- . , ' k - . ... , c " ,l- ' - , r ' -, , - "J. ' ' . - - . . . ' ' . , ' " " " ' ' i ' ' - .v ' ' . . . ' '- ' - . - ' - , - .' - v , - , - - ' ' . - - - ' " - ' " ' " , " ' V ' - -' :P , , t , POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON; N:C. A -k . : ,;.' ,vc.i7,v'---f V ' . W;VJL JL J L J L J 1 J I J L f J J I r V VVJ V r I ' H make' a' man honest: It will make him i lVVf '?;.-' SZ 1 - .-- : - " - v ' a heroi It Svill. man? blm a. saint. . YTv "- v; ' - GOOD BUILDINGS -FOR, SHEEP Y " " gg SSS.SrS5, v OJl ' ? " ." ' 1 " . 1 V -V " " magnanimous; the srncere With"; the - W5? ' V yLgp- GigS: VfiAf&t Shou,d Be Dfy we' Drained, Ven- - - ' , , . v SfcV y' -AMvM tS "d and Furnish Ample Sp.c. t . . Cb0''TWFa IV CQ--. .1 00 CARE FOR SETTING HEN Intion Given Fowl Pi.ys Important part on Number and Condi tion of Chicks. : .r . .- ' 1 -'- - i I,,- ibA United Stat-ps "Dart- pi urc.i . v w - - . sottlns en aunng tne process C on the number and condition of chicks iv hen narcnea, see mat i,eas :ue nuule comfortable oh the t rrilow them to come on omy once V there nre any that do not desire ccr.!0 off . themselves, tney should tiikdi o.T. Hens usually return to a Good Type to Select for Laying. Lir nests before there is any dan- r of the e?gs chilllug,rbut if they i not go back in half an hour in or- Mvy weather, they should be put on e nest. Where a lr.rge number of ters are kept in one room it is &d able to let them "off in groups of wn four to six at a time. The eggs id nests should be examined and paned, removing all broken eggs and ashing those that are soiled ; In 4he liter case the soiled nesting material iould be removed and clean straw Med. Xests containing bioken eggs lat the hen is allowed to sit on soon korne infested with mites and lice, am-h cause the hens to bectmie un- isy and -leave the nest, of jten" causing e loss of valuable sittings of eggs, mite-infested nests, the hen. If fast- k'd in, will often be found standing er rather than sitting on the eggs, any eggs that are lad in the late inter and early spring are infertile. or this reason it is advisable to set pveral hens at the same tirnci After ne e?ss have been under the hens rom five to seven days, the time de- rndinj: somewhat oh the color and liickness of the shells white-shelled srgs being easier to test than" those uving brown shells--they should be jested, the infertile eggs and dead lerms removed, and the fertile eggs iut back under the hen. In this way it is ften 'possible to put all the eggs that pveral hens originally started to sit n under fewer hens and reset the thers. For example, 30 eggs are set nder three hens at the same time, ten nder each. At the end of seven days f e find on testing the "'eggs from all 1 -m iiie hens that ten are infertile, which paves us 20 eggs to reset, whicli we o by putting them under twd hens, nd have the remaining hen sit over Rain after she has set only seven ws. In this way considerable time pm he saved in one's hatching oper- tions. ... . .'- ": The pullets and the ' year-old 'hens fe the best egg producers. -" Market all cockerels not wanted ai ,rHlers at as earlv a date as pos-' "ioie. " - . 4 'chicken" is a young fowl, usuall f w ix months of age. It becomes ,uwl after that period. - une pound of fpjithprs can ' be ee from i Ten ducks, nr frnm fnnr ffPPSe. ..:.. Tl'i. . - "Hi? hfnC T,VAn r- I V..rv mtmvn ..... j. jjtt BUUUiU IIBYC WCru ' grit,- and pure drinking water. fnnf 8 for hatchlnS should be care Rt,',, se,'cted, well-formed, with good v. a arpi m a Temperature ui rees to CO degrees P. rhick worth having is th chicle at relpo.