" he only Paper Published in polk County Forttlboc AND THE TRYON BEE YOL. XXV NO. 2 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1919. $2.00 A YEAfc KTH OF JULY CELEBRATIOK lr tine Called: for. Saturday,. May J"ee i,fo-t Arrangements for ofth, i 1 -llvvl " 'Granj Get -together Celebration, t' Columbus, on That Day. Dele tes AAcd For. Prlumbus, N. C, May 12 1919. COLUMBUS. F. Copeland, Editor News: Sir. B. miod representative meeting Lthp citizens of Columbus township, 1 W Saturday, "at Columbus, it was lv votea xnat i-oik county El have a grand patriotic rally, day if"" - i nf 'n nmhiis In V -4LIL H f vy "- ' To this MthPV a I"' 1111 uc'cfiftww" xium V, tnWTlSIllM L J meet u uuiumuuci ieaci.Kv Mav 24th At 3 o'clock d m .r harn to appoint suitable com wiittPPS 10 Cul l V UUl OUCH X lllUVCIIlClll.. UVinp 101 Wll HOI, JCl CcHJIi uiu , ...-liini4nVo nAflo. rf cnli Imeetinp and send as many, delegates to sa'd meeting as uiey may uesire. If there ever was a Fourth of July in 'our history when the flag of .our country should be displayed and hon ored, it will be the coming one. As our young heroes have gone out and proved to the world in time of war the value and importance of our flag and what it represents, let us meet on khe glorious, fourth ol July and give expression or our gratitude to tnem, and renew the fires of patriotism in our bosoms, to stand for law and or der in times of peace, and keep ever afresh those fires that will, in the fu ture perpetuate a race even stronger than they. Respectfully, J. K. SAMS, County Agent. 0 POLK COUNTY'S FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. Last week's issue of. the NEWS the question as to whether or hot Columbus wanted the 4th of July cel ebration to be held here. Let that not pet into the form of a question anv more, but let it be recognized as a fact, which it is. that we do want this celebration in Columbus, and that thp citizens of Columbus stand in readiness to help Polk county cele brate this occasion and not only to help, but to urge that it be celebrated Mr. J. Austin Newman nrA e?cf Mrs; John Lewis Smith, spent Sunday with their sister at Landrum Messrs. Willie and Jasper' Guffey, Rutherfordton, spent the week-end in 'oOiumDUS. Mr. H. F. Elliott. : Ipff -mat -r Gerenville, S. C, where he has ac cepted work. Mr. R. M. Hill is days in Rutherfordton. Mr. John T Smith, of Stearns, vis ited here Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Bailey and daughter, Kosa Bailey, left last wpt f r-r f Vi ai i home in Woodleaf. N. C. Mr. John Cobb and Mrs. Jacob Capps are at the home of their broth er, Prof. E. W. S. Cobb. Mr. J. Di Cobb is very ill at the home of his son' Prof- E- W. S. Cobb. Miss Oraa Reynolds is spending the week-end in Spartanburg. Messrs. J. P. and A. Y. Arledge, visited at Hendersonville, Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Jack and daughter, Laura, spent Monday in Henderson ville. Mr. Underwood of Lynn, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Davenport. . Walker, returned in county people to do. This celebration should be held in Columbus, as Columbus is the,coun- ty's town, is"a central locatiohr'acces-- sibility being -practically equal to all parts of the county anp mother re spects a good place for Polk county's best and most important occasions to convene. And in this connection it is understood that this is NOT to be strictly a Columbus aiTair. This is POLK COUNTY'S - affair. There -are not many of us settled in anv one rortion of the count v. therefore, when there is an occasion of imrtortanre and pasnre coupled--with a duty, to be held, then in order that we may wake it is nearly what it ought to be is posime, we -should all be tenants m common, share and share alike" in 1t and evrvhndv takp" Tvirt. So bear in mind that. Pnlk rnimtv is t.n ceHi-ite the 4th of Julv in Columbus, ar,d not Columbus to celebrate the 4th ot Julv in Polk county. Everybody arto he participants and not visitors. In this-connection it is thought that ne oest plan will be to have each f,. l. . .. . . ujvwi.vmp