- - - - . - - v 4. , ' -,. . .V. i. . iT A (a r r- , i 1 T " - I. . . nun news THE WORLD OVER IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OP THIO AND OTHER NATIONS. FOR r ' ' ' SEVEN DAYS GIVEN THE NEWS JFTHE SOUTH What ! .Taking Place In The 8outV land Will Be Found In Brief Paragraphs European v V 1 A state of eiege has been proclaim-; ed in the important German port of riamburg and the suburbs of, Altona and Wandsbeckj . : -. , j There have been serious disturb ances at Hamburg, Germany, during the week-end--. A mob . plundered the harbor quarter and clashed with the police several people being killed and The situation in Bremen has be come serious. Advices declare! a state pf siege has been proclaimed, by the senate and;. that .the publication of all newspapers, pamphlets and placards has been, prohibited Pri vate persons are not allowed to use the telephones - or the . telegraph, let ters re being censored, and the res taurants, theaters,, moving picture houses! and . schools have been , ordered-closed. i - While! the American delegates ex pressed'' regrer over tne temporary . Urn i A A. A. 1 entry were connaent tnat some settle ment will be effected when Premier Orlando confers with the Italian parliament. under orders or me Italian auuior itles of occupation in Albania, the capital of the provisional government, v j . x.., rrvi-Mnvk o to o n ft a nnon UCaUCU JJ A Ui &ouau x aouat n. aj transferred from Durazzo , to Tirana, east of Durazzo, according to . dis patches received t in Paris from Ath ens, Greece. x UAnwn omnnv tVit-oft VmnHmd and 0 . , v v thirty. thonsand Armenian refugees on ho hnrdpr hAtween Russian and Tur kish Armenia, are tmparalled among the atrocities of the great war, ac cording to the American committee for Armenian and Syrian' relief. The German government is build ing and constructing armored cars, railway engines antt guns in upper Silesia, "according to4 Information re ' ceived in Paris from its Munich cor respondent . f ' ; Jules Vedrines, a noted French avi ator, was killed when his machine fell in the department of Drome, at Par- m -m i A. A A 1 A. is, wniie veormes was auempung tu make a non-stop flight from Villa Cou- UiAT fcV IVWUiV WWW. A V V W ( ; nr Tnorft. Th mechanician in the ma- Chine was also killed. lour will consider proposals to grant a limited supply, of raw materials, no- . tnhlv nnitnn trt Hflrmnnv tn onnhlA thA factories there to start up and to re- Hava thA linAmnlnvmp.nt which is aaid- to be at the bottom of the disorder in Germany. " t . After April 25 goods and commodi ties may be shipped to the neutral countries adjoining Germany virtual ly wunoui restriction, tne neutrals ' themselves . assuming responsibility against the re-export of prohibited wares to Germany. Washington Attorney General Palmer has de clined to give an opinion on the legal ity of the action of Southern cotton growers to limit their crop this year in an effort to maintain prices. No hint has been received in Wash ington that President Wilson will yield in the , slightest .concerning Flume and in . the opinion ,. ' of tfie Americana-A.t thA nnrt for anna a ri aatfakk- ment can only be reached bv a rad ical change in the Italian attitude. . - v. Premier Orlando of Italy left Paris , for : Rome. He .was accompanied by Salvatore Barzlai, General Diaz and two other members of th e Italian mis sion. 4 " An American officer arriving in Paris from, Rome ays the feeling in Italy against Americans is very bitter. He says he was asked to leave cafes because the proprietors said Italian officers declined to eat in the ' same places with Americans. ' A clause has been drafted ""for in sertion in the peace" treaty fixing the date for the . transition to a state of peace sixty days after the signing, of the treaty. -If the treaty is signed about May 15 peace will thus become effective throughout the entire world on July 15. The purpose of this pro vision is to prevent confusion among the more than twenty belligerent. Bas tions, which might fix different dates In their various ratifications:, Accord ing to the present plan each nation will ratifv the treaty according to its own laws,, but all will unite in a com mon date which' will become a univer sal day of peace: : Federal supervision of child labor, abolished -when the Supreme court : last year declared unconstitutional the existing" child labor law, was re-established 'trader regulations issued by the internal , revenue t bureau, putting into effect the new revenue act'a tax .on child. labor products. ' .? r .Conferences, between the; railroad administration and the department of commnrrA'a indnntrlA.! hnard will ha r. MnmAi n. nnnn o ' TnHco nnhori S Lovett, representing Director General Hines, has recovered from his recent illness, it is reiterated, by officials of both sovemment agencies. : Germany has instructed the Argen tine governments to; deliver , Interned German; steamers to: the .United States and the i American embassy has an nounced its readiness to. take over the. vessels.. i: ?,-;t, 1 - $ Reconstitution of the national, guard