it1 M 1 5 ? w . ! I f 5 -K . ? , ; - ? C FOLK OOUnTY IiliVa TOim-i; X4. 1 i-- : I I 1,1 ;- ' k' : i . THE FOLK COUNTY HEWS anHTRYQN BEE Consolidated Nov. -,,1915 . Published every Friday t TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA Telephoned' v . Enteral at second-class matter. April 23. 1915 1 the post office at Tryon. North ' Carolina, un der Mm act of March 3, 1879 : ; ; B. F. COPELAND. ; ; ; Editor C. BUSH Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, ft solutions of Respect, Church or Lodge Notices whtrt an' admission fee is charged, or for. financia .rain, will be charged regular advertising - rates of five cents per line. . V THE AMERICAN PRESS 'ASSOCIATION. 225 West S9th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." MORTE POUR FRANCE Spring has come again. and tendep green covers the, battle-scarred earth. Nature, the sovereign panacea, has already begun her work .ok restoration flowers blossom over the graves of fallen heroes. Soon May will bring the poppies, ."between the crosses, row on row," little gray crosses, each, with its aluminum identification tagand those that ' mark the graves T of , the men who are buried-in French ceme teries inscribed with the words "Morte Pour France.',' ;'- Sixty thousand Americans He asleep in France, "Morte Pour France", surely no other sentence could tell the story half so well. "Dead for France." Probably. the best known poem of the war is one quoted below, "In Flan ders Fields," breathing the, fine spirit of 'sacrifice .for an ideal. t"iAmerica'f Answer1' stilled all fear that the sac rifice was in vain, and now when vic tory in battle is won comes "America's Consecration," pledging a victory of right "Be it bur task to save, "In memory of the life you gave, "Those rights for which your blood was shed "In Flanders Fields!" This is our task,, in memory of those sixty thousand dead, to insure the vic tory they won, else they have died for naught. -. . . . To every "citizen of 4he United States belongs this opportunity, the last opportunity to measure up to the standard set . by the boys. The great est victory of all must be won now, and the shots that will faring it about will be made of dollars. Lend yours to nd the war. Buy Victory Liberty Loan bonds. Victoiywpather THE PARADOX OF AVAR. It is the paradox of war that its sa crifices may enrich the world. America's latest war has cost thou sands of lives and untold agony, first to the wounded, and then to the men and women and litttle . children whe have stayed at home, powerless to dc j more than to work and to. pray, and j who loved with an ever-increasing love those heroic ones who laid down their lives, or who. suffered the tor tures of the physical body that the ci vilization of a Christian world might live. Aganst this fearful total it is pos sible, however, to balance a 'credit which may remove something of the ! horrors of four years of strife. It may be that America alone is able to mar- , shal such a list of war assets, and ii so it is simply another testimony oi the miracle of democracy. But -there are millions of men who have beer given a kind of health they never hop ed to have. There are tens of milli ons, a hundred million Americans whe have been elevated in soul and-puri-' fied in heart by 'the sacrifices of pa triotism, and smallest perhaps of al these items there are scores of mil lions of Americans who have beei taught by the exigencies of war. tht invaluable lesons of economy anc thrift. In the face of what was considered an almost insuperabLe obstacle, the high cost of living, more women and children in all walks of life have been taught than in America self-denial need not reach the point of want to enable one to lay by store for the fu ture, or to contribute to a, commoi cause. . - There is scarcely an individual in the United StateE who is not, or has not been, the possessor of a Liberty Bond or a War Savings Certificate. These securities represent power that has been stored up for future use. This power has for the time being been placed in the hands of the Gov ernment. Like a torch, it is to be restored to its owner with the flame undiminished while the business and industries of the nation must pay