----- . m THE FOLK COUIITY HEVIS amiTHYOH BEE t i7tj nn thrill h of lADrnStani . Ufa. I mm ,DM ln IV I n CI. . . Islans ionlato&ftl. th' (nst Wni of Poland died. PonIatov$kl ascended I Published every Friday at ;riiJYONcy(H;CAROUNA the Polish throne fin at64eof dltion .f Polatid Required -a frtrtBH e lconsif lhe FaTrrrerthe verv KllJ v;-:- r r, ltr? ThA 1- hirilriwmrnKlafir Tv : mm mm lira mm immmm r ! J L i. : y Bnteml as :oni-cla88 matter April 28. 118 at th pott office at Tryon, North Carolina, un der the act of March 3 1879 - , B. F. COPELAND. - Editor C. BUSH, - Businesi Manager Subscription $2.00 per V ear OSiTUAaiES, CARDS OF THANKS. B aolations of Respect.Chureh or Lodff Notien where an admission fee la charared. or for flnaneia g-ain. will be charged regular advertising rates of ire cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 225 West 89th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. froraTulri.1 and Stanislaus lacked thr necessary strength and statesmanshlrx Russia. Prussia and Austria divided this kingdom among them and the de posed king retired to Petrojrfad on a pension, where he died in 1798. o- - Report of the Condition of the CAROLINA OTATE BANK at Saluda, in the State of North Car- olna, at the close of business, May 1919. ' Resources Loans and discounts. . . . ?416J2?o Overdrafts, unsecured ..... 170.52 United States Bonds ana Liberty bonds and war stamps... All other stocks, bonds and . mortsraires. Banking house $1250; fur- r niture and nxtures $1000.... All other real estate owned. Cash in vault and net a t mount due from banks ; bankers and trust companies Cash items Checks for clearing Collections '.'Long May It Wave." OUR "OPPORTUNITIES" NUMBER 1,501.40 7 100.00 2,250.00 301.57 9,512.74 20.95 438.75 95.35 Total $63,062.16 - Liabiiites ? . Capital stock paid in......$ 5,000.00 Surplus fund ......... .... 1,500.00 Undivded profits -less cur rent expenses xoid tax- : 1 es paid. ............ . . -1,849.46 Deposits subject to check. Y 36,920.24 Time certificates of deposit 17,078.69 Cashier's checks outstand-, mr...;.. 713.77 m.W t Total $63,062.16 State of North Carolina County of Polk May 21, 1919. I. H. B. Lane. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . B. LANE, Cashier. Correct Attest: Q. C Sonner, M. A. Pace, . ."W. C. Robertson. uscriby'siniWorn to before me, this 21st day of May .1919. JfljHlVBailey, Notary PubUc. Mar 1, 1921. . v J-j :m.l 1 M xo oe seen on every i jy itornMusspbn expires overlook the lack of'-newsi! i' MM A$ o t,0 timp nf nnr first visit to I uui x wuil READING NEWSPA- PERS NOW. "Wc devote more attention to Polk county and her opportunities, in this issue than we do to news. ; We feel f ripTid of Polk coun- ty will join with us in devoting one number to the rich and rare opportun ities will From Polk county we have been .convinced that if we could but set forth the op- jt because the war is over, or be pprtunities lying around on every j cause you may be busy with raising a ciMo w,f ro wmilH Hn a hiV thiriir for new crop, is no reason why you Folic county. In setting forth these feE L5i SS1 opporimuues, our ciuci sum is, niav, i united States to cret our own people to erasp them. I The period of readjustment it at If we can arouse the person who is nana. New conditions are coming to native, of the country to the fact that r"J!fi"" "'"ux" Polk county is as full of opportunities 1 informed and to know what is 'hap- as any other section m the united i pening and- how decisions on impor States then we will feel that we have ant matters are reached. oniv wo oil fktt The man who is. informed is the mini whn will VMn hd and labor expended along that subject When you read a