TEE FOLK COUNTY NEHfS and TRYON BE Consolidated Nov.,, 1915 tcrephonc99 1 . iaennf.f1aaa maHari Inni 99 ItilK bi-m po ocncr iryni JMorth Carolina, un r act of March 3. 1679 T B. F. COPELAND, Editor bars. Greensboro News. Perhaps the kaiser is sawine wood so that; he " t. evMsn PuroB Avill have a. trade ready when he lands 4 'X collector of old prints proved that in the penitentiary. . A 1 the express! n, "tliajBlcKpan or tun- ' J r t. ' -- -" ...- I ", ' 4 :mn": nerslitentlVkauDUetf Tor to Trky. Dalfe: Saik Vlie feAili tokntnrrt? wHen Jomi So fob.advertismg tiie matter you are fna prInttneTSrTod shows eiihWf 'tn nnniGnmont iftst II 1 little I r icK oea ana aociors, nation nt Fhirnne. Jion wants to let everybody ;know he gathered about him. .' 7 Vina n lrow in Ms VpIIaV - ? i I . - ' " ' ' w . niHnw iiiww - - - - True to their cowardly, treacherous imnnF' hA Animnl tailors are the ' I a,AX4VU . - - r RITQ14 ' d iv -.1 nature: the Germans sank their sur- smooth caterpillars JNated and un . v-. Duotl, ; Business Manager i , , v.s- T x.a i0a . .i. oninOMwii Ijrcziuereu war snips, ui uicy ivau uu uriueu, 'iucu tun, . u..4wuiswiy d show- Dlaces them at the mercy of numerous Subscription $2 ;00 per Year ed themselves where the allied navy enemies; but many families- of them roulH hav had a whack at them thev remarkable for maKing little I ,,, , . ... . I sheaths or garments for the protec- would have been spared the pains. Qf tnei bodIes, notably "the silk- ' . , I i.1 V. A lllina worm, man wiiuuj luc mica ui iuq uu whf an admission fee is charged, or for financia . ln tne noi;e ftccepung - xne peace min, will be charged regular advertisinar rates of trms, of the allies Dr. Mamiel VOn cenit per une W.T. LITTLE Tryon, N. C. Wc Have the Right Prices : AND . Kind of Materials o do ybur building. : Full stock Dotirs, Windows, Siding; floorlpg Ceiling Shingles, Loths Interior Finish and Mouldinjsr, Rough and Dressd Jiiimber. Carry complete Haimhausen says: "No act of violence can touch the honor, of the German iSM. B. n, ILAUUL HQARON LUMDER CO. Tvsrvnl Tn vipw nf fliA arts of the 91C TXT.'. Oj it w . . I -t l j xi Va vuigimi,new xotk KAty. .a our sole 1 vieiTOan. people aunng me war, uc i . .declusiyeForeUmAdvertisimf Airent. Lii l,aVp fl Wrf fimp onvindnt? the SALUDA DENTIST SALUDA, ICC. world that" the German people have 1 - ahy honor. n. c; Julv. Auerust and SeDtem- Der. Umce in oia postomce "T. S. M. & Co." HIGH GRADE FIELD SEED The advertisement of the North building. Carolina State N College of : Agriculture and Eneineerine appears in this is sue of the NEWS. Young men who nnn A a' o v v contemplate, fitting themselves for VIJUV. WiJil IWa nnvA iiVo t vAairA or in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, " JaND"- Car load of the following Vitviiiiv.uii va vaviv "b I lsWl aw m K Bv f m ia bb a arBk MBt I should investigate the advantages B ruDLIV ; - rliiVi qia rtflTif -of 4-Vi?es Tirol 1 Irnftwn B. Owen at West Raleigh. Adver- Contracts 'written at reasonable tisement. - tM - t v Um SBi. Capital, $15,000 ' !- C RESOURCES. OVrD . ' fi small. If you are; not. a customer we wou f,,!' g mighty well to have your name on our booV ke g : I- : . ' ; vi:-officers: i? H. B. CARLISLE. President. I. S 1! ROY P.WtOTLOCK, CasWr. R. H BRAD y' a f'- DIRECTORS: UYA"'C.A it u n i:.f. r d n ,w -.i 0 Roy P. Whitlock J. S. c arPntet ' W T A i prices. "Lonff May It Wave." TRYON, N. C. Old man Erzberger , Fjlled5 his hide .with WurzDurger; The allies I cannot flim-flam They almost give me the jim-jam For I must get on my knees And sign the peace treaty, to .