I(i2cniyPp2 A live, Clean Newspaper -for the Hone published in polk County AND THE BEE M J. - i. 5 VOL. XXV NO. 3 TRYDN, N. C; FRIDAYl flAY 23, 1919. $2.ti0 A YEAR J": THE SALVATION ARMY. ,-,- Saturday, closes the L'uo Saivatio Army. Polk isked to 'contribute four- n-ir to tms iunu. Toirierv drive. &Y . ,:!;itV Is , i.iv i'on Army during the recent t:'c; (fvcrc favorably impressed by . unui i '.it, ation. Since r..., a.,v, the front we l' 1 , ,1 i. : e iUm.n ho over hppn -onvinced mat n i ifi ;ie upon me Amciaau u- . funds that was worthy, it is ,.nU nf t.h salvation Army. (h. !) liL " - . t 1 : i T 11 - o owirT- r-r fnio tin thi or con i. rail !!0 TR YON ROUTE 1. ' Quite jsl large crowd attended the .services at the Baptist church Sun day, m memory oi tne loved ones who What has become of -the poultry muu w resu . in tne cem- page" Wish we could get more in- cwiy, aw in memory ot Jesse 1. terestedin thoroughbred poultry. Lewis who was slain in " battle in m, - . . France. September 9Q 1 qi 5 : ' t 3 Wn we - to get a Fair book or return are The most lt.iiia drive is like many others, gave his lifefor his country. We feel that too mucRh praise cannot.be given these boys, who so freely gave their life. Also ior tne boys who went to fight for their country and; returned. They luu iuaue a greac sacrifice. j.n connection with the memorial services,- dunaay, there was a quiet but beautiful wedding, when Mr. lommie Jiicuumn land HILLCREST. Glad' to, note-Polk countv is to cele brate the 4th at grand old Columbus. Polk is bound to ero over the top too, as she has with all liberty loans and everything else she. undertakes. Many enjoyed the memorial service Sunday, given in honor of Corporal Jesse Lews. I . say enjoyed, yes the memories of Jesse are often 'renewed and are enjoyable to all. Quarterly meeting and missionary rally is to,, be given at the Methodist church, at. Mill Spring, Saturday and bunday, May 24th and 25th. Kev. Parker Holmes presiding elder. Ev erybody invited. r lIn answer tri ahovp nupstions will , i nnt. nnn a . t- r inni avovtirn m4- ri . 11 t. l i ji a. ai l j -r n irouu maiiv mcvluc tv tAuoa u.u ounnir. Mmnav. i suv mai infi reason Tin Triorp tiouiltv - . - r .i.i T-i. n-..i. ! . ------ " in a sheering way oi me wore jrnvate xveuoen it. wnson, who has matter appears is because the poultry hp -saivauon wiuw .xi uic aimy oi occupation nas raisers oi jtoik county ao not tmnK a cause to come in ciose cumacif cmlutu nume. ve au welcome him enougn oi tne.v aepartment to. asK t. i!-P5o rifonie wmie a resraent oi nume nKmn. Questions. The editors. Messrs. ivauDD s, ! cius, uiiu ivua Hum aKuui -.. i . ii. ,ii noun mciives a request t"u Lyjft owum icauy iinawei vip-iro that if there is a class of to all Folk county soldiers to attend questions submitted us. and we are mi Hod's footstool today that memorial services at Caaner fian thp more than Dleasd to receive them r, : I fi-ffU Cnnn., t i S Itii. tt: : a ; - ' at true, Vjiin&tJuiia, it ia ure ""u .juiivicvy in junc, in nonor oi Pn- l J-Jie roir preuuiuu ubt is nuw m uie 1-majority Ua ilieiiiucia nc toi- i ua vv jiouii wiiu guve HIS Hie Oil I uu& ua. txic UJictwi iui tiicix cv- ; .! nrr know what thev are domcr. lyio. TRYON Miss Futinip the class ot people wno are rr were Douna in the holy bonds r t.c- work in an sections oi ui matrimony, wte wish them both T'nitoci btates. ill mauy oi-itca i ivng nappy lixe. ..nrpvnor of the state is heading ; -o . . r., v-n k. ana is ujiu& an in ia owaih uriT( the tiood cause. K,. I f V.OC VinOTl i-VlQ I CoiTOTl1 W li,.. n 1 n 1 1 J i mies-iroiie u.v i i "vm uwe atteiiueu memo tJ Sent. 29 proval. As soon as they pass on it We hope each soldier will feel the copy will be turned into the print out it remained for the crreat war that it s his duty to honor thosp whn or.- It will to bring the work of this organization J sleep in Flanders' fields, "over there." until they to the closer attention.of the world. rnvate Andy McGumn has recent- Editor.) Members of all denominations, both My returned home from overseas. Protestant and Catholic are warm m several irom Ncodlesville -- passed fii.n urn so ot their work, and 11 you tnrougn this section Sunday. t it. r ' . . i - w . f " ant to know what they did during Miss Myrtle Whiteside visited her grandmothr Sunday aftrhoon. M!r. Anderson Womack.was at Sun ny View, Saturday, listing taxes. iir. uaiph Edwards spent a social hour on Itoute 2, Sunday. ...... 