. ' ' .. .-.r-. v, .- ..;.... . .. , 'v; : . . - .-v..',. . ... -V----- :"' ' ' - . v--;.---v. ' A Ore, Qki . Helper -for tbe Ji:ae feL. XXIV NO. 52 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 2,1919. i $2.00 A YEAR . - ' - ' ' ' ' " . ., . - .. - -. .' . 1 " , . : . I i I LEST WE FORGET " - . "'-I " - . ; ' ' .-' .v.. t;.v- i .- i ROAD FOR THE SOLDIERS MONUMENT Interest all over; the county appears to have been aroused over the propo sition of erecting a monunient to our soldier boys in Polk county. There is some misunderstanding as to the ob ject. . It is the aim to build a monu ment to all our soldier boys, not only those who lost their lives .in Europe but to all who donned . the --uniform - tv POT K COUNTY. and entered the service, whether they a J wiuu wic 1.1 ailllilK . rm ... - nTTTthe Results Ac- m?s?r."otv , .A he intent was the - A rr- 4 BAiiit; as txiuun inev saw nvprcppc PK" , T..,An.I,vnn ana olio" bounty News: rhe T Tryon-Sa- "d iet .us not make any dif- Roads to " wu'. , ocjvery Ainencan Doy wno entered the service during the war is to be commended, and we who were denied tnat opportunity desire to take this - 1 t n Til" vv 1 uau i i -j i i . i . eg3ra ;:v , upponp y 01 snowing the boys that or our co"n, tWe noid them in sacred remembrance. liich it is P"-rTJfcV t,h .et every township, next Saturday. 1 ..-u-T" ll I III 11 . lit 1 La j. 1 1 j 1 vi . ted " ;,oiiw seiect tnree delegates to attend th n ran riiu i i in li li.u.i.i.1. v.i r nATitinnallv. &cievy - wiree aeiegates to attend the testion cu meeting: at Columbus, the Monday t is the coi.miio0-;; tolIowino and perfect an organiza- is it gomg 1? ndJ L Lvi tion that will force the movement to wer, it you v a speedy and desired end. Sri. S n t no- . TlT01 will hold a big public meet- some j innmU l?g at the school house auditorium on BpossiDi iu , - .-V;; hich ryeyemng at 8:30, and it has tr couniy. - , , been decided to hold the township evelopn uIT C fl Jraeeting at the same time, and thus P'ffiL of the people n, dul F'"-,r;, ; ; ol the township, a full attenvnc' Ind cooperau w looked for ti receives num c,-n . , I of the county. Without " this bowerless to acwmpiiou - is SALUDA. nmmission has liad two meet- Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Corwith enter- 15 hpen unaoie to organise, tamed their nnumerous tripnris at. an Lf nf AT r. Lancaster's failure I afternoon tea. on f-.hA.2SrH inst TVia win. . -n w i , -;- ; r'r :r , L.f nthpp- a meeuiiK win uc i aecorations insiae tnft nouse. ajj wp r " i. -n.r.n;no4.i'n onH 1 : 4.T i 1 r r r or permanent uigumi.ww" as iU lue urcnaiu, were prolusion oi hiisinpss. on i;he hrst Monday m apple blossoms, beautiful to look at. at which time all township trus- I and a fine outlook for a good crop at a nthprs having roaa or Dnage i harvest time. The refreshments in 'their charge are called on to J served were delicious, as the fruit. cpttlpment with" the county I -.vhich has made Overbrook Orchard iionears and turn over their j famous to the new treasurer, yet xo pe-i iviiss Jean Simpson, for a short time jpd. y a resident of Saluda, has been spends ifficult situation faces us tnis I ng a week here, as agent of Mrs. H. Onlv three out of the six town Hi McKee. Miss Simpson will short- levied any road tax -last year, ly return, to her old home in Dundee, i t i i.u a a viim t i nc? v a. t jt a. hueiuiy tnose uuce lyniiisiuiK) 3comuiu,,ior me summer. have money ior . roaa. Mrs. Oehler has returned to her m lyiy. ine Only isuuice iwi UnrYio fny concrm commission in tne otner tnree M' -r.-ilf- ,Qa H A iids is to warn oui me ncc m- 1 0 . , . . I primary idea of our Wlaw is Jfr rSrrsou'f rm't ner -oaugnwr, L a -ountv system of road and Mlgs Mary Coates, stopped on the maintenance and construction, w :.v " J id of the divided responsibility I Mr. Ld Schafer and family are up he antiquated township plan, tor tne summer, and are occupying has proved a failure every- uieir -cubage, near isseoia inn. , and has been abandoned by all Major Powell and wife spent a few tessive counties. days her last' week, stopping at Mrs. h regard to the construction of Locke's. , , . ryon-Saluda highway, and the Mr Holmes, of South Carolina, acing of the macadam road spent the week-end at Mirs.