t t : POLK COUNT NEWS. TRYONN. C. , 1 BRIDGE GRAFT SAVlsTRES, Machine Should Be Placed in Fairlv Many Injuries Made by Mice and Warm Room and Protected Against OutsideChanges, . , Xf biU May Be Repaired-Sua Scald", Can Be Remedied. mmkm nnififi PiifitetHiMs .apiisiB mmmw 1-5 r maV"?nll walla T " f ' m t - f frit ,v,n united States Depart- - : :-x;r .f',-A' -'-ii7r.-n, II fiSaSSiiSSia;,: - II of AKTlCUHUio.;. ..... I nB OCO I 1 LitKKY" , nlcure !S ! I - . II ,f kei sheep on wet latd. noM'f feed moldy or spoiled hay, r, nnn't foreet to keep salt and L h wr before the sheep. . , , , ; r. noffiect the sheep in wlh- r-.n thom in cood condition. r : poll t 101 l i''6 hrppdins ano. laraumg .wuic 'pon't lft the lamb go too, long ...niit sucking. : '. ;",.r'S 1 tw- nprlect to f ?ed the lainh . na if ctifta pntinir. Lain as M'uit iic : rnon t let parasites kill your lamb I 9, Don 1 hi 1 :;J .. ft 4; V interest Young People) I Raising. In Sheep for lack of some fresh green pasture. 10 Don't shear your ewes until warm weather comes. 11. Don't tie your fleeces with any thing but wool or paper twine; V- ' A 12. Don t liesilate to ask any ques tions of the county agent, or write to the department of agriculture at Washington, D. C. FINISH ANIMALS FOR MARKET Hirses, Cattle and Some Classes of Sheep Can Be Fed Quantities of Roughage. Animals being fattened for market ind auimals during., the first Syeax of their growth should not be expected to consume large quantities of cheap roughage, but horses, cattle and some classes of sheep that are being car ried through the winter can be fed rations carrying appreciable quantities of cheaper roughage, provided they ire properly supplemented with nitrog enous feeds of the rieht sort, such as leguminous hays or linseed or cot tonseed meal. " ; ' ' '; ' PROPER WAY TO FEED SHEEP During Stormy Weather Feed Them in Shed in Long Manger Con structed for That Purpose. Never feed straw and hay to the sheep by throwing it down ' in heaps . on tne ground, but have a. long rack w tne purnose: "and when lr is tormy do not allow them" to stnv out. but feed thera inside ; the shed: in a wng manger made for the purpose.1 t4n"nty en B9IHMHIC UVE STOCK NOTES Ht IHIMIIIIII il AAA rablespoonf ul of blood meal mixed I Vu I uttle milk is very good for u that has diarrhea or other digea- uisturbance. It is . highly, nu- -"fios for a weak calf, too. fj .kepPng. - hi repair of wire m neccss'aiT on the stock farm ton!? tlle wire stretcher is a handy .Hun m repairing and building " ituces. -a u(,is cost no more than half: ucn as corn the swine division mJ, .. mversity of Illinois recom- h0;r uu,y c:m be fed profitably to nSs are very sensitive to wind s m,, n5sht and wiu suffer Just' imm k a cow or horse In, cold n.. . ' milk resn,ts from feeding skim . nre obtained when about viUMP"Un,ls of -ore f6d for each i grain. ; " ... "'. ;'- 'wtpp i . lJ"ie shed their coats . m ' m sprinar and (min nnufr a tr han those fed dry rough- ClftVo Ocular v 'In ideal f0rage for P1 aft jouiiic crowtn com F the wheat is ' harvested. En: silag. it ts e is good Stuff to hnvP hnt " U nr. ,11 . not nd a bit 7f auaround feed., Some hay wjouiu go with itt .1 Il V - i ' nibhl more than ! y -wnenhex a weeK old avi ov i l - ,f lnd(J. U quite ssenal tor thev Joors. enty of ft bedding is needed for calf. RffiBc Tlie. strawberry will soon " be' nlenti- fu. yet whUeJt isi still 1 a luxury we :,iiiay use them in i, -small amounts for ;a: guriUsh or ac ;cessory:, '-7 f Y Devonshire Pie. .; --Lirie a pie plate ..with rieli pastry and bake it. Also ;J)akeru two-im-h : rine: this mav r UUUe x DY Cutting --nVnnnr1 1.. n " cuttm? aronnd.a smaller, plate placed handle, the ;rtngJwUhfour break in ir it; Fill the pastry vsheil i with Devonshire cream. This is prepared by scalding the milk the day before then skimminc the cream and whipping it.; Add a cupful or more of sweetened, very ripe ber ries nu cover with