,1 1 i 41. ' 1 1 Uip - S- ColmtoOinieicO ; wo(t(h) a iSa-lVyairDajiracico I.IANY SECRET ORDERS ORGANIZE FOR THRIFT More Than Sixteen Hundred Lodges With Thousands of Members Work ing to Make Thrift a Hppy Habit Thrift, as a movemnet of the Uni ted States Treasury Department, has boon Indorsed by more than sixteen hundred lodfea of fraternal orders in the Fifth Federal Reserve District. According- to figures given out today by the War Loan Organization of the District, these lodges have more than ne hundred and thirty-six thousand members, and not only are all these Members urged to join War Savings Societies,, but many lodges are invest ing their Treasury funds in War Sav ings Stamps. Borne three hundred lodges, with a membership exceeding thirty-four thousand, are forming societies in Jlaryiand. Among the , orders repre sented there are the Knights of Pythias, Shield of Honor, Maccabees, Red Men, . Knights of the Golden Eagle, Woodmen of the World and Knights of Columbus. In Virginia the Woodmen of Am er ioa are heartily cooperating in the . thrift tmovement ' Their two hundred and tea' lodges with a ' membership' of seven thousand four hundred and thirty-flve, are organizing War Sav ings Societies. In North Carolina nearly seven hundred lodges are act ively supporting the campaign. These total a membership of about sixty-nine thousand, representing . the Sons and Daughters of Liberty, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. Yaluafele aid is heing lent In South Carolina by the Knights of Pythias. the Red Men and the Odd Fellows, the three orders having more than three hundred lodges in the fltate, with a membership in excess of twelve thou sand. Co-operation of all lodges 1m thm dhUrtict is urged. Since many of the most prominent and influential snem in every community are lodge members, it is partcularly desired to hare the fraternal Orders behind the savin movement. FARMERS TURN SALES INTO SAYING STAMPS Odd Crops ef Great, Aid to Thrifty Tillers of Soli in This District. Farmers who are making a habit of getting a few Thrift Stamps every tlste they market anything 'from their rarms are finding that they are ; able to save regulaly : and that, they do not miss the small amounts in vested. The average farmer in this section of the country depends, large ly on his "mooey" crop, which he har vests once a year. Almost every one of them, however, grows something else1 which he markets at odd times. An' occasional .load of hay may be taken into town and Isold. The thrifty farmers also plant peas, beans, okra, lettuce, beets or some of the other vegetables which thrive in the South ' and for which there is a ready market. Butter and eggs 'form staple articles fo he marketed between seasons. By buying just a "few Thrift - istanrps each time the farm wagon i makes a haul to town, the farmer or his wife is providng a fund which they will be able to turn to good account later on, for' when these Thrift Stamps are exchanged tor War Sav ings Stamp, they increase in value automatically, and may . always be turned into cash on ten. days' written notice to the postmaster, although the kmger they are kept the more they earn. ' - Wealth is seldom the result of luck but of system.' - Save regularly. Buy RT. S. S. Treat your pocketbook with the tame consideration as you would your best friend. Investment in War Savings Stamps makes the fie stronger. - ' The cornerstone of tomorrow's jiue eess is founded upon today's , thrift. Any postman can lay the cornerstone for you with War Savings Stamps.' ' , Ton ne ver miss "the firs t dollar out your pocketbook. Keep It for your JJuy Thrift Stomps.' , Kave you bought your Thrift ' Stamp THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE MAY HAVE LUXURIES War 8avlnas Stamps , Furnish An Easy Way to Obtain Money for Conveniences. (Although a family may not be wealthy enough for the "lady of the house' 'to have all the little conveni ences she wants,' through Thrift and War Savings Stamps the government has provided a way for the housewife to fit up her Kitchen, paint the house furnish her spare room or embellish the parlor. These women who were so wise as to begin saving systematically early in 1918 have nice little sums invested in War Savings Stamps by this time. Eleven War Savings Stamps, some of which cost as little as $4.12 apiece, will buy a first-class kitchen cabinet. In many instances, the' housewife would not have saved anything to speak of, had it not been for the War Savings' Stamps. Women are quick to grasp the bene fits from' habits of thrift. Numerous reports have been received at district headquarters of the War Loan Organ ization of the Fifth Federal Reserve District of women who have started in by putting quarters' in- Thrft Stamps and who have been enabled to buy desired articles to brighten their homes. As soon as a War Savings Stamp is bought, it begins earning more money. War Savinfs Stamps are practically ready money. They are redeemable with accrued interest at the pob office on tea days notice, hut the longer they are held, the more money they make for their holders. EASY START TOYARD SUCCESS FURNISHED When a man gets $1,000 saved up there are always opportunities for a good investment. It is hard to place much less than that That it what healthy men Who are self-made ad vise young men to begin early and save the first thousand. Until we went to war, it was hard to get started toward that $1,000 un less at least orfe 'dollar could be put away at a time. Small change was restless and acrobatic and kept Jump- ing out of our pockets into