Tfttog: MtfM -to; -the A TALE bf the NORTH COUNTRY in the TIME of SILAS WRIGHT -:' ' : By IRVING B ACHEIXER. " a Author Of EBEN HOLDEN. D'RI AND I. DARREL OP THB BLESSED ISLES. KEEPING UP WITH LIZZIE. Etc.. Etc. Copyright by bring Bacheller CHAPTER X' A Party andMy Fourth Peril? ; It was ' a rainy Sunday. In the middle of the afternoon Uncle Pea body and I had set out In our spring .buggy with the family umbrella a faded but saered Implement,- always rn ref nil v dried, after nslne. and hnner In .the clothes press. We were drenched to the skin in spite of the umbrella. It was still raining when we arrived at the familiar door In Ashery lane. Uncle Peabody wouldn't stop. He hurried away We pioneers rare ly stopped or even turned out for the weather. - v "Come in said the voice of the schoolmaster at' the -door. "There's good weather under this roof." He saw my plight as I entered. "I'm like a shaggy dog that's been In swimming," I said. "Upon my word, boy, we're in .luck," remarked the schoolmaster. I looked up at him. - " "Michael Henry's clothes ! sure, they're Just the thing for you !" I followed him upstairs, wondering ;' how It had happened that Michael Henry had clothes. , " He took me into his room and brought some handsome, soft clothes out of a press with shirt, socks and boots to match. There, my laddie buck," said he. "put them on. "These will soon dry on me, I said. "Put them on ye laggard! Michael - Henry told me togive them to ,you. It's the birthday night o' little Ruth, my boy. There's a big cake with can dles and chicken pie and jellied cook ies and all the like o that. Put them dampen the whole proceedings. I put them on and with a great sense of relief and comfort. They were an admirable fit too perfect for an accident, although at the time -1 thought only of their grandeur as I stood surveying myself in thejooking glass. They were of blue cloth and I saw that they went well with 'my blond hair and light skin. I was put ting on my collar and necktie when Mr. Hacket returned. We went below and the -table was very grand with its great frosted cake -and its candles, in shiny brass sticks, and Its jellies and preserves with' the gleam of polished pewter among them. Mrs. Hacket and all the children, save Ruth, were waiting for us in the din ing room. "Now sit down here, all o ye, with Michael Henry," said the schoolmas ter. "The little lady will be impatient ril go and get her and God help us to make her remember the. day." TT . . . . ne was gone a moment, oniy, wnen 'he came back with Ruth in lovely white dress and slippers and gay with - ribbons, and the silver beads of Mary on her neck. We clapped our hands and cheered and, in-the excitement of the moment, John tipped over his drinking v glass and shattered it on the floor. "Never mind, my brave lad no . glass ever perished in a better cause. God bless youl" We ate and jested and talked, and the sound of our laughter drowned ' the cry of - the wind in the : chimney and the drumming of the rain upon the windows. ; Next morning my clothes, which had been hung by. the kitchen stove, were damp and wrinkled. Mr. Hacket came to my room before I had risen. "Michael Henrv wonld rnther see his clothes hanging on a good boy than on a nail in the closet,"; said he. , "Sure they give no comfort Jto the nail at all." "I guess mine are dry now, I an swered. ' "They're wet and heavy, boy. No son o' Baldur could keep a llht heart in them. Sureve'd he ns much mit o place as a sunbeam in a cave o bats. If ye care not for your own comfort think o' the poor lad in the green chair. He's .that proud and pleased to see then on ye it would be n shame to reject his offer. Sure, if they were dry .yer own garments would be good enough, Godknows, but Michael Henry loves the look o' ye in these togs," and then the presi dent is in town.V That evening he discovered a big stain,- black as ink, on my coat and trousers. Mr. Hacket expressed the pinion that it might have come from the umbrella, but I am aulie sure that he had spotted them to save me fromT5 the last homemade suit I "ever -wore, save in rough work and keep Michael Henry's on my back. In any event I wore them no more save at chore time. Sally came and went, with the Wills boy. and cava nn tiooj vA - Tr. eyes I had . no more