was actually started when the war department, through.? the bureau of militia affairs, authorized ; the organi zation of : seven regiments .and one extra battalion of infantry one. squad ron of - cavalry and -. , eighteen , com panies of coast. artillery.? The state of New York was authorized a raise four regiments ; of infantry, .one squadron, of coast, artillery., . New Jersey was authorized to organize pnelregiment of infantry, and two companies of coast artillery, , Ohio two , regiments of in fantry and Oregon one. battalion, of, in fantry i and . four , companies of Coast artillery. , . , viV ., ;'... Failure of the. allied powers to in vite Mexico to participate m the con ference of neutrals at Paris has arous ed Presjdent Carranza to bitter resent ment, which has been enhanced by the incorporation ,of , recognition .of . the Monroe doctrine in the covenant of the league of nations without consul tation with Mexico, can foreign office disavowing adherence to the Monroe doctrine and announcing the with drawal of the Mexican representative In France. . i The general opinion . in . Washing ton circles is that the making of peace will be somewhat delayed by the Ital ian incident. - , ..:. Domestic - t At surcharge of 25 cents per ' 100 pounds on cotton shipped from Atlan tic and gulf ports to Liverpool and London was established by the ship ping board in lieu of demurrage, be cause of tedious delays in unloading at the English ports. ' The importance of organizing Ameri can business so that long credits may be extended' to European buyers in' order to restore normal International trade conditions, was the subject of an address in Chicago by Eugene'Myy er, Jr., managing director of the war finance corporation. , After pointing out that the war had changed America from a debtor nation to a world credi tor. Appeals to American newspaper pub lishers to aid in fighting the spread of ultra-radical principles were made by the heads of two international printing trades unions at the "annual conven tion of the American Newspaper Pub lishers' Association in New York. Capt. Charles J. Qlidden, an officer In the United States air service, mili tary aeronautics, w stated in Washing-, ton this week i "All men who wish to take part in the development of the nation's air service as an aviator of dirigible balloon pilot, chauffeur, me chanic or work at some thirty other trades required in the air service, by sending their name and address ' im mediately to the department air ser vice .office, 104 Brood Street, New York, N. Y., will receive an important communication on the subject.- ' . ; Revised casualty totals announced by the war department places the to tal of dead in the army and" marine corps at 73,34, of which 33,887 were killed in action. Prisoners reported were 4,791, including 15 reported now held by the 3olshevlki. V ' Sailing of. nine transports, the cru iser St. Louis and the battleship Ne braska, all loaded with returning troops is announced.. Eight vessels are due at New York and the other ships at Newport News, between April 29 and May 3. Few J Southern units are aboard. The transport Mercury, which sailed for Newport News, has changed its' course, and will arrive at Philadelphia. The trade balance of the United States for the fiscal- year will nans 3,000,000,t00 this month if the nation's commerce continues its rapid growth. At the end of March the favorable balance . was $2,700,000,000. r Bishop Embree Hoss, of the Me thodist Episcopal Church, South, died at his home, Muskogee, Okla., follow ing a paralystic stroke two months ago, . " The giant troop ship Leviathan; with 12,000 soldier passengers, the last of six transports to arrive in New York, barely missed 'a mine by only 30 feet while - off the Grand Banks of New Foundland; her officers re ported when she - docked. .. . One hundred an ' dfifty-nine cases of whisky seized by federal officials recently were ordered distributed to various infant and' other 'hospital " in stitutions in Mobile, Ala. The order was issued by Judge Robert T. Ervin of the United States court. Bids for the purchase of 431 wood steamer hulls' and thirty-one wood barge' hulls have been asked by the shipping board, as v part of its pro gram for disposing of surplus bottoms contracted during the war emergency. The telephone strike in the' New England states has ended, f Several thousand operators employed by the New England .Telephone and 4 Tele graph ; company who .walked out re" cently have returned to work. ,;; - Three, persons; were shot to death on a farm near Laurel, Md., by Joseph Laurel by . Joseph F. Englehart, a farmer who. later killed himself The shooting .occurred when . Engieharttr who is . believed, to have been temi porarily -insane, returned home from Baltimore. He first shot his sister, Mrisl Annie - Sloates, ; aged 45, then turned the revolver on ' Thohias 'Smythe 50 years old, a boarder at his sister's home, and when Mrs. Bradley,- a neigh bor, called 4t the ' house a few min utes later, discovered the murders and attempted to , flee, Englehart pursued to and shot her . to death - t - . r.i -iii,-rto!'mtfliV.V.,j,i? in 'Vi -'ini'i,fT"J-Bii-Jt-'-" . t , - , j 1 Scottish soldiers loading on a British ship some of the gold bullion with, which Germany Is paying for food from the allies.; 2 .German government sniper on a roof picking off Spartacans. 