i . . t i i- . f i I -.-,- e. POLE OOXTlTTY.niiWfi. tsyoii, n. c. j ! i.-J 1 n'- TUF3U COUNTY lih'IS anH TRYQH BEE Consolidated Nov..2 , , 191 S Published every Friday at TRYON. NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 BBtsxsd as second-class matter April 28. 1915 at th post office at Tryon, North Carolina, un fa She act of March 3. 1&79 B. F. COPELANP, H-a Editor C. BUSH, v - Business Manager Subscription $2 .00 per Y ear OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, solutions of Respect, Church or Lodge Notices whtrs an admissionxee is charged, or for financia rain, will be charged regular advertising rates of j Ave cants par line. '"' I THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 225 West 39th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent.. "Long May It Wave." "Peace, peace, there is no peace" as yet, and in fact a peace treaty seems but little more near completion than it did many moons ago. 0 - The Kaiser now lays the blame for the world war unon noor old Rnssia But the people of the allied nations m my, m mm nave otner ideas, am. - o If we don't have peace by Easter perhaps we may by the Fourth 01 July or next Thankserivinsr. anvwav It would certainly be something to give tnanks for. ' 1 . ' O- Claude Kitchin is going to Porto Kico. . Wonder if there is any way on earth of persuading him to stay there Still, we . would hate to hand the Porto Ricans such a package. : -L o - f!VinmT f,.laitr: la rrrtr ' . for maVa some Victory Loan speeches In North Carolina. Hope they are more effect ive ior the cause than,, were his speeches on the Canadian reciprocity Dili some years ago. 1 . ; HO "- :, ' ' President Wilson is sick, Lloyd yeorge is sick, and it seems to us, as if the entire world is becoming so. The bickerines and secrecv of the peace conference going on in Paris - is enough to make a mule sick. - V y o- ; . - The , Philippine Islands are now v asking Uncle Sam for independence. Seems to us that they have had in dependence ever since the United States liberated them of Spanish rule. But lots of people never know when they are well off. . If the peace conference in Paris don't hurry up and. agree on some kind of peace terms .it may have to make a hurried exit to keep from be ing captured by the Bolshevki. That seems to be growing faster than any thing else just now. 0 With Marse Henry Watterson, Joe Bailey , and a few other Democrats jumping all over Woodrow; with Taft on one side, Lodge and Root on another, and Borah and Sherman still on another in the Republican party, things are looking up in a political way, and the campaign of 1920 promises to be a "humdinger." Frank W. Woolworth, proprietor of a great chain of five and ten cent stores - is dead. He started in busi ness in Utica, N. Y., forty years ago, on a capital of $50.00, and died worth $8,000,000,000. We know of some others who started" about the same time worth thousands of dollars that could not now cash in-' for the $50.00. Madison county is to have a stock ! farm' of vast proportions. E. W. Grove, proprietor of Grove Park Inn. Asheville, has just purchased 40,000 acres in that county, and is going to place 50,000 head of cattle and sheep oh his purchase. Western - North Carolina is yet , destined to be the great stock raising section of the Uni ted States. ; , A bill to allow women to sit in the French chamber of deputies has been defeated by that : body. To bad. Seems to us after all that the women of the world . have just passed through, and the magnificent spirit displayed and the many hardships endured without a murmur, during the great world war, that the women are entitled to an equality - in all things with men. They have certain ly earned the right, even if it was not already theirs. - It is rumored that Governor Allen, of Kansas, wants the cotton growers stopped from holding cotton fori bet ter prices. Don't worry, Governor, these fellows have been holding cot ton for better prices for many months, and the price has steadily de clined. And they;, are the same fel lows, who wanted a price limit set on Kansas wheat, but mercy how; they did howl when the Kansas , wheat grower wanted ' a prjee limit set . on cotton. Result : . the . Kansas wheat erower will receive $2.16 per bushel for 1 his 191 9. wheat crop, while - the cotton grower is going to have, to -take any ; price he can- get for his crop. Moral, obey the Golden