i PHEVEUT INJURY fl A Mr- .. 11 mmT nir . mm ...... ......... ... . i - ... , -' - '-v , ' ': ', . By Geo NEEDED mTimTiniiiiiiiiiiHiiiuHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiii B by mm c B O N cC V iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniiimiiiiiiinmmiiin Author bf GRAUSTARK' MraE HOLLOW OF HER HAND "THE PRINCE OF GRAU SARK," -FROM THE HOUSETOPS," ETC. iiiimmHimiiiimu.ii.m.iiim HiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiHiiHm'i' iHHiiiiiummiimmi W Important That NPest Be Discov ered Before Crops Have Been Seriously Damaged. EXAMINE MEADOWS CLOSELY GIRL OF MYSTERY! HOUSE OF MYSTERY! V An American story of 'love and patriotism, of plot and counterplot, that enthralls the reader -and keeps him guessing. CHAPTER I. The First tyayfarer and the Second Wayfarer .;'&1eet and Part on4he Highway. . '"' x 1 ' A solitary JJure trudged along the narrow road that wound its serpen tlnous way through the dismal,, forbid ding depths of the forest a man who, though weary and footsore, lagged not tn his swift, resolute advance. Night was coming on, and with it the no un certain prospects of a storm. He came to the pike" and there added, raising her voice slightly, was a signpost. A huge, crudely paint ed hand pointed to the left, and on what was intended to be the sleeve of a very stiff and unflinching arm these words were printed in scaly white : Hart's Tavern. Food for Man and Beast Also Gasoline. Established 1798. 1 Mile." On the opposite side of the "pike," In the angle formed by a junction with the narrow mountain road, stood an humbler signpost, -,. lettered so Indis tinctly that it deserved the compas sion of all observers because of its humility. Swerving in his hurried pas sage, , the tall stranger drew near this shrinking friend to the uncertain trav eler, and was suddenly aware of an other presence in the roadway. A woman appeared, as If fronv no where, almost at his side. He drew back to let her pass. She stopped be fore the little signpost, and together they made out the faint directions. To the right and .up the mountain road Froggy Corner lay four miles and a half away ; Pitcairn was six miles back over the road which the man had traveled. Two-miles and a half down the turnpike was Spanish Falls, a rail way station, and four miles above the crossroads where the mani and women stood peering through the darkness at the laconic signpost reposed the vil lage of St. Elizabeth. Hart's Tavern was on the road to St. 'Elizabeth, and the man, with barely a glance at his fellow traveler, started briskly off in that direction. He knew that these wild .mountain storms moved swiftly; his chance of reaching the tavern ahead of the del uge was exceedingly slim. His long, powerful legs had carried him twenty or thirty paces before he came to a sudden halt. , What of this lone woman who trav ersed the highway? His first glimpse of her had been extremely casual indeed, he had paid no attention to her at all, so eager was he to read the directions and be on his way. She was standing quite still in front of the signpost, peering up the road toward Frogg's Corner confronted by a steep climb that led into black and sinister tlmberlands above the narrow strip of pasture bordering the pike. The fierce wind pinned her skirts to her slender body as she leaned against the gale, gripping her hat tightly with one hand and straining under the weight of the bag , in the other. The ends of a veil whipped furiously about her head, and, even In the gathering darkness, he could see a sfrand or two of hair Tceeplng them company. Retracing his steps, he called out to her above the gale : "Can I be of any assistance to you?" She turned quickly. He saw that the veil was. drawn tightly over her face. "No, thank you," she replied. Her voice, despite a certain nervous note, was soft and -clear and gentle the voice and speech of. a well-bred per son who was young and resolute. "Pardon me, but have you much far ther