rv POLK COU1IT Y NEWS. TBff OIL IT. 0. r JRE-WCOUHTY.KRVSarwiTRYOHBEE lu published every Friday at , v v.. -Jl fx TAJ .N . JNfVjWx In irvWL-il-MA,. Satrd as seccnl-class matter April 28. 1915 at the port office at Tryon, North Carolina, un der tfia act of March 3. 1879 B. F. COPELAND, - fccfoor C. BUSH, - " ' Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CAAOS OF THANKS, B olutiorii of Respect, Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged,, or for financia vain, will be charged regular advertising rates of fire cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 226 West 89th Street, New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Lxng May It Wave.' ft We believe that history is to again repeat itself. . Every J big panic or trade depression in the Unitd btates is receded by a series ; of strikes, such as are taking place now. La bor, has its rights in this - country, same as all others, but when labor un dertakes to strong-arm the country as it is now doing, it always fails. The people have not forgotten the sorry spectacle of labor strikes inaugurated during the war, when the country was perfectly helpless; when the very life of the country was at stake. Laoor has received more recognition ,than any other class of citizenship, but it must be given to understand that other people have rights that must be respected. NOTICE. There will be held an election in public school district at Gray's Chapel on July etn, to ascertain wnemer ui not thery shall have a special school tax not to exceed 50 cents per $100 valuation of property and $1.50 on each poll to supplement the county fund apportioned by the Board of Education of Polk county. v The boundary of said district fully set forth in petition filed this the 2nd day of June, 1919, and including parts of Polk, and Rutherford counties. N. D. Moore, judge of; said election." Done by o'rder of County Commis soners upon request of Board of Ed ucaton, June 2, 1919. F. M BURGESS, Clekk to B. C. C. Some -of the words ! used in the o.A iATwil at Pans are hard to un- w ffeytiwe mav iid W J hate beeif called very bWl. nms b'v some of these words, Ke fksted fkosslktrtbtfi: battery He Adl4, thefjHdaQat.hehad peen-cau-WTa rhinoscftk When vtos this? Sskeditheljudie. tThr$e yiaxa .ago,, replied the Spaniard, r "And you hit a man for calling you. a rmnosceros three years ago?" said the jujdge. '.'Si, senor. Up until that accursed yesterday I had noteen a rmnos ceros. Only yesterday do I .learn the colossal size of the insult," replied the Spaniard. fN-- f . . ' -Q- ;' m u ".Vl!l m 38 MB HI Ml fR FINANCIAL STATEMENT "O, well, let's- all strike," says the Greensboro News. v: . ; o The greatest danger in letting the kaiser go free is that he might get on Town of Tryon for Fiscal Year End- some Chautauqua circuit Hopkins Ing June 1, 1919. Journal. 7..;.;. y-'p EVERY woman needs a pair -of these I comfort giving low shoes for light wear, for the hospital and for resting the feet after wearing heavy shoes. Tfiese good looking, sensible, low shoes are exactly what you need. J; ' Made of the softest Vici kid leather, hand turn, extremely flexible, sole, silent rubber tread, low heel, genuine SELZ quality, all leather, perfect workmanship, a shoe every woman should possess. H i S3 .50 to .OO Wilkins & Co., Tryon &doSxbig in StlM SStsti Old Kaiser Bill has just, cut down ;and sawed up his 2,000th tree.. But there is still one growing on which old 'Bill may hang. o Gen. Ludendorff says he hasn't any idea of visitincr America. Well the Totat income from taxes. Y.$4,070'.16 Total income from licenses. . 440.00 Total income from fines. .... 40.50 Bal. June 1," 1918......... 435.45 Total receipts'. . ..