n i ii ii - i ,u r- , v - t, m m - - - 1 .. . . i ... .-....-;- j. .mm ..; . m ietv h ninrr ' i . . - I , H EM U l IK H I N If fc- H M I j ." " : I-.- - i TC F3LK COUNTY NEVfS anH TRYON BEE OonsoHdatcd Kot. 191$ rubluked ettay Friday at TR YON, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 9? BatoMd Meond-clasiu matter April 28. 1915 at tbm po.t office at Tryon. North Carolina, un igr tf act of March 3. 1679 B. F. COPELAND, Editor C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CA.RDSJOF THANKS, ft solutions of Reapect,Church or Lodge Notices wkiTt an admission fee is charred, or for financia sain, will be charged regular advertising rates of Are cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 226 West S9th Street. New York City, is our Bole ad exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." GOOD BYE. With this issue our connection with the POLK COUNTY NEWS ceases. It is with genuine regret and a bitter feeling that we are forced to make this announcement. While we have been a citizen of Polk county only a Now that the Methodists have rais ed about $150,000,000 in their cam paign, the Baptists are going to be a little more modest. They only ask for $75,00,000. . . . o " "Judging from the federal inquiry, we suppose all the paupers who are not in almshouses are electric railway men'Greensboro Daily News. Or else one of the five great meat pack ers. I . . o . Under the prohi bill passed by Con- gress you may have liquor in your house, but you are forbidden from making wine or cider. In other words you are all right provided you don't get caught. o A New York banker writes the Manufacturers Record that he didn't know anything but cotton could be raised in the South. We suppose he never heard of the moonshine of Western North Carolina, and the hell it "raises. ' While the average white man is willing tOv give the negro full credit for their participation in the war, yet they are not willing to put them on a parity with the whites, and the sooner the negro understands this the better for him. -N . 0 " s s "Among senators there is no lack of preparedness in regard to discussion of the peace treaty." Greensboro Daily News. One would think from the reading of some of the efforts that there was a great lack of pre paredness. 0 The Asheville Citizen says, speak ing of Henry Ford who has been on the witness stand for the past week, "Ford Gets Into Hands of His Friend and Attorney." But we have an old saying which ent, "Good Lord, de liver me from my fool friends." , o The race riots at Washington show that either the Washington police force does not amount to much, or African Idea of Beauty; f In Africa a crop of the blackest, curliest, closest hair Imaginable, makes a girl the belle of the kraal, especially If she be plumsp. with piggy eyes, thick lips, a nose like an India rubber shoe, and a skin that shines like a cookins stove. . . " . '' . Vegetable Wax. A Japanese industry which has made, remarkable progress in recent rears is that concerned with the ex- T-nntinr nf vPETptnble wax, which iS' coming into greater demand 'on. foreign eiarkets. short while, we have learned to love .TT " t hu nie iiulcxs oucn a state 01 ai- the country and its people. Many warm acquaintances and some gen uine friendships have been made which make it indeed hard to say good bye. Ill health, continued, of both my self and good wife make it imperative to seek other fields of activity. fairs, with as many troops in close proximity of the city does not show up well for the powers in control of Washington. a China does not take much stock in ye j the promises of Japan regarding the are thankful that it has been our lot Shangtung question. Dr. Wu, one of to take part in the movements now I the Chinese delegates to the United going on to make a better county of aiaies says: Japan promises to re Polk county. The tide has changed store political rights, but retain eco- for the better, and in a few years "uuc "gnus, dui tne vr. doesn't Polk county will be developed until think much of . that, and says "Japan she will take her nroner nlace at the 11xs sumeimnS w wmcr se is not en head of the list of crood counties in I ""cu- wiuumy iooks as ji North Carolina. We have preached the Dr- was right. this doctrine ever since coming to the 1 o county, ana we are lirm m our oenei. 