lie only Paper w A Cra, Qzcin For the Hone Published in f polk- County AND THE; TRYON BEE til VOL. XXV NO. 1 , TRYON, N. C FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1919. $2.00 A YEAH i THE SOLDIERS' MONUMENT rerf ected to Push - the an Early Completion. w-. 1 A Ik l rnPf tome Time During the Polk o-1' was Fair in October. County Pursuant to call, a citizens' meet- house - at . -in in ill iic vj.v. F limbus. last wumw.v. w pciicv a L1U : j.: V,oi-inrr in vipw flip pror- krganiz..u - - onument to Polk ion oi a - t mtv's soldier boys. h"n? was called to order by Hit1 -1J .T .TaaaJ lonf r B 1. Uopexanu, wnu as eictieu i xcou mi. - chairman, -and Mr. J. H. omporary of'MiirSprmg, temporary sec- et0iute a number of expressions were nard from those present, j d all ex- gies Ussed a desire to see tne ricvement L.oA to a successiui termination. ,niiv it was proposed to elect 1 a fommittee of three which -would, have ltt 4-v, : :4.n was the or A - t- , . i 1 I , P . , j-..' -L' I . Wds, and to oevr ,uca Vipressarv lu jjiuvivic ahuo ii lumouaj, Dipping ai i u mAnnmoTif - Mr "R -T? I HronTriiio c o mnif ; jtrction oi m iau"""-i'i . . i v. foiie and wus cxtcu icoiucnt uvc W. A. Cannon of Lynn, treasurer and Mr. A. L.' Hill, oi tryon, as tne tnira member. . . . I It Was Hit; tunociiouo ui vijxxiivii ul, tn0e FV'" , , w ' Tj TV " ,i i.n?nnr t n:i i I r i I v 411 1 nn r ink i j"j:V;a of - the TTiomiment. Polk ger rountv has the distinctiton of being Ihp first couiuy 111 isoriii aronna 10 i ' start ni-- - . u, uiis Kina. ana oi couibe WU11 uMOl its success Don t wait until you are called upon to donate to this fund, but send your donation to Mr. Cannon, at " Lynn at once. Mr. Cannon will publish from week to week a list of donnatons, sa sa that you can tea wnat progress. s .be-1 1 "u r",," X. "T w - 'L".'" ,! a hnrifl Tn hora cj nni list for publication m our next issue. THE SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. Fingerville R"l, S. C, Apr. 21 1919. Editor News: I notice something regarding a monument in honor of the supreme sacrifice of Polk county heroes. I think it would be very nice , if we would erect a monument in the coun- square at Columbus, and see that some one devote time to take care of it; also I suerarest that on one side we l place the names of the gallant heroes inzi paia nis an anu was icu ueiuuu n i i 1-: 3i.. somewhere in France, beneath - the sod; also the name of the battle in jh which he fell and the dates, as this is all we can do to pay -our respects for those that paid for us the debt that liberty may survive for evermore also I would suggest that we do not forget our wounded heroes who have returned, and those to return, and en grave the names on one side of the monument, as they are rewarded for great needs done .in the world s war for humanity's sake. - Let every loyal citizen contribute to this great cause, and pay to these brave young heroes who for us bled and died that liberty might hot perish and this glorious land of ours may never be" invaded by an enemy. Let us har from the" citizens of Polk countv in regard to this move. Dear Editor, t.hnnkincr von in sance, I am, Yours rej cectf ull v, 7 O C. WILBUR. McGINNIS. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION Of all times on' which Fourth of July celebrations should be ' held it seems to us that 1919 is the most op portune time of all. : We hcvp inst. prnprwrl victorious. I hi from a great war fought to maintain the declaration of independence which fe celebrate at the Fourth of July, ihis veav it nc - Tiio-Vonn- ty celebration should be held, at some I Mi . Aj t.M U.k3. I w I , 4-: T 1J 1 T..1J 1 I nuai point where everybody could ft together and celebrate the day as it should be celebratd. : ; , At the soldiers' monument meeting, Monday, this, matter was brought up, Loiumbus suggested, but as. Co Iambus w;rwT r i I I T I .o I J " -"v -'"vi"-,-.; ' "i. ib was no wav of telline: whether yOlUniDUS Wrmtorl n trpptiTo- of that jmd, so the matter 'was laid on the tabjp. . . , t Columbus wants a celebration of .jrjs kind, then her citizens should "01i a meeting