. t " 15 The on! Paper Puisfced in For Its Hone VOL. XXIV NO. 48 TV,c FUNDAMENTAL ;- ' : 'V TH QUESTIONTAXATION r inning Scries of Articles on New "turcs of Old Problem New I eeislation Should Have Approval of Those Who Want to Pay Ac cording to Their Worth and no fi'lore Some Changes as to Listing This Year. V : - a . (By A.J. Maxwell.). The press of the State has a large share of " responsibility for the unanimity with which the recent Gen eral Assembly passed one of the most thoroughgoing-: revaluation acts ever adopted in. any State. Its continuing co-operation is essential to the-success of the work undertaken. It .is KV purpose to ask publication of a short article once a week for several weeks on some phase of the tax prob lem, in as rnanv papers as will give space to it, as well as to ask the con tinued generous co-operation of ' the press, on its own initiative in keeping the matter before the. public and in f?irly presenting the plans and pur poses of this great undertaking, -Prop-orv understood it should have the co operation of every man who .wants to. pay his equal snare uj. taxes ana no more. Its success" depends upon the co-operation of the public," and upon its success- depends in large measure the future progress of the State. ' North Carolina is more distinctly a State, and less combination of one hundred counties, since the recent session of the General Assembly. It broke new ground in many lines, but all of its furrows lead td' the realiza tion of a morecompact" State. In this respect the recent session of the Gen-' eral Assembly was epochal. In pub lic schools, public health, public roads and in taxation its .enactments show more than a tendency in this direction they practically establish State systems. ..'.','; : - " The Legislature came to Raleigh "vith a full realization that a complete revision of the tax system of the State was the fundamental reform that not alone the State agencies of help fulness in all. lines were dependent upon it, but that the counties, cities and towns had reached the limit of endurance and progress under he old system and old methods. ' A complete new order of things was demanded not only to relieve the . unreasonabkr-and staadiliacrca5ia3 tax rates, which will reach a point of $3.75 this year in one of the great cities of the State, and to give a more , equitable result as between individual taxpayers by a more accurate .valua tion of property, but it became a necessarv prerequise . to the new noliov of State-wide dealiner . with other public questions. If equal school facilities are to be - provided by the State in all the counties of the State, and if other great under takings are to be handled in the same way, the State must-of necessity see to it that there is a uniform system of taxation uniformly administered in all-the counties of the State-. If money is to be drawn by the State from one country to maintain public schools and build roads irr another, as will be done under legislation enacted at th?s session, the State can not escape responsibility for requir ing that the property in each county shall be valued in the same way and up to the same standard. The Legislature also came to Ra leigh with a full realization that an accurate valuation of all the property of the State was a large undertaking. requiring not only adequate organiza tion and means, but time in which to make adecmate investigations. The v.ill to do equity, without the means is impotent. So its first definite con clusion was that this work should not be hurriedly done that it would no undertake to have real estate rc 4'alued at all for use in the vear 1919 but that it would give all the time possiDle for the prosecution of this -worn by giving a. whole year more 01 time than has ever before been givn inthis State to a revaluation of prop-1 srty. The machinery for this "re-j valuation was enacted in a separate iii. Subseqent articles will treat of difitrtit sections and provisions of this act. - V. Ta? Listing for 1919 The usual form of Machinery act was re-enacted with some important amendments, f orthe regular listing personal property this year. The boards of County Commissioners -inv tbe several counties will appoint, at their regular meeting in April, town E1lP.iist.takers for taking the lists of Personal nroperty in the usual -way in Jne months of May