" f M - r- ,g COU1ITY ITSWa TEYOIT. IT. 0. TP YON" ' -- - - ray ipifi I Air C W. Ballengers pent a few days at Atlanta, this week. - y; ; Mr and Mrs. F. P. Bacon visited Greonville, S. C, the fore part of the week. v -"v Mrs VJ B. Reid and Mrs. Josephine Vilson visited relatives at Spartan b;u Tuesday. ... -..vV. 7 0t: Loung pip, red, with black -JtV" Ulcase return to R. A. Leon id and secure reward. . ... - Admiial-and Mrs. Berry left, on -ud-iy, Detroit. Mr. Brady will iVmain'for a short while at Oak Hall. Two stories by Mrs. Wynne were nod -.t the Lanier Club, by Miss Put nam. "n Thursday; to a delighted au dience. The beautiful weather of the past two weeks has caused the departure of. the greater number of our winter tourists. t Tlv doi-'-wood keeps up to its repu tation, and the flowering azeaJea is icrinninng to blaze in favored places on the heights. Superior court at Columbus, is demanding the time, of several of our citizens this week. Not a day passes without a crowd driving up to Kruse's, where the wel come of the flowers and the mountain remains unchallenged. The Scout Master, Mr. - Hill, took Ids hovs on a hike. It would be fine to have a report from LeCount Hill on one of the other boys. Mr. Jack Boatright, of Washing ton, arrived in Tryon Saturday for a short visit. He has many friends here who are always glad to see him. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackson4 and their daughter will come back to their Tryon home, on Thursday, Mr. Jack son having obtained his. release from the service"." . Miss Sue R. Wilson is at Miss Rav anel's, but she will soon open her own home.' whre "her cousins, Miss Knox and Miss Brail sford, are to join her soon. The Southern Railway Co. keeps improving the appearances 'of the o-rounds around its station. Now then let's do the same thing for other parts of Tryon. , Miss Clifford -Williams, of Ithaca, New York, has rented the small Ful ler cottage for the next few months. She will soon be joined by her mother and sister. Mr. W. T. Lindsey has been select ed as county chairman for the Victory Loan campaign and, went .tr "R,al,eigh, Tuesday, to be present at. a. meeting of county chairmen for North Caro lina.' - Miss Clara Bell will make a visit with her sister at Louisville,Ky., and from there she will go to Philadel phia for a visit with friends there. Afterward she will go up into New England where she has accepted a position. Her stay there will be in definite. - - - Congregational church:' Sunday school at 10 a.1 m.; public worship with Easter sermon by the pastor, at 11. Devotional service at 4:30 p. m. Mr.rand Mrs. Henry B. Conrad are the guests of Mrs. Conrad's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hester. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Tafti are soon to go with their family to Atlanta, drawn there by the advantages for children offered by a larger, place. All good wishes go with them, with grateful memories of the faithful vork and the generous hospitality which they have dispersed her in Tryon.. Many take the long drive past what was once the pleasant Loc Cabin, to the mountain height, which the Lud lums chose for their home. Near there Mr. Otto Banhard is building a a bungalow. Mr. Rannard and his sister, Mrs. Vvfolhaues, have spent the past iortnight with Mrs. JLudlum. We received a very pleasant call Tuesday from Mrs. E. Tryon Sin clair, of Chicago. Mrs". Sinclair is a lineal descendant of Governor Try n, who was an English governoriof the colony of North Carolina, and or whom Tryon is named.- Mrs. Sin clair endeavored to find out as much relating to Governor Tryon as pos S1ble, while' here. jir. and Mv? Emerson left on Sat yraay, to the vGgiet of their many n'K'nds. Tryon is soon to have a Py of Mr. Emersonis recently pub isned hook, Biographies of the Mem o's of the Saturday Club. A long r--.ew Cf this work by Miss Lowell, 'yne New York Timesconcludes by jilting that it is an admirable rec time mrriQrtant men. of a great Dick Rallenger stopped off on his jay to Fort Oglethorpe, last Wed tsday, and spent a short time in ryon. He was warmly greeted by - Many friends here. He has not tl-:n Pleased-from duty in the f TM cranch of the United Spates , service, but is very anxious to released and return to Tryofa. r,: r Juhus Sawyer left Monday for ien.a"ntv ' where e expect to in?? V r five or six weeks, attend- K l0. business matters. Engineers of the state and govern ess J n conJunctTon with the cm nerS of the Try on-Saluda high d nTelc a meetine: in Trvon'Mon- acttn 'v,as the final meeting before oad Vnstruction starts on this b rooS ?'e are informed. That will conStv tW3 t0 the PePle of Polk drinetilft ne work-will' be finished anfi ' surnn K00d weather of the spring shPe for ' ?nd wiU b in good Yr the same f nGXt winter" tnda?"u:t(i;iVn,advertiser told us siness fr? e- had received much the Nevs ls advertisements in Pay redone only:had he had tUt one ,from Polk county, SisC in fej seen his ad- c rc , lthe NEWS. ' As the rom Peoples Balili"& Trust Co, Snasniodip AfFrto- 4- - J l . . w.vo .x, Bttving money does not accomphsh the object. The .real savor is fV . i 7, 7f '. . . "" pciaun wno nas a definite plan. To set aside a part of he income for a savings account and