C RAILROADS, NEWSPAPERS AND AGRICULTURAL MAGAZINES WLL "DO THEIR BIT.": EXTENSION SERVICE AT WORK Importance of Silo Construction to Be Stressed in Every County During Months of June, July, August, Raleigh. That the fairs still continue to bo nopular type of extension work ; is evident from the letters which are be rpecived by Mr. S. G. Rubinow, chairman of the fair committee, of the extension service, from county farm f .n(j home demonstration agents, field workers and the representatives ot various commercial organizations who are co-operating to organize fairs. Al most eevry letter received from the county agents indicates that ? there will be at least four community fairs in pach organized county in .North Carolina this fall. The railroads are expressing a great deal of inteerst in fair work, and are asking for lists of the special, district, rounty, community and negro fairs to he held, so that they may co-operate in every direction. The newspapers and agricultural magazines are also showing their interest in this work. The extension service has secured the assistance of Mr. J. H. Helton who will work for the animal industry di vision in aiding farmers to build silos during June, July and August Mr. Helton will be attached to the office of beef, cattle and sheep, and will be especially interested in constructing silos on those farms where these kinds of livestock are being raised." He will "begin work June 1. Those who . need liis assistance and advice in building a silo on their farm should write to the animal industry division at an early date, so that he may arrange a complete itinerary. ' " " Tri-County Encampment. . Chowan College at Murf reesboro, in Hertford county, will be the site for a proposed tri-county encampment for hoys and girls who are members of the agricultural clubs of Northampton, Bertie and Hertford counties. : . Appearing recently before the board of trustees of this college, Mr. Wall succeeded in getting them to permit the use of the college 'dormitories, 'au ditorium, dining haft," kitchen'' and campus for one week,' beginning July 2S and endiag August 2. It is proposed to give the girls a course in such home economics work as canning, cooking, reed and raffia work, and the boys a course in judg ing and handling livestock, growing field crops and building rustic furni ture and outdoor conveniences for the home. ' ' ;-. " : Bey Scout Week. ' i : ' President "Wilson has designated June. 8 to 14 as Boy Scout Week, ana Ir. William A. Blair, vice president cf the Peoples 'National Bank t in Winston-Salem, has been named chairman for North Carolina. Mr. Blair ha is sued the following appeal to -the peo ple of the State: . "The President of the United States has designated June 8 to June 14, in- - elusive, as Boy Scout Week. Hon. W. O. McAdoo has accepted - the chair manship of the qitizens National Com mittee. The editors, ministers, Rotary! clubs, Y. M. C. A., four-minute speakr ers, teachers and business men are all requested to assist in this movement." 200.000 Bile Warehouse. Announcement has been made that Raleigh ha3 been selected over Char lotte as the location of a mammoth cotton warehouse,, to be erected by the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers. The warehouse will one of several the association will erect in the South to hold the cotton "op of the Southern States. While definite plans of the associa 'n have not been announced, It is wown that the structure will be built the unit plan to house not less than 200,000 bales of cotton at the start, Sim mons Will Not IntorffM: Washington. (Special). Senator 'mmons has followed President Wil J.0n heretofore in his recommenca 10s to Congress except as to woman suffrage. He announced that he would "t support his proposition for the re eal of the war-time prohibition act. -e win not undo a prohibition record of 20 years: " Senator Simmons' attitude toward iniS,,fgestion of tbe President Is typ- of that of other Southern con essmen who represent "dry" states., Dict8 Durham Service. . 