at once and issue a i. vve oe ievp thp npon p of the county are willing to hold a big union celebration this year. Tf Columbus "opt want it perhans some other Pmt equally as well located could be uvyi upon. Ihere is no time to waste in" the - wter, and we hope to have some ing more definite to offer our read y's next weekr . o r' - THE HOME PAPER. Th" local should he x,JUnd in PWnr Unma XT AMA will 61 to upignorant who can be taught a ty!'v . . . . . f -i'm'u u?ne oi matters not to be f "-v.jjiajr stonp ot i-nt icsnce in Giv; , e tound in.booKs. . . . o . - books, 'e vnny v.ii j- i -v.ii Person, plac7orinwhicfi"aey Vei SaV A- nnJ and how - ui yvrucaps ever! heard of, Pasted? 'b S'r ran tr-w,, 4-t k nunie - " wtviii " ' l l,nem- nave e vhny 1 uu reaa oi . persons are flicy meet' places which whirl nilhar' an interest is awakened .m(h mrwn. jM. riv-ii t , W1wi every u'aiiy ai- S S the local paper. Thus a onSed, and those . vts and hernw ,-4.n: -JZ-i. j women i"w;uigent men aim stronln'ina c to their - ancestors, world n.,r knowledge. of the dS it is today. Roanoke News, TRYON Mrs. J. T. Gamp of Greens Creek in town, Monaay. - . We move that Trvon be annexed Lynn, if they will -have us. . W. T. Lindsev scent the dav VPS- terday, in Asheville. . Mr. R. .F. McFee went to Ashevillo Wednesday, to spend a few days with his son. JMr. and Mrs. M. Georgion of. were Tryon - visitors lt luuimaj. A few fromvTryon attended the re- J i.1 nnll i. . . . . 1 , : . ur,10ru given .oivxiie, xnursaay. . l ryon is miested with a few. old fo- tor who will, shout when old Gabe 1 a blows his trumpet "Taint legal." . Mrs. GoriRhaw nf Grnpnviii s r. ln. 'rvmi.L last.. ThureHav lio aepomnanied hv Miss Pan-pff TIT rr m Tll ...J..-. -j a.: , TKJt rii m ,11 J Jl A . A J. " .vn . invj u.. w i3iv oiv,a icia jcloses' . Mir. T. T. Ballenger came up from Atlanta, Monday, to cast his vote in of favor of better, schools, and a better xTvon Mncero TJoo d W T?oll went to Greenville, S. C. Thurs- day, to visit a relative there, who is j - - Key. paries jn. Vljieen, u. v., uean Atlanta Theological seminary, is expected to preach at the Congrega- tionai church next bunday morning at 11 o'clock. Dick Ballenger evidently has taken ii. - "..j.' 1. i , f ,6. -""e. " " u V , , MUCU licuucauoj mtiu.. icj -iv, lnr fir,o llnws tnn " fcsc UUC iUlu,,s' "V" Commander .Wright, U. S. Navy, and Mrs. Wright, after, a very pleas- ant vacation spent in Tryon. left Thursdav The Commander will re- ;port at once for active duty. Mrs. Griffith and daughters, Jane and Dorothy, left on Thursday noon for their old home at Kinston in the i eastern part of the State, where they mil, visit for several weeks. Thp manv friends of Mrs. F. P. Bacon, , who is at a hospital at Ashe- ville. will be oleased to learn' thather, condition is very much improved, and that, she is getting aiong niceiy. . . ... , .... T . i j ,i t'x.- Mrs. W. 1 . lmasey ana ivli. yoim Orr will attend to the duties of the - Rev. F. Barrows Makepeace on the renei. cuiminvtcc ui j. - during his absence this summer. Rev. and Mrs. F. Barrows Make- peace have gone to Gran by, . Uonn., whprp thpv will snend the summer uoajj, o tuinai uiAv uui; -smuoiu SOme time during the taii montns. nf. T W ln. 0 in Marion. . - iiis. o . ' tv. "ciiuv-ii r - S. C, where she has gone to at-eiid a family reunion, in honor of the return of a nephew from overseas, who saw service with the famous Rainbow' division. V - - ,; Mrs. vVing and little son, the last of thp Pinp Hill neoDle. left for Chicago and Michisran points, wednesaay. ad-ITho cronfl "wishps of everTbody who had the pleasure of making her - ac- iv- ouaintance follow her. Mr F. F. Missildine and his mother accompaniea Miss Eva Missildine on her return to school at spanaiiuuig, Monday. They also met Mrs. E. E. Missildine there, on her return from a visit to relatives in Massachusetts. , Mrs. C. M. Hibbard and Miss Nellie TIihh?rr of Torrinsrton. Conn.; are spending a two weeks' visit m Tryn guests of 'Dr. and Mrs. Daniels. Mrs and Miss Hjbbard are-the only rlono-htor nnrl errand daughter Of Dr. t i WW A. M. . u r. . 1 ' Daniels.