POLK COUNTY NEWS,i TRYOKf; NORTH CAROLINA 'Tl r "' ' " - - J . - . , .... - , , ,, , , . n.. i i , . " v-j '"';" '' -r ' t( - 1:- - '"-V.-. i"" - -i - 1 . " ItlEW OUTLINE OF COUNTRY MADE t. - I Based on Lambert Conformal I Projection as Used in the War. Weelily News Letter from Peoples Banld. Trust Co. Are YOU a Financial : Success? SIB ERRORS IN SCALE The following table Is being circulated by the War Loan Organization to impress on jmt people the importance o savmg money. 1 he table was compiled by the American Bankers Association therefor it can be depended upon to be reliable. Kfad this rarWnllv nn nonrifr nv it Ivlalr nr vnur minH tkfr .j j-.. . ' J w kllUl TUU TI 111 fct VU Ul lilt- 9UVI.C90IU1 OlIU lilOl TUU MOT U ..,1 . ..Ml 1 1 ' J r l "'iiv j uuc nuu wui nvi nave cuuugu tavcu io pay iuncrai expenses. . J , : Actual Life Experiences of One Hundred Men. Compiled by the American Bankers- Association, Coast and Geodetic Survey Announces I Completion of Chart Solving Old Problem Special Inter est in Map. 1 Washington. The United States coast and geodetic survey recently an nounced the completion of a new out line map of the United States on the Lambert conformal conic projection, scale 1-5,000,000. This map is intended merely as a base to which may be added any kind or -special information desired. The shore line is compiled from the most recent coast and geodetic survey cnarts. State names and boundaries. principal rivers, capitals, and the ""6 vines iu me uuieriu sraies are also embodied. The Map is of special Interest from the fact that it is based on the same sj'stem of projection as that employed by the armies of the allied forces in the military operations in France. To meeF inose requirements and at the request of the army, special publica tions were prepared by the coast geo detic survey. - Many methods of projection have been designed to solve the difficult problem , of representing a spherical surface on a plane. As different pro jections have unquestionable merit as well as equally serious defects, the announcement states, any region to bej mapped should be made the subject of special study and that system of pro jection adopted which will give the best results for the area under consid eration. Value of New Map. The Mercator projection, almost uni versally used for nautical charts, is re sponsible' for many false Impressions or tne relative size of the countries dif fering in latitude, according to the sur ' vey statement. The polyconic pro jection, widely used and well adaDt ed for both topographic and hydro- grapnic surveys, when used for the wftole of the United States in one map ' " ' ""vvi U11UUIJ CUK gerating the areas on its eastern and western limits. Along the Pacific coast and in Maine the error in scale is as much as 6 per cent, while at new York it reaches 44 per cent. The value of the new outline map uu tne iamnert projection can best be reaazea when it is stated that ft stmwe that throughout the largest and most important part of the United States. mat is, between latitudes SOU and 49 degrees, the maximum scale error is only one-half of 1 per cent. This amount of scale error of one-half of 1 per cent is frequently less than the distortion due to the method of printing and to changes from the hu midity of the air. Only in southern most Florida and Texas does this pro jection attain its maximum error of 2 1-3 per cent. The Lambert projection is well adapted to large areas of predominat ing east and west dimensions in the United States where the distance across from east to west Is 14.5 times that of the distance north and south. The strength of the polyconic projec tion, on the other hand, Is along it? central meridian. The merits and dei fects of the two systems of projec tion may be stated In a general way as being at right angles to ech other, i Special Features. Special features of the Lambert pro jection that are not found In the poly conic may be stated briefly as fol lows : ' 1. The Lambert projection is con formal that is, all angles between in tersecting lines or curves are pre served, and for any given point (or re stricted locality) the ratio of the vm. tt nuear element on the earth's surface to tHe length of the cor responding map elements Is eonstnnt for all aximuths of directions In which the elements may be taken. ;-2.The meridians are straight lines, and the parallels are concentric cir--cles. . 3. It has two axes of strength in stead of one, the standard parallels of the map of the United States being lat itudes 33 degrees , and 45 degrees, and upon these parallels the scale is abso lutely free. The scale for any other part of the map, or for any parallel, can be obtained from pecial" publica tion No. 52, page 36, UnitedStates coast and geodetic survey. By means of these tables the very mali scale errors which exist in this pro jection can be entirely eliminated. The map measures 25 Inches by 39 inches and will be sold by the govern ment at 25 cents. . AT AGE 22 1 00 men all strong and vrgorous with good mental and I physical capacito AT AGE 35 5 have died; 1 0 are wealthy; 10 are in good circumstances; 40 have moderate meanr; 35 have saved nothing AT AGE 45 1 6 have, died, 3 are wealthy; 66 are self-support ing, but without resources; " 16 are no longer self-supporting. AT AGE 55 20 have died; 1 very wealthy 3 are in good circumstances; 46 are self-suport-ing, but without means; 30 are dependent on children. relatives or charily for support AT AGE 65 ' 36 have did; 1 very wealthy; 3 are wealthy; 6 self-supporting by labor; - 54 are dependent on children, relatives ;sr charity for support . AT AGE 75 63 are dead; z ft ' i .1 . t t. ou ot these lett no estate; 3 are wealthy; v 34 are dependent upon children,- relatives or charity for support; ? 