;"P O TP ; -.K" r -i tit nnv:-"kt .1711,170 ji : it vw . v 1 i - - it .1 1 . -wi . -ii- ' r - 11 . 1.. ii,-.; '. 1 .w.-. . k ..... " " Tie only Papopr Published ini--. "y, f 'i t jjjll ::v-':. v - AND THE TRYON RFF : - A- Tr . .". VOL. XXV NO. 14 F ROM OUR FREDS 5a a lt. Gnaral Intoret Gathered By Our Correspondent. From Vtiou. Sectians of Polk County ABOLENE. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Muncy Thompson, a boy, Monday last. . Mss Gertrude Camp has been on the sick list We are glad to hear that' Mrs. Mil ler is improving. Mr. C. 0. Ridings and his mother pent the wok-end in Gaston. Jr. J. D.-r-!!- fjert last w?ek at Toecane with friends and relatives. .Miss An !av;s is vi-'Jiing na tives in Cleveland this week. MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. The protracted . meeting at Big Level was a success, adding mater ially to the good of the church. Bap tism will be at the B. T. Wilson bridge on August 24th, at 10 o'clock a. m., the fourth Sunday in August. Messrs Thos. F. Mills and W. J. Green are visiting 'J. B. Green, at Spartanburg, this week. Our present road authorities are making somV wonderful improve ments at this time. Our farmers are sewing grass and 'turnip seed on the advice of our lead er, Mr. Sams, the county agent, o MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mr. H. II. McCrain made a business trip to Spartanburg, last week. Miss Alice McCrain was a caller of Miss Roxie Walker Sunday morning.' Miss Mollie Com is very ill at pres ent. Master Barrett and Broaddus Mc Crain were visitors , Master Arthur Jackson, Sunday aftgrnpon. uur revival services win Degn on the 3rd Sunday in August, also an or dination of two deacons on Saturday before the 4th Sunday in August, and funeral servces wiil be helcHn honor of Mr. David Halford on the 4th Sun day in August. Everybody is cor dially invited to join us in these ser vices. - Mr. Mose and Taylor Jackson were visitors of K. K. McCram, Sunday af ternoon. SUNNY VIEW. Misses Lizzie Williams, Pearl Gibbs, Myrtle Whiteside and Annie Wilson, Messrs. Henry and Frank Dimsdale, Bill and Ralph Jackson, en joyed a trip to Chimney Rock, Friday: Everyone enjoyed a hike up on the mountain and on the rock, and such a beautiful place to cool and rest, then out in the sun with the kodak for pic tures. After descending from the mountain a table was selected on a large rock, near the river and the din ner was set which every one enjoyed to the limit. iur. r.Dnnam jacKson mea at nis home on last Saturday night. He leaves a wife and three children to moum his loss. We extend our deep est sympathy. Miss Pearl Gibbs was the pleasant guest of Miss Annie Wilson on last Sunday. " Quite a large crowd from here Yent to the baptizing at Cane. Creek, Sunday. Mr. Bill Jackson and sister, Ar kansas, visited their, sister, Mrs. Zira Smith, of Campobello last week. Glad to hear she is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. V Misses Minnie and Mandy Lee M'nch spent Saturday niirht with their grandmother.". Mr. Willie Mills was a caller on the rte Sunday afternoon. Mr. Harrison iiibbs and Miss Myr tle Whiteside were dinner guests at ilr- J. L. Jackson's on last Sunday. Mr. A. F. Corbin called at Mr. J. L Jackson's one day last week, r ( caara. Robert Whiteside and uben Wilson were callers at Mr. E. Mich's on last Sunday. ; . ' -o ': ' ; " MAPLE GROVE. ne meeting closed at Cain. Creek unday. with 16 baptised. n; .Aden Green, passed through section, Sunday. at p E' Jackson was buried Monday Uoper Gap. He leaves many -uus to mourn his loss. .Messrs. Hobert Whiteside, , Rduben Wils - -uu, larencft n.nfe and- Claude on, Misses Maye and Merry OVER THE COW Lynch visited at the home of U. S. Gibbs, last Sunday. Mr. Tolbert Odell was a caller at Mr. M. N. Burnett's, Sunday. ' Mrs- Ethel Wilson has returned home after visiting her mother in Rutherfordton. Delia Vess fs visiting her brother this week. The meeting will begin at Cooper Gap the third Sunday and we hope everybody will come. Mr. Will Corn visited Mr. U. S. Gibbs, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bill Jackson called to see Miss Annie Wilson, Sunday. A large crowd from near' Sunny View passed through this section one (day last week