.. . i - POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA 1 IT f - - ... , . t"TT-. .mm Tl I n I PT ; TEAUHIhu Itiniri IK PUBLIC SCHOOL . ' ' ' Importance .of-the matter BROUGHT SQUARELY UP, TO THE SUMMER SCHOOLS. ME Jl THREE FOLD PURPOSE ek.hu.lt IUavaj VAItU VA. i.ii.c Mary onui""! ,ui iiai - Loan Organization of Fifth Federal Reserve District Now on Tour. Raleigh. Dr. E. C. Brooks, superintendent of public instruction, is calling attention Uf the directors oi state ana county Inmmfcr schools of North Carolina to the Thrift campaign in the public t .n t us tr " y . - , i Ka nv nrnmnrfin nv rna no. J1" . fional government, setters going out from his office emphasize the purpose as threefold: to give tne cnna a broad understanding of the specific facts nd underlying principles or thrift; to train the child in habits f conser vation and wise use or all of hi3 re- A. - 1 I- 4. 1 1 sources; to create uiruugu me acnoois a public sentiment in favor of thrift and economy. f Miss Mary Shotwell, now with the war Loan Organization of the Fifth Inderal Reserve District, in the work pneourasring thrift through the schools is now on a tour or the sum v i mer schools of North Carolina. She has already had concrete examples of how the thrift idea can make Itself felt. Tar Heels uet uipiomas. Fifteen North Carolinians were in cluded in the list of graduates "of the Medical College of Virginia, who v re ceived diplomas at the Academy . of Music, Richmond, Va. Seven gradu medicine as follows: John ated in Grady Booe, Cana; Robert Hull Court nev, Lenoir: Amos Carson Duncan, land; Frank Leonard Ray, Wake For est; Willard Mild Strickland, . Wen dell. Dental graduates were: Victor E"os Bell. Wakefield; Rudolph Burn!, Snow Hill; Mathew Fiitrell, Conway; Irby Howard Hall, Zebulon; William Henry Lewis, Jr., Atkinson; Ernest "Fredericks Pone. Coates : Ollie" Lee PresnelL Asheboro; Thomas Avery rnderhill, Wendell. It was announced that Charles Lee Nance, of Peachland, N. C.,' and Wil- liamClvde Oates, of Grover. N. C, will Teceive diplomas from the North Caro lina Medical College. They have been transferred to this city to complete their work. , . . - " ' Of 93 But Eight Survive. Major W. A. Graham, commissioner of agriculture has been digging into the past again. Apropos of alumni day at the State University Major Graham brought out an old autograph! The major was a member of the class of '60 until 1859, when he went north to finish at Princeton. He has always kept up with his. former class mates, however. There were 93 in the-jClass, he said, 32 being from other States. Of the entire number, 92 entered the Confed erate armies. Of that group, 31 were killed or died from wounds received in nrtmn Eight of the number are still .living, by Major Graham's record. They are Captain S. B. Alexander, Charlotte; R. E. Bullock. Vance county ; C. E. Gray, Raleigh; C. H. HeighE. J. Hale and O. W. Pearce, Fayetteville; S. E. Gay, Mississippi; E. S. Martin, Wilming ton, and John H. Thorpe, Rocky Mount. Banks Show Great Gains. A net gain In resources of $41,736,- 077 is shown in" the summary of the condition of State banks in North Car olina for the past year in a statement issued by the corporation commission. The total resources amount to' $194,- 592,602. The. summary 'shows that de posits subject to check increased $16,- 506,481; time certificates of deposit $5,617,041; savings deposits $3,861,878. The summary' shows deposits subject to check amounting to $78,975,256; savings deposits $30,261,031; time' certificates of deposit $20,058,400. .The total capital stock is $13,362,279, an increase of $555,646. Overman Park Amendment. Senator Overman has secured the adoption by the Senate of his amend ment to the agricultural appropriation till for the allotment of $2,000,000 to continue the purchase of land for the. Appalachian Park of Western North Carolina. The measure insures the continuance of the policy to perpetu ate and develon the immense wood- iand domains of Buncombe, Mitchell and other . western North Carolina counties, whose wealth of timber; and resources invites government support aaa designation. ' Mope Recent Casualties. v Washington (Special) .Names of North Carolinians in' the latest cas ualty list of the American Expedition ary forces are: . v .Private Luther Dalton, Statesville; flled from accident. - Private Lott G. Underwood, Jones Yille wounded severely. . Sergeant William James ,Croomr WlUard, wounded slightly,.: : In the "current casualties" Bulger James Rudd, of Reidsville, is reported 3 having died of accident, or other Farmers Buy Northern Hay.