in the countv to appoint a committee of three of its citizens. w'nose xiutv it will be t.n rpp that each respective township use the hour "wen wui ne set aside for it as it "looses to best entertain the restof until our turn comes to entertain., ach township to be given a certain Part of the dav in which to show its patriotic imrmlses. And further it has been wiselv and appropriately suggested that this 4th u July cebration hn. hA in con junction with a meeting for the noble Pwpose of planning and financing the erection of a mounment in the court- "Se square to Polk Countr's heroes "i.tne orld War. both dead and ,ImS and esDeciallv to the dead "hat nobler purpose could be in the tarts and minds of an appreciative P00Pie, and what. Ha is mnrp rlpsprv- jg of so ?reat an honor than the sa- d ,?y-rJuly 4th MILL SPRING. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. G on last Wednesday, a girl: Miss Gladys Gibbs has from -her visit to Gaffney. Mr. J. M. Lewis is having some re pair work done on his house. Messrs. Bill and Jack Guffey, of Rutherfordton, attended church here bunday. the Christian Endeavor,' led bv Miss Clara Edwards, at the Methodist church, Sunday afternoon, proved a great success.- Leader for next Sun cia Miss Sue GiDbs. Topic: "The School of God." This meeting will be held at the Baptist church, at 4:30. every one who can, attend. We are glad to report that Mr Clarence Gibbs is able to be out -again alter a week's illness. Ihe choir practice at the Bantist church, Sunday afternoon, was well attended by the Sunday school. Sunday school every Sunday, at the the greatest style possible for Polk Baptist church, at 10 a. m.J" A hearty FISHTOP. HILLCREST. Rain, rain, rain, and then some more ram.. With two or thre weeks of court in June and the 17 year locusts expect ed what can a farmer do but starve. Harrison Bradlev visited T. C. Laughter's family; Sunday. Earnest Laughter visited Dewev Hill Saturday and Sunday. E. J. Bradley has been On the sick list for a few days-, and there are oth ers complaining. No preaching no Sunday school, no singing, beems as if they had all gone fishing. Well, brother Lynn, .the snakes have not bothered me yet this season, but we learn T. Newman went into his barn one day last week to get away from the flies, and to take a snooze (a nap) and discovered the largest rattler he had ever seen, and he has seen quite a few having lived in the mountains for about 70 -years. tie immediately decided it was safest to dispose of his snakeship before he cook ms nap. &o you need not tear that rattler now. T. C. Laughter has bought a nice mrae of Isaac Walker. Walker is moving to Spartanburg, S.C. The man who kills rattlers or Ger mans is entitled to a monument. Let's see that he gets it. Hurrah for the monument. Hillcrest Institute held its com mencement exercises Wednesday. The musical and dramatic features of the program were varied and proclaimed MSiss Love a past master in the art of trebling young people. But the occa sion was somewhat" marred by the noisjr conduct of 'a group of boys and girls,- riot, we are glad to say, of our community. Miss Love ' and ' Miss Falls . left next morning for their homes, - leaving Mr. Hunter and, ivfrs. Hickman in charge Miss Love has been here for nearly three years, and has won the love and admiration of the . whole community. Under her care Hillcrest has grown to be a dom inating force in this neighborhood and under the efficient management of Mr. Hunter we confidently expect it to grow and develop in every way. Among, those vwho have returned to their homes fronr Hillcrest Institute are Misses Myrtle Shields, Corell Cooley Nellie Brian, Pauline Wilkins, Ruth Brian, etc. Mrs. J. P. Abrams is visiting her son, R. M. Abrams. v Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Rogers lost their baby, Sunday, a fine six months old boy. They have the sympathy of the whole community. TRYON CLAIMS OF THE ? v SALVATION ARMY. THE $13,000,000 SALVATION ARMY POSTER welcome is extended to everybody. little Johnie Cocheran Is quite ill. were pleasant