VOLII COUIi x'V UVWtt, IT. 0. 1 I 1? 1 !, i w 1 1 r t ' Ik I' r it, i if 21 1 ? ! 'I I j h T I I 3 ft , I I .1 II' I, i THE LIGHT iitiiLaRiii A TALE OF THE IN THE TIME OF Aim or CN HOtDEK Ml AND V PARREL Of THE HESSED ttlH REIMNO XJf VITH U2X1E, ETC, ETC - CHAPTER X! Continued. 12 I count this une of the great events f my youth, lmt there was a greater although it seemed not so at the lime of It A traveler on the road to 22aSybeen had dropped his pocketbook oatainIng a large amount of money $2J00 was the sum. If I remember sightly. He was a man who, being Jpjstry suspicious of the banks, had withdrawn his money, rosters an aoosced the loss and the offer of a terse reward. The village was pro jSoctitdrjr stirred, by them. Searching sarties went up the road stirring its iftsst and groping in Its grass and brl- for the great prise which was sup- to be lying there. It was said, atowTTer, that the quest had been un sstcrssftti So the lost pocketbook tecaxae a treasured mystery of the Tillage and of all the hills and vul atys toward Bailybeen a topic of old 'wires and gabbling husbands at the preside for unnumbered years. By and by the fall term of school oded. Uncle Peabody came down to gt me the day before Christmas. I &ad enjoyed my work and my life at She llackets. on the whole but I was 33ad to be going home again. My mrte was in high spirits and there many packages in the sleigh. "A merry Christmas to ye both an the Lord love ye 1 said Mr. Backet as he bade us goodby. "Every 8ay our thoughts will be going up the ' kEs to your house. The bells rang merrily as we hur a5ed through the swamp in the hard moem paths. We're goln to move, said my 9Bt&t presently. "We've agreed to get at by the middle o' May. "How does that happen?" I asked, settled with Grimshaw and agreed got If it hadn't 'a been for Wright aad Baldwin we wouldn't 'a' got a eeot. They threatened to bid against 3iEj at the sale. So he settled. We're aroia to- have a new home. We've Sought a hundred an' fifty acres from Abe Leonard. Goln to build a new . $euse in the spring. It will be nearer Sfce village." He playfully nudged my ribs with . Sis dhow. v. . TWevff had a little good luck, Bart, ,. ' went on. "I'll tell ye what it is if , i I promised. "Idunno as it would matter much, e continued, "but I don't want to do xbj braggin. It ain't anybody's busi ness,, anyway. An old uncle over in v-Tennont died three weeks ago and left ns thirty-eight hundred dollars. ti. St was Id Uncle Ezra Baynes o JaOnosburg. Died without a chick or y afcild. . Tour aunt and me slipped down k Potsdam an took the stage an ,vyast ver an got the money. It was : asor money than I ever see before ; Six my life. We put it in the bank In 'iffctsdam to keep it out o Grimshaw's ; laafe. I wouldn't trust that man as ,', "an-as you could throw a bull by the .' aflL- . ' 5t was a cold, clear night and when we reached home the new stove was rorpping with the heat in its firebox anwf "the pudding puffing in the pot arwsf old Shep dreaming in the chimney awr-, Annt Deel pave me n hue at v tap-fiwr. Shep barked and leaped to " "y stmnlders. Why. Bart! TouTe growln like a ' -Trertf ain't ye? ayes ye be. my aint said as she stood and looked at 5eev;, Set right down here an warm K ye ayes I Tve done all the chores - How warm and comfortable was the : 'Jeirold room with those beloved faces j. i It I wonder if paradise itself can - aeera more pleasant to me. I have had 0ie best food this world can provide. KvShs my: time, -but never anything that 3 te with, a keener relish than the 9ddlng and milk and bread and but-- tcr and cheese and pumpkin pie which . AsntDeel gave us that night . Supper over, I wiped the dishes for y-aunt while Uncle Peabody went ,to feed and water the horses. Then r We sat. down In the genial warmth 'while I told the story of my life in JmO. busy town," as they called it tV mat pride and attention they gave r then! ; , 3ftr fine clothes and the story of how tV 2 lad come by them taxed my inge ...',1 amity somewhat, although not lmprop-y- I had to be careful not to let know that I had been ashamed - s?e nomemade suit. They somehow S&f the truth about it and a little altence followed the story. Then Aunt , '.' 1P3 drew be chair near me and ; w Cached my hair very gently and TlMked into my face without speaking, "tayes ! I know," she said presently,' 4- ? kind of caressing tone, with a : of sadness In it. 