i A lfa,4krj For (be licze AND THE TRYON V BEE! TXXV NO. 13 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1919. $2.00 A YEAR kish P cultivation corn and cotton by shal- and do it at once. to improve the Cut . time j otort new ones fhrairs and weeds, and put them trails and -hnd isow some grass seed rthemand see what it will do our pastur e. neW permanent pastures, e-ood lana.. rw C7 thpm on -, 3 i v. low creeK anu uiauwi irPt for corn, anu atccp and creeK nm . - the very oest giatuig purpose make he county agcuvo - ---- f tPrracesjbut in roiK cuuny majority of land is too steep veby terracing; so the only tA do is to prepare xo cover sucn with grass and turn it into per- nt pastures, and now is tne ume tnk and act. m x en this is the time oi year w Uter turnips. Every farmer in county should sow a good turnip You know exactly how to are me iunu vv i i u-hen you get your land pre- I and your turnip seed sown then a permanent pasture grass mix on the same land and see. what it do for you next year in the way arting a permanent pasture. pw is tne ume oi ycai w w r cover crops to keep your land cashing away, and to grow hay to prevent buying high. priced next summer, and to put njtro- h the soil without shipping it South America. Sow rye or and vetch for hay. and crimson Ir and rye for cover crops to turn r next spring, for corn. COLUMBUS. ,15.00 ! 3.03 .54 1.45 20.011 20.39 The following is a report' of the proceeds of play and ice cream social given by the Columbus Betterment Club for the Soldiers Monument fund: Proceeds from 15 eral. prenm ' acai vost oi cream ... i. ......... . Express... : , .... Play and postage. ... Cakes .............. .... Total expense Total profits ... Mr. Lucien L. Hicks: of firppnvillo . j " . S. C, spent Monday with friends in Columbus Mr. Euland and Miss Ruth Weaver spent several days last week with friends in Columbus. Miss Minnie Arledge left Monday for a two months' trip to Ohio, In diana and Nebraska. Mr. M. B. Mills, of Spartanburg, spent the week-end with his pai-ents here Miss Vada McMurray left, Monday to open her school at Lightning Jfcod Ridge. Messrs. L. C. Julian and R. E. Al exander, of Greenville, spent Sunday in Columbus. There will be a party at the Colum bus dormitory Friday evening," in hon or of the teachers Mr. N. T. Mills spent several days with relatives in Spartanburg, last week - ' Coluro.bus Baptist Church. Sunday .school 10:30. A fine at tendance is earnestly requested as we wish to organize plans for our com ing revival services. We want Sun day school ta take part. Public wor ship 11:30. Subject will be, "The Church- and Its Members Every body invited to these services. The fW. M. U wil hold its regular meeting -A full attendance is desired as we will need to elect a president for the society. . . :i y B. Y. P. U. at 7:30, led by one of the Group Captains. i v Prayer service at 8:00 Our' revival services will begin on Sunday, August 17. May we look forward to a rich and profitable meet ing. E. J. JONES. Pastor. o CROSS KEYS. w is also the time to mow down s and weeds along the road and pice tows and along the branches fcgh the fields, that makes farms so rugged and uncomely. Just pe trimming up each year would so much. Suppose you did not e or clip your beard, or have a cut. How would you look at N of the year Well, the farm s to be trimmpH nn iust the Jen what about the poultry house? can you expect poultry to treat veil if you give them no treat- t at - all ? So look after the hen See that there are no leaks in foof and an open front toward the hand see that the hen house 'is on fd dry place where water cannot i ormake it damp, as dampness FS root) niirl ceived $150,000;000. Is this any more immodest than our sister church who asks for $75,000,000. POORS FORD. On account of. so much rain the far mers have not been able to work their crops much the last few weeks.; Mr. G R Connor made a short call at Mr J. W. Thompson's one day last vteek. ; Miss Margaret McFarland visited Mrs. Rener Thompson, Friday last. Mr. Eddie McGuinn spent one night last week with Mr John C: Thompson. Mr J. W Thompson and two of his sons made a trip to Rutherfordton last Saturday , rJ t ; '. Mr. Bud Liles has purchased a new car; also Mr. A. CSmith has purchas ed a Ford - " ' We aie glad to say that C J. Thompson is getting along fine with his broken shoulder - With all good wishes to the POLK COUNTY NEWS and its readers. Mr. JVill T, Green anf 1 wif e visited relatives near Saluda lasf week-end. r - Mrs. Horace : Arledgeltl and babies, Anna Rhea and Glenn, Jr., are spend ing several days with , Mrs. Splawn near Mill Spring. j f : . We would be ?be jrlad i if everyone who has relatives and friends buried at Silver Creek cemetery would be be present at the above place on Satur day, August 9th. This day has been set apart to clean up thSefcernetery. 