someone else's. Now, however, there is an easy way to get that f first thousand. .The answer vis Thrift Stamps. They cost only a quarter apiece and can be con verted into War Savinfs Stamps. The government of the United States backs these War Savings Stamps with a guarantee of 4 per cent Interest, compounded quarterly. Save and suo coed. . , , AS PERMANENT INVESTMENT Secretary - of Treasury Glass 8hbwt Values of War Savings andV Asks fer Ce-operatlen. Secretary Glass, In a recent inter view given at Washington, discussed War Stamps as a permanent invest ment -as follows: "WAR Savings Stamps afford an ex cellent vehicle for increasing capital and earning power. Many person have not taken the War Savings Stamps seriously as an investment but the fact that they may be bought in as large a quantity -as $1,000 face value during 181f, at such favorable n interest return, makes them most de sirable for the average man or family. "Definite plans for-the continuance of the issue in coming years of email Government securities are heing work ed out . " . v i - - v "Although War Savings Stamps sales this year do not approach the high marks made under stimulation of war need last year, theirv absorption by the public thus far has been sags factory. ; ' - . ; r .N - Savings in all channels shrank dur ing the early months of the year, and it is expected that. War. Savings Stamp sales, along, with postal savings and savings: bank deposits, will grow steadily throughout the year. ' .v -. , "Co-operation is sought earnestly in the matter of keeping Thrift and War Savings , Stamps on sale, se that no one so inclined may fan tokave oppor tunity to latest his money wisely.' Today is that tomorrow, you though about yesterday Buy W. 8. fl. now. Spend wiaely invest Judloiously- I I - . . . :.-...,.,, .... - ill . I v - - l . , :; . . . . w v - i lr . i i ... , I Iwo Great StoclKofRi hanhis You know what that meansf I advise many years to conie for never again MEM'S CLOTHING AND FURNISH- ings. Men's linen collars, Lion brand, Slide well and other popular .brands, brand new stock, 25c value, 2 for 25c. 100 Men's Palm Beach and Cool Cloth - suits, value up to $20, divided into two , groups, $6.50 and $8.50. 1 lot of suits, valu up,to $27.50,- divided into 3 groups, $8.50, $11.75 and ,$14.95. Men's shirts with and without collars, value up to $2.00, at 95c. Men's and Boys' Shirts, value $1.00 at ;-49c. ' ; - ; ' Market Value for Liberty Bonds! New bargains added each day. aiQs La for SO DAYS TH CP Tell Yofu 0 They Posotoyefly tHe Grsitst Boha-f ide Sale i r 1 . One lot DRESS GQdDS. White goods, ginghams, poplins, per cales, lawns, dimities, ZdraDeriesV cur taiii scrim and all kinds of materials, value up to 35c yard at ojily 120 yd. Gi)thghams, Percales, value up to 50c yard, Dnly 19c yd. c ' '- r Dress goods; value up to 75c at 29c yd' Dress goods of all kinds, value up to $1.00 per yard, at onfy 39c. Dress goods of all kinds, values up to $1.25 yard, at 49c. Dress goods value up ot $1.50 yard at only 69c - - Dress goods, value up to $2.00 per yd, at only '89c . - -v- K t-v. i- M -V '. f. Sheeting, value 19c at 10c perafd. Feather ticking, value 75c at, 39c yd. Madras shirtin- value up to 50c at 29c yard...'. ... . .. t ...l.. 40 inch best Sea Island, value 35c, at only 19c yard. . Best cheviots, value 35c at 19c yd. v Black. Sateen and Dress C Ginghams, value 25c, at j18c yard. , . ( Brwvn Linen and .figured lawns, ivaue 25c vard, at 15c yard. : - Khak cloth, value 75c at 39c yard. " 1 yard wide Chambray, 40c value at only 25c yard. ? : s BOYS' KNEE PANTS 10c VitiR. y- LADIES' READY TO WEAR. Middy Blouses, $1.25 value, 75c. A- SMOES: .1::25jGt& ReinrDcmlbcirlhow clhcap you (boajglht goods N RISES . 1AMC1 Hbw to Save Money at Pniocs Unheard you .to buy now for w Men's and Boys'Hats and Caps, value up to $2.00 r.t 25c Men's and Boys' Caps, value up to $1.00 at 10c. -r , Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps, Value up to $2.50 at 50c. Men's and Bys Hats and Caps, value up to $3.00 at 95c f C One lot of Men's Khaki Shirts, value up to $2.50 at 95c ,. Men's Balbriggan ' Underwear, 50c value at 35c. - f " Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, 50c val ue at 15c. Aprons, 50c values, 25c. .) Shirtwaists, $1.00 values, at 49c. Ladies Vash dresses, value un to $3.50 for $1.45. I v';-v ' " - . ,f MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Gowns, underskirts, corset covers, chemise, teddies, drawers, value up to $2.50, only 95c. ' - " Ope lot Corsets, value. Up to $2.00 at only 49c j f L ' ." Ladies Kimonos, value up to $5.00 at S1.95 each. .... ' Ladies Skirts, value up' to $5.00, oply $1.95 each. . Ladies Skirts, vlueup to $6.50, )only Ladies' Skirts, value up to $8.50 only $3.95. . . 7;;v -- ' - All sorts of Sweaters at one-third off. Whit wash skirts, value up. to $2.50, t only 95c , . . : ..; - -H Ladies': farmerettes, value $2J0, $1.25 ; MILLINERY. - ' Bran new goods, 'newest styles, Jess than half of actual value. ; J : Thousands of pairs of .ladies' mn's and children's shoes, high nnd ' ;low cuts, blacky tan, gray, white and cor dovan.. .Value up to $$12.00 pair, sale price 25c to $3.95 per pair. ' Best Tennis shoes, "$1.00 value 50c One lot Tennis shoes only 25c ft rers nL9 by a the S I have ton of goods of tin To the sto $20,000 Manu bought at my i I have coi Johnson build: them at one-tl You boui but times hav shall again be ' . It is what - here's your chal ; son's old store ( This is - ' Every artic a few of the ma : AT THE WDfll Sale D-OENOERSOl": and you, win hare pUntiaUy. : DC it