'They ain't y 1B!re .to coarse .homespun stuff down Sitre in the village. They made fun ; ye didn't they, Bart?" ' 7 ', don't care about that," I assured 'Vm. M Xhe mind's the measure of V . oan,' " I quoted remembering the v e Senator had repeated to me, NORTH COUNTRY SILAS WIGHT That's sound 1" Uncle Peabody ex claimed Avith enthusiasm. Aunt Deel took my hand In hem and surveyed it thoughtfully for a moment without speaking. "-.You alnt goln' to have to suffer that way no more, she said In a low tone. WeT goln to be more conif 'ta ble ayes, Yer uncle thought we better go West but I couldnt bear to go off so fur an leave mother an father an sifter Susan an all the folks we loved layln' here in the ground alone I want to lay down with em by an by an wait for the sound o the trum Kt ayes ! mebbe it'll be for thou sands o years ayes!" To , our astonishment the clock struck twelve, "Hurrah! It's merry Christmas !" said Uncle Peabody as he Jumped to his feet and began to sing of the little Lord Jesus. We Joined him while he stood beat ing time with his right hand after the fashion of a singing master. "Off with yer boots, friend 1" he ex claimed when the stanza was finished. "We don't have to set up and watch like the shepherds." We drew our boots on the chair round with hands clasped over the knee how familiar is the process, and yet I haven't seen it in more than half a century I I lighted a candle and scampered upstairs in my stocking feet Uncle Peabody following close and slapping my thigh as if my pace were not fast enough for him. In the midst of our skylarking the candle tumbled to the floor and I had to go bacL to the stove and relight IL How good it seemed to be back in the old room under the shingles ! The heat of the stovepipe had warmed its hospitality. "It's been kind o lonesome here," ?a id Uncle Peabody as he opened the window. "I always let the wind come In to keep me company it gits so warm." "Ye can't look at yer stockln' ylt" said Aunt Deel when I came down stairs about eight o'clock, having slept through chore time. I remember; it was the delicious aroma of frying ham and buckwheat cakes which awoke me ; 1 and who wouldn't rise and shake off ! the cloak of slumber on a bright,. cold winter morning with such provo cation? "This ain't no common Chris'mas--I tell ye," Aunt Deel went on. "Santa Claus won't git here short o noon I wouldn't wonder ayesl" About eleven o'clock Uncle' Hiram and Aunt Eliza and their five children arrived with loud and merry greetings. Then came other aunts and uncles and cousins. With what noisy good cheer the men entered the house after they had put up their horses! . I remember how they laid their hard, heavy hands on my head and shook, it ; a little as they spoke of my "stretchin up" or gave me a playful slap on the shoulder an ancient token of good will the first form of the accolade, I fancy. What Joyful good humor there was in those simple men and women enough to temper the woes of a city if it .could have been applied to their relief. They stood thick around the stove warming themselves and taking off Its griddles and opening Its doors and surveying it inside and out with much curiosity. "Now for the Christmas tree,! said Uncle Peabody as he led the way into our best room, where a fire was burn ing in the old Franklin grate. "Come on, boys an' girls." What a wonderful sight was the Christmas tree the first we had had in bur house a fine spreading balsam loaded with presents! -Uncle Hiram jumped into the air and clapped his feet together and shouted : "Hold me, somebody, or I'll grab the hull , tree an run away with it." Uncle Jabez held one foot in both hands before him and joyfully hopped around the tree. These relatives had brought their fnmily gifts, some days before, to be hung on its branches. The thing that caught my eye was a big silver watch hanging by a long golden chain to one of the boughs. Uncle Peabody took it down and held It aloft by the chain, so that none should miss the sight, say ing: "From Santa Claris for Bart!" A murmur of admiration ran through the company which gathered around me as I held the treasure in my trem bl'nsr hands. This is for Bart, too." Uncle, Pea body shouted as he took down a bolt of soft blue clothvand laid It In my arms. "Now there's somethin that's Jest about as slick as a kitten's ear. Feel of it. It's for a suit o ' clothes. Come all the way from Burlington. Now get-ap there. You've got your load.. r - s . s: I moved out of the way in a hurri cane of merriment It was his one great day of pride and vanity. He did not try to conceal them. w The other presents floated for a mo inenrin this, irxetiatible tide ot laugh LLEFU ing good will and found their owners. I have never forgotten how Uncle Ja bea