6- . then be but a short while are ready, for distribution. M"r jand Mrs.. Wills and Mr. and Mrs.- Brown, of Spartanburg, visited Mrs:t Willis' brother, Mr. J. Mi. Brian, Sundays ' - - . . Messrs Joe and Harry Williams, of Innian'were back in their old home neighborhood Sunday. MrsMilnor Jones and Miss Mary Camp" are visiting Judge Clem J. Jorfes;rn Athens, Tenn. "Mrs W. C. Walkef and daughters, Mri.dias Stockton and fMiss Velma Walker spent several days in Moores borbr ' last week. JJesdames R. R. Simmons and Ola Justice, of Rutherfordton, visited Hillcrest last week. - Mr, and Mrs. T: C. spent some time at hornet 1 returned to week: ; -Quitea number of young people f ronr Abolene were at Hillcrest, Sun day. ' ' ",' The iFarmers' Cooperative Associa tion of Greens Creek township, holds its monthly meeting at Greens Creek High School, on Saturday, May 24th, at 3 o'clock, - A good attendance of Greens s Creek farmers and their wives is very much desired. . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. Coxe, who have their country Asheville, this 4i war, just as: one oi our returneu soldier-boys. One and all will tell ou the Salvation 'Army was the n-iend of the soldier. Polk county is onbT askd for $400. let's make -it an even thousand. o That Salvation Army Smile 1 LYNN. FISHTOP. Prat "Club will Thursday Nice weather seems to havo mm a to help out the farmer," and he will no doubt use it. trrayson- Jackson -and Spurgeon Bishop were in this section Sunday. Posey Henderson and several others attended I. W. W. social: Earnest Laughter attended services ill preach in the chapel r., xt Sunday, at the - regular hour, p. ni. Tlie Lvrm Community meet in' the. chapel, next May 22nd, at 8:S0 p. m, V . Tt'; to . honed that -iace.ordincr to lumber for the i window I atr Silver Creek. Sunday. fi ?mcs of the new church will be de- I Dewey Hill returned from a visit to orf-r 't h is week. " f. -1 ouartanourg,- a. u.. -Sundav Mr. and Mrs. H. L. SwamvofUnion. . Uncle' James Case, so called . by all, S r v.-orf visit. tn ir in hvnn last visited David Patz. Sundav. ' . v.Wk-cnd. . . : v v, - . MJsfes, Pearl and Vina;; Laughter The clean up day for the ;school Vilu iV"ss riora radiey. Sunday, failed to .jnaWUsNotl v, : Afls? yxnajJUOUHUl visited- tiieir KinsioiKS, i. u. daughter's fam ily, last week. rr.ouias encash showed to form a team, so the proposition failed. - Karl Underwood left a few days ap-o for Spfhdate, N, O., where he ho'fis a position as shipping clerk. Mi. T. A.' PJppy of Columbia, S. C, rp 'nt aptweek- end. with his iamiiy. .?.;. and r.vs. E. dau-hter, Edith, Mr, i.;ia-'.;-y"and children of Spartanburg, r.vA Dcv.ilt Cannon, of Greenville, vno guests of their father, W. A-. On nor., vast Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hampton of Landrum, S. C, were guests of H. G. Cannon, last Sunday. W: understand tJie real meaning of the annexed item in the Tryon column of last v.eek, and to be .frank, -'-we v.ouM not like to take on any" more tinprogrcssiveness than we have. al rcad.y Ti p town of Lynn failed to hold its aanual town election in May, so the old hoard will hold over. If Tryon will let Lynn vote in their rs'y.t --Vction, there will be no ques- i:on about the maionty. earnest laughter made trip to bpananburg with a teahv returning Friday. . Uncle James Case says he causrht a rainbow trout 18 inches 1 oner. JinH 'J' i , . . o B. Keeter ' arid :ve!snea tnree pounds, Sunday morn- and Mrs. G. H. inV ' ' i i vr ' i ' a i l . i i i a'ho. i. j. Xiuugnier visited her daunrhter, Mrs. Harrison Bradley, last Willie and Cloud Gilbert visited in this section one day last week. MELVIN HILL. Sunt. W T. Hammett made a busi- ncf- trip to Asheville, a few days ago. V'di. :vr Fhhtop, you have "ro-.iht out the sr.-ake question rather fatly. Hope by late fall you will leirr. them about ail exterminated. ! f-"1 last one you reported was a v.