IMPORTANT NEWS THE WORLD OVER t ... '' .. f. , j. , " - - v i; . IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OF THIS AND OTHER NATIONS FOR 1 "1 SEVEN DAYS GIVEN THE NEWS OF THE SOUTH ' What It Taking Place In The South land Will Be Found In ' Brief Paragraphs .Domestic The Alabama legislature took note of the race rioting in Chicago and Washington, and by resolution called attention to the peace and amity ex isting between the races in the South. Pale postage stamps, which came into use along with meatless Tuesdays and heatless Mondays, soon will go into the discard, because the bureau of engraving now that it does not have to engrave plates to make so much money, will have opportunity to devote some time to engraving post age stamps. : World War Hero Sergeant Alvin York announces that he and his wife will . devote their lives to the educa tion of young men and women in, the rural communities, and he is going on the lecture platform to get the money to found "York University." Congress is considering ' plans , to modify the war revenue act, and soft drinks may soon be purchased for 5 cents. The Nebraska legislature has rc i 'fied the woman suffrage amendment. Alabama will issue $25,000,000 worth of bonds for good roads. Hunter Raine, who has already serv ed a term in the pen for his banking peculations, must serve from one to ten years more in prison. The state department at Washing ton is advised that Japanese compa nies are trying to acquire properties in the oil fields of Mexico. Fearing an ict shortage in Atlanta, Ga., Mayor James Lc Key has ordered a councilmanic and aldermanic inves tigation of the ice situation. Wilson has asked congress not to recess but to stay in session to con sider the creation of a commission to determine all questions of railways workers' wages. The house has voted to comply. Oscar Hammerstein, producer of grand opera, died of complications at Vila hnma in Now Vnrlr a f tr an ill- ness of several days. Following resolutions adopted in At lanta, July 15, 16 and 17, to secure an increase. in wages to meet the pres ent high cost, of living, the union shop employees went on strike the first , day of August. One hundred thousand union rail way, workmen are on strike in the Chi cago district. The strike is chiefly effective in the middle west and in the southeast. i Five persons were killed by the ex plosion of one thousand pounds of dynamite near Landing, N. J. The explosion was in the Atlas Powder company packing house. A contract has been awarded for the construction of battleship No. 54 to be named the Massachusetts, of 43,200 ton j displacement. Several hours before authorities were to remove them to the Athens county home, seven, children, ranging in age from six weeks to ten years were found with their mother, Mrs. JToney Stravisar, burned to death or asphyxiated, in their home at Kiinber ly, a small mining town, near Nelson--rille, Ohio. The children were tied to their beds and coal, oil had been sprinkled over the room. A roll call of a certain Solomon fam ily in New York, if held in the Atlanta federal prison, would result in seven . brothers answering "Here!" All seven have reported at the prison to begin sentences of two years taeh for using the mails to defraud, being tried together inNew York unUer joint charges, and will serve terms to gether at the prison; After nearly two hours' debate and while the tenpe. ature in the cham ber was hovering around the 100 mark, the national house voted to repeal the . 10 per cent war tax on soda water and Ice cream. Washington An attempt was made in the for eign relations committee to reduce the cum payable to Colombia from $25, 000,000 to $15,000,000, but was defeat ed by 11 to 2. The century-old senate custom of . considering treaties in secret session was broken when the long pending Co lombian treaty was taken up. This de cision was reached by unanimous con .sent of the senate membership. ! The special defensive treaty with France, which Republican senators . have declared President Wilson is holding from the senate in violation of its own terms, .will be submitted for ratification. German cotton .mills with tan mil lion spindles estimated as still suita ble for operation can consume about one million bales of America cot . x .i . . i ii . uju. , uunug me . nexi year, u mean.; are found to finance the movement of the commodity from the United States, ' say a report from Erwin W. Thorn p- 8on, commercial attache of the bureau of foreign and domestic1 commerce, just made public. ' lr .Cotton experts are agreed that the cotton in public store in the United States is nearly all of grades below .- those deeired , by American cotton . inula. The senate recerred a report from President Wilson ) showing - that . 