- please. . Three Ps. Pol:;grfsK:.o penty. i he hrst two linked together spell the .latterf-,;-a;,5 'tlf1 Friday continues' to be unlucky? for some "people. - Germany will sign the , peace treaty on that day. -o .. Evenl M'exico is- making "goo goo eyes" at the United States. Wonder how many millions -she -wants to bor row. . " : ; v T. O " -. The; president of the 1 Irish republic is in this country. - Does that mean the sixth Liberty Loari will soon be called?. . ' ' -o " ' "On with the Dance" has ceased to ' be a popular slogan. It is now "Off with the Dance" in many parts of the country. TheAsheville Citizen ' says last Sunday vwas the longest day of the year. jWell, isn't that the case with every Sunday? 0 . Well, we breathe easier. Congress has fixed it so' we can store enough in t our cellar to tide us over the forth coming drouth. , o Wires will return to. private owners July 31st, a press dispatch . says. . We suppose Burleson throws in the strike for good measure. , ' ; ' " o- "Dealing in Dirt," reads a headline in a Greensboro paper. We thought the United States Senate had a mo nopoly on that jus at presen. n " " O ; ' ..The German, note of acceptance of the allied peace terms, made only one typewritten page, so we are informed. One word would have been sufficient. - : . ' -o , " . -Fifty-five millions of dollars to go up in the" sir. At last- that is the amount Uncle Sam has appropriated for the aviation service. Pretty high, isn't it? , If Senator Knox knocks the peace treaty, does Senator Reed read ' it ? - Greensboro News. Yes,' provided Sen ator Lodge doesn't-lodge it before the gentlemen "get to see it. - , - o- - .' Senator Borah says if the Republi can party does not ".condemn the League of Nations he will organize a party that will. Worse things could befall the Republican party than the desertion of Mr. Borah. ' ' Fritz didn't relish the. idea of a great allied army marching through Germany,. and agrees to .sign the; peace terms. Just what-a French or Belgian army would have done to that country can be imagined. v ' ' ' .'; - . ' i After nuch threatening and sput tering, th& Huns hove agreed to sign - the peace treaty. That is no surprise M anybody. They simply "jockeyed . along for better terms, and faing to -get them. did the xnly thing thly pLex; ai.ser is sti11 3awins wod- .P -haps he ispracticing so as to be iter to - saw through prison See the advertisement of Dr. B. H. Teague, Dentist, m this issue. Dr. Tague has just arrived in Saluda, for the season, and can be found at the same office occupied by him during the many years he has made Saluda his summer home. The Doctor in forms us that he came by Columbia, S C, where he stopped to attend a m'eeting of South Carolina u dentists. ly a post graduate clinical course, and Millineryj Dress Making All Work Guarantied ' store f afr fl much benefit taUhose who:at- Iv MKo; E. RHODES; l: r.ti JcbobiiECotftd.- ?' h . New high records for on-tine pas senger train servfee in the Southern Region were set in May by the rail roads under gevernment control. Re ports made public today by the United States Railroad Admnistration show that of nearly fifty thousand trains operated durng the 'month : by f the twnty-eight roads,-95.3' peV cent main tained their schedules; This topped thev April record of 94. which x was believed to represent a hitherto un equalled performance. Such .service was made possible by' enthusiastic individual effort and team work among the railroad men, stimulated by competition "among the different 'roads : Formontns special attention- har'beren given tb; the pas senger 'trains i?irf ormance, 1 : wlt" the purpose pf (making j it generally as nearly 100 Der cent nerfert as rmsssi- ; Sapling Clover V l' Crimson Clover Alfalfa Clover- Timothy ' r Orchard Grass Blue Grass ' . Red JTop or Herds These' ie$d - jtest TiigSi botljfor purity and ger- 0;.";: : : ' ;-f ; ' () o o o o () () () o on COURTESY! am DiniycssQ: By IVflaoJ! I Buy a Certificate of Deposit. It earns, four per cent from date and can be O C0Iverted into. cash by mail, at anv time BAN IK. OF TRYON O W. T. UNDSEY Pi J. B. HESTER Chi. , Tryon Lodge No. 118 a mination s of Pythias T. S. MORRISON & CO. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Knight f --! LI11 ; l .; i- .i . A voiuc i in. misiuame ouudins Meeti Thursday EVening at 8:30 jr Visitors welcome " Write for. Prices - . - -. . - - Xl&.R SEMD-PASTE PADNTS V EST THAT CAN BB MADE V TCosf to'you $325 a Gallon whenmade ready to use RECOMMENDED DY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS ' Obtain COLOR CARD from oar Agents or LONGMANt & MARTINEZ Manufacturers tiiw Yrk q-PCOOOCpCQQQCpCCCOCpC3 5 ' -vV-"5.-uv1'-? w .. ' .... ' ij- ... Through the Regional Direc- fF-.n l C ble toys ed of what the others were doing, and o a spirited racg for supremacy has re suited. ' " . For seventeen larger - roads, opera ting 47,403 trains, the May on time record was 95.4 per cent, compared with 94.6 in April. The eleven small er roads maintained an average of 95.3 compared with 94.3 in April. Only one of the smaller group, the Macon Dublin & Savannah accom plished the extraordinary feat of sending every one of its 124 trains through on schedule. Southern Rail road Lines record was 96 per cent.- U ecu - rr:. f:mm turn Iror "fairinni. Oanndls or (towo The Stormy Petrel. , The birds known to'sailors as Moth er Carey's chickens, whose appearance is supposed to foretell a storm, are otherwise known by the term stormy petrel (Thalassidroma pelagica). The bird sterns to run ln a remarkable man ner along the surface of the sea, where it picks up Its.food. The petrel is. "a small bird of dusky plumage, nocturnal In habit, most, abundant in the south ern hemisphere. The name 'Mother Carey Is supposed to be a corruption of .the -'Mother Cara" dear mother of Levantine sailors. . Sheep Bone Toy of Small Orientals. Without the bone of a sheep, that eternal, ubiquitous playtoy of all the East, the children of Asia would be -absolutely without an, amusement de- nce. , Go wherever children play- Osmanlls or Kurds, 'Armenians or Arabs, Druses or Greeks and you will1 see the , sheep, bone represents every thing from a doll to a swordr from a pasha's horsetail - ornamented stand--ard to a British gunboat, from ' a mosque to a church. Red Cross Maga clne. " - ' " 'ii-..'.-. & , ; Ufimoe -rnm Sain t' Day. '' " On thtnth Jf AprijkJfatques' Lartier sailed from France with two smaJK ships: a&dU22, men to found a colony, In North America. In May he arrived in Newfoundland. "Cartler en tered the Newfoundland watew In the feteyday of St. Lawrence; and called the gulf St Lawrence ln honor of the patron saint flMaaJ day. s , ' ' --'... i " " " v : " ' 11 ew (SO !P2ir jjire rnces CCeirDd: Off iUWe. your tir bill more than half with Not Skid Retread. AH lands of tire repair work done Vulcanizing a specialty. , We guarantee Satisfaction andJ Service. .' ' We make a specialty of out of town business. Send us. your tires. We will get them back to you in three days. . -vov Phone 3-171 r As hevUIe, R C. SERVflCE These Essentials of Sound Banking are embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED Tk A. off al $1 o.onn nn s ALU DA BAILEY, tob. (BY ;.R 'f 8ual t thio tune of high prices 2 ee IBipg but we have just received the f oUowing goods 1 W offer to you at prices named. : Galatea, 5er. yd. , . ; ;". ; ;V " 20c Ginghams per yfl.... . ... ... .......... 1ffc Brown domestic, per yd ! ,; 15c Poplins per yd.. . . . . .v . ' 25 and 30c l0IZet :?erd- ........................... 30C voiles ' per: yd. . . ; . . . . . . 25c . Cretbns per yd. . ... . g5c s.SSDIk Dilosaery , c 50 75c; SI .00 $2.25 and $2.50 ? v!?!?r madras atriped Suezines, Summer alurts, ties and u straw hato. ..r - . ...... .' Jt Tryon, TH1';:- ''f" Go POR EVERYTHING I North Carolina I l

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