POLK COUNTY NEWS. TEYON, N. C . flfHl Wkty, News letter f rims Peoples Basifv i Tri8st.v iif American Consular Agents on the Jump. V lions 'sosran Most Serious' Problem. ; "7 s Tryon has bsen charged with many shortcorain gs.! A nearby town', in an" other state; has called us "Five Dollar Millionaires." Again we, have ' been referred to as. "That boiled shirt crowd." r Probably these are not as strong indictments as could ' be brought agamst. us All remarks of this nature are for one purpose "and they are more or . less effective and of course set one section of our county against another; all for ulterior mo tives. - Let it be remembered that Tryon never shirks a duty. Tryon "always comes to tne iront m times of distress lore Time to Himself in British m Than in r ranee, nence i nere Been More Marriages to Brit. Than to Frenc Gi rls Marriage j 0r calamity and is ever mindful of the suffering individual m any part of here excepting the; registered ones aud they are expected most any day. Ilf ' you ; subscribed through this bank please cau lor your bond as interest, will be payable the 15th of April. For those of you who have no safe place to keep VUr bond you' may de posit it with us. We will issue you a certificate of deposit and pay Interest as it comes due at the same rate the bond calls for. , This service is free and" we invite anyone to use it wheth er or not the bond; was bought through this bankr - V .7'.::' 'i:. Don't sell your bonds without con sulting us. If you think you are obliged to sell come to see us we may show you a way out without selling cent, compounded quarterly. Our Saving3 'Department is having a Jiealthy growth. Will you join our lhrifc Club and eventually-. become independent? Deposits may ba mail ed to -us. . - . S.inuiel Doughboy has become jcli wan'ieu umu wutu ne set oac jnfce tli? world sate for democ- and the Umtea states consular aro having no end of trouble try o straighten out his marital diffl : approximately a million mem' of the Doughboy family who eft through England on their way. 0rv and everlasting fame, in the tins lice, several tnousana une es- number is not yet Known) . toos tv Fnsli.n, Irish and Scotch girls L themselves as wives. . . Simply Could Not Resist . appears Mr. Doughboy has more to himself in the British . Isles during his sojourn, in France, e there have been' more marriages British girls tnan to rencn vgiris. that our soldiers and sailors care for the dark-eyed beauties of the liantic counxry mey nave pmyea h a prominent part In saving frora man oppression, but here m Eog- .1 and Ireland ana Scotland tnej j t naturally couldn't help, themselves. e girls smiled at tnem.witn love-m and spoke so softly and sweetly their own language that , they mdly Juldn't resist tne temptation. Tvprvthins was fine ' until Mr. )ughboy-went away from here to add s persuasive powers to those of Mr. mmy Atkins and Frenchy in throw er Fritz out of France and Belgium icle Sam. as we all know, ,was h bit )v with his postal service at the ont. and Mrs. Doughboy in England, eland and Scotland became very uch worried. They asked ,tho . con ilar authorities about Mr. Doughboy's hereabouts, and that's just where th jouble started. ''- Uncle Sam, to whom said 'consul ai thorMes are more 'or less respon- ile, thought he had some claim on r. Doughboy, since he had fitted hire t with a brand new uniform, kit c; paid his expenses over here; ".anc ren gave him spending money.; Bat rs. Doughboy protested that she hac rst claim, and so the authorities have een as busy as a marrying" pursor Hoboken, N. J., adjusting matters ic manner that would not interfere rith Uncle Sam's business in Europe nd at the same time would relieve he anxiety of the many young wbmeD Y ho have hopes of residing in thf- neaJ uture in America. Most Serious in Scotland. Scotland, however, has produced he mnst serious problem to solve. unrtreds of wee" lassies .there ..saj hey took Mr. Douglrboy .at his word apparently that's all,, that's neces- ary in Scotland, according to law. Vhile the Scotch jrirls do not loubt the sincerity of Mr. Doughboy, jlrregnlar since he left, also, that the Wmistiee has been signed and sooD Jiell ho retnrnin!r to America' has caused them to inquire just whlre thev stand. And the American consular representatives ar ..uing the xnld eight oil, blocld7 the telegraph and cabie lines, exceeding the typewriter speed fcmit and nursine" achinir heads to find out all about it for all con cerned. ; - . - Polk county. Tryon has always sup- and if not we will get you the highest porf-a any good movement through- market price. out the county. Some would have it We have the-best facilities in this believed that Tryon would ureter t be separate and 'apart from Polk county. It is ridiculous to deny, such a charge if it were not for the fact that this idea has