" , u- Ralph! Newman. are proud parent u ames n. ; . -v-:i - a!; L fore part. of the week: ,- olden, v ... . rp Th State Forester will be in lryon T rlav April 7th, and -wishes, to M: of the ForestryCIub . iU,;Mine hall at 3 p m . O - : v . V Xryon's Museums. Editor: - ' v V, -1 " . I understand that Mr. !,;. ,Ue archaeologist, nas ;hcu iu i I neX C Ub tnexoiieciioii ui uiuiau .. l. k- fnund about lryon, - I his j. tn wonder if you or many tf oUr readers know or me .couccuonvoi ..j, minerals and forestry ex- which used to aaorn tne oinerwise helves of the Library vi he col-: lied "The Polk: County feeliiews mm Peopfe Bank Y- , .: -y -:; - y kbits acant s Museum Vlt ant the'individual ;, r - , Nor the Army1 ks a .whole, out the everlastin team work Of every bloomin' soul." ;That is whaKiplipg , said would win the war. . Her was rirkf . work . won, v That- ihat -itSJ- S to take to wu thf Jhmgs weare"af ter in a short .timevPlk 4will have a system of fard roads which 'will mean reduced cost m 'marketing our prod ucts, the , best of scliools, quickfmail service sdciaf activity and all- other good things that comes to progressive counties; Let's gol v ; , - Money deposited in our-satings de partment up to the 10th day of this month will draw four per cent inter est, from April 1st, .and compounded every three months. Put your money to work. Accounts may ?be opened for one dollar, : interest paid on sums of ?5.0Q or overi,; If.. not convenient tr .come to the bank send in a deposit by mail. . ' .. yx ana was uic wwi- vt.. i.iyi. ii A, Green, a 1 ryon resident. A pecimen of every kind ot tree - growing in the county was m me couecuon, Uwinz a longitudinal secuon, a. cross fection, both polished, the bark, a bottle Vontaining the fruit, and a frame con- ining the leaf, under glass. Mr. Ueo. l.l . cr... f . . Morton donated at. least miy peucci ar row heads, spear points, etc., beside numerous specimens of minerals. Mr. vm Rrownlee also made a substan- Iuut" tial donation. Every specimen was la beled with both its common and vscien- ific name. I am unable to state where he collection is now as itAvas removed piece meal to make room for new books. Besides this Polk County ' collection Prof. Green gave the city in trust for" the white school children his larger mus eum comprisiag about J 1 300 specimens f minerals, 450 fossils, 550 shells, be sides sponges, corals, etc, an herbarium of over 4000 plants. A room was sup posed to be fitted up in the Graded School building for it but it was neglect ed and shortly afterwards the donor died suddenly, when the house was sold in which he had the museum the collec tion was moved to the City Hall : and I luppose now rests 'thejje, paclcjej&iaway in boxes. ' Prof. Green was a very quiet, unos" tentatious man and very few' of the citi zens of Tryon had taken the trouble to visit it and did not realize "the intrinsic worth of the exhibit. . It is' known to cellectors, however, for the undersigned has had communication from curators of different museums, also from P. P. Clax- ton. Chief of the U. S. Bureau of Edu cation, asking what had become "ot- the 1 . - . . . ' I--"- .Shi,. rf ' collection and expressing pity - that - such a vuluable gift should be-so neglected There are nine museums -: ya ."North Carolina, two of which are located in rp , -it''1. J' lryon. Verjf respectfully, : WINIFRED W. MORTON. v The Fourth Liberty - Loan' Bonds are all here including the Registered. If you subscribed through this bank for any issue of bonds either coupon or registered please call and get vour vmu. ; xx jruu uu iiui.care- to nave your, bond come and Jet us tell vnn about, a jPlari we have to take; your bond on deposit for its face vahie and send you the. bond rate interest as it comes due to, your address. This plan . does not ' include ' registered bonds. ' V.X-;-v . - ; ... - Many People think that they, help Uncle Sam by not cashing their in terest Coupons from .Liberty Bonds. It does not help Uncle Sam to do this .l)ut on ; the contrary - it ."clogs the machinery.' This money is'put aside ; for the one purpose and : can not bev used for any other purpose so it is urged that all bond-holders cash their ? coupons as : they fall due thereby helping Uncle Sam in his big job of accounting. -Many A of : our customers open a savings: account with their, coupon's and deposit them m tms aepartment as they become due thus getting interest on interest. We welcome these accounts " as we welcome all others. N- ' - - . . ; : xo ' . i,.' A customer of ours from White Oak was in the bank one day last week and said,. "I like to do business with you all for your bank seems so friendly." What a compliment