.vflU EiXv. A?r5t W 44V-f;-. ...... ' fin-it, itwwirfwy.v POLK CQUNTY. NEWS. TBYQN, H. Q.. V:.? i! IT! ii :1 ; I'1 : it a r HI f !v t i, i f. HP. ttSE WORLD OVER : IMPOftTANT HAPPENINGS OF THI W AND OTHER NATIONS FOR ink-. .. Z. v w f in .;! .-r tj-'iOo SEVEN DAYS GIVEN What It Taking Place li Ths Scuth. V land Will Be ; Found In '. ' v. v - Brief Paragraphs, . European' .General, Mangin, t one .of the. leading, officers of the French army, . will v be recalled from his command at May ence to "undertake a mission the "char acter and scope of which "Is indicat ed plainly by the events in Hungary." ' f, Italian trpops have occupied . the town of . Pressburg, thirty:five miles southeast of Vienna, on the Hungarian side, of the border. . ,; - . The delivery of German ' merchant lhipsJ;o the allies continues. Various vessels of the Hansa line have sailed from Bremen and several of the North German-Lloyd steamers had already gotten under way. All "the members 'of the allied mili tary missions except" one American of ficer have left Budapest. 1 Martial iaW has been declared all over ' Czecho-Sto vakia as a resutl of evnte jin'; Hungary- ' J .. ' . It is ' annbunced that allied troops occupying " Arad and Szegedin on the Maros and Theiss rivers have J been withdrawn. . Officials reports of the riots in Egypt show that two thousand houses liave ' been ' sacked. V Many British soldiers were murder ed andt a mob sacked and burned the stations of El Rekk ah and El Wasta, Id Egypt. ' ; An express train from Cairo, Egypt, was pillaged and several trains were sacked. An employee of the state railway was .murdered,' Brig. Gen. W. P. Richardson, U. S. A., has been given command of the Unit ed States mission into northern Rus sia, which will leave London i in a few days with a fair-sized .detachment, of United States engineers. ; Increased precautions have' been aken to ' safeguard President Wilson and the premiers with whom he is in i daily conference in Paris, J , Defending the niilitary service bill In the house of .commons, "Winston Spen- : cer Churchill, secretary of war. declar ed that the whole of Egypt was in a virtual state, of insurrection-. The . po- - siitno is so ' dangerous;, 1 he f says, that the .government had to appeal to men on the point of . demobilization to re turn and save their comrades from be ing murdered., , . The Spanish government has agreed to withdraw" its resignation owing to the general strike in Barcelona, and has proclaimed martial law throughout ' Spaing Troops are now. occupying the chief streets of Barcelona in order to insure the carrying out of the public . services . . z ,..; . - : ., ..... "An American amendment to protect nations against the influx ; of foreign labor was adopted by the league of na tions .commission. It affirms the right of any. country in the league to, con trol matters solely within domestic jurisdiction. r r The urgency for. concluding , peace ' may be; read in the decision of the ' great powers to, makea big effort to have the peace treaty ready by the first week in April. Some think it has become a race between peace and an archy.p . - Former Emperor Charles of Austria Iunga:ry; and his family have left Ek artsau castle . on & special train for. Switzerland, i Domestic 'Attorney General Palmer announces " that four thousand enemy aliens were interned during the war. He said pa roles .would be granted to some 600 ; 4 of the harmless class, others would be i- repatriated and 900 dangerous persons would be turned over" to the depart ment of labor with" the recommenda tion that they be deported. , . Five German -surrendered subma ... rineswill shortly leave England for the United States." They will be' con voyed by the submarine tender Bush nell. , Victorious veterans, heroies pt Flan ders fields, "oh which Prussian pride was broken, 26,000 men o the twenty seventh division, came back to Fifth , avenue," New York, for . their triumphal review. '. " "' ' " ;).-: The government's billion' dollar fund for 'financing foreign trade soon will be opened to American importers through - loans .:, from the war finance , corporaH tlon. . , , ' ...-.