germinated in some parts- of. our county. We have been slow in establishing - a. cotton ! gin a flour mill and shipping facilities for farm products. These things will, be estabilshed in due course and probab not long off. ' - i Tryon sends greetings and . best" wishes to all our neighbors in Polk "No mean County." . - section for Safety Box ; customers. We hav a special vault of solid con crete construction with vestibule doors j combination lock and each box is locked into a steel safe with secure locks. Each customer has a key to his own box and no other key can open his box. A box may be rented as low as $2.00 per year, larger boxes at proport'onate rates. The $2.00 box will hold all the papers and se curities the average person has. Money deposited in our Savinsrs . ' Department up to AprH 11th. will I Jl X 11 ... J J? . . 11. J 11 T . . iuerty oyims xor tne iourtn loan are draw interest from April 1st at 4 per Agation. Many. persons do not know of how' much value this bank can be to them. In addition to safeguarding a. custo mers money there are . many ways this bank can help you. A few may be mentioned as a suggestion to you A father wanted to send quickly $50 to a sick son in the . far west. : The boy received the money by wire the same day.- Another customer wanted to know at once the financ al standing of a "person not rated in -Bradsreet, in a distant city. We ' obtained . the desired information in less than four hours? Many of, our customers avail themselves of our Bradstreet reports of firms throughout the United States We are frequently called upon to send money to England and France. We also collect checks and- drafts on for eign countries. We issue - Cashier's Checks forour customers to pay their purchases in distant places. One morning "recently we issued . over $4,000.00 in Cashier's Checks to Polk county citizens who were on their way to attend a horse and mule sale. Any or all of "the above service is free and all are cordially invited to use it as often as you like without ob- -7-J iT.V?K TffaW VALUABLE tri . n - "i reopi es oanK :cfc irust ;r;o. .TRYON, N. C G. H. HOLMES, Pres. W. F. LITTLE, Cash. Jfcih.:.... '..v. it Tiiiium Suggest the following Spring-Goods: Messalihes Organdy Colored -Voils Crepe cle chine Georgette Lawns- Long cloths, v .. ....... v Nainsooks- . House dresses Spring shirt waists J , Wash skirts Middies "Silk Shirting Big assortment of Ginghams Light weight underwear -50 patterns of Ginghams, 5 yds. for $1.00 ."- 7 innrauioo ani oa suraiauios saMO P4 avojjouio; io sjasBui eraoii ani 91 ? OUAV. iCunOl IO STJlS 8U1 JOI poo2 r st it -uopauS prre UAVUT' m asnoq jo Xmuaq aq; jof ua 'jqSjrn 4Jood jo ipjj passed aaAaoqA IBqj os naj tiado utj moqu junq aq , Mil 'UPIA am ui iuTjra ajiiT a2nan n2m B q aruoq a.vo siu Soipunojans 16 Dtjais 'nl pau jtanraraoD u SuizmAp' aoj c!iunsni utj stjav auiou DooS tj Itjui (CPs eDno utjuiustiSu'j niTBaAi v. J l LUL. IT I, . V 4 Xjiunuituoo dj3H soujoh Seemed Incomplete. A new babv had rnmp tn the hnmp. fnd the neighbors' little ones were al- vea to come in to see him. A little ne looked him over generally, then "uveu awn to the tottora of the long, ress and, quite puzzled, asked, "Ain't icei yet l . Everything to wear with the best selection of notions to be found in Tryon. :. " - . t "' - - . . - . -i . r , , .-; , Step into our store and just look at the pretty frocks, wa isls gloves, neck-weaf and so on that are on special display. Prices in this store are the fairest-and most alluring figures ever put on the sort of stock that it is always bur habit to car ry . Bring your friends and come to see lis you will be repaid for vmir nains bv the new mecca f ound m our establishment tor j " it . satisfactory shopping. 1 v1 1 he oalieng er Com paey NOTICE OF SALE By virtue 'm il i., "c Ui puvvur oi saie com-tuxi- ccuted by Will King and wife to W. lokr, t0 secure a note -for ' thp dav 5 Purchase , money on the ' 31st nX:.f ctober, 1916 I will ': sell "at for - lon 10 cne Highest biaaej Pniv , LIie court nouse door 01 t-uunxy on . - v , . A TTTT vAAit' 4 aja v .. . ''-i . at 10 ftlH niyiy - i -la- M.Ktn.v C1ck noon; two lots in ' the nn .:Ui .Aryon with small cottage 3? ZZ Ahem. Recorded; in, Uook for 07 P whih you are referred Ty,ia "v-.utiun "t.san lots. Ai&awh 25th, 1919. ' E. Mi! Aby,J- C Mills Admr. of- W. "7 L iyirs. Sallie Livingston. 328-4t;.pd' LIVINGSTAN Agent. FOR EVERYTHING . Fryon, North Carolina I V ; - ' .,.,,..,, 1 .n. 1 p M .'''lf'"llJL.y..;M' 5" "i With all cash purchases we give coupons "which tarey redeemable in valuable premiums.v These premium ' are of the best and well worth more than- the . small effort-required by. the saving of your coupons to ob-? tain them: Call and get a premium book and beginV saving your coupons today. ' . - ': . , -; , v Below are a few money saving prices. Give fus an'order and we are sure the treatment you receive y? will cause you to come again. v 3 lb', cans Tomatoes per doz.. .... .v. . S1.05 - 2 lb. can" Tomatoes, per duz. . . A lb. cans Corn, per doz vWhith House Coffee, per lb. ; ... . . Flour, per barrel. . ; ......... . Best Shorts, per 75 lb. bag.?;.. ...c; 1.50 2.10 . 