the cost of the struggle that made their continuance possible. : The Fifth Liberty Loan campaign offers probably the last big opportun ity to lay by savings with the co-operation and for the assistance of the Government. It should be the endea vor of every citizn who has sacriflcd for the cause of America . fr that he, reaps his full share of the benefits the striving and the victory Pvf L brought, particularly in so healthful an exercise of civic duty as .An Englishman has advertised in an iip.wsimnpr tat o iaw. bone. Why don't he consult Jim iteea 1 , "India Reported as Quiet," says a Dress - disnntch Wo Viftitn,V.4- r vxivum ,iLtx, Charleston, Sf C, was the only quiet aput ufi eann at present; . "Hair Cut bv " Lichtnino-" is fKa stertling news in the New York Sun of recent' date. Well, that is faster xnan anAsheville barber can do it. n "Berlin Buried Under Posters of uivai vians," we are told. Too bad it , isn't under ' several tons of debris caused irom shell fire; from allied can -... '. r . " ' ' ' "Confusion reigns ' in Nation," says re whiskey dealers' " association. . . w.tlv 6uyuucoB a 5uue con tusion and not a : drurrkeri one in any . Salem Girl to be Married," is the ?L o n As,sociated Press dispatch Sem, Mass. Is it so seldom ... oaiem gin marries that the 55S-JSS SLSPL' he ?ily press? Tryon igirl rf slov: ior IN FLANDERS FIELDS By Lt. Col". John D. McRae. (Written during the second "battle of Ypres, 1915. The author. Dr. John D. McCrae. of Montreal, Can., was killed in Flanders, January 28, 191S) . In Fanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks.still bravely singing, fly. Scarce heard amidst the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glowr Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. j Take up our quarrel with the foe! To you from falling hands we throw The torch. Be ydurs to hold it high! If you break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow v : In Flanders fields. . V-. AMERICA'S ANSWER. 4 By R, W. Lillard (Written after the death of Lieut. Col. McRae, author of "In Flanders Fields," and printed in the New York Evening Post) Rest ye in peace, ye. Flanders dead, The fight that ye so bravely led We've taken up. . And we will keep True faith with you who lie asleep, With each a cross to mark his bed, And poppies blcfwdng , ovjerhifad, Where once his own life blood ran red; So let yrnir rest be sweet and deep In Flanders fields. Fear not that ye have died for naught, The torch ye threw to use we caught Ten million hands will hold it high, And freedom's light shall never die! We've learned- the lesson that y taught ' , In Flanders fields. AMERICA'S CONSECRATION. By Charles Hall Davis, Petersburg, Va (Written on December 10, 1918. after th armistice was signed and Germany v -defeated) The poppies' blooms now "mark in red Your resting place, ye gallant dead, In Flanders fields. And as they wav Above each cross-marked, Allied grave, ' V And breathe their opiates overhead To ease each narrow, earthen bed, Where you now rest your . spirit fled; ; , Sleep peacefully, ye warriors brave In Flanders fields! , . The cause that you so boldly led With dauntless spirit, unafraid, Is won. Be it our task to save, In memory of the life you gave, -Those rights for which your blood wai shed .. In Flanders fields! FARMERS' SUPPORT URGED All the farmers in the United State; are urged to support the Victory Liber ty Loan by Oliver Wilson, ' master of National Grange who characterizes the loan; as "our great national respon sibility." Mr. . Wilson's appeal fol lows: , " ' ""' ' ". v ' . "For the fifth time the i government is appealing to the people for financial aid. On the four previous occasions money was needed to win. the war and people of all classes liberally respond. Now comes the call f - a Victory Lib erty Loan,, a loan which, now; that the fight is won, is - necessary to t aid in finishing the great task of assuring to all peoples liberty and democracy, that our struggles and sacrifices of the last few years may not Irave'been made in vain. . t z , - "I . desire,. ytor appeal'' to our entire grangef mmbership" and farmers gen erally to maintain' the7" proud record.'we have made in the previous loans. Not