on their way to Chim ney rock. There was singing after preach ing at Cane Creek, Sunday evening. UfiLVIN HILL. It is getting to be pretty dry in this vicinity. ' 'There was a debate at the school building here, last Saturday night. Mrs. Linnie Westbrook has been liid up for the last week with a crip pled foot, caused by a rusty nail wound. Mr. John Webb is very low of con sumption. The two cows of Messrs. Merrideth and John -Webb were killed by the same bolt of lightning recently. Several of the Melvin Hill people attended protracted meeting at Cooley Springs, 'last-week, and report good results; as there are about eleven to be baptised. v- :'v 1 I . Mr. TildenHiggins has sold out his home place and farm here. Mr. Ger mane Huntley, of Rutherford eounty, was the purchaser. Mr. Napoleon Gilbert has arrived home from France. There will be regular church meet ing here next Saturday and Sunday. There will be a debate at the school house next Saturday night. MILL SPRING ROUTE A very large crowd assembled at Lebanon church, Sunday, to hear Rev. Shelton's sermon which was splendid His text was "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.". Everyone en joyed it. The revival began and an extra large crowd came to hear him Sunday night. We do not know when 1 L it will close. The revival ciosea at Big Level, Sunday. We are told that they had an extra good meeting last week with Revs. Walker, Womack and Taylor to do the preaching. The baptising will be 4th Sunday m Au gust, at the Wilson bridge. Several from this section attended choir practice at Rock Spring Sunday afternoon. Had some real good sing ing- Rock Spring choir is practicing to go to Round Hill 5th Suriday in August to the singing contest. Will practice at Lebanon next Sunday Ev erybody invited. Miss Dorcas Edwards spent Friday night with Misses Naomi and Mary Willie Wliiteside at uree, W. C. Miss Eliza White is visiting rela tives in Cleveland for a few weeks. We miss her in the Sunday school as she is one of our teachers. Mr. Jim Egerton was the guest of Ralph Edwards Monday. Misses Mae and Odessa bearcy vis ited their grandmother Saturday and Sunday, near Coper Gap. Miss Jessie Whiteside visited -the Misses Flynn and Naomi and Mary Willie Whiteside last week, at Uree, N. C. Misses Naomi and Mary Willie Whiteside were the guests of Misses Mpssie and Dorcas Edwards, Sunday last. - - ' . A. F. Corbin has been in this sec tion" for. the past week, but has gone to Tryon to .attend, to business week. . Mrs. J. T. Edwards is on the sick list this week. i s Rev. J. M. Taylor spent Sunday night at A. A Edwards'. : - - Miss Mossie Edwards visited -; on Pearidge Monday. . Misses Bessie and Fannie Lynch of Rutherfordton, visited their grand: parents, Mrand Mrs. R. L.D'. Gilbert last week and attended the revival at . nfnn Poiwh Fdwards. Knox Wil- . : :r;te ?.,;;; ' : . . - i TRYON, R. a FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1919. liams . and several others are planning to leave this week for. Canton, N. C. On the way from Lebanon, Sunday night, Mr. Sam O wenby fell and was badly hurt. Hope he will be able to. attend church some more this week. HILLCREST. 1 Mr. Henry Hunter spent the week end with his son, Rev. Ralph Hunter at Hillchest. ' ' Miss Maude Cox is at Green River plantation. t . i Mr. C. E. Gray and family, with their guests, Miss fiara Dickerson and Hugh Frazer, motored to Laurens, S. C, Sunday. . Miss Fannie Dickerson, of Ruther fordton, is visiting at Mr J. T. Camp's. . .. Mrs. John Sanders, of Georgia, is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Norville; Rev. Ralph Hunter is to be away from Hillcrest this week holding meetings in S. C, Miss Love will conduct the usual services at Hillcrest during -his absence. -JURY LIST. The following names have .- been drawn to serve as jurors at the Sep tember term of Superior Court. FIRST WEEK J. H. Bishop, W. J. Green, Robt. Pack, J. W. Walker, C. W. Hines, j L. C. Pace, J. K. Davis, J. P. Abrams, R. B. Biddy, J. Hannon Pace, C. M. Howes, : - ; W, W. Capps, W. G..Splawn, John L. Jackson, - K- J, W. Feagans, . . J. I. Branscom, L. L. Tallant, : R. P. Pitman, W, C, Hogue W. B. Allen, G. W. Edwards, J. M. Brian, Z. V. Priqe, J.B.Wilson, E. W. Green, James Jackson, H. L. Capps, O. D. Early, Chas. N. Sayre, W. F. Morris, J. K. Ward, John Connor, Frank Thompson, J. M. Davis, John H. Bell, R. B. Staton. V SECOND WEEK. C. B. Edwards, Gray Thompson, J. R. Abrams, , v G. V. Blackwell, T. C. Jackson, T j John Culbreath,' ' R. A. Leonard, G. T. Thompson John T. Panther, V U. S. Gibbs, M. C. Butler, J. T. Barber, . 