-;, J 5 - The navy department at Washing ton announces that preparations for - the' attempted flight of a nayy sea . plane across the Atlantic ocean are going vfiteadi)y, forward, t v,.j , r i Joseph, E. r. Rutherford, i president, of the " International Bible Students' " As sociation, which : was - founc'nj ; bys he " late' tTaatoV Russell, and heven'otii- er 'members v of the a$dsciation who were convicted TecenMy : ln: the federal court 'in Brooklyn, on - charge f vvio-r - latlng ?the r espionage . act.axave ben ordered released vby the United .State circuit! court - of appeals in . .ten thou FSLndndollars bail: each,? jV'iV:-W.v'-- J. Cate : and ; Kk J. Hammond 8to d ent ? aviators-of henaval station! At Penscola. Flai.'rereikilledv.wnen om of I ho fcydro airplanes fell Into thft tar." ' - DMT MVS Frisco trkitf No. 8tli en: rente; tyom: SS ;Louiift4 Mejmphis wM jietd up' be-; tWeen a'riarf; rfc.r lk.nd 'BridgV June-! tlon at niglit. ,by three masked men,' who escapeWttli .about six thousand; dollars JncashX;A-J Herding, fourteen, persons, including exelfvfomUVi'iio the lava ? tory and the vault oi theJ West Side-branch-of the ; CoiMnionwealthft Stale: b'ankt?ItrbiC Micff.vxnTOaskedl bandits robbed the institution;of $10, 000 in cash and unregistered Liberty Bonds t which, officials, say, . may. ex-: ceed sixty-five thousand dollars . in; value. .... v.;.;;it.....r.--rs-- ; A dispatch sent put from New York, Says that thbusanai' 'of T Jews;-were-slaughtered in Buenos Aires on Jan-: uary. 9. , The massacre followed a ru mor that the Jews were inciting a Bol shevik movement in Argentina, , . ; ' Announcement is made that April 10 has been. fixed as the date for'a con ference sin Memphis, Tenn., of cotton planters, bankers and representatives of Southern business interests with state and federal officials-to consider the formation of a cotton exporting corporation. . ; . Two aviators Lieutenants Burns of Indianapolis and Mathews of Ithaca, N. ,Y: were killed hear Arcadia, Fla:t in a fall estimated at fifteen hundred feet . ; The body ef Abraham .Lincoln Ram sey, three-year-old boyvwho attempted to follow his sisters to a country store in Newport, Tenn., and being turned back took; the wrong fork, of the road and disappeared, has been found in a hollow log about three miles from his home. . . ' : . 1 " ' . t ' , ; ; Sixty rnine officers and three thou sand and forty-two men belonging to units of the thirtieth division, which broke through the supposedly impreg nable line of. Hindenburg, "have de barked in Charleston, S. C. An immediate. call. for 50,000 volun teersf or service in Europe has been prepared by the war department. . As an. incentive to enlistment the men "will be 'offered early duty in France as a relief for men in the expeditionary forces who wish to return home. En listment in this special force will be for three years.' The men will be con centrated at Camp ' Meade. Washington , , . ; . ' ( : The steamer Cleveland, the first of the twelve German, ships allotted- to the United States rf or bringing troops homej has been placed in commission, the navy department has been ad vised. A cablegram from Portugal says an American fleet, of thirty-nine warships from Brest anchored at Lisbon. . An increase of. 50 per cent in the exports of - breadsutffs in . the first eight months of the fiscal, year is shown in figures made public by, the bureau of foreign and; domestic com mercel . . - . .., .. . - Meat and. dairy exports increased from '$274,851,044 the last fiscal year to $629,195,589 in the first eight months of this fiscal year. vv General Pershing reports to the war department that; there are still 5,500 officers and men of the expeditionary y forces listed as missing. This total compares with the British official fig ures of 161,800 inissing and the French of 290,000. 