to go? The storm will soon be upon us, and surely you will not con elder me presumptuous I .don't -like the idea of your being caught out in' "What Is to be done about It?" she inquired, resignedly. T must go on. I can't wait "". here, you know, to be Copyright by Dodd. Mead and Company, Inc. rinnrf nnw -Miin? nmtnnnslv no over 1 the car around "And be quick about I Barnes. What s your Idear fer lootin fho mniintnin rMrp it" she added. . it this time o' the year? Bv Jove, we're coine to catch it The first drop3 of rain pelted down I "i ao someming uKe nA nnA WAs,iimri "TwtPr I frnm th nnw thorousrhlv Mack dome I spring.. A month or six weeks or it take my advice. These storms are ter- aboye them, striking in the road with puts me in fine shape for a vacatlm rlble. I know, for I've encountered the sharpness of pebbles. v - later on, suppuea wr. uarnes wuiui hnif dozen of thpm in the trnst week. "Lucky it's a limousine." said the I slcally. ThPv fnlrlv tear nni to nieces. You tall traveler. "Better hop in. we u jur. joues auuweu a gnu w -r m I - i I -r-r - - : i. J are a stranger In these parts?! be getting it hard in a second or two." over ms seamen race. , xae rein&eneu "Yes. The railway station is a few I "You must let me take you on to tne tne corncoo pipe ana iook a coupie oi miles below here. I have walked all Tavern in the car," she said. "Turn puns at it. the way. There was no one to meet about is fair play. I cannot allow you "I never been to New York, but it me. You are a stranger also, so it is to" ; ; must be a heavenly place for a vaca- useless to inquire if you know whether "Never mind about me," he broke in tlon, ir a rener c n juage Dy, wnat some this road leads to Green Fancy." I cheerily. "firpen Fancv? Round attractive, she would make the offer, and he felt about it. , it's a sort or piay actors; pillars, upon hatching, feed for several T'm snrrv T mn't PT,nrhtpn vmi " He better now that she had done so, "I'm I paradise, tain t it? days near the ground, hidden by over . - o ... . .. . , - i.iii . : a I ' . . drew a small electric torch from his accustomed to roughing it. l aon r "it is paraaise to every actor wno gauging .. grasses or grains ana mus mind a soaking. I've had hundred of nappens to De on the road, Mr. J ones, mayf escape notice until nearly lull aju r '- . r- o a k r wou,. . v - "Just the same you shall not have from his shoulders, and letting it slide I come widely distributed over the In one tonight," she announced firmly. I to the floor. Get in behind. I shall sit with the "Hear that feller in the taproom driver." - talkhr? Well, he 13 one of the lead If anyone had told him that this I lng actors in New York in the world. rattling, dilapidated automobile ten for that matter. He's been talKin vears old. at the very least he would about Broadway for nearly a week have sworn was capable of coverings now, steady." the mile in less than two minutes he I "May 1 Jnqulre what he Is doing up would haye laughed in his face. Al-there in the wilds?" most before he realized that they were "At present he ain't doing anything Grass or Grain Should - Be Carefully Inspected to Detect Presence of Caterpillars Poisoned Baits ' 1 May Be Used. (Prepared by the United States Depart- y ; ment of Agriculture.) Watchfulness is the; key to success in cases of invasion by army worms, whch are young of certain moths or millers that fly only at night. The eggs from ; which thev army, worms hatch are laid commonly on grasses He had been wondering if I of my present boarders have to say; or grasslike grains and the tiny eater- pocket and directed its slender ray upon the signpost. . "It Is on the road to Frogg's Cor- ner," sne explained nervously, -a mue and a half, so I am told. It isn't on the signpost. . It is a house, not a vil lage. Thank you for your kindness. And I am not at all frightened," she "But you are," he cried. "You're scared half out of your wits. You fesfed fields. Upon the discovery of the pest