-hoper, by gum. The snake, 'we hvan. of course. u.i J.o was m Tho A.vnr r Mviaion rp. l.ii'.cil !i f.1". Wf"V ' -TfrtTYi nirorceoo irtolr- .. - . , . ... I A V A ... , AW and aandv. 2 l,ae no i snakes, locusts or vdondles to report this week, not or tnorrf h We are havng lots of wet weather here, which is putting farm work be hind. A large party of Melvin Hillites went to Chimney Rock last Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Branscom went to the Ruthei-fordton hospital for - a few days, returning home Sunday. There was a baptising here last Saturday afternoon, two persons were baptized. Mr. Philip Henderson is down sick of influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Karris, of sCooley springs, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bn Mor ris, Sunday. Mr. Tilden Higgins has purchased a new parlor organ. . Mir. S. S. Lawter has had his store - mm. i, r. -i us shined, but we had Hosiery Kiiies, garacn peas, onions, .-.ti 1 , 7 JgVliVl-iX "Oj ,l-etc. - "iti. im? cmifl :auor law and cur- I '-lent of prcduction. of the Trvon Ifg. Co.. it is hard for the !? of Lynn just now, but it is to .ypcd- it will socn improve. li-un may be down buthe is riot ;':ul-' ,1s the pass word for the Salva- - 1 rear - fnv Mrs. Waldrop has recently purchas ed a new Victrola graphophone. Mr. G. C. Reagan is on the sick list. Master. John Robert Stacy spent the day, last Thursday, with his grand mother, Mrs. Stacy. - Mrs. M. E. 'Morris is at Clifton, now, with her daughter, Mrs. Shehan, and is still quite poorly , from the rheumatism. Several thousand veterans of the Argonne Forest recently entered Ne Vnrt hnrbor. .Anions them were several badly woUnded Marines. One man, easily distinguished because of a coat sleeve that dangled empty at his side and a Croix de Guerre, was making his way slowly to the waiting ambulance when a Salvation Army girl approached him and offered doughnuts ana corcee, Knw 1 know I am home." he said. "Those doughnuts helped a whole lol over there,' and, first crack out of the box when we land, we find more wait- ing-for us. The best thing about the Salvation Army work out near tne ironi line was the smile that accompanied, the gift. Those girls had a knack of wrapping up every doughnut and every cupof coffee in a smile. The dough nuts were fine, but the smile that took the place of powdered sugar." The Salvation Army Home Service Fund Campaign for $13,000,000 opens May 19, to last one week. T . . . . .: . . . ... - LANDRUM ROUTE 4. COLUMBUS. ior ther4th of July, and .-ot the 1 1 1 oik 'countv Vi"-' to ,o. Se dwii i an )oys' .i people are not in own . affairs, they Miss Minnie Arledge returnedfrom Hendersonville, Sunday, after spend oui, aim e-ai rP0t with hpr sister. Afv Rfthflrt. Hill and iamiiy. Mr. F Shorr and family. Mr. L. L. Tal 'flTit. and Misses Alice and" Ada Tat- lant were among those who attended the services at the Mill Spring .Bap tist" chuch, Sunday Rnm tn Mr. and Mrs. Major Hutch vvru'vi'", ,ai1;t?n!).urgr where they are erson, Sunday, a girl. Mr .r v ,s.,time- . . ' Misses Dorothy Edwards and Annie .'I. 1 r ?r hCt.H r,.nnnfif I ' - . rt i 1 -., last FviX;; ""rK .y Lois Mills spent LET'S DO SOMETHING FOR TRYON. ee -Vmn.;o and Nellie Ballard ran anf sPt the week-end with tax Saturday with list. town Mr; aur.t, : Mr Alia Pruitt is nrs lh c- Brisco VOT I'oster -'.turdav t7 r listed property for a.v uuu aturnav. ana . j nn rr,-.l, - .71 TlientlS 111 AXVUii. iwpni were very nromnt to ' , , Ti:: xrrio. sonville, visited relatives in Sunday. ' t. t Austin Newman left, Tues- i?f Moultrie. Charleston. ' S. C, to reshme his work, after spending a month With his parenta. Mr.' Chas. Promt, former farm dem onstrator for Polk county, arrived m town, Monday evening. Miss Fanny Foster and Mr .Thos McGuinn, were married at Mill Spring Baptist church Sunday. : , ; We are glad to hear one township in Polk bounty is to have a community MILL SPRING. visiting her was in Landrum, (hv - x-, able to be to see Mf . has ben sick for 0 to be out again,. Sun- .'It -, nf " vr- L- Brisco and Hor- )e. '"JUWfl visited relatives nio-lif nnJ c 3 .. -.jiii, emu o unucty . is qunit Thft farmers are