the ring. Hwin cream in the center and serve. A most attractive dish ami lint th.if let tint hard to prepare.; , - v HtU V K SlVi Strawberry Ico. Wash and hull one quart of strawberries, sprinkle with one cupful of sugar and let stand two hours. Mash and squeeze through a aounie cheesecloth. To the juice add one cupful of wafer and lemon juic? to taste. Freeze, uslmr three narts of ice to one of coarse salt. t - - . , Strawberry Baskets. Bent the yolks of four eggs until thick, add one cup or sugar and beat two minutes, the sugar should be added gradually; add inree raoiespoonruis or water, rut one and, one-half tablespoonfuls of corn starch in a measuring cup and fill up with, flour. Mix and ... sift with one and one-fourth teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-fourth., of a teaspoon of salt, and add to the first mixture. Fold in the whitesyof the eggs ..beaten stiff and add 'one fanspconful of lemon ex tract. Fill buttered gem pans and bake In a moderate oven. Cool and scoop out the centers and fill with sweetened crushed berries mixed with whipped cream. Bomb Mqusselaine. Line , n mold with- strawberry ice amk fill with the following: mixture: Beat one cupful of heavy cream until stiff and add three- fourths, of a cupful of powdered sugar one cupnii.or strawberry puree, one tablespoonfnl of orange juice and teaspoonful f vanilla. Cover with the strawberry Jce and overflow, adjust the cover and pack In ice and salt using equal parts, let stand two hour There la no friend like ah old friend. Who has shared our morning days, No greetings like his, welcome. No homage like his .praise.. . ; V - ; ' W- Holmes. SUGGESTIVE DISHES. . ." .... For those who., wish to eliminate meat from the dfetj the following two dishes r will offer a va- . riety.,' X Pea Roast. Mix three- ; fourths' of a cup of dry bread; crumbs, one-half cupful , of . pea-pulp, that has J been prepared by ' ; putting ,'th'e cooked peas through, a sieve, one ta- blespoonful of sugar, one-fourth cup of English walnut meats; finely cnoppea. e sHffhtJy beaten, tnree-rourtns or, a teaspooniui 01 sajc,, one-eiKi ; a teaspoonful of , pepper, onefourth of cup V of melted 'butter and three fourths ; Of a cupful of milk. Turn into n nnrafflnd-lined dish,' cover and bake in a low oven 40 minutes. Pecan N ut Loaf .To fiye riced pota toes add - three, tablespoonf uls of 'but ter. one teaspoonful of salt, . a dash of pepper and one-third of ..a cup: of. hot milk. Beat with a rorK - untu creamy and pack into a shallow" pan. st tlie ruin In hot water and bake until well heated In a moderate oven Turn on a hot platter, sprinkle with one-third of a cupful of finely chopped" . nnnr , nrmind il CUH Of ..Well seasoned white sauce and garnish with 1 1 It 21 1 z. -iu 1 . . ... parsley.' v Hot Finnan Haddie Canapes. t ry one-half tablespoonf ul of chopped on ion nnd two chopped musnroom caps In three tablespoonf nls of butter five . a A.t fn-n " tn hi esnoonf 111 s ? of flonr find two-thirds, cupful of thin cream. At the 'boiling point add tw;. . fi0sp the voIKS ot cr- well beaten, and one cupful haddie.. Season with nu nd cayenne. Pile, on pieces of ti,ir':rlth rlieese and ; but-; tOaSI, liriUMr .....-,.----.. . j . .imnihs nna oaise : um ; Mrvianrf Fried Chicken. uiean. singed ahd ;ciltc lhplecesrfor serving; w vnn ehlckens; PJunge into cold 1 fchnke off arid lip at once into flour to get as umctt to adhere8 pos- i,,Kf'iWvntit one pound . S cGn pieces nndtktliechfck.; - . tlie f af; until -Veil brownea' ZVi - ZrAxs. ? a tvith r cravy1 raadf rtr.Mli: Serve with a gruy wttlf tneat-fn ttie-Miah 'with creanf aiidflour for! thickening . thli-' if Native Homestead By EDITH C CAMERON. VI 1 1 THEN a doctor pronounced ; vv tne edict, ,4four months : of VkV rest and change of climate, with, plenty of fresh air and sunshine," the question arose, where to? . The time was December, with all the " cold and disagreeableness of