3 1 r-,rlvCtor 0ssian Lang, of the North Rection of the War. Camp mmunity service has announced C0n " "icui, ui maj. Li. V. MCLei- activir superintendent of community 1U8 in Durham tTa ntll aaemn Durham. H will nsfiiimA cna of the service In Durham ' at . once is a,!;1071116111 Bureau in Durham nitv q ' ? by tbG War Camp Commu Rlelrt C! ln the ame manner aa In Wished is' tle bureau, is fur- by 7 uarters and a stenographer 6 immunity Service, a, ...... Mad as "Old Nick." Washington (Specials "v ah have to talk with these people three minutes to find out that they are as mu as me tievii;' writes Z. W. White head, editor of the Carolina Fruit and Truckers Journal of Wilmington, in a letter tq Representative H. CU. Godwin complaining of excessive Tnra charges on fruits and vegetables orig- uaua& in zne unadbourn districtwith northern cities as thir HobHtih . - --i-iuiuuU. Clippings from - the truckers journal, as expressions of growers and ship pers,, are aiiacned " in the letter of protest: which criticises the seeming inertia of 'Representative Godwin for his failure to register complaint with the United States railroad administra tion., r ' . ;-." vV .;;: . ; .; ,, - - "These charges' are simply-eating tha farmers up," writes Mr. White head, "and they are quitting the busi ness. For several years what is known as the Chadbourn district has been shipping on an average of from 550 to 900; cars of strawberries ; this year the same territory will not ship more than 200 cars." . : v ; "The truth of the matter -is J have paved the way for you to do some thing that would ; help your constitu ents and help you at the same time, and it now remains to see ; what you are going to do with It" la the frank manner In which Mr.' Whitehead lodg es the responsibility upon the should ers of the sixth district congressman. Soldiers Study Bee Keeping. State Bee Expert C. L. Sams is just b'ack from a trip through a number of western counties in the interest of im proved bee keeping raid says he found the honey flow In the Carolina moun tain regions' exceptionally good and interest in modern methods of . bee keeping increasing wonderfully. ' At Oteen, Buncombe county, where the United States government has es tablished a big hospital for soldiers, Mr. Sams found a class of nineteen studying bee keeping with, a .number of hives that the authorities had pro vided. Mr. Sams took he whole party of wounded soldiers on a big truck to a modern apiary eighteen miles away and gave them a : fine demonstration in many of the mysteries, of bee keep ing and culture. As a result the man agement 4 at the hospital decided to install complete . modern equipment of the hospital school apiary. Youthful Robbers Held. Tom Hannah and Harry Brady, two Raleigh boys, were bound over to Su perior, Court on a charge of stealing merchandise- from Briggs' hardware store. It is the second time they have been in court. Brady and Hannah confessed to the theft of two pistols and two knives when placed on trial before Judge Har ris in city court. They admitted the robbery was done in broad daylight Hannah, according to his statement, passed through the store and found the pistol case open. It is generally locked. Cooper Guest of Bickett. Governor Cooper xl South Carolina spent a night and day in Raleigh, the guest of Governor Bickett at the man sion and, with members of the board of trustees of th-? University of South Carolina, went to inspect the Univer sity of North Carolina. The party In cluded: President W. S. Currell, J. E, Swearingen, superintendent of pub lic instruction; P. A. Wilcox, S. A. Graham, B: A Hagood, August Kohn nnri David R. Coker. all directors of the South Carolina University. Fight on Luxury Tax. : The Merchants Association of North Carolina has resumed its efforts to have the luxury tax section of the revenue law repealed. Bulletins mail ed out by, State Secretary J. Paul rr asks local associations to take up the matter again with the con from their 1 resoective dis tricts. Inasmuch as President Wilson, in his message to Congress has rec ommended repeal or revision of the luxury and excise taxes, Mr. Leonard is quite confident that the luxury tax section will be repealed. Mr. Leonard recently wrote Senators Simmons and Overman asking them to push through the senate the resoition repeating . we luxury tax, which was caught in the Republican filibuster at the end of the last session. Tho rpnlv received from Senator Simmons contains the following state- . 