0LO RtcLDABtt-lcf . - .... -, jT . at -the cDose . of "business Junroe SO 11 9 II Loans . . ... Banking House. . ... .. ... Overdrafts. ... . . . . . . . . . . Liberty Loan Bonds . . ..... . . v. v .... ."y . Stocks and Bonds . . . . ..... ... . Furniture and Fixtures.'. .... .. . , . . ....... Real Estate.......... ... ...... .... Cash and Due from Banks. .... . . . . . . . . .'. ... . $11,352.00 1,500.00 103.37 10,233:00 3,150.00 1,298.60 124.00 24,924.65 Total. .. ... .7:'. ................. ... . . $1 70,766.42 - ' ' LIABILITIES '. Capital......... ...... ;7. .... '.J.; ., .... ..... $ 15,000.00 Surplus and Profits 1 1,932.12 Bills Payabl7; . . .... ..... ..... : . . . . . . ..... . . 20,000.00 .123,834.30 Deoo mm . sits r Total.......... $170,766.42 FFOOEIR H. B.. Carflisfle, PresBdeot, J. IT IJ3l Cairpeotcr, V3ce Piresfldeofc : 7 ; ; "OD RECTORS H. B. Carlisle Roy P. Whitlpct J. S; Carpenter (Roy P. .WhitDoclk, Cashaer R. H!. Biradly, AssBstanlt Cashier O' o J. T. Waldrop H. W. Ackerman JL REPORT OF C. L. HILL, TAX COL LECTOR AND TREASURER 3E .14. i! City of Saluda, for Year Ending May : 31, 1919. ; DISBURSEMENTS. 1918 - Salaries June 7, W. A, Peace. . . . . . . . .$ 2.00 June 24, T. P. Hipp. 40.00 June 29, W. A. Peace . . . 2.00 July 5, R. L. Newman .. 55.00 August 1, W. A. Peace. . , . 2.00 August 16, T. P. Hiipp, . . 25.00 August 31, W. A. Peace... 25.00 August 31, T. P. Hipp........ 25.00 Sept. 14, t. P. Hipp..;.....;.... 25.00 Sept. 28, K. L. Newman. . ..-. . 55.00 Sept. 30, T. P. Hipp.. 12.50 : Oct. 5, W. A. Peace ......... 2.00 Oct. 12, R. L. Newman,. ....... 55.00 Oct. 31, W. A. Peace . . . 2.00 Nov. 13, R. L. Newman ...110.00 Nov. 15, T. P. Hipp. ...... . . 25.00 Nov. 29, R. F. Robertson..... 24.00 Nov. 30, W. A. Peace 2.00 Nov. 30, T. P. Hipp. h . . 25.00 Dec. 4, G. R. Little..., .... 24.00 Dec. 9, T. P. Hipp 25.00 Dec. 9. T. P. Hipp. ...... . .;. . . 30.00 Dec. 9, Jas. A. Pace. . . . . . 36.00 Dec. 9, M. A. Pace. . . ... . . 24.00 Dec. 14. T. P. Hipp... t-. . 25.00 Dec. 14, iWalter Jones. . . . .u . Dec. 21, R. L. Newman. . . . .i-. 1919 ' Jan. 6, W. A. Peace . .... Jan. 8, J. O. Hooper, M. D.... . Jan. 15, T. P. Hipp. ; Jan. 15, T. P. Hipp ....... Jan. 31, W. A. Peace. . . . . . . Feb. 5, T. P. Hipp Feb. 22, T. P. Hipp. Feb. 28, W. A. Peace)........ Mar. 1, R. L. Newman . : 55.00 Mar. 5, T. P. Hippf. 25.0 Mar. ,15, T. P. Hipp,. ........ . 25.00 Apr. 2, R. L. Newman. . ..... .110.00 Apr. 3, W. A. Peace 2.00 Apr. 12, R. L. Newman. ...... . 55.00 Apr. 26, T. P. Hipp .... 25.00 Apr. 30 R. L. Newman. 55.00 Apr. 30, T. P. Hipp. 25.00 May 1, T. P. Hipp........... 25.00 May 2, W. A. Peace. . . . . . 2.00 1918 Nov. 14, John Pace, 10.00 Labor, Street Work. June 1, Luther Turner. ....... : 1.00 June 22, R. L. Newman pay roll 34.60 1919 June 6, R. L. IJewman pay roll 52.73 June 1U, K JL. Newman pay roll 301.95 1918 Oil and 'Sunnlies. ' June 10, Car. Oil & Supply Co. 59.90 June lb. Fiedmont Elec Co.. . . 4 68.09 June 15, FairbanksrMorse & Co. 1.6L 30.60 55.00 2.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 2.00 25.00 25.00 2.00 July 9, C M. McClung Co. 268.43 Aug. 6, Fairbanks Morse & Co. 2.62 Sep. 7, Car. Oil & Supply Co.. . 