1 Our Tryon Route 1 correspondent We regrest, exceedingly, that it told, last week, of the killing of a will not be our pleasure to. see the ful- I white crane by a resident of that scc- hilment of our dreams in that respect, I tion. Whoever did this should be giv but we are more than thankful, that, j en a dose of the law relating to the like Moses of old we have been allow- 1 killing of birds. There is not only a ed to ascend the mount and see the ! state law, but a national law against i juuuotu uwu, ui a. r " I win o, iiiu me penalty is a pretty nea- erful Polk county. It is no idle vy one. Therp is snmpthi dream, but 'twill be a reality, and I wrong in the make-up of an individ much sooner than a great many thank. J ual who shoots birds just simDlv out . .. ...... .! - " We hope the people of the county I of curiosity, or to show his marks will give still more support to the I manship. NEWIS in the years to come than it Viae in fVinoo nf tVip nrscf Ynn MTinnt v.v- v . mv- , , ,v , M succeed without a'eood newspaper to I A"V"Lults 0i G Press 01 ine hpln von in vnr RtrpS " Umted btates to enlist the country jr J - oow R-M Over, Bill, You're Snoring. Man, say the scientists, is the only living thing that ever sleeps on - its back. Perliaps it is from a feeling of pride that some of us make so much noise when indulging in this accon pl'shnient. , t How Criticism Helps. u Censure and criticism' never hurt anybody. If false they can't hurt you unless you are wanting in manly char acter and If true they show h man his weak points and forewarn him against failure and trouble. Gladstone. Napkins. , Table napkins were l". use long be fore soma of the other accessories which we consider indispensable to day. Before forks came to be known, men had to use their fingers in pre paring their food; hence the ancient common habit of frequently passing the baslnof water and its accompany ing napkin for wiping the hands. It now seems incredible that forks were not customary -until the seventeenth century. i As a business proposition. Twenty-years' experience in life insurance as an avoca tion is at your service. , (' You may not only be able tf save money but to get the best policy to fit your indi vidual requirements. Consultation free. Phone write or call ' it W. F. LITTLE, TRYON, N. C. DR. B. H. TEAGUE . DENTIST SALUDA - N. C. tiulv, August and Septem- br. Office in old postofiice lit. Lia R3 SERai-.PHSTE PAIOTS N BEST THAT CANtBE MADE T Cost" to you $325 a Gallon fwhen made ready to use RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS - 1 3ij Obtain COLOR CARD fom our Agents or LONGMAN & MARTINEZ Manufacturers New York i .; i v Umted States to enlist the Mr. Bush will remain wiih you, and Pf their campaign for the repeal we nope you win De as loyai xo mm endeavors to give you a clean, family I county privilege 01 I tne countrr nrpss nn pec fV newspaper. -i ''Z;l I "".-" vw Ur Ars wa i0o,r r,iQ . f i c" xvpvixi ox tne "zone" system. II ra TiT'ftCf MATTrnvtnA. 4- 1 Polk county with genuine regret, but I . " " iuige law is also the busy, sacrificing men and wo men who make up the membership of the Western North Carolina Pressr Association. We have found this lit tie band to be composed of high-toned Christian people,a nd who are devot ing the best there is in them for the advancement of the section they rep- wie umy just one tnai we nave any recollection of. Under the old law the daily press and the magazines had secured practically all the advertising of national adverti "y w V V A V-f making vast fortunes at the expense of the taxpayers of the country. Why should the taxpayers of the country be resent. We shall, indeed carry withl 7 7n. "y y.uucits ' 1.1 ' r. i. .1 I01 millions of dollars, which were co- us for many years nothing but the . . . u most pleasant recollections of that or ganization. Again, to one and all we say "Good Bye, and God be With You Till We Meet Again." B. F. COPELAND. O ' ing into the pockets of the metropol itan press and magazines? The coun try press is not quite the chump once was. Under the "zone" posta law the country press is securing a vast additional amount of advertising because the daily press and magazines can not nav the nostafi and pnmnpfp TT -1 i 11. 