.1. 11 counts nnsra tfiracn, n. a- rr? TRYON r;Jh his ii T s arrived in Tryon, L. fJLSW expects to IK iTur; septembeu - v - i ' jn until ; - , jQ,iotrs fp.u'" .. .-.-fv.Tn aim -& - l turned hone f Kinston. N. e been visiting S. -I k s?nT,'h funeral 5 aiil,u tere Mr. who is spending Flat Rock, came down ,e funeral oi mr. Wu. thp Tryon postoffice The receipt tif an iricrease WV Stearns' salary,; Terre Haute. Mrs. E. w. lagt week; for a d, ar"w narents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Jackson.- . f Tuesciav Broadus . Baltf- r C"T -uon and Atianuc uw " -i?Tiff home. , . Tded he meeting of the (Stei-a-r1 women's Clubs, at ?JSnr Tuesday. , ,.; en nf Chicago, arrived in liU,"J' vs aero, ana win occu ?IvTiin for some time... She trr nfMrs. W. B. Stone. ; n. imd Mrs. R. G. Sherrill of.Ra in Tryon for.' J.e ''Su 1 ...kc aid nrp occuBvinir i r;,ta?c oi - . Mr E. J. Bradley, oi r imiwp, piu wr' jl. TnsHav. He reports only La half a fruit crop in his section, e cool weather of tarly spnngnav lg blighted much of it. ; Trvon was the host of a world re owned character a few days ago. Mr. oseph Hoffman, the great violinist, 5pPed off and visited his daughter hbWs a guest at Oak "Hall. He as accompanied by Mrs. Hoffman. The minstrel show given by the Boy Scouts Monday evening, at the school uditorium, was largely attended, and othing but words of praise are to be eard from those who attended. It :ould not be an easy task to single ut the work of anv particular mem er for praise for his work," tot. xhey 11 did well, and many were; the, en ores received by them. The Boy Icouts will take part in the Fourth of nlv VfoErram at Columbus, ; and it till.be that much better on that ac- fount. I The first units of the 81st or "Wild- at division to return from 'France re due to arrive at Newport News une 7th, another on June 9th, and he last contingent of this division iow homeward bound will arrive : a ew days later. Among the North Carolina troops in this division are ofporal Joe Mills and Sgt. Ralph ackson of Tryon, and probably oth- rs from Polk county. The " Witd- ats" established an enviable ; record Burin? their short period of service" n France, and was actively engaged m the "firing line" at the time , the innistice was signed. ; ; .A few reasons whv.it ie f A vA ; terest to 4o .business with this bank. x ou oan get sxeyr York Drafts with out cost, . you are a customer here. New York exchange is -taken any where in the country, at par. Vou may also have Cashier's x checks with out cost, in either case vyou save money order fees and charges on your private checks.'- i Our customers, have the advantage of the best known accounting systems as is used in the largtf city banks. We can render you a statement of your account together with your cancelled cnecics an T y nOUr oi the huSinpsja Haw ry it and be convinccH , If you should haver occasion - to bor row money you will find that our rates are the lowest, our method of passing on loans the Quickest and a broad liberal policy. We look with favor on any enterprise that will de velop Polk County and our resources Deueye in roiK county., believ. in- Polk county.' c For time depositors we have two ways of paying you interest. One is issuing a certificate of deposit the day the money is deposited and paying interest from that date. We pay four per cent in terest every three month a , nn certficates, interest and principal on demand. The other is in our Savings Department. We pay interest each quarter on sums of $5.00 or' over. The interest is credited each quarter and the interest draws interest from then on. Money deposited in this de- partment is subject to withdrawal at any time. ; ir--,-i .t, . Business firms fihd it convenient to have an account with this young and vigorous, bank for we; have access to the reports of the large' commercial agencies , and our , New York corres pondentscooperate with us in the sale of securities of all l kinds. This ser vice has made our customers money by being able to obtain, the highest possible prices x for securities; - We make no charge for this service. 4 v,i' ''" .':V- 'r v The day will come when you will wish you had your account with this bank. Eventually,- why; not now i V----'y--: v-.v..'