QUESTIONNAIRE ANSWERS WHICH WILL SOLVE PERPLEXING v PROBLEMS OF THIS RECONSTRUCTION ERA. I 11'- "'Hit I , . , ... ouery. The cpver.peit ba launched ii educational Campalrh4 to encourafce building In order to put .more men to work. Would not -a similar movement to show how the old structures can be best and most economically repaired and made fl)od as new also help? ; Answer. It is learned that such a plan is in effect and is linked dlrectlj wlth the -Washington propaganda. Industry must be turned back from works of war to the ways of peace. Employment must be found,' In the meanwhile, for those whoseY occupa tion has been Interrupted. There is no real surplus of labor In the United States. Rather there Is a shortage, which would be acute If normal condi tions were already restored, and one step towards restoring them, will come frith resumption of repair work. . v ; Government restrictions, imposed by the necessities of , the war program, have for many months past retarded or altogether prevented construction, Improvement and repairs. These re strictions are now off, and there It scarcely a town, a city, a factory, a dwelling or a farm that does not reveal a erving need for prompt attentidn. Nothing delays such instant action ex cept the feeling that prices are hig for the time being and may be. lower. That is not logical. No matter what it costs 'to repair, the cost is less than the cost of neglect No matter what the cost of paint, the wind and the weather will collect a higher bill; In "deterioration and decay. ft Bill -'MM. lli1' ifv&r mmmmm 1E !Y:I sonaUlement does noting K .n-unsacuons. This bank is 5SnL?v, adly growtti and we now Our business grows because it de serves to grow for it is based on ser- Woleva?ion that reaches this bank is handled tq, the best pos sible advantage to our customer. We fi?0t" will we be, a profit grab bank." We know that if we rendered the roest possible service at a fair compensation! that the pro fits would come. This, principle -4s clearly demonstrated nf our own case. That our service and facilities are ap preciated is evidenced not only by the large number of Polk county accounts but also by a number of- -customers who bank with us by mail: JWe serve customers as . far away as New York, Massachusets, Michigan, Florida and a number of far away points in our own state rOne .customer has kept time deposits .with us after his leaving Folk county over a year ago. This bank is conservative enough to be safe and liberal enough- to take care of all worthy customers. Its loans are passed on by a committee sftnnl .iorvQ JL r?e Wr yhe P- fto grindiorftny old -scores-lto -settie Each application is promptly passed upon without any red tape. If the From mmmm a nicrJknrj ii uiiii LiAi iii fliii lit Uiii: i:ti:rj J : -: - I--- loan is acceptable the terms are bas ed on - the applicant's worth to the bank always making the .lowest pos sible rate.: We are accommodating a number of worthy Polk county citi zens who,; before pur advent in the field, had to go outside of Polk, re gardless of how large !i his ; require ments. . . ' - .ri''h-A .1 : We solicit the accounts of firms, individuals and corporations. If fa vored with your business we promise courteous treatment, maximum ser vice and loan accommodations accord ing to your security. -You will have our hearty 1 cooperation in making your undertakings successful. This bank specializes in -the hand ling of accounts for women and child ren. We take a keen delight in watch ing the children's accounts grow. One little Miss, who has been persistent and consistent in the' savings habit. has .passed the $100.00 mark and her interest accumulations at 4 per cent compounded quarterly, is helping her not a 11 me. : Eirervi btecaution Is taken - 4iv ..this. barifc tb.-iafegiiaitj depositors, d oiutRjiuiueis. xne responsiDie,,, omcer is under k surety bond. Burglary and xwm-up insurance is, 'carriea to cover money and securities; Money and sei curities'are locked up each night in a solid manganese steel, burglar proof safe, which is in our fire proof vault. Our accounting system is the highest approved and was installed at no small cost, just to insure our custo mers against errors. ; This system, ac tually reduces errors to the very min imum. (We use the Burroughs Ac counting and Posting machine, elec trically .operated). When your ac count is with this bank you have the satisf actiort of knowing that it is handled ; by. experienced officials who have the BEST to work with. thus as suring you the best possible' service. All money deposited in this bank helps Polk county for we lend exery dollar of our money to Polk county people. Money deposited outside of Polk county impoverishes your coun ty just that much. Do your business in Polk county and watch Polk county grow. , , As Polk county grows so will you grow for you are a part of Polk county. .. , , 3 Query, What do you think of paint as as Investment, aside from the appearance It lends? Does it really PAY to paint a house refularly, say, every three or four years? Answer. Good paint properly ap plied when needed Is the main thing in making a house last long and well. A bouse worth $2,500 can be painted at & cost of about $125. In 60ears that house will need .about 15 paintings, the total cost of whlcfi wlli Se"$i,SSS." Left without paint, such a huse .would. fall into complete ruin in 30 drears. (So; taking 60 years as -a basis forourj.fig- urea we find that with'paint a'home will last that time In good condition and will costplus paint, $4,375. With out paint the house would hare to be rebuilt at the end of 30 years and would be ready for another, complete renovation when the sixtieth year ar rived. Cost, without paint, $5,000 for a home ready to fall to pieces. Does regular .painting pay? ' . Aa the old Dutch adage says: S' v .. - "PAINT.PAY8 FOR ITSELF." Query. I hare a quantity of old paint a hand. Can I use it for the first coat In repainting my barn? Answer. -On no account should old paint which has become fat be used for priming, either old or. new, .work Old paint In that condition Is best used on a fence, brickwork or tinworki If you value j'our barn sufficiently to paint it, do it the justice of aodjob. U. S. Invents AntURuat.