POLII COUIrtY ulu S. KlYOU, II. 0. iVISED COVE N OF LEAGUE OF After these plans shall h-r Koati adopted by the; several governments, limits of armaments therein fixed shall not be exceeded- .without the concurrence ot the" council.' -ine members of the league agree that .the manufacture by, private .enr tg?Pteeyp munitions Indifflplementl wi. wr ;w open v to grave objections. Lpnt Designed to Promote International mieW - . . . y VPerawOn, effects; lUtendant upon; sucnianufac and to Achieve International Peace and Security With-. out Resort to War. : 1 CLEARER OIIDERSTAIlOp the munitions and Implements, of war necessary foT their; safety. yy'Vy r t The members of the; league under- 'take to Interchange full and frank in f jraaUon as to the scale of their amaments,v thefr military and naval Tlrnmi'ma 'and tlia' High Contracting Parties Agree in This Covenant to Main- their industries as are adaptable to a Scrupulous for in All Their Dealings With One Another. ' ' original article eight, but is rewrit- ten to make it clearer that armament reduction , plans . must be adopted by the counciL . Any -party to the dis-' pute may, effect such" submission by giving notice of the existence of the dispute to the secertary; general, who will make- all' necessary 'arrangements for a; full investigation and considera tion Jhereofl Foe tbls .purppseythe; 't?ate ; to ; ,;they secretary, general as promptly as pospdble, 1 statmehts A : upon suchA insnuf ac- their i case., an the relevant -facta and1 turd can be ; prevented, . due regard be'-; purposes; The ncli!may forth- ing ?naa -tp : the . necessities of those j with direct the publicationthereof. Which i are i- noti able k ii f maniifofnro ' Thft . COlinHl aKsTI XWeavk - w Washington The state department nublic the text ot tne revise snant of the league of nations, as raa presented to the plenary ses- of the peace conrerence at .faris. text follows, with parenthetical rtions showing changes made in covenant as originally drafted and public: Venant of the League of Nations. order to promote international iperation ana to acnieve interna- al peace and security, Dy tne ac ne e of obligations not to resort ar by the prescription of open. and honorable relations between jdns, by the firm establishment of understandings of international as to actual rule of conduct among Vrnraents, and Dy the maintenance justice and a scrupulous respect for 'treaty obligations in the dealings rganized peoples with one another, high contracting parties agree to covenant of the league of nations, n the .original preamble the last Wee reads, "adopt this constitu- instead of "agree to this cove- - Article One. -V- he original members of the league Wtions shall be those of the sig- jries which are named in the an to this covenant and also such ot ;e other states named in the an as shall accede without reserya- i to this covenant. Such accession !1 be effected by a declaration de ted with the secretariat within months of the coming into force Jie covenant. Notice thereof' shall sent to all other members of the kne. ' . - ,ny fully self-governing state; do- ion or colony not named in the an- may become a member of the he of nations if its admission is ed to by two-thirds of. the assem- provided that it shall give effec guarantees of it3 sincere Inten to observe its international 6bli Ions, and shall accept such regula- 13 as . may De prescnDea Dy ; tne pe in regard to its military and al forces and armaments. ny member of the league, may, it twd years' notice of its intention to do, withdraw from the league, hided that all its international obli Sons and all its obligations under covenant shall have been fulfilled he time of its withdrawal. This article is new. embodying alterations and additions the old cle seven. It provides more .ane- ally the method of admitting new bers and adds the entirely new aph providing for withdrawal the league. No mention of with- wal was made in the original docu- ' ' . Article Two. the action of the league under this enant shall be effected through instrumentality of an assembly, of a council, with a. twrmanent tariat. Originally this was a part of ar- e one. It eivea the name assem- to the gathering of representa- p Dl the members of the league, perly referred to merely as "the fy of delegates.")" . . j Article Three. Fhe assembly shall consist of rep entatives of the members of the he assembly shall meet at stated rvals and from time to time as wion may require, at the seat , of league, or at such other olace as y be decided upon. - ; ' .