- Says a recent news service bulletin issued at Cornell University, in New York State, "New York has found a strong demand for ha in the South Recently a company has' sold in the following-cities: - New Bern. N. C.. i. vonia, Ga.,4. and Rocky - Mount, N, ; C. utner shipments have also been made to other points." The prices realized on the hay rane- ed from $27.60 to $33 a ton." Now, isn't this a pretty how-to-do? asks the extension service workers nf the State College and Department of' Agriculture. New York' farmers are selling hay in North Carolina, realiz- mg a. ton 10 tnemselves, with one of the shortest growing seasons of the United States. North Carolina, a nat ural grass country and with an all-the- year-round growing season, payinr New York farmers $33 a ton for hay, when It Is one of the easiest grown and easiest handled crops that the State knows. An economic study of the hay situa tion in North Carolina reveals the fact iV.i il... 1- j . T we increased our acreage durine last yean by 160.0Q0 o-ico, uic acreage ior j.a was only 590,000. On this area, 684,000 tons were produced, worthaccording to a recent study of this subject, $14,364,- 000, ; In spite, however, - of this in creased acreage, this known value of the hay crop, farmers from all sec tions of the State import hay by the carload. It is true, say the extension work ers, that good cold cash can be realis ed on cotton and tobacco, but what is the use of spending this cash for food and feedstuff s grown out of the State, when these can be produced abundant- ly wunin xne state, as. Dr. Knapp has said, "the State should first buy a ... i M . . . ticket for home before plunging on the cotton and tobacco gamble.' North Carolina Casualties. Washington (Special). Names of North Carolinians in the latest . cas ualty list of the American expedition ary forces are: ,, Severely Wounded (Lieut W. V. Bowman, Hickory; Privates W. E. Bry- son, Balsom; O. . R Holder, - High Point; Charles Watson, Triplett; Ju- lien Wood, Jr., Edenton; Jefferson Pone, St Paul; Jos. Burton, Hender son; iW. E. Poindexter,. East Bend; A. L. Dixon, Haw River; J. L. S. Roark, Grover: Wiley Williams Wake For est; M. G, Woodhouse, ,Grandy; Jav Barnes, Aurelian Springs; Edgar L. Wood, Thomasville; J. W. Smith, Ra leigh; Mack Woodie, Piney Creek.- Slightly Wounded E. P. Tolar, Fay- etteville; C. B. Teague, Granite Falls; G. H. Fuquay, Randleman; A. L. Shue, Charlotte,; J. W. Morton, Wilmington; W. W. Pollock, Trenton : C. A. Watts, Tobaccoville; E. D. Hale, wmton; w. G. Hi)llingsworth, Mount Airy; R. L. Wetherington, Kinston; C. E. Bray, Morritt; Jesse Wood, LaGrange; Day ton Roberson, Frosty; J. B. Mintum, Aulhnder. Died of Disease Claude H. Davis, Ransonville. Afer One Million Dollars. North Carolina soon will be almost $1,000,000 richer if the State Tax Com mission succeeeds in collecting this amount as inheritance tax from the Reynolds estate" in .Winston-Salem. Ac cording to figures submitted by the manaeement of the estate the Tax Commission is assured of about $750,- 000 from the .heirs of the Winston-Sa lem magnate. .The commission, how ever, through' special, agents, is work ins- with & view of Retting a million dollars in taxes. The Reynolds estate is valued at $15,000,000 , in the financial statement to the Tax Commission. The commis eion thmks the-estate is worth more than the stated value. Special agents and the attorney of 4he inheritance tax division now are working on the prob- Wm of ascertaining the true value of the estate. Manv New Nurse. Mintv-six nurses, graduating by hosoital training schools of North Car olina, successfully stood examinations at Ralelrti. May 26, 27 and 28, before the State board of examiners, one hundred and five nurses took the ex- a initiation's. t Miafl Posa McOorkle. of Alexis, N. n ruinate of Watts hospital, of Dur- v o . . v ,Qtri mad the highest average, my """ . 