and Juner arrd will uruK forward the old valuation of real property. " No More Listing Bank Stock One important change, applicable J? tin this year, does avay. with Jne listing of shares of stock in banks Dy the shareholders. The tax in each " t case will hereafter be charged against - dnK instead of the shareholder, f nd paid by the bank. This has been rale as to all incorporated com panies other than hunV Rnnlfs'ftre Permitted, as hertofore, to -deduct "Jtarp hnnc. i 1 ' t n-t n n , """ waueu Since lll now 6,urPlus, and' are now permitted to aextent 0f 25 Per cent of capital jnor to date of listing May .first dril can fld,i4. r?ji fii..j u .' issue of Victory '-Ronds to be Sth m Apri1' if PaW -or by April " income for Eight Month. Instead hrL 7 ear 19 1 9 taxpayerswill alaS list their income from gs and fees for the eight montha' -t. ' - 1 ' , r.-.i';--. .-: .?V-.-7.--.g' . .'-iji-i'ai;-,;;. ... -: : . " - 1 : - .' . :" '. ,, -7, . .. .'" ftom.May 1, 1918, to -January 1, 1919, instead of for a full year. This' change is. made for tViA having the State Jncome tax'year con form to the calendar year,, or to the same period as that used by the Fed- v.x uuvcjiiuiem, ana alter this vear "JVU"' De rePrtea to the State for the full calendar year. . A slight is aiso maae m the exemp tions, favorable to married-mpn n0 exemption is reduced for single men from, ?1,?50 per year to $1,000, and for married men or v widows and widowers haying minor children the exemption is. increased from $1,250 si,ouu. ror the year 1919r in which the income reported is for eight months, the exemntion ia rrn rated accordingly and will be $666.66 ana $i,uuu, respectively. , y 1 Don't Forget to List Your Dog' The taxlister in everv town shin in the State this year will want to know if-you own a dog; or if anv member of your family owns a dog, and if you- quin ine insinuation the tax will be $1.00 for males and $2.00 for. female dogs, which will goto the school fund of. the county. .. , .'- .'- These are the pnly material chaneres respecting your tax list for this year. a iitj next amcie win aeal with some features of the revaluation act. A COUNTY ASSESSOR We are in receipt of a circular let- tel from the chairman of the State Tax Commission, calling ,our atten tion to the act passed by the late uenerai' .Assembly relating to assess meht of property in North Carolina In the letter, Mr. W. T. Lee says: - "For many yearsi -it has been the law that every persons property should be assessed for taxation at its full. , value m. money. Notwithstand ing this law, nearly everybody in the State has escaped a full valuation of his property for taxes. The General Assembly, just adjourned, has said by passing the Revaluation Act. that an end must, be made" of this condi tion and that hereafter property must be valued for taxes at its true value It places the responsibility, upon our commission to see 'that this is -done and it must and shall be doneTl It is the purpose of the General Assem bly upoh a proper valuation being made, to lower the "tax rate, arid it will meec- alter "tne propcnjrniiiZbe assessed, for that purpose, so that the burden upon the tax payers will not necessarily be increased. This' is as sured . to us as a commission and we in turn desire to assure the tax pay ers of the State that a. full valua tion of their, property will not mean greatly increased amount of taxes. The act under which this -assessment is made provides, that the State, no county or municipality, shall collect in excess of ten per cent more taxes after this revaluation is made than is being collected in 1919 under the present valuation. "I will call upon the State-" to assist the commission in the selection of a splendid . business man . in each county as county tax accessor. He should be. a man of 'fine judgment, good business ability having a good knowledge of values both in towi and country, and one in whom the public has confidence as to his honesty and integrity. "It is net a political office but one of Strictly busines and we trust oui political friends will under stand this and "only suggest, the most competent men. After the county supervisor is selected by us, we trust every tax payer in each and every county of the ; State will fully co operate with him to the end that he will be able to assess each person's property at its true