.--.'! i,- rt ' Very few country banks in the Car- pimas have the plant that this bank has to take care of customers. We own and occupy solely , for banking purposes our own brick and concrete building, the basement is given over for our customers. Our safety de posit vault is in the basement. It is constructed of solid concrete, has ves tibule steel doors." The boxes therein are encased in a steel case and each box with a substantial lock, with two keys. -The other part of the base ment is given over to light storage for our customers: The income from the basement is sufficient to pay in terest on one half of the cost of the building and our prices ; for Safety are the lowest we have ever heard of fortlike equipment. Boxes may be rented for $2.00 per annum.' ' . "Jud Tunkins says he's a scientific farmer." 4 " "Yep, Jud has eot 'so scientific he'd rather put in all his time attendin' lectures than run a cultivator." Ex. A. t At the end of our . second fiscal year, which will be . July, 1st,, this bank will; have sufficient v earnings to pay a nice dividend or pass a substan tial sum to the : Surplus Fund, to be determined by our stockholders at their annual meetings This has been accomplished by volume : of business for our rates have been the very mint lmum the past, two years. Mind you, this showing has been made in addi tion to doing a tremendous amount of war work of all, kinds. Our stock holders instructed us last Juiy to do all in our power in war work and it was done. By consulting the official reports (which are on - file in, this bank) it will be noted that this bank led in number of sales and in volume. "We, believe in Polk County" is in deed a , good slogan. Vhy shouldn't we believe in Polk? In the Salvation Army drive iust finished Polk was nno of three counties . in the district that catne. m under the wire and did the job on time. Citizens of Polk, now be as loyal to your own institutions. Do your banking in Polk, if not with us then with some, other bank in Polk. Buy goods in Polk. Every dollar you spend out of Polk helps build up the other fellow and the home merchant loses that which he is entitled to. If we all live up to this doctrine relig ligiously you will see a wonderful change and in a short while Polk county will be the banner county of Western North Carolina. Let's GO ! Peopl es Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N.C. G. H. HOLMES, Pre. W. F. LITTLE, Cash. 3 With all casfi'purchases we give coupons vwiich are ; redeemable m valuable premiums. These premiums are of the test and well worth more than the small effort required by the saving of your coupons to ob tain them. Call and get a premium book and begia - saving your coupons today. x Below are a few money saving prices. Give us an ordor and we are sure the treatment you receive will cause you. to come again. 3 lb. cans tomatoes per doz.. . . . ..... . . . . . . .S1.QS 2 lb. cans Tomatoes, per.doz. . . . . . . . . . 1.50 2 lb. cans Corn, per doz....... . . ; . . . . . . . . . 2.10 Flour, per barrel. v . . .... . . . . . ... ; . . .120 : Best Shorts, per 751b. bag. ... . . .'. ... . . ... . . 2.50 . Your orders f or anything in our line vill receive ' prompt and carelul attention. ,- Wi! Miiis $l Go. ' - J- -.-'1. Hl ' . " - . ' Tryon9 N. C. This'Bank is for Peope who Want to Improve their Financial Condition. Will you let us serve you? A checkinp; account is moit convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt. A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BAN K. DAVID C. B A.RRbV ,W C ROBERTSON, Q. C SONNKR II. B. LANS Cmtbier Jliie WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE PASSES. Yesterday the famous Susan ': B. Slnthony suffrage amendment passed he United States Senate by a vote of. 6 to 25. Thirtv six Republicans Voted for, and eight againsU. , Twenty pemocrats voted for and 17 voted I The measure will now be certified' o the States for ratification, and if nree- fourths ratify the measure, nen it becomes a law by an amend- pnt to the Constitution. ihis fight has been eome on for orty--five years, and we are irlad to w me women win. Surely if woman gooa enough to become S mothers, nen they are cooH en ouch to herome Ednnl In -ii v m viuAcusiup witn man. fORTH CAROLINA , AND DiyORCES. A recent nubkation unon this sub- Ft shows some very interesting pacts. ThP 00,000 inhabitants for 1916. , Six ounties, Alexander, Davie, Gates, ttes, Pender and Tyrrell rank lowest KJ no divorces. Transylvania ranks f ?0est ln the state with a rate K- of Polk ranks 19th in the State, R1J a percentage of 12.4. Kate for the entire United States is , :Jor North Carolina. 