chused-Aunt Minerva around the hmifin with a wooden snake cunningly carved and colored, ' I observed there J were many things on the tree wmcu nnf linen taken down when we - - younger ones gathered up our wealth ; and repaired to Aunt ' Deel's room to feast our eyes upon it and compare our good fortune. The women and the big gins rouea im their sleeves and went to work with Aunt Deel preparing the dinner. ; The great turkey and the chicken pie were made ready and put in the oven and the potatoes and the onions md the winter squash were soon DOiun in their Dots on the stovetop. Mean while the children were playing in my aunt's bedroom and Uncle Hiram and Uncle Jabes were pulling sticks in a corner while the other men sat tipped against the wall watching, and making playful commentsr-all save my Uncle Peabody, who was trying to touch his head to the floor and then straighten up with the aid of the broomstick. In the;mldst of it Aunt Deel opened the front door, and old Kate, the Silent Woman, entered. To my surprise, she wore a decent-looking dress of gray homespun cloth and a white cloud looped over her head and ears ana tied around her neck and a good pair of boots. . "Merry Chrls'mas V we all, shouted. She smiled and nodded her head and sat down in the chair which Uncle Pea body had placed for hef at the stove side. Aunt .Deel took the cloud off her head while Kate drew her mittens newly knitted of the best yarn. Then my aunt brought some stockings and a shawl from the tree and laid them on the lap of old Kate. What a silence fell upon us as we saw tears coursing down the cheeks of this lonely old woman of the countryside tears of Joy, doubtless, for God knows how long it had been since the poor, abandoned soul had seen a merry Christmas and shared its kindness. I did not fail to observe how clean her face and hands looked! She was greatly, changed. She took my, hand as I went to her side and tenderly caressed it A gen tier smile came to her face than ever had seen upon It The old stern look returned for a moment as she held one finger aloft in a gesture which only I and my Aunt Deel understood. We knew it signalized a peril and a mys tery. That I should have to meet it somewhere up the hidden pathway, I had no doubt whaterer. "Dinner's ready !" exclaimed the cheerful voice of Aunt Deel. Then what a stirring of chairs and feet as we sat down at the table. Old "From Santa Claus for Bart " Kate sat by the side of my aunt and wt were all surprised at her good man ners. We jested and laughed, and drank cider and reviewed the year's history and ate as only they may eat who have big bones and muscles and the vitality of oxen. I never taste the flavor of sage and currant jelly or hear a hearty laugh without thinking of those holi day dinners in the old log house on Rattleroad. That Christmas brought me nothing better than those words, the memory of which Is one of the tallest towers ia that long avenue of my past down which I have been looking these many days. About all you can do for a boy, worth while, is to give him something good to remember. The day had turned dark. The tem perature had risen and the air - was dank and chilly. The men began to hitch up their horses. So, one by one, the slelghloads leffef us with cheery good-bys and a grind ing of runners and a Jingling of bells. When the last had gone Uncle Pea body and I went into the house. Aunt Deel sat by the stove, old Kate by the window looking out at the falling dusk. How still the house seemed ! "There's cne thing I forgot," I said as I proudly took out of my wallet the six one-dollar bills which I had earned by working Saturdays and handed three of them to tty aunt and three to my uncle, saying: That is my Christmas present to you. - I earned It myself." I remember so well their astonish ment and the trembling of their hands and the look of their faces. Its grand ayesl" AUnt Deel eald In a low tone. u She rose in a moment and beckoned to me and my uncle. We followed her through the open door to the other room. - . ; . . ; ' - ",. . f "I'll tell ye what Td do, she whis kered, ' Mra iv em ta ol . Kate ays ! She's goln to stay with us tTfl tomorrow.1 "Good idee l( said Uncle Peaboflj. J So I took the money, out of theh hands and went In and gave it to the Silent Woman. r;r-. vWtV: sTt: "That's your present froo. ' cald. . .. !.