substance' than a ghost, it seemed to me, although I caught her. often, looking at me." I Judged that her father had. given her a bad report of us and had some re grets, In spite of my knowledge that we were right, although they related mostly to Amos. . - ' Neat afternoon I saw Mr. Wright and the president walking back and forth on the bridge ns tha ,iiAsf a y vm, . iiuacu together. A number of men stood in front of the blacksmith 'shop, by the river shore, watching ; them, as I passed, on my way to. the, mill on an errand. ? The two statesmen were , In broadcloth and white linen and beaver bats. They: stopped as I approached them, i.y py- .. "Well, partner, we shall be leaving in an hour or so," said Mr. Wright as he gave me his hand. "You may look for me here soon after the close of the session. Take care of yourself and go often to see Mrs. Wright and obey your captain and remember me to your aunt and uncle." " " : - ' 1- "See that you keep coming, my good boy," said the president as he gave me his hand, with playful reference, no doubt, to Mr. Wright's remark that I was a coming man. "Bart,- I've some wheat to be thrashed in the barn on the back lot," said the senator as I was leaving them. "You can do it Saturdays, if you care to, at a shilling an : hour. Stack the straw out of doors until you've finished, then put it back in the bay. Winnow the wheat carefully and sack it and bring it down to the gran ary and Til settle with you when I return . I remember that a number of men who worked In Grimshaw's sawmill were passing as he spoke. "Yes, sir," I answered, much elated by the prospect of earning money. The examination of Amos was set down for Monday and the people of the village were stirred and shaken by wildest rumors regarding the evi dence, to be adduced. Every day men and women stopped me in the street to ask what I knew of the murder. I followed the advice of Bishop Per kins and kept my knowledge to myself. Saturday came, and when the chores were done I went alone to the grain born In the back lot of the senator's farm with flail and measure and broom and fork and shovel and sacks and my luncheon. In a pushcart, with all of which Mrs. Wright had provided me. It was a lonely place with woods on three sides of the field and a road on the other. I kept laying down beds of wheat on the barn floor and beating them out with the flail until the sun was well over the roof, when I sat down to eat my luncheon. Then I swept- up the grain and winnowed out the chaff and filled one of my sacks. That done, 1 covered the floor again and the thump of the flail eased my loneliness until " in the middle of the afternoon two of my schoolmates came and asked me to go swimming with them. The river was not forty rods away and a good trail led to the swimming hole. It was a warm, bright day and I was hot and thirsty. The thought of cool waters and friendly companionship was too much for me. I went with them and stayed with them longer than I Intended. I re member saying as I dressed that I should have to work late and go with out my supper In order to finish my stint . . ; , It was almost dark when'I .was put ting the last sack of wheat Into my cart, in the gloomy barn and; getting ready to go. t , f ' A rustling In the straw where I stood stopped me suddenly. I heard stealthy footsteps. In the darkness. I stood my ground and demanded : "Who's there?" I saw a form approaching In the gloom with feet as noiseless as a cat's. . c I Had Time to Raise ; My Flail and Bring It Down Upon the Head of the Leader, I took a step backward and, seeing that it was a woman, stopped. "It's Kate," came In a hoarse whis per as I recognized her form and staff. "Run, boy they have just come out o' the woods. I saw them. They will take you away. Run." She had picked up the flail, and now she put It in my hands and gave me a push toward the door. r I ran, and none too quickly, for' I had not gone fifty feet from the barn In the stubble when I heard them coming after me, whoever they were. I saw that they were gaining and turned quickly. I had time to raise my flail and bring It down cjon the he&a of the leader, who fell as I had Seen a beef fall un der the ax. Another man.stopped be yond the reach of my flail and, after a second's hesitation, turned and ran away In the darkness. ;v ' ; I could hear or see no other motion In, the field, i I turned and ran on down the slope toward the village. In a moment I saw- someone coming out of the maple grove at the field's end, just ahead, with a lantern, f Then I heard the voice of the school master saying: - "Is It you, my lad?" "Yes, t answered, as I came up to him; and Mary, in a condition of breathless excitement . T . ' I told them of the curious adventure I had had. ' "Come quick," said the schoolmas ter. ''Let's go back and find the man in the stubble? 