: 7 A -'. - . V -'V'-: T - lllmllMJl'W'Jl 4- j Jf V- f - ' , t - - , . . . A Ifa, Gib Fof itz llrzz AND THE TRYON BEE VOL. XXV NO TRYON..N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1919. $2.00 A YCAQ MEWS 4 ft V HFTTER FOkfim . rJi fnr Mondav. Au. gust 4tn, at -" Discuss Proposition. we . i FETING OF k-lt- v it T f PORTA NCR. aim IV l J."i. M. " ery Mondav, August 4th, at Columbus, - ...mi u., vld a crood roads meet- at whi every citizen , of Polk county u.nhl fittend IVIr. Holmes, , unair- t ih Roard. tells us that it is. nan ui Lw. what she wishes to do iri the w J i -..orl rnstriir,tin'n fnT fitter or guf" : 1920, and ask ior me iiijr TimDrianuiis iu , . x.-- trt rnrrxr infise uiiiiis uuu Under tne eAistms. w v. al and State governments will make appropriations where anv county or district will also appropriate money, and thereby materially assist in the grand cause of good roads. The condition of public, roads in Polk county at the present , ,time should make good roads boosters out 0f every citizen in the county; Never will we have another opportunity of receiving so much assistance in this matter as at the present time, so let every person who possibly can, ' at tend this meeting. Below you will find a communication from Mr. J. H. Gibbs, secretary of the board, bear ing on the matter: V " " To the Citizens of Polk County. As Monday" August 4th, atnoon, is set apart for a general good roads discussion, let's have representative citizens from each . township V Talk the matter over at home ancl at eyejy club meeting f v any thernedjji, y which the will of the people may. V acertained. : Let each chairman of i . . . , , , the agncultural club call, a meeting to be held Saturday, August 2nd, and lave the matter discussed and 'ap point delegates .to represent each township. The voice of the people is, and should be the strongest ruling force in a county, state or nation. Better road facilities is the most vi;tal sub ject of today, and I admonish every public spiritedrpatriotic citizen of the county to lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset him The beseting sin may be political prejudice, lack of ambition, and high aspirations, lack of confidence in pub lic officials, of the lack of vision. Whatever it may be, let's lay it aside and muster our solid force of Polk county's led-blooded citizens, and go over the top in road improvement. . . In vienv -of the fact that wTe are liv ing in this reconstruction age when everything is moving so rapidly, when tins whole Southland has taken on a Dew aspect in progress and civiliza tion, when the Federal and State gov ernments are offering a helping hand, il does seem that we, the citizens of Polk county, should awaken out of our Rip van W inkle sleep, quicken our stfP and march to the music of the times. ..It is hoped that at the meeting tove mentioned we can lay some ""finite plans whereby Ave can make sNe real progress. - ."" ' vours for a better Polk County; . J. H. GIBBS, Sec. B. R. C. MEETING OF FAIR DIRECTORS. Al1 mombers of the Board of Direc 0rs of th . Polk County Fair Associa-'on- are requested to meet at the fnk 0 Tryon'. Tryon, N. C; on Mon- July 28, 1919. at 2 o'clock p. m. ke important affairs are to be ta- hrrn the election to fill vacancies offices, etc, so please be there. ft p T" INDSEY, President'. COPELAND Secretary. ADDRESS ON FAIR WORK. p r' S- G- Kubinow, in charge of the J work for North Carnlina. will n addless before the summer school v, Colui"bus, at the pu'uc tow e fUlldmg' at 1:45 P. m., tomor- T . -uiuay, July 26th, 1919. win p u inaz every one who can noPed that ;terid this a bhm. ls address,, as. Mr. -Ru te Will nig to. nave a message worth lis: dishes 7f g0t t0 wash the breakfast ner we want clean china for din- ROADS COUNTY rioniur, , . T . So much rain farmers can not work their crops well. There is much fear Dalton were callers at E. G. Thomp that great damage has been ; done son's. Sundav aftPi - even if the rains should stop now, With a short crop of corn, eel worms in the wheat, bread is bound to : high another year. Well; Brother Lynn, at your request, commenced giving the snake news, nuw many more are anxious ev- weeK to see the report, and al- though you have had all the snake news you want, others have not, so wiu continue to mtorm them just how the snake business is progressing, and you can kindly skip over it and look : j. . . - .. ... i ouy ior appies ana peacnes. we have the death of six rattlers to report this week, - with some uncertainty as to who has killed the largest, between