1 .1 - X wasmngton seems determined to with the country weeklv- Th ".7.nne' vjwxic ui uci icuuiwwi j-ui i svstem is? a riirht. nnrl ic w ir cj 7 ap vii viiv books to stay. o race , riots. It is evident that the weather clerk is not in sympathy with the prohibi tion movement. i . o NEW STOCK. I have an entirely new stock of . 1 1 J. . ... Ford says he never wanted to be L supplies t this, time United StatPs SpnnW frmv, Mirio-aTi having recently been burned out. Why contesting the election, then 10 announce that 1 am again re Henry ? "Theories Alone Given for Cause of Balloon Tragedy," says the Asheville Citizen., Seems to us that it was the explosion more than theory. -o stocked with . medium and hi gh grade caskets. F. K. McFARLAND. ll-2t. v t OK SAL. . : One five-passenger Overland car, at reasonable price for cash. Apply to C. P Rogers. Eas Henry Ford says he never heard of Flat Rock N- C. i2-3t Benedict Arnold. And yet, Ford was a candidate for Unitd States Senator from Michigan. ATTENTION FRIENDS. ;- North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering WEST RALEIGH A Land Grant College founded under! an act of Congress -by the State Legislature of North Carolina in Marcl,lC87. Splendidly equipped for the education of the sons of the State inthe technical and industrial arts. Four year courses in Agriculture, in Agricultural Chemistry', and in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical and Textile Engineering. New departments in Agricultural Engineering and Highway Engineering. Numerous short courses. H; Unit of Reserve Officers Training Corps. Seniors and Juniors receive pay amounting to $115$ annually. All students receive free uniforms amounting in four years to $161. v f-s Strong vathlelic teams. 5 ; $10,000 Y. M. C. A. building. Regulaf paid secretary. Two hundred and forty free scholarships. Kepuirement for athnission: eleven units practically equivalent to the completion of tenth grade work. Ji" . Board $16.00 per month. Tuition $?3l00 per year. Room rent, heat and light $30.00 per year. J Enrollment last session 1,020, exclusive of all summer students. Fall term begins September 3. , f .. For catalogue, illustrated circular or entrance blanks, write E. B. OWEN, Registrar 4 in S '4 i5 ' V 5 i CarDceied l;. "Checks i n j .. . j j OFTEN we are called on:to produce canceled checks which settle an account in dispute. -S i.x s-s. 1 There is no arguing about the jlevidence rthe check the amount, endorsement and date are jfihal. Is is not strange that there are still some people who do not apply this insurancs against double payment to their own perso- nai Dins.-' ana it aoes not cost any tiling either- I BANK "Old Reliable" 01 IANDRLlrMl Iff ' Ill Landrum, S. C. OFFICE H. B. CARLISLE, President. J. S. CARPENTER. V ROY P. WHITLOCK. Cashier. ice Pre! R. H BRADY, Asst. Cash SAFETY! COURTESY! SERVICE! COOOOO8OO80OG u O O O O O o o o o o o Buy a Certificate of Deposit. It earns four per cent from date and can be . i- V Fresli Bread recede d. daily Johra Orr St. Co. Phone No. 1 4 Tryora, N. C. I Sror farm lands or town I 'property see I W.. LINOSEY, Tryon. STRENGTIH SERVICE SECURITY These Essentials of Sound Banking are embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED INM of SALUDA ' -rf'capkai' $16,000.00 HENRY P. CORWlffl, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, Y-Prcs. PRESTON H. BAILEY, CasL If the Ford-Tribue case .lastn rrmrh xonger it may take more than a mil- 1. I viuiiuu inn rlrwIln-M i l rr a w coss. ut think Harris Mill wi iree aavertising Ford is getting shape. For quality let Tom Duncan grind your wheat at the McLane Milling Co; Oampobello, S. C. Formerly the J. T. Everything in first-class O O O O o o o o o o O converted into cash by mail,; at any time. O O O O O O O BAN IK OF! TRYON ' ..." '' I S,: ' : " W. T. LINDSEY Prei J. p. HESTER Cashier. r Mone It is unusual at this time of high prices to see goods offered at reduced prices but we have just received the following goods that we picked up at a reduction and offer to you at prices named. Galatea, per yd. Ginghams per yd. ...... Brown domestic per yd. ropims per yd. . Pongee per yd. . Voiles oer vd.. . v Cretons per yd. . 20c ......15? 15c . 25 and 30c ..... 30c 25c 25c LecSies Silk Bilosiery 50 75c. $ LOO $2.25 and $2.50 Special prices on shirting madras striped Suezines, Summer shirts, ties and straw hats. i Co Tryon, FOR EVERYTHING - North Carolina

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