1 i ' ' ? ? Sales to foreign governments of more than two hundred million dollars' worth of surplus war supplies are an nounced by the war department. . President Wilson has issued the fol lowing statement: "In view of the very surprising impression which seems to exist, in some quarters tha tit is the discussions of the commission on the league of nations that are delaying the final' formulation of peace,, I am very glad to take the opportunity of report ing that the conclusions of this, com- i mission were the first to be laid be fore the plenary conference." " Constitutionality of the Arizona act of 1913 limiting employment of women to eight hours a - day has 'been upheld by the United States ' Supreme court in disposing of appeals in which the act was attacked on theground of dis crimination. . ' Under automatic control an airplane capable of carrying a heavy load and without any . human being board to guide it, has made a trip of more than a hundred miles and landed within a very short distance of the point if was sent to reach. ' . ' " : ': A San Francisco dispatch says that confirmation of the execution of jthe former emperor of Russia and hiy wife and daughters under particularly re volting conditions by Anarchist trooops has been given here by Gen. Robert C. Paris, one of the first French officers to be assigned to the Czecho-Slovak army in Russia.' General Paris is on his way home to make an official re port o( the oqcurrence to the FreD c.h gvoernment. He arrived at San Fran- ciscO from Vladivostok. He says: "Early one morning the czar was taken from an upstairs "room "and stood up against the wall in . the - basement of the house. .There he was shot, after which., the' czarina was shot and then her daughters and other members of the household." "K ' : ; y , Casualties 'among the 5 American medical officers of the American ' ex peditiohary' forcerin France from the time :of the arrival of the "first units tq;,March;;humber 422.;; -'1';? : Navai seaplahes" that are to attempt a flight across Uie Atlantic ocean ih May wllUstart from : Rockawaf beach Lilt; Imi- kte actual uinping; xstt plabe.ill be much farther Up thef 'coast possibly at some point in New Found lah:1:;:-',1; h fftCM1!'tbe superdeadhaugnt' the, larjgestrfightihg- ''nsins-8lifpt':tit is. ja Ifioat, went into commission as prf, iiliaXJnited State t Camden, i fj BULLOCK PENSIONED This bullock saved big gun from the Turks iri tlu British campaign on the Tigris. For this the British government hus ulloted Ita penstoi of.twQ cents per day for life. . -: ':'":: "' ' aekfensen Planried Interned in Hungary Upon Allies' Demands,; His Guards . Were Friendly. FOILED BY ALERT OFFICER French Lieutenant Cuts Wires and Entertains Guard Officer Until " Cavalry Arrives Marshal Is ' Furious at Being Balked. . Paris. From one of the French offi cers concerned in the affair a New York World correspondent obtained the hitherto. unpublished story of the extraordinary capture'of the German Held Marshal yon Mnckensen, at pres ent a prisoner in a chateau near Tern eSfar, Hungary, belonging to Count Chotek. ; .;. "Under the terms of the armistice signed with Austria-Hungary the al lies insisted that Mackensen and his entire army, which had fled from Rou mania to Hungary In a vain effort to reach Germany, should be interned by the Hungarians. The marshal hlm self ' was Quartered in t the castle Qf Foth. ; . -. . , : '.r , Towartl the end of December, learnT ing thnt Mackensen.;was planning to escape to Germany, Colonel Vix, com manding the French mission In Buda pest, applied to French headquarters in Belgrade for permission to place him under arrest and for the force necessary to accomplish this end. Meanwhile he surrounded the castle of Foth .with French secret agents. From ; the latter came , reports that Mackensen's ; baggage had already been sent . off and that the marshal himself Intended to get away In an automobile at five o'clock the next aft ernoon, -December 31. Cuts Telephone Wires. ' Colonel Vix immediately dispatched Lieutenant Genevrler, an exception ally able Intelligence officer, to Foth by motor. The lieutenant reached, his destination in the night and Immedi ately cut all the telephone wires con necting the castle with the outside world. Thus Mackensen was unable to communicate with his general staff and the other elements-of his army. His isolation, however, 'was not discov ered until an hour or so before the time set for '- his departure uext day. Mackensen ' wanted to send a final message to his staff. When he found the telephone "out of order" he de cided to wait in the chateau until com munication