a Qorthern climate. v. Someone suggested "Why not go to the Isle of Pines? There you could rest and have all the sunshine and fresh air .that you need." So when I learned that it Is one of the most beautiful and ' interesting spots to be found in the world, and situated almost at our very door, lesft than two hundred miles south of Key West and not as far distant from New York as the Mississippi, I decided to visit it ' : - - ' ' vt I found there were many routes to choose from, but I selected the quick est .one, most commonly used, by way of Jacksonville, Fla., , Miami, and the delightful sea-rail route to Key West. From - there a sea .trip of six - hours brings one to Havana, Cuba, and an other by-rail or auto, 35 miles, to Ba tabano, now the most important sea port . on the south side of Cuba. The trains run to the. dock, where one can take a comfortable boat making the trip to the Isle of Pines in a few hours. . J .... "'..'- On reaching Jucaro, a port of entry. we nave, our choice or, a number. 01 automobiles for a ride over a govern ment, x turnpike road,-called here : a calzada, to Santa Fe, a distance of five miles. - We cannot help being sur prised at the fine road, almost equal Jng any boulevard found in our north ern cities. Our ' obliging chauffeur tells us that there are, about one hun dred miles of . these calzada roads built and maintained by the govern ment..;:-.; .. 'AH' Comforts in Santa Fe. . ; In the; picturesque : little; town of Santa Fe, about five hundred feet above sea level, is a hotel meeting every requirement of the most exact ing traveler. There are other less ex pensive establishments. Here1 are small American churches of almost every denomination, a bank, schools, clubs for , both men and women.! a cliamber of commerce, a large Ma sonic temple and other Institutions found in average American communities.-. . ' f"vU; ' --'-v' After resting and bathing in the Santa Rita thermal springs the privi lege of guests of our hotel one feels like . a new being. All the tiredness of the long trip vanishes. - The wealthy Spanish military and government : classes came here from Havana to spend the summer for gen erations, as the I Isle of Pines Is much cooler than Cuba. The baths are marvelous for curing rheumatism, nervous v troubles and obesity; The water; comes from iron and magnesia springs. . ' :':r :,:'Xr''.: : The history, of the . Isle is replete with romance. How many of us know, I wonder, that Christopher Columbus, in his second trip to the new worl d, was lost in the keys, or small islands, surrounding the Isle . of Pines for a number of days, finally landing on the isle, upon which, after inspection ai)d replenishing' his supply of water, he liestowed the" name of La Evangelista f the Evangel), later reaching the har- .bor of Batabano, Cuba. , X Pineapples and Pines. It is questionable whether the Isle of Pines gets Its name from the won derful pineapples, weighing from seven - to fifteen pounds, growing bo profusely there,' or to the pine trees, the odor of which, when the wind Is Mowing In the right direction, can be noticed several miles, from shore. r;r In early days the Isle of Pines, like many other Islands of the Caribbean was a rendezvous for pirates," and the south part of the 'island is" often re garded: as the '"Treasure Island' of Stetenson'r tatei ; ' Xv-X v'-f. As recently as Borne thirty years ago a Spaniard ho had lived a long - T nf t,nps. z as , church ieadeky .