-" fle assembly may deal at its meet 5 with any matter within the fere 0f action of the league or at- In6 the narA nf tha nrnpM ft meetings of the assembly, each of theleague shall have one e- and may have not more than Representatives. ' - ; This embodies parts of the orig- "ticle one, two and three with ' minor chances. ettbers of the leaeiift" whom thA v uuudcung parties ong- P -v,v., aim U119 tuaugo lO - u6uuui uie revised aran.j n council shall consist of repre- r rica- Of the "RHtiah L . of ItaJy a-nd of Japan, together epresentatives of four other oers of the league. These four ers or the league shall be select- .Zr i emDiy ior rep- come effecUve). ?, meBt lrom-ume A permanent commission shall be lO lime . afi or.rna! nn l in- . , . . . .i .. . . w cuiro jancj i consmuiea 10 aavise tne council on uuw . year, at i accept the obligations of membership in the league for the purposes ot such dispute upon 4 such conditions' as tbe council may deem just. If such invi tation .is accepted the provisions . of articles : 12 to 16' Inclusive shall be ap plied with such modifications as may bevdeemed necessary . by the council. ( Upon 4 such invitation: .being given, the council shall immediately institute an inquiry into the circuniktances of the dispute and recommend' such ac tion as may ' seem best and most i ef fectual -in the ,ctoroinftagAvw( t ;-It a state' so invited shall refuse : to accept " the '' obligations :- Vf member- nip m: tne league for n the pur let ROD t rt . x . . .. . ' v ws me league, or at such' other place as may oe aecided upon.. . - The council may deal at its meet Intra 14V - ui any , matter within the spaere ox acuon of. the league or if fectlngtbe peace of the world ' Any member of the league not rep- reaeiuea on tne council shall be m vitca io sena a representative, to sit as a member at any meeting of the council during the consideration of matters specifically , affecting the in terests of that member of the league At meeungs or the council, each member of the league represented on the council shall have one vote, and may have not more than one repres entative. . ', urns emoodies that part of the original article, three .designating the original members of the council. The paragraph providing for increase in the membership of the council is new.) Article Five. except where otherwise expressly provided in this covenant, decisions at any meeting of the assembly or. of mo cuuacu snaii require the agree ment or an the members :of the league represented at the meeting. . s All matters of procedure at meet ings of the assembly, or of the council. the appointment of - committees to in vestigate particular matters shall be regulated by. the assembly or by the council fend may be decided by a ma jority of the members of the league represented at the meeting. , The first meeting of the assembly and the first 'meeting- at the council shall be summoned by t the President of the United t9tates of America. ; (The first paragraph requiring un animous agreement in both assembly and council . except, .where, otherwise provided is new. The other two 'para graphs L originally were included . (' in article four.) ; . . Article Six. - The permanent secretariat shall be' established at the seat of the league. The secretariat shall comprise a sec retariat general and such secretaries and staff as may be required. . ' I The first secretary general shall be the person named in the annex; there after the secretary general shall be appointed by the council with the ap proval of the majority of the assembly. The secretaries and the staff of the secretariat shall be appointed by the secretary general , with the ,. approval Of 'the council-; --y: y.rf.i The secretary general, shall act in that capacity at all meetings of the as sembly, and of the council. L The expenses of the secretariat shall be borne by the members of the league in accordance , . with the apportion ment, of the expenses of "the interna tional bureau of universal postal union. (This replaces the original article five. In the original the appointment of the first becretary general was rlef t to .the counciL and ; approval of ,the majority of the assembly was not. re quired for . subsequent appointments;.) . . -,r --Article Seven. rY. ill The seat of the league is establish ed at Geneva. "The council may at any, time decide that the seat of the-league shall r be established elsewhere. All positions under or in connection with the league, including the secre tariat, shall be open- equally to, men, and women i Representatives of the members of the Teague and officials of the teague when engaged on the business oi tne league shall enjoy, diplomatic pnvi leges and immunities. . t Th building and other property oc cupied by the league or its officials or the expectation of the provisions articles one and eight and on military and navai questions generally. ; (Unchanged ; ' except for the inser tion of the words particle one"). : Article Ten. ; " The members of - the1 league under take to -respect and preserve as against external aggression, the ter ritorial integrity and existing political independence of all members of the league. In case of any such aggres sion, or in case of, any threat or dan ger of such aggression, tly council shall advise upon the means 'by which th'is obligation shall be fulfilled. (Virtually unchanged). . Article Eleven. ' - ..v':- Any war or . threat of war, whether Immediately, affecting any of the anombfers