7 I remembered that I had struck the path In my flight just before stopping to swing the flail. The man must have fallen very near-It Soon we found where he had been lying and drops of fresh blood on the stubble. "Hush," said the schoolmaster. We listened and heard a .wagon rat tling at a wild pace down the road toward the river. "There he goes," said Mr. Hacket. "His companions have carried him away. Ye'd , be riding in that wagon now, yerself, my brave lad, if ye hadn't 'a made a lucky hit with the flail God bless ye !" What would they 'a done with me?" I asked. "Oh, I reckon they'd a took ye off, lad, and kep ye for a year or so until Amos was out o danger,' said Mr. Hacket "Maybe they'd drowned ye In the river down there an left yer clothes on the bank to make it look like an honest drowning. The devil knows what they'd a done with ye, laddie buck. We'll have to keep an eye on ye -. now, every day until the trial is over sure we will. Come, we'll go up to the barn and see if Kate is there." Just then we heard , the receding wagon go roaring over the bridge on Little river. Mary shuddered with fright The schoolmaster reassured us by saying: "Don't be afraid. I brought my. gun In case we'd meet a painter. But the danger is past." He drew a long pistol from his coat pocket and held It In the light of the lantern. The loaded cart stood In the middle of the barn floor, where I had left It, but old Kate had gone. We closed the barn, drawing the cart along with us. When we came Into the edge of the village I began to reflect upon the strange peril out of which I had so luckily escaped. It gave me a heavy sense of responsibility and of the wickedness of men. I thought of old Kate and her broken silence. For once I had heard her speak. I ceuld feel my flesh tingle when I thought of her quicV words and her hoarse, passionate whisper. I knew, or thought I knew,; why she took such care of me. She was in league with the gallows and could not bear to see It cheated of Its prey. For some reason she hated the Grlmshaws. I had seen the hate in her eyes the day she dogged along behind the old money lender through the streets of the village when her pointing finger had seemed to say to me: JThere, there is the man who has brought me to this. He has put these rags upon my back, this fire In niy heart, this wild look in mv eyes. Wait and; you will see whaLr will put upon him." I knew that old Kate was not the irresponsible, witless creature that people thought her to be. I had begun to think of her with a kind of awe as one gifted above all others. One by one the things she had said of ; the future seemed to be coming true- - - As we were going into the house the schoolmaster said: "Now, Mary, -you take. this lantern ond go across thestreet to the house o Deacon Binks, the constable. You'll find him asleep by the kitchen stove. Arrest his, slumbers, but not rudely, and, when he has come to, tell him that I have news o the devil." Deacon Binks arrived, a fat 'man with a big, round body and a very wise ajid serious countenance between side whiskers bending from his temple to his neck and suggesting parentheses of hair, as if his head and its acces sories were in the nature of a 6ide Issue. He and the schoolmaster went out of doors and must have talked to gether while I was eating a bowl of bread and milk which Mrs. Hacket had brought to me. ' ; : When I went to bed, by and by, I heard somebody snoring on the little porch under my window. The first sound that reached my ear at " the break of dawn-was the snoring of some sleeper. I. dressed and went be low and found the constable In his coonskin overcoat asleep on the porch with a long-barreled gun at his side. While I stood there the schoolmaster came around