-.T - Gentleman - of S He. mSwith. his the "Paris "6f rthe . - a West jnais, niiKi - J ha source : bt cJrcHlauon, . .ft Jarge, kmount?ot5lbla:l pieces 01 ci4 w it the pirate days. Jt was generaUy .elteved be had discovered the cache 1 - ; Native Homestead in Isle of Pines. ' - " m of the hidden treasures of some pirate crew who were unable to return, and , claim their Fill-gotten wealth. Even now there is; more or - less desultory search made from time to time bv some of the natives for pirate treas . . mr . ures 1 supposed to J be burled in the caves and along ; the shores of the island. . J In 1776 the Spanish crown made; a, grant of the entire Isle to a retired Spanish naval officer, who at his death left seven sons, among whom the. Isle of Pines was divided. From the. original grant down tb the Span ish-American war 'the isle was the home of Spanish aristocrats who had large interests In Cuba. When Juba and Porto Rico were lost to Spain; the leading Inhabitants of the Isle V of Pines, being pure Spanish, regarding the Cubans as ; inferiors,, were very de sirous, as the lesser of two evils, that the sovereignty of the isle pass to the United States. ; There was inserted in the treaty of farls, negotiated, with Spain, a clause which President Mc- Kinley interpreted as ceding the Isle of Pines to the United States, t . Sent Many Men to the War. The, Isle of Pines is extremely pa triotic,. and has done its full share toward winning the' war. i . Whlle the American population is less than five thousand, and the percentage of the men who are . over the draft age has been above normal, owing tq the fact that many were originally attracted by its climatic and health advantages, nevertheless It . boasts a service flag of over two hundred Stars. Many bright'y'oung nv;n Vave enlisted in va rious br&acles of the service. The women of the Isle In their Red -Cross work have raised thousands of dollars. In fact more actual money to" date has been raised here than has been secured and contributed by the Amer lean women in all Cuba. - While all . the wealthy Spaniards originally "inhabiting the isle have sold their properties to the Amerl cans and returned to Spain or Cuba, the wording natives, "pineros," as they are termed, remain to the num ber of probably twenty-five hundred or three thousand. These pineros are pure Spanish. They' are industrious, working faithfully ten or twelve hours a day. for the small wage, of $1 to $1.50 per day and boarding them selves. As workers they are regarded Cubans or Jamaican negroes. They are a quiet, Inoffensive people, fond of the Americans, and cases of theft or bodily assault are rare. They are of a domestic temperament, marrying early and rearing large families.' .There are diversified amusements for tourists. Automoblling over good roads to all parts of the Isle, deep sea fishing, tennisr golf and horseback riding are especial favorites, as well as sea bathing In the warm salt wa ters of the Caribbean. As to the cli mate, I will not attempt a . descrip tion, as I found it perfect. Expect Find of Interest The Spokane, museum has leased a 160-acre .Coplan ranch,- near that city, and soon will begin 'prospecting" for the complete skeleton of one of the largest mastodons ever unearthed. Parts of the skeleton have been lo cated, i The farm, ' which Is a low, boggy place, has been the source Jbf several mastodon skeletons unearthed In the past years. There are several more - skeletons bogged In the place, it is believed, and the one the Spo kane T museum hopes to recover com pleter will 1 stand 14 feet high with tusks extending about ten 1 feet out from 'the! Jaws. ; This; will, equal In size the largest -mastodon ever un earthed which was found on this same farm In 1878, and is how on ex hibition at the Academy 5f ; Sdehce in Chicago. . t , Very Platonic 'i Peter. Prosser didn't bellevelnmar rlage. He kepton saying sp.: Platon jc -friendship s was good enough 4 tot him he afhrmedL '3 hX XX'' Imtxf.ir- ji-&VLt one'day Peter Prqssep ot mar ried.; r His friends wondered, and one of them tasked a question. , ; ; X "Well;:; said' Peter . indignantly, in reP StiU.beliey in platonlc friend-; ship.j of . course, but I had to do some: thing. . Another, fellow came aiong and got Interested in the lrl; ;; (Prepared by; thes United States fSepart- - nieiit of Alcfelture.) ;- ; ; ' One difficulty in esetting eggs as earlv 111 the spring as Is -lecessary for early hatchers, If the natural system of .in-' cubatlon is followed. Is in finding broody hens at the proper time. If nat- I oral incubation be depended upon 1 exclu sively t the poultry Aiser must wait until the hens are re,uly to set. Tills is not true, however, if an incubator Is available, for If tne eggs are fer tile they can be started at any time the operator desires. X .