31. Not C South Carolina, which Car for the v MoukinitaEiiiSo fan Make Immediate Ueliv f .... ery Tryoan, N f"FP ft Dor f arrnTD Oar&ds or towm property T. LDNOSInVi Tryoim. FOR SALE AT A hiah - If taken at once. Cash or reasooble Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district. Store house and lot on Trade street; GEO. A. GASH, Agt :REAl ESIWl LOAHS AtiO iHSURAHCE grants no divAroo -v. n:.:.f -p lba, North Carolina' "has the -wv ,aie m me union. . - . "I Our noW-: i tt. " ranks 61rwith a per-centage Kutherford 31, wth .19.7., . ' HILLCREST VINEYARD. ' Cfer and Farm iVoperty Bought and Sold. Furnhed and un- f,tmh3 hduse. let rent. rToperty len care oi uu -. nea n?P ' - j ... UUno eofleeted. . Uonot waste your TST for a placed Uur auto u at your iotw. u w. w- J ; "7 jMES LEONARD, Tryon, N. C. by Mrs. Coneland, S OI Mr. and Mra -I. H . U WflC fVi J 'i an ! Itny WiC Kwa-ionune oi tne eai 11ft K "f -aiueu 8. guests of 5 I,.. . at their Vimvio UillAVAOf Vino Wi Ist Saturday afternoon. pautip; ; rV v,uen much aDout tne PerfprfT r U1K county, and were but nni tst in what we' have said, W utlful mountain Polk county Mr. Pipi, , ' . . ' ape? Z , as sateen acres m aSy the Niagara and at this 7kZ i ieS ine es are kdif ?me 1aded to full capacity. in.. me rpq i : ouki remains iavoraDie m win nave tne pieas- 1 - ' W . 1 i mmmm A . r - t . ...... i ,. . " . ' ' .. ' i. - v.' - ' r- y ' . . . the Ufa -j. Pes tu- 8 ots 01 Aryon's famous iff, year. , , ' raising, s also entered upon motets ai . "iVfi nS ootn of these "rqc-jpi.,. v""swn cmcKens ana 04 nogs. ? tki BlS! woderful things ntai?la,c,eils the spring, of , cold rS- ?5 gushes :forth es a?jRtain SI,de in such quan- Svand also m. Ws dweU" TKden Jlles a neighbor, Dr. L? one of1 f0.r s home, ofr8. e havo , r l"TO0 beautiful 8iti8 eLcp Jet H the. pleasure Eat OuiirRiealts You 11 need neither a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite. A i. -J: .mt of molars will easily dispose ot Is There Electric Flat Iron In Your Home A Fine Tenderloin Steak An Extra Porterhome Steak A Luscioi" Round Steak AJjutritious Roast : "A null of Pork Chops T : 'Eal our meats; Good fof Yourstomach. K A l.i. nrnnt to btlV Ood Borf hoS cat MARICE.T PlUCt. A. H. :1 OTLLIAMS Crestwoo'd. Hotel - , -.. When you have become dissatisfied elsewhere try "CRESTWOOD." Modern throughout, well fur nished and comfortable. Good Home Cooking and Plenty of It. Special rates to guests by the month. ' . Troyn, N. c. CFIAS. LEONARD Proprietor. Price $ 5.50 Guaranteed oi , 10 Years IRYON ELECTRIC SERYlCt COMPANY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Jacob Onesby, deceas ed, late of Polk. County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent the same for payment to the un dersigned administrator, on or before f the 22nd a( ApriM920, on th5 notice fnil !be nladed s in. bar of ' tneir recov- T-"' .- persons mdeDtea irsaiaresuup please maKe' lmmetuaie paym&a ie unndersiened administrator - JOHN A. SHIELDS, Administrator.' This! 22d day of April; 191f.; 2-i ,j .. a uiaWE SOLICIT, t r Your 'orders for' Flooring, Ceiling, 'Siding, Finish Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture this and can save you money. - See us -for lath, brick, doors and sash. j. t. gresn xuimis coitPiurr, JAU will tn-ti JUST RECE 1VEB . A fresh shipment of Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. and National Biscuit Co's. Cakes and Crackers and pound raisin cake. - " Two Perfection Oil Stoveb for cal?; ah i v !. : ' - . I- Mac T ' 'Phorie' Nb. 14 TiryoiriiNo C Cn'o : tv lit ,&t 1 o o

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