--mil THAIIl-v .1 TPfli.n nuku LenttheS.IeChnk ca! Scnoui Weelily Letter rromPebiS & Trust Co. V. u Mechanical msxruCn U9h ",-,ahie to Men Made . M 0f Southeast nf f!amD Jesup, ?Lr nd roar of machln- the , nip(al ln the gov- the c jent's. visitor bigsno; trninine npV letiui"- - - been established, and Is men of the Soutn- u has f" ..... wnlin to tne ' .... srhool is the training J the Motor Transport corps, ol luc ..... Amprirnn univer- 01 lilt- -, raainiaiuru (fH'cfl . nf the A. E. F. r w tnnonncea tmu I r" ni become penu.ueuVj r Jesup. the reat repal shop, it been established on Wr i basis and is locarea juw.uiree oUt of AUauia. ( School is now receiving sta nd soon will be a flourishing 1 pnninment. .11 narOCS)irV lUmiUUCl J, Xiao o an u . - - 0 .j tn tpnehine stair Instaiieu auv. - heen selected. Camp jesup win V, tr nnints at which men hn 01 i"u' 1 .. he trainea iur ur - corps, and tor iuiuie ww cuu6 anical UnesT le course oi ir"s Lary period of six-weeks of qrr instruction Dy uie uiiiiittijr u- ties of the camp, auis win ue- L nroficiency m unaersianaing, tn?ftnd transmitting orders. Fol- L this eight base trades will be L Sixteen weeks will be devoted U course of study, wo class will lain more mau uuj aiuucum, ouu r will be a laboratory assistant ior six men. school will be open the entire end courses of -instruction will mence three thnes each year. It be opeti to men who' have had mimical training as well as to Who art far advanced-but' desire" further iraining available at. this completeness of the training of is evidenced 'by the titles for :h the students will qualify. Some ese are self-erplanatory : Motor Icle inspectors, motor assemblers, transmission and chassis assem- and inspectors ; machinists, (a) work, (b) operators of lathes. g machines, crankshaft grinders, der grinders; (c) t6dmiflfcefs. course in ignition will train men rapercise, install and repair all of magnetic and ignition sys- Let Something GonH Ra g;j When over the fair fame of friend Or . , foe - rr": j- ;: '.. The :shadbw of disgrace shasl -fall instead ' Of wgxds of blame, or proof of thus . and. so, ' - W something erood be said, tiorget not, that no fellow-beine vet May;fall so low but love may : lift his head; . Even the cheek of shame with tears is wet ' If something good be said. No generous heart may t vainly turn ' aside ; : , J -. In ways of sympathy, no soul so ' ' dead , . But may waken strong and glorified. . , tt something good be. said. -And so I chaige ye, by the thorny ciown, . And by the cross oi which the Sa vior died And by your own joul's hope of fair renown, , Let something geed be said. -James Wtitcom Eiley. . ' - " r0-':i Y: 4 In this era of high prices' and nigh wages a dollar is worth less than it "was before the war. . A dollar now does not go very far in purchases. A dollar saved now will be worth " a great deal more when times become normal.. So a dollar placed with us to draw , interest will be worth ' a lot more later on. While the money is coming in easy put some of it in this strong bank and let us pay you' inter est. Our r . Savings Department is growing very rapidly. .We pay four per cent compound interest. Call or write to open account; Accounts of women and children especially invited. A Ceritficate of Deposit with this bank is a safe and profitable invest ment for idle funds. -We pav interest at four per cent every three r months on certificates and the money may be drawn at any time. k - A checking account with this bank assures you of the most modern and efficient service known in the banking world.' Our facilities can not be sur passed by banks in the, large cities. We have, the proper equipment 1 and have the best known devices to render the bset service. Try us and be con vinced. ' . istrations, guardianships, etc. Con sult with our officers without cost or obligation onany of these subjects. Our officer will gladly advise you and talk over any of these