-. : - v The incubator shouhl be operated, in a fairly warm room, preferably a cel lar, as a ? protection against outside temperature changes., Sudden changes In temperature in the loom are to be avoided. The machine should be disr Infected thoroughly beft re being used with a solution of reliable coal tar -disinfectant ' Instead of using uch a solution small receptacle contacting one-half ounce of permanganate of potash on which one-half ounce of formalin lias been poured -may be shut up in the incubator. The resulting gas will thoroughly disinfect the machine. Aft- 'er disinfecting the incubator should be, run empty for several days to, get it Into good operating condition. After the eggs -are in place the temperature 6hould be held at 101 to 102 tlegrees Fahrenheit the firs i week, 102 to 103 degrees the second week, and 103 the third week, v - The eggs usually are turned for the first time at the end of the second day, ahd twice daily through the eight eenth or nineteenth day. The eggs are cooled' outside the hatching chamber once dally after the seventh and up to the , nineteenth, day. - Moisture should be. furnished , in. artificial Incubation Removing Hatch From Incubator. in the South, In high altitudes, and when the incubator room is dry. This may ; be done , by sprinkling the eggs with warm water or by placing a, wet sponge or pan of, water .under the egg tray. , - - During the hatching period (farefitlly fill the .lamp and trim the wick each day. s It. Is best to trim the wick by scraping off the burnt portion rather than by cutting the, wick; The lamp should not be filled entirely. . After the lamp is filled it should be closely ob served for a time td make, sure' that the ' flame does not get too high; v- . SPRING CONDITION OF HENS 4r - Lack of Exercise and Too Much Feed Ibf Dry; Kind Often ' . Caiise f " Constipation. : ?; In the spring fowls often show ip. In constipated1 condition. It is usual ly caused , by :lack of exercise, green; stun:, grit ana too, mucn ieea joia dry -kind. You notice It wfirst pn the soiled -feathers,; next thecIogging ;of, the - vent This immediately, lialls Jfor a physic. One tabiespobrifulof J cnasj tor r6il or half-teaspponfuifof epsoni salts to each fowl, and -theilast may; be continued In broken rdpsesr:!n 'food or water for several days after." Feed them boiled potatoes," all the cabbage ind other green .stuff .at hand, .and make them hunt for their grain These constipated fowls are no good as breed ers until you get them toned up. - Carelessness in purchasing hatch ing "eggs retards flock Improvement ,;t. -' - 1 ""' - r XXXXX 7 if ter all. It is the little things that count for the most In poultry raising X Experience .-. teaches, us that .great care- is needed to prevent poultry par asities and poultry diseases.; i The fresher the eggs arCwVe'n used for hatchings , the better, arid eggs over, ia aays..pnouiq De uiscarueu. .r , A Tttlt Si yrpiy YeJto setjany eggs i "', at ,' all, "r H surelyr "is worthyoni wmux set. me eggs..worjn; -wnue.. I When the parent birds lack Mtalit: he ' chicks are: natinrally- -weak, no J vorth raising, and it Is time, patienc ind money thrown away; ' X - I POULTRY NOTES I that 'winter As ftone!lfr' la twrv. sible to go through a young orchard ' il 'ViS: - ' . . . ST ( and find just how ouch damage has: ; been- done by mice, rabbits by gir dling or by barking and skiuning caust by an'fnals running In the orchards. There tre many of these injuries, thai may be repaired by the proper use C the bridge graft, ' even though the W dling. . ,? ' ' Such Injuries as those caused . b pear blight may be handled success fully by the use .of this same methoC UC Scion; ."W,'! insertion Under. Bark, and Five Scions in Place for Waxing. x -;:y; Of courne, this Veniedy must be applied In time if good. ' Those common Hair juries in western orchards, "sun scald, may also t be remedied by this same plan. ''; ; , W;.r,r v . ; . VVhere an attempt is, to be madete save a tree, or trees, the work shouli be done before growth starts.