pqut cbmnrg iinT7Q - v . i m iiihii irii .u w ka &oaaaaam i v vi iiiv t i t..i iit..t ii'jk'ii I'ji' i nil MWk k mm n n iiti nn iiii nil nn nn nil n n h iiv ui fit-- ului uuuiii omit, ourreui MM TJELFARE :T0sl(JT Jr ' 1. . . .Noi Carolina, as a state, has a rec .ord In tie World War which will: id- IV ...( ....... -' . i ? ways be the occasion of great and just pride to her future generations. Every I calf made of the Old North Stale, for J men, money, food, manufactured prod j ucts,' was promptly and generously ! met ; ' The war record of the boys in the service and none hare better, has been matched by the' women and men ? Vthiir " fighting sons. Her boys were fn the thick of the battle and those at home saw to it that the farms, facto- ries, banks, business generally and ef ? forts individually, were all Jined up to win the war. Every appeal for funds was met and .over. Liberty Bonds, War ! Savings Stamps, the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A. and other welfare agencies all I received generous support from the people of North Carolina. ' j War Is Over, j The war is won and fpr the most j of us It is over and done with. The boys coming back from France cast i off their uniform with a feeling of a job well and completely done. It is over for them. They have xdone all that was asked or expected of them f and better. But there are a few phases of the war in which the home I folks -took" nart. that are not as vet ! completed. v In mind is the United J War Work Campaign which was held i November of last year. North Caro ;lina pledged a total of $1,208,000. Of ( this grand total there has only been jpaid in " up to this time the amount j of $1,001,000. All; of this money was pledged in entire good faith by the cit jlzenship' of the state! The war is over but only, half of the boys have been sent home from France. ' Those that remain are impatient and, restless I and chafing to get back. Put yourself ! in a foreign country, with strange 1 faces and languages, bound by air iron ; discipline and with your 'thoughts turning "ever to HOME. How would' ; you feel ? The . welfare v agencies, which co-operated in the United War I Work Campaign; are at the present time doing one of the biggest pieces of work in their history. Helping the Boys. Large .colleges with fulf staffs of educators are ' helping the boys im prove their time of waiting; scores and scores of trained entertainers are traveling from one end of France to the ' ether, dispensing cheer and sun shine and helping the boys get up their, own shows; athletic events r are being staged that compare with former Olympic meets'; everything possible is , being done at this time to make the hours go faster for the boys who today are' upholding the power of right to i Germans. The war is worn and a ced many' of the boys who helped win it are.stiU ta Fraact adjr for any eventuality. "We.' owe" them a debt; the money has been pledged and in paying. It real tme-blue patriotism will be : shown. . : - : - - Need For Funds. ' Secretary Jo&ephus Daniels, la ap-, fproving the budgets of, th, War Work; societies; made an urgent requeii to the people of the nation' to pay in full their pledges. Following is a combin-, ed statement of Secretary" Newton D.; Baker and Secretary Josephus Dan iels. Regarding the budgeU which will finance' theaoUjities oi"the eeyen or-; ganlzationa presented in the campaign from October 1st; last, to December 31,, maf, the secretaries" declared report from overseas confirmed 'the necessity of "maintaining and, in some of its aspects, 'augmenting ' this work." .- . -In our Judgment, the statement continued;' "the full'sum subscribed in the campaign will be required, if these societies are to do what the American people desire to have them4 do in serv ing the soldiers and sailors and the other classes included in the original' appeal: . Z' "' ;.. ' "Moreover, there could, ta our Judg ment, be no wiser use of such, funds: The demobilisation plans, so - far mt they have been' determined, make .it plain the work "of thedlfferent-organ-izations will be needed for a long Ume still, and, owing to conditions whiqh necessarily characterize ' the period of demobilization, this practical wslfArtj work will be evem, more" needed Uan ever." . . , - , Wipe the Slatt (Jlean. Fifteen but of a ; hundred 'counties of the state "of North Carolina have already reported every . cent collected and in some cases an over-collection is reported. v The county chairmen and treasttiers of, the counties not paid, upliave work; ed as' hard and