-At, i - .. . .. -... ?1 useii irom tne sneu witn in, "at- comes - tlx ir nAik tni.. 11 J. 1,4 rr, miu me. - . : " na"u pian -is to set heni fro" . ' a4 giving the chicks hatched other v 10 0Tl hen, allowing tha "ru TO tm harAr fr. lnvtnn UJ. dent snH?K the mash dissolve suffl- alt In the Wnfor rltK mV.tn1 M the J, molsted: In this war If Km K, . M. WW ABBA WW K 1 r td. , n m De more evenly distribu tor 100 of fialt about right f (Prepare4,.by the. United. States Depart r ment of Agriculture.) ' . The site for permanent buildings for' sheep shoujd first of all be dry and well drained. " Ample yard space that Is dry and sheltered should be avail able: adjacent to the 'main barn or shed. A southen slope with sandy soil is especially sitisfactory for this purpose. , : , - - On most farms it will be advan tageous to have i he buildings and yarrlsiensily reachel froni the regular pastures or from fl ?lds used to grow forage ; crops for summer pasture. - As the flock requires attention many time daily during part of the year, con venience of location In relation to the farm dwelling and to other buildings will effect an economy of time in the performance of routine labor. - Since sheep do nor require quarters chat are especially warm, a single wail will ' ordinarily insure sufficient warmth. If lambs are dropped in very cold weather, a temporary covering over the lambing x panels will provide warmth, or a sm II space can be par titioned off in which to keep a few ewes until their lambs become strong. Shade and protection from heat are peculiarly, necessary for fheep; . Shade" cannot always be furnished in pas tii res, and buildings that are well lo-" cated and constructed so as to render them cool In summer, will often pro ride greater comfort to the sheep diir 'Dg hot days than would be possible for them out of doors. Dryness and freedom from draft are most important. , Sheep cannot pos sibly thrive in quarters that are damp or dark. In fact, the flock should be shut in only during storms. Abun dance of light In all parts f of the building and at all times is necessary not only for the health of the sheep, but for convenience of the shepherd in caring for them. One square foot of window for each 20 square feet of floor space is necessary. Windows should be placed at a height to insure a good distribution of lights and particularly direct sunlight for the lambing pens during the period 'the ewes are; lamb ing." ' " :;: .;-i'. " ;": . .' Close confinement in poorly ven tilated pens is very injurious to breed- Government Sheep Shed at Beltsyilte v "' r. A Farm. :vvrv:-; ing ewes. While they should seldom he shut indoors, a part, of the flock will usually lie inside at night. At lamb ing and during storms doors should be closed. For such times it is necessary to provide means of securing fresh air without creating drafts. In a very large '. building with numerous, doors and windows It is often advisable to build one or two partitions from floor to ceiling to prevent drafts. Fresh air can be admitted through muslin screened - windows ' opened on the side opposite to that-from which the. wind Is blowing i Without causing drafts If all other sides of the building are tightly closed. I y Level and well-drained clay-surfaced floors, are satisfactory and eco nomical. Sheep pack the surface very firmly, and if there Is proper drainage the only; objection -to. this floor is that t does not exclude rats. Con crete floors for alleys and feed rooms are necessary, but. will seldom be called for in the pens.- ; .:' The main features to be provided in the floor plan, are minimum of waste space, convenience jind ease In feed ing and in cleaning the pens, and elim tnation of the need of moving or dis turbing the sheep. Pen partitions should be movable. ' By using feed racks': to make divisions in the pen space the size of the pens can be va ried as needed, and in special cases the racks can , be removed to permit the use of the pace for other stock. LIVE STOCK GAINING FAVOR Farmer Who -Does Not Raise Animals . . to Supplement Crops Loses r ,s Soil Fertility. ' More and more is the tendency, to ward livestock raising to supplement crop growing in general farming. The farmer, who raises" crops, such as com, .cotton, sorghum, hay. etc., with out; animals and sells , these product must sell :tlie f ertiUty coiiMituent at wholesale and buy meat,, milk, butter; flour, meal, etcat retail, paying the high "cosf of . bailing . both itay? i and iealers profits. Animal raising savet fertility arid the high-cost ot hauling Tt is wi-rth while. Typical ' Scene PIRUS gard?.i of mythology, in ; ,whos mouncains Greece was; craqiea, may again come under Helieric rule if the demands! nf Greek representatives z the peace conference are granted. Here are found th first evidences of that dreek culture which later permeated v the world. In the Valley of the Chara covista, unde. the very shadow of Olytzika, tit terrible Tom a ros of the ancients, Villus speak their tale to the archaeologist of a "civilization ante dating that of the Greece of today, says the Kansas City Star. " Here, myth Iogy has it, Zeus, re leased from Cliaos. wed Dlone, the fecund earth,, and from their mating came , the bcutiful Aphrodite. On this spot now rest the rains of the sanctuary, of Aphiodlte, overlooking the crumbled temple and votive monu Rnents, and h'dden midstthe oaks and olives that have enmeshed the val ley, no doubt is . tlie saered spring, whose mnrmurings, controlled by the divine Dione and aphrodite," were ir terpreted by the temple cracles. On the side of the hill, to the south of the citadel, which stood on a prom ontory in the center of the valley, have .been found the remains of a majestic4 theater, its walls shrouded in vines and trees. ' There, on the site of the Acropolis, from " which nil the ' plain is spread out before the traveler, Ulysses called' up the souls of the dead. I ' From the fateful oaks of Dodona, towering above the temple and the ater, Minerva chose the mast of the beautiful shir Argo, and tit the god of Dodona Achilles poured out his liba tions. -'V: Kings Descended From "Achilles. The kings of the Molossians, one of the many ' tribes into . which Epirus was divided, asserted direct descent from: Pyrrhas, son of Achilles, who settled there after the sack of Troy; leaving the kingdom to his son Mo lossus. It was not till the time of Alexander the Great that these many tribes were banded together into one nation. Then Alexander an uncle of Alexander the Great, was made king over Epirus by Phillip II., father' of Alexander the Great, and brought all the tribes together, the little country becoming a united kingdom in the fourth century B. C . - Since, its history has been tragic. The scene of continuous turmoil,," it imprudently espoused the cause of Perseus ' in 140 B. . C, and, devastated by' the conquering Komans, was . an nexed to" the province of Macedonia. Except for inter-tribal venoetta. there were few changes till the thirteenth century, when it was seized by Michel Angel 1 us Comenus with the taking, of Constantinople by the Latins. ' , " After two, hundred yeais of Latin and Byzantine rule, with . Albania, it reverted to the control ..of native princes, under- whom tribal feuds ; in creased In ferocity and savagery. And, weakened by US years of inier nal fighting. ,t was. an easy prey io the Turks ir ; the fifteenth century. Bloody Pule of the Turks. For a while' lawlessness was quelled, but, with the oeginning'of the decline of . the ,Turkieh enii-ire in . the seven teenth centur , the qjd rule of blood returned till at thd beginning of the present century Turkey was unable to promise safety to travelers within its borders. . Its hills were filled with lawless bands - whose depredation. the y Otto man rulers v ere powerless to curb. .Hiding in ; the fastnesses , of the Pin dus mountains brigands would swoop down upon pnek trains, or upon the valley farms, and be back In their lairs i before, he. police - could arrive at the spot and once in their moun tains tJiey :Wre;saf. . ' Theirs wan the life of the Scotch Highlanders of ? the tiiae" of the Stuarts. "' Clan spirit increased as the yoke; .of the .Mosleni vas lifted,vand . the law of . i etaliation was, the 7only effective.,, governmental: ..." instrnmeni. Blood .for Mood, was tlie rule and thousands'diei In clan feuds. -r Inspectors of schools , .founded 1 .;. by wealthy Epirptes : tffok;. Jheir ; liTCsUn UheirT idnisylP their otirs and "t iclr visits . were always tept secret. Thp .Freneli consul bardry lared go out cf of Ids. home. in Epirus. r :'.