- Mr. Napoleon Jackson returned from New York, Wednesday night, where he went to consult an eye spec ialist. He assured Mr. Jackson that u aA enflppr no uneasiness about . . i 1 4. sight of his eye .uu but that fV,Q trnnh p nov; existing- coum ue eas- .v1 v ily overcome. Services. next Sunday in the Epis copal church willJe as follows: Holy Communon at 7:fo a. m,: mornng prayer and sermon at 11 o clock , evening prayer and sermon at 8.30 JZlS. These will be Mr, Griffith's last services in Holy Cross church as Rector. Everyone in Tryon is, cor- dially invited to attend the above ser- vices. - . ( , The Rev. Jno. H. Griffith, who -recently resityncd as Rector of the w" f . .,' ti.i.. r-,.-.r T-,mri will Church ol .tne.noiy u , vUo. ch close hi, pat. rate of the local parvsh on the Htb inst., and asjame it once his new duties as Archdeacon of the District of ' Asheville. For the present Mr. Griffith mil make his headquarters in Tryon, radiating his appointments from here. v . It will" be learnned with pleasure i r o-vrninit oi ruift. i.uu"j umi --'"i" . -r tth, ,-,r urrecv " . hv tJie urrecu - .7ton -by, the The exhibit is be- tag cleaned up, anc I wm soon ed on exmoraon . s..., --: f nh rmi nmifj mow Hon of -indiw relics bequeathed ny I p Hfll,ati1raa WIS. Will uc Milwaukee. Wis. will be avxjt. - v M- wv ; not placed --on. Pjf on?and Kg out provide .additional JtTunm, u nprsil r.ollection left tne wwu, "y - -- . - r(1(1TTj nroner- and put;afl t this m ,,nea :P ly axrangedan Uadd another attrac one tW. movements yet ux under- wic &r---,ia-T- t -not onlv can, taken, but. we -llgffti but that it will - be -ushed tnrougn to success,4 ',- y ' ; OUR FRIENDS Some Items oF General Interest Gathered FROM Sections of Polk County SALUDA - Mrs. Henry, of Statesville. N. C, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wv H. Jr"ace; j and - enjoying the fine air and beautiful flowers, which at this time sO plentifully adorn the woods in this section. -v ' : Mr. and Mrs. Aiken, their daughter, ' 'J.mwi, v Airs. cieeie, ana,, meir three . sons, have returned to Saluda, the former the summer, but the sons for onh short stay. .Lieut. Dawson Aiken has just .recently returned from ranee, where . he did his best for ccuum anu ucmucxacy. ivirs. Montgomery Kead and little son are here until cold weather, their daughters, Miss Jean and Miss Grace wilr return later WhPTI .lu return-, later.. wnen their school "Th Litt p Niprs nf TTnrlP Sam" sold ice cream and cake on the lawn the Culliphers. Saturdav afternoon for the benefit of the little French orphan adopted by them. They clear ed enough 1 or her maintenance for one month, and a little more. A movie picture show was shown on out-of-doors screen, Saturday J in gut, tne pruceeas to pay ior a siaeiand every one reports a nice time. waiK oi concrete in tront ot the iap- tist church. -v. - Mr; Vernon Roberts, recently of the navy and Miss Usher are guests at Mrs. Locke's. . , v J- ; . Mlss . i11?1610 and Mrs- Pbilhps have rented and are now. occuovmc the buncalow owned bv Mrs l?pad. and next door tq hers. ; ' . - , , fu- ,T i . jj! mrs,.- Jii,ue ljconara is me prouu owner of a hew piano, and the neigh- bors are enjoying the music which of- ten fills the air, p. j '1.4.1 J 1 1 ' "k f ui. uiutif. s new iiruir storp is tipst- i mg completion and it is a great ira- ,1. I O. ilUiUVl J.11111. - piujciuciji w uit; &tret;L. I Mrs. 15. i. Hazard returned "toSa-f mua, on iMvimay mgnt, alter a montn sojourn in ner old home, Georgetown, lvirs.-r. n. tsaiiey's mother is visit-i?iii ing baiuda now, and hang a good time With her grandchildren. - Aiiu Kutuiu is u tin: it orenarea ior T, - j..: the stone foundations of the stores to A . ' - . . 