- . 'lit- $ RLK C0U1ITY HEY(Sanil TRYOH BEE . (onsoHaaledov;C iY'9?i . " Published every Friday at , T R YONrANORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99' Entrd second-class matter April 28, 1915 at tb post office at Tryon. North Carolina, un to h act of March 3, 1879 C B. F. COPELAND. Editor C. BUSH, Busbest Manager effectsorl at least it has put us tothe bad, ; t: failed Subscription $2.00 per "Year, OBITUARIES. CARDS OF THANKS. B olatlons of Respect,Chnxch or Lodsre Notices w hr an admission fee is chargred, or for financial sain, wiU be chaied.reflrular advertising-rate of Iva cents per line. . THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, 225 West 89th Street, New Tork City, isTour sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Aarent ' "Long May It Wave." 1 At a recent meeting in New York, two ex-cabinet members were pres ent, one, Mr. Wickersham, Republi can,' and Mr. Garrison, v Democrat. The Leaeue of Nations' was under discussion. Mr. Wickersham' favored the League," while Mr. Garrison op posed. The efforts of yome bf our newspapers to make this apolitical issue are meetings with a, "merited "frost." Neither side of the con troversy seems to have a monopoly of the brains of the country. Many prominent Republicans favor it, while many prominent 'Democrats oppose A We grant eacn oi tnem tne ngni, anq see no reason why they1 should be criticised for - holding their opinions. And now the country is threatened with an extra session of Congress be fore June first,"' - y " Some Velocities. - "When the -temperature Is 32 degrees, feound travels. !X)90'feefcaJ second, 'ani one additional ffoot a' second for each' iddltlonal degree of temperature. Elec tricity over a 'wire where there Is no resistance travels 192,924 miles a' sec ond. - ' ' , " MULES FOR SALE Pis for'sale at Ihe . Stocky Farm, $7.00 ;each.;CfJ. Lynch;.- -h f FOR SALETSix Pigs ofie' month1 pld, $6.00 to" $8.0(7; 6 Pigs five months , old, $10.00 to $15.00. Grant aC. Miller. , ,1 . . , , It is several months until 1920, but candidates for offices to be filled next year are letting it be known that their "hats are in the ring." , :,, . -.. Germany says - if she 4 doesn't like the peace terms of the allies she' will not accept them. "Beggers should not be choosers," we have often heard it said. 7. - The restaurant waiters all over the United states are threatening , to go m a strike. Soon the -familiar' yell of "ham and", and "a stack of wheat may be silenced. ;- - o Among the many good bills passed by the legislature was one requiring each and every school teacher to have a health certificate, showing that they are not effected with tuberculosis. - . ?; ., o - . ' The 'sale of pistols are now pro hibited, except by a certificate from the clerk of the court guaranteeing i the good ! character of the would be 1 purchaser. This will tend to decrease , the number of "pistol toters" in 'North Carolina. , :. -'.-' o Critics 'in the English Parliament are telling of the mistakes made dur ing thenar, and how it should have been1 won. long before it was. It is needless to say, however, that these - critics did not give out their valua ble information until the ' war -was over. Dr. Erzeberger, chairman of the German Armistice . Commission calls the conduct of the allies as "barbor ous" because they have not yet re leased all the German prisoners of war. Any nation that murders little children, destroys homes and out rages women as the Huns did, has its gall to speak of "barborous" conduct. . . o " V- Germany says that she will not pay a cent of indemnification for anv- -thing that happened in the war after December, 1916, when their peace offer was rejected. We are rather under the opinion that the allies will have something entirely different to tell the Huns on this point, and they will do Just as the allies order them to do, also. . . - V - o "'. " The charges newspapers may make for legal . publications have been changed by an act of the recent legis laiure. in iuxure an legais appear N ing in the NEWS , will be charged at the rate of five" cents per line, each insertion. , Six words will constitute a line on a general average. , Our . rates have been filed with the clerk of the Superior court, as required under this act. - r William Jennings Bryan and Sena tor Henry Cabot Lodge are both in favor of the League, of Nations, but are. in favor, of . a provision whereby the "MonroeV Doctrine" vill not , be placed - in jeopardy. There are mil lions more of the same opinion in this Country, and it appears that Presi dent Wilson thinks there 'are a, suf ficient number to have the proposed . amendment added , to the terms. : The political pot in Polk county is beginning to boil over just a little at this time. We have some communi cations on file in our office that we will publish just-as soon as our rush of spring advertising is over. 