1U A n1 1 ment: ' am in lavor oi uw of the luxury taxes, and believe that, it will very shortly be .effected. Vmmn Demands Apology Through1 Messrs. J. W. Bailey and nrnii. n TtWcrcra his attorneys, Col. James H Young, prominent negro or w ill im s t- a-m. innui - r,,iu v. aanron notice uuuu Raleigh Independent and; upon the TTninn 'Reformer, two . hegro weekly K211H1KU. ' . - MhHrn tions here., to correct retraci and apologize for certain statements - nnnntiro ; nnnftrs of May 24 which Col Young alleges are false and sll0W that $2,565.78 has been sub Aet amatory The notice is under Sec- 8Cribed. Of this amount the city of two publicatlbns 10 days in which to make the demanded corrcuuu. ,nu eiAAt ftirl a Winner, niu'l v w i w - ' m j mfant Hvgiene of Tne nurcau wi. - - - - - . the' State Board of Heth, ?f wWch Mrs Kate Brew Vaughn is director, mrs. ( xvvp i,, nnoM.fl White. announced mat ?"Zt rudentof the Winston-Salem Wgh student ... 110 orize of- fe bWie best essay fei bZwi dTHases of infants. ' ?Dd fnJ Wv we submlUed 'I-Ei .todentsveV the entire B?l tUdSrented entries State and they repre from S50 noois . . b s a ,mm mth sbt vsr iuds w m MISS wmw - , ; - ultd on her iiiccefS. r POLK COUNTY HEWS, TRYON, W. 0. A fiDCAT PDfll 11 THE 'WlLMlNGTON-CHARLbTTE ASHEVILUE HIGHWAY LiNKS MOUNTAIN TO THE SEA. 15 COUNTIES BEPBESEIITEO Enthusiasm Was Most Marked Front Beginning to the Very .End of J - Session of Conference. Monroe. If earnest enthusiasm, un tiring effort, definite promises by the county officials and a strong sense of necessity, co-ordinated and working in the same direction, can be taken as an Indication. th wnmimrtnn. Charlotte-Asheville .highway is assur ed, and that at no distant date; That was the concensus of . opinion express ed here after a ,most enthusiastic meeting of the Wilmington-Charlotte- Aahevllle Highway . Association, ; for merly the Wilmington-Charlotte High way Association. The name of r the association went Into effect immediately after the meet ing convened in the courthouse, and with it was launched a much more am- Ditlous project than that which prompted the formation of the associ atlon in the first place. The idea to link up the mountains with the ocean has been taking firm hold in the minds of '"the officials and members of the association, and with the expressed willingness of the western counties to come into the association, the idea crystallized into action and the change was made. Delegates from practically all of the 15 counties embraced in the pro posed route of the big highway were present for the meeting, and enthusi asm was most marked, from the time the band played the first stirring air and Col. T. L. Kirknatrick. chairman of the association, rapped for. order, until the last speech was made, and W A. McGirt, of Wilmington, presi dent of the North Carolina Good Roads Association,- who was presiding, call ed for a motion to adjourn. Four County-Welcome. : Sanford. Harnet, Chatham, Moore and Lee counties will co-operate in staging one of the greatest "Fourth o: July" celebrations ever held in North Carolina. Arrangements have been un der way for two weeks looking to gala day" combining the usual Independence day festivities with a big welcome home to all the soldiers and sailors of the four counties. 4 - ' Airplanes from Camp Bragg have been secured for the day and daring drivers will perform hair . raising stunts overhead while a parade 'of the returned soldiers, the civic organiza tions of the town and four or five brass bands will 'move on the main streets. . Large Juvenile Band. Kinston. Additional instruments have been ordered to complete the in strumentation of Kinston's "kid band." It will have exactly 100 horns clarinets, drums, etc. It will be the biggest brass band, numerically, in the State. During the next few months it will play in uncertain fashion, be cause tne newest contingent . oi me personnel is