111 J. ner cent it WS Stated. MISS urusyia vnunK of -Bessemer jiiy, grauuw w. r-larftnce Barker Memorial hospital, Oi -ftjroitimnrA Md.. was secona. 1YJ. v -f ii M..P.Ina Course.: .0h,onts were completed at cfoto rnilPe Summer School for . c i-ifisson', course in l - snmmer School nome.nuroi"6 - and tne nrimes. president of wooing r-hanter of the Re4 Cross ivi i ii , ' . ry narhAA rnairman oi ATI I IVI T-? t. XJ. JUV w-wwF . j fmant nf home nursing, pre XUB Uai" . . . .th. j vA -nioTia iierreea uuon, w6Dtu er ... t.ormmenaaiioiiB. a T,iril or mdVe students, at the school have declared tneir inwnuuu- of taking the course. nw President of University. H W. Chase, chairman or rae faculty of the University since the riAstti nf Dr. N. H. SUcy, was elected president of the University or worm ring address to the Confederate vet Z. Chanel HiH, to succeed erans, veterans, of the Spanish-Ameri-Carolina, at CnaPJ -u. ffnB. ... r .ntnmod soldlm -from Ka Imtm TVr. V K . urtUlBlU. u.a M session since, noon, - ;7r recess for dinner and f-.5.e so presiaency tu on him and as ine ..m-unanimQus. CARLOAD CATTLE BOUGHT BY; BANK RECENTLY ORGANIZED CATTLE EXPECTED rTO BE CLUB IS A "GREAT SUCCESS. , ' . ' MILKERS AND STOCK BULLS This With Other Projected Purchases Will Greatly Relieve the Present Shortage In Milk. Supply. Wilmington.- The People's -Savines Bank of this city has financed a car. load of blooded Guernsey cows for ani graaa secretary. His duties will farmers in the Castle Hayne section be to vlsit among lodges and drill de of the county, following ; the financing gree 8taffa. to instruct in the secret or a pig club in the county by the w nmmgton Savings & Trust Com pany. The latter venture turned out to be an amazing success, financially and otherwise, and the People's Bank scheme pormises not only improved dairy cattle, but increased milk sup ply, which is badly heeded here. Both ventures were handled through the iarm extension service under direc tion of County Agent J. P. Herring New Dances Dubbed Immoral. Asneyuie. Charging that dances which are being done by the dancing set of the city are absolutely disgust ing, Immoral and dreadful," a com mittee or women, . representing the city federation of women's clubs and headed by the president and other of- ncers oi mat organization, appeared ... . before the city commissioners and asked that such dances be stopped. i he ladies charge that at one df the hotels of the citv a crowd nf dancers was put out . of the hotel be cause of the way in which they danced and that they went to a public dance nan immediately after and danced for several . hours. They state that thev have heard many "dreadful things .r about the dances and ask the commis sioners to make li investigation at once. Hosiery Mill It Burned. uunington. Many people were aroused from their slumbers, when lightning struck the Sellers' hosiery mill, located near the business center of this place, durine an electrical storm. The big brick building is al most a complete loss, the damage amounting to between $30,000 and $40,000, which is only partially cover ed by Insurance. The machinery is badly damaged and it is doubtful if it can be salvaged. ! Owing to the electrjeal storm, the lighting plant was put out, of commis sion and in the darkness it was diffi cult to fight the fire. Hospital at High Point High. Point A real estate deal has been consummated which assures the erection , of a modern hospital in this city within a very short, time. The real estate in question, on which the new Institution will be constructed, Is situated in the heart of the city, lying adjaoent to the Greensboro road. The consideration involved has not been made known. Profit-Sharing Plan Proposed. Winston-Salem. Representatives of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, at a meeting of 500 foremen, outlined the preliminary details of a profit- sharing plan which the company ex pects shortly to put In effect It is expected the plan when fully matured will, materially increase the earnings of the company's employes. 