95 per cent of these will will no have sufficient means to defray funeral expenses ' WE GIVE VALUABLE PRfJ With alluc1asl1 Purchases we give coupons redeemable m valuable DreminmQ u are of the best and well worth more thin effort -required by the saving of your d tain them. Call and get a premium bool Below are a few money saving prices r rder and we ar snrp thp will cause you to come again. rec '3 lb. cans Tomatoes per.doz. 2 lb. cans Tomatoes, per duz. . . . : 2 lb. cans Corn, per doz Flour, per barrel. . . Best Shorts, per 75 lb. bag. . Your orders for anvthinp in Anriin .. .n prompt and carelul attention. 1 re(e This bank has a stron&r Savings Denartmnr wKri- an arfmm m, k n.-J C1 nn J . j ... may wC upcucu iui auu ucvsiis maae at an v hmeot dollar or more. We pay 4 per cent compound interest. Another interest period started July 1st. Any moni deposited up to and includmc lu vlOth. wil draw inters from fir. i..i u ., . ." V mail us your deposit. A receipt will be sent you by return mail- We have a lare number of customers we are serving in this manner. Remember your financial success will be measured by your ability to save and the best known method i! o have a Savings Account m a strong bank such as The Peoples Bank & Trust Co., a Polk County Bank for Polk Coun- Wffldn s & Co. Tryon, N. C. Fortune In Dead Man's Bed. -uij.tti., wasn. upon request of eastern relatives of Fred , Fisher,-an old man who was found dead in his shack in Colfax recently, the place was visited with a view to disposing of his "vuociiwu- ueiongings. in taking manners irom his bed an old to bacco bag was found which contained deposit slips for $1,500 and $155 in cash. Both slips were on a bank in Delta county, one being for $1,000 and the other for $500, and bearine date of May 6, 1908. - Peoples Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N. C. G. H. HOLMES, Pres. W. F. LITTLE, Ca$h. The Car for the Moiaetaiinis. This Bank is for Peope who Want to Improve their financial Conditi oo Will you let convenient in the pJnVMtaT is IhefZ Sec A Savinp-s account is Hip onro moi . . eiPl- nptpnri7 cKf I au cverilua' Com CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. CONNER H B LANE I President r; r :j tA.t - w k t rum mw jk . ft ft ft. oooooooooooooooocwooooooooooooooooeooooooitwt For farm lands or town property see W. T. LD NOSEY, Tryon. Can Make Immediate CIM ASl. J. LYNCH, Delivery FOR 6AREI1 SALE AT A If taken at once. Cash.or reasosble trms. Two tenant housed, well built, in colored tenement district. Store house and lot on 1 rade street. GEO. A CIA QH A fff a Try on, N. C. REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE City and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Furnished and un- ' fuTnohed houses for rent. Property taken care of and rents collected. Do not waste your time and tire yourself out looking for a place. Our auto is at your service free. Notary Public. JAMES LEONARD, Tryon, N. C. Eat Our Meats! You'll need neither a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite. A good, ordinary set of molars will easily dispose of A Fine Tenderloin Steak An Extra Porterhouse Steak A Lutcioua Round Steak A Nutritious Roast -, A Dish of Pork Chops' If you havn t any teeth we have sausage that will fairly V melt in your mouth.' - N Eat our meats. Good for your, stomach. Also want to buy good beef cattle, hogs and chickens, for which I will pay the high est MARKET PRICE. A. H. WILLIAMS. Is There An , ; Electric Flat Iron In Your Home Gakes received! daily Price $ 5.50 Guaranteed or 10 Years MYOfi ELECTRIC SERVICt COMPANY WE. SOLICIT Tour orders for. Flooring, Ceilme, &ding, Finish, MouldingS,&FramS you monev. Rpo no -r i , J. T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY. JolhirD Orr & Co Phone No. 14 Tryoo, C , jj Enjoymefit SpoHeeJ. : "... A little girrs mothpr hfi incf kv her a br -ht: red coat which shVhnd nev worn. There being a death in the family her mothpr k- and decided , It not best to wear such ""vvaiifo puc on an old black one.' As the child noticed this she be- tan to cry and said. "If I ca't nr my new red coat I sji-e won't have a ?ood time at the ( funeral." Steel and Iron. ' ' -. - SuBlu & klnd of lron which: can easily be hammered1 out thla without cracking and. can be made extremely nard by, bein-. heated and then cooled quickly. It is different from ordinary ron because of the amount of carbon In it. Wrought iron contains Jess car bon than steel and' so It cannot be made so hard ; cast trons contains more and so hi brittle, Founding of Siberia. - In' 1582 Yermak,. a Cossack chle with chosen vvarriors set out to su a powerful Tartar tribe east of Urals. Tsar Ivan IV sent orders the expedition to return. But it , too late; Yermak and his men ' tured the city of Sibir, the stronn of the Tartar chief, and this city come the nucleus of Siberia. . ,

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