value in. money. v MEMORIAL, SERVICES . In memory of Levi Butler and Wal lace Lankford, Tryons two brave young fellows w"ho gaVe up their life, ; Jam nf ' Arntzrim and hfT tradl- jons and ideals, memorial services aiA in i th hool house iaudi- W ft I a ft I 11V jl a w w- fftrinm: irvon. OUimay- Biiciuwuu. sunaaVo. aiiernpuu 1919. at 3:30.. The meeting will be.predded 'oyer by Mafyor Mis- sildifie. . in; oruer to give -tiie v iew ing the official character it so ricniy deserves, the entire City" Commission will be expected: to attend ,m a body, and- occupy seats- on the. platform. After the inside program is finished the crowd, .wilt retire to the; school grounds, where, two oaK trees , wm u planted iff-memory of the - two boys. TV. Rov Scouts willTiave charge of nA til an tin.the trees, and the care' of the trees wm ue v1 , over:, to the '-Scouts and to tne scnooi children. - - . ; , Both the fallen iaas were ., -jf xt; "P -.-r Cmitc , hCOUt members oi me v, . -----Master A.1 L. Hill will attend to the Scouts" part. 'of the program, fol lowing is the full, program : -, Song- America. Prayer, led by Rev Makepeace. Song. -.'J " A J J U XaT K ' N F. : Barrows" Pratt. Song Lead Kindly Light, solo by Mr. WeigeU, . ' ; , w w" Address to the Boy Scouts, vv. r. pnetkr Spangle Banner. ' ; vmir children:: and eveniww. fcmJl"n - Jnd bV those.who membered in Tryoi, anu oy.yiy yj attend.,', . - IV is i .safe betto : say thatl. William Jennings ; A. I a . . 4 . .ill ' .1 A HI a . " i at' his ASheville home.; SILVER CREEK Thq box supper, -at Silver Creek,' March 22nd. was - a crreat ; success. The cake-: and "boxes sold for $97.15, which amount will be used for; the benefit of the school 'house. " Miss Mary Ann Bradley .was . tke guest . of -Miss Charity Williams; Sat urday ' night. ' , ;?kr; .- -I ;;. r-: . T"; Miss Ollie Townsend and Miss Vel- ma Constant were guests' of Miss Grace Arledge, last Sunday. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Will Green spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Arledge. ' , ', . L r Mr. J. R. Sams spent Tuesday nicht 1 at the home of 11. Jt Arledge. rrivate John Jack,son, who has been in camp in Wisconsin, has re ceived his discharge, and is now home. vlrs. Mandy Half ord is visiting relatives near Spartanburg, S: C. , TRYON ROUTE 1 Many" - on the route enjoyed the entertainment given by Miss Bertha Dalton, at Mill Spring, -Saturday eve ning; . . -V - . " ' . The near neighboring people - of Fox Mountain school house have or ganized V Sunday sch'Qolto . be. Held there 'on Sunday afternoons. ' ' 4 ' We were glad td have Rev. J. W. Barber preach for ,us again. Mrs. M. Hall and Mrs. S. B. Edwards were pleasant callers on the route, Monday. t i.. v. AYe . are sorry to lose so good a f riehd and ; Sunday school teacher as Mrs. 'Mamie (Eades. .Mitchell) Noblet, but sincerely congratulate her upon thfe desirable change,- and ardently desire to see her surrounded .with all the blessings of life. . , i T' , Rev, E. L. Shelton dined with Mrsv S. B. Edwards, Monday. , ? There is some road; work being done on Route. l. -Jt's.no April fool. '-. o -. .r?',;v: LYNN Oh you beautiful peach blooms, the cold wind was hard on you. ' - . The-farmer can plough his land now, it's good and dry. Now, Mr. Fire- Warden, look out for spring forest fires. ' C Bed time comes one hoii) . sooner than it did last week, Last Tuesday was OUR day -All it s ctld in these parts these days? Must be snow up north, and. these cold north winds must remind the Tryon tourists of "Home Sweet Home." -i V.V H" . - We. are glad to see the name of G. H. .Holmes, of Tryon, mentioned for one of the -Polk County Road Com missioners. We believe; with his knowledge . of, civil engineering and road building, he , would make the county a useful and efficient man. It's to be hoped the County Com missioners will give " his name full , consideration when they make the ap pointment. . or- : K HILLCREST s Mr. L. D.. Bridges and . Miss Nettie Lou W elburn were married Friday, March 28. . Messrs. Sam Wilkins and Reuben Collins yhave returned from Akron, Ohio. ; Rev. R. N. Hunter and little son have gone to Mr.