in its younger stages depends very largely the possibility of stamping out infes tations before serious injury to crops has occurred. . ; Meadows " therefore Should be examined frequently, partic- blarly those planted to timothy, blue- grass, wheat, and especially millet to discover the young worms. . X on the way up the straight, dark road J except talk. Last week he was treddin If the infested spot be smallvthe grass the lights In the windows of Hart s J the boards, as he puts it himself. Bust- or grain can be mowed off and straw Tavern came Into view. Once more ed. Up the flue. Showed last Satur- cattered over the spot and burned, the bounding, swaying' car came to a I day night In Hornvllle, eighteen mile.- thus destroying the worms. If the stop under brakes, and he was relax-J north of here, and Immeglately after caterpillars have become distributed ing after the strain of the most hair- the performance hlnvand his. whole, over a considerable area, this can be raising ride he had ever-experienced. J troupe, started to .walk back to New marked off by stakes and the crop Not a word liad been spoken dur-1 York, a good four hundred mile. They snraved heavily with a solution of lng the trip. The front windows were started out the back way of the opery parls: green at the rate of one pound lowered. The driver an old,; hatchet- house and nobody missed 'era till, next to 50 gallons of water, or of arsenate faced man had uttered a single word J mornln' except the sheriff, and The 1 of lead at the rate of two pounds just before throwing In the clutch--at didn't miss 'em till they'd got bvei: of the paste or cfcie pound of the pow the crossroads in response to the I the county line Into our bailiwick.1 der to 50 gallons of water. Four of 'em are still stoppln here D:., f- a, .11 WIVVIIWU I Wl .IIW ' ' ' J II VI lug 1110a T rlrf crrt- tho hoart ff. I ... I UO A uku tuv v-t . W W I .- . . - , , jm jroisonea vixus nave long Deen useu young woman s crisp command to drive to Hart's Tavern. That word was uttered under his breath and it is not necessary to repeat it here. just because I ain't got turn 'em out., ner the spare money, tc buy 'em tickets to "New York; Here The wayfarer lost no time In climb- comes one f 'em now. Mr. Dllllng- lng out of the car. As he leaped to the ford, will you show this gentleman to ground and raised his green hat he took room eleven and carry his baggage up a second look at the automobile a look fer him? And maybe hell want a of mingled wonder and respect. It pitcher of warm water to wash and was an oid-rasnioned, nign-powerea shave in. He turned to tne new guest car, capable, 'despite Its antiquity, of and smiled apologetically. . "We're a astonishing speed in any sort of got! little short o'' help :just n6w, Mr. lng. I Barnes, and Mr. Dilllngford has kind- "For teaVen's sake," he began, ly consented to " . : sJiiL. shouting to her above the roar of the "My word!" gasped -Mr. Dilllngford, as a means 1 of destroying the numer ous species of cutworms and also the army worm. An efficient bait of this kind may be prepared and used as fol lows: To 50 pounds , of wheat bran and one pound of parls green or two pounds of powdered arsenate of lead; add the juice of one-half dozen or anges or lemons. . Then bring the Should Be Loo Lose Soil .eH u Weak Places Should Bft mediately Afte. e Breaks Repair J KindofCover (Prared by the nited me"t of A..,. Terraces renm 1 - w nmciJ attention. .sn first vear. hpfnr.-. i. . , 01 to beoojr? 