6UITNT YlisiT. ABOLENE. M.E. K'PXr M-l'11 DrvlV nniitif IT -j inn uc m j. virv twuiivj aay to conduct another series construction oLsome poultry 58 on the -most approved plans p who have the lumber and de- 1 demonstration on their place 4 Tite me at once. Of course fannot build for evervbodv. but wild wherever it will oPPmirnrlv wthe 111111. greatest good to the great- so let me know at once. 0w 'hen vou cpf oil n 0s- uu who vtvri.AC' r you a sniif i j . i file t e unve ana urag of the public road by your 101- n VP51V 4.X. at a difference there will be J J start to market with cotton, tlea or what not. p Respectfully. J- SAMS, County Agent. WARRI0R MOUNTAIN. Till T . . lastv ?r'01llver Creek' Nnaii r,. un Aer Parents here. h. tn T i lbner made a business kiss ;Xay, Wednesday. . kne t)?! Salley' of Columbia is V-J R a , mer on her farm. ct a s'p!:nec,ge left, Saturday, to Reside q T f revival services at a ie' of Charlotte, is ge, 'nmer at Rickshaven Green-- Feagan. Mr. Arthur Green and Miss Ger trude Feagan were happily united in marriage last Thursday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bei'ton Fea gan and is highly esteemed by all who know her." Mr. Green is a very prom inent young man of Greens Creek and vicinity. Their many friends wish them a prosperous life. Mr. Bridge Green. Of Spartanburg, called to see Miss Beulah Shields, Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nance, Misses Lealer and Janie Barnett, Messrs. Wallace Jackson and Clarence Bar nett made a trip to Chimney, Rock last week, returning Saturday, and report a good time. i i Miss Myrtle Quackenbush, of Ashe- ville, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs: D. T. Welborn, of Sandy Plains. Revival meeting, will begin at Greens Creek first Sunday in August. Everybody come. Miss Effie Mae Blackwell and Mr. Wilbur Feagan called at the home of Mrs. Flynn, Sunday evening. . Barnett Blackwell gave a musical at his home last Friday night, and a iot of young folks came and enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. o TRYON ROUTE 1. How crushing was the news that we must" bid our good Mr. Copland and wife good bye: We will miss the editor so much, who has been willing and ready to help in all movements to make a better county for us. We hope their health will soon be, restor ed and they will' return to us by the time we enter the "promised land." Mrs. John D. Sjtton, of S. C, was on the Route visiting, relatives, accom panied by her soldier boy, who recent ly returned from overseas and is a genuine specimen of Uncle Sam's boys ' 1 , Mr. Harvey Green is in from the west visiting his aged father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Green. Mr anH Mrs Bifircrerstaff ana ittle with the parents of Mrs Bigeerstaff. Mr; and Mrs. M. N. Hall , Miss Clara Edwards was made hap py Sunday by so many of her friends returning from church with her. I wish to state the Methodist church only asked for $35,000,000 and re- We are glad to have with us again Mr. C. O. Ridings, who has been in camp at Camp Jackson, for fourteen months. . Mrs. Martha Miller is very "low at this writing. ' ; j There was a singing at Mr. C. W. Davis' Saturday night last. Every one there reports good singing and a nice time. Mr. M. F.' Wilkins made a business trip to McMillins Thursday. Mr. J. C. Davis made a business trip to Rutherfordton, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davidson, of Fingerville, S. C, spent the week-end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Miller. Messrs. Conrad and Willmer Rid ings, spent theweek end at. home. Mr. J. H. Hines is visitin-lti3 par ents at Union, S. C.this week. Miss Zermon Calvert is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Messers Oland Wilkings and C. O. Ridings