... - - v I,, -.1 ai rnn A tiva m pvuLturttinttd IEEDLE WAS SAVED 1 v r rasles I It - InvetfMrlE JVeW IIWV r Serve ounauc ui ihuiiuhui; - in Central Park. HIEROGLYPHS OBLITERATED. Bigors of Western Climate Caused Khedive's Q'ft to Disintegrate.' painting Ancient Obelisk With Special Preparation Stay ed Decays-Ruined Por tions Restored. Xew Yorkers awoke one morning to ln(;w8 that a zealous park employ eehad i - dlolntoirrcitlAn nn the surface of the city's most treasured' antique Cleopatra's Needle. 1 Photo graphs revealed that the monolith was Reeling, .large pieces of sandstone hav? ing fallen from tne ran suaii, tarrying Vith them part of the prized hiero glyphs. ; . m ... London s twin --sisi-er or. uieopaira, a vedle was reported as resting com fortably and enduringly on the banks of the Thames, and the rival port won ted whether a preparation would be found to stay the attacks of their harsher climate. , . . Such a preparation was soon iortn- !coming. A new imini tuiuuiuauuu as a preservative for stone was invented THE OBELISK. T i mv . , .,, 4-wwoc.l - jruu can s ae- fine as I will try to show. I've stud ied banks to gea line oh what-they d$ and know, and now -I'm . glad to il histrate exactly what I .'mean you're sure to get mewhen;! state, just rtiat I've heard .and seen. --I walked into achiarbfeVhalf-with granite walls and floor, a sort of vault that would appal the ancient war-god Thor. I met a. man, with jnarble face Yfen01iT business, please?" I felt the chills begin -to chase; I felt my marrow freeze. f -r "i1 i hlot money here that I would like to leave,". I starAmered with a feeling queer.: He pulled, me by the sleeve, and pointed to a frosty face behind a jnetal grill, he coldly whispered, ; that's the 'piace. I 'got another chilL B 1 Jeft the cash and looked'arouhd the hall was strangely drear; no peasant smile, no ; friendly - sound, no human touch to cheerV Aiid when I swmig the metal dooor that closed with heavy clank, I vowed I'd never venture more within that frigid bank ; And so I sought another , bank to make mv n(st o-t-t i t found a friendly face and fks that Want fr lmvi i-C 4.1 - ' i.' i. can G0 some thingto ; serve my wants in ' any way. It sort of . bolsters Up - my nerve and brightens, up my day. : The walls and floor are made of stone, and yet somehow -they're warm, lhe guards "respond 'in cheerful tone while happy people swarm; The hu man touch is everywhere despite the a ranid narpr tVint'c tirVitr n'-, n I declare, "My bank's a' homey place!" So banks are things you can'f de fine observe them as you roam -for one's a vault with frigid fault, and one s your banking home! ' h - . A Savings Account in this bank at once classs you with the thrifty. It is thrift .that will pay the enormous war debt and do r the reconstruction work. In 'order to encourage thrift in Polk county this,bank is making every inducement ' consistent with sound banking. Another interest per iod starts July 1st. Wfe pay four per cent Compound interest on all savings accounts. Money deposited with us till July 10th, will draw interest from the first pf July. Interefst payable every quarter or if not drawn will be credited and the interest will draw in terfst. . Your deposit ; Is subject to withdrawal at any time without no tice. Open a Savings Account and do it now. You may say I can not af ford to put in much. All right, open with a dollar and add to it every week or month or when you can spare an extra dollar or two. Some day y will have enough to build that hoYne or to realize some other cher ished ambition; v - The time Is coming when you will' have your account in this bank why not now? ? of New York by th Khedive of Egypt. S N.i after -a three L AV -1 jyears effort, obtain- led possession of it &mMgM Xmm i t to its Mmsim&t mmm mm - - 1 mnl'i nresent . position, at , 'KpenSe of nearly feC, isioo.ooo: It was n- pmm U.ltv ca'llTlfi' IntO DO- SSS;?"ri " -a - J-: :;i-S3 t. 0) 18S1 I The 'height of this m 'monument, from base $mM finches. The Was-. .,i,ior ihrolich its S':-;:'1 f ,i. I. ,7 feet. finches. The entire fweieht of the mono- p?lS; flith is-219 tons. fM 1 Since it was quar- fried near the torri4 tM-- 1? 