- Hunter's father, near Charlotte, 'to" recuperate, after their severe illness.' , There has been a new outbreak of flu in Preens. -Creek neighborhood,, directly tracable to. a box supper re cently jriven at the school building. Mr. T. C. Cox spent the week-end with Miss Maude Cox, ' at Green River plantation. : ; - Mr. Lewis F. Camp has returned to his home after several .weeks spent in Athens j Tenn. : v 4 . Rev. J. H. Griffith will hold services a! the Cox school house, on Sunday, Aprirl G, at 4 p. ra. V . Mrs. Cox, who so efficiently nursed Mr.' Hunter's family through their Serious illness, has returned to her home in Spartanburg. - MAPLE .GROVE Mrs. Willie Haynes visited Mrs M. N. Burnett, Sunday :.: Misses Grace and Lola Gibbs visit ed Misses Thurcy and Bessie Burnett, Saturday. t - -; , Mr. Badge -Haynes was a caller at Mr. U. S. Gibbs,' Wednesday; after noon; .,': ' ' ' Mr. arid ' Mrs. Barney , Wilson and little daughter, Edna, . of Great Falls, S:; C, visited the, latter's par ents, Mr. 'and Mrs: Whit Wilson, last week, -returning Monday. : Mr. M. N. Burnett and some of the young' neople motore'd - .to Chimney Rock, Sunday. -x. - ;- i Mr. Oscar 'Shytiles, of Chimney Rock, has been released from . the arm v, and is now home. - ? i Mr, Tolbert Odel was a caller at Mr. M. N.. Burnett's, Sunday Mrs.. Lee. Wilson was the guest of her mother, .Mrs: Bettie Hayn.es,. last Sunday. , Glad to note that Mrs.; P. D. Wil liams, who has been very ill for the past' week; is now better. 2: ; i - ; Mrs. Will Corn visited her mother, Mrs, Ellen- Searcy, last" Sunday. 1 . Mr. ana jyirs. u. o uioos-yisii-eu Mr. and 'Mrs. P. D. Williams, ; last Sunday.- . - ; ;; Mrs. U.-S. Gibbs visited her mother, :s. ' N. vLynch; last. Saturday.;; ' 1 Mrs. ,i. O Taken all in all,, it's a very good jneasure,,sand wjp may expect to see some very material improvements .in o,.il, -county.: rpaas unaer tne , supngr vision the nev board. ;JMOUNTAIN-yiEWv -IMess ,:Deniiisind, Jipse . Jackson wenfcftp? Landrumla9tj week; : on a business : trip; -vp -"';-k . . , : Mrs;- ,B i - Mc Graw is ver y 111 with f neuralgia,:;: ;-: fr ; ; v -y tniarwfjting -'and Dr. Waldon "has been cledK-'y rC1'-' ':-;-r;-; - " The people of -Mountain - View organized a Sunday school, last Sun day;. We hope to : have, a good Sun day school. ' : : - v . ' : Mr. .Mack Skipper, of Rutherf ord-toh,- was in this section, . Saturday and Sunday. t '. ; FISHTOP ;' T. W. Bradley saijg for the Mount Lebanon church,' Sunday. 'John Pace returned . home for a while; from the Merchant Marine, a few days ago. v x ; - ?: Ay.'crazy man passed through this sectianflastt week. There should be a place provided for every crazy man, and he should be kept in that place. A -"Northern" as a Texan would call it,; visited us Thursday, but not like it was reported in the . north jvest, where a four-foot snow was re ported;: - .-'i1.' -;:r , Mr. Editor, you made me say 100 acres, last . week,. when it should have oeen ,1,000. One hundred wpuld, be very, small .when compared to jL,Ui)U. : .Brother Lynn, we know nothing' of tne railroad survey more than we have-..seen where it crossed the Cove Mountain road, - but- do not consider that survey . the Jinal one, as we ex pect, thera to make several before they decide where they will start from and where they will end.' This is what the"-Western North .Carolina Times-says about it : . : 'A plan to make an iamendment pn thleV'? Southern's . line of- railway through rPplk county . is now being seriously, considered . it. is sid."- The planif .Ciiried into effect, would place the; roadT further east, and' bring it nearer; Columbus, and east 4 of Tryon mountain." so as', to .eliminate the Saluda mountain grade. Surveys for the new route 'are now' being made." ? ..One man is so enthused over it who has ' about 200 acres, mostly . timber latds, has had a .calculation made by one who considers himself authority f oi. everything;, and finds that he will -5,00rv6Ter": and above expenses for what he offered to take $600.0, before the railroad talk arose. - ;' , , 6 . EXAMINATION FOR POST MASTER There will be" a civil service exami nation; for, postmaster at Mill Springr on, April 12th. AH applicants must have reached-the legal age and re' Side in the "territory supplied by that postbffice.:1 Mill Spring postoffice earned $337 last year. ; If , you want to know all about the1 requirements just address the United States Civil Service Com mission, at Washington, 4D. C, and necessary blanks and instructions will be sent