unexperienced. Sections of the organization have been playing professional engagements for. months, and "scrub" bands have been sent forth on many volunteer missions. Three Flags of Honor. , Warrenton. Liberty Loan Honor Flags float over the courthouse here and over a bank of the city as well aa in Morlina and Macon for an over- BUbscriPtion for the county and the three towna, , m the last loan. Hon. Tasker Polk and Mrs. A. C. Bizzell were in -charge of the campaign and ably assisted by several workers. The question as to whether the town 8nall vote twenty thousand dollars to . . a 1 1 supplement private suoscripiions m a J hotel for the town receives favorable comment from all sections. Shelby District Over. , Gastonia. Incomplete" reports to O C Andrews, district campaign secre- tary, show that the Methodist Cen I 7-" tunarv camoaieu in uiBouciujum trict has gone far over the allotted amount $153,181.12. ,; Reports to George W. Smith, county chairman of the Salvation Army home service fund in Gaston county, at noon complete reports of the city have not been obtained. Manufacturer Helps Lenoir. Hickory. Daniel , p. Rhyne, well known manufacturer of Lincolnton and president of the Piedmont Wagon and Manufacturing Company, oi iuca- ory, ha8 autborlzed the President tnoir.Colleee to draw upon him for $5.000;to meet the deficit caused Sy the early demobili.ation of the S, A x3, at the local InsUtuUon. W e 'ww hard' hit financially--be. CJ Itaa cdmpenedmad- new, W; the .Una .inn.hinr. Mr ' Rhyne saw. 1 t uxu as.n . , - - ... . - 1 m tlon :o& generously opened lijs purse , tl UIILK UIIMbJU AT HIGHWAY MEE1 ,,. I x Krr ...... : ... ..... . .. . ... , , ; . tSv 10 OPEI! DYE HEADQUARTERS The DuPont People Have. Concluded to Establish a Branch of Their lm- ; menae Business ; Charlotte. Cnarlotte, Recognizing Charlotte aa the, leading textile center of the. South the;duPont de Nemours Co.,'v of .Wil mington, Del., has concluded arrange ments tor opening up Southern head quarters 'in Charlotte. . J . A four-story section of the Mer cantile building has been leased and tne new concern will : take up active work here June i. Just , now offices and a complete laboratory. aid mixing. uepanment are Tbeing fitted up. A full lines of dyestuffs will be carried and , the new; concern will be in posi tion to furnish mills of the south with prompt service out of Charlotte. i r The du Pont people are perhaps the largest concern of its kind in the world, the company being capitalized at T250,000,000. The company!; not only manufactures manufacturers' dyes but; are the largest powder Man ufacturers in the world, and in addi tion make paints, - auto fabric, fabri kbld and mahy" other "products. Road Plan Approved. jJConcord. The plan proposed by the county , commissiqnera.vof Cabarrus county to Improve the Concord-Albe-marle road from the St. John's ehurch to the Stanly county line has been ap proved by the state highway commis sion, Frank -Pago, "Chairman of the commission! has written the commis eioners of the county Mr. Coble, as sistant state? engineer, is in Concord looking over the project,-and he an nounces that the work on the road will be started as soon as the state officers can make their arrangements for the work. The proposed work will cover a stretch of seven miles,' and the road to b 3 improved runs through the city of Mt. Pleasant The Stanly county side of the road has already been worked, and with the completion with ;this part of Cabarrus's side, there will be an improved road running straight from Concord to Albemarle. Great Farm Meeting. ; Y Salisbury. Thirty-one counties will be represented by farm demonstration agents at a meeting that is to be held in Salisbury June 10, 11, 12. E. S.:Mill- sapp, of Statesville, district agent of demonstration work, will have charge and besides the farm agents there will be present 15 men of the state exten sion service. This will be the annual conference and there will be discus sions relative to all branches of farm work. A feature of the meeting will be a visit to the farm demonstration farm of Rowan. . Heavy Fire Loss., - S Aulander.