'I! Ithe entire length of tEeypt, most of that of the Mediterra- is:;iE Jtance of 6,400 miles uuc age iiaa ci" j;-.-:: ceedcd thirty-five itciu-ui lea. ill y?v &F3jft2 course or us exist- fSSS ence it has seen i Pharaoh and his host struction in the Red mWH Sea; Shishak march- p$tfe inr to the Conaueat gf-m'S lot Jerusalem: Cam- uyser uesoiatmg tne a,Sif land: Hemdrttna M-mS.- pursuit or Egyptian re; Alexander the Great on his victori- through the land of Roman sovereignty riwWl and Christian stme- KwM wm of A ! . . . . ix.9.-:-'.v?;r wng nne of Mos- Caliph -Om.r. oVT HOW,, leavinir iiiunon aweu- fen V the Eastern I'orld at a time when Obelisk had been existence for two "wusana years. 1 3 :f3 INC v 3 IJy Dr. William Kuckro, chemist of the u'uau museum of Art Many wrs previous coating with paraffin cu' uuc tne application naa "t entirely accomplished Its purpose, e new painting process, however. halt i as disintegration -.was ted and the damaged parts restor- xurK Dreathed easily again... PAINT PROTECTION AND ITS ECONOMY. i. - '.vn ui su uciurm ma' UJ"0' ue oDtainea tnrougn I application of paint, constitute a L v.ltalmeans of furthering the con- ation of our natural resources. It WhT ' the most economical 'and -iii mc aypearance I general upkeep of any connnu- strnrtn dla r,,Ku iea WIth sheets of In- ;UI rubber tcnnu , f " u uoc De as weu protect with y as a structure coated the fact th . 1 paInt Tnls 13 de to so rt.A,nat a heet of rubber Is not fitanf" 33 WaterProf as a thin. whena;;. matter mate- reticles n i'"iiig nneiy divided PSnente r.metallic. wear resisting lastlc. fi,m a drIes t0 a continuous Nicies nf C0Dtain.ins finely divided r81 unon o aie I0t or such a ruan a tpnn eunace .costs less protect k S y,et U wiU beautify and K tLs 1orth.of surface for iBurance "1S J a low rate of ln- i r..... if0sts. nct baybuildings, sheds, hi Z f woa. on or cement. halnfcerv,e' throu the use l?lnt i?S . !P d decay. High grade I ! ucn PurD0SBO "successfully for V a 5! OJOtf'; ramra Will Df. ' r lQ thu . "QUie tne coionng all b rr the :,;r:"-colortns f wee years t;w aaamS rrom two tothe Mo of the coaUa Yourfinancial success will be meas ured by your ability to save. Start an account with this, bank and let us pay you four per cent compound in terest, i money so you woiild better; bank a part of it yourselfl' - ' v : ; A spendthrift should be condemned just the same as a tightwad. The happy medium, in money matters as in everything else, is the proper course. Spend a little" less than your income and bank the difference " that will make you healthy, wealthy and wise. ' "'' , ' ' - In these savings talks there is noth insr new. most of t.ViPm Wmoc iTfor Ben Franklin saiH tliPm nil an A inniucli better language many years ago but these talks may reach some and may do some good. Evidently the thrift advertising campaigns have done a lot of good for more money is on deposit in Savings Departments in North Carolina banks than ever be fore. Open an account just to say you belong. If it for just a ; dollar and tthen bargain with yourself that you will put a dollar to it every week or so. ' ,. "It will be necessary for you to 'be identified, madam, in order to cash this check. Is there anyone nearby who knows you?" ' !. - "Why sure. My baby's : rignt out side in the go-cart: I'll bring him in." Exchange. .- I Peoples Bank & Trust Co. A;i tryon, n.':c: : '-y G. H. HOLMES, Pres. , W. F. LITTLE, Cwh. nriL tC1' yC. nil r t : hi ii jiac war irqr icee iviioiuiiniit aums, - ... f . J2. ! Gan Make vlmmediaie Delivery REAL ESTATE, LOAHS AD IHSURANG E City and Farm Ropcrty Bought; and Sold. Fumiahwl aoj un ; furnisKed houses for rent Property taken care: of and rents collected. Do not waste your time and tie yourself out looking for a place. Our auto is at your serviee i free. Notary Public. ; JAMES LEONARD, Trybn, N. C; : 'M Merits! You'll need rieithef a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite. A r'good. ordinary set ofnnolars will easily dispoie of A Fwie jTexiderloin Steak T: : An Extra Porterhouse Steak P A Luscioui Round Steak ; ; ;i i x Nutritious Roast . . . A n?ithof Pork-CKops "".