of- the league or. not, is hereby declared a matter of concern to the whole league, ; and the league shall take . any action that may be deemed- wise and effectual to safe guard, the peace of nations. In case any euch. emergencies should arise. the secretary general shall on the re request of any .member of the league, forthwith summon a meeting of the council. ''' v It is also declared to be the funda mental right of each member .of the league to bring to the attention of the assembly or of the ' Council any cir cumstances twhateveT affecting Inter- national relations which threatens to disturb "either the peace or the good understanding between nations upon which peace depends. (In ; the" original ) It" was provided that the "high contracting parties re serve the right to take, any action," etc., where the revised draft reads "the , league - shall take any action," etc.) v':ss-,:;:-: r:y::::' Article -Twelve. i' m i m u , . . jifle , meiuyera w ue league .agree that, if there should arise between them any dispute likely to lead to a rupture, they will submit the matter either to arbitration or to inquiry by the council, and they agree in no case to resort" to war until three months after the award by- the arbitrators or the report of the council. In any case under this article the award of the arbitrators shall be made with in a reasonable time,' and the report of the council shall be made within 'a " reasonable time, and submission of the dispute. : (Virtually unchanged except that some provisions of - the original are eliminated for inclusion in other ar ticles). Article Thirteen. The members of the league agree that whnever - any dispute shall arise between them which they recognize to 'be uitable for submission to arbi tration and which cannot be satisfac torily settled by diplomacy, they will submit ' the whole subject matter: to arbitration. Disputes as to: the inter pretation of a treaty, as to any ques tion of . international ; law, .as. to the existence of any fact which is estab lished' would constitute a breach of any- international obligation, or as to the extent and nature of the repara tion to be made for any such breach, the declared to be among those- which are generally suitable for submission to arbitration. - For the : consideration of any such dispute the court of arbi tration to which the case Is referred shall be the oourt agreed on by the parties to ihe dispute or stipulated in any convention existing between them. The members of the league agree that - they will carry out in full good faith any award that may be rendered and that they, will not resort to war against a member of the league which oomnlies therewith. In the event of the - dispute, ; tenns' rof v settlement thereof, , as the council may deem ap-' If ; the dispute ia i toot thus settled. the council either unanimously dr . by a majority vote t shah make and pub lish ay report cpntainihg a-statement of tie )facts of tfie dispute and the recommendations which are deemed just and proper in regard thereto. " Any member of the league - repre sented on the council may make pub lic ; statement of the : facts of the dispute and of its conclusions regard ing the same. v ':(:ye.::i - - If a report by .the council i unani mously v greed to by, the members thereof pother than the! representatives of one or more of the parties to the dispute the; methberaof ?the. league agree -that: they will not go to ' war with any party to the dispute which complies with the recommendations of the report. . -, ;v . ..-.,. : If, the council fails to reach a re port which is unanimously agreed to by, the members . thereof, other than the representatives of qbe or morre of the parties ' to rthe i- dispute jthe members of the (. league reserve to themselves the right to tike such ac tion as .they shall ; consider; necessary for the main tenace of right and jus tice. - 1 ; . ; If the; dispute between' the parties is claimed by one of .them, and is found by the council, to arise out of a matter which by, international law is solely- within the domestic4urisdIc tion of the party," the council shall so report, and shall make no recommen dations as to its settlement. feet a settlement of any dispute, and if TOch .efforU are'successful, a tate inient. ftbali be inade " pMlic giving such facts, aad explanations ,regardigrH pose of such dispute, and shall resort to war: against a jnember ; of 'the league;" the provisions" of article shall be applicable ; as against the state taking such action. . : - i " If both parties to 'the dispute, when' so invited refuse to accept tbe obllga-, tions of membership in the league for, the'; purposes of such ' dispute, the council may take such 'measures and make such recommendations as will prevent hostilities and will result in the settlement of the dispute. (Virtually unchanged!) " : j:v-. '";'.rticle eighteen: ; ' " Every- convention or international engagement entered into J hencefor ward by any member of the league shall be forthwith registered