The only Paper Published in Polk County A fire; Cl;;n fleivsp'jaKc For tfe; llcza. i AND THE TRY O N B E E VOL. XXIV NO. 51 SENATOR CLOUD'S REJOINDER. Tells Mr. Swan What Became of the Ten Thousand Dollar Court House and County Farm Issue of Bonds. Wants to Know If -Somebody Isn't Incoming Chicken-hearted. Editor Tolk County News: Please allow me space for a reply to the recent article written by Rep resentative Swan. I am not surpris ed that my explanation of legislation affecting this county failed in its pur pose so far as he is concerned. It is a very true maxim that "none are so blind as those who do not wishto see.' Not having an equipment of good reasoning and facts he casts about for some- subterfuge or camouflage and seizes upon the time worn expedient of ridicule to cover the void of argu ment. To him I was not convincing, but amusing. He seems to have develop ed a very peculiar sense of humor that laughs at facts, I hope that the -audience will bear -with me while I amuse "Mr. Swan again for a few minutes. It is true that the copy of the county home bill that he has does, not provide that building and equipment of the home shall be in discretion of the commis sioners, but he should remember that I explained to him that this had been overlooked in preparation of the bill and that I would make the necessary change before I introduced the bill, and this was done. In preparation of this bill I did not have the, aid of our representative in the lower house and consequently he thinks I made a mis take in authorizing the county com missioners to purchase a site for the home when the county owns suitable land for the purpose. It is well known that the county has only an undivided half interest in the land and that all of at would be required for a suitable county home site. Under provisions of the act the commission? ers can purchase the half interest in the land referred to or purchase other land that they might consider more suitable for a county home. : Mr. Swan says that he would - refer all matters involving, a tax, although small, to the people. His devotion and loyalty to the people is very touching. He stands -as their tribune with a flaming sword Xo protect them aerainst the 'aered" and infirm poor who wtmld ihave 'sUtbtyl and comfortable home ior tne declin ing days of their lives. He would-quarrel and quibble about the rights of the strong and fortunate while the poor and helpless suffer and die. He would curry political fa vor while our county, continues the disgrace of auctioning off the poor to the lowest bidder. Not' only would the building of a.' home be an act of justice and mercy, but it seemt, vould result in economy. - On this phase of the question I think that I have some very good au thority and wish tp quote from copy of a letter written by ex-sheriff W. C. Robertson to Representative Swan, as follows: "We need an act au thorizing the board of commissioners to issue and sell bonds for the purpose of building a home for the poor, 15,000 is estimated to be a reason able amount to spend for this purpose The county is paying about $1,500.00 annually for pauper claims. The in terest .on the bond issue would amount to S900.00 annually, a saving of $G00.00, to say nothing about the treatment of our unfortunate people.' Xhe land that the county owns, with a small portion added, would make a home that would be self sustaining within two years." But their cham pion contends that the people should vote on the question as to whether or not they will deal justly -and merciful ly with their unfortunate fellow be ings and at the same time save $600 a year. Mr. Swan implores informa tion as to the disposition of $10,000.00 derived from the sale of county home and court house bonds three or four vears ago. This money was not sto len or misappropriated as seems to he insinuated but was disbursed as folliws, . . County funds account . . . . . . $4,144.12 County fund account........ 209.65 County funds account. T. . . . 110.64 County funds account. ..... . 209.37 County funds account ....... 236.03 Road funds account . . 3,113.05 School funds account. ...... 1,030.00 Bridge funds account. . ..... 947.14 JVal amt. from sale of court house and county home - bonds ...... ... . .