getting somewhat behind with their work, on account of the bad weather. Wheat and other crops, as wen a& grass, are looking fine. A large crowd attended the memo rial services, Sunday, at ureeni. Creek. . ' . - , Misers. Klxie and dLemuei norn iTAiW. - left for Detroit, Mich., Monday, y Mr. and Mrs.. Rueker Bland, of Cliffside visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cantrell, Sunday. The little two year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Abrams, is very ill. Miss Bessie Smith, of Georgia is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hattie 10 ney. Some of the, farmers of this section have some fine vetch crops. We are glad to see the days get ting longer, so, that our mail carrier can get-around before night. Mr. WarnahT Greenway and Mr. Leonard Johnson were pleasant call ers at Mir. E W. McDade's, Sunday afternoon. ' m Messrs.' Har-ey and Joe Williams, of Inman, S. C, were seen in tmr section, Sunday afternoon, s Mr. J. T. .r Greenway has lately painted his cottage. f , , j lf,' A l,ra f!nntTrll nas returned . IVilSO ii"'-'' " - . i after a week's visit with re ia- tives in Cliff side and Oaroleen. o ''- ' '' Tryon has been doing great things for everybody and every place for the past three years except for herself. It is time to look around, take stock of our needs, and do something to help our own town and community. Some time ago we published an article from Mrs. Morton in which she stated that there were seven museums in the State of North Caro lina, two of which were in Tryon. Both these collections are made up of articles that money could not replace, at least some of them, if they were destroyed.' At present they are both packed away where they are doing nobody any good. The Lanier Club has undertaken to place one of these collections in a presentable shape, but the committee in charge realizes that there -is not sufficient room in the Library building for this collec-. tion, and hardly knows what to ao m the- matter. Why not raise money enough to add a suitable "room to the Lanier Li brary building where both collections rt-WpM as others that would be do nated, could find a suitable and per manent home? It has been estimat ed that $1,000 will do it. That is not much money for such an important matter. What do you, think about it? We would like to have this matter dis cussed, and .will , readily donate space in our paper for that purpose. Miss Stackhouse spent Thursday with home folks at Inman, S. C. . Mrs. J. A. Steelman is the guest of her sister," Mrs. J. H. Shytle, in Ashe ville. Mrs. . Mary 0. Kelly was the guest of her sister, in Asheville, the fore part oi the week. Mrs. Christy, after a stay of sev eral months in Tryon, returned to her home in Detroit, Mich., Thursday. Miss Sarah Purdy leaves within a few days for Charlestown, West Vir ginia, where she will spnd the sum , mer months. .Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lindsey and Miss Edith Thurston are attending the convention of the Episcopal church, in Asheville. The Junior Order, of Tryon, has no tified the citizens of Columbus that they will attend the Fourth of July celebration at, that place, in full numbers. ' " VVfe are in recept of word from Rev. F. Barrows Makkepeace, stating that he and Mrs. Makepeace have reached (jranby, Conn, safely, where they ex pect to remain the coming summer. I will be at the Town .Hall, Tryon, N. C. on May 30 and 31. to list taxes. All who fail to list on these days will be listed as delinquent. Delinquents are to be penalized by having their assessmnet doubled. - J. M. BUTLER, Tax Lister. , On account of delays in receiving copy, our "Opportunities" number of the NEWS will not appear until next week. . It is going to be filled with much interesting, matter pertaining to Folk county, and we would advise all desiring a copy of the paper to put in their order now. Mrs.J. W. Kenned" will entertain a house party for a week, at her resi dence,in Tryon. The party will be composed of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cain of St. Matthews, S. C; Mr. and Mrs. (jrrandm Taylor, of Easley, S. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Wl K. Manning, of King's Mountain, S. C. Tryon is a small town, therefore can easily be made a beautiful town. The new administration Will do all in its power to further every effort to improve it. Let every citizen do his or her part in this respect, and vou ii - . wm ue surprised. now lew troubles we will have, and how soon everybody win be proud of our homes. U-M M Olarinlyice president oL HheFfrsIr- NatipnaTJlcarfeo, XMortn uaroiina, has recently put m a moaei sweet potato storage house in the lobby of his bank at Tarb;ro in order to call the attention of his pat rons to the value of these houses in saving the potato crop during the winter, so that advantage may be taken of the market prices in spring ne oanic is lending monev to anv larmer who desires to make such an improvement on his place. It "would' astonish many of us some times if we could know what -our neighbors think of usV Every man has some kind of standing in the com munity where he lives, and is sized up a great deal closer than he has any idea or. iou may set it down as i.act that there isn't a twelve-veav- ld boy in the neighborhood who han't his opinion of you, and he wouldn't be slow about expressing it eitner, it a stranger should ask him for it. . Every man is always making character, whether he is doing any thing else or not. Burnsville Eagle. Mr. M. G Blake, town manager, wishes to notify the citizens of Tryon that on Monday, May 26th, or the first fair day' following, a team will call at each house ior tin cans, and other indestructible rubbish. Please help the town authorities in ridding Tryon of mosquitoes, and one wav to ,1 4.1. l j.i , , , . uu una is vy morougniy cleaning up your premises before they have a chance to breed. Be sure that vou have no tin cans or any other vessel aymg around that, will hold water for the mosquitoes will take advan tage of all such receptacles, and be- iore you know it the town will be full of the pests. Place all your refuse in boxes or barrels so that the wagons can have easy access to it. The work of beautifying Trvon has taken on a more hopeful aspect. The Southern Railway Co., has written the Lanier Club wanting to know if that organization will aid in putting tne railway embankment - m shape and wants to know if ' enough ivv vines can be securedJto cover the un sightly bank. Some of the ladies have suggested that running roses be substituted for ivy; and that not only will it make a more sightly aboear- ance, but will prevent washing even, even better than the ivy. The South ern has but recently repainted all its property, cleaned up and put m good shape everything over which it has jurisdiction. Now it is up to the town authorities to see that the good work of the railway company is not allowed to be destroyed. o THE TOWN BUDGET. one ap- Now that the world has been made safe for peace and democracy the next big job will beto make every in dividual community m the country safe and wholesome as a- place for wholesome and happy living. Com munity dvelopment is the next great step in American life. Each commun ity will have problems of its own to solve. Certain it is that no commun ity in North Carolina will fail to take stock and plan for better things. Realizing this fact, the last legisla ture provided a plan whereby coni1 munities might organize effectively, for community development along wholesome social lines. , : - Three public-spirited citizens, woman and two men, are to be pointed m each county as a county board of public welfare. These citi zens will advise with the local author ities on community problems, and will especially .aid the county superinten dent of public welfare to carry out the duties of his office. The memebrs serve without pay. Th county superintendent of public welfare is to be elected by the county commissioners and the county board of education in each county in " the State not later 'than July 15th. He should be elected as soon as possible. He is to be paid jointly by the two boards. A complete compulsory school attendance law goes into effect July first, and the county superintendent of public welfare is to be the chief at tendance officer. He is also to be the chief probation