subjects with you. We are developing our Trust De- .partment to meet with the modern methods of handling estates, admin- A prominent Polk county farmer had a very severe loss when his home burned recently. Valuable papers, which included some Liberty Bonds were destroyed. Better be safe than sorry. Rent a Safety Deposit Box in our solid concrete fireproof '-Vault. Boxes, with individual' keys may be rented for $.uu per year. We issue Certificates of Deposit for Liberty or - Victory Bonds. Deposit your bonds with us and interest will be paid you tn cash or check mailed as it becomes due at the same rate of interest the bond calls for. No charge for this service. We used to think that the newspa per that advertised "piano for sale by lady with mahogany legs" took the prize," but it has nothing on the bank clerk who asked for a check book for a lady that folds oyer. The Big Drum - Jve WED AFTER 12 YEARS ier aijd Sister i(Meet : Again Kesait or Item in Ohio Newspaper. at maj, i unio Twelve years ago pKaMng and his -sister were IratoH i i.nnt ie in which they had been placed their parents died. that. time 'they had completely trace of each other and it was until this week that they wera lit together through newspapers. ping, whose home is in Findlay, ped this week after having served oe ltoth Infantry of the 37th dl- h His sister, whose home la In p. read of his return in a news ffand immediatelv sot In tonrh . o e Associated Charities of Find- hich located the returned 6o!- P TOWNS GONE FOREVER of tO Rebuild finmft "nch Villages in Battle Area. . France. investigations by the k.. whIcn is examininer the de regions nfrMnn LkPrevious evidence that many r urannt-ni a. . . . "Ul LUWs ana namiets or tJue are are so totally rulnfl 1 '"dl lamp hoc lo .lnn "Siist, and the mayors of two "WtOriP Villno.no Tk .-i try y otv- uuaumum auu W uh '""'jf-. nonnea tneir sofp refugees in Various , 'jance, that these places can- Claimed. Not nnlir lo tW n L Jhape that it cannot be'culti- lets . y years' but tne ruined L are finwi ,,,,,,, . T other dangers. AM 3'S With Largest 8 ' targojver Carried K Weston. ion ftf " " xex- ine distinc- K iolds ftf untamed in .the K tor the-tBritishWl Indore, which felt d IVernonl tirJM. ooooa A m fop i ales n, ! "y C0Pressing the 0 nuare es of cotton. This fished hyT method 8 until . urn cri occupied mini 4.U I fin. ma Py toe an" tTora wa made r'hich in Tr steaiusliP Omsk," K"- in uuioa, mm jaivest,. -le Dales from 51 r" 0rshiP would not ner. K wr of thatr6co H N Feopl es Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N. C. G. H. HOLMES, Pres. W. F. LITTLE, Cash. WE GIVE V "Li K VALUABLE With all cash purchases we give coupons which ard redeemable in valuable premiums. These premiums are of the best and well worth more than the small effort required by the saving of your coupons to ob tain them. Call and get a premium book and begin 'K saving your coupons today. Below are a few money saving prices. Givo us an ordar and we are sure the treatment you receive will cause you to come again. ; ' 3 lb. cans Tomatoes per doz.. . . . . .... ...... .$1.05 2 lb. cans Tomatoes, per doz. ...... ...... ... -1.50 2 lb.cans Corn, per doz. ........ ... . . .... ... 2.10 Flour, per barrel. . . ... . . . l. ' . . . . . 12.0 Best Shorts, per 75 lb. bag.. 5.50 Your orders for any thing in our line 7ill recoivo prompt and carelul attention. lltoms Wi Go Tryon5 N. C. iffir tee iMoiaMaiinisii 1 CaivM Delivery Classified Advertisements. : 1 FOR RENT. ' - Six room burnished bungalow, with bath for rent or sale. Overbrook Or chard Saluda, N. C. . We Have the Right Prices AND J." . MISCELLANEOUS. ; 'T. . . tinreorv f.Of.lc bf E. UV' vuui,"-j - f ,j Bradley, Saluda, agent ior reliable nursery company, of Eomna, N C. He can save you money ana assist you in your selection of trees best adaptedt o your soil. . . FOR SALE : Nice -'mahogany... book case: also some small farming tools. Enquire of James Leonard, xryon.