make-it a habit. If one has a weekly or monthly income a definite sum of this income should be deposit ed in our Savings Department" where it will draw interest. Where an in come ; is riot regular, a . certain per cent, to be determined on basis of annual income, should be deposited with us. In a short time one can acquire the "savings habit" where it is not natural r oo-.t t. - utc iiicitters -not how small the income a small portion 01 it should be deposited, inis bank accepts deposits of one dol lar or over at any time and interest is allowed quarterly on $5.00 or over, lour future success will depend on what you save., What you earn does not count it is what you save. Join our party of savers and become thirty. A checking, account is a safeguard against needless expenditures. Money m the purse has wings and soon is frittered away. Deposit your money in this bank and check it out to pay your bills or to. pay for your pur chases thereby having a legal receipt for every transaction. It is easier and far safer to write a check than to be counting out money. You will find that you will not spend so much. We solicit checking accounts of all kinds regardless of how- small and render the same prompt service to the small depositor as to the large one. . A- Certificate of Deposit is a fine investment. This bank pays four per cent -interest from date and is sues certificates for three months. It is better than the cash for the in come is - quite a nice little 'sum every three months. Deposit your inactive funds with us and let us pay you interest. The importance of every person in Polk County to do business in his own county is more apparent now than ever before. We are just enter ing an era of road construction; Ou? expenses will be higher and every dol lar deposited in this bank will wor for Polk County's good. Every dol lar deposited outside of Polk is help ing to tear down Polk and build up some outside county that you ' have no interest in. Be loyal to your own county and thereby help yourself for as you build up your own county you are building up yourself. This bank earnestly solicits the-business of any citizen of Polk and feels sure that as good, perhaps better, service will be rendered as any bank can render. Many citizens throughout the county are availing themselves of our Banking by Mail, plan. .Send us a trial deposit. You will receive a re ceipt and supplies by return mail, bavmgs accounts opened' for $1.00 or more; Checking -accounts $25.00 or more; Certificates of Deposit $o0.00 or more. .When you are in Tryon call to see us. If you have any project on that we can be ,of service to you drop in and talk it over. We have a room available for our friends where they may meet friends or write a letter. Make use of these or any other of our facilities. You are most heartily welcome whether you do business with us or not. We issue Certificates of Deposit for Liberty Bonds (Coupon) at par value and pay the interest as it becomes due mailing check direct to you for the same amount of interest the bond calls for. Don't leave your Liberty Bond where it may be stolen or destroyed by ftre. We make no charge for this service, W E GIVE VALUABLE Peoples Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N. C. G. H. HOLMES, Pres. W. F. LITTLE, CasH. VP Mill 3G iiHi-tlnS'i-ii -ir Uina P. :ulds in 32 stooc q;u:- 1 &4 r i With all cash purchases we give coupons which aro effort fnSS SSdrtWeU orth more than the small farfn lh? n Jy e saving: of your coupons to ob- Xheyoir sjsf as;."-? b d b will cause you to come again. Y Ve 3 lb. cans Tomatoes per doz. . 2 lb. cans Tomatoes, per doz! V. - 2 lb. cans Corn, per doz n Whith House Coffee, per lb Flour, ner hnrrpl ' X v A. X jjcat onurts, per 7D lb. bag 2 50 ZStSSTSffi inour Wilkies. & Co. $1.85 1.50 2.10 . 40 12.0 Tryon? N. C. 1 Stylepius Clothes JUST RECEIV EP A fresh shipment of Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. and National Biscuit Co's. Cakes and Crackers and pound raisin cake. Two Perfection Oil Stoves for sale. John Orr St. Co, Phone No. 14 Tryon, N. C. This Bank is for Peope who Want to Improve their financial Condition. Will you let us serve you? A checking account is mo$t convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C..SONNER H. B. LANE President Viee Presidents Cashier VLEPLUS CLOTIHICS tygepita Vagiae pSus Style and Fit PRICE: $5; $30; $35; $40 ; S0LD BY Ul - Flie o FOR EVERYTHING . . J. , ; Tryon, North Carolina; r M For farm lands or town property see '.V. W. T. LO NOSEY, Tryon. SALE AT A n Ann aii flnulfl If taken at once. Cash or reasosble terms. . Twd tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district. Store house and lot on Trade street. GEO. A. GASH, Agt. W- F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryn N. C. GEO; A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE NOTARY! PUBLIGi Collections a specialty., Deeds and- Mortgages prepared,!- and Contracts written - at reasonable We Have the Right Prices and - Kind of Materials to do your building. Full stock Doors, Windows, Siding, Flooring Ceiling, Shingles Loths; Interior ' Finish and Moulding, Rough' andv ' Dressd Lumber. Carry complete' it it ! a. 1. I 1 tit C i 9 i. 1 i i : : I l!: Irm Vn. y.,U may receive an rAr.