'In this connection we desire to state that the columns of the NEWS are open 'to both sides of any question, and both political parties shall receive equal treatment. Insofar as the pa per itself is concerned, it will be ab .solutely ineutral. We have no axe to grind. : ' ' ' " NOTICE OF PARTITION SALE. . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Polk County; " ." " ' ' Superior Court Before the Clerk. George T. Jones and wife, Laura Jones, J.4W. 'Tucker j and-wife, Ar--minta Jiipker, Sue. Laughter, A mana Pack, Ray Laughter, V . ? '.: ":' """vs. . . ' J. E. Laughter,' Zach Laiigbter, W. L. Laughter, J. R. Btanton and wife Elvina Blanton. -' r NOTICE OF PARTITION SALE.. Under -and by virtue of si decree of the; SuperioV Court of Polk county in the above entitled cause the?,:, under signed Commissioner, will on i , v MONDAY, APRIL .7th, 1919. at 12 o'cldck N.oori at .the Court House door of Polk" County in Columbus, North Carolina; offer for sale to, the highest bidder' all the -following de scribed lands; known as "'the .Allen Laughter1 lands in Polk County, and the Sallie Laughter lands in .Riitheis ford County, , viz: ; Walnut Creek, beerinninff at a Span ish Oak on top of the hill in Dimsdale old line running N- lo crossing a branch with "Allen Laughters line- to a spanisn uaK: tnence ss.-i w. witn J. W. Ruff's line to a stake, a condi tional comer in J. W. Ruff's line: thence 'with a conditional line to a white oak at the Spring; thence to a post oak at the school house, J. W. Ruff's corner on a conditional line, ? a post oak; thence South East a condi tional line to . the beginning, contain ing 20 acres more or less, known1 as Upper Walnut, and being land de scribed in Deed from Nesbit Dims dale and wife to Allen Laughter of date November 7th, 183, and record ed in Book 5, at page 180 of the Rec ords of Deeds of Polk county 2nd Tract: Situate m the County of Polk, State of North Carolina, on the waters of Walnut Creek. Begin ning on a chestnut, ; the beginning corner of. the old tract; thence South 16 W. 82 poles to a S. oak; thence S Trt ni i x i j.i io jcj. 6i poies wj a. popia.r on uie south ; pank of Walnut creek; thence down the branch nearly as it runs; thence S. 72 E. 54 poles to a B. oak; then a conditional line nearly east to a stake; then N. E. to the outside line of a black oak on the old line, and being land described in deed from Mary Laughter et al.. to - Allen Laughter, of date April .11th, 1872 and recorded in Book 6, page 543 of the records of Deeds for Polk county 3rd Tract: Part of Patent 1028 on the waters of Walnut Creek, contain ing 36 acresr Beginning on a pine and runs N. 58 W. 48 poles to a pine; thence N. 24 W. 39 poles to a stake; then S. 86 W. 16 poles to pine; thence S. 52 W. 19 poles to a. Span ish oak; thence S. 10 W. 16 poles-to a poplar; thence S. 50 E. 22 pcles to a cnestnut oat; thenceS. 74 E. 16 poles to a stake; thence S. 23 W 45 poles to a rock in his own line; then with said line S. 54 E. 56 poles to a chestnut oak, then to beginning , 4th lract: 13 acres. Begmnmg on black oak. ins own and J. S. Laughter's corner and runs N.72 W. 55 poles to a poplar; then N. 42 W. 24 poles to a white oak; then S. 19 W. 14 poles to a Spamsh oak; then S. 59' E. 4 poles to a chestnut oak; then S. 40 E. 64 poles to a chestnut oaK then S. 57 E. 6 poles to a pme; then S. 17 E. 16poles to a pine; then S. 45 E. 10 poles to a pine; then S. 64 E. 12poles to a pine; then South 81 E. 14 poles to a pine; thence S 13 E.' 13 poles to a stake; then S. 30 E. 10 poles to a pine; thence N. 18 E 20 poles to a stake; then N. 35 E. 12 poles to a stake; then N 9 W. 9 poles to a stake; then S. 88 W. 34 poles to a hickory; thence N. 3 E. 32 poles to a black gum, thence to the beginning. 5th Tract: Containing by estima tion 20 acres, lying and beine in the J jj T..i.l e 1 'trr n i vuunuy Mi. xvutnenora, m ivings reeK Township, adjoining lands of Bill Burgess, Jones Biddy. Jim Ruff and Speculation lands, known as part of the Biddy place and being that part of the Biddy place owned - by . Sallie Laughter, mother of the petitioners. The said land will be sold in sepa rate tracts or as a whole, or bv com bining two or more tracts, except the 5th tract described ahpve known as the Sallie Laucrhter tract in Ruther ford county, will be sold separate from I tne other tracts. . . , :- - The terms of said sale are one-third cash and balance in six months from date of -confirmation, to be evidenced by note bearing interest at six per cent. Title retained until the pur chase money is paid in full.- . -This 6th day of March, 1919. -J.