$10,000.00 This was taken from the record by W. B: Feagan, former treasurer oi tne county and can be verified by examination of the record. I think that it is well nnown . that there was a money deficit because the commissioners had taken some land m settlement with the sheriff. Mon-, ey to supply this deficit could only be obtained by specifying that it was tor necessary expenses. To meet the emergency court house and county "mc bonds' were issued and sold and lne proceeds'-used for other necessary expenses. While this, transaction caused temporary embarrassment the -inmate result was ' beneficial. ; 1 no uoubt that the county can 0w sell the land for almost double lne priC0 paid. Tt. kp fr mp un- tw fud unJust to assert or insinuate mat there vwic -fw.,,i miconnmnri. I,. n 01 money without any facts in Kir w, u is stil1 seriously main uuntd that it was nerrsrv t amend .we road bill for this county in order iLE10,1 certain roads in Trydn Mr c p- . lhe amendment made by 'w as follows: ' ' lovided, that thjs act - shall , not be construed in any way to interfere ffiS .rebldin? of the National l1011 Pd Saluda town snips, and the macadam read in Trv- rroadirPWnk of Educing a road bill and then amending so that of road?0t Ttote;-with thebuilding dilM and a number of othei 'I is the re- meourne?diWe hPe that it wi lx$P?F Sw&n as. follows: Without the afnendment the Coun ty Highway Commissioners would road Pf, jS "'road and a road money and this certainly would be interfering with the, proposition." Can any one see how his amend ment prevents the commission from having. control of all roads and road money. It seems absurd to create a county road system and then cripple it by excepting certain roads or dis tricts from its operation. While the roadommissioners have contro 1 of theTryon-Saluda and ' Tryon-Lvnn road, with all others of the county, I am informed that they have no dispo sition to displace the good men that have had charge of these roads. They will interfere with no plans that have been formulated. It is asserted that !ny jury bill was reported unfavor ably. I have only , to say that I was otherwise informed by members of the committee that had it under con sideration. , - It is true that I slated on my first appearance before the committee that I was not informed as to the purpose of the bill but had introduced it at therequest of several leading citizens of my county. . Later when I had definite informa tion I explained to the committee the condition of the jury bos, and they admittetd the necessity for revision, but stated to me that they considered in unwise to establish the precedent of ' revising the jury list at a time other than in the Revisal. In answer to Mr. Swan's very searching ques tions I said that election fraud had been charged but believed that it was without foundation. I also said that I heard talk of a contest but was not informed if 4a summons had been served so that it was pending for trial. It was also admitted that I had been engaged as on&f theattor neys for the defendants' in ' case such action should be instituted. I had no information at that time as to the political complexion of the jury box but Mr. Swan claimed to have such information and stated that at least of the jury were democrats. A noil of the list, madp hv.Mr. F. M. Burges and I shows 438 names in the box, 293 republicans and 125 demo crats. Will Mr. Swan kindly cnligthen the people a to the charges of fraud that he made against the democrats of this county before the committee? Mr. Grier the chairman, characterized them as being "perfectly vicious." Some members considered them so grave that they advised that I have some of the leading democrats come before the committee and make de fense. But when I questioned Mr. Swiw bpfnrA t.Vip committee he re fused to make any direct charges against any democrat so that defense ould be made. He played safe by making his charges vague ad general. mi T J jAMAinn4-f woo .rmi J me nonesty oi uemvtiato vyao v-..Y sorinnslv mipstioned on such founda tions as "it has been charged, it has Seen said and it is believed." Will Mr. Swan publish the explanation or "he necessity for his jury revision bill fhat he made before the committee? "Thjs is the second request.. His stenographers act forbids the presid ing judge to tax the deienaant m an action more than $4.00 for stenogra pher's fees but this was disregarded Vir Jndorp" Loner and he taxed fees m MCO T-nncrinc from $2.00 to $8.00 and consequently the county had no fees to. pay, and there was a-bance in -the stenographers fund after this term of court. ' . - - ' m 1 A J About the time the legislature, au- iourned I happened uce -bill has just passed entitled An act 4. Hpredation of domestic foS" and was much rerprfaed. that n.n. ,-1i,HpH with a number of rther "counties-. Will ttei. o represen tative explain to . his Mtatuenta he provisions of this act- and its ap n t6 Polk-county s he re- sponsible for tn.s . aw -j for such legislation .' uiu tv ? Why was .this part e- w, A""JT:iof ; omitted from tne WKJXFl 4m infomed ftat his &e .aSompn have been industnousiy.