1 be erected by Thompson & Pace, on wam stieeu,- v i. . i iVirS. rl. 15. -Lane IS VlSltmg Mr. H.irrv T.m- and fmilv in roT,,mhiQ - Mrs r-mrn vo.OT,fur, 0QT,f the 'iria - r - in Hpnr prsnnvi p a - The juni0r Auxiliary of the Enis- copal church had a very delightful so- c:ai ihursday, at the Library Hall, 22 members were present. After a piogwin oi games, ice cream, caices janu utuiu.v wei e aervea. oy me omcers iiii i m :i iy nwrv inn nmnrc r i irn " ,"r . m . unrteitaken to send hnstmns hnvps Alaska' and to thp TnonntpinPPrs of Kentucky, COLUMBUS. K Miss Geneva Hunter of Alexander, visited here last week. " Miss Alice Cornell, of Woodruff, S. C, is visiting Miss Lizzie Dedmond. Mr. Frank Elliott has arrived from overseas. ; -' .. " Mrs.' R. M. Hill and children visited in Rutherfordton the "past week. Messrs. J. P. Arledge and J R. Sams, attended the commencement at Mars Hill, the past week.--.- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Elliott, of Leb anon, visited the '.former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tf. Elliottt. T Mr. and Mrs.' J. A. Cantrell, of Spartanburg, were-visitors here, Sun day. - - " - Mrs. W. W. Swaffofd and Mr. M. B. Mills attended the commencement 'ex ercises of Stearns High School. Miss Gladys Smith is home again, after teaching for the- past few months at Melvin Hill. - ' Miss Feari Keenan, of Rocky Ford, Colo., visited-the' Misses .- Mills, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lewis and son. were , pleasant "callers here, Sunday. Mrs. Khoda Watson, ot Spartan burg, is visiting her daughter,. Mrs. N. T. Mills. i .;- : i Miss Eliz-abetJi Spivey, music teach er of Stearns High; School, is" on a month's visit at Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. John Smith, Jr and Mrs. Lindsey Smith, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf , and'Mr. John Smith on the mountains, Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson were in town Sunday. " : Mrs. E. B. Cloud, who has been m "RalMa-h .the oast few months, has re- fumed home much improved in health Mrs. Chas Davenport has returned from a week's visit m Spartanburg. T.awver Shears visited his family at Greens Creek, last week. Miss Minnip Arledee left for Hen- dersonville on a week's visit to, her sister, Mrs. Jas Shipman. . ' Mr N. Tw Mills is on ,the Sick list this week. - - ' Columbus Baptis Church Sundav school at 10:30 every Sun- dav mommfir. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. E. J. Jones, a hearty welcome extended to all to attend these services. Commencement " at otearns High School Stearns High , School commence ment wasi held April 25-29. The rec itation ; and - declamation contest was ,a Fridav evening. : April 25th. ladip.s and three voune irentlemen contested for the medals, tit? Dackia - TTomilton won thp rpnt- pt! medal, and Mr. Ernest McMurray the deciaimers meaai. oaiuiuay c y; THE GOUHTY BrS? Correspondent From Various ening the class day exercises of the class of 1919. amused and interested the audience. ' The ; class -presented eight books to the school library- ' The baccalaureate- sermon was de livered Sundav the 27th, by Rev Mr. Owen ,of Mars' Hill college. The lit erary address on Mondey evening was given by Dr. Lodge of Limestone college, after which the diplomas were presented to the class by Mr. Yates Arledge, the nrt graduate of the High School." ACplay, "Willowdale," was given by the high school students on Tuesday evening, April 29th, the proceeds of which will be used by the .trustees for the benefit of the school. " " o MILL SPRING. Now that my school is out I am going to try to put more:of my time v; ,i4-: j ,.T;n x v,i uuo vviimig, . aim vyui ii y w iicij; make a better paper. Say, corres pondents, let's each: and , every one strive to make a better paper. There were many. Mill Springites who . attended the commencement ex- ercises of the Stearns High School, Mr. J. M. Lewis and family attend ed the baccalaurate sermon at Round Hill Academy Mr. James Egerton has returned from Mars Hill college. Everyone is glad to see James back. . , .mb' p. ni uj i o j ter snendin a wek with MrT'L C. Gibbs. They were accompanied by Mrs. Dicus' sister, Miss Gladys Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brisco and Sal- ,, : . - 1 io STWanf SiiykIow aff tn rr-r ot- Cnnmr WV UliUUJ (M-ViilVUll HJ KJ yj.LLM.XJ Hnnb - ow Miss Letha Barber is visiting her brother at Kmir's Mountain. w hra vPAi-o-ori riWrfctio-n Endeavor. Let everyone who comes try to make this society better. We inst. oimmAr , Messrs LeRoy McFarland and J. A. Feao-an werp in this RPrt.irm Sundav nftsmimn - " . J J. "- . 