3 Obverse and inverse of the gold medal which will be presented to President Wilson by leading citizens of Switzerland. HEWS REVIEW OF GURBEflT EVEMTS italians, Being Refused Fiume by President Wilson, Bolt the ' Peace Confererfce. RESULTS MAY PROVE SERIOUS Success of League of Nations It Imper iled Bolshevists and Communists Losing Ground Victory Loan Going Well Carranza De nounces Monroe Doctrine. By EDWARD W. PICK ARD. v President Wilson declared flatly last Wednesday that Italy should not have Flume because that outlet to the Adri atic was essential to the prosperity of the Croatlans and other Jugo-Slav peoples. ; Premier Orlando promptly an nounced the withdrawal of the Italian delegates from the peace conference and on Thursday himself left Paris, his colleagues remaining for the pres ent Tn the vicinity of the French cap!-, tal. "We do not break with our allies, but hand over our interests to their hands trusting they will loyally fulfill their mission,! said Orlando. The seriousness of the situation was recognized ' by all,, and France and Great Britain renewed their efforts , to bring about an, agreement. The Italian delegates "endeavored to throw on Mr. Wilson' personally the blame for the break, asserting that Just before ithe president issued his statement they had received from Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Wilson proposals that Fl ume should be a free port, all the Dal matian Island cities going to Italy and the hinterland to Croatia. This plan, they declared, would have been accept ed by chem with the exception that the city of Flume should be Italian. and Its port ' only internationalized. While their ambassador was on his way with a reply to this, said the Italians, they were astounded to read in. a Paris newspaper Mr. Wilson's statement and appeal to public opinion in Italy. They asserted that Mr. Wilson made a grave error in diplomatic etiquette and that nothing was left for them except to withdraw from the conference. Lloyd. George and Clemenceau, it was said, read and approved Wilson's statement before it was given out, but neither, of them signed it The docu ment called attention to the fact that the treaty of London gave the Dalma tian coast and cities to Italy because she needed protection against Austro Hungary, but that the Austro-Hungar-ian empire no longer exists and so the necessity has, passed ; that Italy gave her adherence to the 14 points, and that to give Fiume to her would not be in accordance with s them. The Italians replied that Wilson already had compromised some of those points, notably in the case of the freedom of the seas and the Saar" basin, and that Italy 'was being discriminated against. This really was the crux of the dis pute. , , -:,.? ; . ;, ; . Mr. Wilson may have acted too im petuously and may have violated dip lomatic courtesy In appealing to the Italian people over their government, hpt it is likely that in, the matter of .the disposition of Fiume he is backed by the great body of public Opinion Jn this country, and probably in Great Britain and France: The justice ot the claims of the Jugo-Slavs ate generally recognized. Italy asserts Fiume, is an Italian city, , but this, is . .only half a truths for, a Jarge part of it is inhabit ed by Cxoatians . :' ' - Whatwould be the ; result It Italy's withdrawal .from the mnfmnM. om permanent'iwaa the .subject rpf.vmuch speculation. Jt. vasi believed i,there would be no consequent delay In the treaty : dealings with Germany, and there 'were intimations that ; Italy would undertake to make a separate peace with Germany! Of course Italy would cease to be a charter member of the league cf cations and would be ad- mitted later only by vote, like the eh-, emy, nations. If she chose to remain aloof from the league,' the 'strength and value of that association would be greatly impaired, according to some authorities. In political circles in Rome it was predicted that Orlando and Sonnino would offer their resig nations 'to the parliament and would be unanimously confirmed in the ten ure of their office's. The king lost no time In wiring his absolute approval of the course they were pursuing In Paris, and they were given, ardent sup port by .the-Italian "press and by pub lic demonstrations.. ' Italy already is; In possession of Flume as well as the Dalmatian coast territory she claims, and declared she Intended to hold them, by force If nec essary. In such case the league of na tions could not act militarily because it does not yet exist. Nor would ' any of the allied nations take up arms against Italy, according to opinion in Paris. It was believed there ' that if either Great Britain or France took sides with Italy in the dispute, the United States might withdraw from the conference and make a separate peace with the enemy countries. It