-'':--;.v ?V can I f oreet how she held mv arm against her with that loving, fa miliar, rocking motion or a woman ho Is soothing a baby at her breast and kissed niy cost sleeve? She re leased my arm al.d, turning to the v. -dow, leaned her head upon it sill an! shook with sobs. The dusk bat .Lick ened. As I returned to my seat by the stove I could dimly; see her f ona against the light of the window. We sat in silence for a little while. Then Uncle Peabody rose and got a candle and lighted It at the hearth. I held, the lantern while Uncle Pea body fed the sheep and the two cows and milked a slight chore these win tei days. You and I are to go off to bed purty early," he said as we were going back to the house. "Yer Aunt Deel wants to see Kate alone and git her to talk if she can. . "I dunno but she'll swing back into this world ag'in," said Uncle Peabody when we had gone up to our little room. "I guess all she needs Is to be treated like a human beln. Yer Aunt Deel an I couldn't git over thlnkin' o what she done for, you that night in the or barn. So I took some o' yer aunt's good clothes to her an a pair o boots an asked her to come to Cliris'mas. She lives in a little room over the blacksmith shop down to But terfield's mill. I told her Td come after her with the cutter but she shook her head. I knew she'd rather walk." He was yawning as he spoke and soon we were both asleep under the shingles. CHAPTER XII. The Thing and Other Things. I returned to Mr. Racket's houst late in the afternoon of New Year'i day. The schoolmaster was lying on t big lounge in a corner of their from room, with the children about him. The dusk was falling. "Welcome, my laddie buck 1" he ex claimed as I entered. "We're telling stories o' the old ye.ar an you're Just in time for the last o' them. Sit down, lad, and God give ye patience! It'll soon be over." After supper he got out his boxing gloves and gave me a lesson in the art of self-defense, in which, I was soon to learn, he was highly accomplished, for we had a few rounds together every day after that He keenly en joyed this form of exercise and I soon began to. My capacity for taking pun ishment without flinching grew apace and before long I got the knack of countering and that pleased him more even than my work in school, I have sometimes thought v "God bless ye, boy!" he exclaimed one day after I had landed heavily on his cheek, "ye've a nice way o sneakln in with yer right I've a notion ye may find it useful some day." I wondered a little why he should say that and while I was wondering he felled me with a stinging blow on my nose. -Ah, my lad there's the best thing I have seen ye do get up an come back with no mad in ye," he said as he gave me his hand. One day the schoolmaster called the older boys to the front seats in his room and I among them. . "Now, boys, rm going to ask ye what ye want to do In the world," he said. "Don't be afraid to tell me what ye may never have told before and I'll do what I can to help ye." For some months I had been study ing a book just published, entitled, "Stenographic Sound-Hand," and had learned its alphabet and practiced the use of it. That evening I took down the remarks of Mr. Hacket in sound- hand.' . " ' " " The academy chapel was crowded with the older boys and girls and the tcwnfolk. The master never clipped his words In school as he was wont to do when talking familiarly with thft children. "Since the leaves fell our little vik lage has occupied the center of the stage before an audience of millions in the great theater of congress. Our leading citizen the chief actor has been crowned with Immortal fame. We who watched the play were thrilled by the query: Will Uncle Sam yield to temptation or cling to honor? He has chosen the latter course and we may still hear the applause In distant gal leries beypnd the sea. He has decided that the public revenues must be paid in honest money. "My friend and classmate, George Bancroft, the historian, has written this letter to me out of a full heart. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Poor Widow Gives Mite. They were only four sacks, washed and pieced together by patient fingers and .then fashioned into undergar ments. Around the neck of each was a crocheted edge made from the string with which the sacks had bees sewed. A poorly dressed woman brought them iato the department of refuge clothing of the Red Cross a her "widow's mite." "It Isn't much," she said, as she un did the bundle, "but It Is all I had, and I hope It will be of use to some Bel gian woman who may have less than I have." ; Dunner und Blltzen. Editor Charles Hanson Towne of New York looked up from a newspapet account of the magnificent American victories on the Marne. i ? "Wonderful 1" said Mr.Towue, ant' fcls eyes shone. , MOur troops art Ugh nlng trained, and tnty do thunder , weur HERRING 111 EASTER!! RIVERS Godsend to Mahy ; Who Would" Other .wise Have to Pirrehase Meat at Thirty-five Cents a pound. Windsor. The "'Chowan, Roanoke and - Cashie rivers here are teeming with millions 6f herring which' - are being taken and sold for from $7 to $10 a thousand. This is a God-send to many who have to buy meat at 35 cents a pound. The old fishermen be lieve the large number of fish is due to the warm winter, abundance of rain and the .southerly., winds. This was the case in 1890 when immense numbers were caught. 