1 1 1 un 11 uK Places verv any b'renks h ateiy witn a shovrf it r V cultivntP tT f,..." IlsbpsS buMo seed tWm to sorae It is advisable to run i,uia"cl me terraces n 1 ing planted on ton 0f tw.1 cultivation of ih? tn . keep the ton of "th0 proper height. Where th run across the term commonly on nio.lerfitP .! h( and first time All apparently visited after , wind and rain, "don't let him drive like that over those " "You're getting wet," she cried out. a thrill m ner voice. and thank you 1" staring at the register. -"Someone from little old NewYork? ' My word. lr, you Won t you have a er Good night mtle something to drink with" me be fore you" ' . ' . He Drew a Small Electric Torch From "Look outl" rasped the unpleasant "He wants something to e&tl inter- .Hla Pocket and Directed Its Slender drlver and In went the clutcn Tne rupted Mr. Jones sharply. "Tell Mr. Ray Upon the Sign Post. man in the roaa jumped nastily to one Bacon to step up to his room and siae as tne car snoi DacKwaru wiiu a 1 take the order." 4 cant tool me. Td be scared myself jerk, curved sharply. Stopped lor tne I a 11 rlriit. oldrhnn nothinsr easier at the thought 01 venturing into those fraction of a second, andxthen bounded saia Mr. Dilllngford genially. "Just woods up yonder.' Well, then, I am frightened," she confessed plaintively. "Almost out of my boots." "That settles It," he said flatty. "You shall not undertake It." "Oh, but I must. I am expected. It is import " "If you are expected why didn't someone meet you at the station? Seems to me--" "Hark! Do you hear doesn't that sound like an automobile ah!" The hoarse honk of an automobile h6rn rose above the howling wind, and an Instant later two faint lights came forward again, headed for the cross- climb up the elevator, "Mr. Barnes. We roads. : -do this to eet un an aDDetite. When "Thanks!" shoutedthe late passen ger after the receding tail light, and dashed up the steps to the porch that ran the full length of Hart's Tavern. A huge old-fashioned lantern hung above the portal, creaking and stratn- dld you leave New York?" Taking up a lighted kerosenes lamp and the heavy pack, Mr. Clarence Dil llngford led the way up the stairs. He was a chubby Individual of indefi nite age. At a glance you would have lng In the wind, dragging at Its stout sai(j he was under twentyne ; a sec- supports-and threatening every in stant to break loose and go frolicking away with the storm. He lifted the latch and. being a tall man, involuntarily stooped as ne passed throuch the door, a needless precaution, for gaunt, gigantic moun ond look would have convinced you that he was nearer forty-one. Depositing Barnes pack on a chair in the little bedroom at the end of the hall upstairs he favored the guest with a perfectly unabashed grin. I'm not doing this -to oblige old rushing toward- them around a bend in tai?ee" 1hal th"e before him Jone know j won,t t the mountain road. "Better late than never," she cried, her voice vibrant once more. He grasped her arm and jerked her out of the path of the oncoming ma chine, whose driver was sending it along at a mad rate, regardless of ruts and stones and curves. The car ca reened as it swung into the pike, skid and without bending their arrogant heads. CHAPTER II. The First Wayfarer Lays His Pack Aside and Falls In With Friends The little hall in which he found himself was the ."office" through which ccucu aa x t swung mw lxic yi&c, baiu- I . I -uv),u w w bvw ded alarmingly, and then the brakes a11 pass whA c8me as guefts awful place of his own free will and to deceive you. I'm working out a dallj board bill. Chuck three times a day and a bed to sleep In that s what Fm doing it for, so don't get it into your head that I applied for the job. Let me look at you. I want to get a good square peep at a man who has the means to go somewhere and yet is boob enough to come to this gosh- Stages and work of the true army worm (Cirphls unipuncta) and some of Its insect enemies; a, parent or moth; b, full-grown larva; c, eggs; d, pupa In soil; e, parasitic fly, Winthemia quad- ripustulata, laying its eggs on an army worm; f, a ground beetle, Calosoma calidum, preying upon an ar,my worm, and, at right, calosoma larva emerg ing from burrow; g, a digger wasp, Sphex sp., carrying an army worm to its-jburrow; h, Enicospilus purgatus" a wasplike parasite of the army'worm. were jammed down. Attended by a to tHarts Tavern, a steep, angular accord Darn It you look