- ,-a e ears oi xne F-'Tence has been .ay it seems that, silence na. f maintained as to tEfflit any domestic fowls - Can rt b . t one is cn"-"-f" T,, newspaper con I telte no pleasure in "V th- lrS that ; has not- ?nnr:A exDlained. , : been aiscu- . . embers of I have no Quarrel to .respect the opposite parety ana am for their pojiticaLopinions, d writing in st ofyrty,- I record and m defense o x acusmg have ysVrttoJ" any man parof -tra convdncing unless lJ'jSe more wrong proof. Few s are m & -d : hearsay evidence... (, . - : ' ",-"' TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919. - -7s : . ' J " .. " : ; ' : ' ' " . . - i FRO f,1 I F R I F f 1 0 S W lUn of Geaeral Interest Gathered By Our Corre.pondcnt. From Variou. ; SectUns of Polk County v HILLCREST. " n Mrs- B. Valentine arid - son, Hilly of St. Louis, Mo., are spending some time -with Mrs. Emma Boyd at Thirty" Springs Farm. - Messrs. Wylie and Ernest Bridges spent the week-end with relatives in Cleveland county. ; ?i Mrs. John Sanders, spent the week end, with her mother, Mrs. J. H, Nor ville. ' . Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Abrams held, a family reunion, Sunday. r Mr. Hugh -Morvflle spent Thursdav in Spartanburg, S. C. -.:' Misses Alma High and Pauline Wilkins, of Hillcrest. spe,nt the week end with Mis Ruth Brian. r; Miss M-attie Lela Brian, of New Prospect, who has been the guest of Miss Margaret Brian, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. N. Walker at Greens Creek. . ; Mss Margaret Brian entertained a number of her friends at a. musicale Wednesday' night. Mrs. Mary W. Jones and Mrs: J. T. Camp attended church in Spartan burg S. C, Easter Sundav, Mr. Clint Greenway carried a crowd to New Prospect, Sunday, to attend a singing. , - Mr. L. P. Camp and Miss Priscilla Camp spent Thursday in Tryon. Miss Nellie Brian spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs J. W. Wal ker. :' .- Siiile and Finish the Job! SILVER CREEK. Last week Messrs. Steele and Wil son railroad surveyors, were visitors at Mt. View farm. They were look ing for a. place to pitch their tents when they reach this section. Quite a large party of men belong to the surveying;?orps. The school at Silver Creelc, taught by Miss Esther Gibbs closed last Sat urday, with an interesting entertain ment. v ; - , Roshelle-Arledge' spent Saturday night with Reagan Biadley. Private Beach McMurray returned home from 'France last week, and vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mc Murray. ; . , , . Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Arledge, of Spartanburg, were visitors at H. P. Arledge's Saturday and Sunnday. . Quite a number, of people attended the egg hunt at Walker, Sunday. - Mr. Swan makes the impression, ffcot his nartv has a monopoly, onr all I the virtues and" that the democratic I im mnHo nn ' larcelv of thieve and rascals.- Greens Creek especial ly is a stench in his nostrils. There, according to his allegations, on infor mation and belief, the election was stolen under the watchful eyes of the republican poll : holder , and the voters. At other precincts where there were rpublican gains all was fair and hon est. Mtoeir depends upon "whose ox was gored. . E. B. cluux;. OVER THE COUNTY COOPER GAP. Mr. W. A. Ruff has purchased a fine horse and buggy. ' . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Haynes last week, a baby girl. ' Mr. and Mrs. Durgins Gibbs are the I roud parents of a (me boy, Mr. and Mrs Andy ynch aiv re joicing over the arrival of twins. They have our congratulations. ' Mr. Oscar " Biddy returned, last week, from Greenville camp. Mr. Billie Burgess' little boy is very ill at present. V . - Mrs. D. C. Jackson has moved to Hendersonville to live with her broth er. :.V ;f- Mrs. Manning Lynch was a pleas ant caller at Mrs. W. A. Ruff's today. Mr. King Lawter arrived home, Thursday from France. Three cheers for him. " Mr. Geofge Jones was a caller in this section last week. We are glad to note that Mrs. Brion Blanton is recovering after a severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Biddy made a trip to Columbus, Monday. ' VI i. . FISHTOP. Some frost here on the 18th, but no damage done. V Jesse Case's two years old child was badly burned one day last week. It was playing aroupd the fire and its clothing caught, -"and before assis tance could reaGh it, was badly burn ed.', -. Robert Price, who was in the, 30th division, came home, Saturday, look ing fine. Professor Fairbrother, of . Green ville, S. C, an author and publisher of music sang at Friendship church, Sunday. . S Reagan Paris and wife visited the latterV kin folks here, Saturday and Sunday - last. LexieL Bradley of Brights, and. Rosa Walker, of - 'M'ill Spring, visited their pnnt5, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Laughter Saturday and Sunday. ' rThere is; talk that there- will be several tunnels if the present . survey of the railroad ; is accepted. Also some talk of Mr. Steel . an aviator, procuring an airplane to locate . the nearest and best route, and save, so much more time; 1 SALUDA. arT L K?zdZd is siting friends ana relatives