daily newsnaner. We want our own people to do the I read the best. . developing of our opportunities. Don't I we believe we are giving you the wait until outsiders come in 'adW !F ??ur money . . . , . , wwu yuu Buusenue ior me vxreens- cure your Dinnngnt. mane up your boro Daily News. Largest market mind to make use of ' the, oppor tun-1 rtport. -.Vashington and Raleigh bu ities we rossess.a nd soon Polk county I reaus.David Lawrence articles. Lon uwu ' limes caDie service . neciai ly belongs, at the top of the list. special section! and mairazme fea'.' Don't 'mistake-. us and, think "W j fures, , Yo get a new European map not want outsiders to locate with .us wtn mntns subscripuon. Write j i . j- x cr-i ior- samnle-copya iSubsaiDtion nrice: p m uur enueavur Daily $5 per ye Daily and Sunday extend the invitation to every home- pREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, seeker from any other section of the United States to come to Polk county. You can do no. better. But to our own people we plead. You are already here, an surrounded . by your kin dred and friends, but what you need to do, and that only, is to wake up and take advantage of the opportun ities that little Polk presents to you on every hand. Let every man, wo man and child, in Polk county, from now on adopt the slogan, "1 BELIEVE IN POLK COUNTY." Greensboro, N. C. Classified Advertisements. FOR RENT. "Six room furnished bimealow. with bath for rent or sale. Overbrook Oi chard Saluda, N. C. EGGS. Eggs Of Mottled Ancona chirlrenti for sale, $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs. d. v. vopeiana, rryon, jn. U. NOTICE TO TAAX PAYERS AND PROPERTY OWNERS OF POLK COUNTY. ' MISCELLANEOUS. -Buy your nursery stock of E ' Jr Bradley, Saluda, agent for the old reliable nursery company, of Pomna. N. C. He can save you money and assist VOU in VOlir Klrtinn As Tax Supervisor for Polk county, I best, adaptedt o your soil. under the provisions of the Revalna-1 r vrr oatp. t- . . " tion Act, passed at the last General weiehi 110 Assembly of North Carolina, I would 1 cash. ; Chas. J. Lynch, Tryon. , Hens "For Salei Twenty larirp Barred Plymouth Rock hens for sale. k. a. IjUjUNAKD,. Tryon, N. C. . -i . . . . i . tye giad to meet as many of the tax payers as can possibly attend, at Co lumbus, MonJay, June 2nd, and ex plain to them as best I can the pro visions of this act, which is intended to put the State pn an entirely new Unn,'M rcr . I 1 ' . 1 ' ior " . FOR SALE: Nice mahogany book l have an office over the Bank of I case; also some small farming tools. xryon, ana snau be glad to explain to I "Hre oi james Lieonard, xryon. any tax payer the provisions of this FOR SALE: Two extra TiTM sad dle horses. Chas. J Lvnch. Trvon. w - , - - . act; in fact, this is Dart of -mv world U1 pALE-Sweet potato -plants; and Ha f foni o T several Kinds; at 25c per 100: ready .- ao ieoi any hesitancy in call- n0w T. H. Willmmi, Tion, K C. Tax Supervisor, Polk County. WANTED TO BUY. a small tract of land near Ashe ville, Hendersonville or Saluda, suit able for dairy farming and hog rais ing. Give full particulars. and lowest price in CTD vrn m m oiivAiiiU r rum our Tftrm on North Pacolet, on May 10, one dark Day norse mule aged 12 or 15 years. weiKIU( auout ouu pounds. Any in lormauon please notify Claude : 0. omun, Xiandrum. s. c - T S4w m a. . i,UMUJUKro SALE: Mrs. R. G. I namiiton, Tryon Route 1, Box 33. CAR FOR SALEOn 191 Ch. first fetter.. Also ' whether ffijLS1? H you will trade for citv nronertv f A ""'W ? :m X M. Address, P. L. WRIGHTs once, near Hkiaii O.yaai .v..lv :-Tn.i. omc. iandrum k i r ' 'FOR SALR 1?riafAT1 Tatnwt. boar, with nanorc fVA tmn-m. .U i Baba Locomotioni ; wriii'ZI