a pine; then Si 17 E. 16 poles to. a pine; then S. 45 E. 10 poles to a pine; then S. 64 E. 12poles to a pine; then South 81 E. 14 poles to a pine; thence S 13 E. 13 poles to a stake ; then S. 30 E. 10 poles to a pine; thence N. 18 E. 20 poles to a stake; then NI 35 x E12 pbles to a stake ; then N 1LAV. 9 'poles to a stake; then S. 88 W. 34 pole's to a hickory; thence N 3 E. 32 poles to a black gum. thence to the beginning. 5th Tract: Containing by estima tion 20 aeres, lying and being in the County of Rutherford, in Kings Creek Township, adjoining lands of- Bill Burgess, J ones Biddy, Jim Ruff and Speculation lands, known as part of the Biddy , place : and being- that part of the Biddy place owned by Sallie Laughter, mother of the petitioners.' The said land will be sold in sepa rate .tracts or as a whole, or by coni bining two or more tracts, except the 5th tract described above known as the Sallie Laughter tract in Ruther ford county, Will be sold separate from the other tracts. ; - : . V: 1 The terms of, said . sale are one-third cash and balance in six months from date of confirmation, to be evidenced by note bearing interest at "" six per cent. Title retained until . the pur chase money Js paid' in fulir - This 6th day of March,-1919. . . J. E. SHIPMAN,- Commissioner. v 5 ilTE feel that our past record and j W steady growth; are evidence that we are worthy of your , confi- dence. r --.--' i J The policies of i;his bank are founded J on honest, upright principles. Strict S adherance to honest sound methods :has (ione muchltpwardj:he growth f of our institution. - I The Old Reliable . ROY P. WHITLOCK, Cashier. 503 A Thrift Stamp gives you the right to j stand up when the Star Spangled Banner is piayed. V An account at this .bank , classes you as one of the progressive and. substantial citizens of your community. No better time than now tox start that account. Come in and let's talk it over, r .- ; r ''; . BANK OP TIRYON 0 0 W.' T. LINDSEY Preg J. B. HESTER Cashier. 0 0 eG00OOOOOOOOOOOO TRENCiTO-D ERVO SECURITY - . - These Essentials of Sound Banking are embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT. SOLICITED B I -v of S ALU DA Capital; $1 OjOOO.OO r S Saiiac3a9 G. HENRY P. CCRWlTli; Pres. JOHN B CANNON, Y-Pres. PRESTON H. BAILEY, Cash. ad wonderful time.: Mr. U. S. Gihhs and family -Wsitecl atrnN!.WvGibbs, Sunday. ( Mrs. R Coggins visited Mrs.' T. F. Mills and Mrs Pitts- W. wapV . X Ecfeey. Brown, of Spartanburg, ",is visitine in this rtirvn . . f -MrrT P. Brown, and family left - weeic, lor Tennessee where they have bought a farm. : ' ' LjBf 0th sionv (Old' Hickory) wilt Iandron March 29th. We feet cure there will be many hearth made fr.ad, while some will be rsd, a3 two We want the residents of Tryon and . the citizens of Polk county to know where they can secure the highest class and best jobs of Plumbing and Heating - - to be. found anywhere. We are. in "that " - j -business and we want your orders, we have y. the best skilled mechanics, keeo in fhand at" . all times a large supply of the best fixtures . r and materials to be found, we can and will- . serve you -promptly arid satisfactorily. We ' ; keepmanin readiness to golto your home : ..... .at your call toy advise s and "-help you plan' , -whatyou-?want-and can be . done and give" Vs . : you air estimate and without . cost' to you - we. of course hoping that we may get to do, ' ; --ypur 'work, 1 .?V , . ; if j. R Riai piieiNG c& Asheville, N. C. Ks3 Shredded corn fodder in bales, for sale at $ 1 .25 per 100 pounds, v at my barn. Also corn. G. H. S, TRYON, N. C. You'll need neither a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite. XA good, ordinary set of molars will easily dispose of ' A Fine Tenderloin Steak An Extra Porterhouse Steak A Luscious Round Steak A Nutritious' Roast A Dish of Pork Chops , If you havnflt any teeth we have sausage that will fairly ' melt in your moutli ' . ' Eat our meats. . Good for your stomach. J Alsp want to buy good beef cattle, hogs and chickens,: foe which I will pay the high est" ARKET Price. " ' A H: WILLIAMS. REAL ESTATE, LO mm INSURANCE ; , ' ??y. Property , Bought and Sold. 4." Furnished and un- ' L furnished houses for rqht. Property ta ken care iof iahdrenls ' -..eolieeted. Do nor' waste your. time and tire ypuraelf out looking lr a place. Our auto is at,your service free. Notary Public. " JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, N. C