m PQU COUNTY HEVIS and TRYON BEE Consolidated Nov 1915 Published every Friday at TRYON. NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 1 second-class matter April 23.! 1915 uUt office at Tryon, North Carolina, un- 1 P.t ot March 3. 1879 v - B p. COPELAND, - Editor C. BUSH. - Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, I actions of Respect,Church or Lodge Notices whr n admission fee is charged, or for flnancia will be charged regular advertising rates of Tt centi per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS? ASSOCIATION. jjb Wet Wth Street, New Tork City, is our sole nd exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." It looks as if the allies are not go ing to wait, until Thanksgiving to can e "Turkey. , - o President Foineare pays quite a tri bute to the American forces.-Hinden-burg dd the same thing. "Will you have a piece of the light or dark meat," ask the allies of one .another as they prepare to slice Tur key. 0 Germany says she signs the peace treaty under protest. Well, didn't they stop righting under the same terms? The weather clerk had a close-race as to whether his department or pro hibition would be the cause of dry weather, v "Rector pays $27.00 - for reckless driving," says the Asheville Citizen. It was Walter Rector, not the Rector of either of the Episcopal churches in Asheville. : Kentucky dealers are going to ship "booze" to Europe. Gee whiz, Eu rope's a long ways off to have to go for a drink. President Wilson may send a com mision to probe massacres in Poland Why not send one to probe lynchings in the South? It is certainly a sad state of affairs when dancing has become so indecent that cities are passing' ordinances to prohibit it. . The peace treaty was not signed in time, for the usual half holiday, last Saturday. Those coufounded Huns never were considerate. u Foreign Minister Tittoni,' of Italy, says he is going to tell the : truth about allied agreements. Well thank Heaven, somebody is going to do it. o General Hoffman, of the Russian forces has been "fired" because he wanted to fight. Wonder what is ex pected of a general in that country? "VMnile commissions ,are being ap pointed to probe everything imagina ble under the sun that takes place in wope, why not appoint a few to help reduce the high cost of living in the J-mted States, and see that the rec wnendations of that commission are enforced ? T) r ur. von Cethman-Hollweg, former -o- a L "auceiiur, nas iormany asK- i ilieu i'iu associate powers to PlaCP him - 1 - . i j-i j. V 1 1U1 instead oi ine ior - er Kaiser, forthe responsibility of , ""y nut iaKe mm at jus and later on try the Kaiser as b au accomplice : Fran,; Z,J'ere. . Washington left MsThv. V,- 1 resident Wilson, the "with onn z?"011 left Charleston mil - Gorans. They -had been bj--ung ,n the United States dur tenth A' some in7the U. S. pent dato l, ' YLners m prison camps. No the uSfes? fr their return to hi , to R,wr Cnfercnce Would Put End Wda? Pei,ations,"- is the way a at lr.nnad-rThat W0Uld take & lave hp sponsibjhty off the-. shoulders of tu. ,H trymg. it for sotyip Httip and trv ;s-ifihcy would- They have not sufi i for some time and have any obiTctlon would be offered or laboS?a,0S ?laced in th.e wayof the inK y want t0 under- cmtmr.lS vn fot to reform pol prore.,i-; U.L L. r,eiorP ice miy Polirp 7s m Asnevuie. Not ery conn- , 11 asnevuie, Cl Sthln th boundary ibertv mGS needs revisine-. but of The "on 'of ':;vea lawyers on examina- ast ins;: Tosses is nc;. : ahs is a crime. Thev f tness , .SS8 and ask questions Of a at ;ryer H'ouiri . ,z room that !et. nT(i nt dare ask on the PAIMTSACfflHficwcT "in rtU Hll HOOk 1 1 RaniArc , w.w a, nicy .tjena MOre Money on Pronertvi Whon s AreVeirPainted. AN VINDICATION OF THRIFT. One Concern Advaneea ,25 Per Cent More