-The Bertie Cotton Oil Company suffered a severe fire liss when the seed house and cotton stjor- aee warehouse were completely de stroyed by flames which originated in the front end of the seed house. Be tween six and seven hundred ton s of seed were stored , in ie seed nouse representing a value of over $40,000, oartly covered by insurance. This was a total lose as the cotton ware house in which 200 bales of linters and about 40 bales of cotton were stored The origin of the fire has not yet been fully determined. Gocd Roads Fever. , Lumberton. The good roads feveT is spreading in Robeson county. Five of the twenty-five , townships in " the county voted bond issues totalling $255,000 for road purposes and eight other townships will vote on issuing, bonds for building roads on June 18. Overwhelming majorities were given in favor of the bends in each of elec tions held. Several other townships wilLask, for an election to vote on is-1 suing bonds when the board of county commissioners meet June Another Auto Tragedy, Shelby. Rufus Warren, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Warren was run down and killed by an automobile at Earl, the car being driven by Por- tir B. Gool of near York. S. C. Mr. Good was coming to Shelby on busi ness when the child who was visiting his grandfather's started across the road in front of the' car. Mr. Good tried to avoid the child" but could not and the child received a fatal blow which showed a bruise about its neck. Foresters' Conference Meets. Asheville. The . foresters' confer ence which is being held 'here for the sAVPnth diatrict discussed the advisa bility of the government's purchasing more land to add to the present areas and it was decided that the money on hand now should ibe. used to Imprpre the land; which the : government now owns, instead of buying more unim- braved tracts. , The foresters believe, however, that an appropriation should 'be made at once for the purchase of additional tracts to add to the forest preserves. . , Remarkable , Longevity.' .Wlnton-Salem. John . Mac Willie, of this city, announced, that, he is looking forward with special interest and Dleasure to, the coming of m crrandmother. Mrs. Kate Wilson, of Lancaster, S. C who , is reputed to be. 122 vears old. The grandsQn. declares tift mrmA erandmother - who . . is still hala and hearty, was able to pick 70 Dounds of cotton a day last falL She her lact aet of teeth at the age .of 115 and has a daughter Ja South TJaro- tlna, who haa reachtl the; 83rd mne- rtone to life. - A I a' ' II I VI. II 111(-1 IWk . I CAW I We believe there is something for. each ' one to ao, Some time, some Dlace and some how: We believe we can do it and we be-: lieve, too, 4 We are ready to do It right now I SEASONABLE. DISHES. At this season when fish is so mucl an joyed are you serving the hot weH seasoned - . Fish Chowder Cut up any kind cC well cleaned fisk and parboil untQ nearly cooked. - It an Iron kettle put a fourth of a pound of salt pork cut ia dice and brown until crisp, add six sliced onions to the pork fat cook for five minutes, 4 then add a half dozen sliced potatoes, cover with water and cook, adding the fish; when all are tender add milk, some crack ers soaked in boiling water, salt and pepper to taste. Serve In soup bowls. Scallop of Pork and Cabbages- Place a layer of thinly sliced roast Prk' using two cupfuls, a cup and a halt of cooked cabbage and a cupful and a half of white sauce, arranged In layers in a baking dish. Put into 1 a not oven and bake until the sauce is bubbling hot ! Date Souffle. Beat the whites of four eggs very stiff, add gradually one- half cupful of sugar, then stir In a pound of daces that have been stoned ana ruDDea to a paste. Bake in a well-buttered baking dish .until firm. Serve with whipped cream. Peas and Walnut Salad. Take equal quantities of cold cooked peas and walnut meats broken in bits, sea son" well with French dressing and let stand one hour, then serve in lemon cups with mayonnaise dressing. Potato and Nut Salad. Take three boiled potatoes, three hard-cooked eggs, one-half cupful of walnut meats and a dozen olives. Cut all fine and injx with French