Rule. :;v:;- ." - ' Mr. Burleson has raised telegraph rates about twenty per cent. Thus we have another example of the great benefits to be derived from govern ment ownership. The railroads have cost the' people of the United State over two hundred millions of dollars under government control. It is evident ' that .' government control comes entirely 4too high to suit the average American, and we believe that at least seventy-five per cent of the people of the rural communities are opposed to the government, fur ther tinkering with these ideas. Give the railroads, "telegraph and tele phone lines back to the people who own them and know how to operate them. It is clearly to be seen that the United States government is a failure at the operation' of these properties. I Keep an accurate account 61 all the money - ; you spend in a-month and what you spend ; ' it for. It will surprise you: - . :- :r-r-'& Then resolve to bank the'amount you have : g heretofore been spending' unwisely. . .. 'U I. You will never regret the resolution if you' - 1 ' act. ' ' , ' x ' - AWES MARi.. WITH MOTOR Circus Performer Acting as Instruc tor Makes Tricks Look Simple. Many a marine rookie has stripped his gears trying to do "setting up" ex ercises under an instructor who was formerly a professional contortionist. Sergeant Joe Mader, who is Instruc tor and motor vehicle expert of the Third company of the signal battalion of marines at Philadelphia, vwas out on the parade grounds recently giving a raw class a few tips on now to ride a motorcycle. For a while he content ed himself with riding across the area with his machine listing at an angle of 50 degrees. Then he raised the front wheel off the ground and rode that way. Turning his machine with an acuteness that skidded hjni allthe way around he started on the return trip. As he approached the awe stricken class he stood up on the seat of the motorcycle and, waving his arms In the semaphore code, signaled "That's all there is to it." . But later they found out that he used to ride around the walls of a tank in a circus sideshow. 1 BANIK : OF ' IUANlblRI&lvr 1 LandrumVS.'C. v U ROY P. WHITLOCK, Cashier. t 1 II I The Old-Reliable rjettn ill nmmiitmesutzBmwiMitBEsxm lltaami - - ' 'j - Longs to Make Real Pie. - The one great ambition and dream of Countess Maria Loschi of Rome, Italy, is to make a pie.. Yes, a regu lar American,' home-made piethe kind mother used to make before war substitutes came- ipto vogue. - Tho countess is in Eoston to study th.' economic and social conditions of Amertcf.u women workers and the vo cational educational institutions of the fJnited States. Classified Advertisements. FOR RENT. Six room furnished bungalow, witl ')ath for rent or sale. Overbrook Or hard Saluda, N. C.'- x' PIGS. fUK bALL Six Pips one month nIH $6.00 to $8.00; 6 Pigs five month old, $10.00 to, $15.00. Grant C. Miller. EGGS. Eggs of Mottled Ancona rrnWpns for sale. $1.50 ner settinc of IK pm B. F. Copeland, Tryon, N. C. Settings of White Lpo-hnm 15 for $1.50. In Polk county, 75c! pure bred. G. L. Orr, Tryon Route 1. Ecrers for TiatrTiiTio fmm rQ-mTT.na NEVER-STOP LAYING STRAIN and prize winning Buff Leghorns and Buff Orpingtons. $2 per 15. Mrs. C. B. Camnbell. 14fi Vi.fnno TnA Ashevile, N. C. r FOR SALE SinclA Island Red Eggs for Sale - from $2.00 to $5.00 per setting of fif teen. Prompt deliveries; alsjo day old baby chicks, . 25 -to 40 cents each. My foundation is from the best blood lines in the country, from which I have selected the birds, combining the best type and color of rich even red for several years. Mrs. J. E. Lance, Hot Springs, N. C. . : lost. LOST: On xoid two miles or more Tom Tryon, Black and White Checked Silk Sjarf. $5-03 reward. Finder wil please mail to Ambrose Cramer, Lake Forest, Illinois. , . , You ought to have a pair of these soft vici kid comfort oxfords. Buy These forjCmforf Nothing except the actual wearing can more elegantly describe the effects of these SELZ shoes than the above slogan. SELZ comfort shoes have made feet gladN for nearly one-half century They represent the quality which you expect, but seldom find. They represent all leather, good work manship and the lowest price consistent with what you get j $4.50 t& $8;00 ; WiLHINS & C0., Tryon, G. ; Specializing Hi Selz Shoos i MM 1US ; ' We want the residents of Tryon anH . V r citizens of Polk county to know wher? S , ; ; : :can secure the highest clss and best jojjl Plumbing aiid Heating - to be -found anywhere. We arp .' . ' business and we yant your orders r its ' - j'. -v the1 best skilled mechanics, keeo in hand . " all times a large supply of the best fixtl' . - and materials to be found, we can and r, ' serve you-prpmptly; and'satisf actorily. 