217 citizens of the United States have been killed in Mexico since the re gime of Porfirio Diaz. Government control of telegraph and telephone properties is at an end. Orders for their return to private own ers have been issued by Postmaster General iBurleson as required by a resolution adopted by' congress . and signed by the president. , The permit system devised by the railroad administration and the grain corporation for controlling the ship ment of this year's record grain crop was put into effect August 1. The importance of dealing with the high cost of living has almost usurped the pre-eminence of the league of na tions' fight in Washington officialdom. It has gone forth .from the white house that the president realizes the importance of dealing summarily with the high cost of living and may even use his war powers to end the situa tion. -More, than a thousand Americans are threatened with a loss of millions of dollars ia investments by a new agrarian law enacted by the congress of Sonora, Mexico, at the direct in structions of Governor Calles. Several American companies have already filed complaints with the state department and other complaints are in prepara tion. General Pershing has started on his "valedictory' 'tour of the occupied ter ritory of Germany. He will first visit the American troops remaining in oc cupied area, and then the French, and British zones, He will next take an automobile trip over the battle fields of the western front. Th0 agreement for open sessions re garded possibly as forecasting public consideration of the peace treaty, the Franco-American agreement and sub sequent, treaties, followed unanimous approval of the foreign relations com mittee of the Colombia convention call ing for payment to that nation of $25,000,000 as claims growing out of the partition of Panama Before ap proving the treaty, however, the com mittee struck out the original clause expressing the "regret" of the United States to Colombia for action in the canal proceedings. After an all day wrangle the house cf representatives adopted a resolution, reported out by the war investigating committee, requesting Secretary Baker to place on sale without delay surplus food -products held by the war depart ment, and valued at $120,000,000. America is bound by its debt to France to ratify the treaty pledging military aid to that nation in event of unprovoked German attack. Presi dent Wilson told the senate, in sub mitting the French-American defen sive agreement for ratification. Acting upcn the advice of the Mex ican government, John West Thomp son, an American ranchman living near Mexico City, has paid the .,500 pecos ransom demanded by bandits for the release of his 14-year-old son, the state department has been advised. The Mexican authorities, it is stated, fear ed the boy would bo murdered tefore he could -i rescued and advised pay ing the money. Foreign General Denekine, the Russian com mander has gained an important vic tory over the Bolshevlki and captur ed the town of Kamishin on the Volga. Five thousand Bolshevists, nine guns and large quantities of materials were taken. Turks and Tartars are moving upon the Armenians from three sides. They have cut off the American relief sup plies and threaten all the remaining Armenians with extermination unless additional military protection is af forded. The police strike in London and the English provinces called suddenly in protest against pending legislation af fecting police organization, has gone into effect and sixty-five thousand po licemen and prison officials have re sponded to the call. By vote of 245 to 41 the Polish par liament ratified the German treaty and also the treaty for the protection of minorities. President Carranza says that Mexi co will hold open the door to nation als of all countries who can show they possess wholesome ideas of citizen ship and will not prove a disturbing element in the nation. Serious anti-Japanese riots have broken out in 'Shantung, and the prov ince is under martial law. French labor troubles are assuming a serious aspect. Dispatches from Paris state that political and profes sional elements are as much a disturb ing cause in the labor world as the fight between labor and capital. The first real session of the Inter nationale Trades Union Congress open ed at Amsterdam, Holland. The state ment that "the capitalistic systems of all countries were responsible for the war" was vigorously protested by the American delegate, Tobin. A strike has been declared by the Bulgarian transport and railway work ers. Dr. Otto Bauer, Austrian foreign minister, says: "For thirty years we will be the slaves of the allies econom ically. Austria loses her economic, in dependence. - Austria must cover 70 per cent of the sixty-eight' billion crowns war debt. This shameful peace can be destroyed , only ' through the vic tory of international solidarity." v The German premier has issued a warning to the country against hasty revolution. He admitted that the great masses of the people had just ground for discontent, and said it was 1 he gov ernment's task to alleviate their suf i T . - " ' ' mi. I l.p l ill . ; . .",'.hT j i . v M: I mA It? ' i " 1 Colored man wounded in Chicago's face riots being escorted to safety by mounted policemen. 