officer of the county attending upon the juvenile court. It is highly important that he be a man of tact, energy and usefulness. " Thus each county wilr be provided with a county board of public welfare and a county superintendent, , whose duties will be to look after the unfor tunate in every way, and especially the sick, the neglected, the wayward or truant children, and to aid families m solving the problems relating to such conditions; in short, to be a so cial worker and leader wherever his services are needed. In addition to this, the county board will aid - and lead in planning community programs- of various kinds, amusements.. recre ations, and community projects gen erally, and assist in correcting and jv f ., i i , T j uniting tne iorces aireaay in existence thus each community has the mean3 of going ahead with its own plans of social development and progress. County Superintendent, Prof. E. W. P . Jo WW eet-rs trrat thcr-Doard Xf Ethr- cation has several names unnder con sideration for the position of county superintendent of public welfare, and will take the fitness of every one un der very careful advisement. This is one of the most important questions in our county, and we sincerely trust that a man worthy the position will secure the appointment. It it also highly necessary that the remaining personal of the board be secured from representative Polk county citizens. o JOHN EARLY AGAIN. Thursday's papers tell us that -the District of Columbia refuses to pay for the keeping of John Early in the leper's home in Louisiana, stating that he is a resident of North' Caro lina, i It'sems to us that this poor unfor tunate man has received about the most unjust and uncalled for treat ment of any person we know of.1 If not a resident of the District' of' Co lumbia nor. of North Carolina, he is a citizen of th United States, and as such is entitled to at least the treat ment of a human being. A man who . gave the time tha he did to he Gov ernment of the United 'States as one of her soldiers is entitled to more hu- mane treatment than he is receiving. It brings humiliation oh his rela tives and friends, to say nothing of his own remorse, and is ajdisgraceful action on the-part of either the Dis trict of Columbia, North Carolina or the United States. Mr. Heber. Carson, of Henderson ville, visited relatives in Tryon Thursday. - Mr. Eugene Brownlee attended to business affairs in Asheville Thurs day, y : , - Mr. J. H. Swail, after a short vis it with his sister, Mrs. M. L. Taft, returned to his home in Winslow; Arizona, Thursday. Mr. Swail was Lver favorably impressed with Tryon. - . ' 0 , ' SALVATION ARMY DRIVE. At a call meeting of the Mayor and, Bpard of Commissioners of the Town of Tryonj held in "the -office of the Mlanager, last Friday night, the bud get for the year was discussed and left open until the regular meeting, to be held Monday June 2nd, in Town Hall, at 8:30 p. m. Any one interested should be pres ent and make their suggestion known at this meeting. A telephone was ordered placed at the residence of Chief Wilson. - M. G BLAKE, Clerk. The Salvation Army drive is now on and Polk county is expected to fill its quota by Saturday, night' so that reports can go to headquarters at that. time.'.. .About -half of the quota has been paid in with subscriptions in slowly. W. F Little, County Chairman says that practically all the subscriptions have, come 'in from ' Tryon and that it is how up to 'the rest of the county to get busy. Try- -on has raised over one-half of Polk County's quota. Surely the rest of -Polk will not ask Tryon -to assume all of Polk's quota. Tryon will do it rather than see Polk county fall down on such a noble cause. ' V ". Subscriptions, are being received by Dr. G. R. Little, Saluda; C. Ev Shore and F M. . Burgess, Columbus; M. Georgion, Greens Creek; Postmaster Cannon, Lynn; J. M. Lwis & Son.. Mill Spring; W F. Little, Tryon. If not convenient , to - any of 'the above subscribers may send " remit- tances direct to W. F. Little, Chair-: -man, Tryon, N. C. and receipt-will be sent by return mail. Subserintinns from $1.00 to $1,000 gladly received, V ill, -tn pneu'moni ia. fair. ' . v..