was reported that Italy was hur rying mo're; troops to Flume, and the early opening of hostilities between them, and the Jugo-Slavs there and at other points, was freely predicted. , Closely resembling .the Adriatic Is sue, and scarcely less difficult of solu tion, was the matter of Kiau-Chau, for Japan .relies on secret agreements with Great Britain, France and Italy to support her claim to the concessions In Shantung which were held. by the Germans. The council, reduced : to three by Orlando's .defection,' gave much time last week to this contro versy, but Its conclusions, if any were reached, were not known at the time of writing. It appears that the peace treaty will not be ready for the signatures of the Germans so soon as had been expect ed, because of the long task of com pleting the drafting, and as the Ger man government announced Its dele gates would not arrive . at Versailles as early as former plans contemplated. The treaty may le presented to them piecemeal, so that It can be signed about May 15. In that case' peace would be - effective throughout . the world about July 15, for a clause will; be inserted providing that the pact shall go into effect 60 days after-it is, signed. The German party, headed by Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau, Will include about 75 persona. It is the? present plan to keep them virtually in communicado at Versailles, . but both the Germans and the American corre spondents are protesting against this. . ' - " - The first of General Halter's divi sions, transported through Germany by train, began to arrive in Poland last week, to the great contentment of that rather hard-pressed country. The Poles and Czecho-Slovaks will be required to settle between themselves their dis pute over tne Teschen mining region. Polish forces recaptured Vilna, the Lithuanian railway center, from the bolsheviki. V;- :..:-: Bolshevism and communism had a hard week of It. . The Russian soviet First army surrendered to Ukrainian troops under General Petlura in : the region of Horn el, giving up large stores of munitions.- and a few days later the Ukrainians drove the bolsheviki out of Kiev,; being aided by many of their prisoners, who ; volunteered to ' serve against their former comrades. Along" the Petchora river the ' bolshevist troops : were driven far. back by the loyal Russians ! and Siberians. : who were not far from a junction with the allied forces in the Archangel district. The latter had several" successes and took much 'materia and they were joined by numerous deserters. H In southeastern. Russia, in the region of Uralsk the Ural Cpssack apparently actiRgIn;- conjunction witb vAdmlral .Kofchak'sibertans; forced tiie boishe Bela Kun and his "soviet government of Hungary seemed approaching their end; and there were,- intimations, that that leader was ready to retire ta fa vor, of the socialists. . Roumanla. act ing under the Instructions of the allies, was steadily moving Into Hungarian territory with the purpose of stemming the bolshevik advance, and there was a serious crisis In Budapest. The communists still held on in Munich, but the government of Pre mier Hoffman was pressing them close ly and most of the Bavarians seemed against them. In Munich Itself terror ism, rioting and great distress ruled, and nearly all the workers' were idle. Elsewhere in Germany, especially in Hamburg and Bremen, there was a continuation of the fighting and disor der that have been nrevalent' for months. The details are uninterest ing. ' An ' attempt to seize Vienna was made by communists led by Hungar ian agitators. It was foiled and the Hungarians were arretsed and ejected from the city x ' The plan of the. allies to withdraw their troops from Russia and'to supply the anti-bolshevik elements with muni tions met with the hearty approval of the governments of North Russia and Omsk, but they protest earnestly against Doctor Nansen's proposal that the 'bolsheviki be supplied with food provided hostilities are entirely stop ped. The loyal Russians have no ; In- it-miuu ur uesire io .cease ineir war-v fare on the Lenlne-Trotzky forces and are confident the bolshevists will be defeatel. In this view the Russian rep resentatives in Paris and Washington concur.. According to, the present plans of the allies, the Omsk govern ment will be recognized by them soon after the peace treaty is signed, and In the meantime any diplomatic advances by the bolsheviki will be ignored. : -According to documents published in. a Swiss paper,. Lenlne has his eye . on Switzerland now. , The papers' were marked ''very confidential" and enti tled "General instructions for a revolu tion Jn Switzerlandv According to Lenine's orders, "all the federal authorities- and also the military staff must be captured and held as hostages. He also directs that the banks, rail ways, factories ; and newspapers be seized and placed under' the control of Comrade Radek. That is the man who has -been directing the movements of the Spartacans in Germany. " Hjalmar Branting, the Swedish so cialist leader, addressing the socialist congress