faithfully as those In the counties which' have paid the en tire" subscription;" in some, cases, per haps, more so, but if the people of their county have, not local pride, and personal pride enough to pay their' own subscriptions, the county cam paign organizations cannot wipe the slate clean for their counties. Surely there can be nq better way of thanksgiving and appreciation that the war is won than to pay up all obligations sustained for, the pros ecu' tiok of 'the wan " Every cent pledged! is needed for the work of the welfare agencies. Th'e 'state of North Caro lina can thui "make a record in , the" United War Work Campaign similar; to those in former drives. The sol diers have finished their Job aa4 sa-j ished it well. " The heme - citizenry, should have the same satisfaction of feeling' that they hare done their iX THE COSMETIC OF THE INANIMATE. 'Ifl am the saver of surfaces. ,Iam the world-old preserver. !; . : . , f . ' V - ... Aaii aiic.YY.iuc, xui lie pibuxicu. nic ai& wibtim auu wituuuw . IJThe Pharaohs sought me as an adornment for their tombs-, their mummies endure because I conserve; r v IjSLja the woad of the ancient Britons: their blue battle hue. Because of me the treasures of the Sistine Chapel defy 'efface-. merit. - ; "v "" ' ': "... ' ' . '" TII am. the. keeper of the antique. IJIam the servant of progress. , IfColumbus found me bedecking the savages who watched him plant Ferdinand's banner on the shores of New Spain; and the very t sails of his caravels resisted the elements of "the West through my aid. ' i : HTh'p pioneers westward wending their way dauoei the prairie schooners with my protection. ' - ' HI am.the royal robes of civilization's monarchs, Steel and Lum bef . . "--..v- . - :' '-i:. s-'-': -. YTh'e' taut ;wings of the airplane gleam under my protective . veneer. - - ' - - IfThe sullen dreadnaught -'and the homing transport plow the seas impervious to corrosion because of me. . HI waterproofed your agents of destruction, the bullet and the shell. . i : -!. v. HThen I drew the mercy of my concealing camouflage over your hospitals. ' ' - : ' : ' s HI glisten on the homes, and on the barns, and' on the, cement surfaces. -.-: HWh'ere life is, I am alive. : ""-''-y: H Where death and decay set in my .absence hastens them. H And my mission' is to preserve. , HSaver of Surface, I am PAINT! V , FOR BENT. , . ! i Six.-room furnjsheg bungalqw,Jwith bath for rent or sale. OverbrooK or chard Saluda,. N. C. '. , Yi I'M v r- ' -'EGGS. 4-."' i Eggs of Mottled Ancona I chickens for sale, $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs. B. F. Copeland, Tryon, N. MISCELLANEOUS. - Buy your nursery stock of E. ; J. Bradley, Saluda1,;' agent -for the old reliable nursery ' company, of Pomna. N.' "C- He can saye you money and assist you in your selection of trees best ' adaptedt o your soil. : FOTt SALE ! Pair '6f mare mules,, weight 1100 pounds each.' Cheap for cash. Chas. J. Lynch, Tryon. Cleaning an Umbrella. To clean jp umbrella place a table epoonful of sugar In a basin, pour over It half a pint of water and stir till dis solved. Then open the umbrella and, starting from the ferrule, sponge each gore down to the point. Leave the umbrella open till dry. - . Iw and re, ; Comets are erratic members, of the solar system moving in orbits. Stars may be classified as fixed stars and planets, the. planets revolving about .the sun, while the position of the fixed stars' relative to other " heavenly bod ies seems unvarying. ' V ft NOT0CE2 x Owing to shortage of help and expensive. . freight, on and afterJune 1st we will make but onef delivery of Ice a day. , All orders for delivery must ;be received before 10 o 'clock, a. m., otherwise de-- it very wiii oev neia ior tne; iouowing aay.;. TRYON ; IQE; ANDr CCI CO: 1 FOR SALE :-Two extra fine sad dle horses. Chas. J Lynch; Tryon. FOR SALE: Nice mahog'any book case; also some small farming tools. Enquire of James Leonard, lryon. STRAYED From our ' farm on North Pacolet. on, May 10, one dark bay horse mule aged 12 or 15 years, weight about 800 pounds. Any in formation please notify Claude O. Smith, Landrum, S. C. - ' LAMBS FOR SALE: Mrs. R. G. Hamilton, Tryon Route 1, Box 33. CAR FOR SALE One 1318 Chev rolet touring1 car, first-class condition. Bargain if you write, or see me at once, hear Green Creek church. Post offic, Landrum R 1. , Lee Cochran. FOR. SALE Registered Tamworth boar, with papers. One. year old and weighs 200 pounds. Selling to prevent inbreeding. CHAS;J. LYNCH,' Tryon, N. C . Ship your, chickens to us for highest