-"Dpe?"T. Incident to the war, the government has faced the problem that has so long proved baffling to commercial con cerns of protecting iron and steel from rust In an attempt to solve this fed eral specialists have perfected various forms of protective coatings. In this connection it may be pertinent to ask whether commercial uses will not' be; found also for the so-called "dopes" which the government has Invented to be applied to airplane wings and which are possessed of valuable weather-resisting and fireproof qualities. EFFECT OF COLOR UPON THE DURABILITY OF PAINT. Property owners who may have un der consideration the ; painting of dwellings and other structures should remember that more durable results are obtained when tinted-paints are used. Permanent coloring materials which have been ground ; by machine into a high k grade white paint base have the effect of preventing "chalk ing" and . "checking," two defects which are often observed when white paints are used. PRETTY COLOR COMBINATIONS. Ground Coat White White White - Ltht Gray Lltht Gray Llht Gray Ivory V-V - :Llrht Colo nial Ynr Bronze Aluminum Bronz Ivory Stipple Coat Light Rose Light Gray Light Warm Yellow Same Gray, a little dark er Light Blue Green Olive Green Dark Green BlueC Taa Dafk Brown .Stencil Color Medium, Light Gray Dull Blue, Gray-Green Light Cobalt Blue, eutral Light Drab Gray. .Gra Green or Light Cobalt Blue Gray, Blue or Light Orange Gray, Neutral Drab Ivory or Grayish . Light Gren Neutral .. . Gray. Ivory LightWarm, Drab, M- dium ioilTe, Warm' Gray, . Creams i Delft Light Ivory. Lights Neu tral Gray ,t Brown, Burnt. Urn- ber. Cream ' Light Tan. ; Cream, Light Gray Drab ' Peoples Bank & Trust Go. TRYONi N. C. v G. Hi HOLMES, Pres. W. F. LITTLE, Cash. m inm Qkn Make Immediate i CHASJ J. LYNCH, Delivery TryorB, N. C T. : sy MORRISGp & J Asheville, N. Cll CO DinnipDcircnieirDts 'Our line of "Crop N is very complete and consists of makes that all have tested by early experience. v ; , Write for information and prices of anything on the 'farm, If we have not grot it we can get it for you. ; Great Opportunities in these, in Polk County. , .... , , ... .., . -.' . ; ;.V r . i , .-) , .. I I ".. - - " " f i 1$ There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home Price $ 5.50 - Guaranteed or. 10 Years 1RY0N ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY C f fS . et a IPffi- I llD- 1IAIJIA n7 : v- 131 Til 1 If HI I lit BLE PREfcililS - ri creaeemaote invaluable premiums. - These premiums are of the best and well worth more than the small effort required by. the saving of; your coupons to ob . tain-them. Gall and get a premium book and begin saving your coupons today. ; " Below ai a few money saving prices. Give us " an ordr and we are sure the treatment you receive . will cause you to come again. 3 lb. cans Tomatoes per doz.. . . . ..... .... . . .51. OB z id. cans i omatoes, per aoz... 1.50 2 lb. cans Corn, per doz. ................ . . . 2.10 Flour per barrel, -v. ...... ..... . . . . .;. ..... .12.0 Best Shorts, per 75 lb. bag . . . . . . . . . . .... .'. . . 2.50 v .-..-: . -' --. . : ; - v Your orders for anything in our line will receive prompt and carelul attention: Tryon N. C. This B.ank is for Peope who Want to Improve their financial Condition. Will. you let us serve you? A checking account is most convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. -.A Savings account is the Sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. B ARROW W C "ROBERTSON. Q. C SONNIR ... Prsstdtnt Vice Prastttntt H. B. LANE Cashier Sfc gllfc gfcBSfc SSSasSfetefefc feSfe fc sfeSfefcsfeiSfeBs ssj!!?fc iafcssfctsst, sysBfcssisjSBs . ,i-,h-,.,i .. , IF U.SCUJ U LL VLCCU U-VJO J o i: i v f ViPy fs-l iuV." jKor'1Firm:. lands or.- town property see S ' 1 ' ' . . . , . . . T.s DD NOSEY, Tryon. o SALE AT A BARE All If taken at once Cash or reasosble xxha, --'' ICI 1119 - :'m Two3 tenant houses, well built, in colored tenemOTtdistFict. Store house and lot on trade street GEO. A. GASH, Agt Tryon Lodge No. 1 18 Knights of Pythias Castle Hall in Missildine Building Meets .Thursday Evening at 8:30 , VISITORS WELCOME ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . Having qualified as -administrator of the estate of Jacob Onesby, deceas ed, late of Polk County,- North Caro lina, this is to'notify all persons' hold ing claims against said, estate to pre-. sent the same lor payment to tne un dersigned administrator, on or before the 22nd of April 1920 j or this notice will be pleaded in ba bf.their recpYr eay. s . .rfrf n .11, vii f - jr.' 3IlpeTS0ns maeDiea tp,.sajaSest will please make imictigte,t payment to the unndersiened'Aaministratpr JOHN A. 55HIELDS lAaministratofv 4 fJiiisSI2(4ay jprflJ 19199:: .J2-6t we soLji;nu i iQ w Your orders for FtobnAgf; Ceiling; Siding, Pinish, Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture thisrand can save you money. See ,us ;for. lath, ,brick, doors and sash. ' -: , . J. T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY rm : , - wood Hotel When you have become dissatisfied elsewhere try "CRESTWOOD." Modern throughout, well fur nished and comfortable, v V Good Home Cooking and Plenty of It. Special rates to guests by the month. Troyn, N. c CHAS. LEONARD Proprietor. JUST REG! itVED A fresh ship Biscuit Co. and National Biscuit Co'g. Cakes and Crackers and pound raisin Two Perfection Oil Stoves for sale. 3,;', 51 OV t if Jolfrmv Orr Co; Phone No. 14 rTtryoirii, N. C. , ; . !

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