motored to Hillcrest Thurs day night for prayer meeting. Several from here attended preach ing at Kesslers Chapel Sunday. ; All report an interesting sermon. FISHTOP. Those who attended the W. O. W. ice cream supper at Mf Joe .Wilson's Saturday report a nice; itime. Miss Maye Lyneh returned home Saturday f rom ChimneyjRock. r I The many- friends of, Miss Pearl Gibbs were glad to welcome her home last Tuesday, ,f rom Kansas City. . ..i . i5 miss Arisansas Jackson was the guest of Miss Mattie Williams, Sun day. . - :rW Messrs. Frank and Henry Dimsdale of Kansas City, are visitiner home home folks. , .H'li v:" Mill Myrtle Whiteside ras the guest of Miss Annie Wilson, I Sunday; Mrs" F. R. Cogginsilgave a social party Saturday night ini honor of her two brothers, who arelfehome from Kansas City. Everyone reDorts a splendid time. - Ht Mr. Bill Jackson spent; Friday night with Mr. Reuben Wilsonr Mr. andNMrs. F. R. Coggins visited the latter's mother, Mr. A. J. Dims dale, Sunday last. ;f . v Mr. Hobart Whitesidj grandfather, Mr. W. ty. Sunday. ;; Glad to note that Mr. Henry. Gar rett has reutrned home from overseas. We are glad to welcome him home again. Quite a number from Silver, Creek attended church here,, Sunday. Mrs. Maud Halford and Mrs. Coch eran spent Sunday afternoon and night with Mrs. W. P Halford. " Mr. and Mrs. L. B McGraw spent the week-end with the latter's sister, Mrs. Mack Skipper. . Mr. N. C. Burgess from Inman, and Mr. H. G. Jackson, from Henderson ville, attended church here, Sunday. Cheer up, Big - Level, and come again. . o : MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. TO TIJE FARMERS OF POLK COUNTY. visited his Gibbs, last LYNN. I: I It seems that we are going to have some nice weather now. S. E. Head, of Melvin Hill, who is visiting his brother, Earl Head, pass ed through this section looking around over the old home place, Sun day. , Earnest Laughter and I. B. Bradley were in the Bright's Creek neighbor hood Sunday. Only two rattlesnakes killed last week. Tom Newman says he- killed what he thought was a large copper head snake with a forked tail. D. Faty says he killfed a horn snake and that the horn was inch long. -We never heard of one in "this section be fore. I T. E. Pace and Mrs. Lila Newman and C. C. Jones are canning tomatoes. - Cecil Kirby , Calhoun Young and Brogan Foster, boys of Union, S. C, visited T.W. Bradley, Sunday. C. C. Jones has bought land near Henderson ville and will probably move to it in the near future. M. C. Hill, of Mill Spring, spent Sunday night with the family of C. Laughter. iK' The. two little granddaughters of Mrs N. A. Price have returned to their home, near Columbus. v ; Everyone is' trying to finish up their work this fine weather. X ,. -o- . SILVER CREEK. Sunday school at Silver Creek is progressing very nicely. M ; Quite a number of young people from here attended the box supper at Mill Spring, Saturday night. j Mr, N. Bana Arledge returned home from overseas last Friday;, also Mr. Henry Garrett. Miss Jessie . Green has returned home from -Rutherfordton hospital. Miss Grace Arledge entertained at her home on last Sunday . afternoon Misses Lena Gray and Velma , Con Constant, Messrs. Hoyt Thompson and Gaither Johnson. There will be a singing school taught at Silver Creek, beginning on August 4th; taught by Mr. Zach Sear cy. Mr. Nun Arledge, Sr., of Greenville S. C.y was; visiting relatives in this section last week,,'';;'-'- - ".-:. ":- Dr. Pratt filled his regular appoint ment last Sunday evening. Rev. ACaldwell j;as stated sup ply for the Presbjsterian work in Polk county, will preach in,r the Chapel' Sunday, August 3rd, at! 8:30 p. m. - Mr. Julian C. Rhode, of Whittin, N. C, is the guest of liis mother, Mrs. Belle Rhodes, this week Mesdames W. F. anoVF.