could be re-established. This was extremely fortunate for Lieutenant Genevrler, 'V for the re enforcements, without which the, ar rest could not11 be carried out, had not yet arrived. Four squadrons of Spahi cavalry were on their way by train from Belgrade, but there were unfore seen delays, and at five o'clock In the afternoon the hour of Mackensen's intended flight the lieutenant had no news of. them. Moreover, the cutting of the telephone wires might be de- y Lewis. Washington, had in its A ranks a chronif whistler . t ? p4 barracks, at drill, everywhere JJ A nnit .alt (ha 4lmA. kl ' .Uj. " Kit ft whistled. Suggestions, threats, C Ji was no stopping: his whistling. j J Flnallyan officer -,: took th J Q man an irana a :t s i w X ' You stand out. there nt nt. 1 A obeved- - .?" , w ! i For? one liour he- stood in. the A company: street, .whistling "The J ft tarrSpangleJ Banner ? vi 'J1 And for. an : hour officers - and , H Soldier stood at attention .with $ WHISTLER GOT EVEN FOR p ONE HOUR'S SENTENCE M One of the units at Camn W y ;'.n.oui in icgaru io -ins rajsi-f ri M eal efforts all rolled off him like & J water, off a duck's back. There jr ' tention.'': the officer commanded, A ."'and whistle f or-an Aour.'V 1 ) $ & The is soldier, arrinned . nmi A -BY GREmBRITMflif mm?? ..'- -t., - ....... ;.. ,, ..... ,; tected at any moment, and such a dis covery would impel Mackensen ' to leave at- once. v- ; c- ' ;The marshal was- nomlnHlfy 1h rthe custody of Hungary," but the- Hunga rian guards posted at the chnteau were favoral)ly disposal toward him and quite ready to see him get awny; penevrler kney 'that the '.-ofiicor. com manding these guards suspected ; the presence In the vicinity of ' French agents, and that If he heard of Mack ensen's trouble with the telephone he would Immediately r deduce thnt , the Frenchmen were the cause of it, ' The, lieutenant therefore determined to entice the Hungarian commander away from, the guardroom on' the out skirts 'of the chateau. , . V Marshal Is Peeved. : -While he was. regaling Mackensen's jailer-ally in the village inn with tales of tliat dear Paree which In . bygone years the , latter had . known , and adored, Lieutenant Genevrler heard the sound of galloping hoofs. He went to; the door apd saw the Spa his charg ing up to the chateau of Foth. Point- ' .... -. .. ... . Lon esomest Man Iiil American Lieutenant on Outpost " Duty at "Stepping Off " Plac3. Has Quarters in Great .Castle at Coblenz, and Under Antl-Fraternizing Order He Cannot Visit With Other-Inhabitants. : Coblenz. In a great castle on a hill and with a count ". and countess and their four - daughters as his nearest neighbors dwells today the lonesomest American in all the occupied territory of Germany.. He Is.: Lieut. John W. Scott of : Detroit, commanding . Com pany K, Twenty-eighth infantry, on outpost duty at the r"stepping ofr pia ""e of the Coblenz bridgehead where it skirts a beautiful valley stretching away toward Berlin. Just across the hallway from the quarters of the lieutenant ou the sec ond . floor of the 'castle. Count and Countess von Walderdorf have been allowed to remain by courtesy of army officers. " But4 the Germans keep r to, themselves, ' looking upon the - Ameri cans as Invaders, and an army anti f raternizatiou ; order prohibits Lieuten ant Scott f rom , visiting them, ; 5 Spends Evenings Alone. ' "r On the first floor of the,castle 50 American soldiers have their beds and;: mess and a large lifting room where Z they play cards and enjoy ea eh other s. company : during the long winter . eye-; nings and tell of their, war experiences.' and .of all the,yonderful "things they in t?nd to dq when they get 'home, again;; Lieutenant Scott spends his evenings," alone, devouring booh; after book. J: -j-; Visitors are few. at this furthermost outpost across , the Rhine twenty miles from Coblenz. During the day the lieu tenant makes his rounds, visiting. one sentinel after another, always alone. At the foot of the hill .crowned by the castle of, Molsberg is the village of Molsberg, of which Lieutenant Scott is military commander, but he talks to the townspeople-only on questions; of business. - And so, day after , day, the