- J 7 which was birred with iron. Trav-: elers have hnd to empioy. strong armed - guards in or.er to pass through, in safety, and archaeological treasures of Incalculab e value have remained buried because of the danger; entailed in their: discovery. , 1 ,In the Balkan , war, Epirus again' was a bone of contention, and, with the defeat of Turkey, a part was re turned to Greece, vhile,. another .sec tion formed the, southern i portion of the newly born principality of Al banla, oh the Ionian sea. An attempt was made to find a ruler for the' lit tle monarchy, but 'after a brief -; ex istenc j unde- Prince', William of Wied, it again lapsed into anarchy and since then no meij-lier of European royalty has sought the job of governing the turbulent tril es. ' v Again, in he world war, it came Into prominence, and it is considered probable that . the Greek; claim r to northern Epinis will be allowed. Of the same race ana the same tradi tions,, there appears to.be a general concession on the part of other, na tions, that Ispirus bgain should be a part of; Greece. .' QUAINT-OLD CORNISH- TOWN Picturesque St.' Ives Graphically De scribed by Writer in a Chi cago Newspaper. - - Built close by the side of its tiny bay the little fishing town of Saint Ives huddles over the - water, blend ing into the rough gray Cornish land scape. The tiny cottages jumbled along the narrow, crooked streets are built of rough stone hewn from na tive rocks.- 'The quaint old streets themselves are paved with huge - ir regular slabs of the same stone. . In the 1 tiny, crescent-shaped harbor' the fishing boats rest at anchor dur ing the day, their tall bare masts, stripped of canvas, reaching upward to the sky. Huge white gulls. Saint Ives own birds, hover and flutter among the boats arid over the water., the murmur of their hundreds of wings like the voice of the sleepy old town. : ' , . .: -: "' V ' By the side of their cottage doors or down by the ; piers the gruff, brown fishermen sit and smoke, mending their nets and telling tales of the old days when the pirates of Saint Ives were the terror, of the seas; old yarns that their grandfathers told them, the grandchildren will tell again. They themselves are bits of the scenery and quaint Cornish atmosphere, gruff and weather beaten, but kindly and gener ous. At night their tiny boats put out to sea like a flock of birds, and the fisherman's working day begins. , : The little town, smells of. the salt sea and of the ' fish . drying in each spotless kitchen... Above each door hang wet oilskins and huge sea boots - the fisherman uniform. , The air, often heavy with mists and fog, is nev ertheless sweet and clean. Above the old town built on orderly modern terraces, ; the new St Ives perches in arrogant disdain of its hum ble sister at its feet. But tn little town itself, supremely unconscious: of disdain or interest works on and, gos sips as It has donefor centuries.Nik sah. in Chicago Daily News, k Londoners Opposed Bridge. : When the population of London was well over a million and its houses lay for miles on each side of the' river it was apparently well content with one London 1 bridge. At' length,- in 1734, Westminster was ' seized with the de sire to have a bridge of its own. Ap-' plication was madev to parliament for powers, only' to encounter the fiercest opposition from the' city; the 40,000 watermen, the Inhabitants of -South-wark, and the west country bargemen, all : of whom implored tbie commons to I protect;them against this new enemy The result was that the bffdge was not built till 1750.?. Blackfriars,: at , first called1 Pitt's, bridged waa finished ? in" 1760, at a cost of 260,000? defrayed by tolls. Waterloo was opened on- the second anniversary of the, great battle, fwlth great pomp by the prince regent in 'person;, accompanied by bis royal brother, the duke of York, the duke of Wellington and many, other J dlsUr gulshed peina - The value of ; v lndesoine food well prepn retl "a rid ; well - sea son 'U -ca fl n ot be " overesil ina'Ml. , J : V. 