-E. Swann, made a visit to relatives in East Flat Rock, one day last weelc. Lucian L. Hicks, of Greenville, S. C. was calling in Lynn, Sunday. Mr. S. M. Robinson, jof Lowell, N. C. was in Lynn one day iast week, look ing after business affairs of the hos iery mill. fcffe S. F. Fowler made . business trip to Doufflasville, Ga., ljast week. The bridge over Skyrika stream is reported as bein in f a dongrerous condition. I 'pi- Owing to so much mn the low bot torn land crop seems telbe. very much retarded m this section. Some people say that, last Friday, tne zotn, was nrst dog-day and, some claim Saturday, 26th to be the first, but the old saying "every dog has his day." " - ' The postmaster at in has one sunflower stalk . bearing something over 50 sunflowers. . NcW if you area doubting Thomas, coriicount them. The Ladies Aid of j Lynn will give a . box supper-next Saturday evening, August 2nd, at the newl. church build mg. ip. Mr. W. T. Hammett ias been a pa tient at the Steadly Hospital in Spar tanburg for a few days, having an operation for some throat or tonsil trouble. We are glad "to report he is all to the good and willfpe back on file job in a few days. .$',' Mrs. Wm. McKinneyJ of Converse, S. C, and her daughter. Miss Minna Coggins, of Spartanburg," are visitors in Lynn, this week. SlJ- Mrs. Chas Williams id children, of Inman, S. C.,-were thef guests of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Panther, last Sunday..'-, - ; 'jj-; . ; ;-.;; We were sorry to read- the farewell letter of Mr. B. F. Copland in last week's paper, but every , man is sup posed to know what is5best for him self and family, so wish him and his good wife the very besl of success in making the change. Alright Wr. FishtopU go ahead and tell us how many ratters will go to their death by venturing out of dens and trespassing on inan's domain. Say, please keep tab of all that's kill ed - in that section f and4 repc . tin r all the number of casualties. -'- The Sunday school at Cooper Gap is steadily increasing , . Messrs. Henry and Frank Dimsdale, also Mis Pearl Gibbs. from Kansas City, are in on a vacation. , lhe Woodmen had , an ice cream supper at .J. B Wilson's on last Sat urday evening All who attended re port a jolly time A crowd of youngsters enjoyed the music and interesting games at P. R. Coggins'. Saturday last. Little Arkansas Jackson was the dinner guest of Mattie Mae Williams on last Sunday. Hey. Sunny View, the sun shined last week and in preparing a small turnip patch on it was found a pilot snake, two yellow jacket nests, a par tridge nest, a wasp nest and a den of ants. So get busy. The singing and music was highly enjoyed at Mr. D. P. McGuinn's, on last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Coggin, who has been spend ing a few months with her son, F. R. Coggin has returned to her home in Spartanburg. O-S HILLCREST. mountain; vie pa- Some more nice weather- at last, which is appreciated very much By farmers, who are a good deal behind with their workT $ - - - Born to -Mr. and Mrs. M.- Georgion, a daughter. Miss J. M.- Love returned to Hill crest Institute, this week. Mrs. Anna Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, of Georgia, are visiting relatives in this community. Mrs. Milnor Jones is visiting .Mrs. J. T. Camp. - . Mr. D.' H. Houser and family are visiting relatives in Spartanburg county, this week Miss Winnie Moore has returned home from the hospital at Rutherfordton. Mrs. Sid Gross spent several days last week with Mrs. Mary Smalley. Mr. Luther Collins has returned to his' hbrne after 14 months in Uncle Sam's navy. Hillcrest Institute has had a very successful opening, a large number of pupils being enrolled larger than at any previous term. Mr. and Mrs. Ouincv Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray visited Mr. and Mrs. J. P Abrams, Sunday Mr Furman Smith, of Anderson, S C, and Mr. Dillard, of Sumter, S. C., made a business trip to this neighbor hood last week. Messrs Robert Alexander and Compton Julian and Misses Jason Mc Kinney and Margaret Brian came from Columbus to Hillcrest Sunday evening to attend services. o- -HILL SPUING, After this week, a new department will appear in the POLK COUNTY NEWS under the head of "Farm and Home Department. Under this head, we want to pack chock f ull twa columns of the very best and most ap propriate farm ; practices that will make Polk county agTicuJture a thing of beauty and utility. Under this caption we will from time to time' dis cuss soils and soil building and fer tility and soil conservation. Then the kind of crops most suited to different soil types, and conditions, and the disposition of those crops, either directly, or feeding certain crops through, beef or dairy cattle, sheep, hops, poultry, etc . And since we have agreed to run such a depart ment in the NEWS we would like fdr as many