m Georgetown, S. C. Mrs. H. B. Lane is making a visit ?r.Tc weeks t0 relatives in SS: tin' ? ParIer has gone to BaK timore to be near her husband, who pltel? lU at thG J0hns HopkinHos- tlmmie :Homes and little niece It Fa1e7' aIe ere for the present Mr. Blackman and a friend are al so stopping there, The former in nuhfll ealth, Yhich he thinks he could find in i Saluda, and talks of making his home here if he can find what he wants as a location for a bungalow, ; j&er?Js a rumor that a synndicate of Northern men have purchased a tract of land near here, known as Hcatherly Heights, with the inten tion of planting large apple orchard. Tir Th PliasQ,cottae has been sold to Mr. Giloreath, who will make, his home there. Miss : Mary Garmany and Corp. Kepe of Buncombe . ronnf v h,.f cently of Ft. Sill Oklahoma. married a short time ago in Hender ?onvi41e, N. C. The -McAlpm house just inside the town limits - recently purchased by Mr. Waring of Savannah Ga., is be ing repaired and put in condition nec essary for comfort and convenience, under an entirey new roof. Mrs. Zeigler, of Greenwood, S. C, has rented the Bolich house, and in tends to come up early and stay late. Mrs. Folger and Mrs. Little have both returned to their homes after visits to -relatives. Mrs. Brown, of Spartanburg, S. C,, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Little, the wife of our popular druggist. Dr. E. M. Salley has been to Orangeburg, to visit his family and his sister, Miss Salley, lias returned with him. ' There was an Easter celebration at the MeMthodist church, on the night of Easter Day. The theme, Love Triumphant a story of the first Eas tertide. The story "Tor a Street Boy of Jerusalem" by Florence ; Morse Kingsley-witha. song emce-he story is beautifully (written and "was beautifully read by Miss Havener one of the faculty of Saluda Seminnary,, and the songs were well rendered by children of the Methodist and Baptist Sunday schools trained by Mrs. Wal ter Jones, who was the organist for the occasion. The little girls of Saluda have been organized recently by Mrs. A." D. Turner, into a society to be known as The Nieces of Uncle Sam. and have adopted a small French orphan, Adrienne Depuis by name. They are iverv much interested in their "child," who is about two years old, and all are enthusiastic over the work they are planning to do in order to raise the money for her support. There was a meeting of the Red Cross branch, at Mrs. H. P. Locke's, on Monday afternoon to discuss the ways and means for caring for Ber- nadotte LeMaine the young girl of eight years, recently adopted by them, whose clothes, already cut out and sent here to be made, will soon be distributed among the members for that purpose. - Mrs. H. B. Lane and daughter, Miss Louise, Mrs. H. H. McKee and Mrs. J. C. Bushnell, attended the Easter t ser vices at St. James church, Henderson villeN.' C, and were also present a the children's service in the afternoon. MILL SPRING. Rev. B. M. Hamrick preached his first sermon for us at White Oak Sunday. -Everybody enjoyed his ser mon very much. He seems to have a working spirit which inspired his audience when the subject of improv ing our church was menti toned. In a short while $256.00 was raised for the improvement of the . church, namely: paintinginside and outside build a newfront,a gallerry, put in a memo rial window in honor of Jesse T. Lew is,, build a class room and many other things badly needed. Here is a thought; "Everything here is Gods. He has leaned to us and let's pay Him hv imm-oviner His house our house of worship. We want $500.00. We hope everybody who is interested will help and those not interested may become so. - ' . ' Miss Esther-Gibbs closed her school at Silver Creek last Saturday. Mes dames G. C. Brisco and 3. H. Gibbs attended the -entertainment at this school Saturday. Mt- T T,. Walker died with pneumo nia at the home of his brother J. E. WniVpr last Friday morning. Mr. Walker -was a faithful member of Wnitfl nnV rViiirch. alwavs ready to Violn in anv kind of church or com mutfity, work. His body was ; put away in the Jones cemetery; on the Houston road, where his wif e -as laid away, several. years ago. There ic mn Honht. whatever, that Mr. Wal ker is at rest. His character is long Ha rpmembered and honored. . May God comfort the bereaved ones their gloomy hours of sorrow. , in nrittM and Georsre Gibbs were Easter visitors at Rutherford ton. - V - . - Mrs - C M: Dicus is -. visiting her mother, Mrs. -L, C. Gibbs, - $2.00 A YEAIT JUDGE LONG'S N . - RECOMMENDATIOS. Heartily Agrees With Report feof Grand Jury, and Tells the People- That Their Recommendation Should . Be Carried Out. . . Instructions To -That Effect. - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, . . County of Polk. " In the Superior Court : April Term. Upon the