iVJ , .uuici uou jusi uccu icaiu lnDreemnp. . Ing to drive his car. The baby was CHAS J. LYNCH, Tryon, N. C jUSt. learnlnff to wnllf nn1 fiho motir1 I- - ; ! sideways. One day, Merrill ran into the P youft chickens to usfor highest house and said : "Oh, mamma, com 5iarjcet Pnces. r We pay jexpress on 1 aua see the haW sagr . S. J bfflTu W81 ( P $5.00 ' . . "y '' u'w w m w . EVERY woman needs a pair of these conifort giving low shoes for light wear, for the hospital and for resting the feet after wearing heavy shoes.. . v '; These good looking, sensible, low shoes are , exactly what you need. . r Made of the softest Vici kid leather, hand x turn, extremely flexible sole, silent rubber tread, low heel, genuine. SELZ quality, all .. leather, perfect workmanship, a shoe every woman should possess. ' - $3.5o to $0.oo u ,1 community it-permitted to enjoy its oYrsent . - - , . , asperity. ? 6 K ; 1 1 uusini comes r Farmer. Several of our directors arp F.rJ. 05 s, to the Farmer is our first consideration. We invite your business, large or tmall. g BANK Olr The Old Reliable ROY P. WHITLOCK, O, LANDR I. wain ri UUISUtssSllammtt 111 Wilk ins & Co., Tryon flpjcfaffrfwg fit SihShsu WW o o o o o o o o o () OCOCOCOCQ8COOOOOOOC0C:'1 SAFETY! COURTESY! Donvest toy Mail! it ES TATE. I OAS ID IISUKE i " Citv nd Farm Prooertv Bouaht and Sold. - Furnished and un- furnished houses (or rent. Property taken . care of and rents eolleeted. Do not Waste your tine and tire yourself out looking for a place. Our auto is at your service free. Notary Public. JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, N. C. alt Our Mfeafc!r You 11 need neither a hatchat nor a stick oi dynamite. " A good, ordinary set of molars will easily, dispose of A Fine Tenderloin Steak J , An Extra Porterhouse Steak 1 A Luscious Round Steak A Nutritious Roast -A Dish of Pork Chops If yon havn"t any- teeth we have sausage that will fairly melt in your mouth. Eat our meats. Good for your stomach. 'v . . - i ; - J -. - . -. .. . r . Also want to buy good beef cattle, hogs and chickens, for which I will pay the high est MARKET PRICE. 1 A. H. WILLIAMS. - Buy a Certificate of Deposit. , it earns iour per cent irom aate and can k q : converted into cash by mail, at any time. BAN IK. Or TRYON Vf. T. LINDSEY Prei J. B. HESTER Cashier. o o o o o o c OCOCOCC! is wmm FURNITURE y.l What you want is here at the price you want t'pay.' STORE SI it o ; v It is logical to select your Home furnishings from that cohrri whictf ? . best meets your - every want arid need. This is the largest best equips ped and . most completely stocked Homie-furnishing House in the Sou thSv Here you will find anything yoii i want for any room in thtfhouse. Se also carry a frill iiiie of office: epiip : meht.. : . v. ' , . , a :c ,: -'C-i 9 i m m STRENGTH EDWDCE SECURDTY These Essentials of Sound Banking are embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT . SOLICITED BAN IK off , -S ALU DA Capital $10,000.00 SaDajidlai, N. C. HENRY P. CORftlTH. .Pres. JOHN B. CANNCN. Y-Pres. PRESTON H. UHR,(( 4 :.: T CZAin'C it. 17 All -Ure waiit is an. lpit sKcnv J. L. 51V1 A i HERS v& SONS ty n :; J 15andl7Brbidwa 4 I Asheville, N; 5 n m m m ; $8.00 , ) 'viiiSiir I ' Vott ought, to have a pair of these soft vid kid confort oxfords. ! Nothing except the actual wearing can more elegantly ; describe the effects of i fliese SELZ shoes than the above slogan, j SELZ comfort shoes have made feet glad for nearly one-half century. They represent the quality which you expect, but seldom find. They repsnt aU. leather; good work- nianshp and the !l6w&fpnc)Qoa N. t !, WILHIN S & CO., Tryon, rzsi

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