lieutenant meets no one excepting h!s soldiers and the ' civilians on routine matters . of duty. .; m' . I The, meals of this Joneliest of Araer. leans are served In his quarters, where be; dines, nlone rvi th giddy vgreen, war rior tapestry. figures gazing down . upon him -from their places on the walls. just where; they were hung something j jike 300 yeans ago. - The figures of one panel lecture a gay and Jollyparty andi all the others suggest rwmpionsljip; in y some: form. . . V X .... has a headquarters, but Its use is restricted ing them out4of his fhagri ned onuxhii-' Ion hef exclaimed? "Sty vJobMs 'done Vf and- hurried nout to jolrt the trooped oloneM Goesperenu. whcomiuanav ed the cavalry "forces, entered the ehth' tea u and demanded to seeiMackejisen The;., raftrshftli ; furious nt -haying. been ontmaneuvered sen t . back a flatf re-, to;0uespereau said quietly : "Tell him ultfess, tie ; coDsents.'tp, see? tne dromer; dlately I shall haye: myf Spahls tweak: downf;thec! dpor Off his room. '4:4 J Mackensen sa f Jn .and rceiyedthe, colpnfl iprthwi.:'J.;V;:r z;,'rii? niA ' TTftt-Tirrtfi co tn fori hfm ' ntlfl sajdi SJr, ,ou nre ,my prisoner. a. hayecalledon ;JkOU myself . that you J werehere.V'hat is "I iinderstand.n the Field 'Marshal replied inJow Jones. ; : : . i A week later he 'n removes? In . a special - train to- the Chotek chateau, where . he will, remain interned - until the conclusion of. peace. ,y r v . BUILD 300,000 BRITISH HOMES Government Adopts Plans to Settle the Housing Problem, and Abol- fT-.-"'-' r- ishV the" Slums, f - , y'" " London. This country neels imme diately at least 300,000 - dwellings for Its working classes; according to Dr. ChrWopher Addison, 'president of the local government board; whose housing scheme Jias just been approved by the British Var cabinet: A bill outlining his Jdeas ' is to be presented soon to the house of commons. State assistance -will be .given only . within the next 12 months to schemes submitted . to the local government board and must.be carried out within the next two years. ' L - t; Housing .commissioners are being ai polnted to help the various authorities, eacli commissioner to have a staff. Including an architect and a surveyor. Fittings are to be standard iml. "but this does not mean," Doctor Addison's statement says, "that " houses are to be built on one pattern. The govern ment Is anxious to avoid any such - lumlty." ."VvV.''' ' '.'--' In order to do away with "slums' it, Is proposed. the saWe financial aid be given for clearing and improving in si nitary , areaw a for building new houses on new" sites. ; ' . Too Much Realism. New York. Kd ward Dillon, director of moving' pictures, says he's off scenarios calling for holdups. To make one realistic heother day, he ' hired a former, stick-up man. Now he has no watch: , :,: ' to' business only. There are other con veniences, tdo, including electric lights and running water, and a wonderful stove Ireachlrig halfway to the celling, and , at the bottom, the" old German maker's name and the date, 1764. But to the lonely lieutenant even the fire In the stove sometimes eems almost cold. - v."-r-;;-1,- - Lieutenant Scott's nearest American officer neighbor is five or six . miles away out across the 8,000 acres owned bythe count. After dark ylsits are out of the 'question. And so, when over come by lonesomeness and . weariness from reading, the lieutenant tumbles Into a seventeenth century . bed which stands In the same position it has been all these years.-. Ana within easy reach is the telephone, by which he; knows eventually will come the welcome news, for which so long he has been longing -7" We've been ordered home.' w MRS. BALINE BEALE ? Wrs.; ; Valine : Beale. ,why . wa aiIsw I Harriet ..Blaine,-Vaughter "-of I the, late jfajne ; .A wame, ward r.vlsitor, n gracious and companionate. Germany 1 . iPW a ii;-x Dsvr wCw 1 lMum ZS:j(.g5s. il-'iiliioi BY AMERICAN DELEGATION : SPEED UP THE WORK. liiifiiT Jesuits Certain Amendments Have Been 'Agreed Upon That Are Designed to Si : r .Meet Criticism at Home. ' Paris. Persistent efforts, principal, lybv. the American delegates, but sec onded for the most art by the British and Italians, to speed