In Paris, warned his hearers of the results of soviet government, which he said meant absolute eco nomic decomposition, misery and fam ine. The congress passed resolutions demanding the return to the, state of excess ' war profits "and the levying of special taxes on wealthy establish ments, financial monopolies, concerns dealing in luxuries; railways and large enterprises such as mines and banks. A reduction In the hours of labor, the fixing of minimum wages and rigor ous protection of mothers and children were also demanded. - . , The Victory loan campaign1 was launched last week and the results of the first fewdays were so satisfactory thit the treasury officials were almost surprised. ; The slogan, "Let's Finish the Job, has caught the public mind and . Is , catching the public's dollars, and the enthusiasm displayed all over the country, is no less than that dis- played In vthe former loan campaigns. The drive Is greatly aided by th? pres ence of returned fighters and of cap tured German submarines, cannon and airplanes. President Carranza threw his som brero into the ring last week with an attack on the Monroe doctrine. In a forma statement his foreign depart ment said: "The conference now meet ing, at Paris hasconsldered the recog nition of the Mpnroe. doctrine. Some governments, Ifrlends -of Mexico! ha ve asked Mexico' for its opinion regarding the doctrine, and the Mexican deriart- .ment of foreign, relations has answered ,that the Mexican' government lias: not recognizea ana win not recognize the Monroe doctrine, or Jinx other, doctrine tha attacks. the.soverelgnty' and lnd pendence of Mexico.?, ' " But who carest . -' V Carranza "also ordered his minister to France to withdraw to Spain be cause, though he -has been In Parii since December he has not yet been permitted to present his credentials ti the Fr?nch governsaent. . i THE riUSSIAN DISCONTENT AND t REPORTED. Rv ""'"f Herb, SACRILEGE AND DESEfi! Sympathie. of Russian, Al . usoiuie and Wanton Disrespect of Their IK. X Uisr... Archangel. Tht An . trannnil thm,r,w I Uu6u ine break. the the river mav u-iate thp of action aainot tv.. , . K . uuuua ready, the moment the ice is free of prisoners from hnictJ. indicate discontent and 1 among the hnishov; . H sians here are watching movements of the allies. ' The Russian army , o.McuBui ana lervor. General b) s doing his utmost to set t3 .v.e, uu maun a Delieli own capabilities. The officers man t U . Zii mcu"' iiU tu evening at daW fiojuiiK umerent messes, plentiful except vegetables, Uuv.i.t6o ouu uesecration $ coming me outstanding feature shevist terrorism. This ig ) able as it shows the-lack of standing of the psychology! rtussian peasant, whom the Ui seeKs to win to his cause. TV sian's religion amounts aW fanaticism and wanton desecra churches alienates any fugiths pethy with the enemy , Captain Hitching has just ii from a special investigation!)! lage recently retaken from M she vis ts after being in their 3 month. The church was usedi leting troops, the baptismal tot;; with ikons- and broken sacral garments used ag dusters, all i boards ransacked and the hod laged. One villager, an san, had both his hands severe! er districts report similar aai orgies.- In one instance then mock marriage between a pre a mare. From 3ome villages tie away the school mistress, but lagers say there was no defilen! women folk. SPECIAL EFFORTS TO BE MADE FOR OVERSUBSCRIM " Washington Special efforts tain over-subscriptions from nities to counterbalance posa der-subscriptions from others made -this week by Victory jl Loan committees at the request treasury. After canvassing the flnanciil tioni throughout the country, K managers of the loan have din that vicissitudes of the post-n Justment period have reduced dinary ability of some commiW subscriBe the same proportion previous loans, although a cases they have been assW sans.e proportionate quota. SAMUEL GOMPERS IS BADL1 INJURED IN TAXI Nra York. Samuel Gompe dent Ct the American Feder Labor, was seriously injur when a taxicab in which ne woo a u um. uj ' v . h,.ruH in fppt to the cum o..-wor suniffi! nrvrttn nttr an examination of Mr.N Gompers' ribs had tured, his right hip sprame' he had suffered severe body Despite" the advanced age i sB eo vpars Old- icauct, nuu 10 " j geona -ieclared that there lihood of the injuries pronnl Mr. flnmners has oeen tnallv everv minute since m At ,..TiforpnC6. irom. iae peace , tsar-vaA aa chairman of tu j sibn on international labor m He nat just staneu u. -for an hour's relaxation wne cident occurred iis J 5EAP.ANE BnCn" ..nllfi Waf hington. A naval sej ere attf the F-1 type, carrying a men, fomained in tQe air ton RoaiSta naval base f or - 10 mmmt. esiaunu"0. a j M'S i officials sM was a .j . u;tio a' 1 l . tth- maciiw"' aistance oi uuui. ,fl tf ..... San w mir a iittu more , hour, despitt tne from 20 to ?0 mnes - 1 r- II IS I PEPARTMEN I nE TO fcNrurw- UonaV war-time pro cicpartmem oi Juaw - eralalmer'in.a-atateS that he" possessed no vf amnesty to any one wn j tacture beer pending f the law aa to wna jer. soholic constituent on the meaaiag