ybu. ' .' ( - -o t- r , NOTICE OF ELECTION ; TO THE QUALIFIED- -VOTERS, TRYON GRADED SCHOOL .DIS TRICT: .' . .... Pursuant to an act passed by. the General Assembly of North Carolina, session 1919; notice is hereby given that an' election will be held in said Tryori Graded School District, at the polling place in said School District, on Tuesday, May 6, 1919, at. which election- will be' submitted to the Qualified voters of said school district, the question df levying a special tax, m addition to the tax heretotore authorized, not tp exceed fifty cents on every one hundred . dollars worth ot taxable property ana a aoaar au fifty cents on each taxable poll, for the purpose of supplementing the school funds of said school; district and to create a sinking fund to pay the interest on and to retire the bonds of said school district, now out standing at maturity and to use the d tax for the 'main tenance of the schools of said Graded School District.- . - ' Further, in .DUrsuance to said act, nassed 'by 'the General Assembly of North Carolina, session 1919, ratified March 10, 1919, and entitled an act to amend and supplement chapter one hundred and one of the private laws, of one thousand nine hundred and three, relating to Tryon . trraaea School District, it is further enactea that at said election to be held in said school district, May 6, 1919,- there be submitted to the quaiinea voters oi said school district, the question ot electing three trustees for said Graded School to serve tor. a term of two years, "or, until their -successors shall be chosen and qualify; , Pursuant to the act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, as above outlined, and, at a meeting, of the Tryon" Graded School Commissioners, held in the- ornce oi its cnainnan, Geo: A. Gash, on Tuesday, April 1, 1919, at 3 o'clock p. m., there being present 1 a majority of the members of the said Board of School Commis sioners, it was voted upon and order ed by said SchoorCommissioners that the above notice, of election be pub lished in the - Folk; County News; paper of? general circulation in said Schoor iiistrict for four successive weekSV "3T - ' '. - ; Done'lby order of the Board of School Commissioners of said Tryon Graded School District,: this. April 1, 1919. , Try on Graded "School Commissioners, -By Geo. r. Gash, I Chairman "of Board. ' - TRYON Rev. H. Norwood Bovime, of Bilt rnore, spent'Tuesday in ; bur city. ' Miss Josephine Nelson, of Kershaw, S. C, is the guest I of ' Mrs. E, J. Jones. '-r-.'-':-: v .. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Speed left Tuesday afternoon for a short visit to New York. I . Mrs: and Miss Bradford,, of Wis- consin,-are spending a few weeks in Tryon and are guests of Mrs. C. J. Reich. ; - ; : Sunday' school at the Tryon Bap tist ; church , Sunday at 10 o'clock ; preaching, at 11 o'clock, by Rev. Mr. Pratt. ;; -. ' r - - C':'--;;:.C;'' ;: Mr. and Mrs. Edward ;N. Frost, of Blilwaukee, were "callers at the NEWS office: Tuesday and the NEWS will be a regular .visitor at their Wiscon sin home for the next year...-. . Monday, April 14, the Boy Scouts of America, Troupe N6. 1, of Tryon, will plant -a tree in Columbus; in memory of our late President Theo dore - Roosevelt, More will be said about this next week. v -Everybodv in vited to the service. ; , ; t Mr. Grady Flynn, of Greens Creek! township, accompanied by his -sister and her little daughter, were callers at the NEWS oce ; Tuesday. Mr. Flynn. saV" service in? the United States army on the i, other side, but arriving in r ranee-. Dut two aays be fore the singing of the peace armis tice he did not get to the front; There seems to - be some trouble in securing : a chairman for Polk county for the , coming Victory .Loan drive. ; Already, some five or six dif ferent persons have been proffered and refused the honor. "" It is to be hoped that some one will accept the pusiuuii aim uo au in xneir.-power.to put Polk county over again. We have come up . so well in all past loans that it- would not look very well fot us-to. fall 'down on this one. Hon W. 'F. Swann was attending to business matters in Spartanburg Tuesday. . ' Mrs; E. G. Holderi is ; the proud possessor of "Ye olden time", door knocker.