market prices. , We pay express on 1 dozen or more.' B. H. BERNSTEIN, Spartanburg, S. C. 4-6t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CtiED ITORS. ' Having qualified as executor of the estate' of E.' L. Walker,' deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them-to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of June 1920, or this notice will be pleaded' in bar of their recovery. " v ' All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 16th day of May 1919. J. W-. WALKER, Administrator of E. L. Walker. DONT QUIT READING NEWSPA PERS NOW. ' Just because the war is bver,!or be cause you may be busy with raising a new crop, is no reason why you should cease' to keep up with the great problems facing the world,and the United States. - The period of readjustment it at hand.' New conditions are coming to pass and new issues must be met. You must read a daily newspaper to keep informed and to know what is hap pening and how decisions on impor tant matters are reached. The man who is informed is the man who will keep ahead. When you read a daily newspaper. read the best. I We believe We are giving- you the greatest value for for vour - monev when you subscribe for the Greens boro Daily " News. Largest market report Washington and Raleigh bu reaus. David Lawrence articles. Lon don Times cable service ' SDecial Sunday features 'includine comics. special section, and magazine fea tures. You get a new European map with 6 months subscription. Write for sample copy. Subscription price: Daily $5 per year; Daily and Sunday $7. GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, Greensboro. N. C. Evidently No Lover , of Cards., It Is very wonderful to see'persons of the best sense passing hours to gether in shuffling and d'vldlng n pack of cards with no conversation; but In different figures." Would not a man what Is made up of a few game phrases, and no other ideas but those of black or red spots ranged together taugh to hear any. one of his species complaining that life is short? Addi son. " ; . , " ? " ' , 0 A Q realty K'pn, , A great man Is. he.' who chooses the right. In Invincible, resolution, who re fists, the sorest temptations from with-. In and wtbo"ut.whor bears the. heaviest burdens cheerfully." who 'is calmest In storms and most fearless under frowns, whose ; reliance oh truths on virtue, on God, Is most unfaltering. I believe this greatness to be most com mon among 4 the V multitude whose names are never heard. W. E. Chan nlng. . . r ' ., . f French, Port Regains Trade, While Havre was still young the seafaring" men'' of Honfletir. conquered Newfoundland, ' founded s .Quebec and esta.blislied numerous trading posts In ' Ipdia. j Much ?;bf the town's commerce was, gradually absorpe by Havre.'".'. At the outbreak of the great war, how ever,;;Honfleur; ha prosperous ex- ; port trade with England In dairy prod--acts,; fruity and; yigetables. and, a con-.' sjderable quantity 4 of lumber was m-i .ported direct fromthe- Scandinavian i countries. Learn Froni Mistakes. ', t , ; ' V If , ypu pake a ''mistake dont lopk ' back at; It "long. Take the reason of 'jfhel thing ' Into .your V own " mind, and then look forwara. . Mistakes are Us I ; cons ' of wisdonu-Hugh; Whit j ' "T i ' 'hv . :J' S51 52 S51 Wh eh you want dollar have more cents I, make your py buy ing the S51 following brands 3 WATER TITE McELROY BILLIKEN SARATOGA LIFELINE MASTERBILT LIFE LINE VASSAR TWIN SIX BABY MINE v S51 52J They are. all leather and honestly built, and trie best value! forthemoney;-; j Also remember us for your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Feed,! Fresh and Salt' Meats, Farm Implements,- etc. Complete stock,! AV. .V V.V MiVVv. Highest price paid for, country produce either cash or trade, 6 SALUDA, N. C. ) - i 6 -6 IAnJ PWJ lAjSj PSJSJ i . m - ..v. ..v. v.m. . . . ..v. .v . v -..v... : One of tt liStS&s to ludnre a tir& in to WaiutTi if: fM ttiile- materials. Of course weight might be due to mtaiy i aclors . ii go nox improve quality sueit jsm unneccs-gary.wire m the m,,u vciui-ivuis: vmppuntis. uut once nsstsrea tna itds&si- tires tlierfbre, live yoirHtealei- Wtrrfc the atfitereat . jvt(iiMv vuua1uu.ui r iiiu Lir"r! tttt i i tntvatwara rith tlie size of ike fx. X-Kv.v.v.v.5-i i 3E Tites ira Tfdlit-iluR to extra qtbtx rtitVcr-chfi Ibtbtic and Tgo crqvizzZizzslJjxht&m Quality Eilzrj tlZtiVDll lavs a nfifht to cr:ct extra. milc3i?e from 1RisHxx2 :-3Efct. -lUchelins" cost ".'Hi -jP- :1 .; --I :i---jLj. . -.-II m moreiiisa ordinary tires. Williams Hardware Co. Landrum. S. C.