C. C. Jones and Terrell Stepp. No O YY n fro :rTm w4- . ... . ...l.6n.1yUiW,u cAtcpi an was i bitten on the nose and dies. Loss over $iuu.OO. ... Mr. Meyers and wife, of Hender son ville,a nd some others from Ashe ville and Saluda have ben camping at Mountain Valley for a few days, returning home Sunday, eve. They came to get some fish, apples and peaches and to enjoy life generally. Saluda' is going to have a commun- ity fair, we are informed. i-We want a county fair, even if this is a hard year on the -farmers, and we want to see the monument completd, and what br(4her, Mr. N. T. Mills. v is more it must be completed, so ss Myrtle Pace spent the week please put my name down for one dol- end witn her sister, Mrs: Mary Ar- lar. , - J Renew your subscription to the NEWS and send in a new one or two. ; The NEWS is cheap compared to other things. Send the NEWS the happenings in your section, and. let's . make it the best county paper in the State, TRYON ROUTE"!. - Yes indeed the farmers are having a vacation just now, given by the All wise hand, and crops are looking fine, perhaps better than if they had work ed the past two weeks. Cheer up far mers, for the darkest clouds have a silver lining. A two months' summer school is to begin this Monday morning at Fox Mountain." Miss Myrtle Pack is teach er. Missejs Mollie Dalton, Letha Bar ber, Ruth 'Green, Bessie Hamilton, Mamie Jackson, Elsie and Clara Ed wards were after Sunday school guests of Misses Pearl and Essie in wards, Sunday. , Revs. Shelton and Mabrick were on the Route en route to their appoint ments, Sunday, cheerfully plodding through the mud. No mail for three days. Some of us are getting very hungry for men tal food. The hum of the threshing machine was hushed, Saturday, when F B. Nance turned the thresher over Not much damage being done, was soon heard again. A large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Green at S o'clock, Sunday afternoon, and a good old-time singing was the result. Reminded one of the "Model Church" song. It had the old-time ring. Many were deprived of it on account of the weather. Mr. Bob Pack is back home from the hospital, hardly able to work as yet. but is not worrying, for he's not behind all other farmers. PEARlbGE. Turner-Williams. Mr. Grayson A. "Turner, of Mill Spring, and Miss Minnie Williams of Sandy Plains, were happily married, Sunday at 3 o'clock. Rev. W. C. Wal ker performed the ceremony, on Turks Hill, at his brother's home, i?i the presence of relatives and a few friends. A bountiful supper was served afterward. Mr. Turner has just returned from China, where he has been serving in the United States army for the past three years. Miss Williams is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Williams, and ishighly a W all who know her. They will leave this week to visit a brother of Mr.' Turner at Macon, Ga. Are wish them a long and happy life, and much joy. Arthur Thompson and Jesse Foy made a trip to the mountains, Monday .Messrs. Tab Allen and Sam .Om&y were callers at Mr. W.- J. Wilsons. Sunday afternoon y atternoon. - . Henry Foy and children spent Mrs Satnrdav nio-hf Axrifi, of V --'C5v mm ilX DlOVCl). iU10( Willie Turner. . ' : : Otis Dalton xn wit . nA Mr. and Mrs. M r. anu 0'v?6. iting relatives, in -Chesnee, S. C, this week . - . Mrs Rnrss nf w.iLiio - q' who has been visitin? hr danp-'htpr. Mrs. Vance Newfnar, loft Rn-nHnv Before returning home she will visit friends in Asheville. Clarence New man accompanied her to Asheville. Miss Katy Ednev is visitimr at Mr. Grady . .dney's, this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Foy made trip to Landrum, S. C, Sunday.' . . w . Miss Myrtle Taylor visited rela- tives in Morganton, last week, Miss Mays Phillips and sister, Ger tie, were the guests of Miss Iva Gos nell, Saturday night last. ' ' .; Hff Tl.'..l T r i 1 . i.vir. rinK- mcADee and wite . were guests of his mother, on Pearidire. Sunday. COLUMBUS. There will be a, special meetting of tne Betterment Association, Tuesday afternoon Mlss Tmpleton. of Asheville, spent several days last week withMr. and Mrs. Cobb. Mr. D. F. Mills, of Spartanburg, spent Sunday and Monday; with his ledge, of Landrum. Miss ; Maggie Capps, of Florida, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B Arledge. Mr- J- r Arledge spent a few days last week, with his son, Mr. John Ar ledge, of jjandrum. - Miss Marie Burgess left last Sun day to open school at Beukih. ,;Mr.,- Arthur Ormond, of Kings MutaiTrf pent last week with: his brother, lMr. J. F. Ormond. Miss Lizzie Dedmond is visitins- friends