intelligent, mass to a stiff dough by adding low- vast grinding of gears and wheels, the !.iaa!e lo u? one enQ.01 iae ro?m I don't get you at all. What's the mat- rattling old car came to a stop fifty oei kT . . V 111 ter? Are you a fugitive from justice?' feet or more beyond them. "i d sooner walk than take my chances in an antediluvian rattletrap like that," said the tall wayfarer. bending quite close to her ear. "It will fall to pieces before you " But she was running down the road toward the car,, calling out sharply to the driver. He stooped over and took up the traveling bag she had dropped in her haste and excitement.. It was counter over which the business of the house was transacted, and behind this a man was engaged in the peaceful occupation of smoking a corncob pipe. An open door to the right of the stairway gave entrance to a room from which came the sound of a deep, sono rous voice employed In what turned out to be a conversational solo. To the left another door led to what was evidently the dining room. The glance that the stranger sent In that direction revealed two or three tables covered Barnes find the theatricals people entertaining; but as the storm rages does a good deal of thinking about the mysterious girl bound for Green Fancy. heavy, amazingly heavy. "I shouldn't like to carry that a mile wIth white cloth- wasned pack to the place I started ana a nan, ie saia to nimseu. Can you put me ud for the nleht?' m - I - rrv j m aj i ji i - ' w irom." ' xne voice oi ine Deiatea anver came hft innnlred nanonv ho .nnntoi. He smiled. She had wit as well as to his ears on the swift wind. It was Ton look like a feller who'd want determination. ; f high-pitched and unmistakably, apolo- mnm ith hoth Hr.wi "If I can be of the least assistance getic. He could not hear , what she behind the counter, anrvevin ihe rv II? f!0n' or ,aesert untry ' 1 to you pray don't hesitate to command was saying to him, but there wasn't nHmrit frnm heriun ft w,ih w l"e Anaes, ano are entirely, d me. I am a sort of trnmn. von mlcht I much doubt as to the nature of herl-;i v say, ana i irayei as wen oy night as remarks, ane was rounaiy upDraiamg th be satisfied to have a foom with sw anu m pass- T rtn hv flov an rtnn'i- fool that I Mm .1 . " . .. .... .. I S Ci.UiB eievaiea nprnorn tnnnm nnttinff me to nnv inonvpnton.o a m I TWori o h.fci t.t. 7ii T .. . I oi me Andes are " strlnnpd of thttii. ,"uuu Ui .yana green to ou gallons 01 you by any chance bound for Hart's own nlifrht he hurried to her side amlL. ' : 7 " 1 moisture and arrive on. the coast Per., V"l,rf' wun mo pounds of pow- I w " I DUUUQI . MM x . Jt - fPAfTAWfl 1 T MA T -111 V. .1 A - I N ; I " B. a vm Biau to lag said: ; "Can I have nnnpr? -jrr (TO BE CONTINUED.) Mystery In Plmft Presence. The Chilean provinces of Atacama. larapaca and Tacna are in the rain less region, or desert country west of vold of vegetation. The winds In all this grade molasses or sirup, preferably molasses,' nd scatter the mixture broadcast in small pieces throughout the infested field. : , In case thew worms are not discov ered until they have begun to travel in a mass, usually they can be destroy ed by furrowing orditching compfete ly around the infested area. , Summary of Control! Measures for the -.-.;.; Army Worm. 1. Watch fields of growing grass and grain 'carefully, especially the meadows, during the spring and early summer months, to discover the army worms before theyibecome full grown and spread t over the ; entire farm. When the worms are discovered at work, do not lose a minute, but attack them vigorously by means of the meas ures outlined in foregoing paragraphs. 