the corner of the house from the garden. He put his hand oh the deacon's shoulder and gave him a little shake. "Awake, ye limb o. the law he de manded. "Prayer Is better fw sleep. ... The deacon arosa end ctretciea bluisetr aud cleared his throat end as stmed an air of alertness and said It was a fine morning,' which It was not, the sky being overcast and the air dark and cnilly. "Mr. Hacket removed his greatcoat and on the.stoop saying i ' ' ' ::.'r "Deacon, you lay theie. From now, on I'm constable and ready for any act that may be necessary to maintain the law. I can be as severe as Napoleon Bonaparte and as cunning as Satan, IT I have to be."' : ; '--i -"V. Whil Iivas milking the deacon sat on a bucket in , the doorway of the stable and snored untilJE had finished. He awoke when I loosed the cow and the constable went back to the pasture , with me, yawnlnff with his hand over his mouth much of the way; The dea con leaned his elbow on the top of the pen and t snored again, lightly, wnile I mixed the feed for the pigs. Mr.. Hacket met us at the kitchen door, where Deacon Binks said to him: J "If you'll look after ' the boy today .111. go home and get a little rest "God bless yer soul, ye haa a pusy night," said the uchoolmaster with a smile. - -'"' 1 ' : . ; - He added as he rent into the house: ' i never knew a man to rest with more energy and persistence. ; It was a perfect flood o' rest It kept me awake until long after midnight" CHAPTER XI. ' ' The Spirit of Michael Henry and Others. At the examination of Amos Grim shaw my knowledge was comuiitted to the records and ceased to be a eource of danger to me. Grlmshaw came to the village that day. On my; way to the courtroom I saw him walking .8 r PC--. tffi LAST WORDli "Awake, Ye Limb o' the Law ' slowly, with bent headas I had seen him before, followed by'old Kate. She carried her staff In 'her left hand while the forefinger of her right hand was pointing him out Silent as a ghost and as unheeded one would say she followed his steps. ..'-. I observed that old Kate sat on a front seat with her hand to her eai and. Grlmshaw beside his lawyer at . a big table and that when she looked ai him her lips moved in a strange un uttered whisper of her spirit Her face filled with joy as one damning detail after another came 'out in: the evidence. The facts hereinbefore alleged, and others, .were prove!, for the tracks fit ted the shoes of Amos. The young man' was held antf presently indicted. The ti me of his trial was not deter mined. I wrote a good hand those days and the leading merchant of the village engaged me to post his books every Saturday at tenents an hour.v Thence forward until Christmas I gave my free days to that task. I estimated the sum , that I should earn- and planned to divide 'It in equal parts and proudly present It to my aunt and uncle on Christmas day. . One Saturday while I was at work on the big ledger of the merchant I ran upon this item : October ' S. S. Wrteht To one suit of clothes for Michael Henry from measures furnished by S. Robin- son . S14.SI Shirts to match.-. IM 1 1 knew then the history of the suit of clothes which I had worn since that rainy October night, for I remembered that Sam Robinson, the tailor, had I measured me at our house and made up the cloth of Aunt Deel's weaving. V I observed, also, that numerous ar ticlesa load of wood, two sacks of flour, three pairs of boots,, one coat; ten pounds of salt pork and four j bushels of potatoes all for "Michael Henry"rhad been charged to Silas Wright. - - -p :-.;rr;, v . So by the .merest chance J, learned that the invisible "Michael Henry was the almoner of the modest statesman and really the spirit of Silas Wright feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and warming the cold house, in the absence of Its owner. It was the heart of Wright joined to that of the schoolmaster, , which jsat in the green chair. ; - ;.:i.v...--;:---' I fear that my work suffered a mo ment's Interruption, for just then I began to know; the great heart of the senator. Its warmth Was in the cloth ing, that covered my back, its delicacy In thv Ignorance of those trho , hmt shared its; benefactions.- ' - (TOBB CONTJLNUaiX) - They say e tintrlcan donehnri is making s big Jtltfega the FrxncJa "X It's Justed crthem. . . - " " ' r 'ww&&wmi,,,..,.,... I .v.v v..o::.