in Goldsboro Mrs. F. Fleming and daughter left Monday, for Durham. The teachers attending the summer school are as follows; Misses Pearl Keenan, Myrtle Pace, Coline Rippy. Odessa Mills, Margaret Brian, Bessie Hamilton, Esther Gibbs, Sue Gibbs, Letha Barber, Grace Hines, Millie Rogers, Bess Jackson, Jason McKin nie, Edith Miller, Vada McM'urray, Marie Burgess, Gladys Smith, Ada Tallant, Ethel Jackson, LeaJackson and Mr. J. T. Gilbert. SUNNY VIEW. Messrs. Hobart Whiteside and Bill Jackson returned home, Sunday, from overseas. We welcome them home, as they are. the last boys of Sunny View to return home. They say "the war has done us worlds of good, for we know now how to appre ciate home." Mr. W. F. Swann spent Thursday night at Mr W. D Helton's Farmers here are badly behind with their work on account of so much rain. Oh, Maple Grove, we were not too late for last week. Come right on, and let's make the NEWS more newsy, for we believe Mr. Swann got several new subscribers in this sec tion, last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Whiteside spent several hours at Mr. W. W. Gibbs' Sunday 0 Hello, Route 2, we wonder if you are sowing turnip seed in the mud. If so, come around this way. Mr. J. L. Jackson and daughter, Miss Maggie, are visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. Zira Smith,. of Campobello. She is suffering from an attack of 'ty phoid fever. Misses Lizzie and Mattie Williams were the pleasant guests of Misses Arkansas Jackson and Annie Wilson, Sunday afternoon. Miss Esther Wilson spent Friday night with -her grandmother, Mrs. S. J. Helton. - f School doesn't begin here until No vember first. The "teacherage'V will be completed by that time. Oh let's boost our community fair also the county fair. On account of so much rain Mr. 'Sams failed to be at the school house, Saturday. Have - Record for Laziness. The Todas of India aro said to be the laziest people in the world. The men of the household club together to take one rlfe to support, and then they let her. do the work. The Todas have reduced the simple, life to the formula : Do only what you must, and very little of that. NOTHING FOR A YOUNG MN.r This is a cry wehave heard more han once since residing in Tryon, coming from the lips of young men just emerging from school and coll ege. . They, almost without exception seem to think it necessary to leave Polk county in order to find a field of activity.. . .. Nothing is further from the truth. Pclk county is in every sense of the word "The Land of Opportunity" "Show me something I can "do," said one to the writer , not long since. . It is only necessary to look around and see the, things that Polk county HAS NOT, in order to answer that ques tioh. - Just a few days ago a farmer from away i' own in Giens Creek section was in i'lyon, deRverinK milk' and: butter which he had sold before com ing to Tryon. . There is hardly a time when our grocery stores can supply the demand for buttr. There is room ; for a big, first-class dairy in Tryon, and somebody is ga ng " to see the opening seme lay avd supply it. Tro-.i nee ij an ice and cold h.to-age plant, ana m connection witn it a bottling department where soft drinks could be bottled. This is another splendid opportunity. Green and Pacolet rivers have mil lions of horse power going to waste every day, and which if harnessed properly would find a ready sale. The Blue Ridge corporation will not begin to supply the demand, and it will but merely-"scratch" the ground of op portunity. It cannot be overdone. Electricity is the coming power, and Polk , county can supply millions of horse power, and here is a splendid opportunity for some young man edu cated in electrical engineering. An electric line from Tryon to to Rutherfordton would soon develop enough. freight to -make it a .paying proposition The electricity to sup ply the horse power could be derived from Polk county streams. Here is a splendid opportunity for both civil and electrical engineering. Commercial peach growing offers unbounded opportunities in Polk, and especially in the vicinity of Tryon. This is no idle dream, for one who has spent years in that business has looked over the field and says there is no fear of overdoing the t peach grow ing industry in Polk county. Apples, the finest grown under the sun, are grown in Polk county. Land is cheap, and the only drawback to the apple business is the small number of peo pie engaged in the industry. Grapes, "Tryon Grapes," known over a great section of. the united states, grow here as nowhere else in the