1 Compensation In Europe. Kinston. -Even being left in Europe when most , of the '.'fellows" have re turned home has its compensations, according to McDaniel Lewis, first lieutenant In the 11th Infantry, who writes friends here that many of the Sammies overseas are taking -advan tage of the relaxed restrictions on travel to tour such parts of the conti- nent as they can Numerous, leave I 1 1 1 J M -n i areas are peing uioeu, ana urusseis I i ' V J - J Tl 1 IL. seems io naro succecaea x-ans as me musi "' s way of. xiowever, i went oj x-ans a month ago. ocixior Meeting. M A . f A.I at Asheville. On July 7, 8 and ,9 at Grove Park Inn the seventeenth an nual convention of the Southern News- paper Publishers' Association 1 will i - A.t..- i-. tlnuing for one day, the Southern di vision of the Associated Press, execu tive board of A. A. A. A., southern council A. A .A. A., and Southeastern A .nr(l.(.r A .Cm to A...1onn- WH1 i -"e "o-" ..... i uum wuivumwu. v- one or more days. of. the time occupied by the S. N. P. convention. Southport Honors Veterans. Southport. -Before one of the larg est crowds that ever, assembled in Brunswick county, Lieutenant Gover nor O. Max Gardner delivered a stir- i " . . mm a a the WOrio war., ma aaaress was strong one and. appealed to the crowd, ludging from the applause during and after the address. tn the - afternoon , State Councilor Woodus JCeUum delivered an address and the first flag unfurling took place. ODD FELLOWS CENTENNIAL Two, Concert Classes From the Home at Goldsboro Now. on Tjieir An- f I nual Tour : of the -State, d ; Charlotte. At the recent session of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in North Caro lina; which was held in the city of Asheville May 20-22 the following of ficers werejelected: Grand master, C. u. JMCMichael, Wentworth; deputy grand , masUr, D. H; TillitC Camden; grand warden, L. W. Moore, Wilming ton; grand secretary, John D. Berry, Raleigh ; grand treasurer, Wm. L. Smith, Wilmington. The grand master and grand secre tary were authorized to employ a man for all of his time in field work among the subordinate ledges of this State. This officer is to be known as assist wur-'aiia " stimulate interest among the. members, so as to inr.rp.ftfin th membership during this year which marks the centennial of Odd Fellow ship in America. The annointment of this officer will be announced within the next few days. . In order to appropriately commemo- ,rate the centennial of American Odd Fellowship' the Grand Lodge author ized the launching of the centennial movement, and directed the grand master to appoint some proficient member of the order as general chair man of the centennial movement who shall serve without pay and shall se lect his aids and assistants to' act in conjunction with the grand master andj4he grand secretary, in directing such campaigns as they see fit for re; vlving interest in the order, enlarging its membership, strengthening its finances and supporting its institu tions. Hon. M. L. Shimnan. oast erand master, has been selected as general chairman and the centennial move ment will be actively launched within the next few days. The 1920 session of the ClnmA Lodge will be held in ftftnia Mav is i . . v.& a. w AO vAyvb'iu uui vv ill a great revival of. activity in Odd Fel lowship in the vicinity of Charlotte and Gastonia with , an increase In membership in this section during the year. Two concert classes from the Odd Felloes Home at Goldsboro have be gun their annual tours. ' They are pre senting a very attractive program this season and it is expected that they will realize the net sum of $20,000 for the support of that institution. At the last regular meeting of the board of trustees of the Orphan Home 25. new children were admitted. Opens Up Goat Parm. Albemarle. It seems that Stanly county citizens are not yet content with the already diversified Industries of