'e r n n 1 q u e Soup. A11 j one , cupful'.' of v stewed and sti-ained vtt!na-fos,;-wbith is atl'led' . one-eight li t( aspo p n f, li 1. o f sla. to three cup- fills of veal , broth. ; Thickfn with one and one-half tablespooiifulsJ "each of butter and flour cooked together ; then add one and, one-half tea spoon ftfls of. salt. Si flash of c;.'Jine. ontbalf cujv Tul of cooked rice, one and.Wuie-half plnientoes cut In strips, and one-fourth cupful of boavj cream! ' - ' .A - - , I Rhubarb Tapioca Pudding. Sak two-thiifls cupful , of poa:i tapioca over ni'zht in cold water 'lo cover. Drain, put in a double boiler add one and one-fourth cupfuls of boiling water and two-thiitls teasponful of salt ; cook until the tapioca has ahsorljed the water. . Peel i hubarb and - cut in one fourth Inch pieces--tbere should -;, be three cupful s; then siuinUle with one third cupful of sugar. Add to the tapioca and ck until the tapioca, is Transparent and rhubarb soft. Turn into a serving; dish . and accompany wit h sugar, and thin cream. Meat Loaf. Chop one pound of veal and two , pounds of beef, Mix and add one cupful of . bread crumbs, one cupful of milk, . one teaspoonful of sIt one-eighth teaspoonful of. pepper and. three eggs slightly beaten. Shape Inv loaf, put in pan and layyacross the top six slices of ft salt pork. Roast one and one-half : hours, basting, every ten minutes at first with one-half cup ful of hot; water and the fat in the pan. Keniove to a hot.platter. our around a tomato or brown sauce and garnish with parsley." ; . , ;. Stuffed Figs.1 Mash cream cheese, moistenwith heavy cream and season h!ghly with salt and cayenne ; make into balls three-fourths inch In dia meter. Wash and dry figs, make an (n-"cisldn- iri each arid stuff With the cliwseltallsi-Arnin plate covered with a lace paper doily. And the finest f;'16w of all would be the one who could be'Vgrlad to have -lived because the "world was chifly miserable, and-his. Ufe had come to help some one who needed, it. George Eliot. ' ' . ' .. ' MORE STRAWBERRY DISHES. A pint of ,nlce berries,: will fumlsh plenty of dessert for a family of five or six. If the berries are used wisely. A most dainty dessert Is either angel food' or sponge cake . cut T.n : rounds, heaped with crushed ber ries mixed ; with whipped cream or the nerries may be covered with the ; cream. - : . Cottage P u d d i n g Strawberry , Sauce. Bake a cottage pudding In an- angel; cake . pan. or a simple sponge cake mixture may - he used. . Remove .from the pan.. to. serving, dish, fill, the center , with sweetened and flavored whipped cream and pour around It , a sauce using some crushed berries to .make juice, sugar and a few sliced or quartered berries. t Keep warm until .serving time". -v;y . -V; ':. .f; : 0. ' --r", ' .. Strawberry Ice Cream. Wash, - hull and mash' one quart of berries. Sprin kle with a cup of sugar and let stand for three hours, then mash ind squeeze through a double thickness of cheese cloth.s Mix one and one-half ." cupfuls of heavy cream, one and one-half ; cup- fuls of miliv. the whites of four eggs beaten stiff and a little salt : Freeze 1 to a mush,- then add the' strawberry -juice arid continue freezing.- More sugar-may be added if tlie fruit Ms quite acid. t-U;T ;V;''?jr:;:i; j Steamed Rice-Strawberry Sauce. Cook one cupful of rice In milk until well ""done but whole. For the sauce take three tablespoonf uls of Softened butter, add one cupful of powdered su-" gar, mixing it until creamy, then stir' inv a half cupful of whppel cream and a pint of sliced strawberries, which have .been slightly sweetened. Serve at once. " ' Lenox Strawberries. Fill sherbet glasses with sliced strawberries; that have been, well chilled. - Pour over the following; mixture : .Mix, the Juice of half an orange, J our .''tablespoonf rils of sugar, and a tablespoonf ul . of .charged water. Garnish with a ring of piped whlp'pett cream, arourid the, edge. -Allow, this quantity .for each portion.. - A few strawberries-add much to. the appearance - and flavor ' of - any. , fruit salad and ; as a garnish for ice cream nothing is V nicer., than, fresh berriel crushed with sugar; using equal tparti? of each. Berrie-v the mall . ones; 'when crushed and . mixed wlh:: equal part of sugar, will Iceepi indefinitely If in a cool, place.; This preserve jnay be .used In- .countless .ways. .... 