with the secretariat and H shall as The council may in any case under this article refer .the -dispute to the assembly. The dispute shall be so re ferred at the requjest of either party to the dispute, provided that such re quest be made within 14 days after the submission of the dispute to the council.', '' . f . , In any case referred to the assem bly all 5 the provisions of this ''article and of article 12 relating to the. action and powers of. the council shall apply to the action and powers .of the as sembly, provided that a report made by the assembly, if concurred in by the representatives of those members of the league represented on the coun cil and of a majority pf - the-, other members t of the - league, exclusive in each case of the representatives of the parties to the , dispute, shall have the same fgrce as, a report by the council concurred , in by all the mem bers thereof other than the repfesen-" tatives of one or more of the parties i to the dispute. , '!. .' ' -t'"- (The paragraph specifically exclud ing matters -;, of ''domestic jurisdic tion", from action by the council is new. In the last sentence, the words "if . concurred in ; by the representa tives of those members, of the league, represented on the council, etc., have been added), I . ' ; . . . Article Sixteen. ; ; Should - any ' member of the. league resort to war in disregard of its cove nants under articles. 12, 13 shall ipso facto be committed ' an ' act of war against all other members of the league, which" thereby undertake immediately J to n IK if deeemd' to have soon as against the - state taking jjUeh ac?L such treaty or international engaged ment shall be binding until so regis tered. ' , , -v ; r- -f : (Same as original 'Article 23. ). y Article Nlneteen. The assembly may from time to time .advise the reconsideration ; by members of the league of ' treaties which have become inapplicable, and the consideration of international con ditions whose continuance might en danger the peace of the , world. , . (Virtually the same as original Ar ticle 24.) x - : ;;" :; .. Article 'Twenty. v.The members of the league several ly agree that this covenant is accept ed as , abrogating all obligations or understandings inter-se which are in consistent with the terms thereof, and solemnly undertake that they will not hereafter enter into any. agreements Inconsistent, , with the terms , thereof. rln case : members of the league shall. before becoming- members of the league have, undertaken any obliga tions inconsistent with the terms of the covenant,' it shall be the "duty of each- member to take immediate steps: to procure its release from such obligations. ' ' ;. ' . ' Ky:' ; (Virtuallythe same' as original Ar ticle' 25.) ; y..( :; ' : -1 ;- Article Twenty-one. ; v - Nothing in this , covenant shall be deemed to affect the validity of inter national engagements such as treat ies of arbitrations or regional; under stahdingSr like tihe .Monroe, doctrine for . securing . the maintenance of peace; , ,;, v;'..y . ; uv . v , (Entirely tfew.) ; Article Twenty-two. : To V those colonies and ' territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sov ereignty of the -states which formerly governed them and which are inhab ited by peoples -not yet able to ; stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of . the modern world, there shquld be applied the principle that tho wellbeing and well development Of suoii peoples formed a sacred trust of civilization and that securities for the performance., of... this trust should be'ihbodied' In this covenant .- The best method of giving . practi cable . effect to r this principle is that the tutelage - of such peoples be en trusted to. advanced nations who, .by reasons of... their resources, .their .ex perience . or .their geographical posi- subject it to the severance of all trade 1 Uon. can undertake responsibil- council shall : formulate and embly from time to time Wt of u "wi uie etypuiut- f. - -r- 'vuwuicg ui nits . members of th i.o.A . pA 1 111 Ok DC? e nf 'v,the asembly, represenU- council memners or its dig 11 - "iwruvai Of tha m.lU. .f tionl? Iy e Council my name rn... w. ith V counc; the council " " . .li.-ji,., moot. n.nv failure-to carry out eucn an by representauves ?r :- : :,0y.minrii. Rhall'nrono what " ' V Invin an A . l anoiu ings snjwi w .-..w.-, . , ; Q fhA tolron to ffive effect TM.Txiv4nr narts oi ine oiu i- bic r - - - - I J1U."" j n r - . . f I., a - -tv : article names merem. lZZZZ th. .eat of (Oy minor change, to: language.) loo mi to be chosen later, ami . l . i.a for' rhaneine the The aaos tae - -t&xh submit to the members of the league seat in we u. , flfll19llv hwr adontion " plans' for the estab- opening position wuu Qt a permanent court of Inter- With men IS new;. , , y.1u..rofW "Th vnrt shall be Article Elaht. Dwiuuw J""-""'" r . 