dressing. Just be-' fore serving add a little mayonnaise. Spanish Chicken Soup. Heat three' cupfuls of chicken stock and the same of veal. Add a grated onion, a finely minced carrot and two stalks of . eel-! ery ? chopped fine. Add ' one cup of barley and simmer until the barley . Is 'v done. Season to s taste ahd rub through a sieve before servinc. A half cupful of tapioca put Into chicken broth and cooked slowly for half an hour makes a most delicate soup. Season to taste and add beaten' egg just before serving. By friendship! I mean the greatest love, and the greatest usefulness and the most open communication and 'the . noblest sufferings and the most exem plary faithfulness .and the severest .truth and the heartiest counsel and the ! greatest union, of mind, of which brave men. and women are capable. i,' Jeremy Taylor. HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCES. The skillful worker in any business always keeps up-to-date tools, for he knows he will thus In crease his efficiency. Th efficient housewife alsa " knows that time, strengt and temper are lost by using old, worn-out and cumbersome utensils. Why use dull paring and carving knives when .a i ' small sharpener can bt bought which . will keep all cutting tools in good order? If there is any one thing which will cause one to iise strong language It is a dull carving knife. 4 A tray to remove food and dishes from the dining table or to carry it to the table Is a great saving of steps. If one' cannot afford to buy a wheeled tray or tea wagon get the handy man to make you one, using the small wheels from an old gocart. .' A wire dish drainer is light and can be used as a tray if no other Is at hand, for It Is easy, to carry. , Paper or wooden trays or platet make fine' dishes to use In the ice box. for tliey do not break and" may be re newed often at little expense. Paper, of all kinds saves dish wash ing. Wipe out the greasy dishes with a piece of soft paper before-putting them Into the dish water. Keep the table wiped up with paper, saving the dishcloth for stains and grease. A kitchen table covered with zinc oi some hard surface that does not need scouring to keep clean Is a most neces sary kitchen convenience. Some, good scales, a good clock, n kitchen cabinet with everything at hand to . use in cookery, are all necessary equipment' Keep a bottle of kerosene near, the sink, and when it Is dry wipe out with a cloth dampened with kerosene; it will keep clean without scouring. Re peated, scourings with various cleanh? ; powders will ruin the surface, so thai It becomes, rougn and stains easily. Have a stool that will '' si ip undet the table when, notneeded and.use II to st on while preparing vegetable or doing many kinds of work. It will be found . a great saving on tired feet One can learn to wash and wipe dishei and Iron sitting on a stool. Have ; a. rune on which to rest . the - feet to change one's position. A small, simple' old ' rocking chair In the kitchen will save many a break down. Drop into It while doing, . ya rlous things, and relax when .possible. Keep a card Index of recipes In the kitchen In a " convenient lace' to use m planning the meais. IKPEOVtD UNirOUf INTCSIf ATI0RAL 5 (By REV. P. B. FITZW ATER D. D- Teacher of English BtbU In the Moody bi Die institute of Chicago.) . (Copyright. 1918, by Wmtra NewnaDr Union.) LESSON FOR JUNE 8 OBEDIENCE. LESSON TEXTS Gen. 12:1-4: John 14: fl-24; Matt. 7:lS-29. 1 - , GOLDEN TEXT-T are my friends. U ye do whatsoever I command you. John 1511. ' - ' - . ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Deut. '4:1- 10; I Sam. 15:22. 