land. Not one-tenth enoughs acreage is planted to grapes that should be. Here are opportunities for young men. The raising of Fpure-bred cattle and hogs offer great i inducements in Polk county. - The faljacy of grass not growing in Polk gpunty has been ex ploded, and clover and grasses of all kinds are soatterijg themselves over the county in spijp of opposition. It is no trick at all o have an all-year-round pasture in iPolk county. The raising of cattle, peep and hogs offer splendid, inducements to young men in Polk county. True there are bank presidents c but as for there no openings for merchant princes, ieing no opportun ities for a young SJman, is all "rot." Why, young manolk county is "The Land of Opportunity." I Did you ever notice that the coun try boy who leans jheavily on a pitch fork handle usuallj gets a job teachin school and from taiat drifts into law? Oldea Roof. The roof of HotSl Rhlnebeck in New York city is supposed to be the oldest slate roof in America. It was slated in the year 1700 wit slate brought from Wales for this purpose." The 'Oji Story. We asked at ojfj house for a. menu that would make gor plain living and clear thinking, . aipl they gave us an alligator liear salisi with pomegranate seeds and Thousa3 Island dressing. Grand Rapids Prfpss. . : '. " f The Otter Side. If you want to fpake yourself solid with other folksfj don't stop to tell them what' wondepful things you have done, but just sayf "You fellows have the world , beaten jor big things Y Spasmodlp Sermon. By this stage of ternlty the tooth of time must, showpsome evidence of Secay. IndianapoSfa Star, t , . -! al - ; 19$ ' ' POULTRY MANURE. More Valuable Than That of Any Other Farm Animal. (A. G. Oliver.) The manure produced is a valuable uy-prouuet ui poultry raising, it is estimated that the average night droppings of a hen amount to 30 to 40 pounds per year This represents the manure which can certainly- be saved with the exercise of a little care. A conservative estimate indicates that this manure contains fertilizmg constituents which would cost 20 to 25 cents if bought in the form of commercial fertilizers at ordinary prices. A flock of 100 hens would, at this rate, produce manure worth $20 to $25 per year. ' If, however, the manure js not properly cared for, as much as one- half of its fertilizing value is likely to be lost. To m-event loss, freauent cleaning of the dropping boards, or floor if hen houses where dropping boards are not used, is necessary and some sort of absorbent should be used daily. The use in moderate quantities of fine, dry loam or dust, or 1 preferably mixtures of these with such materials as land plaster, acidl111' phosphate, and potash salts, has been Farmers, their wives, boys and girls recommended. Sawdust has also been used with good , results at the rate of 10 nounds per hen per year mixed; with 16 pounds of acid phos phate and 8 pounds of kainit. This gives a fertilizer which contains about 0.25 per cent nitrogen, 4.5 per cent phosphoric acid, and 2 per cent nf tintAsh. anH is worth about X10.00 per ton at ordinary prices of these fertilizing constituents. It is a bet- ter balanced fertilizer than manure alone, and is usually in better ml- chanicali condition for application to the soil by means of fertilizer distrib- ntorsr nrsr utors or manure spreaders.' With the present high price of pot ash salts it is impracticable to use such materials in the way suggested, and it may also be impracticable to use acid phosphate. In this case somewhat larger amounts of sawdust should be used. Sifted coal ashes may be used as an absorbent, but wood ashes or lime should not be mixed with the manure, as they are likely to cause the loss of its most valuable fertilizing constit uent, namely, nitrogen (ammonia). Occasionally the litter from the poul try house may be mixed with the ma nure. This increases the bulk, but generally reduces the value per pound of the manure and makes it difficult to apply to the soil, except when it is braodcasted and plowed in. Poultry manure is particularly well adapted to gardening and poul try raisers and farmers should either use it on their own gardens or dispose of it at a good price, thus increasing the profits of their flocks. ; o - Why Many Fail. W limit the success of our own york by our indolence and lack of faith more than any outside circumstances limit it for us. It is not lack of talent as much as lack of courage and effort that circumscribes our usefulness. Exchange. Life's Sunshine. If I can put one touch of rosy sun shine into the life of any