if Repainting Is Done Every-Five Years. Does It pay toapalnt carefully farm buildings? Does it add to the selllnf value of a farm -when buildings, are properly kept up and regularly paint ed? A careful Inquiry ota number of leading bankers in the Mississippi ral ley, including such states: Iowa Illi nois, Michigan,' Ohio, Indianaan Mi souri,- reveals the fact that 4nneaiiy every case the bankers did not hesi tate to say that they would lend all the way from 5 to, 60, per cent more on land where .farm; buildings were "well painted and : kept In rgood condition. They maintain that well kept-up and well painted buildings and fences are an Indication of thrift and that uhe laiiucr la a gooa cueni. ana to him money can b safely, loaned. An average of the , returns ; from these bankers shows that the Increased loan value because bf; painted buildings is around 22 per cent. Some of these bankers make inter esting comment A Michigan concern . A. I. f 1 . t ... 3f Llla wane not especially pre pared to advise definitely , in-response to this inquiry, the officers would loan more money on farms where buildings were painted than where tstheyt were not so treated. This banki also finds that where houses, v barns and fences are well taken care of the farm is a profitable proposition, and bankers In general consider the " farmer a r rood ciienu Anotner Micmran nanr mti farm buildings out of repair and needing paint Indicate that the owner s slow pay." Such farms are rated at about one-third of-the assessed ralue 1 for loans. Where the farm, bulldlnrs 1 are, in . good shape the rating , is on- half. 'The president of a middle west ern bank says that when real estate oans are considered, painted buildings are always taken Into consideration in making; an estimate. The generaL ap pearance of the' property surrounding the house and barn and also the fields and fences would, be carefully, observ ed. He further says that he has no hesitancy in eaying, .that he -would, ab solutely refuse a loan en farms where the buildings were not-kept j up and well painted. In his judgment, un painted farm -.buildings -would redoes the Loan value at least' 25 per cent A -Minnesota banker says that he is much more willing to loan money where the buildings are weUpainte&. In his particular case he believes that he would loan 20 per cent more than if the buildings were not properly taken care of. A fanner - who - will keep his buildings painted takes much deeper interest in his work than one who does not Another Minne sota bank says that well painted build- in gs have resulted in securing : from bis bank sometimes? as high as 25 per cent more v money f than where Vthe buildings are not painted. An -Ohio concern-says that lt-irill loan 25; per cent more money on , a '-well kept farm where . buildings are ; painted' at least once every five years. : A southern Illi nois' bank ears that it- has no fixed rule about this, but it dees make a de- cided difference when owners tfvfnrm lands apply for loans. If the buildings are wen pamcea ; ana uius wextr pre served the loan rate would net only be cheaper, but the amount of money borrowed would be larger. A- northern Illinois bank does not hesitate to say that It would loan fully 50 per cent more on a farm where buildings were well painted andln gpod order ; than where they were not The vice presi dent, who answers the inquiry, goes on to say : xnere prouauijr w mu.uj farmers eood financially-and morally who permit their buildings to remain unDainted, but as a rule the most sub- etanHni neonle who lire In the coun try keep their buildings well painted.' An Iowa bank, through its vice pres- irtpnt. states that It would make a dif ference of af least 25 per cent In fa vor of the farm with painted build- incs. Another Iowa concern say! that