7 T7 'V-o loofnie recog- competent to hear and determine-any The memoers u a r - . - i... nf ,n internaUonal character nize that the maintenance v rfT rt.ratft hh to 4,iHon of nauonaa wmc uib. requzrCB w ru,mt consist- it. The "court may. also give, . an ao armament io me r-, . . a . n,nlrm nnon anv dispute or . r .fAtv - onn i in tzllt i v inui w . - . - ent with national t.: ftrPed to it"bv the council or by tiie assembly. ':"; : . , (Unchanged except f or the addition of the last sentence.) y ;l ;- ;f y Article; Fifteen. ' if 'there should arise between emJers of the league: any dispute or ; financial ; relations, the prohibition1 of all intercourse between their na tions and the nationals of the covenant-breaking state and the prevention of all financial,;, commercial or per sonal intercourse between the na tions of the covenant-breaking state and ; the ' nations of ; any : other state, whether a member of- the league or It shall be the duty of the council in such .cases to recommend to the several " governments concerned what effective military, or naval forces tbe members of the league shall severally contribute to the armaments, of, forces to be used to protect the covenants of the leagued . ' - The members of the league .agre, further,' that they will mutually sup port one another, ini the financial and economic measures which are taken under this article, in order to mini mize the loss and inconvenience re sulting .from the above "measures, and that they will mutually support one another, in resisting, any special meas ures aimed at one c their number by the covenant breaking stale and that they will take the .necessary steps to afford passage through their territory I to the forces of any of the members of the league which are co-operating to " .'. protect ; the covenants of the league. X'" ,-yy-y:''';? :i -li- Any member of the league which ity, and 'Which are, willing to accept it, and that this , tutelage should be ex ercised by them as mandatories on be half of the league. ;;yy v ;.- i I , The character of the mandate must differ according - tp the . stage of - the development of the people, the geo graphical, situation of the territory, its economic condition and any other similar circumstances. iy:';'-:.": vCertain communities i formerly be longing to the Turkish empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized ; sub ject to the-rendering of administra tive . advice : and assistance ' by a man datory until sucn ; time as tney are able to Stand alone. these communities must.be a princi integral: portion's of its territory tab ject to the safeguards above mention-' ed in the . interests of the indigenous .. population.. In every case of mandate the mandatory shall render to the council , an -annual report : in reference to the ' territory v committed to its tte.tyk - TheVdegree of authority control br administration to be exercised by-the mandatory ;ehall? it.. not v. previously agreed aipq c by tj members of Uie league,; be explicit defined-fn each case by the council, y ; rAr Permanent commission shall be constituted to receive nd examine the .annual ; reports of the mandatories , and to advisethe council on all mat ters relating to the observance of the mandates. . " " - v' -;. y"- - (This is .the original, Article 19, ivir-. tually unchanged " except " for the in sertlon of the words "and which are willing s to accept jT ia 1 describing' na tions to be given mandatories.) y Article;iCrMrenty-threK " Subject to and in accordance with tie; provisions of International con ventions existing or hereafter to be agreed upon the members -j of . the league ' (a) will endeavor " to secure and. maintain fair and humane condi tions of , labor for men, women . and . children, both in ,their own countries and in all countries to which their commercial and industrial - relations extend, and for that purpose will es tablish and maintain the necessary in ternational organizations ; (b) ' under take to secure just treatment of the native inhabitants of territories un der their control ; (c ) will entrust the league with s the general supervision over ' the execution of agreements with regard ' to the traffic., in women and children, and 'the traffic In opium . and" other dangerous drugs; ? (d) will entrust the league with the general supervision of the trade ; in. arms and . ammunition with the ; countries in which the control of this ; . traffic is necessary ( in the common interests ; (e).will make provision to secure and maintain freedom of communication and of transit; and of equitable treat ment for the commerce of all mem bers of the league. In this 'connec- tion, especial necessities ot the h re gions devastated during the war of 1914-1918 shall be in mind : :.. (f) . will endeavor-To take steps In matters of international concern ;for the ' preven tion and' control of disease, f "f V1 . (This replaces the original article " 20 and embodies parts' of the original Articles 18 and 21. It;eliminatee a specific provision .formerly made for a bureau of labor and adds the clauses (b) and (c); v-;:ir-:r ; ;. . Article Twenty:four;.)' f'v There . shall be placed under, the di rection of the league all, international bureaus . already established by gen eral treaties if -the parties o ' ' such treaties consent. All such Interna tional bureaus and ; all commissions f or ;the. regulation 6?; matters; t$ inter national interest hereafter . c6ns.lltut ed shall -be.