man or worn an I shall feel I have worked with God. George MacDonald. Musings of Martha. If th weddin ceremony included, besides "love, honor and obey," "cook his meals, wash his clothes,. darn his socks, an' sew on his buttons" there'd be fewer hasty marriages. - , Whence "Dutch." The name Dutch is derived from Dletsch, meaning the vernacular, as distinguished from La'.'n. It is the same word as the German Deutsch. Dutch belongs to the Frankish divi sion of the Low German, and is closely related to the Flemish, with which It is now practically identified In Its wrifr ten form. The Dutch language ls one of the Germanic group of dialects, and is practically the same In its structure. i Good Manners. , Good manners, which give color to life, are of greater Importance than laws, which are but one of their mani festations. The law touches us here and there but manners are bout us, everywhere, pervading society like the air we breathe. Good manners, as we call them, are neither more nor less than good, behavior, consisting of cour tesy and kindness. Samuel Smiles. RIGHT KIND OF BE CATTLE. IStaf Ivrnrt Hlivr Three Lectures in Polk County, on Subject. ILLUSTRATED LECTURES. ; Columbus, N. C, July 21, 1919. 0' PLK COUNTY NEWS, -iryon, in i. Dear Sir: I: Mr J- w- Sloss. beef cattle field agent for N. C. will be at the f ollow- me places in Polk 'county, on the dates following, with stereopticon to &ive a free entertainment, showing in fine pictures the best type of cattle to breed, and will give lectures in connection therewith. All lovers of good cattle, and es peciany tnose wno are going to De in- terested in growing good cattle, should attend these meetings. y oiumous, o ciock p. m. July 30th, Hickory Grove. 11 o'clock a m JulY 31st- Mil Spring, 11 oMock a. and business men cordially invited, Be on hand sharP at times mentioned, M0 that we can meet next appoint ment. Respectfuly, J. R. SAMS, County Agent. -o . ; . : NEW SUBSCRIBERS. I &mce our last issue we have added following new names our atead ! growing list of subscribers: , Miss Carrie Horn. Landuni R.. J- L- Jackson; Mill Spring, J M: Bradley, Mill Spring. L M- K8- m Spring. V " J R. Foster, MiESprin;; N. G. Walker, Mill Spring. , Taylor Whitesides, Tryon R l, ; ;. N. L. (Whitesides, Tryon R. 1, "f Mrs. Flora McFarland, Tryon, The first temperance society wi formed in New England and its pledge read : "We, the undersigned, believ- m tne evii euct oi strong- una, hereby Pdge ourselves on our sa cred honor we will not get drunk 1 : i-T ?i r .j J t more than four times a year: Muster. Day. Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas."- Ex. . - " " ' , r Not Ciilty Herei Of all the left-handed compliments, designed to keep mere man In a happy frame of mind," remarked the face tious philosopher, "the one about a man being handy about the house Is the worst." Indianapolis News. Ingredients for Happiness. Without strong affection and T hu manity of heart, and gratitude to that Being whose code Is mercy and whose great attribute is benevolence to all things that breathe, true happiness can never be attained. Dickens. And Then They Worked Hard. It takes four men to give an ele phant castor oil, the dose being 128 ounces. We have known It to take three women and two men to gre a small boy castor oil, dose only one dram. ' Eyeless Oysters. The oyster has a good-slied stomach. Which is connected with the mouth by a short gullet ; two ppf rs of gills for breathing, an intestine, a dark green liver, a' two-chambered heart and. an elementary nervous system, but la minus ears, nose and eyes. It also lacks the .footlike appendage that many mollusks possess for the reason; that It has no need of an organ o locomotion. ' . V Natural Curiosity., Nature has placed one of her curl ositles on the- loeatlon-ef a former sugar mill on the Island of Trinidad. The plant has since been reduced te ruins and ls overgrown with vegeta tion. The old solid chimney Is Intact and up through its center one of the quick growing trees of the tropics has sprung, spreading Its branches', ut of the top of the huge chimney and it now in full bloom. What It Mofussfir "Mofussll' is a Hindoo word mean Ing "the provincial or rural districts as opposed to the towns. The Gan getlc delta J tfie land, deposited by, the river Ganges in India at Its month,' forming an extensive tract of very rich soil. The T-hole phrase refers to those -rich, fertile districts near the' mouth of the Ganges, where great qnantttlts of rice are grown, :.. ?

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