1 A. R. Par,16r, J. H. Cantrell, 1 W. H. Burrell, O. T. Jones, Luther Morgan. t. o - RECEIVED FQK SOLDIERS MONUMENT Ladies Betterment Club, Columbus ............ $20.39 J. A. Estabrook, Boston, Mass.. 1.00 N. E. Walker, Landrum, R. l:. 1.00 : $22.39 W. A. CANNON, Treasurer. NEW SUBSCRIBERS. The following new names have been added to our list this week: M. A. Jackson, Mill Spring. H. C. Rhodes, Anderson, S. C. L. T. Gilbert, Mill Spring. Mrs. Lollie Edwards, Mill Spring. F. M. Burgess, Columbus. Gurtis Newman, Fishtop. G. P. Green, Landrum R. 1. . v W. C. DanieL Landrum. x W. S. Forest, Saluda. J. W. Robertson Saluda. J. A. Dennis, Bowman, S. C. "( Frank Dimsdale Kansas City, Kan. . RENEWALS. ' " Q. C. Sonner Saluda; Carolina State Bank, Saluda. S. H. Slaughter, 1 Saluda. Frank Jackson, Mill Spring. " I - -TTT - . . REGARRING THE NEW ASSESS-1 :3i MENT LAW. Editor the News-Bee: As Tax! Supervisor for Polk county, by virtue of the Revaluation Acf pass ed by the - last - General Assembly of North: Carolina, and to answer in a general way some of the questions put to me almost every day as to what1 the act means and what it is for; I want to mg the indulgence of your readers lone enough to read ; what I am goingF jo say about it, and, be ready and prepared to give me the in f ormation sought when I come around to see you; . ".. ' . I Wish ito say at the beginning, that the Revaluation Act is no partisan or political Measure, designed or gotten up by any:particular party, with the view of gaming any political advan tage; but : to the contrary, the meas ure was indorsed, supported and vot- evl for by every menler of bo:h branches li'of the legislature without 1 a single exception, every-Democratic and every IRepublican member voting for it. -Ife;'". Section- four, reading as follows, provides fcpw property shall be valued " All property, real, personal and mixe"d, snail be valued from best in formation obtainable, according to its true value in money; that is to say at the price for which said' property would sell for cash, if voluntarily of fered forjsale by the owner thereof, and not lit the price which must be realized if such property were sold at forced sale," This part of -section 4 as to'arriv ing at values; the work of revaluing the real ;property is now going on in all the counties of the State, and the work of revaluing personal property, will begin imediately after January 1st, 19201 : : . The State is going on a new tax system. fo.r 1920 and. this work, is now being doij to get it ready for the purposes:; of taxation in 1920. The Revaluation Act does not effect your taxes or j Assessments for 1919. The slogan is "True value in money and low tax rates," but in order to get this, it is. necessary for us to have a true basis upon which to work, and the only; true basis upon which to work put a just and lower tax rate is upon true values. So far as I have progressed with the work, I am glad to state, that I have found every property; owner in an honest mood and perfectly willing to divulge the true valuet of his property as near as it has be4n possible to arrive at it. The act further provides that the net amount 01 any county or taxing district, shall not, in 1920, ex ceed whtift was for 1919 by ovr ten per centjff ; Please understand me, ten per cent,!;riot ten cents on the hundred dollars Wdrth of property, as some to have the idea. Below ; is a partial list of the most important questions found in the questionnaire which will go out to ev ery owndr of real estate: 7 Adjoining lands of, 8 Distance from nearest City or 'town ;j j' 9 Nameibf City or town. . 10 Does it adjoin , improved graded road. If itot give distance from such 'roadj". 11 Number of acres in cultivation. Value j$ 12 Number of acres in grass or pas tureiJValue $ " 13 Number;' of acres in waste land. - Value '$ 114 Numbfe of acres in timber. Value 15 Number: of dwelling houses. Val ' ue$i -.. 