2. Poison them by -spraying crops not intended , for forage ." with one View of Lower Side of Bench Te v Embankment Showing Gro Weeds and Grass on Embanfc soil is moved down the side slf cultivation. As a result, the tc are more liable to break, audi more maintenance work is rec than where the rows are run p to the terraces. AH terraces that are cn!S should be plowed at least oncei and the soil should be throws k center. In this way the height d terrace Is kept up and the baa le broadened each jear. Steep land that washes baSj tween the terraces should not In tivated. The terraces should fa well built and the entire field i to gra'ss .and used for pasta meadow. When It is found necessary tii a farm road in terracing a H building of the terraces should h: tinued across without regard k road. Where the terraces are isi arv 20 feet broad, no provision M made for passing traffic across I but they should be carefully! tained to prevent possible fe .Where the terraces are notmro! ten feet broad, considerable taj ence to traffic-and injury to ft races generally results whew vision for crossing is mad?. I times the water is carried m roadway by a culvert, but the P objections to this are that thej itv of the waterway is greatly J and the free flow of the water the culvert is often obstroj stalks or other trash washed P field. A wooden bridge channel, so as not to reduce the cross-sectional area of tne way, makes a more desire Isfactory crossing. ill IIHH behind and carry your bag. 44 You i are very good, but I am not bound for IJarfs Tavern, wherever that may be. ' Thank you, Just the same. You appear - monly fjenteel tramp cause I am afraid you might make off with my belongings last by way of apology. "Excuse me, please. You dropped fectly dry. The last rain: a sllAt flered arsenate of lead to 50 gallons shower which fell jn Antofagasts, in water In the paris green is J FOR HOME GARDENS . Home gardeners ww all of the most comn and diseases attacking w bles are catalogued In ed States Departjneuto J Culture's Farmers Boue , which will be sent ires quest of the depart , bulletin tells how to presence of 'structi and diseases and how toP nd fi?ht them. tn itiMH UAKin CPRAYER i inn u Especially Handy m m - rnntroi ' eates Tor - 1 (Prepared by tne Insects and Dj -nt of fecting garuei , troi Control of in?ec w r adays to apply Crt slmnlft that it IS xw-jsA v v, rem1' ,e rivs tO aPP'J Llic . tot! "Fnnd fnr won oH hMf -of K I " ju auigIBgaSUI, in . T " Fl6i r tn have Jf. v wu va vvuo i.m, oaiu luc i a . - i iivpn ti TAnn a xM v lit.. . jj .ftr nopps.Mi t -nay something. Shall I put It np In front other patiently. He slapped his palm wmJ"' 'Wflrst rain Z-TS J'D.ratt A or in tne tonnean?" n kh v luucu m io years, xne " .j-o.w muc w , pan uiu UCII auu LUCU I fv i., m .. . . I fill m nna t . ... rrn.t- x ri n snrilli"'"" or in the tonneau? ik you, just the , The whimsical note In his voice looked at the fresh name on the page. TnP J " f ICU lD I(lule' ln to be an.uncom- brought a quick, responsive laugh from "Thomas K. Barnes' New York'? ht AaraPac Province, was the first In 24 u and it Isn't be- herJips. read Z. Z -SL year?: tn these showers a '"Thank you so muchi I am frieht- nnr-. m' , t " J r..V no.taD,e Phenomenon occurred. er or a sprin. apply all The She added the fully careless with rny valuables. Z hI back of these cities assumed a I w ----- u . A 1 Ull U11D I 1 1 I I. l V U I i . ;. UUIC piilUl WUICU Would vnn mind nntflwir it tn Kahinii I i .. . - J w i - v- vv-, v m uuuuui liu-t ii ii I'm n nTn t n af wnn.tr hsfniiA m. nm i rrm a r m. ul. m iiriiii iiim . . r" ir"wea ?? ne Thanks V net tone altered complete- Glad to meet 'von. .Mr. almost In a night Th . u.4Wlt at uxe wacky as-she ordered the man to turn used to have a hosto hm J 3f wbe Pt ou gallons of the mixture. This Is to prevent burning the i tender plants. Where spraying is not practicable, the use ' of the polsbned-bran bait al ready mentioned is strongly recom- piled by dusuu mpnrlprt' '' j v - v.v mpnns of 3. in case the worms are crawlinn sack, 'in 1 ht J, Tow or ditch and" crush them with a den insects- and u toil drag as thwr faU Into it. ' more than a donar. of the reme . ... form- r;.K used m 1.4-- dform- the dry or v TJ I

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