coming in of the report of the Grand Jury the Court orders, first, -that the clerk copy this report upon the minutes of the court; second, that theclerk furnish a copy of his report to the Board of County Commission ers of Polk; third, it is ordered that the clerk of the court at the conven- 1 mg of the next criminal court in this " county, and at each successive crim- -mal court in the county for eighteen - -months hereafter, read the report of' grand jury to the judge presiding to the end that the judge may have laid' before him the recommendations of this grand jury, and to the end also, if action is not taken by the proper au- 1 -ivnticB wiLu. regard to the improve- -ments recommended, that the judge -may direct the solicitor to send bills ' of ; indictment against those who are delinquent. Fourth, that the clerk of the court enter-as the first case on .- his criminal docket this report of the gana jury ana ior laentification -in. these Words: " In the matter of tli tions of the grand jury as to public improvements in Polk county, made at -the regular criminal term of court in said county, April 16, 1919." - " And the clerk will filo o . ..... ...v - vvjj vi, ; this report, entitled as above, on the : criminal record so that the judge may : refer to it at any time he desires. , The Clerk Will also Pall thu nftntiAr of the Board of County Commission- ? irs oi Polk county to these observa tions made bv the hid nresidintr a this tefm. The court resDectfullv rails vouv . attention to the report of the grand jury made at this term and exnrps.t' the wish that the countv commission ers will take into , consideration -u the ' recommendations made by the grand'' v iury. The court is in svmnathv with ' the general recommendations made he .grand;, jury; make -i the suergestz&n.' t5 thfe--Bo&td thati-4fX- thev do make ; anv . imnroiremeTitj on the court house especially and .; the court house grounds that ' they shall -. call to their assistance a skilled ar chitect to advise them as to how and ; ' m 'what particulars the present court house may be reconstructed so as to furnish modern- eauinment f or - heat ing the building, modern equipment ' for lighting the building modern" equipment for supplying the building : " with water, modern equipment --"for toilets and the location thereof,' in cluding such plans as r shall provide '. for the jury suitable jury rooms suit able room for the judge, suitable'- room for consultation by: atxor- - neys a rest room for the women and children- of" the county' who - may be requirea to come - the court house to attend to their Drivate business at any time, storage" room for fuel, safe deposit vaults;- " suitable furniture, in short, a com- r petent architect to be aDle to advise you as to what chancnes and improve---1 jnents should be made " to meet mod-- : 3rn conditions and : requirementa; ', . . 2nd. Also I would suggest 'thafr it y jx nave auj iiutvftuvuvw v :v grounds surrounding; this building:' - a landscape gardener who would be , able to advise you how to prepare the grounds, lay out the walks; and make ; the grounds not only convenient and " serviceable to the people but: at ", the - ., same time ornamental ajid attractiye;-, 3rd. I beg to say to you that .as s nature has provided you with water in : abundance, that you call to . your. assistance the town authorities and a' -hydraulic engineer to advise you-and" the town authorities how you may, at 'east expense, supply not only this -" court house with an abundance of wa ter for all purposes -needed . but the entire town with an abundance of wa- r ter for every house, factory or build ing needing water in the town includ-. ing the court house and jail. V These are bare suggestions niade- -by the court and the court hopes that -the recommendations of the grand urv and these suggestions that I now make to you will be of ' some advan tage and assistance to you in nialang . , the improvements so much needed. The clerk will furnish the Board' of County f. Commissioners a - copy of , , these recommendations made by the J. t judge. . COLUMBUS. Mrs. H. H. Edwards was on the sick list last week. . ). - Mr. C. C. Constance 'and family ' moved to their farm near Columbus, . last vrcek....'"' "'""'4 ' Mrs. J. M. LeWis. of. Mill Spring visited Mrs. H. H. Edwards last Sun day. .. -'''y"' ' A large crowd attended the rally , day at Columbus, Sunday. Among the interesting addresses s were those made By Rev. R. N. Pratt J. R. Sams and A; Y. Arledge. v ; " Messrs. Edgar Newman and Prince Clark returned home from overseas,, Friday.:'---.v-' -' ' : Miss Rosa W Bailey was out of school, Monday, on account of illness. Mr. Austin Newman; of Ft Moul trie", Charleston, S. C, is home on A furlough. - - " - - .. , 'J i .1 ' i .t if: i! 3;

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