- E. SHIPMAN, Commissioner. Choice ' lot ': of large and medium sized mules for sale Reasonable Prices, , Guaranteed sound arid will work anywhere " - ' C. J. LYNCH, Stock Farm, Tryon Route 1. Millinery A N D Dress Mailing AH yWork Guaranteed irst floor Wilkins' store MRS. E. RHODES. Classified Advertisements. :;:;v. v FOR RENT. Six room furnished bungalow, with bath. for rent' pr sale. Overbrook Or chard Saluda, N.. C. , V , - . ..EGGS : ". , ' Eggs of Mottled Ancona chickqns for sale,"$1.50"per setting of-15 eggs. B. F. Copeland, Tryon, N..C. . ' Settings ot White " Leghorn eggs, 15:fdr $1.50. .In;plk'.?;;cpimtyff-75c. pure -bred. -G L: Orr Tryon Route IV Eggs for .hatching 'from Campbell's NEVER-STOP LAYING STRAIN and prize winning Buff Leghornsand Buff Orpingtons. $2 per 15. Mrs. C. B. . ; CampbeTf 146. Victoria Road, Ashevile, N. C. V ' i0.- FOR. SALE -Single Comb Rhode Island Red Eggs for Sale (from $2.00 to, $5.00 per setting of fif teen. Prompt deliveries; also day 7 old baby chicks, '25 to 40 Cents . each. My foundation is from the best blood - lines in the country, from whicK I have selected the ' birds combining the best type and color . of rich even red for several years. Mrs. J. E. Lance, - Hot Springs, N. C. :- ' - ; Tne best evidence of , bur ezcellent banking; service is our continu- ally growing list of satisfied . '"Ipatrons.; ' x We are prepared to handle more busi- . ; 'ness . ancL should be pleased i to add your name to fciir list. ; ' V: -;'V; LOST, i ' ' . " LOST: On road two miles or more from Tryon, Black and White Checked SJk Scarf. $5-00 reward. Finder wil please mail to Ambrose Cramer Late Forest, Illinois., --v . Landrum, S. Ci . 3 The Old Reliable ft ROY P. WHITLOCK, Cashier. I I , MISCELLANEOUS. , Southern Queen sweet potatoes for bedding, $2 pr bushel. C. M. Howes 47-2t ,,, w. ,-.- ,-..;, You ought to have a pair of these soft cici kid comfort oxfords. Nothing except the actual, wearing can more elegantly describe the efforts of these SELZ shoes than the above slogan. SELZ comfort shoes have made feet glad for nearly one-half century. They represent the 4 quality which you expect, but seldom find. . They represent all leather, good work manship and the lowest price consistent with what you get 1 $4;50 to :$8.00 ' WfLKI NS & C6. , - tryon, N. C. " Specializing in Selz Shoes We' wish to inform Brother BTolloi well, of The News- of Henderson county, that the joke is on the editor , of this; paper. We- recently told him we would endeavor- to ascertain- if there . was any "syllabub' running at - large in Polk county.-. Imagine our consternation when- our good, wife, who has been ... away on, a visit all , win' ,"told us on reading our little : ; .. Bqu.r t?1" .s?.e h been feeding me v on. synaDutr for a long time. ; Such . oemg xne: case, Brother HollowelL we -uarantee that it has.no dangerous -K- : A; NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of power of sale contain ed in that certain Mortgage Deed ex ecuted by Will King and wife to W. E. Mills, to secure a note for tjie loan of purchase money on the 31st day of. October, 1916 I will sell t v at public auction to the highest bidder foiv cash at the court house door of. Polk county on v f ' ' APRIL 29th 1919 - . ' at2 o'clock noon; two lots in ! the suburbs of .Tryon with small cottage on one of them. - Recorded in Took! -1 rage 207 to which you are referred lorJ-ujer-deaw-T) of said lots. --This March 25th, 1919. : &fdiK?' V. Mills Admr. of W. E. Mills to Mrs. Sallie Livingston. WAN TED We vwant the residents of Tryon and the' - citizens of Polk county to know where they can secure the' highest class and best jobs of ' - ' ' ' - .' 1 ' ' v Plumbing and Heating to be found, anywhere. ' We are in, that business and we vant your orders, we have the best skilled mechanics,' keep in hand at . all times a large supply of the best, fixtures and materials to be found, we can arid .will1 . .r ... serve you promptly and satisfactorily. , We;;' keep a man in readiness to go to your home: 1 at your iair to; Advise and. help you plan : - what you: wan andxan " be. done tafid ; giver you an estimate and HvithoUtcost -to you ; v we of course hoj)ing:that Jwe m ,7 Vf VAAK. . Asheville, N. C- 7 THE - J. R. RICH PLUMBING XO: COCOCOCOOOOOOOSOOCOCOCOCOOft . n. tm. o. ' -I- ill- i . . O q j innri oiamp gives --you me ngnt to f O stand up when the Star Spangled Banner Q O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O S?' is played. classes you as one of the progressive and substantial q citizens ot your : community. No better O ; time tlia sfert that accoiirit O Come in and let's lalk it over. r O o o o O W T LINDSEY JPrei o BAN W QWMY N J, B. HESTER Cashier. COCOOOOOOOCPoOOOOOOCOCOCOOO SITlRIENGTriHl SIEIRVDGE- These Essentials of Sound Banking are enibodied-in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED bank of S ALU OA Capital $10,000.00 . HENRY P. CORWITH, ?m. JOHN B. CANNON, V-Pres. PRESTON H. BAILEY, Caslr ' ' ' " 6- j finest BurleyTqbacco Zellpw-aged till Perfect a dash of Chocolate , The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette "5 YotirNo s tHGQnPQRATCn

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