'S. . W. Askew has secured enough stock to build a tobacco warehouse here. Work will begin on it soon. The feeling here is that Bertie needs not only tobacco warehouses but . pea nut factories. Many farmers believe that they are the victims of great in justice at the hands of the Virginia peanut trust. Want Deeper Waterway. s Beaufort. In the river and harbor act which was passed by Congress in March,' Congressman John H. Small secured the adoption of a provision for an examination ' and survey of the waterway connecting Beaufort harbor and Core Sound. This" waterway, which is known as Taylor's creek channel, was completed a few years ago, and has proven of Immense ben efit to the eastern part of this county and to the town of Beaufort. r People living down the sound 'can come here without having to cross Beaufort in let. ,.t . New Tobacco Warehouse. Winston-Salem, J. T. Simpson and Joe Glenn have secured a valuable site on Trade street and have had plans drawn for a modern leaf tobacco ware house!; The plans are now in the hands of the contractors and the pro moters hop to have their -new house completed, in tlmefor opening of . the next leaf tobacco season. Local and out-of-town capitalists have secured options on the land with the view of erecting another big warehouse, this one to front on Eight and Liberty streets. K Cost of Celebration. Charlotte. Charlotte's celebration in honor' of the 120th infantry cost the people of this city $6,939.15, and contributions to this fund by Char lotte citizens amounted- to $7,416.85. The balance will be kept in the treas ury of the central committee, for ex penditure when Charlotte's home-coming reception for tne soldiers of Mecklenburg county is held, probably soon After the arrival of the.Eighty , first division, which includes about all of the Mecklenburg " and Charlotte boys now overseas. - The holding of a Mecklenburg coun ty fair this fall, probably the first week of : October, is assured, according to information obtained from Clarence O. Kuester, secretary. The decision of tire Charlotte Merchants' association to give liberal financial assistance, in addition to their moral support, seem ed to break, down the bars that had prevented lining up the various agen cies of this country, he added. Granville Hosiery Mills. Creedmoor.- The new Granville Hosiery Mills company, incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000 (of which about $15,000 will ; be paid in at the time of starting operations) has secured a lease on a plant and will xstart improvements immediately with the expectation of being 'ready to operate by the first of June. The company has purchased the Regina, Hosiery Manufacturing company, of Haw River, N. C, and will remove the machinery, etc., to Creedmoor. Reldsvllle's Diamond Plans. -Reidsville. The ball players are be ginning to "warm up" and within a Tery short time the season will be on in real earnest here. 'Work on the park and grandstand wil be in read iness in due course of time. Captain Guy M. McWhorter'is gathering in the fold and promises to give Reidsville the best team ever seen in this part of the country. He and Manager W. D. Stocks are preparing a schedule of games and would be glad to hear from ut-of-town teams who desire to ar range games. , Testimonial, to Heroes. Statesville. A movement for a community memorial building to be erected in Statesville as a memorial to Statesville's and Iredell's soldiers, sailors and war workers was launched at the meeting of the Merchants' . as sociation by J. Paul Leonard, secre tary. Mr. Leonard's proposals and recommendations were heartily re ceived by the association, and a num ber of voluntary subscriptions to the building fund were made. -Among those , who endorsed the movement were P. L. Johnson, who offers $500. Fire At Whttevllle. Whiteville.Fire originating in the Formyduval hotel here completely de atroye seven buildings on a down town block, including business houses and residences. The loss was esti mated at between $15,000 and $20,000. Origin of the fire is unknown. : It had already gained control of the hotel building when a general alarm was. sounded and the "bucket brigade" re ponded. Volunteers were unable, howavtr, to cop with the situation other than to save property on adja cent blocki. Siisi AR-WORN VETERANS ... WARM WELCOMP CB... ElVt v, ' THq 8AND8 'N TW,N cry A PARADE JWD REtu WDmnin 11 s?MM . Charlotte, Greensboro ,Brf ory Were Represented i Pageant Winston-Salera.