- It was brought to her by Mrs. B. F. Cdpeland, from New Orleans. It was taken from the old St. Louis hotel Vhen tljat building was demolished about three; . years aero This hjptel vasvohe of the old historic landmarks of New Orleans. -: Situated in the old French quarters, or "down town district" as it is .better .known in New Orleans.' For many years it was the leading hotel of the Crescent city, and- has entertained not only many of the royalties oi Europe, but Presidents, Governors and leading citizens of the United States. It was here , that ; the slaves were- sold in befo' de wah days," and-the old auction,, or slave; block still : -stood when the building was" torn. down. It 'was also in -this building that the famous "rump" legislature, .as it was known, met and held forth for several weeks,' during the early s seventies when . carpet bag rule' had Louisiana. It was. indeed, a buildinar - rich in memories,'nd it was with regret that the older people of New Orleans wit nessed its destruction. NEXT EFFORT WILL BE AT LYNN Monday, March 17th, was the day appointed to organize the farmers- of Tyron township for. closer j business relations, ? and to aid. the other town ships in; a f orwam movement for the building up of . Polk county in every way. My disappointment; was; great when so few met. Yes, so few that we only had Some discussions and did not attempt an organization. v I fear the town, and country people of Tryon township have failed to - under stand our present movement. .We are trying to organize all the - people of various communities so that they may oetter understand each others needs, and better know how to assist each other in providing for such needs. I take it for granted that the coun try people' have their farms in as good condition as they desire, ahd have no needs; that their farms are producing bring them prices so - high- that roads all they desire, and that their markets are as good to haul their " lumber, cross ties, etc., as they desire." And I suppose ( ? )' the business men of. Tryon have, all the business they desire withm jtheir own limits, and that'they are supplied at all times with fresh vegetables, meats, poultry and eggs of ; their own raising with out the aid of the outside worlds 1 know that - it was through' no. dis respect for me that the, meeting was so snarsley attended; because I have never received anything but the kind est and most favorable , treatment from the men and women of Tryon I still think, just as f I did beforethe meeting,, tnat there should ; pe , an organization of the people of. the township as well as of the town alone. f A town ; cannot exist on hot air alone. Hot air is a good thing in its place ; but it must ; come in contact with the. earth and moisture to 1 pro duce any valuable results; ;- The town people and "country people" are de pendent on 'each other for. the best success, ana tney - snouiq ; recognize this fact and learrf to work .to'gether. They canot work together -"without organization, because rcorOperation simply means womng together. Since it appears that?Tryon and the farmers of the township regard co operation as beihg undesirable,'! will try the -little - town o lynn and'-'se what . ciartr.be. done there.; I. will-say; in this connection that 1 win makeanr effort to meetthe people of the . town' - f V $2.00 A YEAR OUR NEW ROAD -LAW ' Hons. E. B.. Cloud and- W. P. Swann succeeded- in having passed by the last legislature a new road'' law for Polk- county. . . There are some very-good features m the law, and a -good many changes from the now ex isting law. The new law takes, from1 -the magistrates the power of appoint ing the road trustees, and instead we will have a county board Of three commissioners, two of whom, Mr. -Edgar B. Lancaster and Mr. J. H. v Gibbs, were made members ; in the bill. The third member will be ap pointed by the commissioners at their -meeting ; next Monday. . .The latter member .will serve' for four "years ; the first;two for two years. - ; After the selection of the third member the body will meet, and elect ; a chairman and secretary,' also a . treasurer. The chairman and secre tary must be members oi the board. J; The treasurer.mays be- either a mem- T ber of the board, or any bank , or banks in the county. This will de-. pend upon what rate of interest the bank or banks will offer for the road funds. The meetings of 'the board . i shall bev the first Saturday i. in? i April and - August, bpecial