-'7: 1 .. --Ifyohavn'taa an?ge inell fin your mouth. r I! "' V. Eaur meats. ; Good fer yostomach. : and chickensfor which 1 wu pay tne nign- t lVIAmCET price. ;s A. H. WlLLlAiVlS. Ia There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Honae-r :,; Price $ 5.50 Guaranteed or 10 Years IRYWl ELECTRIC SERVICt V COMPANY : ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Jacob Onesby, deceas-: ed, late of Polk. Ck)unty, North Caro lina, this is to notify an persons hold ing claims against said estate: to! pre sent the same for payment to the un dersigned administrator, n or before the 22nd of April 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov edy. t.3-R f-'c'Viv ' " ; '. .All-Persons indebted tocsgid.es; tall please maiteTirimediate ?tayri w the nnndertfmeadnilnlstratOr JOHN A. SHIELDS, Administrator. This 22d day of April, 19199 : 2-6t . ft , WE SOLICIT "-, Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling, Siding Finish,' Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture this and can save, you money. See us for- lath, -trick 3or3 C3id."r-"li.;-V'-. - - a fiiiiiMBiiiiiii ;Witti 11 - ash lurchaseff we givecouporis f which are r . redeemable in valuable premiuinsy Thee premiums' ' are of the best and well worth more than the small effort required by the saving of your coupons to ob tain then. Call and get a premium book and begin . saying your coupons today.- Below area few money saving prices. Givo us an order and we are sure the treatment you receive will cause you to come again. . " 3 lb. cans Tomatoes per doz. . . . . ... . .. . . . . . Q5 2 b. cans Tomatoes, per doz. . . ... ....... . . . 150 2 lb. cans Corn, per doz .......... 210 Flour, per barrel. . ... ... ' Best Shorts, per 75 lb. bag. . . . , .. ..... . ... . 2!0 ' r; Your orders Jor anything in our line will receive t prompt and carelul attention. :. ilMinis on5 N. C. Tt TT T w Go. Try . . . .. , " This Bank is for Peope who Want to Improve their financial. Condition. Will you let us serve you? A checking- account is moat convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest ructipt A Sayings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicitjour-account. CAROLINA STATE BAIK PAVIPcC- kRWY w C ROBERTSON, Q. csONNIR ' H. B. LANS i : .;:f4Wv."., .-,VIsjtiwitU Cmakler i a J i ... . ... . . w,', i) , id-.ir.i! ii : n " -: j t i- North Carolina i S tatt Cellege of Agriculture and Engineering WEST RALEIGH . A Land .Grant College founded under an act of Congress by the State Legislature of North Carolina in March, 1887. Splendidly equipped for if 11C cuuiiiiuu oi iuc sons oi me oiaie in me tecnnical and industrial arts. 0-2 Four year courses in Agriculture,, in .Agricultural Chemistry, and in mm Civil, Electrical Mechanical. Chemical and Teti1 departments in Agricultural Engineering and Highway Engineering. f Numerous short' courses. .c- . . . : ."Uriirof Reserve, Officers fainmg Corps. ..Seniors and Juniors receive pay amounting to $118 annually. All . students' receive free uniforms . amounting in four-years to $164. Strong athletic teams. - . v v : $40,000 Y. M. C A. building. Regular, paid secretary; ! l wo hundred and forty free scholarships. . Repuirement for admission: eleven units practically equivalent to iuc tuiupicuon oi lenu giaae worK. : . Board $16.00 per month. Tuition $45.00 per year. Room rent, heat and light $30.00, per. year. . . . - , h nmiimPTit I dot eAceln . 1 non T : C 11 .... .1 r f ' ! e ; 7., . i. , ,y v 3 F . jt?CT . :rVil'1Y'c i Wi au summer eiuuenis. 4 5- ? " Fall term hfjrins .9pntTnVMf 3 -i 'it - 1 1 ' MfytfrGl d F. c";ar entrance blanks, write " f 1 Ei B. OWEN. Registrar If V . 1 1 FOR SALE AT A BARGIAN If taken at once. Cash or reasosblo terms. Two tenant hgusesf well built, in colored tenement districL Store house and lot on Trade street GEO. A. GASH, Agt - . ft - , . . . . . ' : ireceived daEy if .1 J).D)CiDini rCFir Tiryoffii, N; C. 1 V

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