89.51 Oct. 5, C M. McClung Co..... 86.17 Oct. 10, Car. Oil & Supply Co;. . 79.70 Oct. lO.Sams Frasier Lbr. Co.. . 45.00 Oct. 22,Fairbanks Morse & Co 300.00 .'Oct. -31. Car. Oil & SuduIv Co.. 66.50 Nov. 14, Thompson & Pace...;. 64.30 , JN ov. 30, R. Ii. Newman . . ...... 73.40 Dec.;9, Thompson & Pace. . . I. .238.35 Dec. 14, Alexander Bros.. . .. . . 1.39 . Nov. 23. Saluda Pharmaev 1 9.2ft - Dec. 24, Fairbanks Morse & Co 391.77 pec 28, Carolina Machinery Co. 23.07 jDec. 30, Piedmont Electric Co.. 61,96 Jan. 15.Piedmont F.lpntnV C.r '' 1 70 Jan. 15, Car. Oil & Supply Co.. 82.90 Jan. 29, Town, Seal.. ..12.13 Feb. 28, Saluda -Pharmacy . . . . 82.20 Mar. 13, Car. Oil & Supply Co.146.30 Mar. 13, Piedmont Electric Co.. 22.57 Mar. 15,. Saluda Pharmacy.... 28.28 May 2, Thompson & Pace.... 72.35 May 20, Elec. Appliance Co 17.80 May 20, C. Sonner & Co.. . . . 19.11 1918 Loans and Interest. June 14, S. H. Slaughter. . 530.00 June 27. Carolina State Bank.. 90.33 July 30, Carolina State Bank. . 300.00 Aug. 31, Carolina State Bank. .300.00 Dec. 9, Bank of Saluda 1,333 23 Dec. 21, S. H. Slaughter..... 1,120.00 1919 Feb. 27, Carolina State Bank.. 300.00 Mar. 14, Carolina State Bank. .300.00 Apr. 3, Carolina State Bank. . . 90.00 May 12, Carolina State Bank. 1,505.52 May 12, Carolina State Bank.. 78.00 May 16, S. H. Slaughter. .. .1.025.50 1918 General Purposes. June 13, W. H. Pace, express . . 44.05 June 22, W. H. Pac2. freight.. 8.81 June 27 J. C. Metoalf, listing taxes... ; 10.00 June 27, C. L. Hill, birth and death certificates 5.25 June 29, Wl. H. Bangs, repairs at power, house. 9.00 July 6, John Pace, payroll elec tric ine 13.00 July 7, J. A. Johnson, payment on reservoir 10.00 July 6, W. H.. Pace, freight... 24.24 July 13, John Pace, work on water plant . . . . . . : . ; ; ..... 30.00 July 13, R. L. Newman, payroll 40.50 July 30, T. if. Hipp, 9 days work 10.75 July 31, R. M. Hall, auto hire. . 4.50 Aug 7, W. H. Pace, freight:... 7.37 bept. 20, W. H. Bangs, repairs on dynamo. .... . . . . : . . . . 118.50 Sept. 21, Polk Co News, printing 26.20 sept, zs, J. sHipp, labor..... 7.50 Oct. 10, E. S. Hipp, labor. .. . 21.93 Oct. 10, O. R. Paris, labor, i.. . 12.90 Dec. 5, J. A. Johnson, bal. on- reservoir. .............. 115.70 Dec. 9, Carolina State . Bank. pnntme bonds 200.00 Dc. 20, Bank of Saluda, sinking lund deposit;. .......... .730.00 1919 Jan. 8, G. H. Hollifield ' work at water plant i . . .... ... . 33.00 Jan. 15, E. A. Hudgins, gen. tax 19.04 Feb. 28. Polk Co. News, nrintine 27.40 Mar. 5, J. T: Coates Jr. audit- j ing town dooks. ....,... 10.00 Mar. 5, W. C. Robertson, audit-. ' ing town books. .... ... . . . 10.00 Mar. 5, C. L. HiJJ, auditing town books. . . . ........ 10.00 Mar. 13, W. C. Jordan, laying out street . . ............. 5.00 Apr 8, C. L. Hill, birth and and death certificates. . . . 4.25 May 12, Carolina State Bank printing bonds. ... ; . . . . .200.00 Board Commissioners Polk Co fines. .... . . ... . . . 33.00 . . v. .wi,vV 1S1COOC . m-. ; f "?y Jara...v.v. . ; t.; 16.8a Total disbursements. .... .