141Wii. . . j 'were shoDmne" in Snartanburo- Satur- iYujso.wiies j. Vv. ana ; w jj. ensco . o day. AHHTp r.e.rhtn who is stnv, t" 1"' ".rZr. i11.115 tiueat uie ween-ena at nome. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Arledge spent Sunday afternoon with their daugh ter, Mrs. W. M. Walker. Mr. Clarence Gibbs is on the sick list. Miss Arkansas Arledge and mother spent Friday and Saturday in Ruther- fordton having some dental work j -. . Uune. ivir. ana Mrs. Lee uocneran and Mrs. J. H. Cocheran visited at the home of Mr. M. C. Gosnell, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Splawn spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. H. P. Arledge. " Mr. J. H. Gibbs made a business tdip to Columbus, Monday. , FISHTOP.. vuite. a cool wave passed over us last week, and it is feared -much of the fruit will drop .off. Robert anLThomas Price visited their sister-in-law in the lower section of the -coTmtv. Sunday., returning with two of their little nieces. McKinley McGraw and Dewey Hill were visitors at T. C. Laughter's, Sunday. . , , Thp surveyors have decided to try the Holbert cove way, and have com menced to sunev. leaving the rail road in Saluda, and tunneling thi-ough a few ridges and can easily get a good grade by going around White. jaK mountain, we . . believe, cut - a better grade can be obtained by start ing near Tuxedo, or even East Flat Rock and following - approximately the old Cincinnati route, surveyed 78 or 80 -ears ago. This would be the, life of Polk countv. The county ould well subscribe' $100,000 to in duce road offWas to adopt this sur-t ve- as it could. then compete with thr C. C. & O. road, and would prevent some other company from building on this route. - - ..o-i; y. ; SUNNY VIEW. Mr. T. N. Wilson has . recently re ceived a telegram stating that his son,. Reuben R. Wilson, .had arrived at New York from overseas. Mr. Wilson sailed on the .transport Levia than, which on its way missed a mine by only thirty feet. We surely wei come ham home again. . Mr. Ralph Jackson was a calleu on Route 2. unday. j Miss Maye Lynch who has been in Charlotte for the past winter, has re- turned home. Miss Mattie Williams was the guest of Miss Annie Wilson, Sunday. A large crowd attended prayer meeting at Mrs. S. J. Helton's, Sun dav eveninev ' M(r. .Terrell Taylor has enlisted in the U. S. naw for four years. ' r -Mr. Oscar Shytles of Chimney Rock amended services at Uooper uap, fcun Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wilson, a pirl. . . '", . Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Coggins visited the latter's mother Sunday Mrs: A. J f Dimsdale. I "Flvprvhwiir hprp volunteered , and gave the sand clay, road a good work- mg, on iasi oavuruay -. , , - . 01 Several from here are planning to be in Asheville. Thursday, for the celebration of the 30th division. Sunday school, next Sunday, at 1 o'clock, -preaching at 2 o'clock. Ev erybody come. , Mr. Searcy assisted in the musical program last Sunnday. , - HILLCREST. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Coxe are spend ing some time at Cedar Hill planta tion. Hillcrest Institute is preparing for its, commencement exercises to be held Wednesday evening. Misses Mary Lizzie Houser and to Mattie Wilkins spent the week-end J with Mr. Billy Gray at Gray's Chapel, j Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, and Mr. Cra-1 ton, Roddey motored to. Floyd's creek, ) bunday, to attend a memorial service. J up Mr. JN. Li. bnehan, who moved. from 1 this community to Virginia several! j years ago, is visiting his sister, Mrs. I JN. Hr. fchehan.. - 1 Rev. Mr. Clarke, of Asheville. if I visiting at Cedar Hill plantation. I ' v"- ,tiones ana ivirs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Georgion Mrs. Milnor nes and Mrs. J. T. Camp v spent I Monday in Tryon. I Mr. 1. r. Moore went to Columbus. I Monday. It is to be hoped that the effort to I erect a memorial to Polk fco'unty's sol-1 diers will be successful. Those who 1 had boys