A.. - . 1 s- POLK COUirXY If EW& TRYOiT. N, 0. 1 I 111 Oil on I Oil V f f f m '4 1 I ! Hi Ham . -n-V, -t liOll I i Hfi IfcJi; Sta gnan t wate r, stagnant money Dreeas notning usetui. Like rushing water the power of money in motion is practically irresistible., Every dollar invested in the Victory Liberty Loan will be put to work and kept at work. Every dollar will pay interest regularly and every dollar will be returned. Mean while, the Nation will be cleansed of debt, the value of business improved and the country's prosperity insured to all. 01 01 stoti il DDI DDI B SUM IID11 1 E n u Victory Liberty Loan Committee -f a 3 11QII 1 il II 'Ah This Space Contributed by aacanna a era gS5 f - i : j rrrar earn; eg r-! SOUTHERN MERCERIZING COMPANY LIBERTY LOAN ULi.i- i r.i - . i fVi trtv first since that dav. nc vc Deen wun our ouys m-w - - two Aprils ago, when the Kaiser's throne commenced to totter. Shall we forsake them now When, wounded and homesick, they need us most? ' - Shall we abandon them, or shall we stay with, them By buyin- Victory Liberty Bonds? ; Well, then, buy to your -fuHiimiL .fN Victory Liberty Loan Committed : 'iV i !- 3 .-: ... r - r - - . 1' r7 THOSE TRIUMPHAL GERMAN HELMETS g Eighty-five thousand German helmets, captured by allied troops in Coblenz, are to be awarded as prizes by' federal district committees in the Victory Liberty Loan campaign. They will be given to Victory note salesmen mak ing the best selling records and school children writing the best essays on the loan. In the picture shown above, taken on the Treasury steps in Washington, are shown Frank R. Wilson, director of publicity (left), and Lewis B. Franklin, director of War Loan Organization (right). Wilson created a panic in the'hel met market by buying the entire 85,000 allotment from the War Department for $1. It cost the German government more than that amount to. manufacture each one of the helmets. V- These helmets "were a special supply held in reserve for a triumphal entry into Paris. Eventually they arrived tfctre by freight. . ThePolfc per year raek s Victory .Boeds asan ievestmeM : this spaed contributed by 0 FTPS ONE BANK OE T H;1K. 11 11 lLn. RON '