$4,986.11 Disbursements old gent has more sense than we gave ellB,ri,u rs;, , ka - onn him credit for. , Missiiaine rnarmacy gas ana on tt.iz A head line in the Lenoir 'News I Tryon Elec. Service co. lights. 524.97 Topic reads: "Old von Tirpitz Has w A. Wilson. , salarv. .670.00 J. A. Mills,. salary............. 445.00 M. G. Blake, salary. ......... 360.00 Lost His Whiskers." wasn't his head. Too bad it ? w . . . IE. E. Missildine, rent....... 105.00 lai uie aiser is more T H Coggey. auditing icenuy. ii tne ames nave d.-.v, nnna-ln lahr- 11 1 a ' i TIM1 -11 1 1 - I wE.w, . . xneir way aoout um.wui.. oe.nuue JIin Paine labor invisible until judgment day. I -o rKv iaK t' t It is' said that the Kaiser is more invisible recen Calvin Cheek, labor. .... . I. Ed." Streadwick,; teaming. . . . . 10.00 82.05 20.00 8.20 2.75 : "Farmers should produce infertile M. G. Blake, expense to Ashe- eggs," .says the Lenoir News-Topic ville. ...... I. ......... . 3.35 We are endeavoring to persuade the Alex Beatson, teaming. . .. .... 229.25 hens to do that job in Polk county. J. B. Melton, rebate 11.50 o Carolina Hrw Co. supplies.... 71.02 Candidates for congressman from cHadenraSr8 ' ' ' 1020 from another Brill-Weaver campaign. U. IgLo-. 1.76 0 T (for truck) 377.17 An Aj.gel has just been found guil- Bank of Tryon, int. on bonds. 485.73 tv of blockading. But that was not S. A. Oliveros, insurance. ... . 42.24 in Polk, county. Anything but angels Chas. Sayre, carpenter work. . 15.75 engage in the traffic in this county. - Polk Co. News, bal on acctl. 4.42 . :-o G. H. Holmes, sewer pipe'. ..... 5.60 It is true that the dove of peace is ai!;; w66 cooing, but it cooes as if had ade- fJh''' "" f noidsf-lChicago Daily News. Just Mn' teaming 43.50 that's all. Sfff-' .2-5" c. vr. murna, repair nre vrucK 17. ou Will Kimr. labor. " Burleson's calibre was shown, when w. J. Gaines, sidewalk....... 132.06 threatened by strikes, he thought he Cash, supplies in Spartanburg could not manage, he was reaay to 10.70 turn back the wire organizations to W. F. Little, Mayor's bond. . . 5.00 their owners. Elijah Holbert. teamincr. '. . 76.00 0 - Uno L. Jackson, supplies...;..; 160 Tryon Lbr. Co. lumber...' 104.45 candidate fdF the presidency bn the g; B Cawthray, vita statistics .7.00 prohibition ticket. The grape juice J1 repairs on truck zi.bO manufacturera' should eontrihute lib- 5?. P. Andrews, teaming. . . . . . 2".00 erally to his campaign fund. V"' GA i.Vp1 .repairs .. .. . ... .. 2.30 Urn J illUCl , lC31IUII .......... 4.UU L. F Marriott. ewer ninp . . ' 9. n Congressman Pou predicts that wo- W. H Stearns, stamns. fi 9K men will be given the ballot, in North County School Fund. ... 35 50 Carolina, by 19.20. Well,:perhaps we Jno. Orr & Co, supplies.. .... ! 85 will then be spared the ordeal of an Tryon Health Dept 120.00 eiecuon contest nice tne one going on w. u. Kobertson, taxes....... 5.58. Injuns county just at prsent. Frank McFarland, registrar fe 16.00 ; o- . Oldsmobile Co. supplies....... 28.35 Cooper Gan Republicans have de- Bk-of Tryon, protsted chek. .." 5.27 clared for Brownlow Jackson for the maining ve townships are to be I receipts You want smoke luxury, smoke comfort and the sense of inVigoratirigy rest that ac companies a good cigar. Our cigars are always in prime condi tion as we receive fresh shipments every, week. All quUlities, all prices, but the best for the money. " V .'. . . i ' ' ' i" ' : ' -- Cigars for Particular ; Smokers: 9 Porto Rican, 10c H. ., $416.64 , . $4.9 86.11 heard from, and there may be that Total disbursements ....... . 4,316.64 many different Republicans endorsed. I - Cinto, 7c ' Tampa Nuggctt, 7c Garcia Grange, 5 and lOc El-Rccs-So, 7c New Currency, 5c Boston Club, 5c All Kinds of Cigarettes i Dee Co I! dl I5o6:8:0ed! OHsnks The. Ballesiiger Co, W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC ,v Tryon, N. C. When Burleson eets through with Wntr Wnrlro nAn.mA the telephones it looks as - if there Rreceipts from rater rent. .