it would make a difference of at least 20 ner cent -All this being true, It Is perfectly avI dent that it Is a good business prop- nsltlon to keep the farm buildings well nnlnted. They not only look better and j are more pleasing to the owner,, but the .farm- would -sell to better ad vnntnire. the loan value oi me proper tir Increased and the hniidlnes themselves would last much Innppr and need less repalr.The American Agriculturist PAINT AfiD ILLITERACY. Curious Fact Comei to Uflht That Lr calities Least Using booiw v. Paint Also. n f!. A curious" fact hrnneht to Hgnt Dy tne u-au- mtlonal Bureau and the Bureau of In- j,.0i Rpsearch here. It.is .tnai the states ' TTU. - lpnt Dalnt i lMst used, ine v : . a ia the common or AW . w Jrjrsl. for th. b.ck. woods cOTnes J.a o .r fll)er .pigments' or--iaci . t'ruTthoujh, that to highest ipainiw ,r: practically u"'"""" n theli Y. jt nnt use oalnt on uicm ppM;'ootJirryjimws,tTBTON,.KOR'ra;cAEOLiHA Ancfent Gambling Games. ii is Known that Horn the earliest ftUfflBni:nme thergames.)Df rial! andf sseraTere played with dice, but f-TlAlw f V. 4-f ' 1 ,- a .... ... - . - 4 we Grecian poet and sophists ttf Pal medes, hotJittl244. Cj lolnedithe ureeks idn i their fxpeditlon against Troy, where.Mby some writers." Palme- 5 4 aes.is saldilo hate beenalalni by an, arrow from- the bow ofHfarls. 'vln ad dition torthe lnvenUonvof dlee,Pal medes I sa! J to .have lnrented light bouses, measures, scales, the dlseus. Khe alphabetund' the art tf regnlatlng aenuneis. News to Many. The jaw of :the shark furnishes ihe best -watchmaker's oil. In? each shark Is found about half a pint. ClastifiedAtlTertisements. FOB RENT. Six room furnished bunealow. with bathe for rent or sale, a- Overbrook Or cbArdSalud, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. TtBliaV u reliable, nursery comDanv.of Pomna. 1 N. C. " He can save you -money and issistvyou :in your selection of trees oeat adaptedt o ' your, soil. FOR: SALE: Nice mahogany . book case ; also some small ' farming tools. Enquire of James Leonard, lryon. Ship your chickens to us for hi rb.es t market prices. VWe pay express en 1 dozen or tnore. B. H. BERNSTEIN, Spartanburg,ftS. C. 4f-6t For Sale: I? Jersey milk cow, giving 6 gallons neruiday. rPace-reasonable. See Pink McCabe. on H. H. Edwards place. - Six or eight hands wanted for work one xwcn,-uuoiui viu moun tain. Pay 30c pr hour, rood board close, by.v .This is . a wspeciaily ...good chance for farmers whose crops are extra work uT hew where it is cooL Amlv afc mup tA W. , "R. T.TTni.UM. Stearns, N: C. SALESMEN TW ANTED to solicit orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. : Salary or commission. Address THE LENOX OIL & PAINT CO., Cleveland; Ohio. "NOTICE. There will be held an election in public, school district at Gray Chapel on July 8th, to ascertain "whether or not thery-tehall have .a special school tax not to exceed' 50 cents per $100 valuation of . property and $1.50 on each noil , to suDulement . the county I fund apportioned by the ' Board of I Education of Polk county. The boundary of said district fully : set forth in petition filed thisr the 2nd day of June, 1919, and including -parts of Polk and Rutherford counties. N. D. Moore, judge of said election. Done by order of County Commis- soners upon request of Board- of? Ed- uc a ton, June 2, 1919. F. M BURGESS, Clekk to B. C. C. o ' DR. B. H. LEAGUE DENJlflST SALUDA - N. C. July, August? and Septem- ber. Office r in pold pOStoffice Duuamg. Y BEST THAT CAN IBB HADE ?Co3t"toyou $35 a Gallon -TJrhen made ready to use iCSCOgnSZNDEDOY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS ; Obtain COLOR CARD from -cor Agents or LONGHAN & MARTINEZ " Uanufacterors rMsw 111 E3TO & -Pxsir 1 wWe reduce your ? tire bill more than half with NonrSkid