meetings may De neia any time aeemea . pecessary by the board. The board ivill have . absolute authority over the -building and repairing of all roads arid bridges" in the county, the board, may - employ one or more persons in each township' for the more systematic working 'of roads ; if thought . advis- - able ;. also may employ a superintend ent, to have general supervision over - all road or bridge construction. They may also divide the county 1 into suit- ( able road districts; each year.;-the board shall distribute ' the work Y arid improvement and construction of the roads as equitably as practicable," in all townships of the county, having due regard to the road tax. collected' in. each township,; but shall have the ' right to create a special .fund If torn those ' of two or more townships for . use in building, altering or.repairing main ieaamg, roaas in xne county max would be more beneficial to ' the x residents of ' said townships ' than if expended in their immediate locality., 1 Ihe members of the board : shall . receive for their services threedollars -. per day for the : time ; actually arid' - of - their duties, and live cents per mile for necessary traveL The board shallsaeet: itihTfizutfIoiidayrini , June, or sucn joiner time-oi; tne year as may be nxedi-for levying of . taxes. It shall be the duty of the county commissioners to levy a tax in accord- -ance with such recommendatiori?''ri6t v exceeding . thirty cents on the Abnev - hundred dollars valtiation of property, and ' ninety cents on the poll, for ' roads, and twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of - property and seventy-five cents on the, poll for bridges but may in . their discretion levy not exceedirig . fifty cents on the one hundred dollars ' valuation of property, and orie' dollar and fifty cents on the poll for roads. , The new law also provides for the creating, of a county "chain --gang." . All roads shall- be. forty feet in width wherever possible; in opening new . - roads, no grade, shall be used ex- ' ceedmg six per cent, unless 7 by trie . express order of the board. - A ? sink ' ing fund is - provided for; a method ;: of condemnation : for right of way, drainage, etc;- '-; :v "yrr j. All persons between . twenty-one'.' and ; forty-five are subject to road -duty ; four days each year, or a -cash V payment of three dollars in lieu of the four days ; shall constitute -the . full payment ; or the board raay " eliminate the four days, and require "the . cash payment of three dollars. ' One good provision is in repumng the - service of a surveyor or civil engineer in re-locating and widening roads now in -use, or conshucting ... new ? roads, All persons shalkpass each other to the right; the "snaking" of lo'gs on ' the public roads is prohibited.. - v of Lyriri and the farmers of the sur rounding country arid see what can be done relative to; an organization for, town and community .betterment. You covered yourself with glory in unanimously voting a special tax to improve your- school. This is co-Kp- ; eration of the highest type. - J. K. SAMS, County-Agent. : THE COMMUNITY CLUB . ADOPTS LETTERHEAD . The Community Club of the Sea- board High .School in Northhampton - county Jias lately decided to adopt 'a : uniform letterhead for the' use of the members. It . will be .recalled i that ; this club' is at present, marketing ggs;v by parcel post on the Norfolk market, . ana is estaDiisnmg a reputation ior - -fresh,- clean, well ; graded eggs of go.od quality. . s" ."'. In transacting their business, 'the members of this club have had printed ; a supply letterhead paper such as will . give them recognition in the business ' world. This stationery '"carries the name. of Spurgeon . Rose, president of the club ; Gordon -Maddrey, yice-pres- . ident, and Lloyd v Garris, business manager: . It has the. r llogan, Let'- , the club boys andrl aupply ' your ' wants,"? and statfes that, the 4 project is co-operaUv. jarid that, .it calls , for . ' acarefui sudy among the students of the; schooldln home. . and community K problems. VAltdgether, the letterhead is typical, of the - progres shown . by thiscommiinityr and . it is - expected thats.uch action; r will be v taken 'Vby many , 01trie. other community clubs' - which' are "at nresent heint onnLnir. over North Carolina, v , . , '-Hi t i f v.