$3,231.44 won't be anything left but . the re- From note , 497 50 ceivers. Knoxvllle Journal and-Tri- Bal. on hand Jrae V, W18 '. ". 28l!ba bune. No, neigh Dor, there will be a . - ' Dig aencit leit.. Total wint. a hia . -- ---x ........ v-t)Viu.u I Disbursements j "Dr npr-nKTo- ie Aoriincf Kicmino. I W. A. Wilson.- salarv. ........ S1 1 0'on Peace Treaty," so the press dispatch- i?. G Blake, salary. . ......... 470.00 1 pc toll no Tist. - Wi a;n u I VafOlma H riw Crt . annnlioo QQ m l i same Derned old cuss that Uncle Sam Montgoniery & Crawford, suplies - had shipped out of this country on ac- ; .i. ....... . 3.75 count of shooting off his mouth too V; B?Ioms supplies r ....... . 3.75 freely? E. M. Hart, teaming. ........ 21.00 m. xr. Anarews, teaming. ..... 2.00 t in ! a t i a ir 'Zj - , ""V nancneu uond Go. principal on ' Union Telegraph Co., will use the bond qoo nn "suit case route" in delivering mes- R. A. Leonard Valve' ' ' -v ' v a ffi sages owing to the strike of opera- WiU lOngflabor alVe--;--" 1 tors. If they need any suit case op- Kck Douslat llbir' ' ' ' ' fii erators Polk county can furnish them, EHas lS Mbo? " iq?2 for that has. long been a favorite Jake Co'labo? ' v ?nn method of delivery in this county. , Ppief T'MyS Th, TTft-n riw.:-ti - :- ?, londs and note:4745 T-r V ... ". .ivouii, UAllr. M.( HO mftS. filirvomn)l nenaersfliivi p. wac in tjaIL- v.n, t.. t . tnisj date for Jackson county in thpv apnprsi LhP Incf fnill. Ty.n TT 1 1 . I Republican campaign mlnalSr for TnJol elf $4,010.57 tof - w JT UMttJ .10th district fosfvera? Mr! sburs? ...... '3,501.16 Ctide Hall m MusOdme BuOdb's "j thorough 'or. I Balance. . tsno . Meet. Thurav Fv;nB ii A.n ' Maiineryg Dress Malting Ail Work Guaranteed first floor Wilkins' store E.;::.', RHODES. ir ILOlxLRcibi) i-andra Capital; $15,000 j Surnlus and Profits; $12ifinn i RESOURCES, OVER $1,, This Bank appreciates your business, ho if i HT . v r ,t t - w c would h Eighty well .to have your name on our, books OFFICERS: H. B." CARLISLE, President. . J. S. CARPENTER v E ROY P. WHITLOCK. Cashier. R. H BRADY a ; DIRECTORS: ,A,stc4 Bri. D. anuie . . rvoy jt . . vy oiuock j q p . -r xvy II. - . .-it i. . 45 V- J waiarP n-W. Acke occopscocooocococ? SAFETY! cocococ o o o () o o o o o o o COURTESY! Ditdv2sQ: by Mail! Buy a Certificate of Deposit. Tl.-?!- " J? l J. j i it eanis iour per cent irom aate ana can It q converted into cash by mail, at any time. BAN IK Of TRYON ; J. B. HESTER Cashier. P o o o o c W. T. LINDSEY, Prea GEO. A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty. . Deeds ana Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prioes. TRYON, N, C. v SEIRVDGE SEGUIRDTTY These Essentials of Sound Banking are embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED BAN IK oiF SALU DA : .Capita' SI 0,000.00 HDt8Y:P. C0RW1TH. Pres. JOHN i. CANNON. V-Pru. PRESTON KM 111 MI i ... Vw - Nt1R We Have the Right Priiet ' AND " Kind of Materials o do your building. , Full stock I UopVindojY?, Siding, flooring: Dressd Lumber. Carry complete STOCK OP FEEDS hcaron vuuder co. Voti ought to hade a pair of these soft vid kid comfort oxfords. Kiy Ifese fc Comfort Nothing except the actual wearing can more elegantly describe the effects of 3 : these SELZ shoes than the above slogan 4 - SELZ comfort shoes have made feet gki for nearly onhalf century. : . ; They represent ; the quality which yu ;V . expect, but "seldom find. V'.VrThfiy represent all leather, good work T manship and the lowest price consistent TO; .4 . f " r . ..-f - - toJioaiot .d til-tArr. trf- ViLU!Nr& CO; Tryon, 1 3 8 0:.v.. tt uusuer. tt ni : Vww "m. ' WWrt 1 '

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