-Locke's. 'K4?tsTbon7i Col. Slaughter and daughter went oPX igVand oTwhich toAsheville on the for the day bction Las been -held up on ac- . J"S-IUIC1 ...f"1 of war conditions, the special l" vwriv. ission, which has charge of this Ihe material for a new bungalow is for thp rrrnntv fin Hs itsplf in beinff assembled on the fine site tosition: Thp estimate of cost chosen by. Mrs. Morrison, a few years or this work in 1916 was about ago, on Duncan hill. 100.00. Under agreement with Thomnson & Pace hav torn awav pi road officials, Tryon' and Sa- jsom old frame buildings, preparatory iwnsnips were to iurnisn $io,- to the erection ot three stores ot between them,.nd the Federal I brick, to be used, one for a garage, pment.was to furnish $15,000.00 one for a meat market, the third not uiaer the changed conditions vet - appropriated , . ices, the U. S. road engineers A neVvv street has been opened be ive supemsion of this proiect, fTo v, nmnarfir m. s;m stm.ted the present cost of the Tn. v,r, Mr. Po ,v,i aoout SoU.UUO.UO with an rjn a Mnf POIial amount for hr dn-ps. if t. il. i wpi-o k i j "j i j P1 OJ- wie town, mailing uie.summci were to be included. This would u mu ,,v, rv,nr0.Wfi. dcnciencv to bp made ud bv ku . . . Zittfili If; Dr. E. M. Salley has taken a patient Neral aid additional. With th " M "Asheyille, to be operated on for ap- cngineer unwillinsr to permit the pendicitis. - , ; to start till this deficiency was "Old Mr. Meeser, who has been very up, the only solution seemed to feeble if or a' long time, passed away get State a'id and then apply last Wednesday, and his remains were witional Fedeial aid. Thp wri- interred at Friendship church yard. P? just met the State Highway L, Mr.. W, H. Pace and wife and I -y iii udieign ana laid tne daughter are spending a iew aays m r Delore them with an applica- CharlnttP. N. C with relatives and LYNN. Which Road Are You Traveling? "rotate aul f SH.fiOfinn which uut-u. iris PimhpH fr. -jt dciaiuonal Federal aid of " hl.ch was granted. This reject in (rood cViqo r.11 Re started as soon as -the n'ghwav fnmm;c,,V ; it, at an earlv rlatP. tuiirittr ic i.n j? a j.i felilo r J vcr-v fortunate m oe r.ie to secure tV. i o 1S Only a am nil :tlui .c,iri ll'orn iAfV,;i, ot.i i riatirm am ap- Me for "MCldf a,u win oe V 1 f nave t.V.o 100,,,.-, .i A f "wuiuuce tnat next Itl frav o wuonucuon 01 - a rforHt tne county toward F- H- HOLMES Comm nssioner.. PEARIDGE. mi' a. Tv,lv,rv ----- ' neei-s 1 r". 01 tne -105th ! Satdrdav lvumsion arrived ?e watVew?rea gd to with t;.: TT"'-bPent Saturday E. S KiH IyTtle Tayior. Saw tejil11! at Mr. P. G and Mr, t pday. I01 Thomnsnr, u Fm,1PS and Kpson's Spcnt L Sunday at E. ... , . ... x Saturn' -:Via Alice Wilson son's. WJf U1t at Mr. Landrum ' ert Moore nj'. PoJ'g.and ,Aife spent Sunday felastfe d at Mr.; Bill kLT Caldron .was laid to rms to r6 irwek Mrs. H. B. Lane is visiting relatives in Charleston, S. C, but expects to return to Saluda early in May. ' o : . MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. Mr! Enoch Ruff is . home' on a fur lough. Misses Grace 'and Oma Gibbs. took flinnpr at Mr. T. N. Wilson's, on last Sunday. Mr. "Willie B. McGuinn and sister, Mrs. Lela Gibbs. visited ther sister. Mrs. Lillie Melton. Several from this section went to Rutherfordton last Saturday, to hayd dental work done. ' Mr! and Mrs. J. W. Pitts made a business trip to Spartanburg, S. C, last Saturday. " Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Gilbert, on April22nd, a boy. Mr. and . Mrs. F. R. Coggms spent Saturday with Mrs. Robert Melton. . Miss Myrtle Whiteside and littlte sister were visitors on the route Sun day afternoon. Romp onp from this section had the misfortune to lost a bee swarm last Sunday. Mr. T. E. Bailey is very low with fever. . Misses Mamie and Alice Wilson, from Mill Spring Route 1, spent Sat urday night at Mr. J. L. Jackson s., Mr. and Mrs." Grovcr Green '. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thas F. Mills, Sunday. ; : "rv- ' . -' . . Look out for the mumps.' They are on the route. :" VV "; ' Remember Mr. ' Z. T. Searcy will be at Cooper Gap next Sunday. -' There are two royds in life. One leads to a luagmire of noth ingness. The other le-ds to success. Both are lined with sign posts to show the weary traveler in which direction he is moving. But many people go along, their eyes on the skies, on the ground, or un seeing in dreFmla-id. never noticing that they are advancing on the wrong highway. Do you know which rqad you are -traveling?. Here are the sign posts. The .end of one will find you empty-handed! The end of the other will find you with futids for a sunny opportunity with War Savings Stamps and Liberty Bonds working for you at over. 4 interest. Spendthrift Road. "This is on me." ' J "One more of the same " "Lend me five." ' , ' "Charge this. "Here, boy." "Where do we go from here V "Let's have another round. "You can go home any time. "Your money's no good.", "I can't be bothered ' with small change." "The sky's the limit." "I'm paying for this." "DonH be a piker." j "It's all ina lifetime." "More where this came.froni.w "Easy come, easy go." "Eat, drink and be merry. Thrift Road. "What is the price of this?" "One will do." "The walk will do me good." "No, thank you." "I can't afford that." "Give me your best price." "I'll carry this." "I promised my wife." : T need the money." "Let'me pay my share." "I can get along without this." '' "I'll ger it as I need it." "Is it worth seeing?" " "A penny is as good in my pocket." "This is what I've gotten for my money." - ! "I could, but there are more necessary things to be ' taken care of first." . Mr. W. T. Hammett has been nurs ing a very bad cold for several, days. The Ballard brothers, Jay and Ear nest, both have positions in Spartan burg. .Jay only took about ten days' rest after his return from 'over there' doffed his uniform and went to Work. Mr. West Gray, of Rutherfordton Route 2, was a visitor in our 'town last week. We have not heard of anv damage being done to fruit and gardens from the recent cold spell. . R. Brayan Cannon and littlte son, Harold, of Spartanburg, ran up last Sunday and spent the day with home folks, returning on the evening train. Keep the boys' monument on your mind. Don't forget time, place, day and date. , Mr.'S. F. Fowler has. purchased a Ford. " , Mr. R. D. Gray left for his home Saturday morning. Mr. W F. Swann, representing the Asheville Times, left for Rutherford ton, last Monday. Miss Emma - Hicks is visiting the family of her brother. Mr. : G. M. Hicks, at New Prospect, S. C. Mrs,.Ji. j. Bennett, of Greenville. S. C, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. H. bwann. t Mrs. F.' B. Bradley, of Raleiffh. N. C, is nursing her sick father, Mr. rage Kollms. Mrs. Bradley's servi ces are very much appreciated by her many relatives and friends. there seemed to be some misunder standing about Rev, Mr. Black's Ser vices, last Sunday. The notice ap peared under- Lynn correspondence. but we didn't know anythin sr of it. It was intended to be the anniversary of tne 1. u. u. r ., ot this place. ivupid bent ms bow and his arrow went direct to the hearts of Miss Hat tie B, Rhodes: and Mr. Kilpatrick of cspartanourg, .and they were made husband and wife by a few official re marks by Rev. R, N. Pratt, in the presence of friends at the honie of. her uncle, Miv V. G. Rhodes, last Sunday, at 3 p. m, . After ,the ceremony the newly married pair departed by auto for Spartanburg. No cards. The Lynn community club met at the school house last Thursday night. Those present seemed to be very much-interested. Mr. W. T. -Ham mett, president ; of.