callers at Sunny Brook ; larm, Monday afternoon. Mr. George Barber made a trip to Chimney Rock, Sunday. Miss Arkansas Arledge has gone to Asheville, where she has accepted a position. Mrs. W. G. Egerton was t:ie tniest of Mrs. J. M. Lewis, Saturday after noon. Mrs. J. H. Cocheran and daughter, Ola, were shopping in Landrum, last Thursday. Miss Bertha Splawn visited Miss Marjorie Walker, Sunday afternoon. It is hoped that there will bo a Targe crowd at the Baptist church Saturday, with the necessarv imple ments to work on the cemetery. Sun day is the regular decoration and memorial day In connection with the regular memorial service them will be' a special service in honor of Jesse T. Lewis, who was slain in bat tle in France. Everybody has a cor dial invitation to attend. Since Mr. Sams was on the sick list He could not attend the meeting at Mill Spring, Saturday night. Never theless there were some very interest ing discussions, and it was decided that we would have a community fair, and the various committees were ap pointed. The soliciting committer secured $7.00 as a premium fund. Let evervbodv in the township et busy and help to make a lively fair. Q o SUNNY VIEW. Miss Maggie Jackson was the gnest of her" sister, Miss Sallie Jackson, last Sunday. , Mr. Claude Wilson called at Mr. U. S. Gibbs', Sunday. Polk r.mvnf, 1, j , . . Mr. Moses JacKson went io iwm- towards il e - herfordton hospital Sunday aiternoon, r welcoming home the returned nfi.ov w:fv hn has been there for aiwr; J ' ' ' " ' - A , ' ' " - " - rui-nmg soldiers, nor to do hon " its noble dead. We have two asses of. heroes, viz. those who are -uu -ana those who are living. Are tnankful that so many of " V. I I. I Fl , . v " cmiu to return : ix so iur. anu iinf- vumo aVtV is df (licate the 4th day. of July at Mr. Jason Vesse's, last Sunday. atJ j dy 01 'welcome to the returned vi Jry 9 honor to the dead. And v aa' 13 more rlesprvino- nf this on them it so some! time. . Mr. and Mrs. Clvde Wilson visited the former's mother, Mrs. T. N. Wil son. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wilson visited this innn ic? u mi. -n T.-1-. i. -llt; UX1 "J- JUiy r OO The .J t i .. . Countv', 7 r Jmy 1S tQ De 01K untj s day tQ celebratp the birth of show pen(ience the day for s to have c r aPPrecjation to those who it bv 7: n'contly helped to perpetuate 4- J giVin our mnnoir -f-- T-i. owe. lion cif o . - and us Mr. C. C. Wilson and son, Koiand, bv Mr. Cecil Kuppe vis ;f nT fKo frtrmpr's mother. Mrs. S. J. Helton. Sunday. The two latter have just returned from camp Miss Mvrtle Whiteside is visiting relatives in Tennessee. Mrs. Twitty Jackson is very ill Tiyttoc Aimn rVvrn is home after . I iuiuu a. a '"Onument in thoi. mewnrv I .. " . UnnMcAn. nortnviii V Wi "W""M cTidinr the winter in ncuuwow"- , r-.uany welcome to ns those "V,. . KilnLl? to return uu nnrirvi- 4-n 4.i- r ... meTnf rificG for our country,1 our Let's: v, i Perty and our honor, turns make the ay .bring great re- CITI7JENS OF COLUMBUS. Kim Mfflf BE DOWNpP BUT HES NEVER ' :pmj u U 1 1 f Service fund. "A man may be down, but he's never out," the Salvation Army slogan, furnished the theme for the official Home Service Fund Campaign poster de signed by Frederick Duncan, the noted artist. From this he has evolved a striking artistic creation, typifying the hand of the Salvation Army reaching out to rescue those who are enshrouded in the clouds of poverty and vice. A Salvation Army-lass is the principal figure, and the scarlet lining of her "cloak, thrown back as she enfolds those who are calling out to her in distress, fur nishes the poster with it's one spot of brilliant color. The background is of blacks, grays and greens, indicative of the storm clouds of misery and want. MAPLE GROVE. Tf Vene-an Gondolas. enteemh Until the Gnd the. sev gondni ',,ntllr3r tat the Venetian ity ai,( f s"med its present simplic amDt wT88 of color' A vain lt In ntw ,,wn -maae to Introduce PftrentiT L :.imtr,ea' ' hut it' has ap-. ttlaati;,; 1 6iea aI1 fforts nt tization. Cunnxr Vipw school has ordered an t, oWfinn for snecial school tax- T--inth.' We hoDe each man will decide to vote for tne laxeb iui we want, this settled. The people i . enmowhnr. (lmereni .in"" JICIC flic- ovyiiiv. - .11, 1 rr,- TViPre the. wealth- . l. . t ,rfH for the. tax. while 4-U nnc-Jfo WJ9 S done tlTB' trouble here is two, schoo s are want ed, instead of one. Can't see why they want oner teacher . instead of two. 