-.v.....:.::?':?' The long cloak arriving a little late j is gath but In force, ; finishes up the proces sion of spring outer garments and is the last word In wraps.. It Is the very logical result of , tlie liking for capes and theV vogue of narrow skirts, for it follows In their wake, being a loose and graceful affair that narrows at the bottom, so as not to Interfere with the silhouette which results from the new skirts. These new cloaks are not destined to diminish, the. vogue of capes but will have the opposite ef fect; their general capelike appear ance Is a compliment-to. the xrnpe. Besides velours and the heavier fab rics, there are capes and cloaks made of tricotine, men's wear' serge and other substantial wool materials. For dressy wear satin capes lined . with peaurde cygne forecast cloaks of the same. The Wool capes are usually silk lined. The new, heavy weaves In trade-marked silks are entering the field also "and open new 1 vistas to the designer of cloaks. But 'popular, al legiance still makes cloaks of velours and similar jeloths, soft andrlch look ing, the most" desirable of v lliev "new models. V-'-"""'.-:-' A very good example of such a! cloak is shown in' the picture. Its fullness It nfeelv "W-MtMjjlt into a yot; at tllO eU rtrji his ar ine sides J and leit open ns thn torn. Cloth-covered he them unianiont and d ment. A long, narrw the clotli is ln'opedoTi and theiv is the. ust collar that can h r; tne thro: a nni deeped Many of these new cloy? ieci oi i.t-iti- very narf bottom but this jS way in which they k the saiiu" moms frode look narrower than ft" 4 cloak mtist, of course, in walking, 'but its apd misleading in this rega: Yedda Braid for Spring Yedua braid is shown .clally in striking two-toa effect. Yedda was mi from Paillette imported crown of tlii.s model rl Hnnc t-hic)i worn tiiiw crushed to form Iwo.des served to give the effect a tricorne from Odette, a and yellow was employ BLOUSES ACCREDITED FOR SUM TV- f Midsummer blouses are made In such numbers ot either georgette or voile, that there is not much else to consider in blouses. There is no room to doubt that these - two fabrics are far and away the favorites. They are the loveliest of materials and the most reliable as . well, and are made in a wide- variety of plain and printed patterns and In embroidered varieties that are to "be had wherever; there is a dry goods store. , The study of mid eummer blouses is, therefore, mostly a study of designs to be worked out in either voile or georgette. The pres ent season offers a variety; of design that is wonderful in both plain and figured materials, In whlfe, in colors and In color combinations. The blouses pictured ? here are of the plain fabrics. . Tha t at the left is of. flesh-colored georgette with ves tee set In in white. Fine side plait Ings of the white georgette make the dainty decoration that distinguishes this from many Jace-trimmed models. The soft material is shirred-in along the shoulder seams and arranged in a wide plait at each side-of the vestee. There are long, .flowing- sleeves with two- rows of plaiting for; a finish -and a round .collar of the J wiute 'crepe edged with plaited "frilUi . 'v The blouse at the right iu a fine ex ample of effective mabageraeht of plalh fine voile: J The material Is cov ered with cross-bar tucks for the body of the pretty ! garment, while the sleeves are plain with deo -cuffs of the .tucked voile. Rounds covered, or crocheted buttons, set of the cuffs are imPortiJ Ishing of this model.-1 set on over the lody or Ions enouirh to extei) C5 ' line and it forms, n the waist w Iii' h it i soft is fei hanging ends. IM j . . . i . ;,i tins IV mouses maue . the girdle fa-'i-ning ti w the mil die P!t; Plnincrs ! -I C7 ffc tn ttio sh i V UUP t. . - ihis model. ' other materiaN in thp ilosiL't'i. espec piping? 5 gant tailored wai and1 Box Coat - The box coat The Waistco it here we are f; collar question, neck line caile! achieved hy above the other, denial (alls" f. ing the?' in.! tfr the dout'H trofiA nf ( UirK oiu. - j per line of W" bwcade wim-n j ,,nflpr the top-' I with a brighter bluej favors - j Terra cou .mA rnrUa rnlor for Dr'6V tral colored blouse of I

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