5 - : ' of vrtjii noil tn arlxrioai' Via1 . A u juut vau uu ouvioc. auu lUJip you t wht vc.il want anH pnrT hp' atia j--;'-,7-" r-.,r m VUU UU V" AfXlC C4XJVl , V i wliU u t CUo t TO vour Asheville, N. C. THE J, R. RICH PLUMBING C( REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE City and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Furnished and un furnished houses for rent. Property taken care of and rents collected. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out looking for a place. Our auto is at your service free. Notary Public. JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, N. C. Uncle Sam S eis a jTt .'.1 uood.c xam i Die i t - fill1 '. mm V' r .. Western North Carolina should be - ' teeming with livestock, yet in a re port just issued we find that this sec tion stands almost at the foot in that rSp?Qt- Havwood tops the . list of Western North CaroHna counties - ,b JS .Percentage of 44; Buncombe only 27, while Polk is stilf lower down the list with a percentage- of .only 18, . and is 88th in the list of NnrtK r.al r lma counties. . Let's, everybody, put 'V -w me wneei and place 1 " 5wF0l5 awaT.uP dose to the top. ft6 firs to .do is to pre - the pastures. This, we are glad wy, bginmn to be dont. MISCELLANEOUS. t Southern Queen sweet potatoes for bedding, $2 par bushel. C M. Howes 47-2t ' - . . , , -. - uuy your nursery stock , of E. J, Bradley, Saluda, agents for the old reliable nursery, company, of Pomna, N. C. ' He can save you money and assist you in your selection of trees best adaptedt o your soil. - illineryg Dress IViaking All Work Guaranteed ' irst floor VVi!kinsl store mrs. ! E; Rhodes: -' - - - " . - - -- - 1 - ' J fit I.. xumanm nim.m, - TTfBtju , 1- It tf-M . VIEW OF U. S. CAPITOL DURING PAIN-T'NG. ; The dome of rne United States Capitol at Washington Is kept in -fexcel-, ' lent condition by painting it every few years; For this - work forty painters are steadily, employed for three months' time, 7Gver five thousand gallons of ' reuuirea ior ..one coat, rne: reason, for naintins the-Canltol dnni.t dislntesratlon-of.metalllc'surface. - " Yr- -' regular Intervals Is to pf event T o6GOOOOOOOOO866pObOG00? O O Invest now today with Uncle Sam's iron q clad guarantee thatevery cent will be returned, plus interest and the feeling of satisfaction that O can come only through the performance of duty. vJ Buv to vour limit - ; r This Space Contributed to the Victory Loan by O O O O O O o - 'AH Liberty Bonds now in. Please call BANK OF TRYON J. B. HESTER Cashier. i O W. T. LDJDSEY Preg cdcococoooscocococococoooc; STIRENGTO-fl SDEIRVDCE i These Esseritials of Sound Banking - are embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED BN :jQaj OA " . Capital "$ 16,060.60 SaBiicfla, N. C. HfNRV P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, V-Prcs. PRESTON H. BAILEY, U. You need Red Devil Lye for KMls"? " " Softel Water K tchen Sanitation WMhin Clhw .. . riVli,n .,ro?rWM Serubbinx ad GrUe y5 Dettrorla. Fl, EgM Order Red Deril Lye from your- tore-Keeper today. Red Devil Lye re movea the outer skin or hulls from com quick- , ly and easily, leaving the corn pure and free. Saves you .time and trouble. ' To cse this wonderful lye tor making delicious Lye Hominy ' Diasolvp 2 tablespoon Red Devil Lye in 6 quarts of soft water or 5 of hard water. When almost boiling, add 2 ' Quarts of shelled field com. and stir with - large spoon or ladle till hulls slip. Then : t pourotf lye water, refill kettle with fresh water and boil again. Continue stirring and changing water until water remains ' perfectly clear, then boil six hours. To remove the hulls quickly, put the com ' ia a churn, the dasher of which works up and down. (If yon like, add 2 " pounds of fresh pork during the last two hours of cooking. ; , Re4 Devil Lye makes easy work of 'f removing the skins of Reaches, sweet gotatoes,, etc Writ ua for Free ooklet. Scores of home uses for Red Devil Lye. f. Get tire genuine Red Devil Lye and - follow directions on the can. 1 Write at at one far oar Free BoohM Wm.SchieId Mf8.Con StXoui,Mo.