'Mr. Samson Spicer has recently re turned home from Tennessee. Mr Frank Mills spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. Aden Green. . , Mr Enoch Ruff who has been home furlough, ha returnea uuwj. Misses MacrErie and Kansas Jackson visited Misses Grace and Oma Gibbs, Sunday afternoon. We are glad to note that Mrs. v lor- 11 J. i. ence uidds is improving iusu xium her sickness. ' Wrf are having lots of ram, and lar- mers are getting awfully behind with their work. ' - , , Mr. Will Corn and family, and Mr. G. L. Taylor and family were vis itors at Mr. U. S. Gibbs', Sunnday. 'Tis a good time to. set sweet pota to slips if you have the ground ready. The revenuers seem to be doing great work in our community. Ella and Tedd'' Gibbs visited Mrs. Allen, Sunday. Mr. Earnest Thomas' arents have hppn visiting him the last week,, as he has just returned from France. Mr. Tolbert OdeJ was, a caller Mr. M. N. Burnett's, Sunday. o at SILVER CREEK. on Messrs. Ray Edwards and Floyd tv, a Toir wprp cuests -s, OL- Keece ana X 111. 1 X UUV-J " . ... Teddy Arledge, "Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Foy attended services at Silver Creek, on Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Jones and baby, Martha Lee, were visitors at William Green's, last week-end. Miss Charity Williams was a pleas ant caller at Mountain View, farm, Saturday night. Mrs. N.E. Constant and daughter, Velma, were visitors at H. P. Arr ledge's Sunday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Prince are spending some time with the ' latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams. Mr. Clement Arledge, Sr., aged 95 years, is confined to his room most of the time, on account of illness. Mr and Mrs. John Early spent Sat urday and Sunday with Mr. E. W. Bradley. Mr. Dave Thompson has gone to Spartanourg hospital for treatment. WARRIOR MOUNTAIN. Mrs. Lelia Arledge Bishop, of Horseshoe, spent the past week with relatives. Mir. Claude Gilbert, of Ft: Lotten, New York, is home on furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arledge spent the week-end with relatives in Silver Creek. - ' Mrs. Fowler, of Lynn, was the pleasant guest of her sistr, Mrs. J. B. Arlcdg. Sunnday. -,.... M-ssrs. F.lton and Alden Foster spent Saturday night in Tryon Tbp Via.wks have been having a feast in the various ndultry yards of this section. . . Spvpral rtwpll in trs, are - being con structed in-H6ward's Gap . Mr. W. B. Arledge is his house, Mrs. Boehringer shopped in Spar tanburg, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Vernor spent Monday in Asheville. Miss L. B. Jayne made a business trip to Spartanburg Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Walker, of Mill Spring, visited relatives in Tryon Saturday. Mrs. R. L, Kirchner and sort, Dickie, left for their home in Detroit, Wed nesday. Mr. John. A. Shields, of Cooper Gap township made us a business call, Monday. Mr. J. M. Hearon, of Saluda, was attending to business matters in Try on, Monday. ' Mr. J. D. Sawyer returned home, Tuesday, from a business trip to Cin cinnati, Ohio. Mrs. C. F. Earnhart left, Tuesday, for Greensboro and Charlotte, ton a visit to relatives. Mr. Bobo Wilkins, of i CowpensS. C, was attending to" business matters in Try on, Wednesday. , Mrs. J. L. Washburn and Miss Mil dred Washburn have returned to their home in Duluth, Minn. . Major Thrall and family, after spending thei winter in Tryon, left for their home in Detroit, Wednesday. Mrs. R. Carpenter left, Wednesday, for Port Chester New York, where she will spend the summer months. Mr. Clarence Lightner eame down from Detroit Monday, and will accom pany his family back there Saturday. Miss