farmers as can do so to be subscribers, that we may speak to each other weekly about- important farm matters. The subjects of per manent pastures is now before -us; then will follow whether we will grow beef cattle or dairy cattle and devel op a creamery. Live stock, including beef cattle, dairy ( cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry will be of paramount im portance. Every farmer in PolK county who has a farm problem is in vited to see me and discuss with me or write me about such problems and let us together try to solve them. Our opportunity is before us in Polk county will we make good, or will we let them go for the next genera tion, ; J. R. SAMS, County, Agent. . FAMILY REUNION. I The special sale of cream, boxes. lemonade, etc.. Saturday mght was a grand success Netting over $50.00 for the Monument Fund. Mill Spring is to be complimented for. the progressive moves she is mak ing. We are to have the fair, better school and road facilities. We are to have a nice Masonic Temple with a large store room down stairs, on one of the best corners in the place. It is amazing how "fast and how high real estate is going around Mill Spring. There have been a number of deals negotiated recently and oth ers under way. Don't forget the good roads meet ing at Columbus, Monday, August 4. Also the community club meeting "at the Mill Spring schbol house, Satur day night. August 2. : Rev. Mr. Shelton filled his regular appointment at the M. E church; Sunday.- . -. ' Mr. J. M Lewis and family went tc Hendersonville Sunday to a family reunion of the Thornes. '-,-.-' Misses Pearl and Essie Edwards spentvSaturday night with Miss Ltflia Barber. ' , Mr. J. M Barber. Mr. J. R. Foster and family spent Saturday night ; in .Spartanburg. - ' Since the coming of the Thorns from Florida, the jeunion of the f am- ily has been looked forward to. The day was set, the word passed along, and all started on the way on Sunday morning, July 27th. Laurel Park, Hendersonville, being the place select ed to meet. In due time all were on the spot. After the meeting and 'greetings it was suggested a hike up the mountain to the spring before din- her. Off we went, up and up through the beautiful laurel. But such a spring, so clear and cold, to rest, to drink and to talk, to drink' again and down the mountain we came for, din ner.. The table selected, cloths spreafl, the dinner set out; oh, such a dinner. Everyone seemed to remember what the other one liked and it was there. After the blessing was asked, the-thanks-for the meeting again, all got busy, and busy we were for quite a spell. When justice had been done there the cooks all felt--their dinner had not been slighted. Out in- the sun with the kodak for the pictures. Just the family (we children, only seven, one having gone on several years ago) a few of them, then the wives and husbands with them, (one husband was lacking) then all to gether, then the little ones; afterward the soldier boys who had just returned from France. The evening was sjpen in talking over old times,: a trip on the little electric line to view tEfe country round from the tower; a beautiful , view. ' I The family consists of the follow ing: T. t. Thorn and family of JLan drum, S. C, J. M. Lewis and family, of Mill Spring, N. C, Mertie, John and Claud Thorn and Mrs. Manc Stanley, of St. Petersburg, Florida; Bob Thorn and family, of Greenville, S. C. Aunt Sue Hampton, of Hen dersonville joined us; also Ben Boone, Pauline Shankel, Lillie Conant and Mrs. George Logan- came in for a time. All seemed so happy to . meet after a separation of narly 33 yars. All left hoping to come together again. A few are scattered abroad in the land, some of our number in Flanders field. We parted hoping that all may come together again, if not on this earth around the Great Throne where father and mother and loved ones dwell. ' . . , - i One Who-Was There. , . . ' -o -"Rat Snap Beats the Best Trap Erer Made," Mrs. Emily Shaw Says. "My husband bought $2 ".trap. I bought a 50c box of HAT-SNAP. The trap' only caufcht 3 rats but RAT SNAP killed 12 in a week.. I'm never without RAT-SNAP Reckon I couldnt raise chicks without it.' RATSNAP comes in cakes. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guar anteed by The Ballenger Co., and Carolina Hardware Co. J i . ... .-A V