2 Amer ican color bearers marching at the headfof the Yanks in the great Bastille-day parade in Paris. 3 Scene in Chi cago during the street car strike when' the people were forced to utilize all manner of conveyances. NEWS REVIEW OF CURREiJT EVENTS Nearly Two Score Are Killed in War Between Whites and Blacks in Chicago. STATE TROOPS CALLED OUT Street Car Men Strike at Same Time Urgency of Action to Cut Living Cost Impressed on Govern mentStatus of Peace Treaty Contest. By EDWARD Wi PICKARD. Race riots and strikes made Chicago the news center of the; country for the week, and the news from it was sen sational and plentiful! Starting In a trifling quarrel over the "color line" at a bathing beach, a real race war sprang up with startling suddenness and quickly spread throughout the" South side of the city, where most of the negroes live, and thence to the downtown business district, with spo radic outbreaks In other regions. Be fore the authorities got the situation under control nearly two score per sons had been killed and several hun dred wounded. For several days the mayor Insisted the police could re store order, but realization of his mis take was forced on him and he called on the governor for assistance from the state militia. Several regiments at once occupied the "black belt" However, the establishment of martial law was avoided and thus the city "saved Its face.' There is no doubt that the casualty lists of the race war were kept down by the fact that the strike of the street car men was coincident with the riots. Not a surface or elevated car was running and It was compara-1 tlvely easy for the authorities to keep out of the riot district the trouble and curiosity seekers. The strike, which had been impending for 'some time, was precipitated suddenly by the rad ical element in the car men's unions, a compromise offer of the companies, ap proved by the state and city authori ties and the heads of the unions, be ing rejected. Though seriously ham pered In getting to Its work and in transacting business, -'i the public took the situation good naturedly and made its way to the business district and home again with rather remarkable facility. All manner of - motor ve hicles were pressed Into service and the steam roads exerted every effort to carry their many thousands of extra passengers. The demand of the car men . for a heavy Increase In wages kdld not have general sympathy, for It meant a corresponding Increase In the fares charged. There have been many bitter com plaints lately to the effect that the government was not doing what it ? might to reduce the cost of living by Felling to consumers the-lmmense sur plus stores of food held by the war department. On Thursday the war department put on sale about 341,000, 000 pounds of those foodstuffs, includ ing canned vegetables, corned beef, bacon, roast beef, frozen meats and poultry. The marketing was done through local postmasters and mail carriers, who took orders from buy ers, received the' cash and delivered the goods. The prices . obtained rep resented the cost to v' the government plus the postage. This sale was es- peclally well patronized by the people of . small towns and rural districts, and it-f kas predicted that the supplies would be disposed of within a week. )f course such a measure as this Isit.pnly a drop in the bucket, and it is being more and more forcibly impress ed joih the government that it must do something to make the cost of life's nejessitfes square with the incomes ofjthe people. The advisory board of th; Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers took up the matter directly with the&rpresident, presenting to him a memorandum which he characterized a4lian "impressive document" and reared made public. The board ap pealed to the president and cabinet for- government action to increase the pchasing power, of the dollar, . fail ing inn which, it said, the engineers would have to ask a further increase In wages. The memorandum asserted that the spirit of unrest existing among all classes, especially wage earners, was due "mainly to the con scienceless profiteering by the great interests who have secured control of all;? the necessaries of life." The en gineers are wise enough to see and tol adirilt that increasing the wages Is 'but temporary relief so long as prices continue to