Mabel McFee left for Atlanta, Ga., Monday, where she goes as a delegate to the Baptist convention to be held there. Miss Mary LeDuc of Sierra Madre, California formerly of Tryon is at present the guest of Mrs. John Orr. She will visit her many friends here during her stay. The marriage of Louise Van Ren- selear. daughter of Mrs. Kenworthy, to Captain Hewett Gillette Callendar, of Pasadena, California, will taKe place early in June. ' ; Miss Converse left, Monday for Cleveland, Ohio, where she will spend the summer; Mrs Strong accompan ied her to Snartanburg. and will later follow ..hereto jJleveland.: v v ; Mr. Lynn Waldrop, of Mill Spring Route 1, has just had some stationery printed, annduncmg that he is m the pure bred hog business, and has started on the work ot building up a herd of 0 I. C. hogs. Donations .to the soldiers monu ment are coming in very slowly. This is a matter that should be finish ed up in a short while. Get busy and send in vour subscription to Mr Wf A. Cannon, treasurer, at Lynn. Mr. Joe Livingston was married, Wednesday morning to Miss Lora Ward, at her home in New Bern. N. C. Joe is the son of Mr. J. B. JLiv ingston, and has many friends in Try- on. The couple will arrive iri Tryon the latter part of the week. " It is announced that U. S. army of ficers had those who formerly occu pied farm residences in the "Dark Corners" to meet with them at the old rifle range, yesterday, for the purpose of turning back the property on which the Government has held leases for some time. The civic committee is cleaning off the corner lot next to Wilkins & Co., and will proceed to beautify it first. Grass and flowers wili be planted, and benches placed under the trees, mak ing it a very inviting and restful place on hot days. The committee has other places in view which will be similarly treated. A . judge of the U. S. Court in the Spartanburg, S. C, district died a few days ago. If President Wilson has any trouble in finding a suitable suc cessor, we would remind him tpat he can easily secure one in Tryon. We have numbers here who give decis ions almost daily upon questions of law from the constitutionality t)f the League of Nations to the legality of Lthe town ordinances. But few towns possess so much legal talent as Try. on. The report of Mr. . T. Lindsey, as chairman of the Liberty Loan cam paign, is very interesting, m one re spect. The total amount of -bonds soldwas taken by Tryon and Saluda townshins, excepting about $400.00. If the other townships of the county had done one fourth as well as these two, Polk county would again have oversubscribed her quota. . As it is, we are classed with the counties who harve failed to .take their quota. Taken as a whole the shoeing made by Mr. Lindsey is very gratifying. Elsewhere read the communication from the citizns.of Columbus stating that they very much desjire the Fourth of July celebration at that place. All weir and good. Now let's everybody roll up. our sleeves and go to work to make it a grand success. As the article states there are but few of us in Pok county, anyway, and it will require united effort to secure a good attendance that day- Almost every other town in the state has giv en their returned soldiers a welcome, and Polk county should not lag be hind. Let's give the" boys a rousing welcome that day. And let wind up the monument question on that day and havel the unveiling ceremo nies during the countv fair in Octo- remodeling I ber. Everybody be at Columbus July , r ouruu Next Campaign Will be One to Raise Funds for the Salvation Army. Theuota for Polk County is Only '' $400.00. . . Let's Make it an Even $1,000 for these Soldiers' Friends. The Salvation Army is asking the American people for the sum of $13, 000,000, to be raised by popular sub scription. This is a- big sum of mon ey, but not much to each individual ' person. Polk county is asked for only Four Hundred Dollars. We should not only give this amount, but should make it a thousand. " - If you think the' Salvation Armv was not the friend of the American soldier, just ask