in the army should be glad I to v help, and those who did not ought u w twiiuuiitu hvk w. I .Cotton planting is the order of the 1 day. One time it has paid late, as those who planted early have spent wme auxiuus muiuents over me pros- pect of having to replant. o I TRYON ROUTE 1. T The sick on the route are reported I better. Sorry we could not attend the meeting at Columbus about the sol diers monument, nevertheless our mite will be cast in just the same. Mr. Marvin Edwards has enlisted m the navy, and is now drilling at . Ft. Thomas, Ky Messrs. Marvin Hall and Jobe Law- ter who have been at the battle front, have i returned home. We had the pleasure, Monday of meejt?ng. at Columbus Mr. A. T. Hart, who Had just returned from an ex tended visitUo relatives in Oklahoma and other Western points. The trip has done Mr. Hatt very much good, i'.rr '" " I UNION GROVE. Mr. Pearson Dimsdale, Miss Ollie Melton, Mr. Henry Haynes Miss Sue Jones, Miss Leona Lawter and Mr. McFadden from Great Falls, S..C, motored to Asheville, Sunday: . Mr B. H W llson and wife came up from Great Falls, S. C, Saturday,, re turning. Monday. Mr. Kmc Lawter Miss Naomi Dimsdale, Mr Harrison Searcy Miss Ola Lawter and Mr. Hamp. iRuff mo tored to Chimney Rock, Sunday. VS. Mr! Euff had the misfortune he escaped unhurt. Miss Sue Jones spent Sunday, night iams, Mr Dewey Jackson and Mr. Ralph Searcy motored to Chimney Rock Sunday. " Mr. Henry Haynes returned to Great1 Falls, Monday. Mrs. W. A. Ruff was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jasper Lawter, Sun day evening. Mis Sue Jones spent Sunday night with Miss Ollie Melton. Wj. A. Ruff made a business trip to .Landrum last week. WAR GREATLY INCREASED NEWSPAPER iNFLUrlNCE. "No educative, campaign has ever surpassed that of the use of news paper space in war propaganda in . the nineteen months during which - the United States was in the war," said the editor , of the Minnesota Univer sity Farm PressNews in a, recent talk to editors of that State. "This use of newspaper space. as a means of accomplishing an end, then must aijd will; serve as a tremendous object-lesson as to means of getting things done by the people. It means simply this: If a community or an .in dividual wishes to accomplish some thing which depends largely upon in teresting and convincing large num bers of people, such community or in dividual .must .use the press. This was known to many before, but never to so many has the lesson a been brought home" with such convincing force as it has m the' various cam paigns that have been features of the war as seen from the home side. ."If then, the people call to the edi tors for leadership because they have guided them and told them what to do in the recent crisis, and if they recog nize the power of newspaper space rightly used, the press has advanced to a new position of power as a factor in the world's progress." News Let-1 ter; University of Wisconsin. ; NOTICE TO BEE KEEPERS. . Mr. C. L. Sams, specialist in bee keeping will be in Saluda, May 15th; from 11 a. m., to 5 p. m., to consult with any bee-keepers, and ; will visit neighboring bee yards, if .;, desirable, for demonstration work in bee keepr ing. ' ' " ; He will also attend the : larmers' meeting atFriendship - church that "),UUU6."M' ; TERMS OF. PEACE HANDED GERMRANY. Fate of That i Country Made Knovrn by the Peace Conference in Paris, Wednesday. Compelled to. Surren-, der Alsace-Loraine to France, and Hilstein-Schleswig to Denraarn. At last the world knows the fate of Germany. Peace terms were handed her envoys at Paris. Wednesday. . WSiile they may appear harsh to all pro-Germans. They appear liberal enough to all fairminded persons. - - it Germany accedes to the terms. : and we fail to see how she can do Otherwise, the world will havp nnthinc fear from that nation of murderers' and outlaws for many years to cme. J In commenting upon the terms the Asheville Citizen savst - "The great military machine built' by Gemany since she overrun . France in 1870 is broken in triples hv the terms of the treatv. Thp. armv is . limited to 100,000 men. The navy is stripped