16 Number f store houses Value 17 Number, of barns. Value $ 18 Number other buildings. ; Value $ Total value of land and all improve ments. ' -jjfjt: . v 29 In your .best judgement does the answer gtyen to question 28, repre sent the actual cash value of this tract of .land and all improvements on the 1st day of May 1919? 30 If not, bvhat was the actual vIue of the property as a whole? C 31 Does jthis tract contain merchant able . timber in excess of that neces sary for general farm use on this tract. ; C ., ' .-. '.; ' ' ,..'; 32 If ye 'give best estimate of tim ber in thousand feet. 33 Has .timber right been, sold and conveyed? J - 34 If ye4 to whom ? 35 What K was the consideration of sale? - to-? 36 Give i amount of insurance on buildings. ' . . 37 If whole property was rented in POLK COUNTY FARM AND HOME DEPARTMENT Edited by J. R. Sams, County Agent. ... . AGAIN THAT PASTURE. 1 In all lands where the. pasture is recognized as the most paying prop osition on the farm, labor considered, it is also recognized that brushes, briars and weeds are the worst ene mies until strong grass and clover sods are established. Therefore the establishment and maintenance of manent pastures, these, pasture ene mies must be attended to NOW YES RIGHT NOW, is the time of year to go for these pasture pests. Hate them in the pasture as you hate the snake, and fight them as you would a RATTLE SNAKE. Now don't read this and go out and forget; but get busy right now, with axe, mattock, bush scythe and grass ' scythe and clean up the pasture. Don't accuse me of threshing old straw; for this will be a subject for discussion till you do it. So if you want me to stop writing and talking grass and permanent pastures, just get busy and build up some good pastures on every farm in Polk county, and then I'll hold up on that subject and hop onto my real hobby, which is Live Stock improvement by the way v jof sires and otherwise. Don't fail to grow some kind of legume crop this fall. Oats andvetch with acid phosphate will make you a pile of hay next spring just when you will need it, and leave your land in fine condition for peas and crimson clover next year. ' Crimson clover should be sown just out ahead. Use stable manure and 1918 what was the value in money of rent received ? 38 If cultivated by owner, or partly cultivated and partly rented, what was the fair rental value of the whole. 39 When did you acquire this tract of land? If by purchase what, was the consideration? 41 Were there any circumstances con nected with the sale which caused it to sell for more or less than its value at the time? 42 Give-., cost of improvements made since purchase. Have you sold any part of it since purchase? If yes, at What price per. acre? Was part sold worth more or less per acre than bal ance of tract? Have you had a genu ine offer for this tract or any part,.of it, in the last two years? If yes,. give the highest offer. The above is a list of the most es sential questions to be answered by the propehty owner, and, remember that these questions are required to be answered as nearly accurate and correct as it is possible ot answer them from the information ob- m tainable, and the property owner ;is also required to make oath and sub scribe to the answers before the Su pervisor when he calls around to take up your questionnaire or aid you .in filling it out., N GEO. A. GASH, Tax Supervisor Polk County; SALUDA COMMUNITY FAIR. The preliminaries of the Saluda Community Fair are well under way, the premium list being now. in the process of preparation. Effort will be made to offer premiums of rather more value than is customary at the smaller community fairs, even though it may be necessary to keep the list rather short for the first year or two. A substantial sum- has already been subscribed toward the premium fund; and more money will be raised by popular subscription. This, together with the sum furnished, by the State, should enable the Fair Association' to offer premiums of value sufficient to attract the best agricultural and hor ticultural' products of the community. . Due to the. fact that the country tributary, to the town of Saluda de rives considerable revenue from the production r of fruits and vegetables, it is hoped that the premiums and ex hibits in the horticultural department will both" be above the average in "interest.