23; Matt. 1:19; Acts 4:1, , 20: I John 3:18-24. -. . , PRIMARY TOPIC Showlnc Our Love to God by Obedience. , t . JUNIOR TOPIC Abraham's Obedience and Its Rewards. , , . . . . INTERMEDIATE TOPIC When ta Obey and How.. SENIOR AND ADULT ? TOPIC Obedl- nee a Test of Discinleshin. I. A Notable Example of Obedience (Gen. 12:1-4). At the command of God Abraham went out not : knowlne whither he went (Heb. 11:8): His was not. the obedience of convenience or prudence. To separate from home and kindred and take up the life of a pilgrim was not easy. .Abraham did not stop 'to ask why, or ; what he would get out of It The obedience that asks why , Is not obedience at all. -, v II. The" Motive of .Obedience (John " 14:21-24). . r ;. The grand incentive of obedience : Is love to od. The obedience that is the result of fear or thc hope of re ward is not true obedience, therefore has not the approval of , God. , Only the child who reverejices his . father : and affectionately strives to obey him , enjoys his loving favor. The pbedl- ' ence which springs out of a heart of love issues in a life of joy and friend- ship with God (John 15:10-14). . .. , III. The Solemn Obligation of. Obe- ' dience (Matt 7:16-29). . 1. Warnings against false prophets (w. 15-20). ,. , , . ; (1) Their real existence Ever since God has had a people, false prophets and teachers . have appeared . among them. This need not surprise us, for Christ predicted that such should ..be j the case. ! j , . (2) Their nature (v. 15). (a) Hypo critical. The devil does his most suc cessful work by masquerading as an angel of light (n Cor. 7:14, 15).. His minis'ters appear, in this"way.and turn people from the narrow to 4he: broad way.' (b) This Is suggested, by; their being "ravening wolves."N. It, is when the wolf is in sheep's, clothing that he does his most destructive work. The enemies of Christ posing as his min isters are most destructive. : .; .' (3) The unfailing test (f v. .16-18). ' Their fruits. If one gives sufficient , time for' development the fruit; can be " discerned. Every ' tree bears Its - own kind of fruit Nature Is inexorable In her law as to this. You may search the universe in vain for' an excep'tion. It is equally true In the spiritual , world. There Is a vital connection ' between the faith of a heart and i the . fruit of a life. That which comes out in the conduct was first in ibe heart. A right heart is essential to right con duct Give the false teachers : suffi-. cient time and observe closely and yon will" find that their lives will prove the teaching." r . - ' ;. - (4) Their end (v. 19). All false teachers shair finally be punished by,, being cast Into the fire. Although God bears long he will see to It" that this wickedness d&es not go on forever, w, , 2. Th dangers of empty profession (vv. 21-23). .:. ::.::iti --l ,::''fr)7: Calling - Christ ."Lord'Cwill not an swer for disobedience to his will.- Ode; mayr even be a Sunday school .teacher or preacher, and even perform many mighty works, as casting out devils and healing the sick and yet hear the awful declaration of Jesus Christ never knew you," "depart from me.' 3. The one and only safe way (w. 24-29). - - -v'- " . - -.v; -;.er;" (1) Hear the sayings of Christ To, do - this, one .must ; prayerfully -.attend to reading the Word of God and medl-, tate upon the same. . ' .. - (2) Do what Christ commands. , Hearing and doing the teachings Tof? Christ is building upon : solid rock. Such building can never be destroyed by flood and storm. Hearing and not ' doing Christ's - sayings - is . Duliding , upon the sand which Jn time of the, storm of God's wrath and judgment will be utterly destroyed. , Obedience must follow, hearing Christ. ' " The Need of God. .. . People are asking In these days of upheaval and chaos, What Is wrong with the world." It needs God; It needs the religion of Jesus- Christ and It needs that religion practically ; em bodied in "the lives of raen. Vesee it, In- the lives of these men ? of : the gospel. We need men like that ; mul--tiplled many-fold In very church. We, need men like that multiplied ten thou-t sandfold "In our ' land. ' ' - ' ; u . "v:- Rejoicel ; ; . O God. animate us to cheerfulness t May; we have a Joyful sense of our blessings, learn to look on ' the bright , circumstances of our lot. 80 main tain a: perpetual Channlng. ; conlttitpdness. 'A . Every Want Supplied. . j!t ; : Precious to us. O Lord,: Is tire death of thy ; saints which makes, us heirs of so great a wealth: which leaves t3 furnished with so great variety of es, imples. that every want la abundantlj rapptled. John Austin. . - vt Jti. Lesson 1

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