Retread. . All kinds-of tire repair work done Vulcanizing a specialty. We guarantee Satisfaction and Service. We make a. specialty of out of town business. Send us your tires. We will get them iback to you in :three days. Phone 3171 W; F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC i Tryon, N; C. f fWe tHave the Right Prices AND - Kind of Materials a do your building. Full stock Doors, Yindovs;Siding9FIoorIng Ceiling Shingles; Lothsf- Interior Finish and Moulding:. Rough and Dressd Lumber- Carry, complete STOCK OF FEEDS H BARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA N. C I Tryon Lodge Nd. 1 1 8 Knights of Pythias Castle Hall in Missildine Building Meets Thursday Evening at 8:30 VISITORS WELCOME GEO A. JUSTieE OF THE PEACE - AND NOTARY PUBLIC. (Collections a specialty. : Deeds hi.iand Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prioes. TRYON, N. C. filillineiyg Dress Making i All Work Guarante ed first floor Wilkins' store MRS. E. RHODES. NOTICE OF SALE. By-Virtue of the power of -sale con tained- in - that certain mortgage deedl executed by John Face and Addie J ace, his wife, to Carolina State, Bank on the 9th day of June, 1917 and of record in office of Register of" Deeds for" Polk County, in Book No. 11, at page 263, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein set forth, the-undersigned ".will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Columbus, Polk county, on TUESDAY, . JULY 15, 1919 at 12 o'clock noon, the following de scribed tract or parcel of land situate in Saluda Township, Polk county, State of North Carolina and describ ed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone on or near Jonas Pace's line and running thence North 16 West 198 feet to a stake; thence South 82 West 165 feet to a stake; thence South 16 East 198 feet to a stake -on or near to Jonas Pace's line; thence North 82 East to the beginning and containing Vl of 1 acre. This June 14th, 1919. CAROLINA STATE BANK, Walter Jones Attorney Mortgagee New York Cmmt Off Asheville. N. C. Prices It. I B AN IK -Mbrf Reliable99 OF 1 1 Capital, $15,000 Q.,1,i. MJ D.Jf:4M !6iOinrnA I RESOURGES,COVERl$t75i000 j small. If you are -not- a n j i misnty weii xo nave your t OFFICERS: t H. B. CARUSLE, President 8 ROY P. WHITLOCK. Cashier. R. H BRADY, Ant Cash I DIRECTORS: H. B. Carlisle Roy P. Whulock J. S. arpenter 5 J.T; WIdrop tin til u ximn COCOOOCOCCC08COCOC O O O O o o o () C) o o C) C) o .SAFETY! COURTESY! Buy. a Certificate of 'Deposit. i() It earns four per cent from date arid can beiO converted into casfr by mail at any time. O BAN IK Of TRYON o W. : T. LINDSEY Pre o COCOCOCOCOSCOCOCOCXjCi STRENGTH SERVHCE .'SEGiuiRiiror These Essentials of Sound-Banking are embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED EfB of Capital $1 0,000.00 ; SaBucfla, N. C. HBIRY P. CORffllH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, -Pre$. PRESTON H. tUlfY, Cesl. xMCaM Sawie It is unusual at this- time of high prices to see goods of f ered at reduced prices I but we have just received the following goods that we picked up at a reduction and offer to you at prices named. Galatea, per yd. r jZOo Ginghams per yd . T5C Brown domestic per yd 1 5c Poplins per yd ,25 and!3Qc Pongee per yd 20o Voiles per yd. 2So Cretons per yd ;25c ILaicllncs SHDIkoslsirfy ! 50 75c. $1.00 $2.25 an $2i50 Special prices on -shirting madras striped Suezines, Sunctmer shirts, ties eand ctraw hats. ills FOR EVEFiYTHING North Tryon, Landrail, 'S. C. 1 - customer -we would like I Jl i i f name on our dooks. II -it II J. S. CARPENTER. Vice Pres. I H. W. Ackennan () t SERVICE! k) () O O o o o o J. B. HESTER Cashier. Co, .lAfNDK!UKi3 n in i 1 iO iO IO to S V i : i t i li 1! 'SI? wi? - oftimes, aminpH ;i Yliness who was Uch l "nG(1 that Was nn n'o1 1 be- How 1 1 per-