23 STRAWBERRY EASY TO GRQ3 Like Other Crops, the Greater C tural Care .They Receive, .the V Greater the Yield. . .f ,- f . . v-,- i . ' ' . .... ? " During the last two years the few situation was such that nearly all of the efforts of the farmers and ganin -ers ji'ere directed Jn such a way tn. the maximum amount of food, conkl W produced., -.Along", horticultural liwe during this period the productioa fruit has been so ""Sidetracked that there has been a decided shortage T fruit and particulaiiy that of aisaK fruit f . t " .; Several times the arriouiit of strkrn" berries that we" produce could be'ca sumed by our own people if the snifply : was available. Every farm "that w3ST grow corn is capable of . pradsclsr: strawberries. In view of the fact tiot the food situation now ? is not Reanr9jr so acute as it wasi we are warrant in urging people to plant Mrarbrrir , beds'for home use, as weir as for coas raercial purposes. , n . ' r- The strawberry Jbuslness is teybt the experimental stage. Senator Dwo lap, Warfield, Biederwood, as vell st many othe,r varieties, can be .siceiraK fully grown In almost any state. ;-Cte-' like any other fruit, a full crop ca be secured one year after the plantar are set out Other srnall t ruins. RUwi . raspberries and currants; require 'tx to three years to reach maturity, wkfle, idA.- ...--. sift ; -JSC v :-m ', Yield ' of Strawberries Quality. of the apple requires years to come into eight . to: fiftetr a period of taSL bearing.' - . , Strawberries are 1 easy, to grow, feu; like other crops, , the greater the call-, tural care they receive,,' the greatrjr will be the yield. A few rim's rommSasj across the average farm garden rH5 produce all a family can-use. An ajpr of well-tilled strawberries w!U jieJ, anywhere from a few thousand vp to 6,000 or 8,000 quarts in one. feeasoau. -c Iowa has been decidedly ; sliort "s fruit the past few years, and fcins' other food products. None of the Iwar rles shipped in from the large protfwe ing districts can compare with tte-home-grown product At 20 tf5J cent s a quart, the prl ce tha t pteWifinB .. the last two years, the per capita -sumption is small,' but with .KOppy available in the ga rdens the per cap ita , consumption will depend only m the " capacity of , the family.. : - Trie plant diseases and Instd fasi work; On' ! the strawberries as a: rote arr,not,serious.'.-.i-The-scrop'H as per tain as any that- we grow. The tfli . dle sWest; and particularly, Iowa, Is fa need:of: thousands of farmers and cxf deners who. will plant new beds U? sprinj i rr I IDEAL FARM HOME ORCHARD .-. i, i .- .' . , .j i It Should - Contain .Several Kinds 9 r Fruit of Varieties Ripening One " f ; After Another. (Prepared by.: the United States Drpaxs . . : r ; ment of Agriculture.) , : The Ideal home orchard should. , tain several kinds of fruit, represestinZ in many cases by a considerable casar berjot, varieties ripening one after var other over a long period.-; Large yletia, good shipping, quality -and attractive ness in appearance all may be cade secorilary to high dessert quality or special excellence for cooiing poses.. . APPLE- KIHG.OFULL FTOJITS t ; Crop of 1918 Had Value cf $2C3,C.: or Three-Eighths of VaJafl :r -r-t of All Fruits '(Prejred by ;the United States .DescV t ij of Agriculture.) . v. r ,v " The apple is the kuig -of" frcit. la, ;value,Pf crop aSWell.as in the iapa Uoniof apple lovers. V For the cn:' rop" of 1916 avalue of : C2C0jE2r3 las been estimated, . or nearly tiro : Ighths of the value of all fixltx . ,