- the- club-being ab sent,- mr. w . tt Swann presided. - The club " appointed a committee to circu late a petition to the Secretary of State, asking for a charter for Lynn special school district, and to make their report at the next meeting of club, May 22nd, Thursday, May 8th, was set for clean-up day of the school grounds. It is to be hoped that the grounds may be well set m order. Ihe school at this place closed last Friday nisrht. Dunne this tprm thp school suffered from unforeseen diffi culties. Suspension, change of teach ers on account of sickness. While we believe it would have been good for the children to have had" a little clos ing exhibition, those in - charge tnought otherwise, so there was noth ing done at the close except the Try on Lodge ot the Jr.-O. U. A. M.. do nated to the school a nice flag and Bible. Mr. A. L, Hill, of Tryon, in his pleasant and affable way, and in behalf of the Jr. order, made- a speech of donation and Mr. W. F. Swann, of Lynn, - in his , easy and pleasant way, and in behalf ., of the school, made the speech of acceptance Mr. Gray, principal, and Miss Hattie Rhodes, his assistant, deserve, very much credit for having the house so nicely cleaned and decorated. ' -o " ' MELVIN HILL. CONDITION OF OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Statement as to Amount of Revenue Needed to Run the Kind of School Try oii is Entitled to. What Must Be Done-if Voters Fail to Do Duty. Editof Polk County News: . . X 1 m . m K , iast weeK there was published in the NEWS a proposed buHwt'nf fhp Tryon Graded School for the coming year, m me event the? voters author ized the tax increase. You will tint it was .based on emnlnvi no- savpti' teachers of the first-class. Now let as look at an alternative budcrpf. thp one the new board must make up in case tne voters 00 not authorize a tax increase. . The receipts will be From State and county .$2,650.00 From special tax. 2,300.00 v Total... $4,950.00 brst the board would have to face these expenses: Bond interest ... ..'...$600.00 V03.1 : 75.00 Janitor .... . ...... 125.00 Incidentals 200.00 Insurance ........ 76.00 Borrowed money, unpaid. .... ''600.00 Colored school .100.00 tfP&tzrw' -' ----- . ; I . very First American Flag to Enter Germany With Our Army of Occupation. ; r -h- Victory Liberty Loan will' pay the billn r maintaining our Exped; Sr Forces overseas.-v'dUuatratem copyrighted by .Committee , on - public Information from Underwood & Underwood. N..Y.) . . Mrs. Emma ; Shehan, of Clifton, is spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Morris, who has been sick for some time. Mr. and Mrs.' Ed. Johnson attended a family reunion at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sump Jackson, last Sunday. The occasion was m honor , of Mr. and Mxs. Jack- sons son, who had recently returned from overseas. Mrs Etta Branscom is -still poorly in health. It is reported that there are a' few cases of flu around again. Word has been received here from Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kilpatrick who went to Texas some time ago, that they were intending to come back to Melvin Hill in the near future. Mr. Ike Kimbrell has been quite sick for some time. Mr. Reed and family have gone on their long contemplated visit to their kinspeople in Allegheny, N; C. armers are done planting cotton in this -vicinity. ' " Miss Jennie Robb called on Mrs. Morris, Sunday evening. Mr; and Mrs. 0. R. Steadman's baby that was sick, is much better. . . Mr. Walter Westbrook is home from Pomaria S. C, on account of the illness of his -wife, who, it is re ported, has the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burnett took Mrs. Branscom for a car ride, Sun day afternoon, thinking the air and sunshine-would be benehcial to her. . Mr. Ben Morris went to Spartan burg, and Clifton, last Saturday. , Two little girlsof Melvin Hilll went fishing , the other day, and had many adventures. Saw six snakes, heard mad dogs barking, r etc., and ; had it not. been for a big brother who went along, and who . could throw stones, as all boys can, 'and drive away the reptiles which by the" way were noth ing more than black snakes and- wa ter moccasins; these- two litttle girls Total $1,775.00 k Deducting this from receipts leaves $3,175.00 for teachers salaries. Principal ... ... .