- placed under the' direction of the league. :, ,;i . ;,;;'-".y.t; In all - matters . of international u in terest which are regulated by general contentions, but which are not placed under the control of international bu reaus or commissions, - the secretariat ' of the league shall, subject to the' con sent of the council, andlf desired by the parties, collect and distribute all relevant information and shall render any other assistance ' which -may be necessary or desirable.1 5 " ' ' , .The council may'includeas part of the ; expenses of the secretariat the expenses of any bureau or commis slon which is placed under ,the direc tionVof the league. .;. . . (Same as' article 22 In tfte original, with the matter after the first t two sentences, added). y ''jZC" Article .Twenty-five, a. The members of the league agree to encourage and promoter jthe? estab lishment and cooperation of duly au thorized national Red Cross societies having as . purposes improvement; of health, the prevention of diseases and the mitigation , of suffering through out the world. v . '. r . (Entirely new.)';,' , r ;' ;:.": ;-y v 1 Article. Twenty-six Amendments to this 'cdvenaht ' will take effect; when ratified by members of the league,; whose; representatives compose the council and by' a major ity of the members of 5 the " league whose representatives compose the assembly, -y ; " "-v:;v - Such amendment shall (the word not apparently omitted in cable trans- The wishes of I mission) .bind any member ;6f , the league . wmcn signmes -. its aissent i .u iv. y.. ' t.ii f orcement by common action of inter M1 cation.'5" s " tw .mHi taking account of the graphlcairlUU stances of each state. ha"X fton. , MAiTRtion for the cpn- pians ior u -t ; irpral Tnmbers of tne league any, uwpuie sideration and acUonyof tte Which is violated any covenant of . the league may be decided to be no longer a I member of the league by" a vote To the; council concurred in by the represen tatives of all the other members of the league represented thereon., y y (Unchanged except for the addition of the last sentence.) . - ', i. y ;. Article Seventeen. , y : !". ' -. -; In the event of a dispute between a member of the league and a state which is nota member of-the league or between stater not members of the. the mandatory. .,.,,-; r- Other peoples, especially those y of Central Africa, are at such a stage that the mandatory must be responsi ble for the administration of the. ter ritory under conditions which will guarantee-freedom and conscience or religion subject only to ; the ' mainte nance of public order and morals the prohibitioh . of abuses, such as the slave trade, the arms traffic and the liquor, traffic and the . prevention' of the establishment of fortifications or military and naval bases and military j frainihg. of tbe nations for other than wnment. - ;, v. . gubmitted to arbitration as above, pr oeiween uw ' SuP?an. consideration 'V-y-,ii , y ( ; that they ;irill ubmit -tne mauer. w - .y; 7 : . - policy purposes and .the defense of. territory and will also -secure equal opportunities for the traded and -commerce " of other members of . the league ' ; .y : r'ry y " '" j. C ' ;; There are territoriessuch as South west Africa, and certain of the South Pacific islands, -whichy owing to the 8parsne88 of their population 'or' their small - size ' or their remoteiiess from the centers:' of civilization or their geographical . contiguity' to the terri tory Qh the. mandatory and other cir cumstances',, can be .best adminis tered unCer the Uwi of the mandatory as cease to be a member q? the league. (Same as theoriginal except that a majority of the league instead of three-fourths is required for, ratifica tion of amendments, with the last' sen tence added.) ' " . ?y Annex to the Covenant One Original members ..of . the league of nations.. ; . ry -. ift . , . . , 'Signatories of the treaty? of peace: ' United States of; America Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, British Empire Can ada, Australia, South Africa, , New South Wales, India, China, Cuba, jXJze-cho-Slovakia,. . Ecuador, .Pratfc e, Greece, Guatemala, . Haiti, Hedjaz, Honduras, Italy, Japan Liberia Nica ragua, Panama, Peru, Poland,, Portu gal, Rumania, Serbia, Siam, Uruguay. States invited to accede to the cov enant: . - . r Argentine Republic, Chile, Colum bia, Denmark, Netherlands Norway, Paraguay, Persia, , Salvador, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,- Venezuela:, Two-Pirst secretary general , of the league ot nations' (blank).: ; y (The annex was not published with the original drart of the eovcatnt) y-'-l! 'J I . jj-. 1 , j Jy increase tne . t-r. . iff' "A iff 5 -v 1 1 1- ' ... t - ,V1 yy-'- 3 . -' V.-. f