- Special effort will be made1 to attract creditable exhibits of apples, for which Saluda has made an envia ble name, and of potatoes, which do remarkably well in " this soil and cli mate. " - Probably no other enterprise serves $2.00 A YEAR acid phosphate to give it a start, and lime in advance helps wonderfully. " Think of it and, think fast. When to Wean Pigs. At the conference of swine exten sion workers of Uniteo! States Depart ment of Agriculture, held recently in Washington, the question of -weaning pigs arose. The discussion brought out the fact that in some parts of the eountry farmers followed the practice of weaning their pigs at most all ages from five weeks up. The conclusions reached were that for best results ; pigs should be allowed to nurse the sow for at least 10 weeks- where it is possible to do so. It was decided that' it would be still better to allow the pigs to wean themselves. A good suckling sow properly fed should be in a. good flow of milk up to the time the pigs are at least 10 weeks of ag. Without question the mother's milk is the best possible feed to obtain for. young pigs. Consequently hog grow lers should take advantage of this nat ural feed to the greatest extent pos sible. . v . Plow Wheat Land by August 15. t Stubble land that is to be sown to winter wheat should be plowed by the middle of August. The United States Department of Agriculture and State experiment stations have made many tests. Those of the past year corrob-' orate the earlier ones. "The earlier the plowing, the larger the yield," has been accepted doctrine for:-years Other things being equal, it holds good. 1 so well, for the suminvesed, to bring before the publican concrete fonri the advantages and capabilities of a con munity, as the community fair. That Saluda has many advantages and pos sibilities has, for a long time, tjeen lost sight of by much of the outside world, and even by some of her own citizens. The Fair, which is to be held on September 25 and 26, on the grounds of the Saluda Seminary,1 will afford a rare opportunity 4 for T local farmers and fruit-growers to display their products to good advantage. ALERT M. S ALLEY, Secretary. COLUMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday school 10:30, We' want to see a large .crowd at Sunday school next Sunday . Public worship ai 11:30. B. Y. 1Y U. 7:1-0 in tne evening. O :v revival services will begin on A!;':st 17th, and we trust the people Z or Columbus :md ihe 1 surrounding co i ll ry v ill take advantage of these scrvi-:t!s. ' Ret. J. W. Vesey, of Ashe ville will do the preaching, - and . we feol sure will prove a rpiritual force in our midst while ho is here. "A hearty velcon& extended to alL h The church with a welcome. ' ' E. J. JONES; Pastor. RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY. ; Tryon Council No. 143, Jr. OU. A M., prides itself on the genuine feel ing of brotherW love that exists be tween, all of its members, and mem bers of their families!. . Therefore' be it"' '' '" - .. :V?-?v- ;.ff Resolved: That Tryon Council' No, 143, Jr. O. U. A. M., extend to Bro. . J. H. Metcalf and family, our sincere; sympathy in their dark hour, when they have lost a wife and mother. We offer our sympathy. There is only one who can give comfort in this, their trying hour, and that is the Su preme Councilor of the universe. "He Who doeth, all things well." To Him we would commend the sorrow: ing ones. . ' . . . - : .: ... v- Be it also Resolved: That, a copy off these resolutions be sent to Bro. Met calf, one printed in the-Polk County News, and one spread upon the rec ords of our Council. - Wayne ', Creaseman, j y. Ralph S. Jackson, J. C. Fisher. ' . -Committee, v "Rat Snap Beats the Best Trap Erer y- Made," Mrs. Emily Shaw Says. "My husband bought $2 - trap. I bought a 50c box of HAT-SNAP. The trap only caught 3 trats but RAT SNAP, killed 12 in a week. I'm never without RAT-SNAP Reckon I couldn't " raise chicks without it." EATSNAP comes in cakes. -Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guar anteed by The Ballenger Co., an4 Carolina Hardware po. V