40 12.0 2.50 Your orders for anything in our line, will receive prompt and carelul attention ', : . . .. w ilkims Co. Tryon9 N. C. JUST REGEIEDi A fresh shipment of Loose- Wiled Biscuit Co. and National Biscuit Go's Cakes and Crackers and pound raisin cake. Two Perfection Oil'Stoves for sale. Johns, Qnr k Co. Phone Nb: 14 v :: This Bank -is for Peope who Want to Improve their , financial Condition. Will you let ls serve you? A checking account is most convenient in the payment of bills, ' fit is the safest receipt A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com-, petency. We solicit ytur account.. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q.. C. SONNER President ' Vice Presidat$ . m ... f H. B. LANE - Cashier - COCO COOO COCO CC3CSS3CSC3CCC3eC3CCSCCCSJ o 1 E states For "ffanrrrn Daods or to wo : property see W. T. LQNDSEY, TryorD. I o it IS o CONSENT OF STOCKHOLDERS TO DISSOLUTiyiN. Whereas, on the thirty-first day of January, A. D., lWf tnejcu- The Jno. Ij. jacKson 7 nSority vote of the whole iJoard, at ?3riled for that purpose, of wh dTting every Director recerv 'a fct three days ; notice, did adopt a resolution m the effect following, towit; v. That- in the judgment of k advisable, and most t,, i0r,ofit nf The Jno. fv,now .fhat-the Isame :sno JUlIliUU.T - Jackson be fhwith' unsolved; .and to t.enu it ia 7 ordered that a meeting- of ,-tne 1V?S, ?Y?irf 1 hM An Wednesday, SlOCKnozueio w r Va r 1Q1Q ' at vioirnf March. A. D. iyi, ar this I,.. HrtrnDaiiy. m tne ww LI1C UiiiVC Ui x - resowuon auu tui ----- - h reta-forthwth 2S1 dSy from this date by -publishing the said resoiu-J??-JKi,p . rirfi of its adoption, m rrntv News, a newspaper published in the town of . Tryon, for at least four weeks,' once a week, sue- pessively,. and ; by mailing a written ox printed copy1 01 tne same to eacn andevery stocknoider 01 tnls compa ny' in the United States. And whereas, the Secretary of - the said Company did give notice of the meeting of stockholders called by said resolution as required by law and the said resolution " ' Now, therefore, we, the subscribers, being more than two-thirds in inter est of . all the stockholders, being met together in pursuance ; of said resolu tion and notice . have consented and do hereby consent that the said Com- pany De, lormwim uiasoivcu.as pru nosed in; said "resolutions u : w 4 Witness our hands, this Fifth day ofj March;A, .D.1919.- n : A John L. JacKson,-sixteen shares.: i; " James Jackson, eight shares. -a , N. B. Jackson, four shares. Attest: N; B. Jackson, Secretary. " STATE OF NORTHN CAROLINA, -' , J jCounty of Polk. :'N. B Jackson being duly sworn, on his oath says that he is Secretary of F R SALE AT A CARGIAU the Jno. L. Jackson y.. Company; that he saw Jno. L. Jackson, N.VB. Jackson arid James Jacksori, seeing more than two-thirds m interest" of the stock holders of said Company, at a meet me duly called for that purpose, as above, recited, signed the foregoing certificate of consent as their volun tary act and deed, and that deponent at tne same time subscribed as tne at testing witness; and deponent-further says, that on the 5th day of March, A, D. 1919, he mailed a printed copy of the ; resolution above recited, with a i notice of the ; adoption thereof, to each "and every stockholder of said Company residing in the' . United States and also caused the same to be duly published as required by said resolution: and denonent further savs that the: said resolution of the Board JUSTICE OF THE i PEACE 01 ivireciors was uujiy . aaoptea upon lawful notice as " in ; the certincate If taken at once." Cash or reasosble v terms. Tvo tenant houses, jwell buUt, incolored tenement district. Store house and : lot oh Trade street. - GEO. A. GASH, Agt Wv F. LITTLE V NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C; GEO. A. GASH above, recited.' -' N. .. B. Jacksonr; Secretary. . Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 5th day. of March, A. D. 1919.; W. .F, Little Notary Public. My commission- expires March 19, 1919, m , and ; WOTARY- PUBLIC. ... ....' ... - ..... ; ; Collections a specialty. ' Deeds and Mortgages prepared, . and Contracts written at ; reasonable prices. - ' TRYON, N, C. We Have tlie Right Price -' " "' AND , . V Kindof Materiafp to do your building, r , Full aBtpefe ueuing, anngies, juotn3, Anterior, Finish and Moulding ugh .vSgL Dressd. Lumber" Carry conpleto7 r STOCK OF FEEDS HE Anon LUMSSn CO. t.M SALUDA, K, Ci'. u t 51-

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