the county. Not content with splen did cotton mills, with the only alumi num manufacturing plant in the "South and one of the .largest in the world, and with a reputation for growing the heaviest wheat in the world, one citi zen now comes along and starts what he rightly calls a goat industry. This , enterprising citizen is J. " D. Johnson, of Misenheimer, in the northern part of the county. Mr. Johnson -is already a farmer, and lum ber dealer and for pastime he has de cided to start the goat industry. Making a start with 125 of the goat tribe, Mr. Johnson says that he ex pects to increase this number as rapid ly as he can find people who nave goats to sell. Already a pasture of 100 acres has been enclosed with a wire fence and this pasture is amply sufficient for more than 200 of the goat kind. -" But raising, goats is only half the proposition. The 100-acre pasture has just .been cleared of timber and wood, and "immediately the weeds, grass and young sprouts snring up, it' is Mr. Gfat's business to keep this .growth eaten down until the stumps decay, when the land is ready for farming and another pasture must be prepared. l Mills Reduce Working Hours. Fayetteville. A decrease in work ing hours from 66 to 55 per week was announced by officials of the Cumber land County Cotton Manufacturing As sociation here. The operatives of the mills belonging to the association will be paid for the 55 hours work on a 60- hour scale. Music at Reidsville. Reidsville. Military band: or no military band, plenty of good band music will be heard at the 4th of July celebration in Reidsville. While the entertainment committee is waiting for developments in the question of a military band, they are leaving, noth ing undone to have lots of music here that day. , yhe Draper, band, 30 strong, and chesty : tooters. too, will be on hand, and the colored band will see to it that there is , an abundance of rag-time. Probably other bands and orchestras will be secured. Half Crop of Potatoes. ' v Beaufort.- Potato digging is in full swing here now and several carloads leave here every day for the northern markets. Digging began about two weeks ago but did not reach its maxi mum until this week. So 'far some eight or ten thousand barrels have been shipped from .this point and there will probably ; be ten or fifteen thousand more to follow, i The cror this year will not turn out more thar t half as, much as last year crop-which was nearly . 50,000 barrels. Prices, however, are much better. . A Few Hints' for Laundering. , Using an old sheet double It as many times as it will cover the board. This will make four or five thick nesses, which are laid smoothly and tacked on the board all at once. When the top layer becomes soiled, it Is cut oft and there Is the board with a clean cover. When covering ' the . ironing-board with a blanket or padding, tack it along the edges only, so that both sides and the ends are smoothly cov ered. Then make an unbleached iron ing sheet the size of board, with large end left open to slip on like a pillow case.' If well fitted, both sides of the board can be used; it will look neat and there will be no pins or nails to tear hands or clothing. A Handy Iron Cleaner. A very practical Jittle contrivance for use when ironing consists of a block of wood about five Inches square. Five holes are bored in this block and filled with beeswax. These are cover ed with a pfece of musllh. The other side of the block Is covered with emery-cloth. The emery side of the block Is used to rub the Iron on If the starch sticks and the wax side gives the iron smoothness. v Old flat-irons become rusty, but a Lady in It looks as. If the time were not far iway when women will discuss Vun Sersllks" Instead of ndennusllns, for silk has invaded the realm of cot ton and Is flourishing there astonish ingly. Just as the silk stocking Is not looked upon now as a luxury but as a necessity of good dressing, and its use enormously increased, so silk under garments are making pttice for them selves. Women find them desirable be cause they are fine and they prove to be as dainty 'and as durable