- 'After the growth 'has. begun itis possible b do the work If you can get dormant scions for use In making the bridges of hew tissue over the Injured "area.' The first step is to cut away atl the injured tree material and make th wound as clean as possible It1 brar gi'eat deal like surgery on animal ' tfc sue in this respect. - Ii you "are 'deaa . and careful you can look for good re- suits even though ' you may' tibf - be a brilliant operator or a quick one..; The. wound that Is made hould" W sterilized - by ( using ; s6me -antiseptic: 1 like a coppev'"4niphate .r Ja"irblchtoW ide of mercury solution Make th edges of the -wound as "-'eve'as 'yea can, cutting back far enough! into the "healthy tree tissue to be sure that yo have a sound "second bark' or ca bium to which' to make the graft r - " '. For the . grafts ' take ; 'good soun4 branches or twigs from wood that ; grewOast season. Water sprouts that are only a year old ; will serve! Very : well. Have your scions lying handy, measure the distance across" the wftni . and cut the graft just a little longer than the space across which it Is ts reach. This is to have It long enohgfc! to bend or arch slightly between the two epds. ;';.;;: a--' . - i;U. '.,y'V The ends" of the graft are beveled slightly on -the inner 'slde so - they will He flat to the surface". y'Make these beveling cuts long and sloping, so these ends are flat and sharp and will wedge under the bark without raisins it very much, i s -;;v X-: X 'It Is easier to place the ends of th scions- if the bark at the ' margin where they are to be Inserted la split just a little. The Inner bark of tha scions should be so exposed that It will come in direct touch - with tho inner bark of the tree. If the frnier layers of bark of both the ends anlS . of the tree do not come together; there will b6 no growth or union and the graft will falL : X'V' - 'The ends of the scion can he bomlS. tightly to the tree, but a simpler plau is : to drive a small nail through the; -ends of the scion and hold them to the tree trunk. This will serve' to" fieeji them in v their exact" place and at tha . same time insure a ' better union be tween the graft and the old hark, v v' ; After the nails' have been "driven us the grafting wax. If you have n wax but have waxed cloth this : wia do about as well. The area. occupied by the' wound and by the grafts should be covered thoroughly ; In olxler t keep them 1 f rom " drying out Whers) it Is desired the, whole wound 'may b' covered, with a layer of . melted wax. This may be made to coyer the lona, too, with good results. ' SPRAY TREES WHEN DQRUM1T Work Is Directed Largely Against ' Scale Insects Prime Essential i .. Is Thoroughness. r The spraying of trees 'during winter and spring, or when they are in ia doV mant condition. Is c directed -largely aga Inst scale ' insects, especially. ,th$ , San Jose scale.. .There are two prtn-' .'cipaVja'dvantaesyof ( spraying, atthia, tinie ; it, The absence'of foliage permits re, .tbougriappllcaa t sprays !.may ;be used Jranch" rtrocscr : than, during the growing season. 'Oo 1 tact sprays, .such as, nmesjilnbms - mtionf nsn-oiv and, ptner oap dwa?e kirpseneand tfedelc);X3 sions,r are mpioyieaVejiraq ffr? jentlal ; Is thoroughness In . inakfes a . 1 "v 51 ine -tree, because in general cy . hose insects actually hit rith- C .1 pray are killed. . ,t ; , .... 4,' "V. 1 I i! lit! 11 1 1 - V