soar. Just before the engineers visited the White House Democratic National Chairman Cummlngs reported to the president on his political Inspection tripv over the country, telling Mr. Wil son of the growing Importance of ac tion to reduce the cost of. living. What form that action will take, when it conies, cannot be conjectured even from - the fact that official investiga tions of various kinds of alleged profi teering are under way or proposed. jThe immediate result of all this was a conference of cabinet members and heads of bureaus called by Attorney General Palmer for the purpose of dfecussing the situation and possible remedies. .The government will seek tGt stop and punish profiteering, to de termine the contributing causes for high prices and to devise remedies for immediate relief for the public. e administration is gravely con cerned over the manifest discontent ofj the American farmers, which comes just; at a time when the official es titnates of the nation's wheat crop hye had to be greatly reduced. The farmers have been dissatisfied with the system of grading flxedHby the .bu reau; of , markets of the department of agriculture, and now, as Chairman Barnes of the government grain cor poration told the president, they are protesting against an order from the corporation fixing a schedule of dis counts for the lower grades of wheat. This, they assert, deprives them of an unreasonably large part of the guar anteed price of $2.26 per bushel, the amount received being In some in stances as low as $1.45 per bushel. '.-Mil.- '' . I jThe Franco-American defense treaty was submitted to the senate, and at once became a subject of debate In the committee on foreign relations, along with the peace treaty. President Wilso, In asking Its approval, said he considered the treaty with Ger many and the covenant of the League of .Nations' gave France full protec tion, but that he had been moved to the treaty by considerations of friend ship and gratitude to France. ' Oppo sition senators protested that this pact violated the constitutional 'jjght ofj congress to make war, to which the president's supporters had the obvious retprt that It created - no precedent, similar action having been taken v In numerous cases in the past. ;The foreign relations committee- did aiy inusual If not unprecedented thing In: holding public hearings on the peace treaty. Bernard Baruch was the first witness and was questioned especially regarding the reparation and other financial clauses.- President Wilson postponed the start of his speaking tour of the coun try probably until August 15, and con tinued his efforts In Washington in behalf of the peace treaty and league covenant. He called In more senators to conference, both Democrats and Re publicans, and appealed for tmquali fied ratification of the treaty especial ly on the ground that reservations or amendments would necessitate its re submission to Germany, which he said would be humiliating to us. To Sen ator Fernald of Maine Mr. Wilson said he had assumed there were at least sixty senators who would take a world view of the situation. "There are sixty men In the United States senate who take a world view of the situation," Senator Fernald re plied. "Fortunately, they include in their view the best Interests of the United States of America." Other senators told the president that while they recognized the fact that reservations would cause delay, they considered the. protection of American Interests of greater impor tance than speedy ratification. There is no doubt that both sides to the con troversy would be glad to find some dignified way out of It, but neither seems to have made any converts. The help "which the administration expect eo in the way of a formal declaration by Japan that it would restore Shan tung to China was not forthcoming and that grab clause remained a sore spot Official dispatches from Maj. J. C Green, , director of the American re lief administration's work in Turkey, calls attention to the Imminent peril of the remainder of the Armenian na tion. The Turks have reorganized their army and they and the Tatars are advancing on the Armenians from three sides, cutting them off "from all relief supplies and threatening their extermination. Unless military pro tection is afforded the Armenians at once, says Major Green, the disaster will be more terrible than the massa cres In 1915. In Paris it is said the peace conference's hands are tied un til America decides -whether or not It will accept a mandate for Asia Minor. Germany's commissioners named to attend to the delivery of live stock to the French and Belgians, and to the transfer of the Saar coal mines has arrived at Versailles and gone to work, and In other . respects the Germans seem to be trying reluctantly to carry out