$1,000.00 1 teachers at $65 2,080.00 4 Total. ...$3080.00 And thus you will get -. - '1) A cheaper and inferior principal. ( 2 ) A cheaper and inferior promary. teacher. (3) No hi erh school teacher. (4) Nothing in the sinking fund. To have no high school teacher means the work must stop at the 9th y graae and more iamilies move away, while Tryon would lose the best op portunity likely to come of establish ing ah efficient high school. To put nothing in the sinking fund simply ' means that you are piling up the burden that has to be met later. Further the teachine force of fivp. would hardly be apt to keep the at tendance to the point necessary to se cure $,t&u.uu irom the. county, and a, reduction in revenue would come from trsourcewlletJ ; -, en, under efficient management -and -r" cucigewc emorcement 01 attendance law- can bring about such an increase' in attendance that a very substantial increase would come from the State and county. The two propositions have : now been placed before you.' It is for you to decide. Gone are the days when Tryon can get along with a make-believe school of three teachers at $36.00 to $40.00 ' a month, for five: months, and with bond interest in default and an an nual deficit. Yet that was the condi tion four years ago. No matter what the Tryon voters say, our law. makers at Raleigh have said that a qualified teacher in North Carolina shall re ceive during the months she teaches something like the store . clerk gets, even tho' she earns very little the rest of the year. If you care nothing for the welfare of the community, if you care not for the growth of the town if you . can only measure a proposition by its ef fect on yourself in dollars and cents- then get down your tax receipt, see wnat your special school tax is now, and ask yourself, "Is not a really good public school going to be "worth this much more to me?" and vote accordingly. The School Finances. In order to take the public 'into the fullest confidence and answer the oft-asked question, "Where does the money sol7' I. am giving a prelim inary financial report for the current year, of course partly estimated both as to receipts and expenditures. A complete report can not be made until the end of the year, which is June 30. At that time a detailed report will be published in the NEWS as required by law. In addition to the amounts as given below, there has been re ceived in donations about $200.00 or more all of which has i been or is be- building and ing expended on the grounds, but which is hot handled by the treasurer. There has also been donated for the sewer fund the sum of $55.30, of which there is on hand $29.86, with the sewer pipe to be paid for. . . - . -,( ' ; Receipts . . " , " From the county ... v ...... $ .800,00 From special tax .......... 2,350.00 Total...... ...,..$3,150.00 Expenditures ' , Teachers' : salaries . . . . . $2,331.00 Bond infterest .' 600.00 Janitor v .... 97.00 Coal ...... ........... 97.00 Expended on windows ...... 250.00 Other repairs ............. 25.00 Incidentals 52.00, Interest on borrowed money. 52.00 Probable bills payable. A . . . 150.00 Totak .$3,652.00 Deficit.-. . ........ 502.00 Net deficit July 1, 1919. ; ... .' 90.00 Total debt July 1, 1919. ... ...$592.00 . C. P. MARRIOTT v Secretary-Treasurer. ' Literature.. Everyone knows what books are. But what Is literature? It Is the ark on the flood. It is the light on the candlestick. - It Is t the flower among the leaves ; the consummation of the plant's vitality, the crown of its beauty, and the treasure honse of its rppc would have heen gobbled up no doubt. Wary j rax PtIca. .--.1 - 1 t 1 ' I ! u i i: .. ; n i 1 1 3 i II ; ; 1 1 . ; jj j f . 4 '1 L ! t - i y , t M

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