and how it was appreciated. To be known as the friendly bank is just what we want:; In former years bankers built the banking house high up from the street level with impressive steps to the floor. " One' entered the bankiner want Polk count folks to feel at home in this, bankl. ? Make your ap- Perhaps you;; would like to write a letter, or maybe you . want to just drop in arid say "Howdy" and talk about the crops' or the weather. All right, come right in , we are never to busy , to greet old friends or to meet new 'ones. . Indeed we are the "friendly bank." . v -" :'. ;. . , o - . - C-.' . -Our -facilities for. handling checking accounts cannot be surpassed any where in this country. That is tak ing in ''a great' deal of territory - but it is absolutely true. Any customer of this . bank may;; have his account Daianceu ana canceuea, cnecks re turned y at arty time of the day or at any time in ihe, month and it does not "bother" us: We ' gladly balance a customer's account while he waits, and give him all cancelled checks right up to the minute. ;- " f y;rZ'. o ;;, v ' : -This bank Welcomes; the accounts of ladies. We have a special window for their convenience. We take spe cial delight in handling accounts for women and the children. A large number of Polk county boys and girls f-have their accounts with us and we watch them with a great deal of in- room, with a hat in hand and would j terest for in a short time these boys prostrate himself before the , mighty and girls will : be the , thrifty and banker to make his wants known. 5 prosperous citizens of Polk-. "No My, how times have changed. We mean County.": ; Peoples Bank & "Trust . Go. TRYON, N, C G. H. HOLMES, Pres. W. F. LITTLE, Cash. CROSS KEYS. The meeting which we were o have had at Greens Creek for the purpose of organizing a Polk county Sunday school convention was postponed on account of ine influenza breaking out again. Kobert Shehan, of Boiling Springs, was buried at Green. Creek, : Sunday .afternoon. He was "formerly of this county, but moved away a number o ys ago. 'y ; y i he cold wind we are having now "aamaged the peach crop if riot en- llre'y destroying it. : ,y V : r 1 , '" Uxton Bridges and Nettie Welborn wc married last Friday afternoon, lab '."IJthe noon train at Landrum for Ashe- VillC where they will spend their honeymoon. Messalines Organdy. Colored Voils Grepe de chine Georgette Lawns Long cloths y Nainsooks v . Hoiise dresses V Spring shirt waists Washskirts , . .j - ; ; i. . ..... Middies A Silk Shirting Big assortment of Ginghams' Light weight underwear t ; " " f ... . ' . ' 50 patterns of Ginghams, 5 yds. for $i.00 rf- : I , ipV ; i LI n of Town' Property for Taxes. S t ' Tr! J "iy ffce as" Tax Collector for the Fdom I'. ,.'vlU,se for cash at the Courf 5lh-l&W t. V'; nVU9-N.C on Monday, Ma XHBf(' 1 '-'vmjf urcsertv dftsc.rilied. for dt; ' . n with ail coats. added as pre-' Ul), , , , ' WHITE tfrmM: J" 1 and lot in west Tryon 8.66 -'0;a t ' r ,ot lir,d dweliiflfr on Manle street J4r:., ;.u ?' lot and dwellin on TH St.. fntdtotonT.f.:'ndGa8h Hdw- Co" one" store rW.. r-, and 9ne dwelling and one :"or"6.3K- , :7:'VraniHelen one lot near :U6,3' I U 7 . ltU1 neien one lot near 21 Trade St , " iV10 slon one dwelling and lot lraaest : Mrs J B Livintraton on lot m -auest 5 -v.yo t L,ivir.g-ston one lot on -Mwe ln,r: . wu j-iawrence one toi ng . Uli ioi on Vfcihoii j dai. ri t- - W t Y HIT r- r . . . - wtj d lot on TrnHo VP" V.? one ' and lot nin iv.Vrlv'r amto one ion ni. p ,'v? Jno Sims one lot in erbecke one lotn Lendrura COLORED R c, nno J i,- . u.ir I ' . V"V UWH tin -v J 1 . . . ... FipCf Jackson 1 l.5 iradeSt.. . JnoEH0.'Vt and dwe i? TO3J 2SHoPe o"fe d vv!frand near cemetery 9.13; r.W0:c, n t- ,e dwelling and lot in .m;itJ' Zl2-10 Matti. &ni.h0 and lot near Town N'd Mitchell 9 4 H n n"" lmiot 6.B0;; Jno Tice one dwelling house and w ne tet 5.82; Walter Everything to wear with the best selection of notions to be found in Tryon. ; " ; Step into our store and just look at the pretty frocks, waists gldves, neck-wear and so on that are on special display. Prices in this store are the fairest;rand. most alluring, fguresi ever put on the sort of stock that it is always our habit to carry. Bring your friends and come to see us-5ou will be repaid for yoiir pains by the new mecca found -iri our establishment for satisfactory shopping. ; File aMeeger ompaey , , FOR EVERYTHING Try opV North i rolina. SALUDA. Mrs. Lockwood Jones, of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs; HaU,: o Savannah, are spending a few days at the summer home'of ihe former, while attending to some repairs on her houses here. The Methodist Aid -Society, gave another oyster supper on Saturday night, much enjoyed by all who Parhcipated. Mr$. Campbell tn&M Kn hayc ruraeciitortheir: home in Saludajiaving Massed a vefy plesantwmtef in Uestei S. C y:: 1 Ueiit Whitehead spent ihe weekend with the family ot Mr. M. B. Lane. : Mr.; Julian Ravenel took a ; party ot lady friends to Mr- Sonner back from Charjesjon jj fin. (imp. Saw the 3Utn jk-t, al.A .moved some tisn- CIIV131UU UWaiai - - . Messrs. W.'H. Pace. Andy Ballard and others have had the mumps lately, this be'ng the prevailidg complaint at present,, - Quite a number of the maie - residents of Saluda town and township sefemed to be too full for, utterance 7 or locomotion last week, having partaken? too freely of the cup that inebriates but does not cheer, of which there . seems to be a plentiful supply for those who persist -in pursuing the path. that leads toSdestruc- f-- - y-. y; tlOn. ;;;.t-.nr..-..:;.,V-! - y- Y H iv ' At a meeting of the Red; Cross on Monday it was decided Hbat bf aindrx adopt and support an i orphart inftance. rvlraM on, were guests of Mr; and -Mrs. H. P, Corwim, Wednesday night. . Mrs Dw"Trnei entertained a few friends at tea, on Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. B. Lane entertained a . few friends- at dinnei on Thursday, the occa- i .1 ; t - ;i 1 y '' t sion oemg tne d r naay anniversary cr Mrs, B. I. Hazard. - r ; - Mrs. E. M. Salley is busy collecting and packing a barrel of clothing - to be sent to France and Belgium. N Mrs. Locke is having some add.tnns made to her house in r the shape of sleeping porches and pergolas. NOTICE OF ELECTION;. i The reciilar nrUnicipal election, for the Town of Tyrori, for the purpose of electing thie Municipal orBcers for said Town- wilP be held at- the voting place therein (the ;ity Hall) Tues day alter tne nrst;JSiionaay v 01 may, 1919, it -being 'the '6th day u of May, - The following hav(e .been, appointed as registrar and judges, for said elec tioh: . -v ; - ?V - F.VK. McFarland registrarrfand:T. fl. Coggy "and'R T. McFee, judges and poll holders; y - - Thi'17 day of March, 1919. M. .G. BLAKE, , r ' - - ".TgwCler W GIVE VALUABLE PRE ' ' " i 4 'l . i . With all cash purchases we give coupons which' are ? redeemable in valuable premiums. These premiums are of the best and well worth more than the small . effort required by the saving of your, coupons to; ob- tain them. Call and get a premium -book and begin savinyoun coupons today. ; s . V: Below are a few money saving prices. Qive fiis anx)rder and we are sure the treatment you receiYe; will cause you to come aganL. , j ' . . . - 3 lb. cans Tomatoes per doz.. . . . . . . ....... . .$1.05" 2 lb.; cans Tomatoes, per doz. .... . . . ; ; , . . . -2 lb. cans Corn, pfer doz. . . ; V.. . . . . . 2 10' Whith House Coffee) per lb. . . 40 Flour, perbarrel. . . . -12.0 Best Shorts, pef75 lb. bag : 1 . N . . . 2.50 ' r Your orders for anything in our line will receive prompt and careiul attention. . , WilSdiiV .& Co. Tryon? N. C. p ) -to 8 JUST RECEIVED) A fresh shipment of Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. and National Biscuit Co's. Gakes and Crackers and pound raisin cake Two Perfection Oil Stoves for sale. hnOirr k C t Phone No. 14 TryoiTD, N. G. This Bank is for Peope who Want to Improve their Financial Condition. Will you let us serve you? A checking account, is' most fconvenient in the payment of bills. Tt is the safest receipt, ' A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual i com petency. We "solicit your account. ' - CAROLINA STATE BANK. David c. barrow v c Robertson, q. c. sonner President Vice Presideat H. B. LANE Cuhier Ok . '..,'Y. . ' .. (I KiCBSlfl n g For fairnni BaocBs or towim propirty sec , 1 ooocQgoooaococcgsoeccocccaocccocccocccocccocccccccu :; p 8' W. T. LD NOSEY, TiryorD. FOR SALE AT A BARblAil If taken at once. Cash or reasosble terms. Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district. Store house and .lot on Trade street GEO. A. GASH, Agt; 1 !IUI IVJ!..', W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBUC. 'E 1: - ...... ..',.,-4-., - - r fryon, N. C. - ! GEO A. GASH JUSTICE Op; THE PEACE N OT A R Y, PU B LI G. ' Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, :and Contracts written at reasonable prioes. ; . I TRYON, N. C. ; We Have the Right Prices -AND-' Kind of Materials to do your building Full stock poors, v(inaows;Maing,ncqnngw r4 . i . . . XU f 4 " Ceiling, ShinglesLoths, Interior" ?u Finish and M6uldmgRwghstic Dressd Lumber.. . Carry complete &"C- HEARON LUUDEfl CO. . f, v ; ; saltjda, w. a ' Ustm : ' M G Ri avi K: 4.70, . v. Town QUrlu CIS.

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