--Aft0r . day and night aa the We ands of Winston-Sair 1 wcicm ClllTAn. bers of the 105th ca.'-Jnea. vu6iUWro - mous 30th divisioa left for d k ixation at Camn jiuvBM aembil. by Colonel Joseph Hvdl Chapel Hill, and Major Georeti t 01 jy. or tiicaory, the. troopers viewed during a grand parade bv r ernor Bickett, Senator nv.n..: other distinguished visitor3. m The parade was followp , . addresses at Piedmont park and i? decoration of Lieutenant Prf D. Sills, of Cohens, New York, by onel Pratt for extraordinary heroiT in action on the western front ? was awarded the distinguished J vice cross of the United States ha ing already been awarded a simii cross by the British. v Following the review of the troopt they were entertained at a pienic din- ner, DaseDan game and other amuse ments, culminating with a lunchPrtn ... Salem and a street dance, while the officers were entertained at a dance at the TwhvCity club. Companies from Winston-Salem. Greensboro, Charlotte and Gastonla, with the sup ply train from Hickory, were repre sented in the companies here. Secretary Houston a Visitor. Charlotte. A member of President Wilson's cabinet spent four days in Charlotte and scarcely a half dozen people knew of his presence here. He was Secretary of Agriculture David K. Houston. He was the guest of his first cousin, W. F. Stevens, at 309 North Brevard street Mr. Steveni explained that the reason for the se crecy regarding Secretary Houston's .visit. was that the secretary wished to devote his time to looking up fam ily history and records. School Bond Issue Proposed. .f Wilmington. The school teachers, pfficials and othershave decided to propose a bond issue of $325,000 for enlargement of. the school facilities ol city and county, and will immediately proceed with the necessary steps to have an , election called by the county commissioners, . Last year New Han over voted $250,000 for this purpose and half of that' amount is still un sold. The school buildings are de clared crowded to capacity now, and if compulsory education was enforced, it is claimed that accommodations for the excess students could not b provided. New Tourist Hostelry. Rutherfordton. Rutherford ton is to have a new modern up-to-date tourist hotel soon.. " The corporation was formed. . More than $25,000 worth of stock has already been, subscribed The total incorporation is $140,000. It will be located halfway between town and the Seaboard depot, on Laurel hill, one of the most beautiful sites in the state for v a tourist' hotel. The ho tel will contain about 75 rooms and will have running water, shower baths. lake.' swimmine nool. tennis courts,' and a baseball park. Summer School Term. Boone. It has been decided to open the summer term of the Appalachian Training uphnnl on .Time 3 instead ol June 17. This -earlier opening of the summer school is considered best on account of the decision of the moun tain counties of this section to begin their public schools so as to get in their full six months before Christ mas. The summer term will be taught for the most part by the regular teach ers, the superintendent preferring to use his own trained teachers. Another Auto Accident Payetteville. -Jack Crumpler, em ployee of a local music house. iceS rial in recorder's cotirt Monday a' the result of injuries sustained W three persons when he lost -control o -n automobile he was driving on Hay" street, The car plunged on to a walk when Crumpler attempted to paj" !it and continued for more thai icu feet before it could be stopped run- nine down Miss Mattie Martm. school teacher of Godwin, a S3,v'0, At. w : j9 lot tor's ntlie son? - Arrested For Assault. Prank Steed; two soldiers recently o- charged 'from sorvice, were pie 11 . j .!th sissaUH aer Rrresi nere cnargeu - Ing Cephas Bowman, treasurer of Ra3' lolph county. Brown was placed der ; $1,000 bond and. Steed $ovu. The soldiers- will be given a P liminary hearing m a few days Treasnrer- Bowman, ww- ,Bj painful wounds, alleged to hate d he" mnieted upon ais neaa ny butt, ot a heavy pisto1 6RAHD fi"1' r. : G . 4 V-C r.

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