$12,885,997 ... RECEIPTS Bal. in Treas, June 1, 1913. . .1538.53 UncoUected taxes, ,1917. .V . . . 41.72 General tax list. ........... .2,907.20 Water collections . . . ... 1,333.55 Light collections . 915.29 Special taxes collected. ..... . 325.00 Fines collected . . . . . ... . . . . . . , 33.00 Sale of land, water shed. . . . . . 700.00 Uncollected taxes, 1912-1916 ' J. A. Pace..,...,,,,.,, 69.38 Bal. old bond issue, "Jas A. , Pace.....,..., .78 Discoveries, Gen. taxes ...... 21.57 Bond issue No. 1 3,030.00 Bond issue No, 2, 3,021.00 Total receipts ... . 12,927.02 Disbursed by order of the board of Commissioners.... -12,885.97 Balance in treasury. 41.05 o Report1 of the Condition of the BANK OF SALUDA 9 at Saluda, in the State of North Caro lina at the close of business, June 30, 1919. - RESOURCES' Loans and discounts ....... $48,190.09 Overdrafts, secured United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds Banking House, $3,720.77 furnitureland fixtures $2500.00........ All other real estat owned Cash in vault and net a mounts due from banks bankers and trust companies 8,753.36 Checks for clearing. . ...... 648.77 832.74 6,300.70 6,220.77 750.00 Total. ........... . . .$71,696.43 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $10,000.00 Undivided prohts, less cur- rent expenses and tax- es paid. 320.91 Deposits subject to check . . 32,557.78 Tme certificates of deposit 17,657.65 Savings deposits 11,008.57 Cashiers checks outstand ing....... 151.52 Total....;... ., $71,696.43 totate. of worth Carolina, County of Pok. . ' . . Julv 9. 1919 I, P. H. Bailey. Cashier of the abov. named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best ,of my knowledge and belief r P. H. BAILEY, Cashier. CorrectAttest: Henry P. Corwith, J. M. Hearon, R. B. Staton. Dirptoraj Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of July. 1919. ; W. F. Little, Notary Public. My commission expires Mar. 19, 1919. O rsi rM ri k&a frNifN 1MI When you want SHOES, make your dollar Kaye more cents by buying the lowing bradns: WATER TITE McELROY ; BILLIKEN SARATOGA LIFELINE MASTERBILT LIFE LINE VASSAR TWIN SIX BABY MINE are all leather and Ihoneatly built, and the best for the money, V V ' .Various Afphabets.r There Is quite a difference In the number of letters In the alphabets of the. languages of the world. The Eng lish language contains 26 letters ; the French, 23; the. Italian, 20; the Span ish, 27; the German, 26; the 'Slavonic, 27; the Russian, 41; the Latin. 22: the Greek, 24 ; . the Hebrew. 22 Jhe Ara blc, 28; the Persian, 32, and " the Turk ish, 33. . . t. Best of AH Fertilizert. ' J believe that the best fertilizer tor, any soil Is a spirit of industry, en terprlse and Intelligence. - Without this, lime and gypsum, bones and green manure, marl and guano will be of lit Ut use. Henry. Ward Beecher. - Also remember us for vox iir Drv Goods. Groceries, Fresh and Salt Meats, Farm Iir iplements, etc. Complete and live and let live prices. stock Ji TO Highest price paid for cour, ttry produce-either cash or W EailetSi&t:oM Co SALUD A, N. C. 9 00 tOv 4a5S4 Ps?si lSSN kVM r L

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