only subscribe what you can but give" ihe matter prominence at your grange meetings g.nd encourage neighbors and fridng to do 'their part toward fulfill ing this our great national respoxul bllity.w c . m Hti of iJmmmm X You . ought have a . I pair these soft vici k comfort oxfords, Buy Tbese-'ior Comfort ' 9 '" . . - . . Nothing except the actual wearing can more elegantly describe, the effects of these SELZ shoes than the, above slogan. SELZ comfort shoes have made feet glad for nearly one-half century. They ' represent the quality which you expfect, but seldom find. ; They represent all leather, good ' work manship and the lowest price consistent with what you get ; - ' 7 - $4 .50 to $800 Specializing in Selz SItoes REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND E , City and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Furnished and un furnished houses for rent. Property, laken care of and rents eoilected. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out looking for a place. Our auto is at your service free. Notary Public. JAMES , LEONARD, Tryon, N. C. TThink of Your Gasoline Bill When You Buy Your Car v : " ' y 'L - Many a dealer tries to take your mind off it while the sale 13 being made. We don't. We want you to do a lot of careful figuring On it. . And we'd like you to do more than figure. Give us a chance, in actual test, to show you the astonishing records of the Briscoe-built economy motor. o A Briscoe gallon will- take your car a wonderful dis-" tance twenty-six mil e s and m ore is an every-day performance. . 7 - Thats because Briscoe engineers devoted years of . experiment to the single feature of economy. V Ask Us to prove it. . The long graceful body, the soft' inviting upholstery, the generous amount of room in both the front and rear seats, ' the unusual high quality of accessories and equipment I are all points of superiority, of Ihe BRISCOE MODEL B-4-24 which : satisfy your ideals . .'; ; and your pride of ownership. ' ' Over forty-three acres of factory, men and machines build complete The "Car With The Halfi-Million Dollar 0' andm'W?:doing, : effect many sayings injtlie cost of nianuf ac ; ture,,fwhicfr enables us to giveyou a dollar ; for dojlar motor" car yalue, iwHich; we; feel,T - . has never been; equaled before. J - - Price of the Briscoe'Model B-4-24, includ the war. tax, :' . ; : v $975.00 f. o. b. LANDRUM. . Bishop & Cantrell Garage; Lendrum, S. C . ' BE PREPARED j ;v - The time to prepare for adver sity i NOWT.nqt tomorrow nor tL next day. ' v . : ; j j v Accumulating a bank acco is the best safeguard against tom0r. row's misfortunes. 1 bank ; :;or ft , Land rum, S. O The Old Reliable LANDR I , DAY D XiimiTi wm rilll-WK;Ca cbcocococoboooQoooooc o QNVEST ixuvou jiw iy . vvvicjr iiu Cain S IfQJj, ( claa guarantee tnatevery cent will be retnr () plus interest and the feeling of satisfaction tb- Cj can come only tnrougn the penormknee of dub kj J3UV to vour limn: This Space ContriButed to the Victory Loan by O O O O O O O All- Liberty Bonds now in. Please call BAN IK Of TRYON J. B. HESTER Cashier. W, T. LINDSEY Prei cooococococobooo6oooooc: TRENGTBi ERVDCE ECURDTY These Essentials of Sound Banking are. embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED BAN IK of ALU Br Capital $10,000.00 Saiud!a,;NC. HENRY P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, V-Pres. PRESTON H. BAllEV.Cd d D mil PYERY woman needs a pair of these comfort giving low shoes for light wear, for the hospital and for resting the feet after wearing heavy shoes. These good looking, sensible, low shoes are exactly what you neecl. Made of the softest Vici kid leather, hand turn, extremely flexible sole, silent rubber tread, low heel, genuine SELZ quality, all v leather, perfect workmanship, a shoe every .woman should possess. j .3.50 to $S.00 Wilkins & Co.. Trvon .i.f : . , - . n GEO, A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE .- AND , NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialtyV Deeds and- Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prices. " , - TRYON, N.C. 0 lVf T- --.! A. V' w. jc-omitn ' SMITH & WR'l BARBER SH OLD STAND

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