as .fine batiste or other" delicately woven cot tons. And the sheen and "feejof silk are Insidious it is the easiest thing In the world to cultivate the silk habit and next to impossible to break it The shops are showing silk under clothes k that are moderately priced along with more silk undergarments that are high priced. But price means nothing 5 to the girl of today If she has It-ta buy the thing she wants when she wants it. There is a popular and a growing demand for silk un dergarments which means that the wanted -garments will be supplied in Increasing numbers and that the prices will not be likely to go higher. ' The silk most used for undergar ments is crepe de ' chine In white and flesh pink. For ornament, , hemstitch ing, French knots, simple embroidery and al or filet lace, especially In in sertions,' are all equally popular. Other wash silks, including taffeta, and.wash satins find advocates who like them as .well as crepe de chine. They all wash easily, the crepe looking espe cially well after It Is tubbed. They r should be wrung with wringer, not twisted In the hand, folded In a sheet and ironed while still a little- damp with an Iron that Is only moderately hot i : t ' -,.V An "undersllp of plain white taffeta appears in the picture, thla particular My j ' J" w ". ',.-"'--- iff MYmp coat of aluminum enamel paint makes them neat and clean. No. more' flakea of rust or smudge to drop off on white garments when Ironing. They can be washed and the heat does not affect the enamel, as It Is the kind used on radiators. One coat is sufficient, and a small can" will do for coating a num ber of irons. , V Useful Ironing Blanket. r Make an Ironing blanket for enV broidered articles and laces from a square of white outing flannel, and one of Turkish toweling, neatly bound to gether. The Turkish side Is used for . faces and insertions, as the loose threads in Ironing are forced up J through the lace, while the other side , Is used for embroideries. , For Cleaning and Polishing Iron. Saturate a cloth with water, wring partlajly dry, rubbing ; soap thorough ly on it. Place on several thicknesses of paper. Rub iron oveif It . several times, pressing hard, to remove starch and roughness. , The result is. surpris ing, as it makes the surface of lrpn perfectly clean and smooth. This, is the best and most economi cal way of cleaning Irons, doing away with the use of ironing wax or any, cleanser for Irons. .... Silk Attire model having a baby bodice and gatb ered skirt set on to a waist , band Many underslips are cut '--like a ; chemise, , without a waistband. The most popular silk garment la the en velope chemise of crepe de chine. It is worn over, the corset and without1 bloomers or drawers In warm weather.-' But there Is A final chapter to the story of silk underwear, , short and sweet and not ever destined to be sov Important as that which is told In the foregoing paragraphs. It Is written lfli georgette crepe. This very diaphanous and exquisite material makes corset covers and chemise that are the last word in daintiness and extravagance, for it Is sometimes used double, being otherwise too transparent. Jade in Millinery.. Jade green IS one of the new shade that Is catching on well In ' the local millinery trade. - Not only is it seen ; In various types of hats, including models in taffeta and split straw, but, it is ajso taking well in the trimmings Jade ostrich plumes . are shown in steadily increasing numbers, and are used to trim models both of a' similat -": shade and of black. A popular use Is . plumes laid flat on the upper brim. . ; Inexpensive Dye. Take the skins of dried onions and'; boll them ; strain , the juice, then put V in material you wish to dye and boD' ' the ; desired color either 1 a light or darker tan. Just' fine to, color white" stockings a pretty shade of tan or cream, and also fine for coloring ecrti curtains that have been washed qnlta : often, v and also silk waists. . , This . b very , satlsf actorj tor. silk, . bnt jnot tj,.. ooi ror cotton. y ... i ins eievuu" r : . " -

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