- RIG FOR SALE. Tioj.iit.fful bav mare, six years old, Moyer top buggy and harnessi AQ dress P. O. Box 262, Tryon, Ni C. NOTICE pF SALE. ia '-viW.il a of the power of sale con- Jace, his wife, to Carolina State Bank on the 9th day of June, :1917 and of record in office ot v"",! made- page Zbrf,, aeiauiu ""Pr-Tr-L Mt in the payment oi c" "wc: r t forth, the undersigned will fsel nublic auction to tjie .highest Jndder, tiv riAimtv. in Book jno. xx, page I in the forth, iii for cash, at the- court house door m 1 T3-vl lr nilTlT.V. Oil of io viMk noon, the lonowms Tnwshit). ' Folk county, scribed tract or parcel of bgdte in Saluda Townsnip, - aZ. State of North Carolina and descriD a A a a fnllOWS. tOWlT'. ..-.;a,V wv 5. p . w TVi.X I4ti QTlfl' m III LI 11 Cl. iJoifiiis North or near thence a stake, staV: thence South 16 - astT.i ieet;to a tw ;T Ju c? TTast to Pace's line; thence North 82 East to fr, " onH vrtntaininsr 7 1 acre. . This June 14th, 1919. -CAROLINA -STATE BANI Walter Jones Attomy t Mortgagee Kind of Materials o do your buildiny;. Full 9 stock Door, Window Sidin,fIoprIng Ceiling, Shingles, Loths; Interior Finish and MouldinR,;Rough and Dressd Lumber- Carry complete HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA. N. C. ' Is There .. An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home Millinery II N D Dress Making ii AH Work Guaranteed first floor WUkins store vv..-- MRS. E, RHODES. NOTICE. -f There will be held, an election "Tm nubUc school: district at Gray's Chapel on July 8tho ascertain whether or t .theyryjshall ha i fecial! school fav nnt tolexceed 50 cents per $100 valuation fipropeiry aim rfi( I tosupplement the colnty the Board of annortJoned ty fidtttionidf Plk county.. - . .T&e boundary of said district fully set forth in petition filed this the 2nd day of June, 1919, and including parts of Polk and Rutherford counties. N. D. Moore; judge of said election. - -Done by order of County JJommis soners upon request of. Board of Ed- UCaton' 2' lF.M BURGESS. . . -V - Clekk to B..C..C. Price $ 5.50 Guaranteed or 10 Years 1RY0N ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY WE SOLICIT Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Finish, Mouldings, Framing, Wp manufacture this and can save you money. ?Se -us for lath, brick. Honrs and sash. J. T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY. This Bank is for Peope who Want to Improve their financial Condition. Will you let us serve you? A checking account is most convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest rtctipt. A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C; tiONNER M. B. LAKE I FOR SALE AT A BARGIAN If taken Sat once. Cash or rea&ooble terms. Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district. Store house and lot on street. GEO. A. GASH, A&L T T We w lire Jrinices (SO Psir Cemi It Off We reduce your tire bill more than half with Non Skid Retread. .All kinds of tire repair work done ---Vulcanizing a specialty. r Wer guarantee Satisfaction and Service. We make a specialty of out of town business. Send us your tires. We will get them back to you in three days. - (t2(fcsoirD TSr2- Co. Phone 3171 Asheville, N. C. GEO. A. JUSTICE OF TOE PEACE i: ' . - AND NOTARY PUBLIC : Collections, a specialty. and" Mortgages prepared, Contracts written sto reasp prices. v - . . TRYON, N. C. and Knights of Pythias Castle Hall in MissOdine Building Meets Thursday Evening at 8:50 - . -VISITORS WELCOME' ' " r v "tT- You II need neither a hatchat nor a stick of dynamite. A good, ordinary set of molars avHI easily dispose of A Fine Tenderloin Steak j , An Extra Porterhouse Steak : A Luscious Round Steak ANut " '.; A Dish of Pork' Chops y - -; c fK3 'rnelt .m;yduri6i. ; . r .-.iv - ' ' v-. -r..v ..-. -'-V--- ' -V?'.-: - . , and chicl87Brfe&: est MARKET PRICE.' - M&MY i WK; H. WILLIAMS. i - V . .1- ? x -

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