the provisions of the treaty. But their army in Letvia remains obdurate and General Von der Goltz and other officers have become so insolent in their endeavors to prevent the Letts from establishing a stable government that the supreme council of the allies has ordered the Immediate expulsion of the German troops from Letvia. Austria was given until one o'clock in the afternoon of Angust -6 to con sider the terms offered her. Her press and public men have declared the terms are impossible of acceptance, and- on Thursday it was announced that the cabinet; headed by Dr. Karl Renner, had decided to resign. Though America was not at war with .Bulgaria, it was decided that It should sign the treaty with that nation. This treaty was completed with the exception of some of the" territorial clauses. All the Allies except America were in favor of awarding t western Thrace to Greece. Undersecretary of State Polk who has taken Secretary Lansing's place . on the council, was taking an 1 active part in the discus sion of this" matter. , siiipswv rinTiinm... ul 6 DREADNAUGHTS OF Olio HAVE A MOVEU ExpR VV OFF r.n&o-r INE ' MEXICO. New Mexico-Trembled ' Fron, D Stem As ,f She Had Sw" Reef;-No Damage Done. ' On Bard U. S. s. Xew at Six dreadnauehts nf .k! "Uexico. were shaken severer k,. aClfic fiet earthquake shock 20 mn0 coast of the state of CoMma m the None of the warships relfM damage. porteti anv trr 71 T J i :pJ bow to stern as if she had 5tr'-ck aa charted reef and the e navigati cer sounded "collision offi- quarters" the flagship's siren. Sai 011 foretop said the basket "I warships swayed like poplar "trl a gale. es !!1 Officers on the quarterdeck hurf to their posts and the crew and rmes took their Places. Meanwht all water-tight compartments on th New Mexico were closed and inspe tion parties, were sent into the holds to see if there had been anv damaeo to the hull. ' s CRUELTY TO AMERICANS IN MEXICO DESCRIBED. Washington. A story of cruelty to Amoricans in Mexico, involving the death from starvation of an aged American woman, reached Washing, ton through unofficial channels. The cruelties, including an attack by ban dits some of whom are alleged to have been Carranzistas, indignities and later confiscation of property were perpetrated, it is said, upon Dr! and Mrs. Charles T. Sturgis, of Wash ington, and the latter's mother, Mrs. W. H. Keenright, also of Washington. Mrs. Keenright died of starvation, while held a prisoner by the bandits. HENRY APPEALS FOR KAISER IN LETTER TO HIS COUSIN. Copenhagen. The former Prince Henry of Prussia, in a letter to King George, says the truth about the war may be had from the allied statesmeu and he suggests that of the forme German emperor is placed on trial the statesmen also appear. The letter asks King George, "in the name of justice and his own in terests," to desist from demanding ex tradition and trial of the former Ger man ruler. The letter which is sign ed "Your Humble Cousin, Henry," charges that Englr.nd plotted Ger many's commercial downfall. SUPREME COUNCIL ORDERS RUMANIAN ARMY TO STOP. Paris. The supreme inter-! council sent a message to the Ru manian army, along the Theiss river to cease its advance upon Budapest immediately. The council held no for mal meeting but its members eagerly awaited further communication from th?" new Hungarian government to Budapest. The note, which the supreme coun cil communicated to the new Hun garian government through the Ital ian mission in , Budapest was temper ate in tone, showing that the disposi tion on the part of the peace confer ence to assist the Hungarian people in an effort to create a stable govenunew under the direction of the new pre mier, Jules Peidell. BICKETT REPLIES TO CHICAGO PAPER'S WIRE Raleigh.-Governor T. W. Bic answering a query of a Chicago n paper says that North Carolina absorb, 25,000 negroes who wan return from Illinois to the Souw less they have become, tainted or toxicated with dreams of social eq ity or political dominion. COMPLETE T.E-UPall otP Chicago. A complete tie-up railroads of the country is J able, in the opinion of M, h. president of the Chicago distnc cil " of the Federate KailJ, strje men's Union. He declared tw is spreading rapidly and tna rest among railway workefraS 0Tf eral that the movement a o! whelmed the international obi the various unions involved. FIVE PERSONS KILLED BY EXPLOSION IN " " esP10 Taranto, .Italy.-High P0 bee ires, said by the police to p placed by radicals in orderosed geff ite people daring the prop eral strike on July 21, per80r ploded near Chiatona F Lm.j Onrtd Of their DU fll. were nuxwu. - , pex " a throw, Teral barfrrf ' m 4 w. -M rfumare was done invests way lines. The ponce the Incident " . - nyt collision TERSSQUNO

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