up the work of - the; various-councils and commis sions preparing the details of the peac& treaty, resulted in better progress dur ing the closing days of the pst week That : most -important - results will b attained i during , the . present week is predicted - by those who are in a posi tion o speak, including the disposi tion of thre Monroe doctrine and repa rations, the. two subjects which have been the main obstacles to the com pletion r the treaty. .The most stubbornly contested sub ject was that of reparations, and it is suggested that the delay in this case cannot be charged up to the Americans but rathe! to the pre-election promises of Premier Lloyd George and ; Premier Clemenceau to make the Germans pay the whole cost of the war, which have led to some embar Assment. because of the patent ina bility of the enemy to pay more than a fraction of the enormous indemnity that will be required for that purpose. Howeyer, real progress has been made in bringing about an agreement on the. total amount, of ..indemnity and the terms of payment, oi a basis of painstaking. studies of the exact state of German industries and resources, at the present time and prospects for the future made by the financial com missions of the conference. Althotgh President Wilson has stat ed y that the - league of 'nations cove nant did not delay the progress of the treaty, because the work of the other commissions was equally essential to its 1 completion, th e subject has been the subject of much anxiety and close study during the past week. The desire of the American delegates to safeguard the - -Monroe doctrine and to insert-1 othen-amendments to meet home criticism has temporarilv pre vented thet report of the revised cove nant from being, submitted to a plen ary, meeting: of the conference. THE NEW ROCKET SAID TO . BE TERRIBLE ENGINE OF WAR . Worcester, Mass.. Dr. Robert P. Goddard, professor of physics at Clark College, acting under , the patronage of the United States war department, the Smithsonian Institution, Clark Uni versity and Worcester Polytechnic In stitute, has Invented a new rocket that Is reported to i be a terrible engine of war, with an altitude range of 70 miles straight up into the air and a distance range of at ; least 200 mifee. i The Goddard rocket is propelled by a perfected gas engine installed in the lower part ' of .the . shell, the ex plosions that generate the power com ing from cartridges that are fed into the .chamber . by a clock-like time de vice. -The .rocket . does not require a cannon, to start it on' its flight, the journey . beginning from any point "wrliere man can get; The weapon feature of the rocket Is in the head. GERMAN , OBJECTIONS MAY BE r DISREGARDED, BY., THE ALLIES - Paris. The Temnjs says that the allied , and .associated governments seem tq haye - decided to disregard tne v German ... objections concerning: Danzig and to. land, by force if nec essary; Polish troops at this Baltic searLy'T:.' ZtS'' ; " y ' ; The. newspaper adds thatf con cerning the auestion of the. Polish frontier the allied governments seem Inclined ', to? create ..about .Danrg a neutral state in "order to avoid attach ing this part of the coast either to Germany or to Poland. - BUILDINGACTIVITIES IN . SOUTH SHOW IMPROVEMENT. Washington, ;The? reports, to the department "of labor from its field" agents this week nw a decided im provement in building and construc tion activities. ; "A decided optimistic one is found In reports during. the last 10 days." The southeastern states show great ei.Jmprovement than any other groun. Nfw "York city leads with the south iiext Tt will be, some days before the south i ;baW to .normal, GR AV.'f SJTyATIONw EXISTS IN.- FOREIGN RELATIONS- i vBeilinv-'rhe allied. , note "v.regardl K tbe landing xf( General Ipaller's troops' at0Danrig has, created arrave aitua tlon, f oreh,;rebOTSe ultimater 7 k mated.says isjtotrhtp, .'Th .Vos- tscn-i.eitung.lronx. Weimar.,;, ? . , ; - ; Bef orediVntchingV 4ti reply, V, the nj ssage 1 addal .''.obfTjBrime'nt'. .con sulted aJL tlj Vpy Readers,, and th ato 'said to hare given" the German taswer their unqnaitSed' approval l-'i

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