your boy if he was 'over there' and see what an answer you wfll get. This organization went -into the war . without asking the American people for a single penny, and relied upon the meager amounts raised by the well known girl and her tambourine, on the street corners of the big cities, in the saloons and slums where no other person would dare go. Their work was of such nature as soon to infuse the interest and admiration of all with whom they came in contact. Soon the newspa pers and lettters from the ooys were filled with doings of these brave men and women. One thoughtful, brave little woman studied hard over the matter, want ing to do something for the boys, and finally fell upon the plan of making doughnuts and hot coffee. This soon . became known to all the soldirs: and - the Salvation Army doughnut became the most popular ration given to our ngntmg men. These doughnuts have now become known as Doughnuts ' a la Jfershmg." Would you like to know how to make them? Veil, we are going to give you that informa tion: , 5 cups of flour. J 2 cups of sugar. ' v 5 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. 1 teaspoonful of salt. T 2 eggs. . .i t l3i cups of milk. ( 1 tablespoonful of lard. Knead, shape with a doughnut cut ter, drop into hot lard, and in a few minutes--you have it. T i Try this recipe and ask your soldier . boy if he ever tasted that kind of doughnut before. : - .: One way of raising 'money is rto have, a ''Stotk Ofoughntitgtbn 'Safciir- day, May 24th, attsome prominent lo- ; cation, and sell them to all passers by. Adopt your own methods, but let'a "ive the Salvation Army $1,000 from; Polk county. PROFIT BY PRODUCING INSTEAD OF BUYING. In 1915 my wife and I began to work on a more systematic "home furnishing" plan -than ever before. I built better poultry houses and provided better facilities than ever before. I bought several1 settings of fine eggs to get the better breeding stock and we have kept up this move ment until now we have as good or better than any other flock of Barred Rocks in our neighborhood. To our surprise the receipts from our poul- . try yards last year amounted to a lit tle over $300. . In our garden we adopted this same system and instead of having vegeta bles for five or six weeks during the early, part of the summer we now have fresh vegetables from June until frost. Instead of growing about half as many sweet potatoes as our family could consume we now have potatoes all winter and last fall we sold 37 bushels. With the same number of milk cows we kept them to provide, milk and butter for our family, we now have a steady little income 'amount ing to more than $100 each year. Instead of buying brooms to devour ' sweeping we now plant just a smalt plot of land in broom corn, and be sides furnishing ourselves with brooms we last year sold fifty brooms for one dollar each. Good stalls are now provided for every sow before farrowing time and instead of raising 50 per cent, of. the pigs, we now raise 80 to 90 per cent. We now estimate the amount of hay and grain it will take to main tain our stock during winter and we regulate the acreage at planting time to meet the requirements. - The' home furnishing plan enables us to economize by producing instead of buving all of the commodities that 1 " - , . ... 1 X. Tl can De grown in mis ciimaie it com pletely reverses the money current when you have ar little surplus" of ev ery commodity to sell, instead oi a deficiency that has to ber bought and paid for. MR AND MRS A. A. WALKER. Progressive Farmer. LARD WILL FIX: ; CHIK HEAD LICE. Head lice on chicks is one of th drawbacks, from " now" on. There arc many remedies on the market; but the North Carolina Extension f workers say that a little lard about the 'size, of a pea, rubbed thoroughly on the back of the head, is sufficient to rid the chick of the pest, r After dark, on a dry, warm night, is a good time to apply the lard. Previously, the coop hen or brooder; should be ; thoroughly treated for the lice. Successful chick raising means, an everlasting fight. against lice.