of submarines and will in. elude onlv six battleshins. siv lio-nt. cruisers and twelve torpedo boats" ' with a total personnel of not more ' that 15.000 men. GoTisrrint.i em - in Germany is abolished, all fortifica- tions within thirtv milps past nf - Rhine are to be destroyed and nparlv all production of war material is tn hp discontinued. Alsace-Loraine. stolen in 1 R71 a ra, to be returned to Fran cp. Thp Sanr valley will be administered by an in- - years. The coal mines are tn hp onv- , wciiiduuHdi commission ior nttppn . jen to France for that period and at its expiration the people will decide by i voce wnetner tney aesire French or jGrman nationality. Schleswic-Hol- stein goes back to Denmark. Germany shall also hand over the rvaiaer ana an others equally guilty with him for trial by an international tribunal for the murders and outrages committed by the Huns. She - shall also lose all her colonies. MEETING OF HIGHWAY COMMIS- v;.-- sion. A special meetine of . - the Polk County Road Commission was held on MJay -5, for organization, . and other , business. Mr. S. S. Laughter, of Greens Creek, was elected to serve in place of Mr. E. B; Lancaster, resigned p tiv ri. iioimes was elected chairman and Ji H. Gibbs, . secretary: ' of r the Doard, it was decided not to appoint. Kan7 th"; a treasurer till the first roiinr.v thp ftimnrhinitv tr cnhmit nm. posals for acting in the capacity 'of, In view of the fact that there is no money available in most of the town ships for repair work this year, it was decided to appoint several overseers m each township, to serve the balance ! of this year, whose duty it shall be to warn out all free .labor for road work, and also to use what tax money is available, i These overseers will, be appointed at the next meeting, after they' have signified their willingness to serve. , At this time it is impossible to get labor for road repair work. It is hop- SPECIAL TAX DEFEATED. The election held Tuesday to vote uopn the proposition for an increase in taxation for the benefit of the Try? on Graded Schools was defeated.., The vote stood 71 against, 70 for. . Unfortunately the whole matter is in a mix-up, and one for which there is no excuse. The polls were closed long before sundown, while the elec- J tion law, so we are informed, plainly states that the polls ' shall open at sunrise, and remain ' open until sun-; down. - Messrs. Hill Lankforcf and Steel-, man received practically all the votes -cast for trustee, but are in aquandry: as to know what to do If the elec tion was illegal, then they are not le-, gaily elected, . and do not : desire . to hold the office. J Oh the other hand it is claimed by those opposed to the tax that' a'suftV cient time for calling the election ifid not exist, therefore if the tax had re vived a majority it would have been illegal. . , -r , At all events, ,it is proposed to,, call another election just as soon as. it can be legally done and settle , the matter once for; all. - ' . ; Tryon has won this "distinction in the matter it is the only town in the State that has defeated a proposition to better their public -schools. The biggest tax payers in Tryon j were in favor of the tax and did all they could to carry it. The opposition was head ed by men -who pay but little tax and have no children to send to school. ' CITY, ELECTION. The ci?y election. Tuesday passed off very quietly, with the following results: r ' . - For Mayor P. Bacon . . . ; . ...... ... ... 65 E. Missildine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 For Commissioners: . A. Avant. . . . 86 F. E. L. C. W. Ballenger. . . . ... ... ... .. . . .81- W. Y. Wilkins. . i 79 G. E. Bell.. . ...... .......... 55 T. H. Coggey . .. . . . . . . .... . . f ... .24 J. P. Lockhart. . . . . . . . ... ... . .'. . .13 In this connection it might be well to state that Mr. Missildine was not a candidate for Mayor. . .. - . -Messrs. Avant, BaUengr and Wil kins, with M. Bacon as Mayor, were sworn in by. Mayor .Missildine, Wed nesday at noon. . v ' if -41 I Hi -I 'hit - ; f I m V 4)1 ? ? i is.

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